P Witte wrote, on 19/Jun/10 20:00 | Jun19:
Norman Dunbar wrote:

The current trend appears to be towards Cloud computing,
Aha! But how do you program for this?

Cloud is the latest marketing paradigm/buzz word to hit the IT world.
Like most other "next great things" it will pass and fade from memory.

All it means is that instead of you or your company owning a pile of
servers onto which you install and run stuff, like Oracle databases,
WebLogic app servers and so on, huge companies like Amazon and
(possibly) Google own the servers and you rent space on them as and when
you need.

You pay by the time used and if you need, say, to run a training course,
switch on a few more processor cores (or whatever) and pay the extra for
that training course only.

The problem is, all your data is on Amazon's servers - do you know that
Amazon are making the security work? How safe is your data? Who else can
see it?

It's fine under certain circumstances, but personally, I don't trust it.
However, I have become very cynical with the IT business - having been
in it far too long - and all these "next great things" that so far, have
all come to nothing!

Best avoided.

But surely you see that it could spell then end of the Personal Computer, in which case the "next great thing" becomes significant and not merely a fad. The issues you raise regarding privacy and security will be solved, otherwise this idea will vanish (until needed on some other occasion). The most common devices to access these vast resources may well look very different from our standard PCs of today. They could be small, always-online mobile devices with lots of bling and little brain. In other words smartphones or iPads or what have you.

Of course there will be thousands of old fogeys, like me, and perhaps you, who wont take to all that jazz, but will continue to issue our curses and incantations over strange black boxes from another era, nay, civilisation. Still, I have a DropBox account, and find it very handy. Its like a folder in Explorer except its located in the Cloud. Anything I copy there is immediately replicated across all my PCs and physically reside there, as well as in the cloud. If my house burns down with my computers and backups I can still access my data from anywhere. If the Cloud should become inaccessible, I still have copies across my computers. Privacy? I only store zipped and encrypted files in DropBox unless I decide to share.

So its not all bad. It may not be the final word in computing paradigms, but you dont NOT take the ferry because youre convinced that in ten years time therell be a bridge.

These DropBox guys dont at present seem to want to program you or rifle through your private papers. I suppose they make their money by getting you addicted and then selling you more space above the two Gig "free" bait. Seems fair enough to me.

Google Docs, Calendar, etc are really a peek into a possible future of Cloud Computing. (Is it true that Google is as big as General Motors?) If it is, they must be doing something right. It is right if it makes sense, but more often it is right if it makes a profit and so you make damned sure it makes sense too, by making every other way of doing things increasingly difficult and expensive, and finally obsolete.

In the end it comes down to: "Eat shit! A trillion flies cant be wrong!" We all do it, you know. We all finally succumb to that scatological temptation. (Hands up all here with PCs! Right! See! I rest my case.)
.... well a Macbook (8-)#
I guess I use a cloud of sorts - but it is:
1) VPN to my space on a Worldnews machine
2) Mapping a drive on my server in Maidenhead.

I feel secure with these as I am in control and I *know* they have secure firewalls and logins, especially the WN VPN. I would not like to have my data unencrypted with a third party.


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