Anyone using mod_wsgi with Apache? how good is that for deployment,
better/worse then mod_proxy with paster?

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:09 AM, Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On May 20, 1:33 am, "Mike Orr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > People say it also has a better knowledge of the quirky
> > useragents out there and can correct misformed requests better than
> > just exposing PasteHTTPServer or CherryPy directly, though I don't
> > know how true it is.
> That's pretty much true.
> > There are a few newer servers now (nginx, lighthttpd, cherokee) that
> > claim to be smaller, more efficient, and better organized than Apache.
> Those aren't claims.
> >  On my production server I've found Apache sufficient  so I haven't
> > bothered with them.
> I've just been running nginx -> paster for personal projects &
> internal dev.  We're looking to launch a 100k requests/day min project
> here, and I've got a client who I've sold onto Pylons and is looking
> at building their entire web-service startup on it.  Apache is pretty
> much out-of-the-question... they'll need too many servers to handle
> it's memory hogging and speed limitations
> On May 20, 1:58 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > It really depends on what you want to do.
> Yes, that is correct.  Sorry for being vague.
> > If you are going to run a large site which is able to respond well to
> > bursts in traffic, running Python embedded in Apache running prefork
> > MPM, with huge amounts of memory in the box is generally the best
> > approach. This is because although memory usage will be high, being
> > non multithreaded you can use any cpu/cores to best advantage, plus
> > you benefit from Apache's ability to create dynamically more processes
> > to handle demand when required and then reap them when no longer
> > required.
> This is for a startup that will initially have 1pylons + 1 postgres
> server, and scale out accordingly.  They're a video startup, and have
> some bigger names backing them, so I'd expect them to scale large
> quickly.
> However... I have years of experience with mod_perl, and have found
> the overhead of apache to be nearly worthless. By proxying static
> stuff off of apache onto nginx, and offloading code portions into
> nginx/php or twisted, we were able to gain a lot of efficiency.
> Apache does its job exceedingly well , but its bloated.
> On May 20, 7:40 am, lasizoillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Nginx, lighthttpd, ... never have
> > the same number of modules than apache, because non-blocking code is
> > harder to write.
> I think its also because they're only a few years old, and still the
> underdog.
> On May 20, 9:20 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am running on my production server Apache and mod_scgi.  Why?
> > Because when I looked to flup I saw I had the choice between scgi and
> > fcgi.  I tried scgi first and it worked like a charm.
> >
> > Using Apache was was a natural choice: I still have some php-based
> > content running on the same server
> Ah... see, I ditched php off Apache years ago.  It's very unnatural to
> me.  Running off of lighttpd or nginx i saw between 5 and 10x more r/s
> possible.  The only reason why I still use apache is for mod_perl
> projects, and being able to program the server - not the webapp.
> >

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