On Oct 29, 2008, at 1:29 AM, Simone Felici wrote:

I know, there is enough written on the net and on the mailinglist too, but have found only old results, maybe the meanwhile something is different, also I would ask you...
Which filesystem do you use on your mailserver?
I'm going to migrate a mailserver with EXT3 (and qmail) to a new postfix mailserver (virtual domains on mysql, ...). I would create the system on EXT3 (RHES) and the following partitions on rieserfs: /var/spool/postfix AND the partition that will contain all mails in MailDir format. At the moment the server has ~100.000 mailboxes and more or less 120.000 mails stored per day (already filtered trought spam filters from frontend servers).

I had similar volumes at my last job admining mail for a University.

I ended up keeping /var/spool/postfix on a NetApp (WaffleFS is SOLID, but hideously expensive) and mounting it from several boxes to distribute load-- if budget constraints are tight you might investigate ZFS depending on what your OS restrictions are.

Feel free to contact me off-list if you'd like me to go into more detail about what I did to avoid NFS write locks, etc...

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