> Jeff you have just made two statements that are the
> exect opposit of each other.  If changing the length
> of cable makes a differance, then the swr as seen by
> the transmitter must change.

Re-read what I said.  Changing the cable length changes the *Z*, but it
doesn't change the *VSWR*.  As you vary the cable length, the Z changes in a
cyclical fashion, but always remains at a constant VSWR.  For any given
VSWR, there are an infinite number of complex Z's that will produce that

> As some transmitters can not be tuned for impedance
> mismatch, adding lengths of line may change the
> impedance where the transmitter will produce the
> maximan ammout of power out.  

Yes.  But it doesn't change the VSWR.

> If say the duplexer is setup for a 50 ohm load and the
> transmitter wants to load into a 60 ohm load, then
> changing the length of cable between the duplexer and
> transmitter may let the transmitter see 60 ohms
> instead of 50 ohms.  

Not if the cables your using are also 50 ohms.  If the duplexer presents a
50 ohms like you said, you can use whatever cable lengths you want and the
resulting Z as seen by the transmitter will always be 50 ohms.  Transmission
lines only act as transformers when their characteristic Z is different than
the termination Z. 

                                --- Jeff

Broadcast Sciences LLC, Valley Forge PA
v: 610.917.3000
f: 610.917.3030

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