Re: [appengine-java] How do I query by key?

2012-03-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Let's say you have a Profile entity with an id of 123.  The easiest
way to retrieve it is to use DatastoreService.get(), not a query.
Construct a Key and pass that to get():

DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Key key = KeyFactory.createKey(Profile, 123L);
Entity ent = ds.get(key);


On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Aribar Hunter wrote:
 I feel stupid. I've looked over lots of documentation, I've tried Google
 searches, I've searched on other sites like Stackoverflow, and I just don't
 understand this.

 I have a site that allows the user to access profiles of imaginary people
 containing information like names and descriptions. I have links dynamically
 put on the side bar for each profile in my datastore. The links look like
 profile.jsp?id=1, replacing 1 with whatever id that profile is.

 I want to try and display the information in profile.jsp that relates to the
 id, or key, that's in the url. The thing is, I don't know how to structure
 the query. I've seen things about JDO/JDA and queries that look a lot like
 SQL on other forms, but I have no idea what those people are actually doing.
 This is the closest I've come to making this work, but it just returns

 Query query = new Query(Entry);
 query.addFilter(Key, Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL,
 PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query);
 End User: %= pq.asSingleEntity().getProperty(name) %

 What I think I'm doing is making a Query for the Kind with all the
 information, then filtering that id should equal whatever is in the Key
 spot... But that doesn't seem to be the case. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [appengine-java] Quick setup and deploy for university class lab time?

2012-03-21 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Can students install Eclipse and run Hello, World on GAE in 3.5 hours?
 Almost certainly.  How much more sophisticated can the sample project
get?  This is a hard thing to judge without knowing your students.
Back when I was a CSc student, data structures was a 200-level class
and few (if any) students would have been ready to build a web
application (especially since there was no web... but that's beside
the point).  Maybe students are more savvy today, but my guess is that
learning how to develop a GAE app would simply distract from learning
data structures.


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 9:43 PM, bsddorin wrote:
 In 3 weeks I have scheduled some lab time for my data structures
 We have been studying data structures since January and I would really
 like for them to have a little
 application they can 'show the world'...

 We only  have 3.5 hours in the lab.  The PC's have java installed and
 can do java builds.

 Is there something that can be accomplished in 3.5 hours ... with no
 app engine toolkits setup?
 Any super easy templates out there?

 I just don't want to get into a quagmire where we spend the whole time
 on perhaps this isn't a good idea.


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Re: [appengine-java] How to handle class version issues in DataStore

2012-03-12 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
That's not quite correct - in the low-level datastore, this isn't an
issue because absent properties will simply be missing from the

In Objectify, absent properties are ignored.  You can add fields of
primitive types without ill effect - they will simply have their
default values.  This is very useful when you add fields, or flag
fields as not-saved when they have certain values (ie the default).

I believe JPA/JDO will throw exceptions if you add a primitive type
field to your entity and there is no corresponding property in the
underlying loaded Entity.  This is very poor behavior, IMHO.  It
creates a very brittle structure.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Matthew Jaggard wrote:
 This answer also applies to the low level datastore and Objectify. I can
 only assume JPA works the same way.

 On Mar 12, 2012 7:40 AM, andrew wrote:

 Nulls (Java), if the object can have null as a value. E.g. Integer can be
 null, int cannot.

 I think this is explained in GAE/JDO documentation.

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Re: [appengine-java] GAE performance, the log, and a missing 500ms

2012-03-11 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Have you tried using appstats?

(isn't this group supposed to be readonly?)


On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:28 PM, n3phele wrote:

 Im trying to understand the performance of my GAE app, which appears
 to be declining over time.

 Here is a log from my Java app .. please note that my instance is
 running so this isnt the first time the code is being executed in
 the instance..

 2012-03-11 10:16:12.841 /resources/command?
 summary=truestart=0end=16preferred=true 200 892ms 7kb Mozilla/5.0
 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
 17.0.963.78 Safari/535.11 - - [11/Mar/2012:09:16:12 -0700] GET /resources/command?
 summary=truestart=0end=16preferred=true HTTP/1.1 200 7282 -
 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like
 Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.78 Safari/535.11 ms=893
 cpu_ms=376 api_cpu_ms=82 cpm_usd=0.011300
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.467$Authorizer isUserInRole:
 Checking role authenticated with user defined
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.469$CommandManager
 getPreferredCollection: Starting owner fetch
 W 2012-03-11 10:16:12.469 list: list entered with
 summary true start 0 end 16 preferred true
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.486$CommandManager
 getPreferredCollection: Finished owner key fetch
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.527$CommandManager
 getPreferredCollection: Finished shared key fetch
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.814$CommandManager
 getPreferredCollection: Finished collection fetch
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.832 list: partition commands
 I 2012-03-11 10:16:12.832 list: partition commands end
 Sun Mar 11 16:16:12.832 UTC 2012

 The first line at 10:16:12.467 represents some processing in the
 security filter associated with the request, and the last line
 10:16:12.832 is in my applet code just before I return my reply.

 The overall log line itself ends at 10:16:12.841, and I am assuming
 that the 10ms difference is some final processing turning the reply
 into JSON.

 My real question here is about the elapsed time ms=893. If I look at
 the processing time spent in my code it is 365ms.

 Can any one suggest where the other 893-365=528 ms is being spent?
 (its this 500ms which is killing me from a performance perspective).

 Thx in advance..


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Re: [appengine-java] Reminder: Google App Engine community support is moving to Stack Overflow

2012-03-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I find that you're either one of those people who lives on
StackOverflow or you're one of those people who only visits when
they're searching for something specific.  I'm the later myself; I
can't follow SO the way I follow an email list.  Truth be told, I
have the google-appengine list and the google-appengine-java list both
dumped to a common label in gmail, so combining the mailing lists
really makes no difference to me.  Actually it improves the situation,
since most discussions really end up being GAE-general.

But yeah, SO is tough to follow.  I'm not sure it's really all that
useful to try.


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Shawn Brown wrote:
 When you're searching, you can specify a tag by putting it in square
 brackets. E.g. if you search for:
  [google-app-engine] [java] spring
 this will retrieve questions tagged with [google-app-engine] and [java], and
 containing 'spring'.

 Thanks Amy,

 It's weird.  Here's what worked.

 [google-app-engine] +java
 then sort by newest

 Here's what didn't work

 [google-app-engine] java
 because the site changed it to [google-app-engine] [java]
 BUT many posts are not tagged as java though they contained java in
 the post which is what I was looking for but not showing up

 Thanks for your help.

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Re: [appengine-java] Logging exceptions all over!

2012-03-06 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I also see a few entries like this in my logs.  My site is still up,

(this mailing list is about to go read-only - further discussion should go
on the regular mailing list)


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Zappa wrote:

 Suddenly, my application stopped working. Have I missed something?

 I didn't change a thing.

 This is the first exception, the website responds now with a 500.

1. 2012-03-05 18:10:24.941 /page.htm?name=articles.htm 500 2027ms 0kb 
(compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + - - [05/Mar/2012:18:10:24 -0800] GET 
 /page.htm?name=articles.htm HTTP/1.1 500 0 - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; 
 Googlebot/2.1; + 
 ms=2027 cpu_ms=957 api_cpu_ms=0 cpm_usd=0.026618 loading_request=1 

2. W2012-03-05 18:10:24.375

Failed to read file: 
 /base/data/home/apps/vegetarlight/12.339884832661696825/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar error in opening zip file
   at Method)
   at java.util.jar.JarFile.init(
   at java.util.jar.JarFile.init(

3. C2012-03-05 18:10:24.939

Uncaught exception from servlet
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
   at net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.getInstance(
   at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.newInstance(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder.doStart(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context.startContext(

Re: [appengine-java] Best way to dynamic scheduled task

2012-03-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It depends on your data volume and timeline... lots of alarms set out 12
months mean you have a huge churn just to keep state.  And you'll have to
use the task-name trick to prevent tasks which execute twice (they do
sometimes) from re-enlisting a second future task, otherwise you will end
up with people getting multiple alarms.

Also, what happens when you want to kill an alarm or reset its date?
 Keeping state in the task queue is a PITA.  What if you want to ask has
the Alarm been fired or how many alarms are pending?

Life is much simpler if you just store an Alarm object.  With the minimum
indexes, it ends up being maybe 10 datastore write ops per alarm lifetime.
 So 100,000 alarms (not counting actual work like email delivery) costs you
$1.  This is not something to lose sleep over.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:54 AM, ale wrote:

 This was like my first idea, and I think that will work. My doubt was
 about the use of the resource...
 I think that using task queue (as suggested by Ian Marshall) is less
 expansive than a cron job...
 Are you agree?


 On Monday, March 5, 2012 4:19:04 PM UTC+1, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 When you set the alarm you want to create an Alarm object in the
 datastore somewhere.  Have a cron that queries this table by date every
 minute.  When it finds an entity, send the email and delete the Alarm.

 You need to record some way of recognizing when specific Alarms have been
 sent; you can't always guarantee that cron executes on schedule or that
 clocks are not skewed by some random number of minutes.  The natural way to
 do this is by creating/deleting an object.


 On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 9:10 AM, ale wrote:

 Hi everybody,Hello
 I'm writing an application that works as a calendar online (like google
 My question is: if a user sets an event to an hour, and I wanted to put an
 alarm to alert him (eg an email), how can I do ?
 I save the date of the event in a table, then
 I put up a task that checks every minute, and if the corret hour and send
 him the mail? There are better ways?

 thanks a lot!


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Re: [appengine-java] Eclipse shortcut key to launch/debug app engine web application

2012-03-03 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
This.  Please.  This has been killing me for years.

GWT adds a little restart button on the console.  I want that button for
non-GWT apps - and specifically a hotkey that will press it.

For some apps you can effectively get this by executing touch
war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml.  However, appstats doesn't survive this and
generates ClassCastExceptions:

Note:  I don't just want start, I want restart.  The red kill button is
usually buried:  Console is not always the forwardmost tab, and even on the
Console tab there are layers of consoles.  It takes a lot of clicking to
stop the app.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 6:04 AM, vraa wrote:

 In Eclipse, I find it unproductive to navigate to Run / web application
 every time when I want to launch a web application in app engine. Eclipse
 does provide a shortcut *Alt+Shift+X *and then launch a application, but
 this doesn't list App Engine web application. So, I have to use the mouse
 every time.

 In Eclipse, Is there a way that I can setup a shortcut key to launch a App
 engine web application either in Run/Debug mode?

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Problem with exception on server startup when GAE sdk is in svn

2012-03-01 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Time to migrate to Git!  :-)


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Rick Mangi wrote:

 Dilbert, see my reply on the ticket.

 Max - that comment about svn being writable is nonsense. I wish you guys
 would talk to your own support engineers. I tried that solution with my
 premier support contact and it doesn't even make sense. svn directories are
 always writable. This is a bug, it's reproducible and it's going to be
 fixed in 1.6.4 (supposedly). The workaround is posted in my comment on the
 ticket. It took me weeks of back and forth to get the google engineers to
 see the problem. If someone had just tried it out I'm sure they would have
 seen the problem right away.

 On Thursday, February 2, 2012 4:05:43 AM UTC-5, dilbert wrote:

 We keep the GAE sdk (together with the project) in svn. Yesterday we
 upgraded to GAE sdk 1.6.2. It worked fine until we checked it into the svn
 repo. After that when the server is started it dies with the following

 Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializ**erError
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccess**orImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccess**orImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce*
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAc**cessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe*
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invok**e(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.appl**ication.AppMain.main(AppMain.j*
 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
... 11 more

 We keep the sdk in svn since version 1.3.1 and this has never happened
 before. Any ideas on why this is happening? Any solution?

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[appengine-java] Javaland scheduler behavior

2012-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
There's been a lot of discussion of the scheduler behavior in Pythonland,
but not much about it's eccentricities in Javaland.

I have a threadsafe=true Java app.  Let's say every request completes in
exactly 1s.  Settings are:  idle instances min 1 max 1, latency auto/auto.
   Here is what I expect:

 * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
 * Instance1 serves concurrent requests up to some arbitrary CPU capcity
 * When Instance1 exceeds capacity:
 * Instance2 starts warming up
 * All requests remain in the pending queue for Instance1, getting
processed at 1/s * concurrency
 * Instance2 is ready and starts processing new requests, sharing the
load with Instance1

What I actually see (as far as I can determine):

 * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
 * Instance1 supports almost no concurrency.  At most it's 2.  (no, my app
is not particularly compute intensive)
 * A new request comes in which for some reason can't be handled by
 * Instance2 starts warming up
 * The new request is blocked on Instance2's pending queue, waiting
10-20s for Instance2 to be ready
 * In the mean time, Instance1 is actually idle
 * Another new request comes in and starts up Instance3
 * Possibly this is while Instance2 is warming up
 * AFAICT, Instance1 is taking a coffee break

The net result is that I have an idle website with 1 user (me) clicking
around and I've already gotten multiple 20s pauses and three instances.
 Something is seriously wrong here.  Whether or not it's rational to have
so many instances started, pending requests shouldn't be shunted to
non-warmed-up servers, right?

I've tried upping the min latency to a high value to see if this improves
the situation.  If this works... shouldn't min latency *always* be as high
as the startup time for an instance?

I know it's been said before, but it needs to be said again... the guidance
for scheduler configuration is really, really inadequate.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Javaland scheduler behavior

2012-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Thanks for the link.  This doesn't directly address the main point I'm
worried about though:

 * Why does any user-facing request ever sit in the pending queue for an
instance that is warming-up when there is a perfectly good instance sitting

My problem is not that GAE is spinning up new instances.  My problem is
that users are waiting for it.  There's an instance sitting there with a
low wait time in the pending queue - why is GAE shunting new requests to
instances with an effective 10-20s wait time instead?


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Francois Masurel f.masu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Jeff,

 Check this post :!msg/google-appengine/3t5muVhXajg/SSFU-udjIhwJ

 Setting Idle instances to automatic, as Johan Euphrosine suggested,
 seems to have solved the problem, at least temporarily (I was at 1 minimum
 and 1 maximum before).

 I'm just a bit scared now to get over my daily quotas.


 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:34:36 PM UTC+1, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 There's been a lot of discussion of the scheduler behavior in Pythonland,
 but not much about it's eccentricities in Javaland.

 I have a threadsafe=true Java app.  Let's say every request completes in
 exactly 1s.  Settings are:  idle instances min 1 max 1, latency auto/auto.
Here is what I expect:

  * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
  * Instance1 serves concurrent requests up to some arbitrary CPU capcity
  * When Instance1 exceeds capacity:
  * Instance2 starts warming up
  * All requests remain in the pending queue for Instance1, getting
 processed at 1/s * concurrency
  * Instance2 is ready and starts processing new requests, sharing the
 load with Instance1

 What I actually see (as far as I can determine):

  * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
  * Instance1 supports almost no concurrency.  At most it's 2.  (no, my
 app is not particularly compute intensive)
  * A new request comes in which for some reason can't be handled by
  * Instance2 starts warming up
  * The new request is blocked on Instance2's pending queue, waiting
 10-20s for Instance2 to be ready
  * In the mean time, Instance1 is actually idle
  * Another new request comes in and starts up Instance3
  * Possibly this is while Instance2 is warming up
  * AFAICT, Instance1 is taking a coffee break

 The net result is that I have an idle website with 1 user (me) clicking
 around and I've already gotten multiple 20s pauses and three instances.
  Something is seriously wrong here.  Whether or not it's rational to have
 so many instances started, pending requests shouldn't be shunted to
 non-warmed-up servers, right?

 I've tried upping the min latency to a high value to see if this improves
 the situation.  If this works... shouldn't min latency *always* be as high
 as the startup time for an instance?

 I know it's been said before, but it needs to be said again... the
 guidance for scheduler configuration is really, really inadequate.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Javaland scheduler behavior

2012-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I just realized I sent this to the wrong (java-specific, deprecated) Google
Group.  For those of you on both the google-appengine list and this one, I
apologize in advance for the duplicate thread I'm about to start :-(


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.orgwrote:

 Thanks for the link.  This doesn't directly address the main point I'm
 worried about though:

  * Why does any user-facing request ever sit in the pending queue for an
 instance that is warming-up when there is a perfectly good instance sitting

 My problem is not that GAE is spinning up new instances.  My problem is
 that users are waiting for it.  There's an instance sitting there with a
 low wait time in the pending queue - why is GAE shunting new requests to
 instances with an effective 10-20s wait time instead?


 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Francois Masurel f.masu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Jeff,

 Check this post :!msg/google-appengine/3t5muVhXajg/SSFU-udjIhwJ

 Setting Idle instances to automatic, as Johan Euphrosine suggested,
 seems to have solved the problem, at least temporarily (I was at 1 minimum
 and 1 maximum before).

 I'm just a bit scared now to get over my daily quotas.


 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:34:36 PM UTC+1, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 There's been a lot of discussion of the scheduler behavior in
 Pythonland, but not much about it's eccentricities in Javaland.

 I have a threadsafe=true Java app.  Let's say every request completes in
 exactly 1s.  Settings are:  idle instances min 1 max 1, latency auto/auto.
Here is what I expect:

  * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
  * Instance1 serves concurrent requests up to some arbitrary CPU capcity
  * When Instance1 exceeds capacity:
  * Instance2 starts warming up
  * All requests remain in the pending queue for Instance1, getting
 processed at 1/s * concurrency
  * Instance2 is ready and starts processing new requests, sharing
 the load with Instance1

 What I actually see (as far as I can determine):

  * Instance1 starts up and becomes permanently resident
  * Instance1 supports almost no concurrency.  At most it's 2.  (no, my
 app is not particularly compute intensive)
  * A new request comes in which for some reason can't be handled by
  * Instance2 starts warming up
  * The new request is blocked on Instance2's pending queue, waiting
 10-20s for Instance2 to be ready
  * In the mean time, Instance1 is actually idle
  * Another new request comes in and starts up Instance3
  * Possibly this is while Instance2 is warming up
  * AFAICT, Instance1 is taking a coffee break

 The net result is that I have an idle website with 1 user (me) clicking
 around and I've already gotten multiple 20s pauses and three instances.
  Something is seriously wrong here.  Whether or not it's rational to have
 so many instances started, pending requests shouldn't be shunted to
 non-warmed-up servers, right?

 I've tried upping the min latency to a high value to see if this
 improves the situation.  If this works... shouldn't min latency *always* be
 as high as the startup time for an instance?

 I know it's been said before, but it needs to be said again... the
 guidance for scheduler configuration is really, really inadequate.


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Re: [appengine-java] max keys for memcache

2012-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
You are overthinking this.  To the point of lunacy.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Kesava Neeli wrote:

 We would like to have a map of all users in datastore in mem cache so that
 we can look up for any username/email/number to verify if he is already an
 user of our app. Ex: A user wants to send some message to an email address
 from our mobile app. We want to find if there is any user in our database
 with that email id and do something different. We could do a costly query
 all the time or do a quick lookup in MemCache if user exists. For each of
 our user account, we have a primaryKey but we cannot query with that field
 all the time. We would like to update the mem cache like once a day with
 all user accounts and tag them with multiple fields. So interested in the
 size of the mem cache for an app with 4-5 million records which are small
 key/value pairs.

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Re: [appengine-java] max keys for memcache

2012-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Your requirement appears to be able to look up user by email.  The
datastore does exactly this for you.  The idea of loading your entire
datastore into memcache just so you can do lookups is totally absurd.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Kesava Neeli wrote:

 If you understood my requirement, I would love to hear any suggestions you
 have if you think MemCache is not a solution.

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Re: [appengine-java] max keys for memcache

2012-02-21 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Are all of these 1-2 million users going to be active at the same time?  If
not, why do you care if it all fits in memcache?

On the other hand, if they *are* all going to be active at once, I would be
very curious to know what happens...


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Kesava Neeli wrote:

 Hi IKai,

 Could you point me to the docs about the max memory for the app for
 MemoryCache? We have a mobile app with many user accounts and each account
 has a primary key. We expect to have 1-2million accounts in the datastore.
 We need to store many entries in mem cache to  find if account exists based
 on other fields in our user account data. i.e a map of 3 or 4 fields per
 account pointing to the primary key. So we will have 3-4 entries in mem
 cache for each user account. Each entry will be simple key/value string
 objects. Do you have any recommendations on how to use MemCache here? How
 do we need to handle the memory for 5 million entries in cache?


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is it safe for one ancestor to have millions of children in one List object?

2012-02-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
The biggest question is why would you want to do this?

From the low-level api perspective, you can't have a list property with
more than 5k items.  But maybe JDO models this list as a proxy to a query.
 When you try to load that proxy it's going to load all 5m items out of the
datastore and you are going to wait a long time.  It will not complete in
reasonable time scales - it might take over an hour, and unless you're
running in a backend you will certainly blow the request time limit.  And
even there you'll blow the amount of time for a single query to run, which
is something like one minute.

So no, you can't do this if you actually plan to load the list directly.
 But maybe you're just using this to model the data and plan to use
filtering operations for queries, in which case you can do that as long as
you never load the whole set.

The real question is not whether you can store the data (presumably there's
a way to make it possible) but whether you can execute whatever queries you
have min mind.  You should post examples of those.

FWIW, it sounds like a terrible idea.  Store them all in separate EG's and
use normal queries to access them.


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:07 AM, hendrix.jason hendrix.ja...@gmail.comwrote:

 Well, I plan to write in batches of 1,000.  So a million items would
 take 1,000 batch writes.  In the worst case scenario of 1 write per
 second that's about 17 minutes.  That's acceptable for a once nightly

 On Feb 17, 2:31 am, Cyrille Vincey wrote:
  Forget about this way : even if this having millions of children
  entities for one ancestor is theoretically feasible, you'll hit a
  write performance issue when you generate those entities : only 1
  write / second in one given entity group (ancestor).
  On 17 fév, 03:16, hendrix.jason wrote:
   If I have a @PersistenceCapable class that contains a List of another
   @PersistenceCapable class, and that List is millions of items in size,
   is that OK?
   Does that exceed a maximum for Java's List size?
   What is the best way for a parent to have millions of children and
   still have it easy to add new ones without loading tons of data in to

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Re: [appengine-java] scheduling 1000 emails

2012-02-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
You can schedule tasks to execute in the future.  It doesn't guarantee that
the task will be executed then, however.  You might find the queue backed
up, in which case you'll get a long delay then all the tasks executing

Alternatively, you can throttle the task queue to execute once per second.
 But that will affect the whole queue.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:39 PM, marco wrote:


- Transform a request to send ~1000 emails by sending one each X

 Problems found:

- Cron doesn't allow scheduling for every second (and has to be one
all the time; not just when requested;)
- Using recursive deferred tasks (the first launching the second after
a Thread.sleep(X * 1000) ) seem to break the 30 seconds rule (1000 * X
seconds  30 seconds)

 Did I miss something? Do you recommend any alternative?

 Thank you.

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Re: [appengine-java] Remote API security ?

2012-02-18 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:22 PM, meric wrote:

 Can i use the remote api on standalone applications that users, other than
 the admin, can download and use ?

 Can the users see the username/password of my GAE account that i have to
 put in my app to access the api ?

 Just making sure :)

 Tried to post the same message on stackoverflow first, and i got:
 Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: It does not meet our
 quality standards.

I very nearly have the same complaint.  You should be more verbose when
asking questions; I'm still not sure I know exactly what you are asking.

The remote API grants API level access to any administrator in your app.
 There's no granularity.  If you plan on exposing an API to non-admin
users,  you need to craft the API and secure it yourself.


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Re: [appengine-java] Batch puts

2012-02-07 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
From my experiments, writing large #s of entities to a single EG in a
batch put is quite fast and does not cause the throughput problem.


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Andrew Myers wrote:
 I'm sure this is a FAQ but I haven't been able to find the answer so far.

 I have read there's a limit of 2-3 writes per second per entry group.  If you 
 batch out multiple entities that all have the same parent is this ok?  Or 
 does it count as multiple writes?  I understand it is multiple writes in 
 terms of write quotas but am not sure if it's a problem in terms of the 
 writes per group per second?

 Many thanks,

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: How do I run DeferredTasks in a Unit Test

2012-02-02 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
This is a blast from the past.  There are now official tools for unit
testing deferred tasks:

However, ignore the latch stuff - it works erratically, and if you
have an even slightly complicated system it's hard to predict how many
tasks you expect ahead of time.  I just add a 1s delay for the tasks
to settle.

If you care about unit testing with task queues, please star these two issues:


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Riley Eynon-Lynch wrote:
 private QueueStateInfo getQueue(String queueName) {

 will do.  Thanks again!

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Logging when using local unit testing

2012-01-30 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
A appreciate the out-of-the-box suggestion, but this strikes me as an
extraordinarily invasive change just to get logging to render the way
it is supposed to.

Presumably there is something in the GAE stack that monkeys with
java.util.logging.  I just want to know what it is and how to beat it
into submission when running in the local test mode.  Or, if somehow
I'm the only one this happens to, I'd like to know that as well :-)


On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Nichole wrote:
 B.T.W. eclipse may use other arguments.  see the bottom of the jdpa
 document for examples:

 On Jan 29, 4:09 pm, Nichole wrote:
 To simplify the problem, can you use your IDE purely as jdwp agent?

 For maven (which for multi-module projects w/ profiles, current
 netbeans and eclipse plugins can have difficulty resolving a class,
 but are well worth that trouble for everything they do do right :)
 I often use this:
     mvn  -Dmaven.surefire.debug -Dtest=$unittest test
 which internally is using
 -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -
 Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE

 On Jan 28, 2:28 am, Simon Knott wrote:

  When I get near a computer I'll see what settings I've got.  I swear I see 
  log output for my unit tests.


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[appengine-java] Logging when using local unit testing

2012-01-27 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Does anyone have logging working when using the local unit testing
system (ie LocalServiceTestHelper)?

For the life of me I cannot get any log output.  System.out works, but
the jdk logger does not.  I'm running my (TestNG) tests through the
eclipse plugin.  I'm pretty certain this isn't a TestNG issue because
my TestNG tests in non-GAE projects log fine.  FWIW, when in normal
dev mode my logging works great... just when running tests, no love.

It would help me just to know that someone has it working.


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Re: [appengine-java] how to store java Date type in specific timezone?

2012-01-25 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
You must store the TZ as a separate field.

Alternatively, if you don't need the date to be indexed, you can
convert it back and forth to a String that preserves TZ info (eg, the
ISO-8601 format).


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Kesava Neeli wrote:

 I have a java.util.Date data type in my object.

 Date now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(America/Los_Angeles),

 When I persist the object and look at the entity, I see the type stored as
 gd:when as the kind of element.

 I see the value as 2012-01-25 01:01:37.938000 which is UTC time.

 How can I save the time in my desired timezone? The java Date type has no
 timezone setting explicitly and appengine only allows java.util.Date as a
 valid date type from java.


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Re: [appengine-java] how to store java Date type in specific timezone?

2012-01-25 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Taking a step back, I should say that if you're using java.util.Date
with timezone info, you're doing it wrong.  java.util.Date is a
trainwreck, and any methods that affect an internal notion of a TZ
have been deprecated.  If you care about timezones, using Date is a
mistake - it's best to think of Date as purely a wrapper for
millis-since-epoch, nothing more.

I strongly recommend purging java.util.Date from your code and using
Joda Time instead.  You can use DateTime to represent an instant (and
set TZ if you want to format it for a locale) or you can use
LocalDateTime to store an abstract notion of a time without a TZ -
which, if you're taking a date as user input, is often what you really
want to persist.


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Matthew Jaggard wrote:
 You could create a sortable date format string. For example, convert the
 date to GMT and store it -mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnn then store the timezone
 afterwards so you can convert back to the date/time in the timezone.

 On 25 Jan 2012 19:05, Kesava Neeli wrote:

 Thanks. That's what I was doing for some date fields now. Store the date
 in a well formatted string and then do conversions. But it becomes tough
 when you want to build a query get me all records in last day and the
 datastore for that object contains thousands of  records. With the strings,
 you need to iterate through all records, get a date and then do a

 With date data type, you can rely on appengine to return correct data.

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Re: [appengine-java] how to store java Date type in specific timezone?

2012-01-25 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I store DateTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, and DateTimeZone quite a
lot, but I use Objectify (disclosure: I'm the lead author) which
handles the translation for you (if you enable it).  ReadableInstant
objects (eg DateTime) are stored natively as java.util.Date and Local
objects (LocalDate, LocalDateTime, etc) are stored as the ISO-8601


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Kesava Neeli wrote:
 Thanks Jeff. I used JodaTime before but I was stuck with java.util.Date
 since appengine allows only standard java data types. I don't think Joda
 Time object will work on appeninge. Will give a try. Have you stored
 JodaTime objects in datastore?

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Re: [appengine-java] lost trying to understand JDO on BigTable: please help coding example

2012-01-24 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:21 PM, John Goche wrote:

 The main reason I ask is that loading two entities is about twice as
 expensive as loading one twice the size.

 Tough. I cannot sacrifice code readability here.

This is an intriguing attitude.

You have arrived with a preconceived notion of exactly what you want
your Java data structure to look like and you are now trying to force
GAE into that mold.  If you stay this path, you will very likely end
up abandoning appengine in frustration.  At best, you will produce
software that works poorly.

You have a long learning curve ahead of you, both in terms of learning
how the datastore works and learning how to create a data model that
is both performant and maintainable.  I have two pieces of advice:

 * Read the Storing Data section of the GAE manual *completely*.
The nature of keys and ancestry is only one of many pieces of
knowledge you must master to develop applications here.  Even though
it looks vaguely like one on the surface, this is not an RDBMS and
your learned instincts are likely wrong.  Do not believe you can just
understand JDO.

 * When you ask for help, try be somewhat more general describing what
you want to do.  You're asking about how to specifically arrange
primary keys in Java classes when it may be the case that what you
want to do is embed one class in the other.  There is not one
canonical way to model entities on GAE, so if you want help, start
from the perspective of this is roughly what I'm trying to do... is
it the right way?

As to your specific problem, I think you'll get a lot more help if you
rephrase the question.  Everyone here is just taking guesses at what
you're trying to ask.


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Re: [appengine-java] json communication with google app engine

2012-01-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I use Resteasy with Jackson.  It works great.  Uses the standard
JAX-RS annotations.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:51 PM, angstrom348 wrote:
 I am trying to allow for app engine interaction through JSON calls and
 return JSON back to the client (a mobile phone running a client app).

 A good example exists for python users at

 How would you set up a basic ability to listen for JSON requests, parse
 them, and convert any results back to JSON and push them back as a JSON

 Any examples I have been able to find appear either vague or outdated.

 Thank you.

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Re: [appengine-java] json communication with google app engine

2012-01-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
As a bonus, you can also use Resteasy for webpage rendering using this
thin framework on top:

(I wrote it originally, although another guy maintains it now.  I
still use it, and - if I may say so - it's great)


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 I use Resteasy with Jackson.  It works great.  Uses the standard
 JAX-RS annotations.


 On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:51 PM, angstrom348 wrote:
 I am trying to allow for app engine interaction through JSON calls and
 return JSON back to the client (a mobile phone running a client app).

 A good example exists for python users at

 How would you set up a basic ability to listen for JSON requests, parse
 them, and convert any results back to JSON and push them back as a JSON

 Any examples I have been able to find appear either vague or outdated.

 Thank you.

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Re: [appengine-java] json communication with google app engine

2012-01-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I have a long history with JBoss, plus I have friends who still work
there - although I don't know Bill Burke well and don't particularly
love the way he runs Resteasy (insufficiently self-critical for my
tastes, and not enough internal code comments).  That said, Resteasy
works well, the product continues to evolve, and I almost always find
hooks for the deep integration I want - even if it involves reading
uncommented source code to find them.

To be honest, I haven't tried any other JAX-RS provider.  I've looked,
but the grass didn't look greener.


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 I'm curious if you could share why you picked resteasy over jersey of other 
 jax-rs implementations?

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 I use Resteasy with Jackson.  It works great.  Uses the standard
 JAX-RS annotations.


 On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:51 PM, angstrom348 wrote:
 I am trying to allow for app engine interaction through JSON calls and
 return JSON back to the client (a mobile phone running a client app).

 A good example exists for python users at

 How would you set up a basic ability to listen for JSON requests, parse
 them, and convert any results back to JSON and push them back as a JSON

 Any examples I have been able to find appear either vague or outdated.

 Thank you.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: problem with Content-type: null with css files

2012-01-14 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
One thing that would make this helpful would be the ability to
automatically delete old versions.  The current limit of 10 versions
means I have to manually go through and delete old ones before I can
deploy new ones.  It would be nice to automate a scrolling window of

Of course, not all versions can be scrolled off; our maintenance
mode version (never used, but there for emergencies) should always
remain. needs a way to list versions and delete individuals.


On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 9:52 AM, andrew wrote:
 A FYI about alternating versions for deployment to production...

 Our build script names the version according data from SVN (GIT would
 be similar), as a working copy (name = data and time), revision
 (name=r123), or tag (name = tag name = our release version number).

 Then the uploaded versions in appengine Dashboard all show either with
 their release number (or revision, or date).
 You can have up to 10 of them uploaded in production, working against
 production data - but just one as the 'default'...

 On doing a new release/deploy to production (after previously testing
 on another appid in integration and qa), we test the basics via the
 specific version urlif everything looks fine we then make the new
 version the default.

 If something goes wrong, you can quickly sqitch back to any of the
 previous 9 releases you have made, usually the penultimate one off

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Abridged summary of - 8 Messages in 5 Topics

2012-01-14 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Google has said in the past that there is no negative performance
effect from enabling XG transactions if you only use a single entity
group.  The rational thing to do is always enable XG transactions all
the time, but be aware when you span multiple entity groups in a

I think it was silly of them to add this flag.


On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Mike Lawrence wrote:
 I guess I didn't expect to see mention of requiring entity groups for
 transactions now that GAE supports cross-entity-group transactions.

 Does GAE really need both modes?
 Is there a performance benefit to not
 enabling global transactions?

 On Jan 13, 3:25 m, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:
 Actually, I took a look at these docs and it seems like we do talk about
 cross group transactions. There are a few areas where we talk about
 exceptions being thrown for transactions on entities in different entity
 groups, but that's expected behavior. You must specify that you want a
 cross-group transaction.

 We'd definitely like to improve these docs, however. Do you have any
 suggestions or areas where this documentation seems confusing?

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |

 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.comwrote:

  Thanks! I'll file a bug for this since it's not merely a one line fix.
  We'll probably want to better explain cross-entity group transactions a bit
  and link to the documentation on that subject.

  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |

  On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Mike Lawrence 

  Docs still say transactions wont span entity groups:
    Version 1.5.5 - Oct 11, 2011
        App Engine now supports Cross Group (XG) transactions with the
  High Replication Datastore, which allow you to perform transactions
  across multiple entity groups.

  Sincerely,  Mike Lawrence

  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 12:23 AM, wrote:
     Today's Topic Summary


   problem with Content-type: null with css files [1 Update]
   Minor update to Java SDK: [1 Update]
   [No Subject] [1 Update]
   proxying datastore request [3 Updates]
   how to get the correct time for germany? [2 Updates]

    problem with Content-type: null with css files

   Ikai Lan (Google) Jan 11 05:22PM -0800

   We have an SDK update that resolves this issue on upload (I've also
   in a separate thread about this):

    Minor update to Java SDK:

   Ikai Lan (Google) Jan 11 05:21PM -0800

   Hey everyone,

   There's a new version of the Java SDK available for download. You can
   it here:

    [No Subject]

   Aviv Keren Jan 11 11:08PM +0200

   Ok tnx!

    proxying datastore request

   meiaestro Jan 11 07:18AM -0800

   Hi all!

   I was thinking about making my RPC calls to the server (datastore
   more secure against java script or data stream modifications on client
   (when user is already signed ...more

   Ikai Lan (Google) Jan 11 10:44AM -0800

   Hi there!

   - a logged in user could manipulate the RPC call (he could for
   example exchange his userID by the ID of someone else and access the
   of this user)

   - to avoid that I need to ...more

   meiaestro Jan 11 12:31PM -0800

   Thanks for the reply.

   You're right. I did not use the Users API, as I do not want to force the
   users to have a google account (or any other existing account). This
   be optional at a ...more

    how to get the correct time for germany?

   vega Jan 11 07:24AM -0800

   hi everyone.

   since the days are getting longer, i noticed that in 2 months ill have
   error with my getTime() Method, which gives me the current time in a
   friendly way.

   /** ...more

   Ian Marshall Jan 11 08:44AM -0800

   The code below is how I do this. It works for summer and winter times

   public static final Locale G_LOCALE_UK = Locale.UK;
   public static final String G_S_TIME_ZONE_ID = ...more

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Re: [appengine-java] An O/R mapper to use with cloud sql

2012-01-02 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Arjan wrote:
 I keep getting errors of the hibernate configuration that can not read
 'public static' properties. It's due to some reflection limitation on the
 GAE. So there may be a more fitting OR mapper to use in GAE.

Are you absolutely certain of the cause?  It sounds odd.  Perhaps
consult the wisdom of this group with stacktraces?


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Re: [appengine-java] An O/R mapper to use with cloud sql

2011-12-31 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
If you are using cloud sql, what's wrong with hibernate?


On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 4:24 AM, Arjan wrote:
 Hi all,
 When google announced cloud sql i was realy happy to port my web application
 from the nosql datastore to the MySQL instance. I'm a bit used to hibernate,
 kbut support for hibernate is terible in GAE. Does anyone know of good O/R
 mappers to use in GAE?


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Any inputs for How to use the DataStore for Java?

2011-12-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It won't be a problem with the Low-Level API.  It works just fine with
exotic unicode strings.

Your problem is somewhere else in your app, probably somewhere that
you are generating the string or rendering it.


On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Doug wrote:
 Those are all great references indeed. However, I'm still stumped on this
 one which should be basic.

 Using the Low Level API, I still cannot why String Properties break on
 special characters.

 thisEntity.setProperty(stringDescription ,Save 20% Off anything in

 A little help on how to (convert?) and store (then get...) Strings
 containing non-alphanumeric characters with LLAPI?

 Many Thanks

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Problem starting development after adding backends.xml

2011-12-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I don't think very many people are using backends... and since a lot
of the support here comes from the community, your question is a
little esoteric.

Try disabling appstats on the backend.  Maybe appstats is incompatible
with backends.


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Rick Mangi wrote:
 Apparently they do not. It's amazing that a product with such horrid
 customer support has so many users. That's not likely to continue now
 that the paas market has competition.

 On Dec 19, 6:41 pm, Rick Mangi wrote:
 Do the google app engine developers even read these messages? It's
 amazing how few questions in this group actually seem to get answered
 compared to open source projects...

 On Dec 16, 5:02 pm, Rick Mangi wrote:

  After adding a backends.xml file to my application I'm no longer able
  to startup my development environment. Has anybody seen this before?
  Removing the file clears everything up, but I really need to get a
  backend running :-)

   [ERROR] Unable to start App Engine server
  java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
  Unable to start embedded HTTP server (see previous log
  [ERROR] shell failed in doStartupServer method

  I don't see anything wrong with my backends.xml --

          backend name=thumbnailservicebatchoptimize

  Thanks for any help!

  Rick Mangi

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Re: [appengine-java] datastore.delete() not deleting objects and not generating exceptions

2011-12-11 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Yeah, if you're doing a delete by previously-known key I would expect
constant time operation.  I have no idea what might be causing your
issue, sorry.


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Michael wrote:
 By what you wrote, I assume you're referring to the query speed, not the
 speed of the deletion.  I presume that deleting an object or collection of
 object requires a time that's independent of other factors in the datastore;
 that is, once I know the object's key, deleting it takes an essentially
 constant amount of time.  For my particular use case, the query speed is
 essentially negligible because there are not that many of this type of
 object, but the speed of the actual delete option is often quite a bit
 higher than I would prefer.  If I'm reading what you wrote wrong and there's
 some way to speed up the delete operation, that would be great.

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Re: [appengine-java] datastore.delete() not deleting objects and not generating exceptions

2011-12-10 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I haven't looked too closely at your problem, but one thing that has come
up before on this list is that it's a bad idea to do things like this:

repeat {
   delete N items;

Basically, deleting items just flags them as deleted in the underlying
store.  They are vacuumed up later.  So if you delete a lot of stuff like
this it ends up being a slow O(N^2) operation as you're effectively doing
an offset over all the previously deleted items.

To efficiently delete large numbers of entities, either delete them all in
a single request or use a cursor.

Of course, this information may be out of date.


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Michael wrote:

 I have an hourly cron job that deletes data from the datastore older than
 one month (this data is archived elsewhere for long term storage).  The
 first run of that cron job on Tuesday after the datastore came back up
 behaved quite unusually, ended with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap
 space, and hasn't completed once since then.  While it is possible that
 this is pure coincidence, I'm wondering if something done during the
 maintenance resulted in this behavior.  I have been unable to get this cron
 job to run correctly since then.

 The job is quite simple, and has been running happily for about a year; I
 will present the idea here for brevity and attach the source for those
 interested.  In essence the job does the following:
 - retrieve at most 500 entities older than 1 month by their keys only
 - send all resulting keys as a list to datastore.delete()
 - repeat until no results are returned

 The first run after maintenance produced the attached log-excerpt.txt.
  The brief version is the following:
 - deleted 500 objects
 - deleted 465 objects
 - deleted 213 objects (repeated 395 times)
 - out of memory

 It seems that, after actually deleting the first 752 objects of the query,
 the datastore got stuck on the next 213.  The same 213 objects were sent
 repeatedly to datastore.delete().  No exceptions were generated, but the
 data was obviously not deleted.

 The next attempt (the job was retried since it crashed) produced almost
 identical output.  This time, it actually deleted 174 objects, then tried
 to delete the same 213 objects over and over until it, too, crashed with an
 OutOfMemoryError.  The run after that actually deleted 8 objects before it
 crashed in the same manner.  This continued until the error ran my
 application out of quota for the day, at which point I got a notification
 email and went to go pause the queue that these jobs run under.

 Note, I am not on the high replication datastore.  I do not know why this
 is happening, but it is currently an insurmountable obstacle.  I tried
 unpausing the queue temporarily and running the problematic job, and this
 time I did not even get the previously frustrating but informative output;
 instead, I merely got the A serious problem was encountered . . . message
 on both runs.

 Any help in getting this fixed or understanding the problem would be
 greatly appreciated.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: An alternative to Objectify?

2011-12-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:11 AM, datanucleus andy_jeffer...@yahoo.comwrote:

  Well, it sounds so. But does (or can/will) Datanucleus support at least
  some of the features Jeff has mentioned?

 Yes, several actually. And nothing is dog slow, ... though why dogs
 get such a bad reputation I've no idea; take a greyhound for
 example ... :-)

 The question was is caching in DataNucleus simple and transparent;
 that's the question I answered.

I'm sorry, but you clearly haven't actually used this cache in the real
world.  I've looked at DataNucleus' Level2Cache interface and noticed that
it serializes requests entity-by-entity.  This means that every single
request in a batch get triggers 1 or 2 RPCs; on a cold cache, a batch get
for 10 items will require 20 separate, linear RPCs.  This doesn't work -
it's an order of magnitude slower than a simple datastore fetch would have
been in the first place.

I have already stumbled across this problem and had to delay releasing
Objectify 3.1 until GAE supported the batch CAS operations that make CAS
caching efficient.  I had to delay upgrading one of my real-world products
because of this issue.

So no, datanucleus caching is not simple and transparent if your
application makes use of batch fetching (ie, what should be the most
important operation in most applications).

Not sure also why people always want to make things into a mines
 better than yours contest. The only statements you'll see from me on
 here are in answer to specific questions about software that uses
 DataNucleus (and Googles plugin does that, with the emphasis on being
 owned by Google, and not being part of the DataNucleus project), with
 the attempt to aid that person use the software better.

You've dumped a bunch of marketing BS in this thread (nothing could be
simpler!) which does not accurately reflect reality, which is complicated
and messy.  It's not personal, and it's not even because I work on a
competing project - it's just that I happen to know a lot about this
particular subject.  If you were hawking any kind of software and I
happened to know the truth behind the marketing, I would call you out on

It does, however, irritate me.  It takes up some of my time to rebut these
issues (see the thread on Slim3 is fast!).  It takes a few minutes to
post a poorly thought out marketing claim or create a half-baked benchmark.
 It takes actual research to figure out exactly what's wrong with them.
 Your sloppy thinking generates real work for me.

Nowhere have I
 ever made any comment on Objectify's capabilities or made any
 criticism of it (or of similar software, such as Twig, Morphia) -
 perhaps due to the fact that I understand only too well how much time
 and effort is taken to develop something of that form. All software
 has particular features, and their own advantages and
 disadvantages ... DataNucleus (and Google's plugin) has plenty of
 things going for it, as does Objectify. It's for the user to choose
 what best fits *their* requirements using their judgement, not for
 people to spend time criticising.

Let's just make sure those users are well and accurately informed.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: An alternative to Objectify?

2011-12-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 I'm sorry, but you clearly haven't actually used this cache in the real
 world.  I've looked at DataNucleus' Level2Cache interface and noticed that
 it serializes requests entity-by-entity.  This means that every single
 request in a batch get triggers 1 or 2 RPCs; on a cold cache, a batch get
 for 10 items will require 20 separate, linear RPCs.  This doesn't work -
 it's an order of magnitude slower than a simple datastore fetch would have
 been in the first place.

Oops, that is not quite correct.  On a cold cache, a batch get for 10 items
will require *30* linear RPCs to get the data, plus another 10 to populate
the cache.  40 RPCs in linear execution.  And that's just 10 items.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: An alternative to Objectify?

2011-12-07 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 7:03 AM, datanucleus andy_jeffer...@yahoo.comwrote:

  *Does anybody know whether it's as simpletransparent as with Objectify
  use GAE's caching in JPA2Datanucleus on GAE?*

 Assuming you're using v2 of the datanucleus-appengine plugin, just
 define the persistence property datanucleus.cache.level2.type as
 javax.cache and it will use Memcached, with persistable objects put
 in the L2 cache at commit, and accessed when needed ... totally
 transparent to the user. *Nothing* gets simpler than that.

H.  Another one of those threads.  Nothing?

How do you configure caching on an entity-by-entity basis?  How do you
configure cache expiry times?  Does this cache use CAS operations to
guarantee synchronization?  Does it use batch CAS operations to prevent it
from being dog slow?  Does it perform query caching?  Will it convert
appropriate queries into keys-only queries + batch get to integrate with
the cache?

I'd say putting @Cached on each entity you want cached is pretty simple and

FWIW, I just looked at the datanucleus Level2Cache interface and no, it
doesn't support batch operations.  So this is useless for any application
that uses batch operations (which should be most).


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: prefetchSize vs chunkSize

2011-11-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Alfred made this comment, which sheds a lot of light on it:

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Alfred Fuller wrote:

 if you set chunkSize and not prefetchSize every call will try to return
 chuckSize results (even the first call)
 if you set prefetchSize and chunkSize, the first call will try to return
 prefetchSize results, and every call after that will try to return
 chunkSize results.

 it is there mainly for legacy issues (originally the first call never
 returned any results, today most queries only ever need a single rpc).

 Here are some use cases:
 I know I need ~300 results but might need a few more.  -
 prefetchSize=300, chunkSize=20
 I want to start a bunch of queries, do something else, then process all
 the data. - prefetchSize=MAX_INT (to maximize the number of results
 fetched async in the first batch)
 I want all results - chunkSize=MAX_INT (prefetch size is not needed
 because the first call will use chunk size)
 I want limit results - limit=limit (chunkSize is automatically
 maxed when a limit is set)

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Re: [appengine-java] Which java framework to use?

2011-11-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
My favored stack right now:

Objectify (I'm the lead developer, so this one was easy)
Resteasy + Htmleasy + Guice, tightly integrated
Cambridge templates (with JEXL)
Coffeescript + jQuery + Handlebars.js on the frontend
Heavy use of Jackson to jsonify objects, including embedded in the page
html to eliminate initial ajax hits

A lot of the UI is dynamic (javascript templating), but the SEO-sensitive
pages are rendered completely with Cambridge.  I'm happy with it so far,
although we had to build a lot of silly infrastructure to manage the


On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 7:54 AM, sppl wrote:

 I am starting off with a new project using app engine java. I am trying to
 decide what mvc framework to use. I went through previous messages posted
 by group members and found this 
 I then narrowed down my choices to following frameworks,

 1) Play framework - I like this framework, but it seems to have long
 initialization time. Also the play GAE 
 module seems to have 

 2) Stripes framework - This seems to be lightweight, but it does not seem
 to be widely used.

 3) Slim3 - This is another lightweight framework I liked. But most of the
 users of this framework are in japan and the useful posts seem to be hidden
 in japanese.

 Are there any other java frameworks that work well on app engine
 (lightweight and good startup time)? Any advices, pointers are appreciated!

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: package javax.servlet.annotation does not exist

2011-11-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Occasionally eclipse gets stupid like this.  Some combination of Project
Clean, closing/opening the project, and closing/opening eclipse eventually
sets it right.


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Mauricio Porras P wrote:

 I'm having this same issue, did you find a solution already?


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Re: [appengine-java] Is BlobInfoFactory thread safe?

2011-11-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Look at the source code.  BlobInfoFactory only has one piece of member
data, a DatastoreService.  So if DS is thread-safe, so is BIF.  I don't
know if DS is thread-safe though.


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Marcel Overdijk

 Is BlobInfoFactory thread safe?
 It's not mentioned in the Javadoc so should I assume it's not

 It would be good if Google would mention for each service if it's
 threadsafe or not.

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[appengine-java] prefetchSize vs chunkSize

2011-11-18 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Would someone explain the exact differences between prefetchSize and
chunkSize and how these interact?  The documentation doesn't really help.

I presume chunkSize is the number of items that get fetched on each RPC to
the datastore backend, equivalent to a fetch() call in python-land.  Is
prefetchSize effectively the same thing as chunkSize but only affects the
first chunk?

Why are these separate parameters?  Under what circumstances would I want
them to be different?


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Re: [appengine-java] Google App Engine custom domain stuck in Activate this service infinite loop

2011-11-15 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
This is going to sound really weird but I've had issues like this before
and switching browsers seemed to fix it. Try Firefox.


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:49 PM, MH wrote:

 Hi there.  I am trying to add a custom domain from the GAE Application

 It redirects me to You have requested that the ' (my app id) '
 service be added to your domain google apps domain)/
 AddAppEngineService?appId=(my gae app id)pli=1

 I accept the terms and press Activate this service. But the same
 page just loads again in an infinite loop.

 I tried with a different google apps domain and it worked!  Something
 about my specific google apps domain is confusing Google and I can't
 Activate this service

 Any ideas please?

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Serializing crypto classes

2011-11-15 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:30 PM, Gerald Tan wrote:

 Only Serializable objects can be used as properties, and Cipher isn't
 serializable. The solution is to store the algorithm as a String, then
 reinstantiating the Cipher from the algorithm string after retrieving it
 from the datastore.

This is almost right - it's not about being Serializable.

GAE only lets you store certain basic types (Long, String, Text, Blob,
GeoPt, and about a dozen others including collections of these types).
 They aren't stored with java serialization; I believe the native structure
is protobuf but this is opaque outside of Google.  Objectify extends this
list somewhat by automatically converting some types into ones the
datastore recognizes (for example, String[] into ListString, byte[] into
Blob, fields with @Serialized annotation into Blob, etc).  But there are
practical limits.  We didn't go through every single JDK class figuring out
how to store it in appengine.

Cipher, IvParameterSpec, SecretKeySpec are not storeable types.  Cipher
doesn't even make sense to store - you probably just want to store the
algorithm with which the Cipher was created.  IvParameterSpec and
SecretKeySpec are probably best stored as byte[] (which Ofy will convert to
Blob) or, if you prefer, can be Base64 or hex encoded into a String.

There are situations when you will want to build Objectify Converters so
that fields can have normal types; for example, if you use Joda Time or
Joda Money classes (Objectify includes converters for these, but they
aren't enabled by default).  I won't tell you that it's wrong to use
IvParameterSpec and SecretKeySpec fields, but for the most part you should
be cautious of using exotic types in your data model - especially when they
are interfaces without a concrete type definition.  I wouldn't do it.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Templating Frameworks

2011-11-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I've used many different Java templating systems over the years and been
terribly disappointed with all of them... until recently.  I started using
Cambridge Templates:

Here's a good intro document:

The docs are a little rough and it doesn't have a huge community behind it,
but the product is solid and the code is clean.  The author is extremely
responsive to bugfixes and enhancements.

The best thing about Cambridge is the syntax works *very* well with HTML
and HTML editors.  The template inheritance mechanism is a very elegant
way to apply common elements to multiple pages - this feature alone is
worth gold.

Performance is good.  I recommend it.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Number of writes per second limitation

2011-11-04 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:
 If all 4000 entites are in a single entity group, in theory you can do this
 because it counts as a single transactional write. There's a maximum RPC
 size of 11mb (implementation detail) so if you trip this, you're in some
 trouble - the RPC size include not only the size of the entity but also the
 size of all the indexes.

One question:  If I write to 5 entities in a single entity group
within one transaction, do these get batched up by the client library
into a single RPC on commit or will this produce 5 RPCs plus one more
for the commit?  I'm curious to know what this does to the critical
section, which could get large just from RPC latency.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: many different Properties or Entity for name/value pairs

2011-11-04 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
FWIW you can declare a field @Embedded MapString, anything in
Objectify and this will create a series of native properties in the
low level entity.  Ie:

class MyEntity {
@Id Long id;
@Embedded MapString, Long strings;

If the map contained { prop1 : 12 } then you could filter by:

ofy.query(MyEntity.class).filter(strings.prop1, 12)

Of course the value could be a SetString instead of Long.

But yeah, this will make the datastore viewer difficult to read if you
have wildly different properties for each entity.  Nothing you can do
about that if you don't want to make the collection an opaque
serialized blob.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Matthew Jaggard wrote:
 From previous threads, it seems that the datastore prefers few large
 entities to more smaller ones - this is also reflected in pricing, you
 pay per operation as well as per byte. Storing a Map of Name-Value is
 exactly what the datastore is made for.

 I did talk to Jeff at Objectify about this (because I'm using
 Objectify for all my other entities) and he said that although this
 use case is probably valid and I'm (clearly now) not the only one
 doing it, making Objectify handle this case would complicate it too
 much. I think I agree with this, especially since the datastore
 handles properties like this so nicely.

 In addition, I can now make use of Objectify's CachingDatastoreService
 which means I don't have to worry about Memcache :-)

 One thought - can you search based on an item in a collection? If not
 and you do need to search based on these values, you might need to be
 more creative about how to split them.
 which might become...
 MyName-Collection([MyValue1, MyValue2])
 or perhaps...
 if MyName.1 will never be a property name itself, and you can deal
 with parsing this.


 On 4 November 2011 07:53, Mister Schtief wrote:
 hi gerald,

 thx for your answer but this is the ugliest solution ;) why serializing all
 pairs and storing them in  it will never be searchable...

 using one entity property for every map.entry or using one entity of a key
 value pair type, thats the question ;)


 Am 04.11.2011 07:10 schrieb Gerald Tan

 You can serialize a MapString,String property into a byte array to be
 stored in the entity
 The easiest way to do this would be to use Objectify with the @Serialized

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Re: [appengine-java] HRD - Eventual consistency

2011-10-31 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
There's this:

Some thoughts:

 * I don't think there's really anything to save you from eventuality
except careful consideration during the design of your data model.  Pick
your entity groups carefully and use XG transactions sparingly to move data
across when you need atomicity.

 * A lot of the time eventuality is not a big deal. On the other hand, if
you're building an accounting app, it probably is a big deal.

 * There's a difference between what your users experience and what your
tests experience.  Say you have a test for add this product to the catalog
and then check to see if it's in the catalog.  In the real world it
doesn't matter if your users see the new product right away.  But your
tests demand it immediately.  The problem is with the test.  I've fixed
the tests by doing this in my fixture setup:


Unfortunately a good argument can be made that this diminishes the value of
the tests. Really some tests should be run with eventuality and others
without.  Anyone know if setDefaultHighRepJobPolicyUnappliedJobPercentage()
can be called repeatedly after setup to switch back and forth?

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:31 AM, Aswath Satrasala wrote:

 I am trying HRD on local dev server.  I have bunch of webdriver tests for
 different parts of my application that create entities and then doing a
 list of all the entities.
 My tests are failing in several places.  It is due to the eventual
 consistency of the HRD.  The tests run fine on M/S and on both
 production/local environment.
 I have 20-30 KINDS, and entities are created for 1-or more KINDs depending
 on the business logic, all in a transaction.   Immediately, various reports
 are done.  They fail.

 My question: What pattern needs to be followed?  My application has grown
 very large during last 1.5 years or so.  Doing re-factoring at every place
 in the application for eventual consistency will be a very large effort for
 a small team. I don't even know what extra work needs to be put to get this

 Am I better of sticking with M/S.  So far, I have managed and designed
 entity relationships to work within one entity group.

 Are there any patterns coming out from the Objectify team to handle
 Eventual consistency issue of the HRD?


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Re: [appengine-java] Optimizations with Datastore + JDO

2011-10-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
You shouldn't see any significant performance difference between the various
java datastore APIs during normal operation.  The JDO's classpath scanning
may have a significant startup cost, but during execution the costs of RPCs
and protocol buffer manipulation tend to dominate over any inefficiencies in
object mapping.

On the other hand, third-party APIs offer shorter learning curves, better
transparency, and easier access to native datastore features.  And of course
that startup hit can be a significant issue.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Sheado wrote:

 Thanks Mat,
 I'll check out Objectify.

 If any Googlers are reading this, it would be nice to add a section to the
 docs clearly describing the performance differences between all of the apis
 (low level api vs jdo vs jpa vs etc.) and maybe even between all of the
 different languages. As it stands, with the current performance of my JDO
 solution the costs of using appengine (due to high api cpu usage) would be
 prohibitively high for me - it would have been nice to be able to guess that
 right from the start.

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Re: [appengine-java] Does JDO auto remove indexes that now have unindexed properties?

2011-10-27 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Wild guess:

If you load an entity in JDO and set a property to be exactly what it was
before, this won't actually flag the entity as dirty.  It won't be written
when you commit the session.  I don't know how you would force a write
using JDO.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 6:23 AM, markabrucey wrote:

 Basically I have gone through my datastore persist-able classes and have
 annotated properties that I never need to query on like this:

 @Extension(vendorName=datanucleus, key=gae.unindexed, value=true)
 private Long random;

 I needed to test whether or not JDO removed the index when I changed the
 POJO by annotating a property as unindexed.

 So I created a simple test to read in an existing entity, updated it (with
 properties holding the exact same values as before), then finally queried on
 it using the now unindexed property random. I woud have expected for it to
 not appear again once updated (because the property is now unindexed), which
 would have suggested that JDO was handling the index deletion correctly, but
 it appears not.

 Are there any settings that I may need to change in order to allow JDO to
 delete the now un-needed single property indexes? Is there a way I can
 remove / vacuum these single property indexes (that I don't need anymore)



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Re: [appengine-java] with the 1.5.5 sdk, the local_db.bin file format has changed

2011-10-21 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
The local dev database frequently gets invalidated at SDK upgrades.  It
should not be considered a reliable store.

No data is trashed in the production database.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Tommy Fannon wrote:

 It seems to need to be deleted and re-created.

 I want to make sure that when I deploy my app to production that existing
 data is not going to be trashed.  I'm sure I would have read about this
 already, but never hurts to be sure.

 Thank you,

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Re: [appengine-java] Using overloaded put, get, and delete methods for transactions?

2011-10-21 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Implicit transactions are a separate issue (and a terrible idea).

When the low-level api starts a transaction, it stores this txn as a thread
local.  The get()/put()/etc methods that don't have a transaction are
effectively this logic:

Entity get(Key key) {
if (there is a thread local txn)
return this.get(theThreadLocalTxn, key);
return this.get(null, key);

Passing in null is the only way to guarantee that you're making a call
without a transaction.

This thread-local transaction stuff helps support the JDO/JPA plugin but
it's a bit of a mess if you use the low-level API.  My advice is not to use
it at all - avoid the methods that don't have a txn parameter and pass null
in when you don't have/want a transaction.  Hide this behind a facade.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 5:23 AM, Mos wrote:

 I'm a bit confused:
 Following some examples and looking at the API of the DatastoreService
 it seems to be required to use the overloaded methods whenever
 transactional behavior is required.
 In other words: The current transaction needs to be specified on put() und
 get() methods like this:

 Transaction txn = datastore.beginTransaction();
 Entity employee = datastore.get(txn, employeeKey);
 employee.setProperty(vacationDays, 10);
 datastore.put(txn, employee);

 But when looking at the official Google docs, there seems to be no need for
 specifying the
 transaction explicitly:

 Can someone explain this?  Is this an issue with implicit transaction
 behavior? How does it work?

 Thanks a lot

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: JDO and XG transactions - Performance

2011-10-18 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Ugh.  Is this a correct further paraphrase?

 * You wanted users to get exceptions which would force them to go to
the manual to figure out why they are getting exceptions.

There are less intrusive ways to force users into reading the manual!
I really hate software like this; it's a bozo bit that defaults to
true.  Yeah, transactions are weird on GAE and you pretty much have to
read the manual anyways.  This additional hurdle doesn't bring any
value to the code.

If there truly is no behavioral change to single-group transactions
when setting XG true, I will hardwire it true and completely hide the
broken bit from Objectify users.  If there's a significant reason to
leave XG false for single-group transactions, please let me know.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Max Ross (Google) wrote:
 We debated this quite a bit internally.  To paraphrase the argument that
 carried the day:
 XG transactions are awesome but they are not true global transactions.
  You're limited to 5 entity groups, you're more likely to see partially
 applied transactions in global query results, you can get a concurrency
 exception from a read, and there is a performance impact (when you've got
 more than 1 entity group enlisted).  In short, there's some
 surprising/subtle stuff that we really want developers to understand before
 they start using this feature.
 If we didn't require opt-in it would be too easy for our new developers
 (particularly those coming from the RDBMS world where global transactions
 are the norm) to miss these important considerations.  We want it to be
 super easy to use the Datastore, but creating a false sense of simplicity
 can do more harm than good in the long run.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: JDO and XG transactions - Performance

2011-10-18 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:07 AM, David Gay (Google) wrote:

 One other consideration: XG transactions do not work on master/slave.
 While the default could be different depending on whether HRD is used,
 that definitely has drawbacks.

How can I detect if running on HRD vs M/S?  I don't see anything on
SystemProperty.  I could try starting an XG transaction and catching
the exception, but that would add an extra RPC to every Objectify
app's startup time :-(

The XG issue seems pretty easily solved by documentation:

1) If you're running on M/S, you can only use one entity group in a txn.
2) If you're running on HRD, you can use up to 5 entity groups in a txn.
   2a) If you use multiple entity groups in a txn, this is implemented
with 2pc and may produce surprising effects like
ConcurrentModificationException on read.  This doesn't really matter
in practice if you use the RepeatInTransaction pattern.

Put it this way:  Non-ancestor queries work funky on the HRD too.  Yet
I don't need to set a special flag just to issue non-ancestor queries.
 Understanding eventual consistency and exotic transaction behavior is
just part of working with GAE.  Magic flags that enable otherwise
expected behavior don't really help.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: JDO and XG transactions - Performance

2011-10-18 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Yeah, unfortunately it seems permanently stuck at MASTER_SLAVE in
development mode.  However, between this method for production and
manually trying to commit a transaction in development mode it looks
like I have a complete (but hacky) solution.

Thanks Alfred!


On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Alfred Fuller wrote:
 This will tell you what type of datastore you are running against, but I
 don't think it will help you in the development env:

 On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 Dunno about production, but the developer mode takes issue with it.
 Even a simple single-entity transaction commit fails in M/S mode with
 the test harness - ie, without calling this method:


 commit() always produces this:

 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: transactions on multiple entity
 groups only allowed in High Replication applications



 On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Alfred Fuller wrote:
  I believe (you should test this) that it won't do any harm to set
  XG=true in
  master slave (it will just ignore you).
  On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Jeff Schnitzer
  On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:07 AM, David Gay (Google)
   One other consideration: XG transactions do not work on master/slave.
   While the default could be different depending on whether HRD is
   that definitely has drawbacks.
  How can I detect if running on HRD vs M/S?  I don't see anything on
  SystemProperty.  I could try starting an XG transaction and catching
  the exception, but that would add an extra RPC to every Objectify
  app's startup time :-(
  The XG issue seems pretty easily solved by documentation:
  1) If you're running on M/S, you can only use one entity group in a
  2) If you're running on HRD, you can use up to 5 entity groups in a
    2a) If you use multiple entity groups in a txn, this is implemented
  with 2pc and may produce surprising effects like
  ConcurrentModificationException on read.  This doesn't really matter
  in practice if you use the RepeatInTransaction pattern.
  Put it this way:  Non-ancestor queries work funky on the HRD too.  Yet
  I don't need to set a special flag just to issue non-ancestor queries.
   Understanding eventual consistency and exotic transaction behavior is
  just part of working with GAE.  Magic flags that enable otherwise
  expected behavior don't really help.
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Re: [appengine-java] Re: JDO and XG transactions - Performance

2011-10-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 9:38 AM, David Gay (Google) wrote:

 Just enable it for the whole app: an XG transaction that touches only
 a single entity group has exactly the same performance as a non-XG

In that case, why is this a configurable setting?


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Facebook Login integration with java appengine

2011-10-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Facebook recently (as in, a couple weeks ago) made it possible to
associate multiple domains with your application.  Add as well as


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:09 AM, marco wrote:
 Hi guys. (i'm newbie)
 I'm trying to make an existing GWT+AppEngineJava (GWTGAE/J) app into a
 Facebook Canvas app (iframe).
 The GWTGAE/J app already supports login with Google.
 The problem:

 The Site Url on facebook is -- i bought the domain and
 associated it the App Engine via Google Accounts
 In order to make the GWTGAE/J app into a FB Canvas app, I have to provide an
 https url to FB
 App Engine does not provide https for, it only provides
 https to -- this means i have to provide (where a servlet handles FB https
 If the user clicking on the canvas page inside facebook did not already
 authorize the app, I request an authorization following the normal facebook
 login flow that I use for when the user logs in the GWTGAE/J App via
 Facebook says that the redirect_uri is not allowed by the application -- I
 thinks it's because it comes from instead of
 If I try the request_uri to, it does not work because can not respond to https requests

 Have you had this problem? Any hints?

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Facebook Login integration with java appengine

2011-10-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It's in the Basic Info section in the upper part of the page (which
you scrolled past).  Look for App Domain - you can put multiple
entries there.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 4:01 AM, marco wrote:
 Hi Jeff. Thanks for the quick reply.
 I'm looking in Apps  Aggenda  Basic (inside Facebook) and can not find
 where i can add additional URL.
 Check the attached screenshot.
 Thanks again for your help.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Facebook Login integration with java appengine

2011-10-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Are you typing in a field called App Domain?  It lets you type in
multiple domains, one next to the other.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 4:39 PM, marco wrote:
 Hi Jeff.
 I've tried out what you suggest but it gives an error: must be derived from your Site URL.

 The site URL is
 I must be doing something wrong...

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Re: [appengine-java] GeoPt vs. two floats

2011-10-04 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It really isn't a big deal.  Store two floats if you want.  The
reasons I use GeoPt a lot:

 * GeoPt shows up nicely in the datastore viewer
 * You can store arrays of GeoPt
 * The storage cost should be slightly less than two floats because
there is metadata only for one field.
 * Maybe some day in the future we will be able to do spatial indexing
with GeoPt.

I'll be honest though, the primary reason I use GeoPt is because it's
more convenient to pass around one object than two floats.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Eliot Stock wrote:
 Hi there,
 What's the advantage, if any of using GeoPt
 over using two float fields?
 I've found the disadvantage is that Spring form beans are difficult to work
 with when you have two hidden fields on the UI (lat and long) but one GeoPt
 field on the entity.

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Re: [appengine-java] Automatically increment version number

2011-10-04 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Keep in mind you only get 10 versions, so you'll have to delete old
ones as you add new ones.  I don't see any way to automate that.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:09 AM, Manilal wrote:
 I'm using the commandline version of appcfg command to deploy Java
 application. I would like to create a new version on each deployment. I know
 that the version number can be changed in appengine-web.xml, but I would
 like to automate the process and keep the old versions intact.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: how to bring a huge (http error 413) amount of data to the server?

2011-10-04 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
That doesn't sound right.  You should have no trouble POSTing 20k to
GAE.  I wouldn't be surprised if GETs choked though.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Gerald Tan wrote:
 You'll have to use the Blobstore API and allow the user to upload the xml
 into the blobstore

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: GAE - Vote counting system

2011-10-03 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Mat Jaggard wrote:
 Jeff - I'm a bit confused. I thought that the whole idea of the
 datastore was that you could read or write as much as you want, as
 fast as you want as long as they are not related? So one datastore
 write per vote (and being written to different entity groups) should
 be fine? I thought that the system just split tablets if they were
 being accessed too much - so as long as the traffic didn't suddenly
 increase, there'd be no scalability issues apart from cost.

apart from cost he says :-)

The OP posited millions of users and millions of things to vote for.
Each million votes will cost you (at minimum) $1.70 for one write +
one read, but it'll probably be more depending on how many page views
you have and what caching strategy you have.  Still, maybe this is no
big deal.

The bigger problem though is that vote traffic is likely to be focused
on a handful of items.  Popular things might get thousands of votes
per second, unpopular things won't be voted for at all.  It's hard to
come up with a sharding strategy that works well for this - you
probably don't want 1k shards for everything, storage costs go up and
expense/latency of calculating totals goes up.

I have to deal with a similar problem myself right now (with the added
constraint that I need an instantaneously precise count).  I'm
considering a system that automatically tracks latency and increases
the shard count when it crosses a threshold.  It's not a pretty
problem to solve.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: GAE - Vote counting system

2011-09-30 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Assuming the goal is massive write throughput, you don't want to do 1
write per vote.  You need to aggregate writes into a batch - you can
do that with pull queues, but then you're limited to the maximum
throughput of a  pull queue.  And the biggest batch size is 1,000
which might actually be votes for 1,000 different things, which means
you're back to 1-vote-1-write.

Peter, you can certainly build a system whereby all vote totals are
tracked in RAM in a backend but now you're putting higher memory
requirements on the backend and life gets more complicated when you
deal with sharding.

Depending on how exact you need the counts to be, you can always use
increment() on memcache in addition to incrementing the backend.  The
only catch is that bootstrapping the initial memcache value will be a
little tricky - you'll need to use CAS and query the backends for any
existing deltas.  Or just not care if it's off by a few.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:56 AM, Mat Jaggard wrote:
 Will that end up being cheaper than the following?

 Put a new entity in the datastore for each vote - Kind: Vote, ID:
 Auto generated, Vote for: Item S
 Have a task queue query all the votes and delete them then write the
 count of votes to a global object.

 Cost = 1 datastore read + 1 datastore write + some fairly minor task
 processing per vote.

 On Sep 29, 1:47 pm, Peter Dev wrote:
 - with backends lets say 3 B2 machines = 350USD/Month
 - UrlFetch Data Sent/Received                         0,15USD/GB

 - URL Fetch Daily Limit 46,000,000 calls
   this can be a problem...but I see it is possible to request an

 Write data parallel in DB: Task Queue with rate every 30second could
 be a solution
 (check timestamps in cache and write in DB)

 RESET counters = empty cache in Backends  reset counter of object in

 Backends cache = HashMap with shared counter values
 counter values without sharding
 (just increment value in java hashmap is fast enough)

 With backends we don’t need sharding I thinkwhat do you think? Thx.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: GAE - Vote counting system

2011-09-29 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It's hard to say here if we're talking about the same thing, but
here's how I would do it:

 * Updates go through to the backend, which stores write deltas in ram
(not the total).
 * Reads read-through memcache into the datastore.
 * The backend writes deltas to the datastore in batch, updating
memcache, then purging the delta from memory.
 * The backends can write once every 5 mins or 30s or however long
you're comfortable having read data be stale.  More freshness == more
datastore expense.  It's a simple dial.

This system is not limited by backend RAM since each backend stores
only deltas - you can probably run the smallest size.  It won't be
limited by read volume, which will come almost entirely from memcache.
 It will be limited by max request throughput on the backend.  Given
the update is practically a no-op, how many QPS can a single backend
serve?  That's your limit (times the number of backends running).

I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better solution to this
problem on GAE.  It does require that reads be stale to with a
controlled bound, though.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Peter Dev wrote:
 - with backends lets say 3 B2 machines = 350USD/Month
 - UrlFetch Data Sent/Received                         0,15USD/GB

 - URL Fetch Daily Limit 46,000,000 calls
  this can be a problem...but I see it is possible to request an

 Write data parallel in DB: Task Queue with rate every 30second could
 be a solution
 (check timestamps in cache and write in DB)

 RESET counters = empty cache in Backends  reset counter of object in

 Backends cache = HashMap with shared counter values
 counter values without sharding
 (just increment value in java hashmap is fast enough)

 With backends we don’t need sharding I thinkwhat do you think? Thx.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Transactions on entities in different entity groups ?

2011-09-29 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
A month or so ago Google posted a request for trusted testers for this
feature.  It helps to read the mailing lists :-)


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Cyrille Vincey wrote:
 (why don't you give any visibility on this key feature, like you did
 with FTS?)

 On Sep 28, 10:52 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:
 You currently can't, but we plan on rolling out a feature that will do this
 in the next few releases. It's currently in trusted tester at the moment.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:59 PM, Santosh kumar wrote:

  I want to know how to create/update the entities which are in different
  entity groups ?

  for ex: I want to update the *apple* and *carrot* entities in a
  transaction but those parents are not same. (Here i am in such a situation)

  Thanks in advance :)

  *S*antosh *K*umar *K***

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Re: [appengine-java] GAE - Vote counting system

2011-09-27 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Have you looked into using pull queues combined with sharded counters?
 If you lease 1,000 tasks at a time you can probably condense writes
considerably.  There are several different sharding strategies you
could take, even just one master set of shards each of which covers
all items.  100 shards * 1,000 tasks should give you a minimum write
rate limit of 100,000/sec, magnified by the amount of overlap (ie if
those 1,000 tasks only updated 100 counts, your minimum write rate
limit is 1 million/sec).

I haven't tried this.  It presumes you can write 1k entities to a
single entity group in a single transaction - maybe a googler can
chime in.  It would probably be expensive to store.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Peter Dev wrote:
 We are developing an application, where users can vote for many
 (for example, voting the best music video of the week)

 - This means, we have millions of possible objects to vote for, and
 millions of users

 To our best knowledge, after taking in consideration different
 options, the best (or the only) voting system is: Memcache+Bulk DB
 write in DB
 - If number of objects in Memcache will achieve a specified limit (for
 example 3000) then write in DB.

 The writing speed into DB is about 100/sec. This also means, if we
 would set the above mentioned 3000 objects, the writing would last for
 30 sec...

 The problem; during save in DB, voting must be blocked. In other
 words, if from many millions of objects, there are 3000 achieved voted
 objects, we need to write it into DB and it can happen too many times,
 and blocking the whole voting mechanism.

 If we do not block the voting whilst writing in DB, the result could
 be wrong number of votes from cache (see Workflow: step 3).


 1. vote received
 2. find object in memcache
 3. if not found in memcache get from DB and put it in
 4. increment the number of votes of the object in memcache
 5. check object number in memcache
 6. if necessary, save in DB and empty memcache

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: GAE - Vote counting system

2011-09-27 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Yeah, messy.

I'd use a backend for this.  Possibly a set of backends if you need to
shard the data for write volume.  I'd use Memcache only to cache the
count reads.

The basic entity is just an id and a count.  An increment request goes
to a backend, which simply tracks the change.  A batch process goes
through and writes any changed counts to both datastore and memcache
(as an update; read increment write in a txn) every 5 minutes and
clears the memory count.

If write volume is too high for a single backend to handle, shard it
by thingId % number of shards.  You can change the shard count on the
fly this way.

All reads should be read from the memcache, read-through to the
datastore as necessary.

This should be able to handle any volume you want.  If a backend
crashes you'll lose its accumulated counts but I presume that's not a
big deal.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Peter Dev wrote:
 Sorry, 100 000 000 counters

 On Sep 27, 4:53 pm, Peter Dev wrote:
 Shared counter is cool and I use it... but if you have millions of
 objects I cannot imagine how to manage them.1 000 000obj x 100 shards =10 
 000 000counters

 1. How to reset them to 0 in specified periods?
 2. How to set the shared sum for each object to show top 100 objects?
 3. Too much DB API Calls (each vote makes write in DB)

 Any ideas...? Thx

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: The *real* cost of the billing changes

2011-09-10 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Amazon does something like this for its excess capacity:

...but it's just for excess capacity.  I wouldn't want this kind of
behavior for my core usage because it would make my bill highly
unpredictable.  And it does not incentivize Google to add more
resources to the cluster.


On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:39 AM, gk wrote:
 Pricing should be as follows:

 Calculate a price of resources using the demand / availability of
 those resources in the cloud:

 - if Google has more of resource X than users demand, the price for
 that resource would go down and free quota up.
 - if users demand more of resource X than Google has, the price for
 that resource would go up and free quota down.

 Pricing model:

 GAE users would act as buyers and resources in the cloud as suppliers.

 - Suppliers (resources producers in the cloud) set the price of the
 resource above the current market price.
 - Supplier decreases the price until resource is sold - but a supplier
 nevers sells under the price of (production cost + Google profit
 - Google continously buys certain amounts of the resource and
 declares it to be a shared good - that is the free quota for each
 App Engine.

 Users act as buyers and buy using a model of their own choice.

 - Some would never buy any resource - but want to use free quota.
 - Some would spend $ in a month / week / day / hour / minute / second
 on a specific resource.
 - Some would spend $ in a month / week / day / hour / minute / second
 on any resource.
 - Some would spend $ in a month / week / day / hour / minute / second
 on all resources.
 - Some would buy whenever the price is under $
 - Some would buy certain amounts in a given time period.
 - Some would always buy the resource.

 In this way the GAE users can buy according to their need (production
 cost, if any + profit margin, if any).

 Is this not the logical solution for the pricing problem?

 Mix this with a Market for App Engine Apps and BOOM :-)

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Objectify-Appengine 2.1 released, supports Partial Indexes

2011-08-12 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Specifically, it's the difference between calling Entity.setProperty()
or Entity.setUnindexedProperty() on the low level API.

Objectify interacts with the datastore through the low level API, so
there is always underlying support for features.  Not necessarily in a
convenient form, however.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Scott Hernandez wrote:
 It is supported in appengine. Every time you set a property in an
 Entity (appengine Entity) you can specify if that property is indexed
 or not. The partial indexing support just lets you control that on a
 per instance basis instead of having the field always indexed or not.

 On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Tobias wrote:
 Hi There,
 Can you tell me a little about how partial indexes are implemented in
 objectify? Is it supported in the underlying API or is it solely implemented
 in objectify?
 Kind regards Tobias.

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Re: [appengine-java] Appengine Rest Services

2011-08-12 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I'm pretty happy with Resteasy:

There was a minor trick to getting Guice integrated nicely (see my
recent post on the resteasy-developers list).  Other than that it
works great, and you can use it to render HTML pages with a little

It all works normally on appengine, no issues.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Bruno Sandivilli wrote:
 Hi, i'm doing some ressearch, because i want to do some rest services.
 I can do this by uusing Spring MVC + Jackson
 But i'm thinking in use some kind of stuff that integrates better with
 Im thinking in use : Guice + Jersey .
 But, i could not find some good examples on the web. I found this  :

 but i cant find the jersey-guice(wich contains GuiceContainer).

 Is this the best way to build a rest service in Java + Appengine?

 May i use Spring or Guice to acomplish this?


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Re: [appengine-java] Joins!

2011-08-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 11:45 AM, William Levesque wrote:

 But is Google's position that all data should be denormalized?

I don't think anyone would say that.  I wrote up my thoughts around
this subject here:

The upshot is that we've been conditioned by SQL theorists to believe
that there is a proper way of modeling data; that the data itself
defines the schema and the magic of the RDBMS behind the curtain makes
it fast.  Unfortunately, this is a lie.  It worked to a point but the
traffic demands of a mass consumer application have vastly outstripped
the RDBMS.  You're back to figuring out how to optimize your schema
for your particular query profile.

So the answer is not denormalize everything, it's denormalize the
right things.  And the right things will vary from application to
application.  You just have to build up a correct mental model of how
the datastore performs and then design your application accordingly.


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Re: [appengine-java] Contains query Low Level datastore

2011-07-19 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
It's actually much simpler than you realize.  Assuming that your ListLong
is an indexed property named 'friends', you just need to filter entities for
'friends' equal to your id.

This is how list indexes work - if you filter on the property, the entity
matches if any value in the list matches the filter.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:28 PM, keyvez wrote:

 Thanks for your quick response. After looking into the IN operator, it
 doesn't seem to be what I need. My table looks like this.

 User table:
 id   friends
 21, 4
 41, 2

 I would like to find out who are user 1's friends so the query would be
 something like this

 SELECT * FROM User WHERE friends.contains(1)

 the IN version looks like this

 SELECT * FROM User WHERE friends IN (1)

 which would return id=3 as a result but it is wrong, I am expecting to see
 id=2,3,4 be returned in the result set. Because they are all friends with

 Also I HAVE to do this through the low level datastore API to utilize the
 cursor feature.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: without www domain names - but not a general word to remember and refer to -

2011-07-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Shrug.  Given that any domain chosen cannot have google as part of it (G
doesn't want to convey any kind of public endorsement of our applications),
appspot seems about as good as any.  Sure would be nice but I'm
pretty sure the people already using have other ideas on the

Just shell out the $10/yr for your own domain.  You can host any number of
apps under your own domain as subdomains.


On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 9:38 AM, dreamer venugopal.vasire...@gmail.comwrote:

 I agree. For existing businesses possibly they carry their domain.
 (app engine for business).
 But  App Engine gives platform gives opportunity  for creating new
 businesses. Having www domain is good, but having
 easy to remember free domain also does not hurt.

 On Jul 17, 9:17 am, jMotta wrote:
  I think you got the whole internet thing wrong. When you have a business,
  doesn't matter for your users if it's written in Java or ASM, they just
  if it works or won't.
  So, if it will be appengine or anything else it's much more a choice from
  you than from anyone else. In other words, your user doesn't care if it's
  appspot or ... but probably he will remeber
  In the future if you choose to move from appengine to something else,
  be stuck on it. Instead request something from Google, a company that
  doesn't even know that you exist, buy a domain, do something useful, work
  your business, that's it.
  *Jayr Motta*
  Software Developer
  I'm  on!User/jmotta/ref=jmotta
  On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 1:10 PM, dreamer
   =Why don't you buy one?
One extra requirement, takes long way in larger scope.
What I mean is, for sure if app engine widely becomes popular, may become normal word for non tech folks.
but there are already popular words available like cloud , sky,
   which straight away can be leveraged for their popularity.
   On Jul 17, 8:20 am, jMotta wrote:
You must be kidding, right? They're already giving you a free domain
with all possible services without charge anything and you request
domain easy to remember.
Why don't you buy one? You've said that you could pay for this
*Jayr Motta*
Software Developer
I'm  on!User/jmotta/ref=jmotta
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 12:11 PM, dreamer
 My apps url is;.
 I had hard time remembering this URL, for sure I can not expect
 general user to remember this.
 So I have to have www domain name.
  I din't have any intention of buying domain name any time soon.I
 hoping App engine+GWT+Datastore -  really takes off, And domain becomes so popular, and we don't have to buy
 www - domain names for most of the hosted apps if not all.
 appspot is not a general term to remember, if this were some
 like or, it would
 have been easier to remember for general user to remember.
 We can pay these www domain costs to google, for paid service. The
 domain names are going, I would be cleaner, if google brands some
 thing like
 So I request google come up with very generic domain name.
 Some of the suggestions.
 Then my URL looks like this;;
 For general user, I feel these URLS may be easy to remember and
 Please share your opinion.
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Re: [appengine-java] Απ: ANN: BatchFB 2.1, a Java Facebook library with automatic batching

2011-07-15 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 10:59 PM, George Moschovitis wrote:

 Thanks for the release, but why don't you use Future?

The Future? interface is fundamentally defective because it uses checked

Checked exceptions are one of the handful of gross design flaws of the Java
language.  It's notable that not a single modern language in the post-Java
era - not even the typed languages (groovy, scala, clojure, ceylon) -
include the checked exception.  It was one of those theoretically good ideas
that just turned out to be wrong.  But, like the JCP, it's one of those ugly
warts we just can't seem to get rid of.

If you use Future?, you're stuck with catching InterruptedException and
ExecutionException *everywhere* in your code.  Or you do what Google does
and use FutureHelper everywhere.  This is bullshit.  I'm not going to do it
in my code, and I'm not going to expect anyone else to do it.

Objectify's async api is built around the same principle.  There is a
Request? interface that works almost exactly like Future? but throws
runtime exceptions instead of the crappy checked exceptions.  I wish I could
use the same interface for BatchFB but I can't without making one project
rely on the other.  I blame the asshats at Sun (now Oracle) for dogmatically
sticking to this anachronism and refusing to let the language evolve; this
is one of the reasons the web development community has abandoned Java and
moved on to Ruby and Python.  It pisses me off.


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Re: [appengine-java] Best way to work with a CellTable and many-to-one relationship with objectify?

2011-07-12 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
The public/private/protected/package status of java fields is 100%
irrelevant from a security perspective.  It's just there to help keep your
code clean.  The data is still being passed across the wire in a simple,
easily-decoded protocol that any sniffer can translate.

If you're passing sensitive data across the internet, you *certainly* need
to use SSL at the very least.  Having getters/setters vs public fields is
purely a stylistic concern in this context.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Drew Spencer wrote:

 Thanks for the great reply as always Jeff.

 In contrast to you, my app is going to be used only by employees of my
 company, so preferably I would like to have all data sent over the wire
 encrypted. We're talking about employees of my company accessing data about
 our clients - so it is very sensitive data and I would think therefore that
 whether I need to use a DTO or not, everything should be private. Is this
 correct, or is it ok to use public properties without getters and setters as
 long as I'm encrypting the data?



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[appengine-java] ANN: BatchFB 2.1, a Java Facebook library with automatic batching

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
This is the first time I've announced this opensource project in this forum
because until now there wasn't anything GAE-specific about it.  You can
still use BatchFB outside of GAE, but now BatchFB will use asynchronous
fetching on App Engine to issue multiple batches to Facebook in parallel.
 This is *the* fastest way to pull down significant quantities of data from

Here is a quick snippet of code:


Batcher batcher = new FacebookBatcher(accessToken);

LaterUser me = batcher.graph(me, User.class);
LaterUser mark = batcher.graph(markzuckerberg, User.class);
LaterListUser myFriends = batcher.query(
SELECT uid, first_name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid IN +
(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 =  + myId + ), User.class);
LaterUser bob = batcher.queryFirst(SELECT timezone FROM user WHERE
uid =  + bobsId, User.class);
PagedLaterPost feed = batcher.paged(me/feed, Post.class);

// No calls to Facebook have been made yet.  The following get() will
execute the
// whole batch as a single Facebook call.
String timezone = bob.get().timezone;


You can stack up hundreds of Graph and FQL requests using the Future?-like
interface; BatchFB will group them into batches and execute the batches in
parallel on App Engine.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Fast MVC Framework for GAE?

2011-07-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
If you're just looking for an MVC framework, here are two that I wrote:


This is about as simple as it can possibly get.  Less than 500 lines
of code, no classpath scanning, zero (as in nada, none, zip) effect on
startup time.  It just plays clever with JSP.  For a lot of apps, this
is enough.


This is a layer on top of RESTeasy that lets you render HTML in a
natural JAX-RS way.  You can turn off resource scanning in RESTeasy to
improve startup time, but it means you need to manually define all
your resource classes in web.xml.

The key to a fast startup is to avoid classpath scanning.
Unfortunately this means you might have to do more work yourself.


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Re: [appengine-java] Can we get lat/long data for given address ?

2011-07-06 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Google geocoding.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:14 AM, oceandrive wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get latitude/longitude values for a
 given address

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Re: [appengine-java] Changing datastore property type

2011-07-06 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:50 AM, jMotta wrote:


 I don't know if get it right, but if it's part of the key it is not
 possible to change.

It sounds like the id is being stored as a field/property of an entity -
it's basically a foreign key.

 If this property is not part of the key, then you'll have to deal with it.
 Probably you're using some persistence framework such as JDO, JPA or
 Objectify. These are probably trying to bind the properties found in the
 datastore Entity object into somekind of DTO / POJO through reflection and
 then getting this class cast exception.

Jamie, you didn't mention what API you are using to access the datastore.

FWIW, Objectify will let you change the field type to a String and do the
right thing out of the box.  It's a little more tricky if you have an index
on that field, but reprocessing the data (thus recreating the index) is
pretty simple - just load and save all the entities.  No need to go to the
low-level api.

Unfortunately JDO is more fragile - schema migration doesn't seem to have
been planned into the API.


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Re: [appengine-java] Why are app instances killed after 9000 requests

2011-07-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
This is an interesting issue.  Hopefully someone at Google has considered
this when making changes to the scheduler.

Instance death after 9k requests is a known behavior of GAE (well, known
if you read these forums - I don't think there is any official
documentation).  As a wild guess on my part, it's probably related to
loadbalancing hot instances across machines - as long as instances keep
moving, any single machine is statistically unlikely to be stuck with
multiple hot instances for long.

Yeah, when a multithreaded appserver can hit the 9k limit in a few minutes,
this approach probably needs to be rethought out.  I would assume they're
working on it.


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:03 AM, Juha K wrote:


 I've been testing possible memory leak in my app using JDO. I created a
 small app with two servlets, the other servlet creating one small JDO entity
 and the other servlet creating an entity with Objectify. Running the test
 with JMeter I've realised the memory usage grows quite a bit when using JDO
 (same can be seen in profiler with dev server too). With Objectify the
 memory usage grows a little BUT it seems that GAE kills the instance as soon
 as it has got 9000 requests.

 I've run the (objectify) test using threaded and non-threaded mode. With
 non-threaded I'm sending about 3-4 requests per second which are being
 handled by single instance. It takes almost 40 minutes to reach 9000
 requests and then instance memory usage is about 52-58mb and latency
 22-27ms. And when 9000 requests are reached the instance is being killed.
 When I run the app threaded, I can send about 20 requests per second and it
 takes just over 7 minutes to reach that 9000 request limit (memory usage is
 usually at 53mb) and the instance is killed. With upcoming pricing model I
 pay for at least 15 minutes for each instance? Why does GAE kill my instance
 at exactly 9000 requests (no matter how soon the 9000 requests are reached
 and no matter what is the memory usage or latency)?

 I was closely watching my production app and the same happens also there.

 This is output of instances in the control panel for my test app just
 before reaching 9000 requests:
 QPS*Latency*RequestsErrorsAgeMemoryAvailability20.70026.8 ms897600:07:2151.8
 MBytes[image: Dynamic Icon]Dynamic
 and this just seconds second later:
 *Instances *[image: 
 QPS*Latency*RequestsErrorsAgeMemoryAvailability0.0500.0 ms500:00:0140.3
 MBytes[image: Dynamic Icon]Dynamic

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Re: [appengine-java] Big Entities vs Small Entities

2011-07-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I think John has the right idea... but since you probably don't need
dynamic form fields, I would probably do it like this:

class MyEntity {
   @Id String uid;
   @Embedded FormField field1;
   @Embedded FormField field2;

(No doubt for Twig you just substitute @Embed for Objectify's @Embedded)


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:50 AM, John Patterson wrote:
 Keep them all in one Entity so you only need to do a single datastore get()
 but embed a List of FormField (or something) in the main entity.  Both Twig
 and Objectify support embedding collections of objects in a single Entity.
  Entity size is less important than the number of datastore calls you must
 class MyEntity
   @Embed private ListFormField fields;
 class FormField
   String value;
   boolean modified;

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Re: [appengine-java] Best way to work with a CellTable and many-to-one relationship with objectify?

2011-07-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
That's what I tend to do.  Since I write consumer apps, passing my raw
entities across the wire usually isn't an option in the first place -
there's usually too much security-sensitive stuff, or at the very
least data I would rather not disclose to a potential attacker.

Also... using entities client-side tends to really thin them out, and
you can easily fall into the anemic domain model antipattern. And
when you work on the domain classes, it can break your RPC protocol
(forcing users to reload their browser page, or worse if we're talking
about web service type RPCs).  Sometimes this is ok, sometimes it
isn't.  Just depends on your app.

As a general rule, I wouldn't be so afraid of creating DTOs.  Even if
they're just a set of public fields - do they really need getters and


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Drew Spencer wrote:
 Thanks guys. So basically I should be grabbing the Supplies and Suppliers on
 the server side, combining the data I need from both into a SupplyDTO
 object, and passing that back to the client, rather than doing the
 processing on the client?
 Seems to make sense!

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Re: [appengine-java] Best way to work with a CellTable and many-to-one relationship with objectify?

2011-06-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
To be honest, whenever I start to have a less-than-perfect match
between my entities and the content rendered in my client, I usually
create DTOs.  It's mildly annoying, but it results in a clean
interface without a lot of extra payload (some of which might be
security-sensitive) sent across the wire.


On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Drew Spencer wrote:
 Well I am just trying to get some kind of demo program running and learn
 about cells/celltable while I go because my app needs to display lots of
 tabular data and I understand this is the fastest way to do it.
 What I am doing is this:
 Get the supplies (List)
 Loop the supplies, adding each supplier key to  supplierList
 Get the suppliers (Map)
 add supplierName to each Supply (as a String)
 Call setRowData for supplies
 Like you say, this is ok for now, but I am wondering if there is a better
 solution. At least this way I am updating every Supply record with the name
 from the Supplier when it is accessed - that way if a Supplier Name does
 change, it won't matter.

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Re: [appengine-java] Why the 10 second URL fetch limit?

2011-06-17 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
The problem with using the Channel API this way is not quota usage, it's the
rather significant amount of work required on the client  server to make
this work.

Making an ajax call from client javascript is trivial.  Making an ajax call
PLUS setting up, tearing down, and processing messages from the channel API
is a massive PITA.  A modern development environment shouldn't make you go
through this much trouble to do something so simple.

Multithreading largely addresses this issue.  Async services don't have the
issue at all.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:57 AM, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.comwrote:

 It doesn't hold up the UI but it effectively blocks a connection. With
 multithreaded Java this isn't an issue, I suppose - but it will raise your
 average user facing latency and your application will not autoscale if it is
 frequent. If it is not frequent, the quote usage from the Channel API will
 be minimal.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Luis Montes wrote:

 It's not in a task queue or cron job.  It's definitely not holding up the
 UI since the fetch is happening in an AJAX call and the user knows that the
 call will take a few seconds.

 Putting it in a task queue means i have to store the results and poll the
 server to check if the results have finished, or use the channel API to push
 a notification back to the client.  Those approaches both use more quota
 than would simply allowing for more time on a normal fetch.


 On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.comwrote:

 Are you doing the urlfetch in an offline call (task queue or cron)? If
 so, the limit should be higher than 10 seconds as of SDK 1.4.1.

 I hope this isn't an online call, because it would suck for a user to
 wait 30 seconds before a page load. You're better off showing the user a
 loading screen, handing the job to a task queue, then updating the page when
 the fetch has finished.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Luis Montes wrote:

 I understand why there's a 30 second limit for an http connection to
 GAE, but I don't understand why server to server URL fetches get timed out
 at 10 seconds.

 Seems like as long as you finish up all your processing in less than 30
 you should be fine.  How about upping the URL fetch max to 29 seconds?



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Re: [appengine-java] How to design an in-memory cache?

2011-06-15 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Sounds like you could just keep it around for 30 minutes or an hour,
refreshing it after it expires.

What would be nice is to be able to perform the refresh asynchronously.  Say
it takes 5s to build a piece of data that every appserver uses for
practically every request.  Instead of relying on memcache, it would be nice
to just keep this as static/application-scoped data in the appserver - and
have a cron job that updates every instance every 15 minutes or so.

This is easy to do if I can create threads, and a common pattern in the
JavaEE world.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 8:25 AM, tempy wrote:

 Hello all,
 I'm wondering if its possible to design a cache using data in static
 variables.  I have certain pieces of small and unchanging data, such
 as a banner for the top of the site whose contents might only change
 every couple of days.  This is perfect for storing in a static
 variable and falling back onto the memcache as necessary.  The one
 thing I don't know how to do is to clear that cache.  If I want to
 update that data, I can clear the memcache, but there's no way that I
 can think of to clear static data cache, other than to wait until a
 particular instance goes down, and who knows when that will happen.
 Any ideas?  Thanks!

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: When to use a String as ID? (using Objectify and GWT)

2011-06-15 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
One case is when you need to save several different entities that all
reference each other.  Let's say A has a reference to B, and B has a
reference to A.  If you relied on key autogeneration you would need 3 puts:

 * Put A (which initializes the id)
 * Set B.a to the id of A, put B
 * Set A.b to the id of B, put A again

Instead you can just allocate two ids up front and put both entities
together (in a batch if you'd like).


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 3:26 AM, Drew Spencer wrote:

 Thanks Jeff, I think I will use Longs as you suggest. I was
 originally thinking why add an extra piece of data when there's a unique
 value there? Well, now I know why!

 Just one question - the DatastoreService.allocateIdRange() - when would
 this be used? I have read the javadoc and understand that it reserves the
 IDs for bulk loading etc, but can you give an example of when it might be
 used. At the moment I have some code that creates 5 lists of my 5 entities
 (dummy data), puts all 5 lists to the datastore, links them up using keys,
 and then puts them all again. Is there a better way to do this?

 Thanks again for being so helpful.


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
I don't understand this code at all.  You're querying the data and
then iterating over a separate call?  And what does the extra call to
list.size() have anything to do with this?

The code linked from has
just gone back to calling list.size() without iterating the results,
which once again goes back to a bogus benchmark.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 Slim3 uses LL API.

 To resolve a strange issue that slim3 is faster than LL, I tried the
 following samples:

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =


 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 The second one is much faster than the first one.
 I fixed the samples to call list.size().

 As a result, LL is as fast as slim3 (^^;

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 Thank you for fixing the benchmark.

 I am very curious.  According to this new benchmark - it's hard to
 tell without pushing the buttons a lot of times, but there seems to be
 a trend - Slim3 is somewhat faster than the Low Level API.

 Doesn't Slim3 use the Low Level API underneath?  How can it possibly be 


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 What I want to provide is a fair and casual benchmark.

 As jeff advised, I modified samples as follows:
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 for (Bar bar : service.getBarListUsingSlim3()) {

 for (BarObjectify bar : service.getBarListUsingObjectify()) {

 for (BarJDO bar : service.getBarListUsingJDO()) {

 LL API is much slower than before.

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 7:45 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 Slim3 may be a nice piece of software, but it has not been
 demonstrated to be faster than anything (including JDO).  It might or
 might not be faster - I don't know - but based on the sloppy
 benchmarking, I'm pretty certain that the people making this claim
 don't know either.

 There's another ill-conceived performance claim on the Slim3 website:
 You may worry about the overhead of global transactions. Don't worry.
 It is not very expensive.  There are three problems with their little
 performance test:

  1) It only measures wall-clock time, not cost.
  2) It does not measure what happens under contention.
  3) The numbers are obviously wrong - they don't even pass a smoke test.

 Look at these numbers (from the Slim3 home page):

 Entity Groups   Local Transaction(millis)       Global Transaction(millis)
 1       67      70
 2       450     415
 3       213     539
 4       1498    981
 5       447     781

 Just like the 1ms low-level API query performance in the benchmark
 that spawned this thread, even a casual observer should be able to
 recognize the obvious flaw - the numbers don't show any expected
 relationship between # of entity groups or the use of global
 transactions.  Interpreted literally, you would assume that local
 transactions are much faster for 5 entity groups, but global
 transactions are much faster for 4 entity groups.

 It's pretty obvious that the benchmark author just ran one pass and
 took the numbers as-is.  If you actually run multiple passes, you'll
 find that there is enormous variance in the timing.  The only way you
 can realistically measure results like this on appengine is to execute
 the test 100 times and take a median.

 FWIW, I deliberately haven't made any performance claims for Objectify
 because I haven't put the necessary amount of due diligence into
 creating a proper set of benchmarks.  It is not easy to measure
 performance, especially in a dynamic environment like appengine.  I
 only hope that the Slim3 authors have put more care and thought into
 crafting their library than they have their benchmarks.


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Gal Dolber wrote:
 Slim3 is not only fast, the api is completely awesome. It has been my 
 for a year now for all gae projects.
 It includes name safety and and amazing querying

Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Ok - so what you're saying is that the extra call to list.size()
before iterating through the list makes list iteration faster?  Oddly
enough, this does seem to make a difference.

This looks like some sort of performance bug in the Low-Level API.
It's clearly not related to Slim3... except in as much as Slim3
inadvertently works around this bug.  It's also very peculiar to
working with List results - you obviously can't call size() when
you're iterating through an unbounded result set.

The benchmark is bogus... which is to say, it does not show what you
think it shows.


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 It's *NO* bogus benchmark because the sample iterates the results.

 Yasuo Higa

 The code linked from has
 just gone back to calling list.size() without iterating the results,
 which once again goes back to a bogus benchmark.


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 Slim3 uses LL API.

 To resolve a strange issue that slim3 is faster than LL, I tried the
 following samples:

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =


 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 The second one is much faster than the first one.
 I fixed the samples to call list.size().

 As a result, LL is as fast as slim3 (^^;

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 Thank you for fixing the benchmark.

 I am very curious.  According to this new benchmark - it's hard to
 tell without pushing the buttons a lot of times, but there seems to be
 a trend - Slim3 is somewhat faster than the Low Level API.

 Doesn't Slim3 use the Low Level API underneath?  How can it possibly be 


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 What I want to provide is a fair and casual benchmark.

 As jeff advised, I modified samples as follows:
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 for (Bar bar : service.getBarListUsingSlim3()) {

 for (BarObjectify bar : service.getBarListUsingObjectify()) {

 for (BarJDO bar : service.getBarListUsingJDO()) {

 LL API is much slower than before.

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 7:45 AM, Jeff Schnitzer 
 Slim3 may be a nice piece of software, but it has not been
 demonstrated to be faster than anything (including JDO).  It might or
 might not be faster - I don't know - but based on the sloppy
 benchmarking, I'm pretty certain that the people making this claim
 don't know either.

 There's another ill-conceived performance claim on the Slim3 website:
 You may worry about the overhead of global transactions. Don't worry.
 It is not very expensive.  There are three problems with their little
 performance test:

  1) It only measures wall-clock time, not cost.
  2) It does not measure what happens under contention.
  3) The numbers are obviously wrong - they don't even pass a smoke test.

 Look at these numbers (from the Slim3 home page):

 Entity Groups   Local Transaction(millis)       Global 
 1       67      70
 2       450     415
 3       213     539
 4       1498    981
 5       447     781

 Just like the 1ms low-level API query performance in the benchmark
 that spawned this thread, even a casual observer should be able to
 recognize the obvious flaw - the numbers don't show any expected
 relationship between # of entity groups or the use of global
 transactions.  Interpreted literally, you would assume that local
 transactions are much faster for 5 entity groups, but global
 transactions are much faster for 4 entity groups.

 It's pretty obvious that the benchmark author just ran one pass and
 took the numbers as-is.  If you actually run multiple passes, you'll
 find that there is enormous variance in the timing.  The only way you
 can realistically measure results like this on appengine is to execute

Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Gal Dolber wrote:
 I am not comparing reflexion vs byte-code generation or anything like that,
 apt generates code, is not a runtime technology.
 Like or not reflexion is known to be slower than actually writing the code.

This is entirely irrelevant.  We've now established that the issue at
hand is a strange quirk in the Low-Level API and has nothing to do
with reflection.  100% (or close to it) of the performance gain of
Slim3 is because it calls .size() on a List before iterating it.

 Slim3 generates the minimal possible code you need to talk with the low
 level api, if the low level bench is faster is just because its not
 converting the Entity to the Pojo.

You missed the point - in the benchmark, Slim3 was *faster* than the
Low-Level API.  This clearly indicated something was amiss, and now
we've uncovered the actual cause.  It turns out to be something quite
interesting indeed.

This is a classic case of what Feynman called Cargo Cult Science.  You
all believed that Slim3 should be faster than other APIs because code
generation is faster than reflection, so when someone produced an
ill-conceived benchmark that seemed to confirm your preconceived
notion, you just accepted the entire narrative:  Slim3 is fast
because it doesn't use reflection!  This is sloppy thinking (see:
Confirmation Bias).

If you haven't read this, it's a gem (I make a habit of re-reading it
at least once a year):


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Star this issue:

I'm willing to bet I know exactly what's going on.  When you call
size() first, the backing ArrayList is being created initially with
the proper size.  If you don't call size() first, the backing
ArrayList is initialized small and reallocs organically up to the
10,000-element size.  Thus the performance penalty.

The GAE internals obviously can obtain the size information ahead of
time; they just aren't initializing the ArrayList to the proper size
in this one case.  I could probably find the exact line of code in the
SDK and submit a patch.


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 5:16 AM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 Ok - so what you're saying is that the extra call to list.size()
 before iterating through the list makes list iteration faster?  Oddly
 enough, this does seem to make a difference.

 This looks like some sort of performance bug in the Low-Level API.
 It's clearly not related to Slim3... except in as much as Slim3
 inadvertently works around this bug.  It's also very peculiar to
 working with List results - you obviously can't call size() when
 you're iterating through an unbounded result set.

 The benchmark is bogus... which is to say, it does not show what you
 think it shows.


 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 It's *NO* bogus benchmark because the sample iterates the results.

 Yasuo Higa

 The code linked from has
 just gone back to calling list.size() without iterating the results,
 which once again goes back to a bogus benchmark.


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 Slim3 uses LL API.

 To resolve a strange issue that slim3 is faster than LL, I tried the
 following samples:

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 AsyncDatastoreService ds =
 Query q = new Query(Bar);
    PreparedQuery pq = ds.prepare(q);
 ListEntity list =


 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 The second one is much faster than the first one.
 I fixed the samples to call list.size().

 As a result, LL is as fast as slim3 (^^;

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Jeff Schnitzer 
 Thank you for fixing the benchmark.

 I am very curious.  According to this new benchmark - it's hard to
 tell without pushing the buttons a lot of times, but there seems to be
 a trend - Slim3 is somewhat faster than the Low Level API.

 Doesn't Slim3 use the Low Level API underneath?  How can it possibly be 


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 What I want to provide is a fair and casual benchmark.

 As jeff advised, I modified samples as follows:
 for (Entity e : service.getBarListUsingLL()) {

 for (Bar bar : service.getBarListUsingSlim3()) {

 for (BarObjectify bar : service.getBarListUsingObjectify()) {

 for (BarJDO bar : service.getBarListUsingJDO()) {

 LL API is much slower than before.

 Yasuo Higa

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 7:45 AM, Jeff Schnitzer 
 Slim3 may be a nice piece of software, but it has not been
 demonstrated to be faster than anything (including JDO).  It might or
 might not be faster - I don't know - but based on the sloppy
 benchmarking, I'm pretty certain that the people making this claim
 don't know either.

 There's another ill-conceived performance claim on the Slim3 website:
 You may worry about the overhead of global transactions. Don't worry.
 It is not very expensive.  There are three problems with their little
 performance test:

  1) It only measures wall-clock time, not cost.
  2) It does not measure what happens under contention.
  3) The numbers are obviously wrong - they don't even pass a smoke test.

 Look at these numbers (from the Slim3 home page):

 Entity Groups   Local Transaction(millis)       Global 
 1       67      70
 2       450     415
 3       213     539
 4       1498    981
 5       447     781

Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Don't feel bad - I've now wasted over a day on this!

Sorry if I've come across as grumpy in previous emails... but I've
wasted over a day on this :-(


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Gal Dolber wrote:
 Ok, you actually got me to waste 1 hour on benchmarking and I hate to say
 that you are right.
 The use of reflexion seems not to be heavy enough to make the difference.
 Some extra features on slim3 make it slower when you don't make use them, I
 almost have a working path to avoid this problem, but even with the patch,
 both frameworks give almost the same performance
 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Dennis Peterson

 Haha, excellent. I studied cargo cults a bit in anthropology classes, long
 ago, and never suspected how relevant they would be.
 You would probably enjoy this:

 Until Google makes a change, maybe the other frameworks should try the
 same trick?

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Jeff Schnitzer

 On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Gal Dolber wrote:
  I am not comparing reflexion vs byte-code generation or anything like
  apt generates code, is not a runtime technology.
  Like or not reflexion is known to be slower than actually writing the

 This is entirely irrelevant.  We've now established that the issue at
 hand is a strange quirk in the Low-Level API and has nothing to do
 with reflection.  100% (or close to it) of the performance gain of
 Slim3 is because it calls .size() on a List before iterating it.

  Slim3 generates the minimal possible code you need to talk with the low
  level api, if the low level bench is faster is just because its not
  converting the Entity to the Pojo.

 You missed the point - in the benchmark, Slim3 was *faster* than the
 Low-Level API.  This clearly indicated something was amiss, and now
 we've uncovered the actual cause.  It turns out to be something quite
 interesting indeed.

 This is a classic case of what Feynman called Cargo Cult Science.  You
 all believed that Slim3 should be faster than other APIs because code
 generation is faster than reflection, so when someone produced an
 ill-conceived benchmark that seemed to confirm your preconceived
 notion, you just accepted the entire narrative:  Slim3 is fast
 because it doesn't use reflection!  This is sloppy thinking (see:
 Confirmation Bias).

 If you haven't read this, it's a gem (I make a habit of re-reading it
 at least once a year):


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 Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: R: Re: New GWT/App Engine site

2011-06-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Giorgio Riccardi wrote:
 Hi Jeff,

 1) Polishing the navigation, as you said, it kind thought with GWT,
 but I absolutely agree with you that it needs to be improved...
 already some changes have been done, but going back at the same
 position  level on the map is just a mystery ;-)

Just leave the old window intact (but invisible) and render the new
one on top.  When you restore the old window, it should be more or
less the same as it was.  If the map widget gives you trouble, you
don't even need to set it invisible... just layer it under the new
panel with z-index.

 2) I did not quite understand well what do you mean in just pick a
 random sample... Are you suggesting to load a pre-configured map/kml
 with some markers?

When you arrive at the map, it's zoomed out all the way and blank.
Never show an empty map to the user.  Put some markers on there when
zoomed out all the way, or use the google javascript client stuff to
geoip the user and pick a reasonable level of zoom for them.


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Re: [appengine-java] Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your request.

2011-06-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Sorry, when I said I have a GWT app that takes one major hit at
startup (possibly seconds) I meant the GWT client app itself, on
startup, has a login() call to the server that can take seconds to
process.  Synchronizing facebook data and all that jazz.

I'm not terribly concerned about this since the ratio of login()s to
other queries is low, browser refreshes will find mostly cached
data, and I am now hitting Facebook with multiple batches in
parallel... but since I don't really know the limits, it would suck to
find out my architecture doesn't work in-vivo.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:
 IIRC, the loading request latency doesn't affect the average time. It's an
 average, I believe, and it's a moving window.
 A long startup time, however, will result in the scheduler almost always
 favoring putting items in the pending queue instead of spinning up new
 instances, though. When scheduling a request, we do the lesser of:
 cold start time vs. sliding window of pending ms
 So if your app takes 10 seconds to startup and requests are spending 5
 seconds in the pending queue, we will send the requests to the pending queue
 until the expected wait is 10+ seconds. If we decide to spin up new
 instances, we only spin up one instance at a time. During the spin up time,
 we continue to place new requests on the queue.
 I'm thinking we need a new section about scheduling, auto scaling and
 wallclock. The wallclock stuff is probably the most confusing ...
 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 Is this documented anywhere?  It's something I figured out from
 occasional comments I've seen on this list over the years, but I've
 never seen it mentioned in the official documentation.  And it's kinda

 In particular, I'd like to know what the bounds are for threaded java,
 and how the average time is computed - is it mean, median, or mode?  I
 have a GWT app that takes one major hit at startup (possibly seconds)
 and then performs lots of smaller hits as the user interacts with the
 app.  It would be nice to know if this will cause problems down the


 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Ikai Lan (Google)
  You get this error when your request waits in a pending queue.
  App Engine apps are autoscaled IF they can average under 1000ms. If they
  cannot, we do not give you additional instances, and requests line up in
  pending queue. If your request waits in the pending queue for more than
  seconds (I think N is 9 at the moment but I don't know for sure off the
  of my head), this message is returned.
  You'll need to look at the average latency and figure out how to drop it
  under 1000ms. Alternatively, if you enable concurrent Java requests,
  be a higher ceiling before this error appears if you have Always On
  you can serve a total of 3 (always on instances) * M (concurrency
  factor, I
  think this is 40 at the moment) requests at one time without requiring
  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
  On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:06 AM, holger
  Hello everyone,
  i am running a java REST service in the appengine and get this:
  Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
  request. This may happen sporadically when the App Engine serving
  cluster is
  under unexpectedly high or uneven load. If you see this message
  please contact the App Engine team.
  I see this message frequently and customer requests fail because of it.
  Can anyone help me please! Thanks a lot.
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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
You are wrong.

Try adding getProperty() calls to your LL performance test, and the
speed advantage of the LL API goes away.  I don't know what to say
about Slim3, but here's my test case:

I created 10,000 entities in the datastore that have the same format
as your test case - a single string property.  Here's what happens
(try it - and remember to reload the urls several times to get a
realistic median value):

## Low Level API with just .size()

The code:

ListEntity things =

Note that results are almost always under 2000ms.  Wild guess I'd say
the median elapsed is ~1900, just like your example.

## Low Level API with actual fetch of the data

The code:

ListEntity things =
for (Entity ent: things)

Note that the duration is now considerably longer.  Eyeballing the
median elapsed time, I'd say somewhere around 3000ms.

## Objectify fetching from datastore

Objectify ofy = ObjectifyService.begin();
ListThing things = ofy.query(Thing.class).list();
for (Thing thing: things)

Note that the timing is pretty much the same as the LL API when it
includes actual fetches of the entity values.  It is, no doubt, just a
little higher.

## A pure measurement of Objectify's overhead

This causes Objectify to translate 10,000 statically-created Entity
objects to POJOs.  You can see the code here:

You'll notice (after you hit the URL a couple times to warm up the
JIT) that elapsed time converges to somewhere around 120ms.



The numbers in the original benchmark are a result of improper
measurements.  The actual wall-clock overhead for Objectify in this
test is ~4% (120ms out of 3000ms).

Further speculation on my part, but probably correct: The overhead of
reflection is unlikely to be a significant part of that 4%.

Sloppy work.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 7:55 AM, Yasuo Higa wrote:
 It is not bogus.
 LazyList#size() fetches all data as follows:
 public int size() {
        return results.size();

 Yasuo Higa

 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:32 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
 It's not my benchmark, it's Slim3's :) ...but you're right, it's bogus. I
 asked on the main appengine group too, and it turns out the low-level
 benchmark is doing lazy loading. With that fixed, their numbers come out
 like yours.
 I found this one too, which also gets results like yours:

 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Erwin Streur wrote:

 Indeed Dennis's measurements are very suspicious. First you should do
 a couple of warming ups on each of the implementations to prevent
 pollution like the JDO classpath scan for enhanced classes (which is
 one of the reasons for the high initial run). Then do a couple of run
 to determine a range of measurements to spot outlyers. your low-level
 API 2millis is definately one.

 When I did the measurements I got the following results
 low-level: 1150-1550
 Slim3: 1150-1600
 Objectify: 1950-2400
 JDO: 2100-2700

 These measurements confirm that GAE designed implementations are
 faster then the GAE implementation of a generic data access layer
 (JDO), but not so extrem as initially posted.

 The initial response using JDO is a known issue and especially low
 trafic website should not use it or use the always on feature (maybe
 this will change in the new pricing model)



 On Jun 7, 11:00 am, Ian Marshall wrote:
  The low-level API does indeed look very fast.
  Just a comment on JDO: repeat runs roughly halve the JDO run time. I
  presume that this is because for repeat runs the JDO persistence
  manager factory has already been constructed.
  On Jun 6, 8:44 pm, DennisP wrote:
   I'm looking at this online
   Sample run:
   The number of entities: 1
   low-level API:get: 2 millis
   Slim3: 2490 millis
   JDO: 6030 millis
   Is the low-level API really that much faster?

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Re: [appengine-java] Does AppEngine support Servlet 3.0 ServletContainerInitializer

2011-06-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Unfortunately GAE does not support Servlet 3.0.

Please star:


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Marcel Overdijk wrote:
 Does AppEngine support Servlet 3.0 ServletContainerInitializer for
 code-based configuration of Servlet Container?

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Is the native API really so much faster than JDO and slim3?

2011-06-08 Thread Jeff Schnitzer
Slim3 may be a nice piece of software, but it has not been
demonstrated to be faster than anything (including JDO).  It might or
might not be faster - I don't know - but based on the sloppy
benchmarking, I'm pretty certain that the people making this claim
don't know either.

There's another ill-conceived performance claim on the Slim3 website:
You may worry about the overhead of global transactions. Don't worry.
It is not very expensive.  There are three problems with their little
performance test:

 1) It only measures wall-clock time, not cost.
 2) It does not measure what happens under contention.
 3) The numbers are obviously wrong - they don't even pass a smoke test.

Look at these numbers (from the Slim3 home page):

Entity Groups   Local Transaction(millis)   Global Transaction(millis)
1   67  70
2   450 415
3   213 539
4   1498981
5   447 781

Just like the 1ms low-level API query performance in the benchmark
that spawned this thread, even a casual observer should be able to
recognize the obvious flaw - the numbers don't show any expected
relationship between # of entity groups or the use of global
transactions.  Interpreted literally, you would assume that local
transactions are much faster for 5 entity groups, but global
transactions are much faster for 4 entity groups.

It's pretty obvious that the benchmark author just ran one pass and
took the numbers as-is.  If you actually run multiple passes, you'll
find that there is enormous variance in the timing.  The only way you
can realistically measure results like this on appengine is to execute
the test 100 times and take a median.

FWIW, I deliberately haven't made any performance claims for Objectify
because I haven't put the necessary amount of due diligence into
creating a proper set of benchmarks.  It is not easy to measure
performance, especially in a dynamic environment like appengine.  I
only hope that the Slim3 authors have put more care and thought into
crafting their library than they have their benchmarks.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Gal Dolber wrote:
 Slim3 is not only fast, the api is completely awesome. It has been my choice
 for a year now for all gae projects.
 It includes name safety and and amazing querying utils.
 Very recommendable!

 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 You are wrong.

 Try adding getProperty() calls to your LL performance test, and the
 speed advantage of the LL API goes away.  I don't know what to say
 about Slim3, but here's my test case:

 I created 10,000 entities in the datastore that have the same format
 as your test case - a single string property.  Here's what happens
 (try it - and remember to reload the urls several times to get a
 realistic median value):

 ## Low Level API with just .size()

 The code:

 ListEntity things =

 Note that results are almost always under 2000ms.  Wild guess I'd say
 the median elapsed is ~1900, just like your example.

 ## Low Level API with actual fetch of the data

 The code:

 ListEntity things =
 for (Entity ent: things)

 Note that the duration is now considerably longer.  Eyeballing the
 median elapsed time, I'd say somewhere around 3000ms.

 ## Objectify fetching from datastore

 Objectify ofy = ObjectifyService.begin();
 ListThing things = ofy.query(Thing.class).list();
 for (Thing thing: things)

 Note that the timing is pretty much the same as the LL API when it
 includes actual fetches of the entity values.  It is, no doubt, just a
 little higher.

 ## A pure measurement of Objectify's overhead

 This causes Objectify to translate 10,000 statically-created Entity
 objects to POJOs.  You can see the code here:

 You'll notice (after you hit the URL a couple times to warm up the
 JIT) that elapsed time converges to somewhere around 120ms.



 The numbers in the original benchmark are a result of improper
 measurements.  The actual wall-clock overhead for Objectify in this

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