On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:32 AM, Lawrence Oluyede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Shannon -jj Behrens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> Has anyone tried out the mod_wsgi module for *Nginx*?  Yeah, I know,
>> weird: http://wiki.codemongers.com/NginxNgxWSGIModule
> I personally know the author and I definitely recommend it. He's
> focused and competent.

Oh, cool!

>> Being asynchronous rules!  That's why Erlang, Squid, IronPort servers,
>> Nginx, etc. are able to handle so many concurrent requests so easily.
>>  Here's the link to the C10K paper referenced earlier:
>> http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html.  It explains why a thread or process
>> model doesn't cut it if you want to handle 10K simultaneous requests.
> There's just only a little problem with async: it does not scale on
> multicore architectures or multiple nodes.
> At least not by itself. You have to mix it with other kinds of
> concurrency approaches to gain advantage of that.
> Erlang is async but it does scale everywhere by the way it was built.

Haha, when you said it didn't scale for multiple cores or multiple
nodes, I was going to knee jerk and say, "What about Erlang!"  You
beat me to the punch ;)  Yes, async is a technique.  Just like event
based programming in general is a technique.  You still have to use
that technique in smart ways to build big systems.

>> If you're interested in doing asynchronous programming in Python but
>> without the painful callback style approach used by Twisted, check out
>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Eventlet.  It's based on the same
>> tricks used by Yahoo Groups, IronPort, and Slide.
> I will definitely look into it! Thanks. Have you tried it for
> something "real-worldish" or just examples?

I haven't used Eventlet yet.  It's based on the same ideas that
IronPort uses, and clearly, IronPort servers are all over the world.
It's nice because it "feels" like threads, but it "acts" like async.

>> As usual, I recommend that anyone who wants to talk about scalability
>> read "Scalable Internet Architectures".  Gees, I probably sound like a
>> broken record concerning that book ;)
> Noted. I am reading Building Scalable Websites at the moment but I
> will buy it afterwards

I read that one too.  It's a big long and boring, eh?  "Scalable
Internet Architectures" was a bit more to the point, and it includes a
lot more stuff about scalability per se.

I blogged about both of them:

Happy Hacking!

I, for one, welcome our new Facebook overlords!

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