

I believe the actual citation is 47
U.S.C. § 308(b).  The key words in this is where it reads (emphasis added):


“All applications for station licenses, or modifications or renewals
thereof, shall set forth such facts as the Commission by regulation may
prescribe as to the citizenship, character, and financial, technical, and
other qualifications of the applicant to operate the station;…”


Here is what the League has on the FCC’s Character Reference: 


Mark – N9WYS


From:  On Behalf Of Bill Hudson

Paul Plack - Please site the law that forbids felons from having ham radio
licenses.  You act like you speak with authority - I'd like you to
demonstrate it for me please.


Bill - W6CBS



From:  On Behalf Of Paul Plack

If they're registered, that means they were convicted at one time, and
probably have some condition of a parole or early release which prohibits
contact with youth. I would ask the local police to see if that is the case.
If it is, simply record the contacts, and ham radio will be the least of
their concerns.


If they were convicted of felonies, it's possible the FCC doesn't know, and
would revoke their licenses if notified.



Paul, AE4KR

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