I disagree.  I signed up for a connection to the Internet and
bandwidth--period--when I contracted with my isp. This recent nonsense of
blocking ports is just plain insulting. 

Assuming that I am a responsible citizen (which any administrator needs to
be on ANY network) on the Internet, what I do with my bandwidth is my

I did NOT sign up for X hours or for Y Gb of traffic. If I choose to run a
server at my site, I'm ***saving my isp money*** and resources since they
do not have to run that service for me or allocate the disk space to me.  

>       Price =~ speed * reliability * features.
>       Features include things like static IP addresses, peering, hosting,
> etc, etc, etc...  A dude with static IP address SHOULD pay more than one
> who is making occasional use of an IP pool or one who is not running
> static services.  Turn it around...  Against the higher price, those who
> can accept cheaper services get a discount.  You want the high priced
> spred but you want the discount too.
>       Turn it around.  All these mergers are a result of rats like you
> who don't want to pay for services they demand so the ISPs can't pay their
> bills and go bankrupt and get bought out.  You made your own bed.
>       You might have it "fast", "featureful" (static, stable, whatever),
> and "cheap".  PICK TWO!  YOU DON'T GET THREE!
>       Mike

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