On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 06:50:20PM -0400, Javier Gostling wrote:
> Hmm... I understand that this kind of fine print has as much legal
> strength as that of Microsoft's EULA. The one that says that by opening
> the package you agree to the terms in the EULA. To the best of my
> knowledge, there is no legal strength in that, except for the lawyer
> muscle a big corporation can muster against smaller guys.

Maybe true, but if they pull the plug how many thousands are you
willing to spend to fight them over this? What it gets down to,
whether it is legal or not, they hold all the cards, and can
disconnect you for any violation as they define it, and as they
interpret their own legal ramblings. It is their hand on the switch.
> Another alternative is to get in touch with other users of the service
> who are dissatisfied with the TOS and excert group pressure on the
> company. They probably don't mind a single user leaving for the
> competition, but losing 10% market share might scare the sh*t out of
> them.

Well, BellSouth (US) has something like 1.5 million (dialup + DSL)
customers, so I doubt I'll find 150,000. Maybe 5 or 10 though...if
I'm lucky :)

Hal Burgiss

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