On 20/06/10 10:13, Billy wrote:

> But an Ipad - no, what do you do with a hi tech dinner plate when not
> using it, too big to go in your pocket, even the most confirmed
> medallion man would think twice.
It doesn't do flash, which puts about 70% of the internet out of reach.
It doesnt do HD quality. it doesn't do multi-tasking. It's not a phone
(which is a blessing, you'd look pretty stupid holding one of those up
to your ear!). There's a decent web site somewhere out there in
internet-land with the title "the 10 missing bits of the iPad" or similar.

It also has a call action against it in the US, already. It was
advertised as being internet ready and the website the used was shown to
work. Unfortunately, Apple didn;t mention that the image was a mock up
because the web site in question used Flash - which the iPad cannot
display. The new ads show the flash bit as "unavailable".

> Up North here perhaps we could fit one onto a flat cap, Norman could of
> course disguise one as a sporran, although there was that hooha about
> radiation with phones, might need lead undergarments.
A true Scotsman never wears anything under the kilt - lead or otherwise! ;-)

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