Heidrun said:

>Now I even wonder: Can an aggregating work have a title?

Certainly they can:

Shakespeare's Bonnets 
Tennessee William's Plays 
Faulkner's Short Stories 
Conference on Biophysics 
Equal Marriage Rights Symposium 
Papers on Fracking

These are make up examples, but represent the types o things we
catalogue regularly.

Each contains works which can have an independent existence outside
the aggregate work.  Earlier, some rarely existed independently in
print because of their brevity, apart from offprints, but often
existed in other aggregate works.  Now, the smaller works often exist
independently as electronic items with their own PDF URL.

The whole WEMI distinction seems pretty meaningless to me in terms of
our current work.  Certainly the aggregate work and the works
contained have bibliographic reality, including titles.

A paper delivered at a conference based on an earlier a thesis, seems
to me to have had at least two expressions.  A play in a collection
which has been translated certainly has expressions.

Conference proceedings (i.e. papers) issues both independently and as
an issue of a journal would have two expressions it seems to me.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
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