> ===New REBOL Licensing
> I think it's time to change the licensing for REBOL/Core
> and REBOL/View. What do you think?  Here's what I'm
> thinking:
> Core and View would be free for use and redistribution
> for
> commercial and noncommercial use; however, if more than
> five
> copies are in use at a single company, then purchasing
> would
> be required. Exception would be the use of REBOL for any 
> educational purposes.

For IOS to be successful, RT needs a large pool of
developers.  To attract developers for IOS, you need to free
up Command and Pro for developers, and try licensing for
commercial use.  Perhaps make it a condition of use by
developers that they enforce this before distributing their

My 2 cents. ( currently worth .9 UScents )

Graham Chiu
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