Adam L. Schiff wrote:

At present, the instruction in RDA is to take and record what you see.
In other words, true transcription of what you find, with no
abbreviation. However, if abbreviations are on the resource, then you
will record them the way they appear.  If the higher jurisdiction of
the place is not present, it does not get recorded in the place
element.  Instead it will be given in a note.

Which, of course, makes it useless for any machine processing, such as
re-organizing a retrieved set by place of publication or providing a way
for a user to Find (FRBR user task) items published in a particular
location. It seems that when it comes to Find, the rules have a
pre-conceived notion of what users can ask for.

And in case you think that this isn't a legitimate search, I had reason
to do exactly this search the other day, and was not successful.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

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