matt barkdull submitted these questions, and the answers are important
to me, too -- I haven't seen a response yet -- can anyone help?

when 'Shut Down' is selected and Retrospect shutdown dialog comes up:
>Will it kill the Energy Saver process?  I mean, if the machine is 
>set to shut down in the Energy Control panel at, say 10pm, and the 
>backup starts up just before that, will it prevent the shutdown?  <

>If the machine is set to startup at a certain time, but it never 
>shut off and still has the Retrospect shutdown dialog, will it do 
>anything at all?  <

I'm not in a position to run even a small test on this for myself 'cuz
my backup disc is blown and I'm in process of obtaining new one ... but
would like to get an answer to this question before its immediacy fades
into the past -- wch happens QUICKLY, nowadays ...

thanks kindly,

     - ilyes

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