
Condolences on the loss of you  father-in-law.

Here in Texas in the fall, Friday night = high school football, so I didn't get 
much done Friday.  Today, however, I've been putting some Oddballs Rock Island 
decals on an AM covered hopper that I detailed (wire grabs and ladder rungs; 
pins out of the running boards; some brake piping) and repainted.  I think it's 
looking pretty good!  BTW, adding the brake piping was a challenge, working 
around all the parts on the end of the car.

Charles Weston
San Antonio

 From: Andre Ming <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 11:07 PM
Subject: {S-Scale List} FNF 10/4/13!

Hi All!  It's FNF 10/4/13!
Time for us to all update what we've been doing in S scale.  I'll go 
It's been a hectic two weeks on account of my wife's father's last days and 
eventual passing.  However, among the busy schedule of late, I taken some 
of my time that becomes available and have been dusting off my stuff, 
to take inventory, and getting some things headed my way so I can further 
projects.  Such as...
* Ordered a good chunk of S scale detail parts order from Bill's Train Shop 
for my various engine projects. 
* Purchased some Wiseman S scale detail parts off eBay.
* Purchased the needed items from Northwest Short Line to re-power one of my 
Baldwin's to see if it would be worth the effort (and thus re-power them 
all).  They run pretty darn good as is, but being a "performance freak", I 
am wondering if I can make them even a smidge better.
* Purchased "CB&Q In Color Vol. 3" that has some excellent KC area shots 
* OH... and it's official now: I'm a bonafide member on NASG!  
I received my member's packet and THREE Dispatch issues in the mail this week. 
In all, things are reviving and ever so slowly I'm figuring out where I'm at 
in my modeling and taking steps to have the needed items in order to make some 
tangible progress.
All from me... who's next?
Andre Ming

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