
>>>> The current trend appears to be towards Cloud computing,
>>> Aha! But how do you program for this?

Cloud is the latest marketing paradigm/buzz word to hit the IT world.
Like most other "next great things" it will pass and fade from memory.

All it means is that instead of you or your company owning a pile of
servers onto which you install and run stuff, like Oracle databases,
WebLogic app servers and so on, huge companies like Amazon and
(possibly) Google own the servers and you rent space on them as and when
you need.

You pay by the time used and if you need, say, to run a training course,
switch on a few more processor cores (or whatever) and pay the extra for
that training course only.

The problem is, all your data is on Amazon's servers - do you know that
Amazon are making the security work? How safe is your data? Who else can
see it?

It's fine under certain circumstances, but personally, I don't trust it.
However, I have become very cynical with the IT business - having been
in it far too long - and all these "next great things" that so far, have
all come to nothing!

Best avoided.

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