Re: Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exchange

2024-04-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Di, Apr 02, 2024 at 13:30:43 +0200 schrieb Marc Haber:

from being vulnerable to the current xz-based attack. Just having to
dump an ALL: ALL into /etc/hosts.deny is vastly easier than having to
maintain a packet filter.

Stupid question, but if you put „ALL: ALL” into hosts.deny, couldn’t you 
stop the ssh daemon instead? ALL: ALL will block your ssh access, so it 
doesn’t matter if the daemon is running or not.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Deprecation of /etc/alternatives? (Re: Reaction to potential PGP schism)

2023-12-24 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am So, Dez 24, 2023 at 10:06:09 +0100 schrieb Gioele Barabucci:
After the installation there would be no /usr/bin/gpg. Once the user 
installs, say, ggp-is-gnupg then /usr/bin/gpg will point to 
/usr/bin/gpg-gnupg. Users (and scripts) are still free to install the 

And if you want to change it, you have to download and install a new 
package (and remove another) instead of using a local command 
(update-alternatives) that doesn’t need an internet connection?

Sorry, this is bullshit. -100.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Switch default from PulseAudio to PipeWire (and WirePlumber) for audio

2022-09-14 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Mi, Sep 14, 2022 at 08:41:32 -0400 schrieb Jeremy Bicha:

I believe you are significantly overstating the consequences of this
switch. It is just a dependency swap in meta-gnome3. The vast majority

Maybe, but I remember when pulseaudio was forced upon us, even when it 
was not really ready because other distributions made the switch and to 
get more testing.

Since PA ist now working very well (at least for me), I’m not interested 
in getting PipeWire as long as the upstream of PA is not dead.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-19 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Mi, Jan 19, 2022 at 13:34:13 -0600 schrieb Richard Laager:
For people that want something more than systemd-timesyncd, e.g. to get 
NTS, I think either are acceptable choices. It seems that the consensus 

Well, most people will use the default NTP server of the package and 
don’t have a NTP server in their network.

And since Debian is trying to be as secure as possible, the default NTP 
server should be ntpsec with as much activated NTS entries as possible.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-19 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Di, Jan 18, 2022 at 23:16:46 +0100 schrieb Marco d'Itri:

I have no objections if somebody wants to work on packaging ntpsec, but
I do not think that either ntp or ntpsec should be promoted over chrony

Besides from the fact that ntpsec is already packaged: Does chrony 
support NTS? If no, it should be clear which package should be promoted 
over the other.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Cancel "culture" is a threat to Debian

2021-03-30 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Di, Mär 30, 2021 at 12:15:54 +0200 schrieb Stephan Lachnit:
It's supposed to represent everyone who fights for a future where 

You will never be able to represent everyone.

Calling for RMS to step back, and everyone who was involved in that 
decision, really has nothing to do with cancel culture. We as a project 
that believes that diversity and democracy is important should *at 
least* publish a statement addressing these issues without signing (e.g. 
like KDE or the FSFE).

Doing nothing is just straight ignorant, it's like saying "yeah we do
free software but we don't really care what *the* free software 
foundation does". It just doesn't fit together.

This is bullshit as well. The DFSG states that Debian software must be 
free for everyone, even it is used for evil purposes (like murder 
weapons). Any software with such upstream restrictions would be 
considered non-free. I consider this far worse than the RMS problem.

letter. There is no problem with that even if the project as a whole 
signs the opposite letter.

I wouldn’t be part of an organization that publishes such a letter.

Shade and sweet water!


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Release status of i386 for Bullseye and long term support for 3 years?

2021-01-11 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Sa, Dez 12, 2020 at 20:27:16 + schrieb Steve McIntyre:

It's still quite new, but we have a package in the archive for this now:

Well, yes, but it is only in unstable.

I tried to install it but apt wanted to replace many packages. Using 
aptitude with --without-recommends was less scaring but still not 
something I want to do on a stable system.

Shade and sweet water!


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Release status of i386 for Bullseye and long term support for 3 years?

2020-12-12 Thread Stephan Seitz

Am Sa, Dez 12, 2020 at 18:09:02 +0200 schrieb Adrian Bunk:

4. People who wrongly installed i386 on amd64-capable hardware.

Well, some releases ago befor multi-arch I used to install i386 even on 
am64-capable hardware if ram was quite low (=< 8GB) and if the chance 
wasn’t that low that you needed to install ia32-codec to watch ancient 
video formats.

I wouldn’t do it anymore but at least one system is still in use, and 
there isn’t a real supported way to upgrade from i386 to amd64.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Proposal: use /usr/bin/open as an alternative for run-mailcap and others.

2020-10-09 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Do, Okt 08, 2020 at 22:54:32 -0400, wrote:

is probably very handy.  Even more handy is the fact that you don't
really need to learn the command name of your image viewer and your pdf
viewer and your html viewer and you .dia viewer and your .mp3 player
and every other viewer you might need to handle: only the 'open'

I don’t know about that. Normally I use mupdf for pdf, but mupdf doesn’t 
allow copy & paste. So if I want to do this, I need another pdf program.

For my FLAC music I use audacious for my playlists and ogg123 for CLI 

If I want to open an image, I’m using qiv or gimp.

Other rules apply for attachments in mutt, so mutt is using its own 
mailcap definitions.

That’s why I need to know the different programs anyway. Why would I go 
for something like open which can only use one program for the file type?

Many greetings,


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Heads up: persistent journal has been enabled in systemd

2020-02-06 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Do, Feb 06, 2020 at 13:25:06 +0100, Ansgar wrote:

Given you wrote earlier that you moved all but one of your machines
away from Debian, whatever Debian installs by default doesn't affect
you anyway.

Well, I still use Debian. In Testing you have elogind now as a complete 
systemd replacement. So I’m certainly not interested in too much 
activated systemd features, that could make things more difficult

I have no problem installing a different MTA than Debian's default
(exim), my preferred shell, my preferred editor and so on either.

As long as you can do it, it’s fine. But you’ll certainly find more MTA 
or editors in the Debian archive than init systems…

Shade and sweet water!


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: migration from cron.daily to systemd timers

2020-01-08 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Jan 08, 2020 at 02:57:51 -0500, Noah Meyerhans wrote:

visible to administrators.  IMO the migration to systemd timers can be
done more smoothly, so it's still preferable.

Well, since you need to support non-systemd systems as well (like mine) 
the cron script is still needed (I don’t think these timers work with 

So the migration can only take place on systems running systemd.

Shade and sweet water!


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Integration with systemd

2019-11-05 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Di, Nov 05, 2019 at 05:45:34 +0100, Ansgar wrote:

Simon Richter writes:
Yes, that's one of the questions I have asked: is systemd a core 
system component that we want to provide a stable release for, or is 
it one of the peripheral packages that users can upgrade to 
a backported version if they need a new feature, or has Debian relaxed 
its standards to accomodate systemd?

I guess it can work the same as for src:linux?  That is a core system
component, but users can upgrade to a backported version.

Well, you can have different linux kernels installed at the same time and 
choose from grub. So installing a newer kernel from backports won’t 
delete the kernel from the stable release.

This won’t work for systemd.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: Please stop hating on sysvinit

2019-08-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Aug 09, 2019 at 11:00:03 +0200, Ondřej Surý wrote:
Unprivileged access to port < 1024.  The socket-activated services can 
start as user since the port binding is done by the systemd, not the 

If the daemon supports different platforms, it needs a wrapper to bind to 
a port < 1024 and then drop privileges anyway.


|If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.|

Re: default firewall utility changes for Debian 11 bullseye

2019-07-30 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Di, Jul 30, 2019 at 01:52:30 +0200, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:

Ok, after a couple of weeks, lets try to summarize:
1) switch priority values for iptables/nftables, i.e, make nftables 
   Priority: important and iptables Priority: optional

Nobody seems to disagree with this point. So I will be doing this soon.

I’ve migrated my iptables scripts to nft. In the end it was easier than 
expected, and everything is running fine.

What I’m missing:
There was an iptables addon for using geoip databases. This is missing.  
I found

It is not part of Debian, but I managed to use it.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
| If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.   |

Re: default firewall utility changes for Debian 11 bullseye

2019-07-17 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Jul 17, 2019 at 12:32:31 +0100, Thomas Pircher wrote:

# iptables-translate -A INPUT -s  -p tcp --dport 587 -j DROP
nft add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr tcp dport 587 counter drop

Ah, thank you very much!


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Re: default firewall utility changes for Debian 11 bullseye

2019-07-17 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Di, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:23:43 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:

On Tue, 2019-07-16 at 11:07:15 +0200, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:

as you may know, Debian 10 buster includes the iptables-nft utility by
default, which is an iptables flavor that uses the nf_tables kernel
subsystem. Is intended to help people migrate from iptables to nftables.

Yeah, this was a great way to migrate, thanks!

What is the problem with using iptables-nft compared to the new nft 

According to the documentation nft seems quite more complex.
What would be the replacement for a simple single line like
iptables -I INPUT -j DROP -s   -p tcp –dport 587 ?

What about other packages like fail2ban? Does it „hurt” if different 
programs are using iptables-nft or nft?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-27 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mo, Nov 26, 2018 at 11:05:02 +0100, W. Martin Borgert wrote:

I personally don't care about usrmerge, but if it is useful to a
relevant minority, we should not reject it.

Who says we should reject the usrmerge package? The minority who wishes 
for it can install it for years.

But I don’t want to get the /usr-merge forced upon my systems because 
this minority is obviously too stupid to install the package and migrate 
their systems on their own.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-26 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mo, Nov 26, 2018 at 03:08:09 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:

snapshot as well) would be hard and I disagree that the benefits of
merged-/usr would be minor.

There are no benefits of a merged /usr for users who don’t want to export 
/usr via NFS or want to use clusters/docker images/etc. And this is the 
majority of Debian users.

So if a minority of users wants a merged /usr for their special cases 
they can use your package.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-26 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mo, Nov 26, 2018 at 09:24:40 +0100, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
usrmerge is in the archive for 3+ years now. What seems to be needed now 
is for a lot of us to actually _try_ it, find and report bugs, and get 
this through.

Why, if it was intended as an optional package for people who want 
a merged /usr? If I don’t need or want a merged /usr I won’t install and 
test the package.

The problem is that people are now talking to forcing the package on 

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-23 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Nov 23, 2018 at 03:14:44 +0100, Matthias Klumpp wrote:

There are always unforseen issues to be expected when upgrading. And

Of course, and since a dist-upgrade will bring newer software you may 
already have to fix configuration files.

at the moment, the only issues that are known when installing the
usrmerge package is when there are different binaries with the same
name in /bin and /usr/bin (or /sbin), and I really don't think that
this is actually a likely scenario.

I don’t know but I’ve seen enough strange installations.

It would be good if the usrmerge package would do a dry-run as part of 
the installation. If there are duplicate files the list will be printed 
(or mailed) and the installation will fail without breaking the whole 
upgrade process. The the admin can fix the problem later.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-23 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Nov 23, 2018 at 03:02:00 +0100, Hans wrote:

Am Freitag, 23. November 2018, 14:47:28 CET schrieb Stephan Seitz:
And how do you revert this change? As far as I have understand you 
can’t remove the usrmerge package and have your system in the old 
state again.

Making an image of the whole hard drive is always a good idea.

While this is easy done if the system is a VMware VM I know my fellow 
admins well enough that they will simply cancel the update because they 
are not interested in debugging the upgrade process for a single package 
they don’t need.

So, that is, where "testing" is standing for. Testing before release

You know I don’t have doubts that you won’t have problems (or very few) 
if you do a new testing installation. I don’t like Marco’s attitude but 
he is doing a good job. If he has tested his package as he said this 
isn’t the problem.

But Debian/testing doesn’t mean testing on real servers which have 
„survived” different Debian releases, where different admins copied files 
from one location to another, or with some third-party software.

If the update of 2% of our systems won’t work because of failing 
usrmerge I would be asked if Debian is the right distribution.

Good point. However, this should be told to Microsoft admins or their

;-) But while there are no alternative Windows distributions Debian isn’t 
the only one and can be changed.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-23 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Nov 23, 2018 at 02:04:05 +0100, Matthias Klumpp wrote:

If there are actual issues encountered, we can always revert a change

And how do you revert this change? As far as I have understand you can’t 
remove the usrmerge package and have your system in the old state again.

As others in the thread have mentioned they don’t see the risk with new 
installations but with old systems with different admins and third-party 

anyway. During distribution upgrades there is a lot that can be wrong
and a lot of stuff the administrator needs to care about (config file

Right, and it means he has enough to do and doesn’t want to debug the 
usrmerge. I don’t want to have a usrmerge at a dist-upgrade. You don’t 
really know the sequence of the package updates. I think the risk is too 
big to have a partial upgraded system.

with information to the system administrator on what to do in case of
an error, and works for 98% of all users anyway, I see no reason not

If the update of 2% of our systems won’t work because of failing usrmerge 
I would be asked if Debian is the right distribution.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Nov 21, 2018 at 01:09:47 +0100, Marc Haber wrote:

Debian, is, btw, also losing quickly for not keeping pace with the
world around it.

Or maybe it scares people away with its bullshit decisions.


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Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-26 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Do, Jul 26, 2018 at 01:59:08 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Stephan Seitz - 26.07.18, 11:10:

I don’t understand the problem. No one forces anyone to keep the
package in Debian. Upstream made clear it isn’t interested in
changing the names.

The point is that it currently is in Debian, binary names unchanged:

Yes, obviously neither FTP masters nor maintainer had a problem with the 

Of course it can be changed.

Exactly. Debian has already removed packages, so it can remove weboob as 
well. The question is who can decide the removal if the maintainer 
doesn’t want to remove it? TC?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-26 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Do, Jul 26, 2018 at 09:32:34 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Adam Borowski - 26.07.18, 03:09:

I for one don't protest inclusion of the Bible in Debian, despite that
text having been the cause of 100M deaths, nor Quran with its 75M.  I

That text did not *directly* cause anything. It were still human beings
killing one another. The book is not responsible for anything. Human
beings are.

Sounds like the US weapon industry.

But they are equal. Which means are to be treated equally fair and with
respect. I do not see that with the weboob package being included in
Debian with binary names unchanged.

I don’t understand the problem. No one forces anyone to keep the package 
in Debian. Upstream made clear it isn’t interested in changing the names.

How would a world free from power struggle between men and women look
like? (Or even free from power struggle between any of the expressions
of that one consciousness?)

Such a world will never exist because this struggle is part of the human 

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-26 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Jul 25, 2018 at 09:25:11 +0200, Ole Streicher wrote:

Obviously we renamed packages (which made us incompatible with the rest
of the world) already if needed. Rememver iceweasel or icedove?

Yes, I do. And I remember the problems with this renaming. And do you 
remember the reason? This was not a „I don’t like the name” case, it was 
a legal one. And I believe everyone is glad that we can use firefox and 
thunderbird again.

In other cases there were name clashes. And this could go to the TC.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-24 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Di, Jul 24, 2018 at 01:19:35 +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:

Stephan Seitz  writes:

He certainly should NOT rename any parts of the package without
upstream consent.

Why not? I can see an argument about not confusing users (though
transitional packages / a weboob-offensive could be made for the old
names / etc), but I don't think that's where you're going here.

Well, upstream has chosen these names. Besides from the fact that the 
project and its applications are known by these names (how would you tag 
the package, so that someone who knows the project would find the right 
package with apt or apt-file?) it has something to do with politeness (in 
my opinion). If you wish to package the work of others you should use the 
right names (we don’t have any name clash).

If you have a problem with the names but upstream doesn’t (it seems to be 
a Frensh project, even with female developpers), you’re free to drop the 
package. Or, as Marvin Renich noted, you can fork the project. Then you 
can do as you please as long as you do the work. Then time will tell if 
you win the users of the old project.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-24 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Di, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:49:55 +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:

accept that they are authoritative in this regard. Therefore, you should
rename the offensive parts of this package.

He certainly should NOT rename any parts of the package without upstream 
consent. If upstream doesn’t approve (and it seems that these names are 
part of upstream’s working culture), then the other choices are removing 
to package or keeping it as it is.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Firefox 60esr on Stretch ?

2018-05-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Mai 04, 2018 at 09:12:39 +0200, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:

Same as all previous extension breakages incurred by ESR transitions;
not at all. Apart from enigmail those are all not updated along
in stable, this doesn't scale at all. If you want your extensions
to be kept compatible, get them from the Mozilla addons page
like every other Firefox/Thunderbird user.

Then drop firefox/thunderbird from debian as well. If you don’t want to 
do it right (meaning with all the extensions), then don’t do it.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Please do not drop Python 2 modules

2018-04-25 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Apr 25, 2018 at 07:30:15 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:

The simple, obvious means of installing Python in Debian - either
manually, or as a dependency of another package - is via the package
named 'python'. At present, in current testing, doing this will pull in

I don’t think you can see it this way. For now /usr/bin/python is a link 
to python2 and, as was mentioned on this list, always will be until 
a time comes when version 2 will be so long dead that no one remembers 

If you want version 3 you have to install python3.

[stse@osgiliath]: dpkg -s python
Package: python
This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
Python version (currently v2.7).

[stse@osgiliath]: dpkg -s python3
Package: python3
This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
Python 3 version (currently v3.6).

As you can see both packages pull in their default version of python.

Of course someone can make a transition so that python will be renamed to 
python2 and python3 will be renamed to python.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster

2018-04-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Do, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:00:37 +0200, Christoph Biedl wrote:

But being human I prefer names over numbers, even if it's just for
aesthetic reason - "buster" is just more comfortable than "debian10".

No, it’s not. I know that my systems are running Debian 8 or 9, but 
I always have to think if stretch is 9 or was it jessie.

I have to look up the name not the number.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster

2018-04-19 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Apr 18, 2018 at 08:52:25 +0300, Adrian Bunk wrote:

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:14:50AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:

specifically, what locale sorts english words differently than LANG=C?

Estonian (et_EE) sorts z between s and t.

Boah, thanks for all the examples. I didn’t know you could sort so 

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster

2018-04-18 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:14:50 -0400, Michael Stone wrote:

specifically, what locale sorts english words differently than LANG=C?

Since English words (or texts) can have 8bit characters you may get 
a different sorting in in different locales.

If you mean ASCII words I don’t know of any sorting difference.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster

2018-04-18 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Apr 18, 2018 at 02:47:11 +, Holger Levsen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 10:23:29AM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:

really? there's more than one alphabetical order for english words?

yes, sorting depends on the locale... :)

Can you please give an example for the sorting difference in different 
locales if you only have english words (and I would say it means only 
ASCII in this case)?

I know that there are differences if you have words containing non-ASCII 
characters like ü.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: OpenSSL disables TLS 1.0 and 1.1

2017-08-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mo, Aug 07, 2017 at 08:52:41 +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:

I think that I live in a real enough world (commercial web hosting), and
my customers have been asking for a while to disable at least TLS 1.0

Well, if I understand it correctly, apache/openssl in SLES11 SP4 only 
support TLSv1.

Long term support for SP4 ends in 2022.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: OpenSSL disables TLS 1.0 and 1.1

2017-08-08 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mo, Aug 07, 2017 at 11:18:38 -0500, Michael Lustfield wrote:

Is there an actual need for the removal of TLS v1.{0,1}? Are either
considered broken or unsupported by upstream? If not, I'd be much more

That’s I like to know as well.

Doing a quick check on my appliances I could find the following 
TLSv1-only devices:

- some iDRAC (Dell)
- Netapp Filer
- Cisco Web Security Appliances

And what about mail appliances? If they offer only TLSv1 then the Debian 
mailserver will fallback to unencrypted transfer. I don’t think this is 
a good idea.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: "not authorised" doing various desktoppy things [and 1 more messages]

2017-01-17 Thread Stephan Seitz

On So, Jan 15, 2017 at 04:43:11 +, Ian Jackson wrote:

I have just uploaded systemd-shim 10-3~exp1 to experimental.  I seems
to fix the problem for me.  Depending on feedback, I will upload this
to sid in the next few days.

Thank you very much. I don’t have problems either.


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: [Letsencrypt-devel] Certbot in Debian Stretch

2016-11-25 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fr, Nov 25, 2016 at 10:34:32 +0100, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
FWIW certbot from jessie-backports has been working fine for me in 
several contexts.

Yes, here as well.
The only problem was the renaming from letsencrypt to certbot.

Many greetings,


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: OpenSSL 1.1.0

2016-11-16 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mi, Nov 16, 2016 at 02:31:28 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:

ChaCha20 is hardly obscure: if it is to you then I fear that your
opinion on this issue is not informed enough to be useful.

It doesn’t matter in the end.

If no one wants to delay the next release until all applications support 
OpenSSL 1.1.0 in a secure way even is upstream may not be interested in 
patching the software for now then we can’t have version 1.1.0.

And there is still the problem that 1.1.0 is not supported as long as the 
available LTS version.

Many greetings,


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Re: support for merged /usr in Debian

2016-01-08 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 10:11:07AM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

grml is packaged and is an apt-get away. It's third-party in just the
same way that the linux kernel, or exim are.

Wrong. You have a wrapper package that adds grml iso from /boot/grml to 
the grub.cfg. You have to download the grml images yourself and you need 
the space to save the images in /boot/grml.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: support for merged /usr in Debian

2016-01-08 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 11:49:48AM +0100, Michael Prokop wrote:

We've an open wishlist bug report for the "download the Grml ISO"
part (#754393) which we plan to resolve soonish, jfyi.

Ah, thank you very much. That still leaves the space problem. Only my 
newer systems where I knew that I wanted to have grml in /boot are having 
enough space.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: vlan support en* or br*?

2016-01-06 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 04:07:40AM +, Ben Hutchings wrote:

On Wed, 2016-01-06 at 12:46 +0900, Seyeong Kim wrote:

I checked vlan source
debian/network/if-pre-up.d/vlan, if-post-up.d/vlan …
and not support en* or br* which are quite common nowadays.
need to file a bug or just customize and use it myself?

The vlan package is obsolete.  You could perhaps replace it with
something based on iproute.

I don’t think that the vlan package is obsolete. It provides you with 
stanzas for your /etc/network/interfaces to easily configure vlan 

You can do this with the ip command but you have to do everything 

The same goes for the ifenslave package.

So, yes, someone can file a bug.



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Re: pro-active removals (was: Re: suggestion to add package vlan to default instalation DVD)

2015-09-17 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 10:55:58AM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:

this, I think it would be a *service* to our users if we removed this
(and many other packages in similar situation) from the archive so that
we don't fool users into using (or wasting time even looking at)
long-deprecated software. If the package is no longer available that means

It is not a service if you remove packages without replacement strategy.
I don’t care if I use the package iproute2 or vlan/ifenslave to configure 
VLAN interfaces and/or bonds as long as I have documentation how to do 
this in /etc/network/interfaces in an easy way.

The packages vlan and ifenslave are working very well.

That said I think it would be very cool if I could configure VLANs and 
bonds with the Debian installer.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Proposal v2: enable stateless persistant network interface names

2015-06-03 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Jun 03, 2015 at 12:01:34PM +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:

However, on a desktop you don't ever care about the device names, and

Of course you do. How will you use tcpdump or tshark without the device 
names? In most desktop setups a „tcpdump -i eth0” is the right command.

higher-level firewall tools will also hide this. After all, we
survived the step from /dev/sda1 to UUID=112233DEADBEEF... as well :-)

Well, but /dev/sda1 is still available. And I prefer /dev/sdaX because 
I have far less problems with it than with UUID=XXX.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Proposal: enable stateless persistant network interface names

2015-05-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 02:36:30PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:

Why?  What does a stable name matter in the case you mentioned?

Because I don’t want to look up the interface name of the day when I use 
wireshark/tshark? Because I don’t want to change my iptables scripts 
which is working very well the way it is?

Were you actually using ifupdown to manage the varied set of wireless
networks?  Because if not, then the name shouldn't matter.

Yes, I’m using ifupdown. Besides USB NICs don’t have to be WiFi.

You may switch the the naming scheme in virtual environments, but only 

SLES is using some strange interface names like em1 or p1p2, but I hate 
it. I prefer my eth0 name.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Proposal: enable stateless persistant network interface names

2015-05-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 07:09:41PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:

On Sun, 10 May 2015 17:11:03 +0200, Vincent Bernat

The disease is that actual servers running actual free software can
break at each boot because we cannot have both a persistent naming
scheme and use the eth* prefix is worse

Just for the record, an unexpected interface name change hasn't
happened in my professional career in more than ten years. Plugging
persistent network naming with -this- imminent danger destroys the
pro-faction's credibility.

Same here. I have never seen unexpected interface changes.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bug#775436: ITP: xlennart -- An XBill fork but with Lennart and SystenD instead of Bill and Wingdows

2015-01-16 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 07:32:41AM +1100, Riley Baird wrote:

(Also, in any case, don't you think that this game is going a little too
far? It's fine to be opposed to systemd, but don't do to Lennart

Well, do you see a difference to the original game with Bill Gates?


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Re: DE features dependent on Systemd

2014-12-03 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 03:08:55PM +, Simon McVittie wrote:

Feature 2: if the first user created via the installer logs in via a
non-local mechanism (typically ssh) [3], they can still play and record
audio. If you expect that the first user created via the installer is

Yes, and playing audio via ssh is a feature I used since the 90s.

Anti-feature 3: while a second user is logged in, the first user can log
in via ssh or whatever, turn on the microphone and listen to the second
user, violating reasonable privacy expectations (and, less important,

True, but completely irrelevant for this case. If this ssh-user is not 
a ssh-only user then he has physical access to the system/room and can 
use any other kind of bugging device he wishes.

So if you don’t trust your users, don’t give them accounts or access to 
the system.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Summary:Re: Bug#762194: Proposal for upgrades to jessie

2014-11-28 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 02:41:23PM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:

On Nov 28, Svante Signell wrote:

a) Upgrades should _not_ change init: whatever is installed should be

I disagree: upgrades should get the default init system unless the
system administrator chooses otherwise.

Of course not. syslog-ng was not replaced by rsyslog when Debian changed 
the default syslog. The grub1 bootloader was not replaced when Debian 
changed to grub2. If Debian changed from exim to postfix the existing MTA 
would not be changed.

So keep your hands of the init system on upgrades.

b) New installs should get systemd-sysv as default init with a debconf
message about alternative init systems.

It would be totally unacceptable to waste the time of every Debian user
with pointless advertisement.

This question could be part of the expert menu.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Summary:Re: Bug#762194: Proposal for upgrades to jessie

2014-11-28 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 04:00:42PM +0100, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, Stephan Seitz wrote:
Of course not. syslog-ng was not replaced by rsyslog when Debian 
changed the default syslog.

Note that syslog-ng was not the default, but sysklogd (which was)
wasn’t replaced either. Thankfully.

Are you sure that we didn’t have syslog-ng between sysklogd and rsyslog?  
I’m getting old…

The grub1 bootloader was not replaced when Debian changed to

Actually, it was, unless you installed the fresh “grub-legacy”
package before upgrading, which was mostly a no-op though. And
forgetting to do so *did* hose some obscure systems.

Hm, I got the info that a new menu entry was added to the grub1 menu to 
chainload into grub2 (not the boot default). After some testing you had 
to enter a command to install the grub2 bootloader. Without it grub1 was 
active with its menu.lst.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: init system policy

2014-11-21 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 09:16:46PM +, Philip Hands wrote:

Would it perhaps make sense to have etckeeper additionally keep track of
files in /lib directories for packages that have this /etc overrides
/lib scheme?  Such packages could add their config-outside-etc

I don’t think so, especially since those kind of files are scattered over 
the fs (other files are in /usr/share).

We can discuss what those files should be:

- configuration files that were not put in /etc because of shortcomings 
 in the rpm conffile handling

- „outsourced” defaults of the application

In the first case the files should be moved backed to /etc. In the second 
case changed defaults should be documented in the changelog or readme.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: free choice in installer?

2014-11-11 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:19:06PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

From what research are you taking this generalisation?  All non-IT

experts I know (proof by counter-example) would be really happy to have
no choice but rather one single option which works.  You might also like

Of course, but the problem is that they don’t share the same opinion 
about the working solution. Or we wouldn’t have different editors, window 
managers, desktop environments, monitoring tools, etc.

to think about all those Win+OSX users who have no problem to accept
what they get.  I admit regarding init system I feel like them and

Well, that’s the reason why I’m using Linux because I don’t accept what 
I get with Windows. And if you have noticed the complains about the 
ribbon in Office or the Win8 GUI then you’ll see that Windows users don’t 
always accept what they get.

So please be careful to do generalised statements about people by
assuming that all people are thinking like you.

If you don’t want choices you can stay with Windows. There is no reason 
to make Linux like Windows.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Migration from cron to cron-daemon?

2014-10-18 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 08:07:25AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:

Now systemd-cron is supposed to be fixed and bcron was changed in
August to provide the virtual package instead of cron which is why
there are new bug reports cropping up.

So, if I want to write bug reports, what is now the correct expression 
for cron? cron-daemon|cron?

Is this a release critical bug? As a testing user I now have problems 
using bcron.

Shade and sweet water!


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Migration from cron to cron-daemon?

2014-10-16 Thread Stephan Seitz


I sent the attached message to debian-release, but I was told to ask in 

So here is the mail.

Shade and sweet water!


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Is there currently a migration from „cron” to „cron-daemon” as virtual 

New packages like brcon-run don’t provide cron anymore but cron-daemon.  
And many packages like exim4-base or mgetty-fax haven’t changed their 
dependencies (and other packages their recommends).

Some packages have already bug reports for this case. But shouldn’t this 
be a reason for a mass bug filling?

Shade and sweet water!


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---End Message---

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Re: systemd is here to stay, get over it now

2014-07-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 08:40:59PM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

The problem is that some people bitch endlessly abut how evil systemd is
_instead_of_ producing software (not just patches) to replace what systemd

But if they don’t want the systemd features why should they write 
software to replace systemd?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: systemd-fsck?

2014-05-14 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 11:06:10AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

Thorsten Glaser writes:

• no /etc/init.d/$foo (to tabcomplete, no less!) any more

I've been telling people to stop using this for years.  You should stop

Doesn’t matter in mixed environments. Suse SLES11 has the service command 
as well but no tab completion and no package bash-completion.

So what do you think people will use in the end?

service foo action works across Linux distributions, with or without
systemd, and does the right thing.

Of course, as long as you know the name foo. And of course foo in Suse 
may be an other name as in Debian (sshd - ssh).

• the init system breaking init scripts hand-written by people
  who don’t really know what they’re doing, have not even heard
  of LSB, much less “units”
This was indeed a more difficult transition... which we already did 
years ago when we switched to dependency-based boot.  Which did cause 

We still have init scripts without LSB headers in our environment. No one 
is planning to fix them. There is even new third party software shipping 
init scripts without LSB headers.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 10:03:46AM -0300, Undefined User wrote:

This involves personal taste. But when talking about new users or
not-that-advanced users, I'm really suggesting Gnome 3 to be the choice
of the project.

But what are your definitions of „new users”? Someone who has never used 
Linux before (but maybe Windows and wants to change from his old XP, 
I don’t think he will like Gnome3)? Or really a new user?

As far as I understand Gnome3 needs more resources than XFCE and modern 
hardware. The default desktop should be moderate. If you want more eye 
candy and bells and whistles you can install bigger desktop environments.

As far as I know the installer can’t do a hardware check and switch 
desktop environemnts fitting to the system.

I know that its size is bigger than Xfce and it takes more resources, 
but it represents the evolution of a great desktop environment. And it 
is (and looks like) today.

No, it’s terrible and keeps you from getting your work done (at least in 
my case).

As I said before, we can't deny that a lot of people hate changes. But 
it's part of the process. Each product, when getting big changes, faces 
it. Windows 8 is a good example.

Yes, Win8 is horrible. But you don’t have to go that far. I know people 
who refused a new system with Windows 7 because it didn’t work the same 
way as Windows XP. So they kept the old hardware and the old system.

My mother is using Debian 6 with Gnome 2. I don’t know if I will ever 
update this system. Gnome 3 is not a solution, and I’m not interested in 
teaching XFCE.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 04:13:27PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

Le vendredi 04 avril 2014 à 15:25 +0200, Stephan Seitz a écrit :

and modern hardware.

This is no longer a requirement in jessie, at least on x86 where
llvmpipe is now accepted as a GL engine.

Ah, thank you.

The default desktop should be moderate. If you want more eye
candy and bells and whistles you can install bigger desktop environments.

The default desktop should be functional and easy to use. I don’t call

Yes, and what means „functional”? XFCE is of course functional, heck, 
even fvwm is functional, and I know people who still use it because they 
only have one config file to copy to a new machine and their desktop is 

My mother is using Debian 6 with Gnome 2. I don’t know if I will ever
update this system. Gnome 3 is not a solution, and I’m not interested in
teaching XFCE.

Looks like you are deciding in place of your mother what is good for
her. And I don’t think you should in this case. GNOME 3 is very popular

Of course I do because she will ask me what she has to do now. She 
doesn’t try and she doesn’t experiment.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the Security Team

2014-03-07 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 12:21:06PM +1100, Craig Small wrote:

On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 12:54:00AM +0100, Vincent Danjean wrote:

  I'm not sure I will let this setup (hidepid=1) on my computers. My
current POV (that can change) is that I prefer to be able to do the
maximum of thing as a normal user (top, ps, read log (I'm in the
adm group), ...) ans switch to root when I really need to do some

You apparently can have a special group that can see everything.

Aren’t there PAM modules which can grant capabilities to certain users?

That might be worthwhile for a default.
It makes things like pstree look odd, so I'll be expecting some new bug

It will break software like nagios with check_procs. Any ideas how one 
can solve this? dpkg-stateoverwrite doesn’t support capabilities, only 
the standard chmod commands.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the Security Team

2014-03-07 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 04:32:34PM +0100, Guido Günther wrote:

Luckily this is not the case. :) root can see other users' /proc
entries just fine. Perhaps the documentation should be improved.

I should have checked the code first. If I read that correctly
CAP_SYS_PTRACE is necessary here. I've forwarded a patch upstream.

I did a „setcap cap_sys_ptrace+eip /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs”, 
but a normal user can’t still check for running programs of another user.

What did I wrong?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bits from the Security Team

2014-03-07 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 02:51:41PM +0100, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

I did a „setcap cap_sys_ptrace+eip
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs”, but a normal user can’t still
check for running programs of another user.
What did I wrong?

check_procs is a script, not a real executable.

[stse@osgiliath]: file /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object…

If I do a „chmod u+s check_procs” it works. But I think capabilities are 
a safer solution than s-bit.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 04:26:31PM +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 09:18:51AM +0100, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

 As an example, most users who use systemd probably still restart
 services using /etc/init.d/service restart, just because it works.
It's simply less to type if you don't otherwise like 
bash-autocomplete. :-P
Really? I've been using service service restart which autocompletes 
well too, and is even less to type. Works well with systemd, upstart, 
and sysvinit.

But only if you have the package bash-completion installed and activated.  
/etc/init.d/service is always working with auto completion.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: FFmpeg vs. libav packaging

2014-02-14 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 01:03:02PM +0100, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:

But we still try to minimise such cases as much as possible. And for
libav/ffmpeg this simply isn't managable at all due to the huge stream
of security issues trickling in. We need definitely need to pick one
solution only.

And how is this problem solved? The library which most software can use 
or the library which has a maintainer?

I’m using the Multimedia repository anyway because I want MythTV which is 
only available there. So I have ffmpeg.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:39:06AM +, Darac Marjal wrote:
But the normal case is that uninstalling a software you also stop 
getting the functionality it provides, with pulseaudio you START 
getting the functionality it claims to provide by uninstalling it.

Really? Uninstalling Pulseaudio gives you a graphical interface for
moving streams of audio between devices? Uninstalling Pulseaudio gives
you software mixing of audio streams? Uninstalling Pulseaudio gives you

Alsa is using the DMIX plugin for years, and before that I always had 
soundcards with hardware mixing. Simply buy the proper tools.

the ability to stream your audio across the network?

And if you don’t need these features?

Well, yes, if you've done the work to set all that up externally to
Pulseaudio, then of course you don't need Pulseaudio(!)

Most people simply want to play audio, no streaming, no stream moving, 

I have a USB soundcard. If I power it on pulseaudio doesn’t recognize it 
or only the analog output (I want to use the digital output). I have to 
restart pulseaudio (even with the current version in Debian Testing).

And now guess what is always working? Right, Alsa. If necessary it takes 
less than 10 seconds to reconfigure the sound device in the application.

So why should I use pulseaudio?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 01:36:14PM +0100, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
Snarkiness aside, IMHO it makes much more sense to have the 
most-featureful init system be the default, because then those features 
actually get used and tested -- and thus the situation will be more 
reliable than if only those users/sysadmins switch to systemd who 
actually _are_ desperate for its features (as opposed to, say, those who 
are skeptics but find that they won't want to miss those selfsame 
features once they get used to them …).

Well, sounds like pulseaudio which got „forced” on the users and broke 
many setups to find bugs.

Users (at least users from Debian Stable) are not beta testers.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: GnuTLS in Debian

2013-12-23 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:54:49AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
but I think we should ask a real lawyer and not rely on careful parsing 

Yes, this is true, but I’m wondering how many lawyer you mean to ask? Is 
one enough? After all this is a difficult question, and you will only get 
the final answer from a judge in the end.
Or do we need to ask different lawyers in different countries? Is the 
answer in one country enough? This may affect mirror operators.

Merry christmas!


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Re: Bug#727708: tech-ctte: Decide which init system to default to in Debian.

2013-11-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:25:32AM +, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

Want more features in your init script? Like, say, a reliable way to
figure out if any parts of your server are still running after it
crashed? Or a way to determine that it has started up correctly?

You don’t want anything like these in your local init service. For such 
tests you have Nagios, Icinga or similiar daemons. And they can do much 
deeper checks, e.g. can you login into your webservice because your 
database backend on a different server is available.

I don’t mind if you want systemd, but don’t force it on others. There are
no features in systemd that I would dump the well known sysvinit.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: systemd .service file conversion

2013-06-01 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Jun 01, 2013 at 09:44:05PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

FWIW, I happen to agree with Marc. Having everything in /etc makes it
*much* clearer what the actual current configuration is; it also means
that if the defaults change on upgrade, your environment doesn't
suddenly start acting differently or inconsistently.

Not only this, you see if this service can be configured via /etc by 
looking in /etc for fitting files. How should I know that I have to look 
for configuration files in some lib directory and know to which place 
I have to copy them in /etc?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Intel/AMD x86 CPU microcode update system in non-free

2012-11-06 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 06:12:53PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

I would like to bring to your attention the improved support for system
processor (CPU) microcode updates, for x86/i686/x86-64/amd64 systems
that was recently added to [non-free] Wheezy.

Alas, this will not work for XEN users because I can’t update the 
microcode in Dom0 with xen-hypervisor 4.1. There exist kernel patches 
(over a year old), but according to the xen-devel ML they are not good 
enough to be included in the kernel.

With XEN 4.2 the hypervisor can load the CPU microcode. Would this be 
a reason to include XEN 4.2 in Wheezy?


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Re: can we (fully) fix/integrate NetworkManager (preferred) or release-goal its decommissioning

2012-08-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 07:59:00PM -0400, Chris Knadle wrote:

Related note: I likewise repeatedly have confusion over how to deal with
testing Network Status from within shell scripts for doing operations that
require network access.  As a for instance a common suggestion for keeping
GPG keys up to date is to set a 'gpg --referesh-keys' operation as a cron job,
which doesn't make sense to do if the device the script is run on is offline,

And how do you want to do this check? Even if ethtool says, the interface 
is up, this doesn’t mean, your DSL router has a WAN connection running.  
And if it has, it doesn’t mean you can reach the keyserver.

So you can use something like „fping -q keyserver”, if the keyserver is 
pingeable. Any other check is not really usefull.


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Re: can we (fully) fix/integrate NetworkManager (preferred) or release-goal its decommissioning

2012-08-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 01:08:53PM +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:

Never mind wireless lan where you've got a well defined kernel API.  Try
to configure a modern 3G/LTE modem using ifupdown, and you will see the

Is this something different from an UMTS usbstick? I plug it in, get 
a /dev/ttypUSB0 and do a „pon umts”. No need for NM and Co.


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Re: can we (fully) fix/integrate NetworkManager (preferred) or release-goal its decommissioning

2012-08-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 02:19:19PM +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:

Stephan Seitz writes:

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 01:08:53PM +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:

Never mind wireless lan where you've got a well defined kernel API.  Try
to configure a modern 3G/LTE modem using ifupdown, and you will see the

Is this something different from an UMTS usbstick?

[Good explanation snipped]

Thank you very much.

But yes, if „pon umts” is enough for you then you don't need NM (or even
ifupdown - pppd and vim will do).

Right, that is enough for me. I use the UMTS stick only in the holidays 
about three weeks each year. And I’m glad I will get GPRS in the Austrian 
mountains. Different LED colours show me the kind of connection.

It seems I have to be careful if I have to buy a new one.


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Re: can we (fully) release-goal decommissioning of trolls

2012-08-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 12:38:07PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

It seems the desired scenario for NM is that /e/n/i is empty

Yes. This is actually what happens on usual setups (one interface, DHCP
without any special options) upon NM installation.

Well, until some weeks ago I never had a desktop system (even at work) 
with DHCP, simply because the Linux system are developer systems with 
different VLAN interfaces. At home my systems have static IPs as well.

“wonderful” ifupdown… I guess some of us around here have other words to
describe it.

Maybe. For me NM was always a PITA, I always got better results with 
ifupdown. It is not perfect, certainly, but it works very well for me.

10 years ago, we had people complaining about ORBit. Then later they
complained about D-Bus and pmount. Recently it was about PulseAudio. Now

Well, Pulseaudio has its problems (you can ask the MythTV guys what they 
think of it). It never really worked for me with MythTV. And if you only 
have one audio device, chances are high that you don’t need it anyway.

they don’t want to see their precious 30-year-old systemv and ifconfig
crap replaced.

Well, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. There seem to be enough people 
who don’t have any problems with your „systemv and ifconfig crap”, no 
matter how old. And they are not interested in getting new buggy software 
for the core system by force.
So if you think, you need something new, fine, make it. But don’t break 
other people’s setup.

These people are the disease. They are toxic to the community and tend

Why, thank you. I think that these people are a disease who are always 
trying to drag down Linux to Windows level and are forcing their software 
crap on others, because they think it is so good that every one has to 
use it. And I would wish those people would go away to Windows. There 
they can play with shiny new software which doesn’t really work.


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Re: can we (fully) fix/integrate NetworkManager (preferred) or release-goal its decommissioning

2012-08-19 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 07:26:46PM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:

Until recently all that wasn't a big problem, because one was easily
able to simply not install NM, but nowadays more and more packages start
to depend on it (of those I know, most notably gnome-core) or at least
use it's functionality to determine whether one is online or not.

I don’t use NM, but I have it installed (you mentioned the dependencies).  
I have a „exit 0” in the init script, so NM won’t be started. I don’t see 
any problems with other applications (e.g. Pidgin).

So try it, and if it works for you, you can ignore NM.


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Re: Future of update-rc.d in wheezy+1

2012-07-01 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:52:23AM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:44:53AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
The numbers specified for update-rc.d must be well ordered according 
to the dependencies specified in the LSB headers. That means that that

update-rc.d could keep a record of the numbers specified and check that
the numbers are valid even though sysv-rc/insserv then ignore them.

While we could expend the time and effort to do this, I do have to
question why.  What would be the point of this?  No one is using
those numbers, so why retain them?  It seems, to me, to be an
entirely pointless waste of valuable developer time.  And not just my
time, but for every developer who would need to continue to test and
validate the numbers for their scripts.

We have dependencies for a reason, and the sequence numbers are now
nothing more than a historical artifact.

Well, I’m using file-rc on all my systems for many years.
- „vi /etc/runlevel.conf” is easier than working with strange symlinks;
- if I don’t want a service to start, I can replace „2,3,4,5” with „-”;
- third-party software without Debian package doesn’t use update-rc.d; 
  getting it to start is easier if I only have to edit one file 

I have never used dependency based booting.
- old systems had to many old init scripts without LSB headers, so the 
  upgrade failed;
- some software needs a database, but the database server may not be the 
  same server, so the software can’t have a dependency on the database 
  server; so I have to overwrite the dependency configuration in some 

- third-party software doesn’t have any LSB headers;

IIRC the upgrade to dependency based booting doesn’t fail anymore if you 
have initscripts without LSB headers (they are now running at the end of 
the boot process), but for now I still don’t see any reason to change.


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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-24 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:43:03PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 03:46:16PM +0200, Stephan Seitz wrote:

So most of your Debian systems have several users working at the
same time on the same system? Okay, then you have a different user


Sorry, I ignored servers. I don’t think that anyone will install a server 
with a default installation because you have more special cases (separate 
database partition, separate mailbox partition, etc.).

I still think that the SSD problem is not a valid concern as long as
we don’t have solutions for /var and log daemons. There is more
traffic in /var than in /tmp.

Yes, /var produces changes to storage, too, but that doesn't mean we
shouldn't optimize /tmp because we can't optimize /var. That makes no

But if you move the /tmp access away (see below), then you don’t need 
tmpfs at all.

I'm not saying we should optimize for SSDs. I'm just saying that
storing on tmpfs is beneficial for SSDs.

See below.

[/ramtmp not a good idea]

Well, why?

Because it would end up being a directory that nearly nobody would use
directly. Those who want to use a ramdisk will just remove that
directory (or make it a symlink) and mount /tmp on tmpfs instead, and
those who don't want to use it will probably just ignore it.

I don’t think so. Having a disk based /tmp that gets cleaned after 
reboots and having a ramdisk /ramtmp will give you the choice which 
directory you want to use for a special application. Your video encoder 
example could certainly use /ramtmp, even if you have to patch the 
encoder in Debian to do so. The temporary video files of the web browser 
can stay in /tmp, as well as big powerpoint temporary files of 

And I don’t think that most user only want one solution.

Also, if deciding on a reasonable default for /tmp is difficult, think
about deciding on a reasonable default for individual packages. That's
going to be even harder.

Sometimes maybe. But you will certainly get some hundred of megabytes of 
tmpfs space. So if you know that your temporary file will be smaller, you 
can use /ramtmp.
Besides we can look for other places to use tmpfs. What about 
/var/lib/amavis/tmp? The initscript could create a tmpfs.

Meanwhile, you've got a non-FHS directory on your system that is of no
immediate use.

Your later suggested /store as a user /tmp replacement is a non-FHS 
directory as well.

/tmp has always been about 10-20GB big, because I expect users to
store big temporary images in /tmp. I won’t get this with tmpfs and
I would have to train the users to change their behaviour.

I believe this is part of our disagreement: I don't think system-wide
directories are meant for users to use directly. In other words, I don't
think users should put large downloads in /tmp; instead, they should put

Now this thread is the first time someone mentions that /tmp should not 
be used by users but is only for system services. I don’t know of any 
documentation to support this claim. On the contrary all documentation 
about Unix/Linux I know say that /tmp is for all temporary files.

But let’s say, /tmp is only for system services. Temporary user files 
belong to $HOME/tmp (which would be a special case in Debian only). So 
besides from teaching all users to not use /tmp, we need a cleaning job 
for $HOME/tmp and have to patch all software (browser, libreoffice, 
libpam-tmp, etc) to use the new tmp.
But then most of your examples for tmpfs will be void because no user 
will use it. Your video encoder is a user application, so the temporary 
statistic file will go to $HOME/tmp, not to /tmp.

And if you say that noone will use a combination of /tmp and /ramtmp, why 
do you think that someone will suddenly use a combination of /tmp (tmpfs) 
and $HOME/tmp?

So I still think that my /ramtmp additional to /tmp are for now the best 
of both worlds without the risk of breaking applications and user 


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SSDs and discard (was: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless)

2012-06-23 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 06:00:15PM +0300, Touko Korpela wrote:

Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

You need to enable it in all layers (fstab, crypttab, lvm.conf), yes.

For now you shouldn't use discard option with SSDs, it's bad for
performance. Better is to run fstrim periodically.

Does this mean you shouldn’t use discard in fstab, but you need the 
option in crypttab and lvm.conf (or TRIM requests are filtered)? Or don’t 
you need any discard options in any layer to get fstrim to work?


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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-21 Thread Stephan Seitz
 disk is 250GB, my biggest 2TB, still all my 
systems have only 4GB RAM. At my company there are some systems with 8GB 
RAM, some even with 16GB (eclipse user), but the disks are at least 

/tmp has always been about 10-20GB big, because I expect users to store 
big temporary images in /tmp. I won’t get this with tmpfs and I would 
have to train the users to change their behaviour.

And it can happen with /var as well. I’ve seen programs logging so
fast that /var had no space left breaking the logging and the

Absolutely, I'm not contesting that (in fact, I've recently had a very
similar situation at a customer). But this discussion is not about /var,
it's about /tmp.

Yes, it is, but if tmpfs is seen as an advantage because /tmp can’t block 
the system anymore and prevent DOS attacks (among others), this doesn’t 
sound so good anymore if you can as easily block the system by filling 
/var/tmp or /var/log.


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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-21 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:20:03PM +0200, David Weinehall wrote:

because I think it'd be impossible to convince some people that /tmp
isn't a random dumping ground for anything and everything.

But what is /tmp for you? Since my first Unix experience in the 90s, /tmp 
was always the local disk for temporary things. Yes, it is limited by the 
disk size. At university your $HOME was a NFS share (and I don’t know 
what you have against NFS for a shared filesystem; do yo prefer CIFS?), 
/tmp was always local like swap.

If /tmp isn’t a „dumping ground für anything and everything” as long as 
there is enough space, what directory is more fitting?
/tmp is cleaned at every reboot (configurable by TMPTIME), so a user 
doesn’t have to worry about it. Do you want something similiar for your 

Should we now have different definitions of „temporary file”?


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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-20 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:42:06PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

If you write to /tmp on disk and someone or something calls sync at
precisely the wrong moment, you're stuck, and your performance suffers.
Not so with tmpfs.

Maybe, but we are talking about defaults. Please correct me, but I think 
that most Debian systems are in some way single user systems.

I'm not saying the speedup will be extreme, but it will be there, and
(cumulated over loads of programs using /tmp) it will be significant
enough to be noticeable.

If you train the user to keep away from /tmp, because it may be too small 
with tmpfs, how much programs will use it then?

- Any data transformation or filtering which needs to be done in
 multiple passes over a file would use a temporary file for
 intermediate results, which it then reads in again for the next pass.
 Multi-pass video transcoding is an example of this, and which
 (depending on the codecs used and the hardware on which it runs) could
 certainly be I/O bound.

I agree, but only if your tmpfs is big enough to hold the file. Ripping 
DVDs or BDs will exceed any tmpfs limit on most systems.

The point is that neither you nor I can reasonably be expected to list
all possible uses of /tmp; and that RAM is faster than disk, so that
when you access a tmpfs you're going to be somewhat faster than when you
access a disk-backed filesystem, at least until you start swapping (if
not longer).

Nobody disagrees that RAM is faster than disk, but I hope you don’t 
disagree as well that most people will have more disk space than RAM.

Now whether that advantage outweighs the disadvantages you've outlined
is something we can talk about. However, whether RAM is faster than disk

Fine let’s talk. Why can’t we find a compromise? Additional to our disk 
/tmp we create a /ramtmp (so the name suggests that this tmp is 
a ramdisk) with tmpfs. This should be doable in time for Wheezy. The 
release notes should mention it. And those who wish can patch their 
programs to use the ramdisk if they think their program uses only small 
temporary files. In this way, we get some data and experience. And we 
have both worlds. /tmp on disk for even large temporary files and /ramtmp 
as fast ramdisk.

No, that's not true. The real danger in filling up /tmp is not that
other processes can't write temporary files anymore (causing a minority
of processes to hang or die; those who just happen to need temporary
storage at that point in time), but that no process can write any file
anymore (causing a significant majority of processes to hang or die).

But this will only happen if your /tmp is not a separate partition. And 
it can happen with /var as well. I’ve seen programs logging so fast that 
/var had no space left breaking the logging and the database.

We can now start another discussion what should be the best partition 
layout for a default installation, but /tmp is not the only problem. And 
/var/tmp exists as well for everyone writeable.


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-15 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 06:37:18AM +0200, Jean-Christophe Dubacq wrote:

Learning not to use /tmp to place large files. Setting TMPDIR=/home/tmp

/tmp is for temporary files, and I expect to place files there as large 
as the partition is. I am not interested in analysing the files in what 
temporary directory they belong today.

Besides if you set TMPDIR to /home/tmp, you don’t need /tmp at all, no 
matter if tmpfs or not. If you want a system tmp create one and set 
TMPDIR for these system services.


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-12 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 01:15:51PM +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:

Aneurin Price writes:

In anything resembling a 'normal' system (ie. the kind where one might
be using the defaults) I would say that the tmpfs correlation is so
strong as to be very nearly 1:1, and this seems like the crux of the
matter; that is after all the reason that these applications are
failing when /tmp is switched to tmpfs.

I agree that's likely for any system using a default disk layout, so my
comment was irrelevant for this discussion.

I agree as well. This is the main reason why I didn’t like tmpfs to be 
the default. In most desktop cases you won’t have disk space problems.  
Even with multiple partitions you can easily spare 20 - 30 GB for 
a separate tmp partition.

I still think that the easy tmpfs resizing (no meta data update, no LVM
requirements, can use available space on other file systems) makes it
superior for /tmp.  But most users won't know that they can do this, so
we might need a daemon monitoring /tmp and doing ondemand resizing.

While you can resize tmpfs easily, you will never get sizes you would get 
with disks. And you must backup tmpfs with RAM and swap, so you can’t 
simply say, I resize my tmpfs to 20 GB if you only have 4 GB RAM and 8 GB 
swap (but a 2 TB disk).

Since you can’t change the partition layout on the fly to grow the swap 
partition, your daemon would have to create swap files and activate them 
according to the tmpfs needs. But there will you place these files? You 
must make sure that the daemon deletes them if they are not needed 
anymore. After a system crash they must be deleted, or your system will 
have less and less disk space because orphaned swap files are filling the 

Will this be worth the trouble? I don’t think so.

If you see an advantage having /tmp on tmpfs, you can manually do so.  
Then you know what you have done.
I don’t care if we get a new /tmpfs together with /tmp, so the user has 
both choices to set TMDPIR according to his needs. We may even patch some 
applications creating small shortlived temporary files to use /tmpfs 
instead in Debian. But by default we should not give up disk based /tmp 
for a default installation.


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-11 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 12:20:32PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

When /tmp is in a tmpfs, it's easy to connect the dots if it's empty on
the next boot, and even easy to understand that restoring there (and
then rebooting) isn't going to be very helpful.

I don’t think the standard user will realize the difference between disk 
/tmp cleaned at reboot and a RAM disk.

Also, the symlink attack thing isn't just something I made up;
tmpreaper's REAME.Debian actually warns about that.

True, but tmpreaper is not needed for systems with frequent reboots. /tmp 
on disk is cleaned according to the setting of TMPTIME. You need 
tmpreaper to clean /tmp on systems which rarely reboot. And then you have 
the same problem with tmpfs.


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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 12:35:47PM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:

* Less wear of SSD drives.
 • Contrary to Serge's claims, SSDs are not an oddity, and it's not
   unlikely these will be a majority before wheezy becomes oldstable.

He didn’t say they were oddities. He said you should more worry about 
firmware bugs than worry about write cycles. And I think he is quite 
Will Wheezy support SSDs out of the box with all trimming functions, even 
if your SSD partition is using LUKS and LVM? If not, you think that 
getting /tmp away from disk will help much? Even if you consider rsyslog 
and logfiles, browser caches and so on?

You have some interesting ideas, but I think they are only valuable for 
the common case if we can buy computers with better RAM to disk ratio.  
I checked some offers for new PCs (here in Germany). If you don’t buy an 
expensive gaming PC (with 16 or 12 GB RAM), you will get 4 GB (sometimes 
6 or 8 GB). It’s even worse with notebooks.
And let me guess: if you ask people if they want to buy a PC with 4 GB 
RAM and 2 TB disk or a PC with 8 GB RAM and 1 TB disk, they will choose 
the first one, because they know more about disk space than RAM.

This basically boils down to:
efficiency vs failures for a newbie user.

Replace newbie user with default installation. Even experienced users may 
wish to choose default installation for common desktop systems.

We have popularity-contest to get statistics about packages. Can this 
script be extended to get hardware information (e.g. RAM, disk space and 
partition layout)? So we would see what computer are used by our users 
and how it is configured. If most people only have 4 GB RAM, it is quite 
useless to waste it with a RAM disk. If most people already have separate 
tmp partitions, we don’t need it either.

Current size defaults for /tmp are naive to the point of brokenness: 
with modern systems not being expected to ever use swap, we'd want to 

Well, if I start Virtual Box on my notebook (4 GB RAM), the system uses 
the swap partition. So it is not modern enough?

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 07:12:11PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

]] Stephan Seitz

Will Wheezy support SSDs out of the box with all trimming functions,
even if your SSD partition is using LUKS and LVM?

Depends on what you mean by out of the box.  I suspect you still need to
turn on discard support (since it has security implications).  It does
not require extra packages or patches.

Well, nice to hear, but I thought, discard was needed in all layers, so 
in my example in LUKS, then in LVM and then in the filesystem. Or is his 
only a function you activate via hdparm?


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Re: Is it me or virtualbox memory management crap?

2012-06-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 02:28:59AM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:

On 06/10/2012 11:55 PM, Stephan Seitz wrote:

Well, if I start Virtual Box on my notebook (4 GB RAM), the system
uses the swap partition.

Frankly, I don't know what the fuck virtualbox is doing
with its memory management, but I was tempted more than
once to file a RC bug with a title like this one:

Virtualbox fucks up Linux memory on nearly all cases

I didn't do it, because I'm unsure if what I'm experiencing
is to be considered normal or not, or if there are tricks
to avoid that.

I don’t know if this is normal. At least I can say, that I can use 
Virtual Box and Iceweasel together. The system gets slow, but it still is 


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Summary: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-06-10 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 10:31:21PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

 Well, nice to hear, but I thought, discard was needed in all layers,
 so in my example in LUKS, then in LVM and then in the filesystem. Or
 is his only a function you activate via hdparm?
It's available in all layers, but as Tollef said it's manual. (In 
crypttab most likely, because that's commonly the lowest layer.)

You need to enable it in all layers (fstab, crypttab, lvm.conf), yes.

Ah, thank you for your explanations. But the documentation doesn’t sound 
encouraging. „man crypttab” gives a security warning and „man mount” 
says, this option is not sufficiently tested yet.


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-08 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 01:04:50PM +0200, Bjørn Mork wrote:

- a tmpfs is always easy to grow without requiring any special
 preparations.  Just add more swap.  The swap could be on different
 disks, and could even be files hosted on other file systems.

Yes, of course, now I’m not only wasting RAM for tmpfs but disk space for 
swap files?

Any file system will run out of space given the broken applications
mentioned in this thread.  tmpfs is the only one which will allow all

tmpfs will run out of space much ealier than your 2TB disk.

systems to dynamically add more space, only limited by the available
disks. That's why tmpfs should be the default for both new and old

ROTFL, yes, of course. I can get my tmpfs bigger than my disk to back it 
up. Sorry, this is ridiculous. If I have enough disks available I can 
grow my tmp partition (or my root partition with tmp) with LVM without 
problems as well.

Both things are nothing a standard desktop user can do by its own, but 
the standard desktop user will certainly have more disk space than RAM, 
so I’m glad this tmpfs for tmp crap is off by default.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-07 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, Jun 07, 2012 at 03:24:08PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 07:00:52PM +0300, Serge wrote:

Well, nobody named the benefits yet.

- You could mount your mail spool there, and make things go blazingly
 fast [1]

If I remember Wietse’s opinion correctly he will jump on your throat if 
you put the postfix mail spool on tmpfs.

Maybe it could be used for amavis tmp directory, if you have enough RAM 
or small enough mails.

- It speeds things up, especially on systems with loads of RAM and no
 swapspace: whenever there's a possibility of disk access, no matter

It may do so, but how many Debian user have so much RAM and/or so less 
disk space, that it can be used as default (yes, luckily it was changed)?

- anything which reduces the number of possible disk accesses is good
 for people using SSDs (I have a laptop with SSD, and no swap, and love
 tmpfs for precisely that reason).

So, you have /var/log on tmpfs as well (or a remote log server)? Don’t 
you think that you are doing more writes to /var or $HOME than to tmp?

Besides SSDs aren’t so wide spread (and in my eyes too unsecure yet) that 
you should optimize for them as default.

- In the (on laptops and desktops) fairly common
 one-partition-for-everything set-up, there's no risk of a runaway
 process eating up your diskspace with huge files in /tmp and therefore

But runaway processes may fill your disk with log entries.  I have seen 
a catalina.out with the size of several gigabytes.

- It makes for an interesting I need to compile something quickly just
 to test something out area, where it doesn't matter if you forget to
 clean up after the fact (yes, this is a bit of an abuse of /tmp; never
 the less, I find myself doing such things in /tmp fairly often now
 that /tmp is a tmpfs)

Probably true. The only thing I compile myself is the Linux kernel, and 
I want to keep it. But again, nothing that is worth as default 

- There's no danger of a symlink attack or similar with things like
 tmpreaper -- or indeed any need for tmpreaper anymore. You reboot the
 system, and /tmp is clean again, no matter what was there before. This
 is more than just a convenience.

The existance of TMPTIME shows that there are more than enough people who 
don’t want to loose the contents of their /tmp with every reboot. Besides 
tmpreaper exists so you clean your /tmp without the need to reboot.

There are certainly advantages of tmpfs, but I don’t see it in /tmp for 
most systems. But the installer may give you the choise (or create as 
standard) to have a /tmpfs with tmpfs, so every user who wants to use it, 
can set their own TMPDIR.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-06 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 11:09:31AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

Stephan Seitz writes:

Don’t you think this is getting quite ridiculous? Big temporary
files belong in your $HOME, but small temporary files in /tmp? Only to
switch /tmp from disk to RAM?

No, I just don't consider a 4.7GiB download a temporary thing. I still
have the mindset that that should take time, cost money and therefore be
precious and should not be lost on reboot.

Well, everything you do with your computer will cost money. The download 
will take its time, yes, but you don’t have to wait for it to be 

But for me your example still describes a temporary file *if* I want to 
delete the file after I burned the ISO.

But does the default have to be maximised for the dumbest possible user?
Or should the default rather be for the intelligent user doing the right

But the intelligent user can change the default hisself, the dumbest 
can’t. And Debian does allow the inexperienced user to install his 

According to the discussion the installer will create one partition
for swap and one for /. If this is true then the standard user has far
more space on disk than he has RAM.

Just wait one more release and it will only be one partition with swap
files. And lets give that partition a drive letter like C:\. :)
I realy don't like the direction DI is taking there.

ROTFL, yes maybe. I agree that I don’t like one big partition as well, 
but how do you want to partition a disk by default?

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-05 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 10:33:13AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

Personally I thing DVD ISO images (downloaded) belong in your $HOME

Don’t you think this is getting quite ridiculous? Big temporary files 
belong in your $HOME, but small temporary files in /tmp? Only to switch 
/tmp from disk to RAM?

somewhere. And locally generated should just pipe the image to the
burner unless you want to upload the image somewhere, in which case

Or you want to keep it safe, until you are sure the burned DVD is 

Of course, if I want to keep the ISO it will be stored in $HOME, but then 
it isn’t a *temporary* file anymore. And /tmp *is* for temporary files.

$HOME again. Just imagine a power failure after you painstackingly
uploaded 99.9% of the iso and then you have to start from scratch again
because a reboot cleans /tmp.

TMPTIME exists and can be set according to your needs and your safety 

Just out of interest: Do you have /tmp on /? Because if you do already
have a seperate /tmp partition then that obviously stays used.

I always have separate partitions for /, /usr, /var, /tmp, /usr/local and 
/home (allright, with crappy software like udev and Co. which starts 
wanting files in /usr needlessy at the early boot stages, I will merge 
/ and /usr in time). It isn’t a problem for me.

But we are talking about defaults. You wish to tell new users that there 
two TB disk can’t really be used as they wish because Debian has 
a strange distinction between temporary files belonging in /tmp and 
temporary files don’t belonging in /tmp?

According to the discussion the installer will create one partition for 
swap and one for /. If this is true then the standard user has far more 
space on disk than he has RAM.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-02 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 12:48:03PM +0300, Serge wrote:

Oh... I was not thinking about TMPTIME. Does it mean that there's no way
we can mount /tmp to tmpfs because it breaks TMPTIME?

Well, I think, as long as this setting exist, no. With „-1” you can even 
disable tmp cleaning. So if the admin wishes to change the setting to 
keep files in /tmp even after reboot, you can’t use tmpfs, even if you 
don’t have enough space left. You can only print a warning message but 
not ignore the local configuration.

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-02 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 02:56:03PM +0200, Philipp Kern wrote:
If you assume an unexpected reboot, then all that data will be lost, 

Well, I can count my unexpected reboots in the last years with one hand, 
so this is not a problem. And as already mentioned, you can configure 
with TMPTIME in /etc/default/rcS, which files in /tmp will be deleted.

you to redownload these images. Couldn't /var/tmp serve this purpose 
better, if it's not exactly ephemeral data? (Like a temporary ISO 
created from on-disk content.)

Since I’m not interested in filling my /var partition with tmp files (and 
so getting problems with databases or logs), /var/tmp is always a link to 

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: Idea: mount /tmp to tmpfs depending on free space and RAM

2012-06-01 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 02:19:53PM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

In general your option assumes that you need the maximum amount of free
space in /tmp. That is simply not true. In most cases a small /tmp is
just peachy. Because of this it is hard to set a minimum size where
tmpfs would be too small to be usefull. For some user that would be
100MB, for others it is 100GB.

/tmp is for temporary files, so I expect my /tmp to hold all these files, 
in my case DVD ISO images (downloaded or localy generated) that I will 
burn and then delete. So my /tmp is at least 20GB. BluRay users may need 

If this is not the meaning of /tmp, then rename it.

Diskspace is cheap and easier to spare than my RAM. So, yes, if someone 
has one 3TB partition which is writeable, then /tmp belongs to disk not 
to RAM.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useful

2012-05-31 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:46:49AM +0300, Uoti Urpala wrote:

Also, nowadays normal filesystems are journaled; using a journal for
writes to /tmp damages the SSD for zero benefit.

Writing to /tmp will damage a SSD? Are you serious? And writing to /var 
or /home will not?

If SSDs are so easy damageable, that you should never use them for e.g.  
development because it creates to much write cycles, then they have 
a serious problem. (Thinking about the firmware bugs with data loss 
I will stay away from them anyway.)

I think no one is saying that tmpfs is always bad and never should be 
used. But for a default installation /tmp belongs to a disk which will be 
far bigger than the memory. If a user thinks tmpfs will get him an 
advantage in his setup, then he can switch.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless

2012-05-28 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 01:21:43PM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:

As you wrote, nothing is infinite. I don't think that /tmp is worse than
/home like other said. Your /home could become full as well.

Your /home could be a network share like NFS and /tmp a local partition, 
so you don’t want to use /home for temporary downloads or caches.
Besides that, on multi-user systems /tmp can be used to share files (I’ve 
downloaded the current ISO image to /tmp, so you can copy it from there).  
This is much better than to open access to your $HOME directory.

And I think, it is clear as well that your disk space will always be much 
bigger than your RAM size. It seems very strange to waste RAM for 
a ramdisk to free disk space.

I don’t think that there is a sane default as well. A desktop system 
which runs several VMs will probably not like to waste RAM for tmpfs.

But since we are talking about defaults, how does d-i partition your hard 
disk in the following cases?

a) Notebook
   4 GB RAM
   250GB disk

b) PC
   4 GB RAM
   2TB disk

If it creates 4 or 8 GB swap and a single partition for the remaining 
disk, tmpfs will never beat disk space.

If the admin decides to partition manually he will know what he does (or 
he should ;-). My PC is normally used remote and acts more like a server.  
It uses tmpfs, but its size is only 635M, so I already have problems 
creating a CD ISO. Since the system has 2 TB disk space, my next 
repartitioning will create a separate /tmp with about 10 or 20 GB, much 
easier to spare than RAM.

So I don’t see the advantage of using tmpfs as default, but d-i should 
offer the option to put /tmp on tmpfs if the admin wishes it.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: Moving /tmp to tmpfs is fine

2012-05-28 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 01:59:24AM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:

I don't recall that being common practice on any multi-user Unix-like
system I've used.  (It's also not something a Windows user would expect,

Well, it was back in my university days, and it still is where I work.  
Maybe „multi-user” is wrong, but telling other user that the ISO lies on 
my system in /tmp is much easier than to tell them a location in my $HOME 
and to make sure they can access ist.

as they already get per-user temporary directories.)

One of the first things I do after a Windows installation is to create 
c:\temp. ;-)

Shade and sweet water!


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Re: RFC: OpenRC as Init System for Debian

2012-05-15 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 05:26:32PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

Le dimanche 13 mai 2012 à 20:00 +0200, Gergely Nagy a écrit :

Not entirely true. You can override parts of the file too, without
copying: include the original. This doesn't let you override everything,
but for a lot of things, is good enough.

And then, when the original file changes, you lose the improvements and
you might even end up with a broken system.

For example if a systemd unit file is updated to match a change of
behavior in a daemon. Say, from now it requires a pre-exec stanza to do
stuff it used to do at startup. Your modified file in /etc will not
include this new stanza and your daemon is broken.

Now I am confused. I thought this was the advantage of the include 
function of systemd. So, your etc-configuration file has as first line 
„:include lib-configuration file” and then your modifications.

If a unit file is updated in /lib, you have the new stanza thanks to your 
include function.

Of course this can still break the daemon, because your own changes 
couldn’t be valid anymore.

The problem is that we seem to have three cases:

- default configuration file is in /lib; if the daemon detects a file in 
  /etc, it will read the file in /lib and then in /etc and merge the 
  files together (which application does this?)
- default configuration file is in /lib; if the daemon detects a file in 
  /etc, it will only read the etc-file; thanks to the include support you 
  can include the lib-file in the etc-file and only add the stanza you 
  need (e.g. systemd)
- default configuration file is in /lib; if the daemon detects a file in 
  /etc, it will only read the etc-file; without include function you have 
  to copy the complete lib-file to etc and edit it (e.g. udev)

I don’t think we can force one of the cases as rule via policy, so the 
etc-directory should contain a README (e.g. in /etc/udev/rules.d) 
explaining how to change the default configuration.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: RFC: OpenRC as Init System for Debian

2012-05-11 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:52:25AM +0200, Gergely Nagy wrote:

Neither the FHS, nor the policy says anything about etc-overrides-lib as
far as I can see. Neither pro or con. Do feel free to point me to the
relevant section, would I be mistaken.

To be honest, I still don’t really understand what the files in lib are:

- Are they configuration examples with all possible settings and their 
  default values and the application works fine without these files? Then 
  they should be in /usr/share/doc/package.
- Or doesn’t the application start without these files? Then they are 
  undoubtedly configuration files and according to FHS and Debian policy 
  configuration files belong in /etc

The stuff in /lib are package defaults. Where the default is, in the
program, embedded, or in some file, doesn't really matter, it's an
implementation detail.

It does matter. In the end it is the same situation as the firmware 
problem. For the hardware it doesn’t matter if the firmware is placed in 
an EEPROM on the hardware or loaded from the FS by the driver. But for 
Debian and its policy it is a difference.
So if you don’t want a default configuration from a file, because you 
don’t want to put a file in /etc, then you must compile the program with 
your default settings.

worse - in some ways, even better - than some other existing practice
(the conf.d/ stuff I mentioned a few times elsewhere in this thread

I like conf.d. It makes things easier for e.g. rsyslog or sysctl.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
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Re: RFC: OpenRC as Init System for Debian

2012-05-11 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:25:10AM +0200, Gergely Nagy wrote:

Are you happy with dropping a snippet into a conf.d/ directory, and your
software breaking on an upgrade without notice? Because that can happen
even now, with software that uses only /etc, and /etc alone for their
configuration, without any kind of default anywhere else.

Yes, because I know that something is wrong when it breaks. This is 
better than the software is working but not anymore as you expect.

Shade and sweet water!


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