CS: Legal-Mercy for boy who cut bullies

2000-12-15 Thread IG


I am afraid that the world of constant anti police and anti authority
extremism is not my world.

I had hoped, being a keen shooter, to be involved in discussions about
shooting, not constantly responding to people who dissect every sentence I
make, put their own interpretation on it and then have the effrontery to
tell me that I am using my official capacity to further some sort of agenda.

I can well understand that some people dislike certain things to do with the
police, but it is the constant unceasing uninformed vitriol that amazes me.

It is my profession, an honourable one and one that I am proud to have
achieved success in. I do not take kindly to ill informed and totally
erroneous statements being made. I do not like the fact that I constantly
receive threats and hate mail, for no other reason than the fact that I am a
police officer. It is very sad. It has merely confirmed my view that there
are a sizeable number, albeit the tiny minority, of shooters who are
thoroughly objectionable people.
I have unsubscribed from CS, having been invited to join a forum that
consists of pure shooters, sportsmen, who are more my cup of tea. I am not
decrying you, but the constant sniping is wearying. I am sure there will be
some sighs of relief...one less person to disagree with.


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CS: Legal-Mercy for boy who cut bullies

2000-12-13 Thread IG


If IG is still with us and has any concerns about this
please let us know. Until recently I was unsure about these things myself
but not now. And I have a duty to put him right g.

The term we use is 'barrack room lawyer'.
Someone who thinks he knows it all, but can't put it into practise.


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CS: Legal-Mercy for boy who cut bullies

2000-12-13 Thread IG


You aren't going to get away with that, that's not what you said,
you said under certain circumstances you could accept that some
people had justification for a firearm for self-defence.

I despair.

That's hardly in my official capacity is it??

Can there be anyone else on this group who is subject to such intense
scrutiny and hatred?
Pardon?  How is that comment anything to do with hatred?  And
what the heck has your "official capacity" got to do with it?

Are you telling me you have one opinion at work and another
when you're not?


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-12-08 Thread IG


as I'd come to the conclusion that offering reasoned
argument against IG's wilder claims was a waste of time and effort, since he
simply resorts to saying he knows what's best for us, in true authoritarian
style. I've given up - life's too short. Perhaps he really is the malign
agent provocateur some have suggested, and not a policeman at all.

Is this really the best that you can do?
What wild claims?
When have I ever said that I know what's best for anyone? Go on, I challenge
you to come up with an example.
Malign agent provocateur? Come on. What you really mean is that when someone
challenges the nice cosy world that you have built up around your distorted
beliefs, you don't like it.
You aren't interested in shooting as a sport, are you. Be honest.


PS In response to the allegation that I am hiding behind a cloak of
anonymity, made by another subscriber.well, if the membership think that
is the case, I would welcome comments, either way. I am intrigued to know
what my refusal to identify myself has got to do with anything.
I am sure that even the person who made that typically ill informed comment
can grasp the concept that it would be a short step to discovering my
address, etc. for anyone who wanted to. Or does Mr Ayoobs course not teach
that the best form of self defence is not to need it at all?
IG is genuninely a copper everyone, I can vouch for that.

Ayoob and anyone else who is decent teaches the concept of
being observant.  I think Jeff Cooper boiled it down into some
sort of warning system, i.e. most people live in condition
white whereas you should live in condition yellow.

Frankly there were so many colours I could never remember it.

Be observant is the best advice.


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CS: Misc-Policeman dies after gun goes off accidentally

2000-12-02 Thread IG


A New York detective has bled to death after his gun went off while he
cleaning it.

How can a gun go off when its being cleaned? And if it does, how on earth
can it be accidental?
Negligent, yes.
Acidental, no.

Stands by to repel boarders

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CS: Target-Mini 14 Wooden stock

2000-12-01 Thread IG


I know where there are a number, if you would care to email me.

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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-30 Thread IG


IG you are as socially inept as you are legally.

Well well well.
What a comment form someone who uses the prehistoric American police concept
of justifiable use of a firearm. AOJ.
My God. That died a death in the 60's!
I still have an old black and white training film telling us all about this
Get up to date. Even Mr Ayoob doesn't use this old rubbish!

What you quote has got no bearing to UK law whatsoever. Full stop.
So I am afraid that you take over the legally inept mantle at once. Go stand
in a corner with a traffic cone on your head.

If self defence is a non starter for you IG, give up your baton, gas,
and radio you wear out on patrol. When trouble comes for you, you'll be
empty handed and alone with no prospect of salvation. Then and only then you
might realise what being a victim is like and what everyone else out there
suffers for needlessly, because of cowards like you

I do it as a profession, unlike some of the wannabe rambos, you included,
that post here. Whether you like it or not, you have no connection with law
enforcement in the UK, whereas it is my job. Whatever yours is, I wouldnt
presume to tell you how to do it.
I very much doubt, judging from what I have read, whether you would have the
moral or physical courage to walk to the corner shop without some artillery
or weaponry about your person.
I have the wounds and scars of numerous encounters with violence, all in the
course of protecting the rights of individuals like you, that spout a load
of crap about things that they know nothing about. Like police training. You
dont know what we do. I, however, do. Very easy lesson...dont talk crap
about things you know nowt about.

How dare you have the unmitigated temerity to call me a coward. You dont
know me. I personally don't know you and am thankful for that privilege.

You are a prime and classic example of why we should have gun control. You
are yet another Americanophile, incapable of seeing the reality of life in
the UK. Go live there. It would suit you.

I have never read such a rabid anti-police load of crap anywhere. For
someone to be so bitter, twisted and insecure cannot be healthy. All you do
is show your hatred of the police. You contribute nothing to anything with
your twisted logic and references to America. Do real shooters a favour and
take up stamp collecting. Or train spotting.

love and kisses

Any more flaming and you will both be taking up something other
than reading Cybershooters email messages.


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CS: Pol-self defence

2000-11-30 Thread IG


You're talking about bodyguards being ineffective, which if anything
only bolsters the argument for the intended victim to be armed.  If
the Queen had had a pistol in a holster, she could have shot back.

Not if she was lying on the pavement leaking blood all over.
Its not just bodyguards, its the fact that, by and large, firearms are of
very little use in self defence when the practicalities are thought through.

I have had people try to throttle me too, and didnt need a firearm to stop
I accept that a person who is physically smaller would have difficulty, but
what about the numerous other things APART from a firearm that could be
CS?  Pepper? A rolled up newspaper? Pen? Kick in the groin? Headbutt?

Carrying a firearm on the off chance that you might get mugged will never
convince me.

I am afraid that I have no desire to join the NRA of America. No doubt they
publish excellent articles, but I find that the overwhelming majority of
American shooting literature is very interesting, often amusing, but of very
little relevance to the UK, whether it be on hunting, target shooting or
self defence. The technical stuff is excellent, I grant you that, far better
than anything we produce here.

With the possible exception of CS or pepper spray none of those would
have worked in the situation I was in.  He was obviously a bit out
of his head and the grip he had me in prevented a headbutt or a kick
in the groin.  Personally I think lethal force was the only way out
of it, because if he was a bit drunk I doubt sprays would have worked
either.  And he was much heavier than I was.

You are simply never going to convince me that firearms are of no
use for self-defence.  Save your breath.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-30 Thread IG


I think this point drives to the heart of the debate on gun control and
fact that you answer it with levity disappoints me.

Oh dear. You dont really need me to answer this!
Prince Phillip did it better than I could when he quoted the case for
cricket bats being banned.

BTW, lots of people are barred from driving cars, but would not be barred
from possessing firearms.

The point I have tried to make, with a severe lack of success, is that some
restrictions are necessary, unless you want the likes of Mr Kleasen and
every other psycopathic criminal on the country wandering around tooled up
to the eyeballs.

Who would you rather make the decision on suitability?

Are you in favour of a total lack of control?

Please dont answer with levity.


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CS: Pol-self defence

2000-11-29 Thread IG


Salmon Rushdie said
on US TV that he had asked for a gun and the police had
refused.  Who can coherently argue that people like that
shouldn't have a gun for self-defence?

OK, I'll take up that challenge, as you might expect G

Why should someone who had 24 hr police protection need a gun for self
In any case, a gun would be of no use to old Salmon. The history of
assassinations fails to record a single time, that I am aware of, where an
assassination attempt was foiled by either the principal or his guards
resorting to firearms. OK, someone will tell me differently, but allow me

JFK. Fat lot of good the secret service and police were there.

Ronald Reagan. Not a single one of the security detail were able to return
fire. Only the reactions of one member saved Reagan, and that had nothing to
do with firearms. A good example of the pyramid effect, where all the
security jump on the assailant and only one takes any notice of the safety
of the principal.

Rabin, the Israeli PM. Protected by arguably the most efficient, ruthless
and highly motivated bodyguards in the world, they were unable to stop him
being killed. No firearms were used by any of them.

The Pope. I think it was a member of the Swiss Guard who got hold of the
assassin. Firearms were of no use.

Prince Charles in Australia. The guy who ran at the stage, discharging a
blank firer, ran past any number of armed police and security staff. No one
even drew a weapon, they all just watched. It was left to the princes PPO,
who was unarmed, to deal with the threat by grabbing the prince and ushering
him to safety, after delivering a kick to the would be assailant. Another
excellent example of the pyramid effect, btw. The whole world jumped on the
assailant, only one guy looked after HRH. Good job there wasnt another

Princess Anne on the Mall. OK, the PPO's walther jammed through poor
maintenance, but it didnt deter the kidnap attempt.

The Queen. The guy who discharged the blank firer could easily have been
using a real gun. All the firearms in the world wouldn't have stopped him.

Ghandi. The Norwegian Prime Minister. Robert Kennedy. Martin Luther King.
The list just goes on and on.
I cannot recall any incident where a VIP's life was saved by either him or a
BG drawing or using a firearm.

OK, you say, but we arent really concerned about that, a determined assassin
isn't bothered about his own safety and therefore wouldnt be deterred by the
presence of firearms.

Yes, very true. So are we thinking more in terms of, say, a house burglar?
Look at the typical situation which seems to be the most feared. Try to
ignore the American mentality here, just look at things as they are here.
You are awakened by a noise downstairs. You get your pistol or whatever you
prefer from the bedside cabinet, and go to investigate. Thereby breaching
one of the first rules of fireams use in real lifenever advance on the
known location of a gunman or suspected gunman.
OK, so we have ignored this basic principle, and go on to investigate the
noise. Tiptoe down the stairs and we see a shadowy figure that has breached
our security and is rifling through the draws in the kitchen. Now what do we
do. The house is in darkness, the only light is the torch that the intruder
has and a faint glow from the street lights outside.
Do we shoot him dead there and then?
No, of course not. That would not be reasonable...would it?
Perhaps just shoot him in th eleg or th earm? Do me a favour!

We issue a challenge'stand still, I have a gundo not
move, etc.'
Unfortunately, the burglar is either deaf, drunk or full of drugs. He doesnt
put his hands up, but tries to climb out of the window. Or walks towards
you, his hands in the air, or doesn't do what he is told to do, whatever. Or
there is another one that you havent seen due to the perceptual distortion
of being in a stressed out condition.
What do you then do?
Where do you get the training to react properly? The professionals cant even
do it!

In my opinion, tempered by many years of experience, both as an armed and
unarmed officer, the use of a firearm as defence against sudden or
unexpected attack is of very little value. It is impossible to assess,
react, draw and fire an accurately placed shot if the assailant is attacking
you with even a knife from less than 27 feet away. Considerably more for
most people, and triple that at least in the dark. If that person is using a
firearm, then there is even less chance of success. If they come from
behind, as muggers often do, then you have no chance. A knife pressed
against your ribs is going to deter any sudden movement from you, and we
then have a stolen firearm to add to the crime report and insurance claim.
The quickest draw is to have the gun in the hand prior to the need for
drawing arising. To follow that to its logical conclusion, you would have to
walk around with the gun in your hand. Can y

CS: Field-.458

2000-11-29 Thread IG


I am concerned that our friend in blue, IG, is becoming slightly jumpy. I
didn't imply, old chum, that 458 Win Mag (picky!) is a viable self-defence
round - unless it was for shooting a burglar's getaway vehicle, 'cos I dare
say it would penetrate an engine block - I just threw a "gunny" reference
into my posting to lighten things up a bit! And before you suggest I'm a
nut" who talks of nothing else, our pub conversation also covered the Le
24 Hours, building house extensions, and the merits of emigration...

Merely made the point that if our American correspondent had his way, the
ol' .458 would be just a dangerous toy, cos it would be useless for self

I'm a little dissapointed to see that you talked of other things, tho. Not
worth going out!

BTW, I must point out that we don't have WPC's any more. We are all PC's.
There are no women officers, merely constables. Cant recall the last time I
saw a constable wearing a skirt. Those were the days.


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CS: Field-.458

2000-11-28 Thread IG


There's a gunsmith in Austria who makes revolvers in
.458 Winchester Magnum, there was a review in
Internationales Waffen Magazin.

Presumably he makes them for novelty value. I personally wouldn't fancy
shooting top loaded .458's out of a revolver!
(Wouldnt mind watching someone else do it tho)
I bet he doesnt sell many!

Can anyone think of a use for a .458 win mag revolver?

Well, it would seem a good candidate for a slightly longer
barrel, going by the picturesG.


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CS: Misc-Emperor's New Clothes

2000-11-28 Thread IG


And BTW your snide response to our American correspondent who emphasised
freedom to carry defensive weapons was out of place: many people whose
business takes them to our inner cities would be glad to be able to defend
themselves against criminals emboldened by the anti-gun policies of our
rulers, instead of feeling intimidated and powerless.
Anthony Harrison

I make no apologies for being unpleasant to an American who tries to impose
his values on my country.
He tries to tell us that firearms are only of any use for self defence. That
if they cant be used for this they might as well be banned because they are
just dangerous toys otherwise.
Presumably you agree with him. I don't.
I notice that no one else but me seems to take offence at this comment.
Is that because the Americans and their way of life is held in such
awesomely high esteem that they are beyond criticism?
Is it because everytime an American correspondent speaks, because he or she
carries guns on a daily basis they are then an expert and we should all bow
down because we are not worthy?

I actually frequently go into inner city areas in the course of my work.
I am not armed, not even with a baton or CS. I don't feel threatened or
intimidated, nor do I feel that I am naked without a firearm to protect
myself. Nor do most of the people who live there.

But it's an important point he is making.  Like it or not, most
firearms are designed to kill, or at least cause serious injury.

Personally that never bothered me one jot because most people
own them for killing something, whether it be vermin or deer
or whatever, but that completely goes over the top of the
head of your average urbanite - it doesn't even occur to
them that people owning things designed for killing is a good
thing.  To them killing animals is a nasty, cruel thing.

However, the argument that you should be able to own something
designed to cause serious injury in case someone breaks in and
tries to do you in does resonate with people who live in urban
and surburban areas.  They also usually don't mind target
shooting, but if it's the choice between our sport and some
nutter gunning them down in the street then they couldn't
give a toss about our sport, and that's what the antis boil it
down to.  That's why the self-defence argument is so
important, and it's 99% of the reason why Americans have
less gun laws than we do, without a shadow of a doubt.


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CS: Field-.458

2000-11-28 Thread IG


Last night I enjoyed a couple of pints with a chum of mine,
discussing such
things as shooting the Winchester 458 Magnum; ..

What earthly use is a .458 Win Mag (presumably thats what you mean) got to
do with self defence?

I assume that you agree with our American correspondent who tells us that if
its not for self defence, its a dangerous toy?

However, if you are going to talk about using it for the reason it was
designed, i.e. hunting dangerous game in Africa, then include me in the

There's a gunsmith in Austria who makes revolvers in
.458 Winchester Magnum, there was a review in
Internationales Waffen Magazin.


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CS: Pol-self defence

2000-11-28 Thread IG


I can just about wear the argument that there MIGHT be some people who could
make out a case for carrying a firearm for protection. I am not too sure
what the circumstances might be, but if that was the case, I would consider
that various things would need to be applied.

A degree of competence would have to be established, otherwise it would be
absolutely pointless having a firearm for this reason in the first place.
Anyone who has carried in real life situations knows that there are
practical difficulties in using any sort of weapon for self defence. Regular
checks on competence would be applied.

The threat would have to be specific.i.e. not just 'I like the idea' or 'I
dont really feel safe when I decide that I want to walk through Toxteth in
my KKK outfit.' If the threat went away, then the reason for self defence
would no longer exist so the person could get rid.

The possession of a firearm for self defence would not give the owner of it
the 00 prefix. Any use would be subject to the full examination by the law
as it stands at the present time.

I will never ever be convinced by anyone that a general right to carry
firearms for self defence should ever be allowed in this country.

My theory as presented to various politicians goes something like

In New York City and some other areas of New York that the NYC
licensing dept is responsible for there are about 10 million
people and 20,000 pistol permits on issue.  From my research
our gun laws were based on theirs, rather than the other way
around, and their application form makes a Form 101 look
simple.  Anyway, take it from me their controls are pretty
tough.  Now of those permits, the vast majority are "target"
or "premises" permits, I can't recall the exact number of
carry permits but I think it was around 3,000.  You're about
20-30 times more likely to be a victim of armed crime in NYC,
so let's assume there is a perfect correlation between that
chance and your "good reason" for needing a license.  That
would mean that at UK crime levels about 100 people would have
reason for a license.  Multiply that by the difference in
population (a factor of about 5.7) and you get a total of 570
people in Great Britain who would have "good reason" for a
handgun for self-defence using the criteria the NYC licensing
dept. uses.

There are 50 force areas in GB, so that means about a dozen
licenses per force area on issue, although in reality the
Met is so huge it would certainly be less than ten in the
other 49.

How on Earth can it be argued that having a dozen people per
force area carrying guns in public is some major threat to
public safety?  How can the police say they can't adequately
supervise these people?  They can't, and the whole argument
that no-one should be allowed a gun for self-defence in this
country is total nonsense.

You only have to look at what ALF and the IRA have done to
people in Great Britain to realise it.  Salmon Rushdie said
on US TV that he had asked for a gun and the police had
refused.  Who can coherently argue that people like that
shouldn't have a gun for self-defence?


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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-28 Thread IG


These things are *directly*
the result of proscription and absolutely *nothing* to do either with the
pharmacological affect of the drugs nor of the rave culture.

That no-one in mainstream politics or the Civil Service appears to be able
extract any meaningful lesson from Prohibition in the US leaves me

Naivety in the extreme.
Have you ever seen the results of drug taking?
I suppose the 47 people that have died as a result of Heroin overdoses this
year in one small town near where I live are the result of proscription?
Are you seriously, with a straight face, trying to tell me that these deaths
would have been avoided if heroin was legally available to them?
That the deaths have nothing to do with the pharmacological effect of the
That they would have continued to lead useful and fulfilling lives if they
had got the stuff at a shop as opposed to a dealer?

Are you on drugs or what!


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CS: Misc-Emperor's New Clothes

2000-11-28 Thread IG


So the answer to your question is yes, I'd be "happy" for this guy
to own
guns, if I was secure in the knowledge that he was hugely outnumbered by
ordinary - but armed - citizens, a situation that used to obtain in this
country pre-WW1 but which is now reversed, since while it appears easy for
thugs to buy an off-ticket machine gun the rest of us are approaching
complete disarmament.

You might be happy. I personally wouldn't be.
Everyone runs away with the idea that, because they have firearms for self
defence in America, then we should have them here as well.
What a complete load of rubbish. You can quote all the studies you like, all
the figures you want and relate examples until they bury me, there are basic
unarguable differences between the USA and the UK.

1.The Americans probably need firearms for self defence, owing to the
fact that firearms are so freely available and that criminals habitually
carry them under circumstances whereby they wouldn't here. We dont require
firearms for self defence.

2.The Americans have, in general, been brought up in a world where
firearms are commonplace. Their TV and films revolve around
firearms...good guys  v. bad guys, etc. Their cops are permanently
armed. Security guards are all armed. College police are armed. Everyone is
armed because everyone is armed! National heroes such as John Wayne achieved
their status by portraying characters from gun slinging days that didnt
actually exist. The 2nd amendment is fiercely defended. (By a united NRA, I
might add, unlike the fragmented state our shooting is in). To sum up,
fireaarms are a way of life in the states. They are not here, except for a
VERY small number of people.

3.Whatever the popular myth is, people are not being slaughtered in
their beds in the UK due to lack of firearms for self defence. The majority
of firearms related offences are committed by warring drug and crime related
factions against each other. The right to own firearms for self defence is m
erely going to escalate that, as those members of the gangs that have not
been convicted are going to have a freely avaiable supply of firearms, money
won't matter. And before you cry out that they have that now...Yes.they
may carry firearms illegally.BUT  they can be sent to prison for it
if or when caught. If there were no controls or there was the right to carry
for self defence, there would be no sanctions applicable.

4.Because the overwhelming majority, probably 99%, of people living in
the UK have no previous experience of the defensive use of firearms, or ANY
use of firearms come to that, arming the public would be a total disaster.
If you think the streets are bad now, which you obviously do, imagine them
with armed members of the public doing their vigilante thing.  Not a pretty

5.Probably the most important thing...people here in the UK would
not wish to have the right to carry firearms for self defence! A handful of
shooters might, but if it ever (which it won't) became an issue, what do you
honestly think would be the outcome?  (as opposed to what you would LIKE to
be the outcome)

6.You seem to think that the public can be trusted to exercise common
sense and responsibility. Take off the rose tinted glasses and consider what
has been ignored from my previous posts re. football matches, road rage,
etc. Are you honestly trying to tell me that the public can be trusted to
behave responsbily? Come on, do me a favour.

Finally, Anthony, tell me what your stance actually is on gun control? Are
you in favour of restrictions? If so, what?
If you are in favour of total freedom, fair enough, but say so.

My view is between these extremes, both have good points but
the reality is that I think IG is wrong to the extent that
it cannot be credibly argued that absolutely no-one in GB should
be allowed a firearm for self-defence.  Yes, if it was freely
allowed there would be a lot of accidents and mistakes because
we don't have a gun owning culture anymore and yes, if you
boil it down purely to need then most people don't need guns
for self-defence.  But without question, some do, and some
would be better off with them, and that is why some people
should be allowed to have them.

I can sit here and reel off loads of court cases in which
people had guns illegally for self-defence and got very
light sentences or were let off.  In essence the court
was agreeing they did have a good reason for having the


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-28 Thread IG


Find the three keys (two for firearm, one for ammunition)
which are kept in different locations;
Unlock the secure storage where firearm and ammunition are
stored (as per FAC requirement).
Insert action and load ammunition. 

Why did I just know that people would jump on this example and start tearing
it to bits because they didnt understand what it was about or what the point
was in quoting it?


Oh well, at least its reassuring to know that everyone keeps ther firearms
as per their certificates. Not that I would have expected any other.

I've always found the security condition intriguing, because
on the one hand some poor guy in Essex gets his certificates
revoked for telling his aged mother where the keys to the cabinets
are, and on the other there are 10,000 people walking around in
Northern Ireland with loaded guns on them, with the same
security conditions on their FACs.  Of course, those firearms
are "in use", so they don't have to be kept locked up.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Are you going to honestly say that British folks on this
list have as much ability to defend themselves as I do?

If you want me to, I will. Do you want me to? Or do you want an honest

Why?  IT's the most important reason for owning firearms.
If you give up the right to use firearms as defensive weapons
then they are just dangerous toys - why not ban them?

No.its the most important reason for owning firearms in America. (it
probably isn't actually, but who am I to start telling someone from another
country .. etc)
We don't have the right to use them, so we can't give up something that we
haven't got.
Interesting to note an American who tells us that firearms are dangerous
toys if not owned for self defence.
Might want to tell that one to, say, Charlton Heston ?

In contrast, I am able to carry lockback knives at all
times.  I am able to carry pepper spray at all times.
I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun.

I really pity you . I would not want to live in a place where it was
necessary to carry such an array of weaponry. If you do want to live in such
a place, then best of luck. I wouldnt like to pay the life insurance. Could
this be evidence of a different culture?
Do me a favour tho...grasp this concept... what you like to do
in the US of A is not necessarily applicable in the mother country.

Accoring to an NSSF survey (that was really good, I thought)
about 80% of people buying handguns in the US say they do so
for self-defence.

I've got to say that last paragraph is pretty patronising,
exercising a civil right is not a sign of "necessity".  The
point he's making is that he has that right, we don't,
or rather we did.


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CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Like I said before, I'm not against controls totally, but I don't
think this is a good example of why they are a good idea.

It may or may not be a good example, but that is neither here nor there.
It's met with a deafening silence by the people who advocate NO controls,
even if you personally are not one of them.
Not one response has been made to this by those advocates!

Well, on behalf of themG, I would say the fact that it took
20-odd years to figure out who he was and the fact he held
a license during all that time does not indicate the effectiveness
of the controls.  During those twenty years he could have done
anything he wanted with those guns.  The fact that finally,
twenty years later, the police figured it out is hardly


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-27 Thread IG


  Quite so, the presumption of innocence is the fundamental common law

You do know that don't you?

I have never, ever, not once, ever, in any way, shape or form, or in any
fashion that might have been able to be construed as such, mentioned a
single word
about the presumption of innocence.

Why dont you read the original posting? Which part confused you?

Having said that, I often get myself confused with ET's responses, so you
may be forgiven. I suppose. Begrudgingly tho.


PS If on the other hand you were merely starting an new thread and were only
kindly enquiring if I knew about the presumption of innocence, then I can
reassure you that, yes, I know all about it. Thanks for bringing it to my
attention again.

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CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Not hounding you, IG, but when you say, Total freedom of firearms
that people like this would be free to have firearms.  you miss the point,
which is that he WAS armed, and from what we know about him he would have
been armed without regard to the law - as are a great many of the criminal
classes. Laws only affect the law-abiding, etc - how many times does this
basic point have to be repeated?

And how many times does this even more basic point have to be repeated:

If there were no firearms controls, then this individual would have been
able to continue to possess firearms without fear of any sanctions being
applied!  He would still be here.
What is hard about that concept!
Ask yourself this: regardless of the bolshevik threat being
dead..would you be happy for people such as this to have full access
to firearms without any control?
This, I am afraid, is the Emperors new clothes.
Anti gun law advocates never tackle this argument. It wont go away.

Realistically though he had owned firearms legally in this country
for some twenty-odd years, so it's hardly the panacea you are
making it out to be.  If all the officers involved in licensing
for those twenty years had been out catching criminals on foot
patrol, would more crooks be in prison now?

Like I said before, I'm not against controls totally, but I don't
think this is a good example of why they are a good idea.


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CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Well, on behalf of themG, I would say the fact that it took
20-odd years to figure out who he was and the fact he held
a license during all that time does not indicate the effectiveness
of the controls.  During those twenty years he could have done
anything he wanted with those guns.  The fact that finally,
twenty years later, the police figured it out is hardly

No excuses there at all.
It was an absolute disgrace. Utter and total incompetence, call it what you
want, no arguments from me there.

However, better late than never. Especially in this case.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


But he's right that it is the best argument.  If the antis
argue that guns ought to banned because it might save one
life, what's the counter argument?  That banning guns will
cost lives.  Believe me, if some deer stalker goes beserk
and shoots dead twenty people, your argument about controlling
the deer population will look pretty weak by comparison.

No it isnt the best argument.
If people really want their handguns back, (me included), then the self
defence argument is a non starter.
If the arguments for sporting shooting arent effective, the right to carry
for self defence is never going to materialise.
Anyone who thinks it is valid as an argument, I strongly suggest looking on
the Sportsmans Association BB.
Various people advocate the right to summarily execute any intruder, publ;ic
executions carried out by FAC holders, etc etc.
Because your self defence argument will be hijacked by extremist latent
sociopaths such as this, it is bound to fall before it ever gets off the
No matter how well intentioned the argument might be, it has no chance.
In all honesty, how would you keep people like those mentioned away from

Your other comments about deerstalkers going berserk are probably true. It
is, however, a good illustration of why we will never have satisfactory
legislation relating to firearms in the UK.
Shooters are fragmented to an amazing degree. No unity at all. The
government and anti's are laughing at us. They dont actually have to do
anything, we do all the bad publicity ourselves!
I think it was Jonathan who rightly pointed this out elsewhere. Each branch
of shooting has its supporter, and damn the rest of the shooting world.
I am sure there are people here who couldnt give a damn about deer stalkers.
I equally couldnt give a damn about the self defence argument. I would
support target shooters, but would never support those who want to own fully

Well, I support all of them.  The self-defence argument does work,
it has to be framed correctly and in the context of this country
and it's anti-gun attitude, which is why I wrote the paper on the


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Firearms for self defence in the home are lawful as the following
extract from the debates on the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 confirms. The
Bill only applied to the carriage of weapons in public places. Lord Lloyd
(a sponsor of the Bill) reminded the House of Lords that;

If you lawfully hold a firearm for, say, shooting deer, there is absolutely
nothing wrong in using it for self defence in the home PROVIDED that:
It is the minimum force required in the circumstances.
It is proportional to the perception of the threat at the time.
The full circumstances are such that it is reasonable.
Let me state an example...
You come face to face with an intruder, who is armed with a knife and
threatens you with it. You are able to reach your firearm, and in turn,
threaten the intruder with it, who surrenders and is arrested by the police.
(yes, your initial actions are an arrest, I know.)
No problem.

Now.if you take your firearm and shoot the intruder in circumstances
where a warning was not given, although it would have been possible and
reasonable to do so, then a court hearing will result. Proportionality comes
into the calculation.
Now if it is dark...you cant see a weaponyou are

Its not an easy call to make, is it.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


I've got to say that last paragraph is pretty patronising,
exercising a civil right is not a sign of "necessity".  The
point he's making is that he has that right, we don't,
or rather we did.

No it isnt. The point he's making is that, in the UK, we should have
firearms for self defence. He is bragging that he carries all sorts of
weapons. Big deal. I wouldnt want to live in a place like that.
And its not me who is patronising.

Why?  IT's the most important reason for owning firearms.
If you give up the right to use firearms as defensive weapons
then they are just dangerous toys - why not ban them?

These were his words!
Now what can be more patronising than an American telling ME that I should
have guns for self defence because that is all they are good for!
Come on!
I know that the Americans are held in high esteem, but I have to differ with
this point of view! Dangerous toys!
If we agree with this guy, then all hunting and target shooting goes out of
the window!
Just 'cos he's American doesnt mean that he's right you know!

But he's right that it is the best argument.  If the antis
argue that guns ought to banned because it might save one
life, what's the counter argument?  That banning guns will
cost lives.  Believe me, if some deer stalker goes beserk
and shoots dead twenty people, your argument about controlling
the deer population will look pretty weak by comparison.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


Certainly.  Your country has effectively banned self defense
for most but will probably throw its peasants against the
wire the next time the German juggernaut cruises through Belgium
and France.  It treats people on this list like pawns to be
used but which have no rights.

Personally, I have a higher opinion of people on this list
and recommend that they come to the US and reclaim their

How much do you know about self defence in this country?
Absolutely nothing, judging by what you write.
As for the next time the German juggernaut rolls, unless Japan gets
involved, we wont be able to count on our mates from over the pond, will we
What my country does or does not has got bugger all to do with the

If the Americans want to carry every weapon ever invented on the off chance
that they might meet a rabid pit bull attacking a kid (dangerous dogs act?),
then so be it. Who am I to get involved in what people in another country
want to do?

What I personally don't need is an American telling me that firearms are
only of any use for self defence and otherwise might as well be banned. They
aren't and they shouldn't. Not even in the USA.

BTW...I, personally,  am not a peasant. For someone from the country
that gave birth to Macdonalds, Jerry Springer, Appalachian mountain banjo
players and the presidential elections, that comment is rather rich!
God bless America!
No one else will.

Well, it we want to talk about tacky cultures...


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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-27 Thread IG


We didn't have this trouble when Laudanum
was available over the pharmacy counter, and we didn't have it for
just two reasons : purity of supply and administration, and the lack
of pushers with a vested interest both in (arbitrary) cutting and in
the propagation of addiction.

No, we didnt have raves, AIDS, a simmering culture of violence and many
other things either.

It is beyond belief that anyone can even think about legalising, or even
decriminalising class A drugs. I can only think that they have never seen
the results of drug addiction. Im not talking about the crime aspect, I'm
talking about the physical effects of narcotics on the individual. The
incontinence, the hepatitis, the HIV, the septicaemaia, the depravity and
filth. The pathetic specimens that sleep in gutters and doorways.
Would being able to buy the stuff at a shop make this vanish?
Of course not.
Like it or not, some things do need legislation to regulate them, as too
many people are weak minded enough to succumb to the temptation to indulge.

I say it again, it's nothing to do with being weak-minded.  It's
peer pressure.  Platitudes that it only happens to unemployed people
or weak-minded people are conjured up in the same way that the
anti-gunners say all gun owners are mentally ill or own them
as phallic symbols.

Is Robert Downey Jr the sort of person people think lives on
a council estate?


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread IG


This is incorrect for those reasons. Claiming otherwise through innorance
no excuse either because it breaches the common law requirement for Crown
servants to know the law;

'We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only
men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well.'

Regards,  john Hurst.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Someone caught me out on the hasty misuse of a single three letter word.
I suppose I should do the honourable thing.
Pass me the sword please.


Doesnt alter my own opinion that there are some people who should not be
allowed near to any form of weapon, even though they have not been convicted
of any offence.
So there.

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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-26 Thread IG


There are people who live in Blakenhall who have sold the glass
and doors out of their council house to buy heroin.

If there were no gun controls, they could have legally bought firearms and
nothing could have been done about it.
It is but a small escalation to then use that firearm to carry out a raid on
an all night garage. Or anywhere really.
A bit like America.

BTW..armed robberies are still less common than unarmed ones. Before the
posts start flying in.

So logically the finite resources of the police and Customs
should be focused on the most damaging drugs, and the only
way to do that is to legalise those drugs which don't do
the damage.

Or concentrate on the source of the problem.
Colombia, Pakistan, etc etc.
Get rid of the drug tzar and actually do something about the importation of
I am surprised that anyone who admits to seeing the damage done by tack and
E could advocate legalising such substances. Cannabis...hmmm..open to
argument.but Emy God.

What is a recreational drug by the way?
Its another nonsense term, like 'friendly fire'.
Its merely an attempt to minimise and legitimise the consequences caused by
ingestation of chemical substances to alter a state of consciousness or to
reduce inhibitions, etc.

E isn't addictive though, not like heroin at any rate.  I know
a guy in Walsall who is brain damaged because he used too much
of it but the doctors reckon it was because of a bad recipe.  He
has these spells where he sits and rolls his eyes and sometimes
he has fits.  However, that is nothing compared to what I have
seen done to people who use heroin and I tend to feel that
if ecstacy were legal it would be properly manufactured so
any adverse affects would be minimal.

And BTW, I didn't advocate that there be no gun controls,


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-26 Thread IG


How many police officers have spotless pasts, whether they were
convicted or not?

Would you rather form a partnership with non-criminals in your
country in opposition to serious crime?  Or  treat every 
non-officer like a future perpetrator...and become their enemy?



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CS: Pol-dates of laws

2000-11-26 Thread IG


A recent case in Kent had a judge
being furious with a Crown prosecutor who declined to co-operate with his
plea-bargaining strategy over some Kosovars and other ex-Yugoslavian dross
who'd created mayhem in the street, and they escaped the prison sentence
deserved because they "copped a plea" to some lesser offence. I'm sure you
know all about that kind of thing, IG.

Is this your interpretation of events, or was this information actually
If you let me know the case details, ie roughly the date and the name of any
one of the defendants, I will pull the court transcript to establish what
Incidentally, would it have been as big a problem if it hadn't been
'Yugosalvian dross'?
What happened with presumption of innocence here? They deserved prison even
prior to conviction did they?
I bet a hundred million pounds (or dollars even!) that not one single person
will object to your comments on here.
But if I had made them!
Not that I'm bothered, amused, yes, bothered, no!


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread IG


Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.
Is a law abiding person one who commits offences without being caught, or
one who doesnt commit offences at all?

A person knows in their own minds that they are committing offences (like,
say, Robert Elmer Kleasen and his li'l old bench saw) is innocent util
convicted. NP there. But are they law abiding?
Hmmm. I dont personally think they are!

They would come to me before they went
to their trainer! Dogs are a good judge of character.

My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
good judges.
Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction
Yippee. I'm on the way!!!!!!


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-25 Thread IG


Within 1000 yards of my office there has been
one murder, two attempted murders (one of whom was a WPC),
one armed robbery, at least two shootings and more assaults
that I care to mention.  Within a mile there was a smack dealer
who was ambushed by two guys with sawn-off shotguns and murdered
only a few months ago.

Is that all?
A quiet sleep little village by comparison to where I work.
Why, only yesterday there was an elderly woman parked on a double yellow
line. Mind you, she did have a disabled badge on her windscreen.
4 of us held her up with CS, then gave her a ticket EACH.
That was loads of points for us on our performance indicator charts.
Because she had a badge, she will plead not guilty and go to court. When we
have to attend, it will be EXTRA points on our appraisals! Thats a whole
months worth of armed robbers!
Anyone familiar with the forms we give out to people who we search? Under
There is a box titled 'reason for search'.
Common reason put down by disgruntled cops is ''P.I."
P.I.= Performance Indicator. In other words, a mark on the league table that
keeps the boss off your back.

IG of Dock Green

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-25 Thread IG


What? Are you implying that we have a law regulating the MISUSE of
drugs? etc

Oh God.

Read the whole of that post please.

The reason for mentioning that list of laws was to illustrate that there are
more laws to break nowadays, therefore crime figures are bound to be higher.
How on earth even you can turn that around is quite fascinating but boring..


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CS: Misc-police corruption

2000-11-23 Thread IG


IG would the police support a club these days if the applicant was from an
ethnic minority and in the clubs opinion not suitable?

Good question.
I would like to think that would be the case.
As I said..I would LIKE to think

The police service is so bloody PC now,  the slightest opportunity to show
that they arent racist is jumped on and publicised for all to see. It
actually has th eopposite effect in th eeyes of most people I speak to.

So, I would like to think that action would be taken.in my force I
am pretty sure it would be. Can't speak for elsewhere tho.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-23 Thread IG


Ya know, IG? Maybe if you cops were to have Friday night
ho-down, and 'let it all hang out', you chaps would gain a sense of humor!
Just a suggestion . . .

Whats a ho-down?
Do we need banjo players? 

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CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-23 Thread IG


Please provide one example of a person on this list who has
said this person should be armed.  Your straw man just
won't stand up.

Peter Jackson openly advocates total freedom of movement of firearms. That
is one.
Others seek the same end.
Total freedom of firearms means that people like this would be free to have
Which part of this dont you understand?

OK. More laws mean more offenders, I know that. BUT, and its a very big
BUT.take a look around you.
It is a sad but inescapable fact that the degree of responsibility and
common sense exercised by the average person is somewhat lacking.

Example 1.
Go to a football match. See the supporters, of all ages, leaping about and
hurling obscenities and threats at the referee and opposition. A non
football fan cannot go into some city centres on a match day for the
thousands of idiots that congregate and are intent on causing as much mayhem
as they can get away with. If you live in Newcastle and have a Sunderland
accent, there are some areas that you would not dare go to, as you WOULD be
violently assaulted. They are 15 miles apart. All to do with football. Loads
of common sense there.

Example 2.
Go into any city centre on a Friday or Saturday evening. Take a look around.
Need I say more?

Example 3.
Try travelling slower than 80mph in the outside lane of a motorway.

Need I go on?

But surely the point is that even with all the controls, he still
had guns, so he would have still had guns either way, whether there
were controls or not?  So what benefit did the controls provide?


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CS: Pol-dates of laws

2000-11-23 Thread IG


Prior to 1970 it was still illegal to drive a car whilst pissed, it was
harder for the police to randomly stop people. Now Essex police CC  boast
about how many people have their rights infringed every christmas in the
knowledge that it serves no purpose.

What particular rights are they, Nick?
I take it that, in your ideal society, there would be total freedom to get
pissed, drive and kill the odd pedestrian?
I wager thee a kings ransom if you saw as much roadkill as I did, then your
mind would be changed!

Anyway, you miss the point by at least a mile. I quoted these laws in order
to show that higher crime figures are as the result of more laws that can be
transgressed and to show how society has evolved over the past 80 odd years.
For no other reason.
I wasnt trying to defend them!
You make an interesting statement, which I personaly believe sums up much of
the angst on the site.

:::Now the law abiding are penalised and criminal acts punished

In what way are the law abiding penalised, apart from the obvious one of
having our pistols and revolvers taken away?
What constitutes law abiding? Someone never convicted or someone never
In what way are criminal acts punished less than in previous years?

Not trying to light a fire, merely interested in what the perception is.

Drunk driving is an absolute offence, I'm pretty sure, there
is no need to have a finding of mens rea or even a finding of
negligence on the part of the driver.

"Law-abiding" to me is a misnomer because I believe it is
impossible to be absolutely law-abiding.  Everyone breaks
the speed limit or commits other minor offences all the time
without even thinking about it.  There is nothing particularly
endearing about a person who is law-abiding over a criminal
if the criminal is a person convicted of some technical offence.

The key is responsibility, and moral correctness.  To talk
in legal terms a law-abiding person is what I consider
responsible if they commit no offence that is mala en se,
i.e. a crime that is accepted as morally wrong, rather
than mala prohibita, i.e. wrong because it has been prohibited
by law.


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CS: Pol-voting

2000-11-22 Thread IG


It is the strength of the views that counts, you are 100% wrong on
that one, because a poll may say 80% of people support the laws
but of those people few will base their vote on it.  However,
if you're a shooter, you are far more likely to take the
candidate's view of guns into account when you vote.

This has been demonstrated in elections all over the world

If I was to accept that you are right, what happened in 1997?
And in any case, show me a single candidate or prospective MP who will make
an election manifesto on a single issue?
It wont happen. Even if there was such a thing, there aren't enough shooters
in this country who are passionate enough to make any difference. We can't
even unite under one organisation!


What happened in 1997 is that all the parties supported the ban.

However, the SRA managed in 1988 to get enough people to vote
against William Hague in a by-election that he just scraped in
by I think 600 votes in a safe Tory seat.  At the next election
his margin was in five figures.  I'll bet if you ask William
Hague if he thinks shooters are a force to be reckoned with
at an election his view will be different to yours.

The best example I can think of is Bernie Sanders, who is the
Congressman from Vermont.  This guy was a founder I understand
of the American Socialist Party, and the incumbent was a Republican
in the 1992 election.  Bernie Sanders got elected purely because
he opposed the Brady Bill, even the Republican and the Democrat
said as much in their concession speeches.

Shooters were a major force in the elections in New South Wales
I think it was in 1991 or thereabouts.

My experience is that it depends on what the issue is.  If
it is something minor like a proposal to make background checks
tougher or have a longer waiting period then gun owners aren't
much of a force at an election.  However if it is something
severe like the introduction of a ban or registration, and one
party is heavily for it and one heavily against, then gun
owners can make a major difference in the outcome.

There's no need for the candidate to make an election pledge
on just one issue, that's not the point.  If the candidate
is against more gun laws and isn't extreme on some other issue
gun owners will vote for him/her.

"They'll have to shoot me first to take my gun." - Roy Rogers
discussing the 1982 California handgun "freeze" referendum,
which failed.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-22 Thread IG


I should also point out that prior to 1922 (can stand being corrected if
the date
is wrong) british subjects did have unrestricted access to firearms and
carried them for self defence, can you point to any research that shows
that this was a problem (except to criminals and governments of course)?

I should also like to point out that prior to 1930something or other, there
was no law regulating the misuse of drugs.
Prior to 1970..or thereabouts.there was no breathalyser law.
Prior to 1968 there was no offence of burglary or twoc
Prior to 1950 something there was no offence of carry an offensive weapon
Prior to 1312 or whatever there was no such thing as a breach of the peace
Prior to 1993 there was no Child Support Agency
Prior to 1960 something we weren't in the EEC
In the1700s we had the South Sea bubble, tulip mania and a royal family who
liked to wear tights (the men that is)

Oh, the good old days. When men could go shooting whilst high as a kite on
opium, get pissed, carry a flick knife and screw a bird without being
bankrupted by the government, then have a fight on the way home. All in the
same day as well. Sheer bliss. What a beautiful society.

I would like to thank you though for starting this discussion, whatever
your motives or whether officially sanctioned or not.
Do me a favour. I risk my bloody pension posting on here.

What statistics there are do show a much lower level of crime prior
to the Firearms Act 1920, with firearms at least.  Statistics
for London are reasonably comprehensive.


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CS: Legal-Certificate Holders

2000-11-22 Thread IG


I think this debate has run its course.
I cannot, in all honesty, be bothered to repeat myself all the time by
responding to individual posts.
I have clearly stated my position, which is universally disagreed with.
(Venomously and vehemently I might add!)
I would say that some of the contibutors do themselves no credit. I find
personal jibes insulting, (weasel words  etc et al) but, then, if that
person is incapable of articulating an argument, I suppose school ground
invective takes over.
Every time I voice an opinion, there are howls of outrage.
I realise now that is because I am corresponding with entrenched views,
minority views and a number of radical views.
I have tried to point out the stance of the police and the public at large,
but again, most correspondents don't want to know. All I get is stories
about how crap the police are, how corrupt they are, how incompetent, etc
etc. I dont mind, but it takes the value out of any debate.
I have even been blamed for the way the Met behaved at the visit of the
chinese premier!
lol. That took some beating! (as did the practical shooters one!)
News for you boys.
Shooters that hold your views are a minority group. There are more people go
to see a single premier league football game than share your views on
Parliament isnt going to change anything for that number of votes. Contrary
to what Steve states, it is not the strength of the views, but the number of
people who are prepared to place their vote on the basis of a single issue.
Instead of blindly lashing out at every authority figure, take the time to
think what is required to gain political credibility.
There can only be one answer to that, and that is a united front. We will
never, ever have that in this country, because all the organisations fight
each other. If it was agreed by some wonderful means that, say, BASC would
be the overall representative body, there would be howls of outraged
indignation from people who want to carry bazookas for self defence.
Similarly, if the people here and from the SA bulletin board got there way,
I would be howling because I dont want to see complete freedom of movement
of firearms.
Does anyone else see this?
Hmmm.no, perhaps not.

BTW, to those that think I am corresponding here on an official basis, do
yourself a favour and see your doctor. Paranoia is treatable. And for those
that are being wound up, take a chill pill and settle down. This is a
computer screen. Treat it as such.

It is the strength of the views that counts, you are 100% wrong on
that one, because a poll may say 80% of people support the laws
but of those people few will base their vote on it.  However,
if you're a shooter, you are far more likely to take the
candidate's view of guns into account when you vote.

This has been demonstrated in elections all over the world.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-21 Thread IG


On the basis that IG feels free to pass judgement on the character of
members of the shooting fraternity, I feel just as free to state that he is
just a "wind-up artist", bent on provoking hasty and unwise comments by the
use of provocative statements. I cannot understand why subscribers rise to
the bait like ravenous trout and get hooked in the process.

Well, you would wouldnt you. This is a constantly recurring one as well,
when someone doesnt like a few unpalatable home truths, this is a convenient
little argument to throw out.

If yopu think anyone has been hooked, then read the posts again. It is
pretty fair to say that all the subscribers here are more than capable of
sticking up for their beliefs. I am pleased, however, with your agreement
that many of the comments are hasty and unwise. An ally at last!

People with convictions joining the met:

I am not aware of the type of convictions that are under consideration. The
generla school of thought in my area is that it is a publicity stunt to tell
the HO how short of manpower the met is. If the offences involve dishonesty
or violence, I do not know of any of my colleagues who would share the same
air. So the answer to your question is, I suppose, I dont know but I dont
think so.
If you or anyone else gets wound up by that or make a hast or unwise
response, pass me my hat and a knife and fork.


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CS: Misc-Police corruption

2000-11-20 Thread IG



If we assume that your thoughts on this may be held by other officers, then
why was it executed?

Does this mean that your fellow officers, if given ANY order, will follow it
to the letter, irrespective of their thoughts as to it being un-reasonable

Where do YOU (and your fellow Officers) draw the line??

Tom C

Why dont you ask them?
I can only speak for myself. What do you want me to say?
Its a nonsense question anyway, which invites the response: what is your
position on the mass murderers who have used firearms to kill?

We have had this debate before.

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CS: Misc-Inspector Who?

2000-11-20 Thread IG


Would this be the male half of the investigative duo in the MEIKLEJOHN  
LEIDL mysteries?

A good, well researched answer.
Unfortunately, it is incorrect.

You are the weakest link...etc etc.


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CS: Legal-Certificate Holders

2000-11-20 Thread IG


The restrictions which you have in mind, be they heavy or light,
bear only on people who have no desire or propensity to commit
crime. Such restrictions are not in the interests of society as a
whole. So the answer to your assumption is no. Guns should be
sold and exchanged as freely as apples, individually or by the

Have to agree to disagree on this. I have no wish to live in a society where
guns are as freely available as you want them to be. I find that disturbing
coming from a dealer.  (I presume..'Jackson rifles?)

As I said elsewhere, this viewpoint of freedom from gun control is not the
majority nor even a popular viewpoint. No credible political party
subscribes to the theory and it will never appear on any election manifesto
during the remainder of my life.
It is held by a very small number of people. No matter how honourably and
passionately those people hold the view, by very virtue of the fact that
they are so committed to the viewpoint, they will never ever be prepared to
countenance the moderate stance. They will remain, hoewver, in the minority.
That fact is inescapable.
I am not alone in the shooting world, not even alone on cybershooters, in
being an advocate of sensible restrictions on ownership. It is amazing, and
amusing it has to be said, to see the frenzied outbursts from people when
someone has the sheer nerve to state an opposite viewpoint.

CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-20 Thread IG


Take a look at http://www.kleasen.org.uk

Now, I see that a gun club eventually shopped this guy. Good for them.
Yes, it was outrageous that the Police gave him a certificate. No excuses
there at all. Total incompetence.
However, some of the contributors here would consider that it was quite OK
for him to have firearms.
In particular, Peter Jackson seems to advocate freely available firearms,
which would mean that Monsieur Kleasen would be entitled to possess anything
he wants.
I would be interested in the views of the panel on this charmer.
He has, I believe, now been deported back to the country of his birth. I
wonder if he is entitled to possess firearms back there? Anyone enlighten me
on that one? So many people like to use the American comparison, it would be
interesting to know how they would treat this socially inadequate perverted
Federal law prohibits anyone from possessing a firearm who has been
convicted of a crime _punishable_ by more than a year in prison,
so no he wouldn't be able to.  Although it will be intriguing to
find out if they are aware of his conviction here!

Federal law also prohibits anyone from possessing a firearm who:

is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for
more than one year;
is a fugitive from justice;
is an unlawful user of marijuana or narcotics;
has been adjudicated mentally defective or involuntarily commmitted;
has been dishonourably discharged from the armed forces;
is an alien illegally in the US;
is a person who has renounced their US citizenship;
is a person who is not a US citizen or permament resident alien,
with the exception of non-resident aliens in the US for at least
six months who have the authority of the Attorney General (there
is an exception for "sporting purposes").

This is in many ways more restrictive than British law, because
there is no way of getting your rights back if you are convicted
of a Federal offence.  In Britain, a person who has spent less
than three years in prison gets their ability back after five
years, they only lose it if they serve more than three years,
and even then, a judge can lift that restriction.

However the police must be satisfied "in all the circumstances"
that the applicant for a certificate is not a danger to
public safety or the peace, and they must have "good reason"
for Section 1 firearms.  The rather large caveat there though
is that there are circumstances under which you don't need a
certificate to possess a firearm.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-20 Thread IG


I have difficulty reconciling the fact that whereas I put up
with all the BS connected with owning firearms legally the local drug
dealers get no hassle at all over their firearms or how they use them!

This is a common thread, so lets deal with it.
First of all, this is popular mythology that has come to be believed due to
repetition amongst people with axes to grind.
It is simply not true that drug dealers etc are allowed by the police to
carry firearms without penalty. Before you repeat this mythology, take the
time to do some research and find out the truth.

CS: Misc-police corruption

2000-11-19 Thread IG


No, this figure of 5% is just pure rubbish and IG knows it,
he probably just chose it because it sounds catchy. If it
were correct I certainly wouldn't be associating with this
type of person and if it were right I would be getting rather
worried, and I'm not. 

Well, I'm sure you are in a better position than me to judge.

I *know* its not rubbish, but I include applicants in this figure, as well
as people who make spurious applications for variations, etc. (you know,
when you get as far as checking out good reason for possession, you find
there actually isnt one. Things like that).

Not a question of sounding catchy. 90% would be much more catchy!

I also doubt if you have the investigative resources open to me when
enquiring about people. It might surprise you to learn about the background
of some people that you think are perfectly OK. (I speak in general terms of
course. I am sure all of your shooting associates are perfectly fine and
upstanding citizens)

So you're saying people who the police decide don't have "good reason"
for a variation (but hold an FAC) fit your list of being dodgy?

You must be joking.  All that means is that they don't fit into
whatever legal definition the HO have foisted upon your licensing
dept.  Otherwise they are probably perfectly respectable people.

We've had long threads on here about collecting.  I have been turned
down twice for collector's authority, so by your definition I must
be a dodgy person!


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CS: Legal-gun carrying

2000-11-19 Thread IG


I forget his name now (McGartland?) but he applied for
an FAC for self-defence and already held one in Northern
Ireland.  Northumbria Police unfortunately followed Home
Office Guidance and Mr McGartland had a visit from some
IRA terrorists.  As far as I know he is the first person
in recent history to apply, be turned down, and subsequently
be shot.  In this particular case Northumbria Police acted
incorrectly, although it is more the fault of the Home
Office for shoddy, narrow-minded and outdated Guidance.

 This is an ongoing case, of which you only are aware of one side of the
I very much doubt if you know the full circumstances surrounding the
shooting, either.
Take my word, this is not a good example to use to illustrate the need for
firearms in self defence.

It hardly matters what the circumstances surrounding that
particular shooting of him were, the simple criteria should
be whether or not he is facing a serious enough threat
that he needs a gun to defend himself, the answer to that
one is obviously yes and the RUC agreed, but Northumbria
Police didn't, although it's largely the HO's fault.

Whether he actually got shot or not is incidental, there
is nothing in law saying you have to get shot to qualify,
he merely has to show "good reason", which he obviously had.


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CS: Misc-Inspector Who?

2000-11-19 Thread IG


Tempting first prize as it's rumoured that cops always have the best dope
(or is that employ). Second prize worries me slightly as I would prefer to
know which poor shooter is being roasted to provide the main course.

I regret I can't claim the prize but a search of the Mets site turns up a
reference on Open.gov.uk  listed as Turf Fraud scandal, or trial of the
detectives but "the web server was unable to locate the page"

Blue pencil or flaky technology?

Brian T

Well, in the absence of any other entries...looks like it
MIGHT be your lucky day!
Tell you what..have one more go and I'll make it two nights out with the
drug squad, if you get it exactly right!

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CS: Misc-Cops Shooters tarred w. same brush?

2000-11-19 Thread IG


You're part of this
equation IG, so you come in for a bit of stick I'm afraid. But no-one's
calling you a Nazi.

OK, fair comment, I was probably overdoing the irony bit. I'm a little
sensitive about nazi's.

Actually, I tend to agree with most of what you say. I can see that the
police service is heading down the wrong road. It is headed by far too many
politically sensitive types, who are more interested in their career and
promotion prospects than in the actual rights and wrongs of what policies
they pursue.
Classic examples that make me cringe are the blatant intimidation of wagon
drivers by pushing video cameras into their faces, by creating exclusion
zones, by closing off city centres so football matches can take place, the
treatment of protesters at the visit of the Chinese prime minister, etc etc.
I can think of many more examples, as I am sure that most contributors can

The list of lost freedoms over the past 10 years is heartbreaking. There are
more to come.my freedom to foxhunt will be lost soon, I can't buy my veg
in lbs and ozs, I wll be forced to use the Euro as currency, to obey laws
passed by the EU, etc.

As another contributor said, a society gets the police it deserves, the men
and women being a microcosm of society in general.

I don't want to get too off-topic here but I was under the impression
the law said that traders had to show metric measurements, but they
could use any other measurement they wanted in addition to metric.

Having been taught only metric in school and having lived in the
US for six years, I have no clue about the Imperial system at all
other than some of the measurements sound the same as US measurements
but are actually different, so I support the idea of requiring
merchants to use a system of measurement I understand!  One thing
that does seriously nark me off is CNN International and the
reporters always use US measurements in their stories.  How is anyone
in Europe going to understand what they're talking about?

A copper asked me how tall I was last week.  "1.78 metres" says I.
He didn't have a clue what I was on about!


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CS: Target-range accident

2000-11-19 Thread IG


Well being fair this dosen't sound like a negligent
discharge to me. Cramp is not something you can
control, if it were Swimmers wouldn't drown because of it.
This seems like one of the rare occurences of a genuine
accidental discharge as far as I can see.

'course its negligent. Did he get cramp in his finger AND leg at the same
time, causing them to move into line with the muzzle..
If it had been a cop who did it, what an outcry there would be!
Not if it was cramp, most NDs the police have seem to be
due to lack of basic safety procedures.

I have had cramp on a very cold range and had an AD, but
I had the gun pointed downrange so it wasn't a problem.

It does sound highly unlikely that it was caused by cramp
though, I have to say.  Perhaps the NRA would like to comment?


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CS: Misc-Inspector Who?

2000-11-19 Thread IG


Hm... This wasn't the bloke who investigated the 
Met in the 60's-70's? When the Drugs Squad were 
dealing drugs, CID were setting up bank jobs and the 
porn squad was raiding dirty book shops and then selling 
the stuff back to the shop owners was it?

Jonathan Laws


Next please.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


It certainly doesn't inspire me with confidence to hear a copper
saying he thinks he _knows_ certificate holders who aren't
suitable to hold a certificate.

Don't think, I know.
And am dealing with it! Its a rolling process though.get one out of the way
and another appears.

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


Then why are you not reporting this and getting their
certs pulled, especially if you are correct about the
"..potentially dangerous..." ones?

even if what IG was saying had an element of truth to it, (a)
it's more like 0.005% and (b) why hasn't he had their certificates

A: I am. And have been doing so for twice as long as you have been shooting.
Next question.

B: See A.
Well, if that's true I take back my earlier comments criticising
you.  'Nuff said.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


Well done mate. Through your own ignorance you have just condemned the
who like to shoot practical rifle

Where in heavens name did I mention practical rifle shooters?
Bloody hell, man, I shoot practical rifle. Where did you get this

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CS: Legal-gun carrying

2000-11-18 Thread IG


I don't think it's as difficult to do as IG makes it out to be,
all the questions of who should be allowed to carry and
what the criteria should be can be thrashed out by the
usual methods Parliament uses in all legislation designed
to regulate something. It's done all the time. 

So leave it to parliament, then. That will be OK. We trust them, dont we?

If so, then you must accept and agree with the current laws they have
passed, i.e. the 97 amendment?

Do us a favour!
Parliament has already decided and stated it in law -
it's whomever has a "good reason", and in the case of
a handgun, who also has the authority of the Secretary
of State.  There is no absolute legal bar on granting
authority to a person to carry a gun for self-defence.

I forget his name now (McGartland?) but he applied for
an FAC for self-defence and already held one in Northern
Ireland.  Northumbria Police unfortunately followed Home
Office Guidance and Mr McGartland had a visit from some
IRA terrorists.  As far as I know he is the first person
in recent history to apply, be turned down, and subsequently
be shot.  In this particular case Northumbria Police acted
incorrectly, although it is more the fault of the Home
Office for shoddy, narrow-minded and outdated Guidance.

Members of the UUP and DUP have applied for visitor's
permits to the HO for personal protection and been turned
down as well.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


I have to say I can't recall any SGC or FAC holders that
worried me to the extent that I thought they were
dangerous.  Some of them are a bit strange in their own
way, but I suppose we would come across as being a bit
strange to your average punter.  I can think of some
RFDs who struck me as being dodgy though, literally all
of whom are either now out of business, in prison, or
currently facing prosecution.

Are you separating RFD's and cert holders?
Most RFD's that I know also have f/arm or SC's. The American murderer chappy
was both.

I suppose here is as good a place as any to point out the siege mentality
that exists amongst many of the subscribers here. Shooters are beyond
reproach, that is the common thread. Wake up. They aren't.
Every time we go to revoke a certificate, there is blind support from one or
other of the shooting organisations, who are rarely, if ever, prepared to
consider the argument from the police side and who will push a lost cause as
far as possible purely because they are anti police.
The unpalatable truth needs to be pointed out. As well as dodgy coppers, as
the popular but boring thread goes, there are dodgy shooters. Get used to
reality! I see them regularly!
And I do something about it, as well. It is insulting to suggest otherwise.
The 5% I quote includes applications for FAC's and SC's that are refused.  I
have no reason to backpedal, it is quite simply a fact that lots of dodgy
people are attracted to firearms! Why should that be a surprise to anyone?
I make no apologies at all for quoting the types of people I consider to be
unsuited. I was asked, and I told the person who asked. Boy, did it touch a
nerve! Too close to home for some perhaps?
As the lawyer who defended John Hinkley told me, everyone has a right
to the best legal defence possible.  That is their right, regardless
of the crime they have committed.

I am talking from personal experience, having never gone shooting
with any of the RFDs I consider dodgy, I have no idea if they held
FACs or SGCs although it is a reasonable assumption that they did.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


I have to agree with both points about trusting the police and trusting
shooters! I would agree that about 5% are people who have "something" about
them, an "air" of racism, sexism and unpleasantness. Of whom do I speak?
Police and shooters in equal measure!

Don't disagree with that one.

Careful, though, Richard, you will be castigated, slagged and called nasty
names for agreeing with the filth!
Well, not totally agreeing, but agreeing a little bit.
You'll start getting the hate mail soon!


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread IG


I think IG has too is being a bit misleading when he says he is
preventing the "wrong" sort of people from owning firearms. You are
doing no such thing! Only preventing certain people, who you don't like,
from LEGALLY owning firearms. All you are really achieving, if anything,
is to force people who want to own a firearm (for whatever reason) to do
so without putting up with the expense and hassle of jumping through
your hoops etc etc.

Once again, the paranoia has re-surfaced with a vengeance!
I certainly never mentioned Hitler photos as you suggest. Once again, the
disturbing trend towards obsession with Nazi's has surfaced.I am
not even going to try to defend myself against things that I never said! Get
a grip!
(I have no problem with people worshipping Nazi's. I have no problem with
devil worshippers. I even have no problem with shooters!)
I presume that you are one of the inteligentsia who think that anyone, under
any circumstances, should be allowed to possess a firearm for any reason
whatsoever. In other words, you appear to be in favour of total freedom from
controls. Fine.
I ,unfortunately, along with many other millions of people, do not share
your views!

Do me a favour though, get your quotes right before you run away at the

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Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-17 Thread IG


In the case of Stefan Kisko he was convicted of raping and murdering a
child. He did 16 years inside as a child molester. Had the law allowed,
he would have been hanged.

The law didn't allow, so where is the point you are making?

The law didn't allow Hindley, Brady,  Dennis Neilsen, Peter Sutcliffe,
Black, the Wests, too many paedophiles to mention and many others to go the
way they rightly should have.
Go on then, make me out a good reason why they are still alive? (Apart from
Fred West, who did the honourable thing).

(member of the Pierrepoint fan club)

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-11 Thread IG


Again, why let fact get in the way of a good rumour.
I quoted the oft repeated comments that are spouted by the rabid
anti-shooting lobby.
As the point seems to be lost, why not consider the reality of things. If a
rumour is repeated often enough, it becomes fact in the mind of the listener
or reader.
As I like to think that I am a fairly intelligent individual, I am able to
use my own experience of life, of people, of my occupation and when a little
common sense is applied, I find that the assertions that I repeated are
wholly innaccurate and mostly false. Nevertheless, I repeated them. If you
read the responses to that post, despite the fact that I made it abundantly
clear that these were RUMOURS, the respondees have, without exception,
considered that these are views that I personally hold, or consider to be
Now then. As it has been written that 66.6% of police officers are corrupt,
going by the above experience, eveyone is going to take that as gospel, when
in fact it is total, insulting, feverish and rabid CRAP!
It does get really boring reading the ill informed comments on the police.
Fine, if there is something tangible and informed, but to foster comments
such as 'I have heard that ...' is a waste of time!
While we are at it, lets deal with some of the comments, no doubt believed,
that were made by Norman.

nor the assertion that the UK police are the occupational
group most likely to possess illegal firearms for the
purpose of protecting themselves against the personal
malice of the criminals they are paid to pursue.

Where in the name of creation did this come from?
Its like me saying..'actually, bank managers are the most likely people
to possess illegal firearms'
Benefit of experience..real experience not rumour fed
experiencethere is not a problem with police officers having illegal
guns for self defence. Doesn't happen. Enlighten me if you know of something
that I don't, but try to be factual.

The matter of fraudulent police clear-up rates for
crimes like burglary has been extensively covered in
the national press and I don't see how IG can deny
that every member of the police is aware of what's
going on and presumably can live with it or we'd have
police demonstrations in Wembley Stadium protesting
about it.

The fraudulent clear up rates are a perennial bone of contention. The home
office decides what statistics will be used in clear up rates and in crime
recording figues. Instant reduction was made when attempted twoc was made a
summary offence with no power of arrest. The effect was..when I got
called to a damaged vehicle, (locks smashed, ignition ripped out, etc) I
would record it as a clear attempted theft of a motor vehicle. As the
criminal attempts act reduced the attempt to a summary offence, it was not
therefore part of the home office recordable crime statistics. The crime
figures fell overnight!

A far as clear ups go, this debate has always centered on prison and
offender visits. An offender who has been sentenced to a term of
imprisonment would be visited in prison, and would make numerous admissions
of crimes. He or she would make these admissions for a number of reasons.
They knew that no action would be taken against them, as they were already
serving a term of imprisonment. They were therefore making sure that there
would be no charges waiting for them when they got released. They often got
rewardscigarettes, chocolate, etc. (no, NOT drugs.) A day or so
talking to the police relieved the boredom of sitting in a cell. If you look
at the HMIC reports on every police force (available online from HMIC web
site) you will find all the information about crime statistics, including
the methods of compilation. Before running off at the mouth about things
like this, try doing some research about the real facts.

The situation of UK police corruption deriving from
the expanding drugs market in the UK and mirroring
what has happened in the US is something I would have
thought was fully accepted.

No, 'fraid not. No one I know accepts in any way, shape or form any form of
corruption. If a bent copper is caught, he goes to prison. Rightly so. I
have never met an officer who would hesitate to take action against anyone
who is involved in any form of drugs related corruption. If you have any
evidence that officers are involved in this, let me know - anonymously if
necessary, or through a third party, and I will publicly and openly take the
most stringent measures to ensure the longest term of imprisonment is
imposed on the guilty parties. I have no problem with that.

As for insanity, I personally consider it insane that
policemen are being put on the street without sidearms
to protect themselves with and that they are not
expected, as they are elsewhere, to go armed at all
times in uniform or not

Personal opinion, fine, I can live with that. My personal opinion is that it
would be totally insane (and 

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-11 Thread IG


When I was a boy I was taught to trust and like the police; these days I
don't. I do my best to keep
contact with the police to an absolute minimum, and the same goes for a hell
of a lot of people I know. Sorry.

Dear Ant
My point exactly.
I am a shooter, and used to think that all shooters were great people.
Having worked with licensing for some years, I now realise the amount of
unpleasant, potentially dangerous and thoroughly objectionable people that
own firearms certificates. Before I hear the howls of protest, let me state
that these form about 5% of the total in the area that I work. That 5%,
however, colours the remaining 95%. All tarred with the same
brush.unfair, but thats the way it is!
Frustrating, isn't it?
We both know the realities of our respective groups, but are unable to get
people to see the wider picture!

PS..No relation to Adam?
You don't own a firearm certificate, you hold a firearm certificate,
this is what I was told when I attempted to claim compensation
for loss of use of the authorities that I had paid for on
my firearm certificate when my handguns were confiscated.


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CS: Target-Ruger M77 Heavy Barrel Rifle

2000-11-10 Thread IG


I have used an M77 in .308 for a number of years now.
We also have a few as sniping rifles.
Using 167 gr Lapua scenar, I get sub minute of angle out to 600m, which is
as far as I have ever shot it.
(Fitted with a Schmidt 12 x 42)
My own has seen a lot of rounds down it, over 5,000 now, and it still shoots
as well as ever. I had it rebedded by Riflecraft of Suffolk about a year
ago, and this produced a notable tightening of group size. (not that it was
ever bad)
I have used it on reds and found it was no problem lugging it around the
All in all, a good choice and a proven design. (the triggers can sometimes
benefit from a little tinkering to take the edge off a little roughness and
rebedding in glass will improve things further, as it will in almost any new


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CS: Misc-Artists Rifles

2000-11-10 Thread IG


They say sorry to go on at such length but thought you would appreciate
the background and indeed THE FACTS

Sorry if I made any mistakes,

Amazing the reaction that you can get just 'cos you think something is naff!

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-10 Thread IG


The people who made the comments that IG is witness to, are
extreme bigots; and if they occupy any office of government, they are
particularly dangerous as well. I wonder: would they be able to defend
them in an open law court?

Ho hum. Here we go again. Police v shooters.

The people i mentioned (tongue in cheek btw) would be able to defend their
ignorant and untrue comments equally as well as the ignorant and deceitful
rumour mongers who propogate the myth that 66.6% of police officers are
corrupt or do nothing about corruption.
Or perhaps neither of them could...
or perhaps one or the other is wrong?
or perhaps they are all wrong?


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CS: Pol-statutory right of entry

2000-11-09 Thread IG


The Police and everyone else generally need warrants to enter your house.
There are exceptions though: In order to save life or prevent a breach of
the peace, in immediate pursuit of an offender or suspected offender or
person unlawfully at large, to prevent damage by flood or fire and probably
a few more instances that I've forgotten about.
The fire service can enter to prevent or minimise damage by fire or water.
The others all need warrants issued by a court, where evidence is given on
oath and in accordance with PACE where the law specifies it.
The social services usually call the police when taking action under S29
MHA. Police may enter to prevent a breach of the peace, etc.
The VAT men (Customs and Excise) have always had awesome powers. Who would
cheat the Queens revenue men? I wish the police had their powers.
(only kidding)

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-09 Thread IG


I've heard estimates that one third of the UK police
engage in corruption of some kind - ie take bribes
from criminals, resell seized drugs etc, engage in
clear-up figure fiddling etc. That one third of the UK
police know enough about corruption going on to make a
complaint with a reasonable hope of success - but
don't because you make too many enemies that way. And
that the remaining third of the UK police are honest,
usually those new on the job and/or in lowly

As you might expect..lola few comments are worthy in response to
the above paragraph, which was probably written with absolutely no venom
dribbling onto the keyboard.

I have heard that shooters are all homicidal maniacs. Not a proportion, all
of 'em. I have also heard that almost one half of shooters own illegally
held firearms. Sorry, weapons. I have personally, with my own ears, heard it
said that shooters are not to be trusted with firearms (sorry, weapons)
because they just want to kill people. I do believe it has been rumoured in
the very best rumour circles, that target shooters are all sad anorak types.
Another thing, heard by a cousin of a friend of mine in a pub, spoken by a
man he didnt know and will never see again but was called Smith, was that
34.7 % of shooters hate the police! (this was whispered so it could have
been a mistake).

Moral of the story:  why let truth get in the way of a good rumour!

Oh, and as I'm not new in the job (or anywhere else I suppose!) then I must
be in a lowly positionso I can't know what I'm talking about..or
else I am corrupt!  Now that what I call a no win situation. g


PS Please excuse the sarcasm. The original post wasn't worth anything else.

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CS: Field-baboons, pressure, etc.

2000-11-05 Thread IG


Actually pressure drops with altitude.  What you were experiencing was the
effect of reduced air density.  Density drops with elevated temperatures and

What I meant was an increase in cartridge pressure, not the ambient air
The higher temperature of the powder means higher pressure within the case
and a possible consequent increase in velocity.
Add this to the less dense atmosphere and this is how I accounted for the
decrease in drop of the bullet.
As I said, the less than sympathetic handling by the airlines also could
account for a knocked 'scope. Indeed, on returning home, I found the reticle
of my scope was broken and the elevation adjustment cover was jammed and
cross threaded. Could only have been done by a severe jolt, or the rifle
being removed from its case and dropped. Of course, the carriers deny

As an aside, on my return, my rifle and that of my mate appeared on the
luggage carousel. We picked them up and just walked away with them. Last
year, they got lost at Heathrow, although we eventually got them back, they
were returned to our homes without ever being checked either by customs or
airport security.

UK airport and airline handling of firearms is a joke, as anyone who has
travelled abroad will probably testify.

I find it varies depending on the airport, at Heathrow they
usually come out on the carousel, at Gatwick Customs usually
intercepts them.


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CS: Target-Sportsmens Battalion - info wanted

2000-11-01 Thread IG


I think they were a sniper school set
up by some landed gent who was fed up of the Germans sniping his men. it
consisted of gamekeepers ghillies and landed gents who enjoyed game hunting

I think the person you are talking about could be Major Hesketh Pritchard.
If you want the history behind him and WW1 sniping, email me and I will send
you the lesson on power point that I do on the subject.
(not really a trooper before the emails start)

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CS: Pol-Animal Rights protesters

2000-10-31 Thread IG


Small protest at first hunt of season

A small group of saboteurs has descended on a hunt meeting in West Kent and
tried to disrupt it.

Its always been a source of wonder to me as to why the hunts never picket
the ALF homes or meeting places.
It would be absolutely lawful provided the tresspass laws were adhered to,
and no public order offences were committed.
Field sports participants seem content to sit back and take it, or
pontificate about how aggrieved they are by the actions of the saboteurs,
Could it be that the antis are better organised than us? Or are they more
Imagine the publicity if even a small band of field sports persons were to
demonstrate at the home of a saboteur?
(or could it be that being unemployed and living off state benefits gives
them the time and means to go all over the place causing

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CS: Target-Artists Rifles

2000-10-30 Thread IG



There is a poster or plaque, can't remember which, over the entrance. It has
3 black clad soldiers, reapirators, etc. One holds an MP5, another a grenade
and the third a Remington 870 I think.
They are crouching, and the words 'stand by, stand by' are round the top.
Underneath is the motto: 'We are the Pilgrims, master, ever we shall go a
little farther' or something very similar.
Personally, I think it spoils the place. Its another naff emblem that gives
the wrong impression.
Just a personal view, you understand!
Hmm, probably a bit too SASish.


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CS: Pol-Police Review

2000-10-24 Thread IG


Web Site of Police Federation of England and Wales:


They are still building this but soon you'll be able to
send them e-mails.

I guess that there are more than one or two people who
can't wait to comment on some of the rubbish they print
in Poice Review.  Truly I don't mean this destructively
but the police are such an exclusive bretheren that some
sensibly written input from outside can only do good.

Police Review is an independant publication with absolutely no connection
with the Police Federation. It will therefore be of no use emailing the
Federation office as they have no influence over this magazine.
The magazine of the Federation is called simply 'Police'. It is published
monthly as opposed to weekly.
Why dont you try sending a letter or article for publication? You may get a
pleasant surprise.
Having said that, given the amount of vitriolic, ignorant and ill informed
comments coupled with open hostility regarding the police that appear on
here, it is more than likely that no response at all would be forthcoming.
PC Plod
(Fed Rep for a large area of a large police force with a good licensing
dept. that NEVER make any mistakes and an even better armed response unit)
(AKA as IG)

Lights the blue touchpaper and stands back again.

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CS: Legal-Lawful Orders

2000-08-26 Thread IG


My own experience of the police involvement with this evil
event come from the apparent joy these blokes gained
from being able to deprive innocent citizens of their
lawfully owned property. 

I know each one of the officers personally who officiated
at the infamous surrender of private property. I am
staggered to hear you talk about them
like this. I will take them to task!

' A constable is a citizen, locally appointed, with
authority under the Crown.His primary functions are the
protection of life and property, the prevention and
detection of crime and the prosecution of offenders against
the peace'

He or she takes an oath along the lines of..'I swear
by her sovereign lady the queen that I will faithfuly
uphold and discharge the duties of my office without
favour, affection, malice or ill will'.etc. Not the exact
wording but I can get it if anyone wants it.

These are the terms under which the police operate, along
with a 16 point disciplinary code that includes the
offences of 'neglect of duty', 'failing to conform to a
lawful order', discreditable conduct, etc. etc. The
punishments vary from a reprimand to dismissal and forfeiture
of pension rights.

I suppose IG could simply say that we could have all
refused to hand our stuff in, so we are as much to
blame as anyone, but we could have used some help.

Now, I wasnt going to say that, as I dont believe that
people should disobey or break a law, no matter how
repugnant it is to the individual, but the mere fact that
the overwhelming majority of shooters complied with the law
proves that we are law abiding and responsible. Can the same
credit not be bestowed upon the Police?
Are you saying, Steve and others, that the citizens who
were being disenfranchised should have been met by officers
who refused to take their firearms from them? That would
have been a nice safe way of getting out of it for the
private individuals. Or should, perhaps, the situation have
been that the citizens refused to hand things over and the
police should not have done anything about it?

Good idea, except when you look at it in reality, it would
only have taken one citizen or one police officer to depart
from that principle and the whole lot would founder. Collective
action only works if it is 100%, and in this case I think it
would be agreed that it would have been impossible.

Someone made reference to the poll tax riots earlier. I
quite agree, violent protest has, in the past, forced a
change in laws. Does anyone think, seriously, that violent
protest by firearms owners is going to get a law repealed?
Worse still, does anyone think that a sustained campaign of
terrorism is relevant to this issue? (As per the Gerry Adams
connection). I don't.

Heres a one to be going on with whilst I am away for the
weekend.  The police in the UK use .308's to destroy large
animals like bulls. (Yes, I know the story about the Rhino).
The favoured ammunition might be, for example, the 185gr.
lapua Mega. The weapon might be an Accuracy International.
What does the panel think about that?

Like you, I used to think that following the law was a virtue.
And let me just say I go to excruciating lengths to follow
the law, and based on my personal experience I am the only
person in Walsall who does.

I no longer think that following the law is a virtue.  It
is a sickening burden, because I realised that the law is
written by a bunch of morons whose only real objective
is to get their name into the history books.  Whether or
not the law actually helps anyone is low on their list
of priorities.

One of the primary differences I noticed between living
here and the US is that in the US it is actually possible
to go through life without breaking any laws.  Here in
this country very often I hear people say: "Oh, that's
just a daft law, don't worry, the police will never
do you for it because they think it's stupid too."

People here are selective in which laws they follow,
simply because I think it is probably impossible to
follow them all as many of them contradict one another.


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CS: Legal-Anonymity etc

2000-08-21 Thread IG


Nuremberg has no bearing on any legal precedent in the UK, not is it the
basis for the establishment of any legal principle. It is certainly not
included in the list of any stated or decided cases.What laws do you think
the police should enforce? Who should decide? Individual officers? What if
some officers thought that a certain law was a good one, and others thought
it was a bad one?
Whichever way you dress it up, it is a gross insult to every police officer
in the UK to be mentioned in the same sentence as anything to do with
Nuremberg. You arent the only one to make this odious comparison, its been
mentioned by more than one subscriber and its yet another popular bandwagon.
No the wonder there's so great a division.

All I can say is that you're going to find yourself in a very
nasty lawsuit if for example you try and enforce the law which
requires people who have received a speeding ticket from a
speed camera to identify themselves, because that law has
just been ruled illegal.

That was the point I was trying to make.

If an officer attempts to enforce a law which contravenes
the ECHR for example, and which has been ruled to contravene
it, that officer has broken the law.

It will not be too long IMO before the EU sets up some sort
of enforcement mechanism to stop police officers from enforcing
laws of a country which contravene EU law.

The results of the Nuremberg trials apply in a similar way.

Don't kid yourself.

With the Human Rights Act on the books every copper who
violates the provisions of the European Convention on
Human Rights is going to have a sticky time in court
justifying themselves, if the UK law they were enforcing
is held to contravene the ECHR.

Or are you familiar with every ruling of the ECHR and
every court of every country that has signed the ECHR?

There are heaps of lawyers out there who are going to
make a living doing this in the coming years.


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CS: Legal-Bad Laws

2000-08-18 Thread IG


On the point about the bad laws on the books, there
is no obligation for the police to enforce them in
the same way that that the Nurenberg trials held.

Police officers are not blindly obligated to
uphold bad law.  It's not that simple I realise,
but it is also not as simple as the responsibility
falling entirely on the Home Office and Parliament.

Lets start another hornets nest.

Are you saying 'blame the servants, not the masters?'

Who says they are bad laws? I presume you are talking about the '97 act?
A large number of people would say they are good laws. (I dont go with that,
I think it is bad and unworkeable, but I am open to others views). Are they
wrong? Who says sous?
What is bad law? The Child Support Agency enforce bad law. The inland
revenue enforce bad law. HM Customs enforce bad law. The DSS enforce bad
law. Burglars think the theft act is bad law. Drunks think the breathalyser
is bad law.  Where do we draw the line?

Personally, I find the reference to Nuremberg extremely insulting.

I never mentioned the 97 Act, you were the one who came out
with the comment that it was the fault of Parliament and
the Home Office, and that is a cop out (sorry), frankly.

If ACPO, the Police Federation etc., not to mention yourself
know these laws are bad, why not do something about them?

You can go and see your MP, you can make representations to
your Federation rep. and so on.

If you are enforcing a bad law which harms members of the
public, it may be different in magnitude but it is no
different in concept with the local SS officer blindly
following the orders of the Nazis.

Police officers are not the servants of Parliament or
the Home Office, they have autonomy and they are supposed
to use discretion.  That means that they bear the
responsibility to a large degree for what they do.

The entire purpose of the police force is to protect
the public, not to be the strong arm of the Government.

Or will you follow ACPO's advice and start pulling people
over for doing 31 in a 30G.


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CS: Legal-S.54 etc.

2000-08-17 Thread IG


The point I was trying to make is that the police are
subject to the same laws as anyone else. We don't have
any special exemptions. I am afraid that Richard Worth
has lost me off altogether. I will ring him tomorrow an
see if he can explain this new law to me!  If Forestry
Enterprise staff can claim crown exemption  ?

As far as the MP5 goes, totally agree, fully and
wholeheartedly. It is of no use as a weapon when
conducting a house search and it is a technical
solution to a training problem, as someone else
put it. However, it is very sexy and easy to use,
so it will probably stay.

JHP should also be used, where applicable, but we
cant have it 'cos the Hague convention says so.
Comments on this would be gratefuly received.
(Article 29 of the Hague convention on Warfare on
Land, 1899 refers I think!). We use JSP instead.

Oh, and by the way, Dave, a little piece of education
for you. The revenue from all your beloved speed
cameras goes to the treasury. The Police don't
get any of it! Strange but true. Another thing..
you must have got a speeding ticket when you were a
child, this might explain your fixation. More people
are killed by vehicles every year than by any other
cause of sudden death. Is it not right that the
police pay lots of attention to this area? If you
want, you are more than welcome to spend a day with
me and our traffic department. We can show you some
lovely things that might just help you open your eyes
and see the bigger picture, but I doubt it. Anyway,
if you want to take me up on this, drop me an email.
I'm not kidding!

It's interesting for Jonathan to insinuate that all
officers who carry firearms in the course of their
duties may or should go to prison. Thats what I call
informed debate. Doesnt really need an answer,
although it might have been an attempt at humour.
A response springs to mind about sharing cells
with some famous FAC holders, but I wont mention it.


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CS: Legal-anonymity

2000-08-15 Thread IG


Yes, those forces and indeed most forces have dedicated armed units. The
problem is that the members of these units do more than firearms work. They
are also expected to meet 'performance indicators' by handing out speeding
tickets, HORT 1's, verbal cautions, in fact everything that every other
police officer does. If they don't, then its goodbye to the unit and back to
normal duties. Most units have a tenure of post policy thet means an officer
will spend a maximum period as an AFO on the unit, usually around 4 or 5
years. They are then moved and a brand new officer takes their place. Dont
ask me why, I dont know. Its the usual policy thing.

Most AFO's are not detectives. In fact, very few nowadays outside the Met
are detectives. Armed criminality is almost always the responsibility of the
ARV's or specialist units. (see open govt site and HMIC reports on each

We are all looking at less than lethal options, and bean bags are an option.
I personally dont like the baton for a number reasons, but the bean bag
seems to have potential. The whole issue has to be looked at.

Overt arming..yes, good idea to be able to get to weapons
quickly. However, what law allows the UK police to carry firearms overtly as
a matter of routine? S54 of the '68 act allows crown servants to possess
firearms without a certificate in the course of their duties when
requitred to do so. Is routine patroling sufficient requirement for routine
arming? If it is, should ALL officers be armed? Opinions would be welcome.

I don't think Section 54 is remotely relevant, TBH, because as
has been pointed out it provides no exemption that applies to
Section 5 weapons anyway, and even if it didn't exist, it's only a matter
of getting a certificate from the licensing dept. and a letter
from Mr Straw.

Section 54 also says nothing about the Crown Servant requiring
the firearm, it says they are exempt, that's it.

I don't think all officers should be armed but I make the point
that all armed offenders arrested in the commission of an offence
that was not known to the police via intelligence were arrested
by unarmed officers according to the HO.

My view is that the police should ditch the MP5s and assault rifles
which scare the crap out of the public (with rare exceptions) and
learn how to use pistols.  I also think that patrol officers
who operate in areas with high levels of armed crime (e.g.
Handsworth and Moss Side) should be routinely armed with

Routinely arming all the police with guns is a waste of money
and the training levels (such as they are) would sink to almost


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CS: Legal-anonymity

2000-08-14 Thread IG


OK, now everyone, including me, has had the chance to sound of and get
things off their chest. Take a step back and look at things from all angles.
ARV crews are volunteers. They have to perform normal duties alongside their
armed role and switch from one to the other at the drop of a hat. Having
read many of the posts, I can single out various comments, such as the one
that alleges the ARV teams in his area openly brag about it in the pub after
a few beers. That is appalling and, if true, should be the subject of an
official complaint. In my area, they would all be dismissed form the unit.
Has anyone ever asked themselves what law gives the police in the UK the
power to carry firearms?
S54 of the '68 act gives crown servants exemption from the need to possess a
firearms certificate. S3 CLA gives ANYONE the right to use reasonable force,
as does s117 of PACE. Common law also gives the right to ANYONE to use
reasonable force.

The judicial system in this country means that an inquest is held to
determine the cause of death of a person when it has not been certified by a
doctor, i.e. after an illness in hospital. The type of inquest can range
from an appointment with the coroner to a full blown hearing before a jury,
as all deaths involving the police MUST do by law. If the inquest finds that
the death was unlawful, the coroner can order a person to be indicted. That
power has been used, but usually the CPS will have pre-empted this and
charged the persons believed responsible. They will NOT be anonymous under
these circumstances. Contrary to the popular belief displayed by
correspondents here, there are set and rigorous procedures that an officer
will be subjected to if he or she is involved in a shooting. They will be
treated as a murder suspect. No special treatment here, the same
investigation will be done.

Everyone has had their go now, how about some constructive ideas on less
than lethal options, types of training, equipment, etc. The police have
always taken their skills from the civilian world. That door is now closed.
There is so much antagonism between police and shooters that everyone tends
to forget that there are many officers who are private shooters and have
suffered in the same way as everyone else. Likewise, there are many officers
who play the political correctness game.

Any ideas and constructiveness will be greatly received.
Not all ARV teams switch between duties, the Met, West Mids and GMP all
have permanent armed officers.  There are different categories of
AFOs.  One intriguing statistic is that as far as I have been able
to discover, when AFOs encounter armed criminals in the commission
of a crime (pretty rare event), they are more often than not, unarmed!

Most AFOs are detectives and the like who are only issued firearms
under certain circumstances, they're not all riding around in
Range Rovers with an MP5 slung across their chest.

Suggestions I have - JHPs instead of SPs, and bean bag shotgun
rounds.  Also more training on the use of the pistol.  And in fact,
more _use_ of the pistol as I fail to see the reason behind coppers
carrying semi-auto MP5s which are in essence, big pistols.  And if
we are going to have coppers riding around in Range Rovers, enough
of this idiotic policy of having the guns locked in a box.  I
remember something on the TV showing two Nottingham officers having
to unlock a box and take out their revolvers.

If they are supposedly trained in the use of a firearm, surely they
are capable of carrying one without accidentally shooting

And it would be quite nice if AFOs are trained to recognise guns,
instead of shooting people with walking sticks, table legs and
so on.  And those deadly flocks of pigeons, of course.


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CS: Legal-Anonymity

2000-08-10 Thread IG


Rusty and Jeff Wood seem to have a problem with anonymity
being granted to Police Officers involved in shootings. As
a police officer myself, I cant see what there problem is. It
seems to me to be yet another case of 'lets have a go at
the police 'cos they never answer back' and its a popular
national pastime from disenchanted shooters who blame
every one but themselves for their problems.
Lets look at the wider picture here. Police officers are
not trained to the degree that military special forces units
are. They perform under different rules altogether. Please
dont get confused between special forces and the
police. They are different and can not be linked at all.
As far as accountability goes, well, if the police werent
being held to account, then what the hell is the inquest
doing? Open your eyes for gods sake! The comments about self
incrimination are not really worthy of comment, other than
ask what on earth Rusty is going on about? 'Seeds' of
evidence? Where is that term mentioned in any legislation or
description of the judicial process? What does it mean?
The danger of revenge attacks is greater than members of
the public like Rusty and Jeff Wood appreciate. I speak
from experience, as I look at the panic alarms and emergency
equipment in my living room, due to a threat from criminals.
Hobby shooters who pontificate from their sitting rooms
don't have that to contend with. I do not relish the idea
of the press discovering my identity and publishing my
details either.
I strongly resent the undertones that are implied in the
post from 'Rusty'. He is suggesting that the officers
should be treated as defendants. Maybe a lesson in S3
Criminal Law act, S.117 of Pace, Common Law etc. might be
Good advicethink it through before posting drivel
like the above.
I appreciate what you're saying, but this wasn't an
armed criminal who was gunned down who has mates who
are going to attack this police officer.  It appeared
to be an emotionally disturbed man who unfortunately
did a very stupid thing.  At the end of the day it
may make no difference not to know the officer's name,
but I find it hard to believe the officer would have
faced any sort of revenge attack.

Is the threat of revenge attack the only reason for
officers being anonymous in this fashion?


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