On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Joachim Van der Auwera wrote:

> I personally would never be prepared to transfer copyright. I would accept
> not being able to get a fee for the work done, but copyright should always
> stay with the author of the relevant piece of code!
> In fact, if the code would later be sold (outside the QL community) I would
> not accept my code being part of that if I do not get a part of the fee!

According to the Berne Convention, which regulates international copyright 
law, it's really simple...

If you take someone else's work and modify it, the new work is a 
derivitive work, and the original author retains copyright. If you create 
something additional, which is not based on a prior work, you have 
copyright automatically, but you can surrender that copyright to the other 
of the larger work by accepting their license conditions.

However, reality check, SMSQ is such a small seller that I doubt anyone 
would be able to justify suing even if there was a major infringement, or 
the lawyers would earn more than the entire income from SMSQ in even a 
very small lawsuit.


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