El 29/11/2010 20:28, Bryan Horstmann escribió:
I see that we're running QL under VMware.  ...

You mean... Running QDOS directly under VMWare? Does a x86 version of QDOS exist? I know that QDOS can be booted from an Amiga computer but not from a x86 PC.

an example of how VM works, but I don't know the process. Can someone
kindly enlighten me on on the detail procedure to install the QL (or any
other program for that matter) to run under VMware.

I think that you have seen VMWare running Windows, and from that Windows, the Q-Emulator application. If an emulator is not available for Linux or MacOS X, the user can install VMWare (or VirtualBox for a free alternative), install a operating system (mainly Windows XP) which the emulator supports, and from that virtualized OS, install and run the emulator.

For instance, AFAIK there's no Linux version of Q-Emulator. So Ubuntu users can run a virtualized Windows inside VMWare/Virtual Box, and from inside the guest OS, install and run Q-Emulator.

If there's a Linux supported QL emulator, it would be possible to build a "portable" or "pen" version of the QL, by configuring a pendrive to boot a tiny Linux kernel, followed by the QL emulator itself.
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