On Apr 28, 8:55 pm, Haron Media <i...@haronmedia.com> wrote:
> > While paster is great for development, at least in simple benchmarking
> > I was never able to get it to go reliably beyond a few hundred
> > concurrent connections.
> Per how many processes / threads / paste instances (and on what hardware)?

X3220, 8gb ram, debian squeeze

I didn't do a lot of tuning with paste since apache2/mod_wsgi kept up
quite well and I was able to have apache serve the static resources.
I've started working with nginx/uwsgi which isn't much more difficult
than setting up nginx/paster. I find that the nginx->proxy interface
is slower than nginx->uwsgi.  While I've not done a ton of work with
nginx/uwsgi, I have done a lot of work with nginx -> varnish esi ->
nginx/apache2 for non-Pylons projects and that proxy interface
definitely adds a bit of overhead.

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