Evening Bryan,

> I see that we're running QL under VMware.  Kubuntu was put on my laptop as
> an example of how VM works, but I don't know the process.  Can someone
> kindly enlighten me on on the detail procedure to install the QL (or any
> other program for that matter) to run under VMware.

To install a system under vmware you first to create a new vm, supply a
few parameters and then install a guest operating system. This will be
what was done to install kbuntu under vmware.

In order to run a QL under vmware, you could either:

Install wine on kbuntu and run QPC under wine. This should work as I run
my QPC under wine on OpenSuse 11.2 and it works fine - except for floppy
disc access, but as my new laptop has no such thing as a floppy, I'm not
actually bothered.

The other option is to create a vm, install Windows onto it as a guest
OS, and then run any of the QL Emulators within the guest Windows OS.

I personally use Oracle's VirtualBox (not the OSE edition by the way) to
run an Xp emulation from time to time. QXL works perfectly under that as

I don't, however, run vmware so I'm unable to help much I'm afraid.

One question though, the machine you have that is running vmware with a
guest install of kbuntu, what is the OS for the host? Is it Windows or
Linux of some different flavour?

The host OS is the one running vmware, the guest is the one running
under control of vmware.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
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