Thomas said:

>One could choose the optional omission and supply the element Note on
>Statement of Responsibility (RDA 2.20.3) -- "... a note providing
>information on a person, family or corporate body not named in the
>statement of responsibility ..."

SLC has been doing that for years for such things as conference
proceedings and continuing education workshops.  We don't need a new
set of rules to cover such a situation.

It seems to me most of the advantages touted for RDA could have been
more cheaply and simply done by AACR2/MARC21 revisions.

When/if we actually do have WEMI records, or W/I records, that might
change.  If we are to have Bibframe W/I records, RDA needs to be
rearranged to reflect what we would then doing.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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