On 27 Mar 2002, at 20:59, Dexter wrote:

> Because I pictured it that TT had chosen a license structure and chosen 
> three trusted people to execute it for him, Instead, he passed that role 
> to someone he trusts, and that one person plus two resellers seem to have 
> given themselves all the control... It's not fact - it's an impression. 
> It's all about how it looks.

And it's not too far from being true, with one or two privisos, though:

1 -Somebody has to have "control" - that somebody can be Tony 
Tebby, or anybody else. It so happens that I go the ball started, 
and I seem to have gotten stuck with it. Fair enough for me. But, 
neither I nor the 'two resellers' "gave" ourselves control. That was, 
and contiinues to be, given to us by Tony Tebby.

I sense something disparaging in the mention of "two resellers".
I would clearly like to state that they and, notably Jochen Merz 
(who has been at it for far longer) ahve supported the QL screnen 
for a very long time. I see nothing wrong with them getting some 
money. Believe me, it doesn't even cover their costs for things such 
as coming to Eindhoven. 

I believe that without their continued support, (but also that of 
people like Tony Firshman - or Peter Graf) the QL scene will wither 
and die.

That does not mean that other people's support is not important 
either. )

2 - EVERYTHING that will ultimately go into the licence will be 
submitted and approved by Tony.

> A minor rewrite of clarification or expansion would be nice.
Don't worry, I'll come to that.

I'll make the entire licence available here.


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