From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Heidrun Wiesenmüller 
Sent: January-14-12 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Some comments on the Final Report of the FRBR Working 
Group on Aggregates

> Heidrun said:
>> Now I even wonder: Can an aggregating work have a title?
> Certainly they can:
> Shakespeare's Bonnets
> Tennessee William's Plays
> Faulkner's Short Stories
> Conference on Biophysics
> Equal Marriage Rights Symposium
> Papers on Fracking

>Sure, but these are plain simple _aggregate_ works, and not
>_aggregating_ works in the sense of the Working Group. Remember their
>claim: "The process of aggregating the expressions itself is an
>intellectual or artistic effort and therefore meets the criteria for a
>work." (p. 5). And in the "Understanding FRBR" example they say: "The
>aggregating work encompasses all of the intellectual effort required to
>identify the topics to be covered, solicit the authors, edit the
>manuscripts, write the introduction, compile the index and other related
>activities." (p. 13).  The aggregating work therefore does not refer to
>the _creation_ (e.g. a collection of essays or plays), but to the
>_process_. Thomas said in one of his posts: "The aggregating work and
>aggregating expression are entirely new entities that refer to an effort
>of arrangement, and not the collective effort for the individual works."

>Now: Could the "effort of arrangement" be something that has a title? I
>doubt it.

And to follow up on that, I think that "aggregating work" needs to redefined 
not as an entity, but as either a relationship or just an attribute of an 

One could say an aggregating work exists when the relationship designator like 
"editor of compilation" exists, or one could just have a descriptive note 
describing the aggregating process as an attribute element.

"Aggregating work" therefore shouldn't be seen as a Group 1 entity at all. It 
would never have a "title" in the sense of a work or manifestation having a 

One area to explore though is to look at relationships as being more complex-- 
which is to say that they may accrue attributes and new kinds of relationships. 
In fact, they are already:

dramatization of (work)
is subordinate to
adaptation of (work)
is subordinate to
based on (work)
is a
Derivative Work Relationship
is a
Related Work Relationship

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

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