>Roy you are playing with fire. You might consider beeing more careful,
>if the substance of your "disagreement" with Peter ever goes public it
>might be not very favourable for you.
No I am not playing with fire at all. I refused point blank to pay Peter 
some money I owed him. I agreed that I owed it to him and I refused to 
pay him. On the face of it this looks pretty bad doesn't it ? But then 
you only know what Peter chooses to tell you. After many attempts to get 
Peter to  face up to some kind of support for his product when Tony 
Firshman had over half the boards not working and customers who had paid 
for them and did not have them I decided to refuse payment until he 
sorted it out. We went to Eindhoven to meet him to talk about it and 
show him some non working boards. He spent the entire show nuzzling up 
to TT and did not address the problem. We made him take the boards with 
him so we could find out about the problem. He took them and 18 months 
later he had made a few comments about a few parts which were not very 
good but these were not necessarily the root of the problem. We have 
found since that a lot of the problems were down to faulty video ram 
which he supplied. I wanted to use new parts. They would have cost more 
but the chance of problems would have been reduced. He said that, if I 
raised the price of the product to cover the cost of new, instead of 
second hand parts, he would raise his license fee. Tony and I agreed to 
take only 30 pounds per board as a profit. Peter took 250 DM (at the 
time 100 pounds). What price free software now ?
I do have an ongoing dispute with Peter because, when I closed my shop, 
I was practically bankrupt. I have struggled to keep Q Branch going and 
to support the users. I told Peter that I would pay him the money I owed 
him because I was quitting the Q 40 and accepting the loss I had made on 
it but he had to wait until I had fulfilled my obligation to the general 
users and I gave him a date on which I would do that. I was a little 
late in the payment but I paid him most of what he was owed. There was a 
small matter of 1200 Dm outstanding at the time which he admitted to me 
in a letter. Part of the payment was to be the delivery of three working 
Q40s. At the time he still had the three boards and processors. When he 
took delivery of the three boards one did not work he just sent it back 
and accused me of trying to cheat him. I had never seen these three 
boards they came directly from Tony Firshman himself and were working 
when they were sent out. He returned the board and sent an email 
offering me to pay him 1200 to close the affair. This was timed neatly 
to expire before I came back from the US show. By the time I had read 
the email he had sued me for much more than he said I owed him. He won 
the case because I, incompetently, misread the date on the letter giving 
the court hearing date and trusting made an offer to mediate without a 
hearing which was ignored.  I have seen many emails Peter has sent to 
other people in which has threatened many things. At the recent 
Manchester show none of the traders would talk to him and the feeling 
was so bad that he pulled out of the planned meal. I have no objection 
to this being out in the open. I have kept it quiet because I felt it 
would not be good for the QL scene for these matters to be aired in 
public but don't try to threaten me because it just won't work.
I stand by the statement I made before. The general run of traders do 
not trust Peter because we have had a first hand experience of his 
Even recently he has stated, when Tony Firshman offered to supply some 
parts to D&D, that he did not want any of Roy's defective parts. Funny 
that. Tony Bought all of the parts for the Q40 except those supplied by 
Peter himself and some of the SIMMs which I bought. Peter parts were the 
most defective including EPROMS that would not program, one defective 
processor, two low speed processor (which we never asked for but were 
charged for) and very shoddily recycled video ram which has caused many 
of the problems we have had.
Next time you open your mouth try to find out a few facts. If you don't 
want to believe me ask Jochen Merz, ask Tony Firshman.
>Certainly we should try at any cost to keep this matter out of *this*
No we should not.
Roy Wood
Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

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