[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

at least he shows some respect and has business communication skills. You
SHOUT like you are a 12 your old spoiled brat on an aol forum.

Would you not get farther if you calmed down and spoke to Graham offlist and
present your advise professionally? You might get better results.



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[e-gold-list] Re: Professional DDOS protection

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

 from ddos.com 

Thank you for your request.

ISecure 100 $18,000 plus 3 annual maintenance fee payments of 20% of list
pricing (iSecure 100=$3600/yr). (iSecure100 v.1 immediately available with
free upgrade to iSecure100 v.2 January 15th).

Subject: [e-gold-list] Professional DDOS protection

 See here: www.ddos.com

Better be running a big site to cover these costs on a single server. This
is much cheaper than most though.

Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

My understanding is that alexa only tracks traffic from alexa users with the
toolbar installed and that makes it a tool with little use and is heavily
underreporting peoples actual traffic.

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[e-gold-list] Fw: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread Katz Global Media


Can anyone comment on the following?

will gold prices see a downturn and to what level and for how long before it
starts climbing to $500USD per oz.???

When do you estimate the $500 mark will be reached?

Will we see $350-$370 or less again anytime in the short term? and if so
what determines your thinking?

Also, what is your opinion of the top 3 hard gold assets to own for
investment purposes? (I am speaking of the ones that are readily sellable in
a high priced market.)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Fw: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread Katz Global Media


I would have to agree... I did call around today and the local rates on
american Eagles are $31.35 over spot and to sell they are paying $4 under
spot. Canadian Maples are going for $28.75 over spot. One would need a
fairly large upswing to overcome that so i don't yet see how holding hard
gold assets is better except for long term saving for non investors.

What I am wondering now are two things: What is going to happen to the real
estate market in the US over the next 1-2 years and how e-gold could be used
to fund real estate assets on the upswing while they dip.

Regarding silver:

I think from what i understand about the market now that holding e-silver
may be a better bet in the short term even with gold going up to $500+

What are your thoughts about the current market value of silver as opposed
to gold? And will silver close the gap faster than gold's upswing?

Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

Well I think owning IG gold (goldmoney, e-gold or
whatever) is probably your best bet Gordon.

You can always sell e-gold at or very near spot, within a day.

If you own stupid one ounce gold coins or the
like, you will pay 5% or 10% or worse premium
when you sell or buy them, at your local bullion

If you deal in large amounts of money, and you
can have your own real gold bars - so called
400 oz bars, about $130,000 each, then sure, just
buy those and keep 'em in London or Geneva, just
like GoldMoney does.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Stupid question

2003-11-30 Thread Katz Global Media

 How do you make a link people can click to automatically take
 you to e-gold's shopping cart for them to pay you a preset


just replace the account number and the price you need.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Stupid question

2003-11-30 Thread Katz Global Media

why use that #?

 Also, that's the wrong number at the start Gordon.
 It should always be 241164

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[e-gold-list] Re: Stupid question

2003-11-30 Thread Katz Global Media

I was thinking that at first then I started doubting myself. better to


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[e-gold-list] KATZ Global Media Quick Hosting Survey

2003-11-27 Thread Katz Global Media


we are taking a quick survey of our peers.

If you have a free moment please take this quick survey and email it to us

For every survey we receive in the mail we will credit your e-gold account
$1.00 so please remember to include your e-gold # with the survey so we can
send you the tip.

You may take this anonymously, or provide your name and company name. We
will not contact you unless requested to do so and we will never disclose
your data to any third party.

Please do not reply on the list as this is not really a financial matter.
Thank you

Please consider the following buzz words for a moment:


Q) #1.

Regarding the above buzz words, please list what countries, as listed below,
in order of importance to you overall, would make you feel the most safe,
secure and able to do business on the internet as a client of a hosting

United States
Hong Kong
Mumbai (India)
Shanghai (China)
Beijing (China)
Australia (Sydney)
United kingdom

Q) #2. What would be your country of preference for hosting your business
website and why?

Q) #3. What would be your pick of the above countries that you would never
consider hosting in and why?

Q) #4. What is the most important aspect of a hosting provider's service?

Q) #5. Have you ever left a provider and what were the reasons for switching
and have you been happier on your new providers service and why?

Q) #6. What does your current hosting provider lack?

Q) #7. If you are happy with your current provider what does your current
service provide that keeps you satisfied?

Q) #8. How important is price when considering a new hosting provider and

Q) #9. When thinking about the hosting business in general, what do you feel
is currently missing from the marketplace overall? Please explain.

If you have any special comments that will help make our service better, or
something that you think would be a good idea for us to implement in our
future offerings please let us know.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to our quick survey.

Katz Global media is looking forward to a great new year of expanding and
growing our services and improving our services as a whole and we look
forward to your replies.

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Anonymous funding?

2003-11-25 Thread Katz Global Media


for e-gold we can do this via a money order and you can remain 100%
anonymous, but this entirely depends on the USD value of your exchange.

#1. Anonymous - Yes 100%
#2 Low Rates - Yes how about 0%?
#3 Quick =  yes, we will fund your account as soon as the money order

Please email us offlist to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How much do you need?


Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

PS ... we are not an exchanger, but a company with e-gold to out-exchange on
a regular basis.

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[e-gold-list] Re: what's a DDOS

2003-11-25 Thread Katz Global Media

their is not a whole lot that can be done for a smaller outfit.

The only partially effective solutions start in the 50k range which would
imply you would drop in a special server in front of the network to filter
random ip traffic properly.

Since ddos is coming in from any and everywhere it becomes very hard to deal
with and most nocs are not even capable of the expense and time it takes to
work up a real solution.

or you could add large bandwidth and pay 10k a day to provide it to the
network. Only the deepest pockets could do that while trying to sort out the

You will find that many admins cannot even help you trace it back through
the network and when you succeed you may find that many peoples computers
are being used as a slaves via IRC without their knowledge.

Fortunatly, most ddos attacks die off after a few days.

the market is wide open for a real software solution for this. The first one
to market will be an instant millionaire, but the architecture of the
internet itself may place limitations of a cheap software solution.

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[e-gold-list] Re: what's a DDOS

2003-11-25 Thread Katz Global Media

another strategy we have used in the past which only works for servers with
only clients on a dedicated ip with ssl is to block off port 80 when it is
being flooded.

your site will still run over the ssl port and escape attack in many cases.

Sometimes when we see a ddos we can keep the ssl clients up when the rest
drop so that is a cheap way to stay up during a ddos on a shared server if
your admin is willing to help you in that way.

$200 a year extra in a shared hosting envirnment may be the difference to
not losing your sales that week.

Not fullproof, but it does work in some cases.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Cart Article... trusting e-gold/delayed payments

2003-11-23 Thread Katz Global Media

No monitor is safe.

Tempest is a Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation signal receiver which
means it is not really being used to pick up monitor radiation (although
possible) but rather your signal eminating from the motherboard/processor
itself which gives much more data than just a monitor. This gets amplified
over wiring and piping in a structure.

I have seen them setup in van at a 2-3 mile distance from the source. I
suspect they can use them readily from a satellite now or by sticking a
transmitter onto a water pipe and such things.

But why use tempest when there are dongles hanging out of the routers at the
nocs for law enforcement to plug into?




 For those who don't know, TEMPEST is a method to read whatever is
 displayed on a CRT monitor. So far, I've never heard this being possible
 a TFT monitor. More information on this (and other security issues):

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[e-gold-list] paypal sux post

2003-11-23 Thread Katz Global Media

article from paypalsucks.com

I was a middle management type with Pay-Pal until leaving recently-
partally due to my disgust over their internal security policies which have
led to the mountain of complaints seen on this and other similar boards.
There aren't many PP whistleblowers; during your exit interview a
soon-to-be-former manager is warned, intimidated and threatened against
doing the very thing I'm doing right now. But since I left to start my own
business, there's not a thing they can do to me.

Pay-Pal DID start as an honest, legitimate company with an innovative
service concept. However, in my opinion, this concept can never actually
WORK in the real world because there are legions of scammers all over the
globe with reams of stolen credit card info and identifications just WAITING
to swoop down on any new payment service like this that comes along.
Credit-card transactions where the card is not present and thus personally
examined by a clerk account for the overwhelming majority of fraud
transactions. Comparitavely, there's very LITTLE credit card fraud at
Wal-Mart, because the cashier actually sees both you and the card- and can
ask for supporting identification at the point of sale. Unfortunatly, the
high-risk, card not present transactions are the ONLY kind of transaction
a company like PP can do, and boy- did the con artists find them in a hurry!
The basic con was (and is) to use stolen identification information to open
new PP accounts, funnel money into them with stolen credit card numbers,
then transfer the money OUT of the account before PP gets the charge-back
and can freeze it. Unfortunately, despite PP's claims of having a tough
anti-fraud program, these people are mostly impossible to catch, because
when opening a new PP account, they DO have all the proper-appearing ID
information (which was stolen or conned out of unsuspecting individuals,
most of whom have never HEARD of Pay-Pal). When fraud is uncovered and the
account is checked out, the perp is almost never caught, since it was almost
always opened under a stolen identity, and he's long abandoned the

Yes, the application process COULD be made more stringent, but it is felt
(probably correctly) that a brand-new customer would certainly balk at doing
things like sending in notorized copies of their driver's licence and so
forth. So an alternate strategy for offsetting the charge-back losses
slowly evolved at PP. It's the perfect scheme really; since PP can't usually
catch the scammers and dosen't want to loose customer base by making things
more stringent to start with- they decided to simply re-coup their
chargebacks from the pockets (and accounts) of good, solid people under the
easily-defensible and impossible-to-criticize guize of Fraud Prevention and
Enforcement.. Simply put, if you're a seller and somebody pays you with a
stolen credit card, you're targeted by PP security and might very well have
your account siezed, investigated, closed- and the money retained by PP.
(Yes... they simply add it to their revenues and spend it like any other
income. You basically gave them permission to do this under the terms and
conditions you originally agreed to. No, I KNOW you didn't really read it,
but I bet you will the next time!). Even if the person paying you has NOT
used a stolen credit card, he could have been been flagged by PP as
somebody to keep an eye on for any one of numerous reasons. If he does
business with YOU, especially multiple times- you're frozen. OCCASIONALLY
some lucky soul will complain about the siezure, and when the case is
investigated by PP he is cleared and the money unfrozen. This good
fortune has nothing to do with an actual investigation (there aren't any,
really). Pay-Pal WILL unfreeze a small percentage of the accounts (as a
future defense against a potential class action), so you MAY benefit from a
simple luck of the draw. See, if it ever comes down to a massive
class-action lawsuit, or even testimony before the SEC or other regulatory
body, PP wants to be able to stand up in court and say But your honor, we
DON'T just freeze accounts and pocket the money. We really DO perform a
painstaking investigation. Here's the proof... look at all these people who
WERE suspected, but were then cleared by our crack security staff! If this
was really a scam, why would we have given all of THIS this money back?

I'm amused by the posts that say, But I've been a good customer of PP since
the beginning and have paid thousands in fees why would they have done
this to ME? Let me answer that with a hypothetical question: If you were an
unregulated financial services company so embittered by fraud losses that
you, yourself, had completely lost whatever moral compass you might have
once possessed, what would YOU rather have: a happy, content customer whos
business might account for $5000 worth of fees over the next 10 years, or a

[e-gold-list] Re: tempest systems

2003-11-23 Thread Katz Global Media



 Even if they pick up electrical signals from all the components of the
 computer, I see no way how that could be used, except for the signals from
 the keyboard (which I know is already used because the keyboard is a
 simple mechanism).

No that is not the case. The tempest system that I am aware of can take the
signal and reproduce the entire active computer onto a slave computer. Once
in, the remote operator is basically sitting in front of your computer just
like you are and is able to watch on the screen what you are doing.

It is not much unlike pointing an antennae and listening to the radio. The
station broadcasts a signal and your tuner intercepts it and plays it on the
radio. In this case, your processor emits its own frequency and that can be
tuned into and played on a computer just like the radio.

But all this is a moot point. The same can be done via your brain and a
tempest like system can be used to turn your eyes into cameras and reproduce
what you see onto a monitor.

I could be just a paranoid kook though...

uspto.gov search 3,951,134 , 1974!!!

4,140,997 1979

see also:


those patents just scratch the surface of what whas happenning in the 1970s

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[e-gold-list] Re: Finding serious e-gold investors...

2003-11-22 Thread Katz Global Media

I would be more inclined to make use of something like this (Gold-Cart) if I
could install it on our servers rather than running all our transactions
over a third party server.

I have not ever been able to get into our pecunix account since we opened it
8 months ago. If someone spent funds to it I would have to write it off.
Going through the process of access retieval seemed to be a waste of time
and a major effort.

Some things would have to change before we would use this with our daily
buisiness. It is not yet practical for the masses.

One forgets that even using e-gold for a new person is scary and confusing.
Who to trust? How to get your money out? Using pecunix complicates that for
a person new to digital currencies 10 fold.

I don't see how it could ever be more than a money tool for the techies, but
I am willing to be proven wrong.


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[e-gold-list] Re: KATZ stormpay to e-gold exchange

2003-11-22 Thread Katz Global Media

I have a stormpay balance of $555.69

I will sell it to the first person to complete the following:

Make yourself a quick $50!

Dont forget to include your stormpay acct info in the memo field or email it


Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Finding serious e-gold investors...

2003-11-22 Thread Katz Global Media

 Hi Gordon,

 Katz Global Media wrote:
  I would be more inclined to make use of something like this (Gold-Cart)
if I
  could install it on our servers rather than running all our transactions
  over a third party server.

 How would you suggest that could work? Would you then facilitate the
 exchange of currencies as well? There is more to it than meets the eye.

I suggest that it work by allowing the software to be installed onto a
server and when the company using it needs to dump the currency, they just
click send from the admin area and it does what yours does now.

I would not be willing to move our registration process to a third party.
The data is much too important and furthermore it completely breakes the
unbroken chain of privacy we are respected for having. Of course we are a
special case. I have a ton of other sites/businesses that could make use of
something like this where the protection of the order process would not need
to be so high.

If you give it some though Robert, I don't think you would appreciate anyone
having your client list for the next year. Would you?

 I wonder why you say that? Have you visited gold-cart and clicked the
 link to buy a funny story? It's so easy its laughable.

I bought one and I still feel the same way after. Don't get me wrong, I
appreciate what you have created, it is just not practical for the hosting
business in particular.

Also I see an oversight in the return email. There is no address field on
the form yet it is spitting it out in the email. There are a couple fields
like that.

 You have misunderstood Gold-Cart Gordon. Each customer only uses the
 currency he is comfortable with, and never even has to know that
 Pecunix exists. Merchants who are interested in accepting money are
 ever willing to find new ways of doing it, and to tell the truth, the
 stories about Pecunix being too complicated are grossly exaggerated.

Yes, I see that now.

  I don't see how it could ever be more than a money tool for the techies,
  I am willing to be proven wrong.

 Indeed, time will tell... so far it seems like a tool for the masses,
 the techies are the ones having the problem ;)

A long time ago I used to work for Kinkos Inc. and daily people would come
into a store holding a floppy disk reaching their hand out with a look of a
doe on the freeway. After a while you just know what is about to be said. I
came to the point that I would just say Windows? and the reply Yes, how
did you know?

It is something about the way they hold the disk.

In the beginning I would ask, what kind of file do you have? and the reply

Then I moved onto to asking if it is word and that was always the case.

The moral of my story is that you can't teach a old paypal user new tricks.

You can't use pecunix if you can't even send an email.

And you will never even find e-gold.com if you call a word file a windows

This is what you are up against for mass acceptance.

AOL had it right. Google has it licked. Ebay is pretty close. Microsoft are
masters of it.
If one could put together a plan that follows the market implementation of
these companies and their products and build them to suit their target
market, only then will anything resembling mass acceptance be possible.

For now we are all niche businesses. Everyone here is, at least for this
moment in time. Of course things can change ;-)

Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Finding serious e-gold investors...

2003-11-21 Thread Katz Global Media

Dear Robert and Drew,

 Hello Drew,
 I know, I am not Gordon, but think that he is likely to have similar
 thoughts on the subject.

  If you promoted and advertised the logo's of other payment options
  (Pecunix, Goldmoney etc) as much as you did e-gold and paypal then you
  find that people started paying in these newer more serious (quote

 Why should Gordon, or any merchant for that matter provide free promotion
 to any particular DGC/IG ?
 I am sure that if there were more users that KatzGlobal would jump on the
 bandwagon and accept payment in that currency.

The truth is that if a currency was popular enough we would not need a
discussion about it becasue we would already be accepting it.

We do accept some like virtual who are new, but this is more becasue of
discussions we had with the owners or admins of the company than it has to
do with a financial decision to accept it.

Robert is right, why put up a logo of a currency that supplies no clients
and does not help us to protote to their clients? It just takes up valuable
real estate with no benefits.

Although if you read our main site's main page or the payment options page
it is not too hard to find out what we accept. They are all listed in plain

  Why would you NOT be interested in promoting currencies with stronger
  governance than the two you predominately push?

 I believe that governance becomes secondary to volume from a merchant's
 point of view. After all we value turn-over and fast circulation times.

It is purely a market/financial decision. If we only accepted and promoted
evos we would be out of business already. Governance is irrelevant for us
for the most part as we are not attempting to hide our finances.

Security and the ability to out exchange quickly is important.

Show me a system that is impartial, exists virtually and is not regulated by
any government and not even the creators themselves. One that lays out its
policy completely and has self financial, legal and political development
and I will promote that and accept it readily just for fun.

Anyone for AI Money?

  I think you would find the % change if you did.

I disagree. I am on the evo website and see no real benefits to being
marketed there. I do not believe it is our offering that is lacking either
as that has been proven already in the market as a working formula. I think
it is just a  lack of participation in the currency.

 Most likely you are right. But as i said, where is our incentive and why
 would we bother? It is in our vested interest as merrchants to have
 clients focus on one or two DGC/IG and keep things simple for everyone.
 Even if we were being paid some incentive for promoting other currencies
 (as e-gold and INTgold do), it is still questionable if it was worth our

I do not believe e-gold pays any incentive. Thei incentive is purely in
safety and quanitity. If they do the rate is so miniscule as to be a waste
of time to even try to find those extra few pennies.

 The bottom line is after all that we have to pay infrastructure and
 equipment bills in fiat and need to outexchange (unless a merchant happens
 to have some deals with an exchanger) quite frequently - especially
 smaller operators and merchants. The more currencies that need exchanging,
 the higher the fees, the lower the profit, while at the same time the
 administrative work-load increases.

Fortunately we do not have to rely on DCG income to float the business or
personal expenses, but we still do not want that to grow too high without
getting it out into something more secure.

 I fear, the only way to change this would be if someone offered DGC  DGC
 automatic exchange interface which merchants could implement into their
 payment gateways. In other words, 11 USD of gold or 1gr of Gold, whatever
 currency you got, can be exchanged into whatever currency the merchant
 wants - preferably at no charge.
 As e-gold has the market pretty much cornered, it would be up to the other
 currency operators to team up and offer a similar solution to merchants.

 If my client can spend $11 worth of pecunix and I get $11 worth of
 e-gold/1mdc/goldmoney, depending on my settings, then, I am pretty sure,
 all merchants will begin to accept all currencies and the DGC economy
 might go through it's first major rennaisance.
 The alternative is of course that e-gold continues to grow exponentially
 and all other operators serve specific niche markets.

I think that idea is something lacking in the market. I am not even sure it
would be possible, but may be another good thing for AI to assume. One could
conceive of a software that assimilates all providers and creates a gateway.
Getting approval for that from the providers would be the hard part.

 Of course, Gordon might disagree with my view of things, as may many other
 merchants, but I honestly doubt it. At the end of the day, we want to make
 money with a minimum of unneccessary administration tasks.

[e-gold-list] Re: Finding serious e-gold investors...

2003-11-21 Thread Katz Global Media

 No more problems there Gordon, simply use Gold-Cart 
 http://gold-cart.com and your problems are over... easy, cost 

 This is no longer the case... now it is simpler for everyone if you 
 use Gold-Cart.

 It certainly is, and is available to you right now... 

 You're going to love Gold-cart Gordon!



Please tell me what the point of your post was?


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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow.st Still in Business? You better believe it!

2003-11-18 Thread Katz Global Media

I though this week was a week where:

Everything is upside down that should be right side up and so on. I tried to
blame it on sun spots, but that just doesn't fly these days, not in my
circles anyway.

The good news is it is all over and you can now go back to business as
usuall. ;-) This never happened.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: ... and e-weed etc.

2003-11-09 Thread Katz Global Media

You can call it e-sins.com so people can trade in their sins and for the non
religious they can buy sins at will as many people are always willing to
have their sins redeemed.

e-sins.com money backed by:
Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll!

Sell your sins and keep your soul!


Excellent idea, Danny, and you bring up yet another asset class.  Weed
 is a rapidly produced and rapidly perishing asset.  As such, it is
 quite unlike gold, land, and wine.  Thus, there could not really be a
 vault or reserve of constant physically identifiable assets.  It
 would be more like a promise of delivery of future production, much
 like wheat or orange juice futures.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: SCI generator, please assist!

2003-11-09 Thread Katz Global Media

Graham, this should work for you. Please check your gold account to see if
the hidden memo passed through about the product name as it may need an


form action=https://www.e-gold.com/sci_asp/payments.asp; method=POST
  div align=center
div align=leftfont face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
size=2 color=#00b
  input type=hidden name=PAYEE_ACCOUNT value=103346
  input type=hidden name=PAYEE_NAME value=Gold Now St.
  Text Describing Your Product etc./b:bbr
  input type=text name=PAYMENT_AMOUNT size=10 value=$5,000
  input type=hidden name=PAYMENT_UNITS value=1
  /bUSD worth of e-goldb
  input type=hidden name=PAYMENT_METAL_ID value=1
  input type=hidden name=STATUS_URL
value=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  input type=hidden name=NOPAYMENT_URL
  input type=hidden name=NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD value=LINK
  input type=hidden name=PAYMENT_URL
  input type=hidden name=PAYMENT_URL_METHOD value=LINK
  input type=hidden name=BAGGAGE_FIELDS value=CUSTOMERID
  input type=hidden name=CUST_NUM value=gyro plane deposit
  input type=hidden name=CUSTOMERID value=0
  input type=hidden name=SUGGESTED_MEMO value='Plese type in your
email address here'
  input type=submit name=PAYMENT_METHOD value=Pay Now

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Stormpay; INTGold

2003-11-08 Thread Katz Global Media

I don't see how this will affect stormpay at all. All it means is to stop
the ponzi activities into the Tennessee jurisdiction with a site that is
probably unrelated tp stormpay except in ownership.

That means stormpay will go on, business as usual I believe.

This was delivered 3 months ago with a 30 day notice.

This is a very weak and jurisdictionally miniscule cease and desist order
and they seem to have made a blanket order without any specifics as to what
compliance may mean.

From a legal standpoint he could most likely post a notice on his ponzi site
and state than no one is allowed to transact in in and from Tenessee and he
could move to Las vegas and that would be that.

This does not mean i necessarily support stormpay and I certainly don't want
to use a payment provider who runs ponzi sites. I do use them to accept
payments sometimes and find it hard to get money out of their system without
giving away all your personal details, so I don't care to use it too much.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] get e-gold with no fee

2003-10-28 Thread Katz Global Media


we have an excess of e-gold that we need to out exchange to cash in USD.

If you would like e-gold with no fee attached (0%) we are accepting orders
via cash by mail or western union wire.

We guarantee funding within 24 hours or less upon receipt of funds.

The maximum initial wire to our state is $950 per 30 days so if you need
more than that you will need to make other arrangements with us.

Email us offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your order request and we will
send you instructions.

thank you

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: get e-gold with no fee

2003-10-28 Thread Katz Global Media


  The maximum initial wire to our state is $950 per 30 days so if you need
  more than that you will need to make other arrangements with us.

 What does this mean? I have never heard of maximum initial wires. Could

yes sure... if you go to this page:

and type in $1000 you will see what I am talking about.

This is some sort of arizona resident restriction. I guess they think we
cannot handle too much money at one time. I do not know about other states,
but you could play around with this and see.


 You have entered an amount that exceeds the maximum transaction limit
of $950 for Arizona residents
   The maximum initial send amount for a money transfer is under
$1,000 or $2,000 per 30 days depending on your transaction history with

   Amount to send :  $ 1000  US Dollars

  Money transfer charge :  $

  Total estimated amount :  $

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: R: Re: get e-gold with no fee

2003-10-28 Thread Katz Global Media

You are correct there, but if you can't send it you can't receive it.

But in any case we have to show id after a certain amount, so keeping it
reasonable is a good thing. WU wires are quite pricey also when you get up
into that range.


 The key word there is SEND!
 You cannot SEND more than that, but it does not seem to say anywhere
 that you cannot RECEIVE more than that. As a matter of fact, the send TO
 menu, has United States as the only option, and not State by State so
 this seems to imply that there is NO  difference as far as RECEIVING
 funds, no matter which State you are in

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] fraud and more fraud

2003-10-20 Thread Katz Global Media

Just got a new scammer. He made an order for a script and an hour later sent
me a fake e-gold confirmation email which looks perfect. The only way you
can tell besides logging into your account to verify is by pinging the ip in
the header which leads to:

Order came from
Name: cpe-24-162-197-41.elp.rr.com
IP Address:
Location: Ciudad Juárez Mexico (31.761N, 106.478W)
Network: ROAD-RUNNER-5
Payment came from
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
Name: acbb4c3f.ipt.aol.com
IP Address:
Location: 54.000N, 4.500W
Network: AOL-172BLK
London England

The account.***deleted*** - #**number deleted***
 has been paid via e-gold shopping cart interface (SCI) :

Payment Amount: 299 USD Gold (Metal ID = 1)
e-gold batch number: 26484582
Payer e-gold account #665056

Ounces (Troy) paid: 0.806403
US Dollars per Ounce: 370.80

Payment Hash: 0BBBD87D33D7BE15363C0DA56AA9832D

Payment Receive Fee (ounces): 0.27

Timestamp (GMT): 1066636523

Version 2 Payment Hash: ED410F99B4BC1A7C4429A5E840C5FF55

(This mail automatically generated).

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envelope-to:  **deleted***
Delivery-date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 04:34:49 -0400
Received: from [] (helo=mail.e-gold.com)
 by ***deleted*** with smtp (Exim 4.24)
 id ***deleted***
 for ***deleted*** ; Mon, 20 Oct 2003 04:34:49 -0400
Received: from ([]) by SMTP id a280339c; Mon, 20
Oct 2003 08:34:28 +0100
To: Admin ***deleted***
From: SCIRobot Donotreply [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Notification of e-gold payment via SCI
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 08:34:26 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain
X-Mailer: mx1.***deleted***
X-Intranet: .***deleted***

The account .***deleted***
 has been paid via e-gold shopping cart interface (SCI) :

Payment Amount: 299 USD Gold (Metal ID = 1)
e-gold batch number: 26484582
Payer e-gold account #665056

Ounces (Troy) paid: 0.806403
US Dollars per Ounce: 370.80

Payment Hash: 0BBBD87D33D7BE15363C0DA56AA9832D

Payment Receive Fee (ounces): 0.27

Timestamp (GMT): 1066636523

Version 2 Payment Hash: ED410F99B4BC1A7C4429A5E840C5FF55

(This mail automatically generated).

 ha... CLEVER even the spot rate is correct...


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] RE: scammer

2003-10-18 Thread Katz Global Media

I think this guy may be the same one that was stealing the v2gold content
and posting keyloggers to the site. Today he tried to transfer our main
domain into 3 accounts of well known people, threatened my life a few times
and tried to extort $1000 all while telling me to go @##^@ my mother... Now
ain't that just trite?

He is on this list reading this stuff. That is a fact.

Regarding your comment about banding together, I certainly think that it is
a good thing and in some ways we all already are looking out for one
another. For us we just simply don't expose ourselves in any way that could
make an impact.

Was he able to transfer our domains? no... hack our gold list password..
no... we do not keep files online... so that's out... e-gold? hmmm spread
around in all sorts of places... servers are spread around in many
locations... Domains are held in many locations...

this is good practice for many of you who may tend to pool your backbone
into one area that can be attacked. What hurts more? Do you have $100,000 of
e-gold in one account or in 20 accounts? Do you have 500 clients on one
server or 10 servers in 10 locations?

Its common sense really. If one server drops for any reason then only a
small portion of clients are affected at any one time thus lessening the
impact to them overall and to your business.

Most people are lazy about this because it complicates things and costs time
and money so the risks must be balanced against the costs as with anything.

But at some point it just makes sense to diversify your holdings. Businesses
who don't do this are more at risk as we saw again recently with an online
customer database.


hosting companies share a unique position in that they are exposed to many
people and businesses and can have a behind the scenes feel for what is
going on in their line of business as opposed to non hosting companies who
may not see the things we see. So having contact in our area of specialty is
essential in some ways. You saw what transpired the other day and how a
situation can go from bad to ugly and back to ok again in a short period of
time and mostly it can be attributed to a lack of communication.

For anyone on this list who think we will mass mail anything considered to
be a recommendation of any site should know that we simply do not mail
clients for those sorts of reasons. I will not ever mail anyone without a
valid reason and if there is ever a doubt as to the origin or content of an
email you can always jump into a chat with me from our site and ask.

If anyone gets a domain registration and they are using our data, you can be
assured that it is a fake order. If we have not ordered domains from you up
until now we probably never will. Same goes for virtual hosting. Dedicated,
well sometimes we may go out for a server here and there but not all that
often outside of our normal circles. When in doubt, ask.

we are always open for meeting new people and making alliances in many


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[e-gold-list] Gigalance.com

2003-10-18 Thread Katz Global Media

We have a website to promote so I want to take this time out to step outside
of our hosting role and announce that Katz Global Media
just completed the purchase of www.gigalance.com.

Since we have received the site we have changed a few things around
the look of the headers and logo and also the way people are charged when
using the site.

For those who do not know, www.gigalance.com is a place where business
and/or project leaders post their available programming projects, web design
marketing or internet publicity projects and receive auction style bids by
designers and marketers all over the world.

Basically the site is a resource for businesses and programmers to meet and
save you the trouble
searching all over the net and waiting for emails to go through with little
or no results.

We are changing the focus of the site to attract offshore clientele and
digital currency related
projects and move the focus away from the more general type of *lance sites
like elance.com

We feel this will bring a more refined focus to the site and attract lower
priced developers to
bid on projects which many other sites lack.


The site used to charge a percentage of every project accepted. We have done
away with
the old pricing model and have implemented the following:

Business owners:

Now may register, use and post projects on the site for free.
There will never be a charge for adding your project and accepting
bids from programmers or designers.

We encourage you to post any projects you have pending or planned
as this is now a free resource that will find you many programmers to
choose from, usually within 15 minutes or less from the time of your post.

Programmers/Web Designers:

There is an annual membership fee of $40 for a regular membership.
We are no longer charging you commissions on accepted projects.

For an additional $60 per year, you may also upgrade your membership
to a showcase membership which now will allow you a full web page
to be hosted on our server and linked from every gigalance page.
You may post all your company info, portfolio and links to your site,
as well as direct contact info and payment information.

Overall we feel that the new pricing structure will encourage more projects
to be posted and attract programmers who are serious about acquiring new
clients and contacts. We also feel this will save active programmers a lot
of money as you will no longer have to pay a fee on each project accepted.

We have also added many more payment options. Right now there are about
10 methods of paying for a membership. Since the site has a built in
system you may also use this to receive payments from your clients and we
can assist in many cases to transfer funds from one currency to another.

Right now there are over 300 businesses and about 300 programmers/designers
registered on the site and all of these have been grandfathered into the
membership on a permanent basis.

If you already have a current registration with the site as a programmer,
will not have to purchase a membership. We have done this to reward all
those that have made the site a success up to date and we encourage you
to keep using the site and bid on projects as will not cost you anything to

We will be spending some $$$ in promoting the site over the next 6 months.
If you have any opportunities in this regard please contact us anytime.

The main thing we need to do to get the site going is have more projects
There are no shortage of available programmers on the site, but right now
the site
has a lack of projects.

So please post away. It is FREE!
Visit www.gigalance.com today.

thank you


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[e-gold-list] scammer

2003-10-17 Thread Katz Global Media

Doug Jackson tried to steal my domain. (not true of course) but what a great
opening line.

Anyone from melborne who can make a local call to this persons isp? por

Someone just ask you to send him $1000 or else they will kill you???LOL!!!
yes...lmao! check this out... its funny:

Name: Matt
Re: Suck my dick !!!
I destroy you if you not pay me 1000$ per day.

Send payment to e-gold account: 577766 starting today or ..
Date: 10-17-03 09:10

Name: peter
Re: I have requested domain transfer for katzglobal.com
i have requested domain transfer for
katzglobal.com you
can stop this atatck with a payment made to e-gold account 577766
Date: 10-17-03 10:10

Greeting: Hello Matt. How may we help you?
Matt: you can send me 1000$ starting right now to e-gold account: 577766 or
Gordon: HOST: I.P.:
BROWSER/O.S.: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
REFERRER.: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=anonymous
domainie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8hl=enbtnG=Google Searchmeta=
Matt: destroyin full
Matt: i destrpy
Matt: fuck you
Matt: send 1000$ or die
Gordon: IP Address:
Location: Melbourne (37.817S, 144.967E)
Matt: 1000$ per day
Gordon: you cant spell

it gets better:

We have received a request to transfer the domain name(s) listed below to
Network Solutions(R).  Upon completion of the transfer, the registrant for
the domain name(s) will be Douglas Jackson.

Date of the original request: October 17, 2003 11:58:05 AM EDT.

Domain Name   Current Registrar

this person has too much free time



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[e-gold-list] proxy

2003-10-17 Thread Katz Global Media

Greeting: Hello Matt. How may we help you? 
Matt: you are only a shit 
Matt: goldpay.org is the only one 
Matt: truly anonymous service

BROWSER/O.S.: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 
REFERRER.: not known\

the person is on proxy...

wander if this is related graham?

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] paypal scammer

2003-10-16 Thread Katz Global Media

this one is a clever scam...

Dear PayPal user.

At 10.15.2003 the PayPal company has blocked a number of accounts
in the system connected with money laundering and credit card fraud
activity. The information in regards to those accounts has been passed
to our corresponded banks, local and international authotities.

Due to database operations some accounts can be lost. We are insisting
to our clients to update their account's information.

If you will find any presence of fraudulent activites at your account -
let us know immediately at e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't wait until criminals will steal your money - help the authorities to
block their accounts.

To update your account's information please click on the link below. Thank


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Offtopic discussions

2003-10-15 Thread Katz Global Media


I think stepping in and saying NO! to taxes (the discussion of taxes) makes
it a bit hard to even hold a conversation on this list. There are some many
things intricately weaved through the topic of money that going off into
areas like taxes, usury, political greed and so many more topics, are
necessary to get a discussion going that has any value.

Even taxes can be seen as money directly and it just depends if you are the
reciever or the sender. One being a positive and one a negative. Both are
forms of money in the center and the effects of being on either end are felt
by the parties involved in a monetary way.

Now I suppose we can sit here all day and compare graphs and talk about
serial numbers on dollar bills and their pretty colors but that is not
really anything with subtance that makes me enjoy this list more than
anything I have been on to date.

Without those topics going off into space like they do i would probably not
care to be here other than for just business functions.

Now if someone is trying to come here and talk about the inticacies of
mariage and love then I think you have a point...

This is only my two cents worth ;-)


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: The new US $20s

2003-10-15 Thread Katz Global Media

Since when does the government issue paper money? I thought it was the
federal reserve in this case?


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] unkrain exchange

2003-10-14 Thread Katz Global Media

Is there anyone on this list who can take e-gold and direct deposit funds to
AVAL Bank in Kyiv, Ukrain?

thank you


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: unkrain exchange

2003-10-14 Thread Katz Global Media

perfect, do you by any chance have a site written in English? My Russian is


  Is there anyone on this list who can take e-gold and direct deposit
  AVAL Bank in Kyiv, Ukrain?

 http://www.rupay.ru   2-3%

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: WHY WORK?

2003-10-14 Thread Katz Global Media


this has been one of my favorite sites for many years. it has been around a
long time and I found it by trying to find a great article written by Bob
Black that i read maybe 10-12 years ago, called The Abolition of Work
http://whywork.org/rethinking/whywork/abolition.html? which first line sings
to me: No one should ever work

This has nothing to do with money per se directly, but I am slipping it in
here anyway becasue i know a lot of people here will enjoy this site:
http://whywork.org/ even JMR. :-)


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Prevent FACE reseller right, HOW?

2003-10-13 Thread Katz Global Media

www.blue-market.com is a scam 100%

We have found out that this site is loading two key logger trojans and has
been using exploits to gain access to your computers today. The script sale
thing was a ploy to get people onto this site and access your computer
passwords. WARNING to all who have visited this site from the forums today
that you need to immediately do a trojan/key logger sweep of your computers.

This site will be offline within an hour. DO NOT visit it!

Not only have they spammed us (6 sites) and everyone we know today, they
have stolen the v2gold.com content, are hot linking the v2gold images
straight from the site in their spam and are trying to sell scripts that
they absolutely have no reseller rights to sell. They are not in any way
involved with v2gold.com.

It is my belief that they have taken this site in an attempt to steal e-gold
and or load the trojans onto your systems and that they do not actually have
copies of the scripts at all.

Their e-gold # has been balance limited since about 1pm today I believe...
thanks ;-)

Their whole entire network has been notified to pull this site down and we
are finally getting some action.

Hopefully this will be resolved shortly...

Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Katz Global Media

#2. this will not be enough here.  Usually when a paypal account is stolen,
the person's email account is also stolen so verifying this way does no
good, but still should be done of course.

#1. What do you mean when you say verify accounts?

I think it was about 6 months ago when paypal stated they will not allow
this type of exchange and I believe that is what Robert was warning against
becasue of the risk of paypal freezing an account.

To be honest I learned the hard way what you are going to learn. Much
frustration an some court appearances later.

You have to ask yourself one thing. Don't you think that if paypal were safe
to trade and exchange with, a good majority of the exchange services on this
board would be already doing it?

We still do it, but only with trusted partners and clients who have history
with us. We went private so to speak.

Its not that people here do not want you to succeed. It would be great if
you have the magic formula that has eluded many of us in the past.


 1. accounts must be verified.
 2. users have to reply to an email (including our email body) sent to
 their paypal adress.

 For those who know well pp practices, are these measures enough, in your
 mind ??

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Katz Global Media

Money Transfer Companies

Precious metals policy

Pre-paid debit cards

I believe they actually wrote that in their policies about 6 months back,
but I can't seem to find it now.


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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-09 Thread Katz Global Media

I would disagree with this. They will make $20,000 in transactions of which
they will glean about 5% of, and then realize that they are being attacked
by scammers who are one by one. reversing their paypal spends and claiming
someone stole their accounts.

Good luck to you. I hope you have some magic way to avoid all this.

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-09 Thread Katz Global Media

We were doing that for a while as you know. Paypal never closed our account
on us thankfully, but we did and still do get reversals all the damn time.
This stems mostly from the users of Paypal who steal other peoples accounts.


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[e-gold-list] RE: Pay for Google Ad Word with e-gold

2003-10-08 Thread Katz Global Media

I think it is a good idea, but you are right, you could not give login
details, so the solution would be to re-create the google software as much
as is possible and allow people to use that and keep all orders in a pending
queue for application to the actual google account.

The only thing you would be missing is the keyword generator and stats and I
am not sure how one would get around that being that that is pulling live
from their internal databases.

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[e-gold-list] hosting warning

2003-10-03 Thread Katz Global Media


this is for all the hosting companies on this list:

the person that owns the following sites:


is a known fraud.

He steals paypal accounts and purchases hosting and once this hosting is
obtained, they launch fake ebay, paypal and comcast sites and steals more
client data.

The first time this person did this he hid the comcast files very deep on
the server and started a heavy spamming campaign and it took us about 12
hours to catch on and by them comcast has had their fraud department all
over us. The site was fronted by a nice family mormon site that looked to
sterile to be true... T

They use paypal every time and each time it is a stolen account with non
matching email addresses.
they are currently our again currently trying to register
www.ebaydetails.com with us.
We suspect they will attempt to use any number of you in the future...

their ip
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
REMOTE_ADDR: or (earthlink)
earthlink network in New York - may or may not be a proxy...

the most recent victims paypal Myra Chamblee ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  if
you see this, steer clear... They have also stolen this email account from
the paypal user so they can actually confirm purchases.

They are probably also on this list...

thank you


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[e-gold-list] Re: services

2003-10-01 Thread Katz Global Media


 Actually, that is a problem which has already been solved.
 You can work with Interglobal Paratronics for your merchant
 services needs.  We accept payments by check, money order,
 and wire, then pay you gold.  Of course, the rates can vary
 depending on what sort of clientele you bring.  If we get
 even one bounced item, or a money order fails to verify
 before deposit, we raise the rate quite a bit.

I don't fully understand this. you are providing an in -xchange service that
allows us to send you our client's remittances directly rather that
pre-processing them, but you raise the fees on us based on one bad
transaction? That seems harsh. We have never had a bad money order ever.
Never a lost check or cash in the mail and the only bad transactions were
due to Paypal. So would it not be more prudent to allow us to rectify a bad
draft by paying in for it rather than penalizing all future business with
higher fees becasue of one bad apple?

Money orders are quite anonymous, so i do not see the clientele having any
bearing on this as the source is always unknown in the end, as you should
understand that by now with even a cursory look at my business.

What is the fee overall?

  and people still wonder why all those internet companies
  failed and are failing?

 Those of us who were students of entrepreneur Ed Williams
 know why.

I will look into this tomarrow.

Most businesses that fail do so for one of
 two reasons.  Either they fail for lack of effective business
 planning or they fail for lack of capital.

I agree in 95% of cases. I have experienced business closures more than one
time in the past due to both reasons. And in the end I have learned that it
is possible to completely ignore both rules of thumb and succeed. I am
living proof of that. (southpark quote) Not that one's first attempt, or
even fifth will defy all rules of business physics. But don't just discard
it out of hand. I assume that is why you said most.

Rule #3. Sheer willpower and persistense will replace rules #'s 1 and 2 with
luck. Luck by force or saturation of implementation. ( you know the old
adage that says you have to be at many places at once to be at one at the
right time.)

The ones
 that fail for the second reason often fail within a year
 of start-up.

The one main business I ran 3 years, I started for $75. I quit becasue it
burned me out and I no longer had the will to fight the underfunding and I
was still in high school so that was a factor also. It could have succeeded
in the long run if I had not burned out.

The one I run now was started for $49.95 and is still going strong after
years. It funded itself.

The ones that fail for lack of planning can
 fail at any time, since planning is a continual task.

I agree with this. We are treading ground in search of... and the most
difficult thing is where/what to grow into next. Where to market the service
next? We could talk about this offlist sometime. There is a lot of
opportunities all around and although we try to focus on the offering and
not be too broad, our heads are in many places listening and absorbing
everything for future use.

 Also, many companies that fail from lack of planning do
 so because they don't have a second product.  They do
 one thing well enough to have a business, but they
 don't do anything else.

And the same cound be said for the opposite. I think a better way to put
this is that a business thrives on the staple product or service and tries
to expand from there. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not. but without the
staple they are flailing. Something needs to fund the expansion, the RD,
the testing, the failed product offerings. otherwise one is in a situation
that is a drain on resources, be it the investors or the savings.

Very often, niches shift and
 the environment won't support the one thing after a while.

I agree here. Complacency can hurt. Cockiness can ruin you, but then there
is the 5%. Take coke. these people can do no wrong. They can ruin whole
entire economies and brush it off over time like a bad day. Some products
won't die. They are positioned well and become a staple of life. That is
golden if you can find that.

 By the way, this message is also to point out that my
 company provides business planning services.

I am all ears. I see that you are articulate. No doubt there. Sometimes I
wonder where you find the time to rebut posts like you do. I looked over
your site and appreciate the understatement, but wonder why you claim to do
so many things? Is this a hobby, or the real deal? I am not familiar enough
with your business to know.

Lately I am not impressed with the sheer number of people who also do web
design. I run IBM... oh and also do web design on the side That is so
tired, if I see that again I may have to excuse myself to the lavoratory.


Anonymous hosting (tm) Solutions
we do web design too. No suprise there... if anyone wants some of the work
(and is 

[e-gold-list] Re: And another one down, another one down...

2003-09-30 Thread Katz Global Media

that about sums it up...

What happens when one of those small services gets big. Can they keep the
service level and drive they had when small? that is the trick.



 budget  privacy website hosting
 e-commerce  e-business services
 budget domain registrations

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[e-gold-list] Re: FW: Moneybookers service

2003-09-30 Thread Katz Global Media

thats the beauty of internet businesses though. you can hire staff anywhere
in the world and live anywhere you want as long as there is a good

If a business is setup correctly to be a pure internet play, then hiring say
in the US would be a laughable idea at best. Our programmers are all
overseas and support can login from anywhere in the world. After considering
that, location is not relevant depending on disclosure and finances. The
biggest problem I see with finances is to be anywhere but the US requires a
very smart system to process things like money orders when a good majority
of clients are in the States and paying in USD. Otherwise banks tend to hold
them for 4-6 weeks which is fine if the company can float it.

My experience though is that many technically capable people overseas do not
have a real business sense built into them and find support mentally
strenuous and hard to keep up in a fast moving environment. I am not saying
this in a broad way, but that has been my experience in many cases. Their
ability to deliver and our need for a high rate of order/support/dev
processing in real time is in conflict.

Although I have also met some great people who are really smart, and able to
do good work fast. It is not all black and white of course.

Hopefully your experience leads you to greener pastures as being on site
might help improve that type of scenario.

I find that one person can handle a couple thousand clients at any given
time so the needs of a business like ours are not as high as some people may
think they are until they get into development which sends our staff
exponentially higher. 10,000 clients can be managed with 3-5 people
depending on what is going on and probably less if your system is fully

Which brings up a point. Did you see how many hosting clients that sprint
had when they sold off recently? I think the number was 300. My mouth hit
the floor when I heard that. Think about that. How many millions did they
spend? How many employees and servers did they have?  Not to mention full
NOC centers they developed and in the end the number was 300. That is sad.
But then they also invested heavily in line of site high speed internet and
cox came along and kicked their butts on that too.

and people still wonder why all those internet companies failed and are
failing? Citibank closing their online division is probably just another
perfect example.


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[e-gold-list] Re: More on the DaVinci Institute

2003-09-29 Thread Katz Global Media

http://www.davinciinstitute.com/inventing-the-future.php - this is quite a
fun page

Quote: In the past, controlling the brain has always been accomplished
through the use of drugs. Chemicals introduced into the body produced a
chemical reaction to create the desired effect. In the future, this could be
accomplished with medical algorithms, which means sending direct impulses to
the brain to trigger the necessary override changes to a given body
function. The advantage of algorithms over drugs is that there are no
chemical side effects.

What happens if microsoft is in charge of coding the software?

Will we encounter brain freeze?
We we get stuck in endless code loops?
Will we now have a back door in our heads that some 16 year old hacker
figures out how to exploit further necessitating the need to patch our

Quote: Uses for medicinal algorithms could include curing physical maladies
such as color blindness or hearing loss, controlling appetite or desire for
sweets, controlling addictions or illicit drug use, and improving stamina,
memory, or reaction time.

control control control... get it?

quote: In Boulder, Colorado, a company called Somatagen is in the final
stages of producing an artificial blood product. Plants grown using this
blood as the primary source of nutrition (instead of water) could begin to
exhibit a mammalian type of growth. There may also be other bio-cloning
formulations that will accomplish the same thing. And there is definitely a
ready market for plant-grown beef among vegetarians and cardiac patients.

The satanists and christians will have a field day with this one.

But certainly the concept is very interesting and starts to touch on the
understanding of fluids and their nature and spirituality. I once learned
you can grow plants without sunlight by hooking wires to metal plates set
out in the sun and running the wires into the soil of the plant. Peoples
limited concepts have stunted growth in these areas for quite some time.

Here on this page we have a new world of ideas

Imagine a place where plants grow on blood, not water.
Where babies are grown in plastic boxes filled with slime.
You can rent Dan Rather's personality and graft it into your incubator
babies new software for heart rythm adjustment to entertain while it does
its job.
A world where mother's have been discarded along with their disposable money
A world where the elite actually realize that the stored money card is
already in use and thriving on the internet. Dumb-asses.

and last but not least:

A world where the Davinci Institue's other business is a web design firm.
How quaint. How typical.

Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions
we do web design too! What is anonymous web design you might ask?

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[e-gold-list] Re: The sky is crowded?!

2003-09-29 Thread Katz Global Media

All you need to do is have one company add a layer to this. Then handle the
processing via cc and then have their backend converting e-gold rather than
doing it directly from the machine.

Your project would be on the back burner for some time I think. It would be
better to find a way to tap into existing systems so e-gold is an option
rather than the only option.

Imagine getting a coke machine to allow for signups of new e-gold
accounts... :-) Would you like an e-gold account with that hamburger and

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[e-gold-list] Re: dBourse v NYSE

2003-09-20 Thread Katz Global Media

I agree with you except for one thing.

 I know for sure is if that dbourse allowed all comers to setup shop in the
e-gold marketplace worldwide, It would take about 2 weeks to begin to
realize how many people would be scamming in every conceivable way and if
that somehow achieved the mass scale of the NYSE in number of players and
trades, you would quickly realize that the fraud on Dbourse would make the
nyse look good by comparison or at least equal it.. I deal with enough
people using e-gold on a daily basis to know that fraud is damn near
everywhere and especially bad in some un-named countries. Every week
someone is stealing our software and reselling it, or copying our websites,
(sometimes directly word for word) and they are all mixed up in the e-gold
crowd. I don't think that dbourse is safe from fraud in any way, just
because their system is a better solution. I am not even convinced it is a
better solution. Certainly it is not in any way technically better.
Philosophically maybe, but then if you designed the ultimate pyramid scheme
like the NYSE and then created your own laws to protect it, I would suggest
you would be fairly proud of your accomplishment as that makes dbourse look
like a corner store selling day old bread in comparison. Those are the real
players when it comes down to it. Dbourse is not anything more than an
interesting (what if) discussion and a hope of some future potential to
become this great new existing outside of the system. The free market
potential is absolutely staggering and this is what interests me about it.

By limiting their offering to only their own company shows that they know it
or are possibly afraid of the potential for fraud and also for prosecution.
The reality is as soon as they sell a share into any state in the US they
are breaking some law that the SEC will not take kindly to once they figure
it out. It wont matter if they are offshore or not once they sell into their

I am not attacking dbourse, I just think this conversation so far has been
too one sided, almost to the point of advertisement.

Before this will ever work, they at least got to get the balls to release it
to all comers. Someone will do it eventually. Why not? If I had the time I
might put a couple programmers onto the project myself.
Until someone does this, we will all be sitting here talking about how your
$12 dividends make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

The cost is too high for many. A person can buy any share on the NYSE for
much less once they find a way into the system.

I play the NYSE for fun. Last year I made 80K profit on a 100K investment
betting on the companies that bush and chaney are mixed up in before the war
was getting underway. You can't do that on dbourse without more players.
With more players there will be microcosms that would lead to fast moving
insider trading that an outsider can capitalize on if they are connected
enough to what is going on.

I would say that right now in every way the NYSE beats debourse. I cannot
find a solid argument to the contrary except how attractive it would be to
put our company onto an exchange without up front capital or disclosure.
That is the bottom line. Build a system that allows any company to list for
a % of share sales and no up front capital and no disclosure and let the
market sort them out.

Then we have something to talk about.

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] PVCSE launched

2003-09-20 Thread Katz Global Media

well there we go... off and running!

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[e-gold-list] Re: dBourse v NYSE

2003-09-20 Thread Katz Global Media

 How many *more* scandals would the NYSE need to have by Christmas
 for you to say that you agree with me, and simply don't trust them?

I never said that I trusted them and I actually said that I agree with you
except on the one point that they are better. I think dbourse is only
currently better due to all the reasons i listed and only becasue they do
not have market saturation, or even a usable system for that matter. I just
stated that i think the (nyse) is quite a genious thing to pull off.  Much
like the genious of the supposed domocratic governmental system, or the
genious of the federal reserve. Just becasue I feel that something is
genious in concept does not mean I think it is a positive force in the world
community. Hitler could be argued to be evil, but no one here will deny his

but trust them?



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[e-gold-list] Re: 1 free gram of gold to the fastest answer.

2003-09-20 Thread Katz Global Media

#1 Hooper: Jaws

#2 Don Corlione: The Godfather

#3 jake blues from the blues brothers


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[e-gold-list] Re: When e-gold takes off in a big way

2003-09-19 Thread Katz Global Media

there was a big article in wired last month about synthetic diamonds.
Definitly worth reading and has all the answers to this topic.

They are basically saying experts can not tell them apart from the real
things except when presented with duplicates as no two diamonds are the same
except the synthetics. Debeer's response was to send some pretty advanced
equipment to distributors to authenticate these fakes as it takes a special
machine to do it becasue the chemical makeup of the fakes are the same as
the real thing and the only variant is spectrum (light) shift that can only
be seen with a special machine.

A lot of controversy and espionage is going around right now surrounding
these new fakes stemming from the military (navy) and Debeers.

One of the biggest markets in the next 10 years for fakes are diamond
processors. These fakes will be the replacement of silicon as they can
withstand much more heat and therefore will speed up processors

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[e-gold-list] Re: When e-gold takes off in a big way

2003-09-19 Thread Katz Global Media

thanks... i searched all over for that link and could not find it...


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[e-gold-list] indiagold.biz

2003-09-19 Thread Katz Global Media


I am just reporting back that we took your reference to indiagold.biz and
they successfully traded e-gold into an Indian icici bank account in less
that 24 hours.

So far they seem legit and have good service. They are the only one I can
find that provides services into India.

thanks for the url

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[e-gold-list] Re: When e-gold takes off in a big way

2003-09-17 Thread Katz Global Media

I will tell you exactly what will happen.

If e-gold ever reached a market cap large enough to make a dent in a fiat
currency (they are a long way off from that)
The world bank, the federal reserve, the European union and ptobably a
handfull of other groups will make it their highest
priority to:

Choose one of the following:

A. Sue them into oblivion
B. Press criminal charges and send the owners to guantanomo bay
C. throw the owners out of a 23rd story window and call it a suicide
D. Beam a plasma laser from the moon onto the e-gold servers
E. Break in a steal their servers (under court order) and client lists and
go after every client
F. Break in a steal their servers (NOT under court order, but in the dark of
the night) and client lists and go after every client (also in the dark of
the night)
G. Send seal team six into to work the place over
H. Explode a car bomb near their building and blame terrorists.
I. Make digital currency illegal without an SEC permit (A permit that no one
seems to be able to get granted to them except visa and MC)
J. Offer to buy the company or else
K. discover their elusive gold holding and make it dissapear


Just smile becasue they already own it so what difference does it make. The
test went well boys. Better than we could have ever been imagined!

Any questions?

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[e-gold-list] e-gold to rupees

2003-09-16 Thread Katz Global Media


can anyone on this list exchange e-gold to rupees to be made available in
Mumbai, India for pick up or delivery on an ongoing basis???


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[e-gold-list] Re: FW: Making fake e-gold sites submit...

2003-09-08 Thread Katz Global Media

I would not say that this was a distributed attack as written. This looks like 
something that if you ran it would get your ip banned
from their server pretty quickly. Distributed implies hunderds or thousands of random 
sources at the same time.

You could write something resembing a cron and then launch this into irc searching for 
open ports to auto run the script though.

something along those line could be what you called a distributed account creation 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Why I am in love with the gold casino.

2003-09-06 Thread Katz Global Media

clever spam... Go Gold Casino! yea!

So today I am at a Indian Reservation playing live blackjack at the $5 table and the 
dealer is consistently beating me or pushing.
So she pulls up a 21. Ok fine... another 21... ok unlikely but I can relate to the bad 
luck. then comes another... Ok this is crap,
3 in a row... double up the bets and boom there goes a 4th Blackjack in a row.

I have never seen this ever anywhere. Hell I have never even heard of that happening.

what are the odds?

I am betting that that casino is 100% con job... Everyone was getting cleaned out by 
all the dealers...

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[e-gold-list] Re: gold age raided

2003-09-04 Thread Katz Global Media

oops... didnt see the date on that... what an @$@ I am...

anyone know what the outcome is/was?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Surging gold threatens to dim doll

2003-09-01 Thread Katz Global Media

I believe it was a theory put forth by Timothy Leary or someone around in the mind 
expansion movement, possibly Buckmindster Fuller.

The statement you two make is very close to what they were saying, but instead of it 
moving to Asia or dying out, the idea was that
growth would lift from the west coast line into outer space and in some ways this is 
the truth and what has happened since the 60's.
All real future growth will occur off planet.

This is all tied into a growth of information and technology that doubles in 
exponentially shorter and shorter time cycles.

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

  The peak of civilisation has always tended to move in Westward
  direction. From Babylon and Egypt it went to Greece. From ancient
  Greece it went to Rome... From Europe it moved to the USA. Now it
  will move on to Asia.

 Civilization is rooted in intellectual, cultural and moral
 achievment; material conditions are secondary consequences not
 primary idicia.  I do not see these root qualities flourishing in new
 places as they did in the past cases you list; on the contrary I see
 them dieing out.  It seems more likely to me that we are on the
 threshold of a world-wide dark age.

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[e-gold-list] Re: For Katz Global, but of interest to all

2003-08-24 Thread Katz Global Media


I don't toally follow you with what you are accusing this site of doing and we are not 
familiar with the story behind it, but if you
care to explain further I am open to hearing you out. I didn't realize it was a crime 
to allow someone to host an anti ponzi site
and provide information about the law wether it is correct or not hence the 
disclaimer. If it is a crime, then I would love to hear
your explanation of this on or off list. To use us to host such a site is an 
intersting choice indeed and I wonder if they are in
bed with the SEC in some way. Do you have more information? This is the first time I 
have seen the content of the site.

thank you

Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: For Katz Global, but of interest to all

2003-08-24 Thread Katz Global Media

replies below:

 As soon as they were found out they took the list of sites down. But one
 webmaster, as seen in the first post on this page here:


I saw that in your last post liked from getpaidforum.com

 Managed to get a copy of the sites there. There are many of the sites
 there, including people's own homepages which just list PTR sites. They
 have even listed places like Yahoo.com and Google.com.

It is hard to prove the source. In my opinion a list as generic as this is not 
libelous in any way nor trully harmfull to anyone
especially since it is lacking in details.

I even see AOL
 within their list. Now it might not be against the law, but what they are
 particularly doing is defamation to sites which they have never even
 bothered to look at in their lives.

There is a lot of stuff floating around right now regarding perfect 10 going after 
celbrity fake sites. They are probably going to
take google and others to court in an attempt to steal money from them for accepting 
advertisement money of a certain nature since
it is a well known fact that the actually purpetrators are either poor, or offshore, 
or both and not worth the time.

This AOL listing falls into the same category. I do not know if this site 
(pyramisposse.com) has had any effect on anyone at all,
has actually brought a case against anyone or has even made a blip in the waters of 
the web although by you posting this sure helps
their popularity and i think that in their own way those who may be afraid of them the 
most are actually the ones shooting
themselves in the foot by promoting them as you are so plainly doing here whether you 
actually intend that or not. I do not see how
your post benefits this list, but If I am mistaken and anyone here feels the benefit 
of it then please speak up.

 They even have egold.com listed there, note it isnt e-gold.com. egold.com
 is a different site all together.

egold.com (not e-gold.com) is owned by a guy that has proven his value to the world to 
be little as far as I am concerned so him
being on that list comes as no suprise.

 I think this site should be looked into because they have obviously got a
 grudge not just against the GPT industry, but the industy of online money
 making as a whole.

I am not the Police. Not the FBI. Not the CIA. Not the NSA not anything even remotely 
similar to any such organization, yet everyone
in the world thinks I should act as if I am such an organization including the 
organizations themselves as proven by the laws the
keep creating. For you to ask me to watch or look into a site for you is a complete 
and utter joke. This site takes a stand on
grey market sites and you fear your business continuity enough to actually post about 
this and promote them to however many
thousands of people?

If the site was breaking the law we would shut them down as per our terms of service 
agreement and AUP. I do not see how this site
is breaking any law and you need to:
A. write us privately before we would take this issue seriously
B. Show evidence

Now are you not the guy who writes all the scam alerts? Remember Privascam? Now you 
seem to be worried about some site who may find
you to be a scam. Interesting indeed.

Please post your URL's for me to review if you would be so kind.

Thank you

Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: evo trade

2003-08-24 Thread Katz Global Media

 Would anyone like to trade $225 US in evos for e-gold?

This trade has been completed. Please do not send funds if you had plans to trade with 

thank you


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[e-gold-list] evo trade

2003-08-23 Thread Katz Global Media


Would anyone like to trade $225 US in evos for e-gold?

I can't get the dang transaction code to work in their system.

If you know me you can pay to acct #698942 (Katz Global Media) and send me a note with 
your evo acct # at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I
will take care of it.


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[e-gold-list] Victory act

2003-08-20 Thread Katz Global Media

For all the hosting providers on this list and anyone dealing with client privacy.


Beware of VICTORY Act, Privacy Group Warns
(CNSNews.com) - A consumer watchdog group is sounding an alarm over legislation that 
hasn't even been introduced yet.

The National Consumer Coalition's Privacy Group recently read a draft copy of the 
VICTORY Act, which has some chilling implications
for consumer privacy, the group said.

VICTORY stands for Vital Interdiction of Criminal Terrorist Organizations Act of 2003.

Attorney General John Ashcroft plans to promote both the VICTORY Act and the USA 
PATRIOT Act on his ten-day, 20-stop tour of
America, which begins on Tuesday, Aug. 19.

According to the NCC's Privacy Group, the VICTORY legislation is a grab-bag of 
enhanced police-state powers.

For example, the group says, one section of the bill gives the Attorney General the 
power to issue administrative subpoenas in
investigations stemming from an extremely broad definition of terrorism. (According 
to NCC, an administrative subpoena is like a
search warrant automatically issued by the clerk of court, except there's no need to 
have a judge sign off on it.)

The NCC Privacy Group says that under the VICTORY Act, the Justice Department would 
have the power to subpoena consumer data from a

Section 504 specifically mentions subpoenaing consumer records from telecommunication 
companies, Internet service providers, and
financial service firms such as banks, the group said in a press release.

The NCC says other provisions of the bill would nullify consumer-business privacy 
contracts, by allowing companies to ignore privacy
agreements with consumers and still be immune to civil litigation by customers.

The VICTORY Act supposedly will be subject to revision over the August recess, the NCC 
Privacy Group notes. The group says it will
be watching closely when the VICTORY Act is introduced later this year.


Gordon H.

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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media


 The reason why they should have them is to make clear that they can NOT
 decide ad hoc to raise taxes (in the sense of implementing tax rules and
 starting to charge).

There are no taxes to raise and i highly doubt there ever can be. You cannot live in 
Sealand, so how could they tax you?

Also, having a commercial code, contract law and
 rules of conduct does not necesarily imply that there has to be a
 judiciary aside from the absolute monarch or his appointees. Meaning,
 HavenCo and Sealnd are two different entities.

True, but the entities are somewhat mixed together like a dual reality.

One is a
 company/venture/business/service provider, the other is a country. If the
 country has no rules, then the service business can do as it pleases
 (poach customers, spam visitors, etc) and while you can vote with your
 wallet, it would put your clients at a disadvantage if after a few months
 you moved off Sealand again.

No. Our job is to provide a service for clients that enables anonymity online. this 
can be accomplished in many ways and locations.
Since we feel that owning a NOC is a money losing proposition and ties one down by 
location and investment we remain nimble and can
be anywhere at anytime which we see as a benefit to clients.

 Having rules will protect your clients against HavenCo's actions if those
 actions breach the rules.

We have our own policies which supercedes those of Havenco and are far more extensive 
as relates to our clients. Havenco's policies
relate to us and sealand's policies relate to havenco. What havenco does is not a 
problem for our clients as long as they do not
steal data from the servers which i believe that they do not do this.

You have to understand here that we are not hosting clients from Sealand yet. We sell 
web based email accounts that reside on a
havenco server through a partnership with another provider that has built us a 
customized interface, or backend to their system.

 You could then complan to the monarch who could either make a ruling or
 appoint someone to do. An actual trial if you want to go that far, could
 take place online.

Yes, but this would never be an issue as we would only need to go as far as our 

 Now, I'm not saying that HavenCo is crook nor that Sealand is in any way
 questionable. What I am saying is that there is no foundation to conduct
 business on and HavenCo's terms of service (as well as your own) are hence
 useless as they lack a basis in law, because there is no law.

This is not true. Our policies have a basis in law. It is not relevant to say that 
becasue sealand has laws or does not have laws
that this in any way affects us.

 That, in turn means, everyone using any service related to Sealand has a
 gentleman's agreement at best. Common law does not apply, because there
 are no precedents.

so? If we take you to court in the US and we win $5000 and you do not pay it what we 
have here is a lot of BS leading back to a
gentalman's agreement gone sour.

  - Sealand's ruler is an absolute monarch without checks and balances.
 The word here is continuity. I accept that both the monarch and heir
 apparent/prince regent appear to be honouarble people of good character,
 but what about the next in line? Indeed, who IS the next in line? What if
 heaven forbid something happens to the Bates' family and suddenly Sealand
 is without a ruler. There are no rules that would take care of things.
 Indeed, HavenCo's share holders could proclaim soverignity over Sealand in
 the absence of anyone contesting.

This is an issue that can be found in almost every country in the world at some point 
in time. An act of war, or an attempt to
assume the throne forcibly always changes things. As a rule of thumb is to always good 
be a part of the side who comes out ahead if
you have interests to be maintained. The oil companies are so good at this. Not always 
easy. If you have servers in Iraq or
Afghanistan then you could say the same thing. But you are speaking in terms of fear 
and worse yet, projected fear of some unknown
future and I have spent a good portion of my life working past such things as I see 
them as a hinderance to clear thinking.

 So again, you have a gentleman's agreement and don't know if the next in
 line is a gentleman. If a business venture takes a longer term view of
 things, which anyone who ever made a business plan worth the cost of the
 paper it's printed on would do, then Sealand and by extension HavenCo
 looks like a partner you can deal with (or don't) on a month-to-month

Our long term view allows us to participate at any location for the benefit of 
clients. Losing one location would not jeapordize the
Business in any way. Think of how the internet is protected from locallized nuclear 

 That in turn is not something I usually do - and I believe you to be more
 solid as well. Even the move of Katz Global to Panama suggestes foresight
 and careful planning.



[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media

  What do you mean by pay their taxes? What taxes are they paying?

 Gordon, I meant *you* pay more for having your servers in Sealand, than you
 would pay having the servers in Panama; and I said *if* their fees are
 higher. So, having your servers in Sealand is like paying the same thing as
 in Panama plus taxes as a Sealand citizen.

You can't call it taxes. What it really means is that they have higher overheads and 
pass them along to the client, or maybe they
say that and just pocket the money.

Besides, for the end-user doesn't
 matter if Sealand uses microwaves or smoke to get the job done, but the fact
 that clients pay for that.

Sure... but it is not a tax. Taxes are forced upon you to pay for who knows what. You 
have a choice to host with Havenco. You could
argue you have a choice to pay taxes also, but this is not the same thing.

 Jim, private schools, private hospitals are not for everybody. Again, I am
 talking about the world in general, not USA.

  Also, note that HavenCo recently had to deal with a bout of what their
 technical people (Ryan Lackey's successors) believed was intentional jamming
 of their shore-to-ship microwave transmitters.

 They should try lasers, but I don't know if there is any satellite with a
 laser link. There was another idea for hyperdense data transmission, but
 that's far into the future: soliton* waves.

Lasers are used all the time for data transmission especially in areas with high 
buildings. The beam data back and forth between
buildings aand on private networks in a line of site fashion.

  Property tax is spent on schools, hospitals, roads etc... not income tax.

 I was referring to the entire world, not the USA. As I don't live in USA
 (nor do I want to), it's important for me why taxes are paid, in general, in
 any country. Basically, not the taxes are the problem, but those who decide
 how they are spent (and how much to tax, and what to tax).

ok. I think taxes are a problem, the way they are used is a problem and the desicion 
makers who encroach on my personal freedoms are
a problem as well.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media

So it seems by most of your opinions and 3M that they own the rights to all 3m* domain 
names, including ones that are not yet
registered, so that means ICANN should just turn over their product to them free of 
charge. What would that be? 100,000 possible
domains? maybe 1 million domains? The dictionary is quite large.

Cyber Squatting was mentioned earlier and that is not relevant here becasue the name 
was intended for a forum for satellite users to
discuss technology and not registered to sell to 3M. What in fact 3m is doing is 
reverse cyber squatting all potential and future
domain name registrations. Which i feel is blatently wrong.

It is my opinion that 3M should be taken to court for this and reverse the whole 
situation back on them and force them to prove
their case while on the defense.

Especially considering the domain name was never even used yet.

If they lose such a case it would change a lot of things regarding domains and 
trademarks and pretty much resolve this discussion in
a clear cut way.


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media


Panama's currency is know as the Balboa, which is printed only in coins and not in 
paper bills. The value of the Balboa coins are
equal to that of the US dollar, and are used and regarded as such. Furthermore, the 
size and weight of the Balboa is equal to that
of US coins. Most of the prices in local stores are listed in Balboa terms, however, 
it is no different that reading the price in US


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media

Dear Jim,

I was merely republishing a response/conversation I had with another party. These were 
not my words.

JMR:::  Havenco does accept e-gold as they have told me recently.

Does anyone know why their nameservers land in Philidelphia?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Sealand and Koko

2003-08-14 Thread Katz Global Media

Apparently Havenco hosts their main site from Philidelphia since they say that most of 
their traffic is from the USA and they host
their site form there becasue of that. Doesn't necessarily show confidence in their 
connection quality though.


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-12 Thread Katz Global Media

  No one wants to be taxed. Screw taxes.

 Gordon, who pays for schools, hospitals, research, roads, ...? But, of
 course, Sealand doesn't need all these. But, if Havenco has higher fees
 than, say, Panama's data-centers, you pay their taxes anyway.

What do you mean by pay their taxes? What taxes are they paying?

Havenco has to pay for very expensive microwave links and equipment to convert that 
old rust bucket into a workable NOC and I
suspect that was not cheap.

If you study the real tax situation you will see that our taxes don't even cover the 
interest on the Fed IMF loans. That is one of
the main reasons we have the deficit. I argued the same point in a post a while back, 
but in a joking manner which was not
understood fully, but we could analize this to death.

Property tax is spent on schools, hospitals, roads etc... not income tax.

  If it is anything like New Zealand then I would guess that these same
 protections do not exist for you.

 Why? Is it because NZ doesn't have a constitution (so you can use
 amendments)? But, did the NZ's government did to you what the US government
 did? I am asking because I don't know their laws, but I know that NZ is the
 first country that gave women the right to vote... and that says something
 about freedom (of speech).

New Zealand is based on British Law as they are under the Queen. The do not have a 
Telecommunications act in Britian like we have
here in the US and there is less protection for hosting companies. Now you may be able 
to open a NOC in Maori owned territory and
make a special deal inside the country especially if they get their way in the courts, 
but i don't think that would be a great idea.
I can't speak about Australia, but I know a little about New Zealand. Graham could 
tell you more about that area.


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-10 Thread Katz Global Media

Dear Robert,

As you have an inside track and I don't (anymore), I will refrain from
disputing anything that has to do with day to day going ons in Sealand.


However, your explanations and suggestions do not address the two root
problems of it all.

see above :-) Note: these were not my suggestions. They were the informed opinion of 
another person working with another related
company that we work with.

- Sealand claims souvereignity but has no commercial code that would
establish rules of conduct, taxation, contract law, etc.

Taxation? Contract law? Rules of conduct? Where would they hold the trial? Why would 
you even want them to have that? It is pay as
you go. No one wants to be taxed. Screw taxes. They earn their money honestly.

You can't go there and they certainly can't take you there. I suppose they would have 
to turn you in to some other government to get
someone to work a person over. I mean realistically a group of buddies and I could 
start a war with Sealand and probably win without
much effort and a little forethought. Kinda takes the air out of that system.

- Sealand's ruler is an absolute monarch without checks and balances.


It is suprising to me that the people who should be the most outspoken about 
government are the first to complain when there is
none, or when something is presented differently. Sealand has no taxation as I am 
aware of and they have made war on nobody. In my
opinion they are better than all prior existing Governments 1000 fold even if they are 
a dictatorship or a Monarchy. So be it.

Don't get me wrong, I subscribe and believe in forms of government that
are either earned or inherited and especially learnt.

How much are your monthly subscription dues?

However, conducting business in a location in which there is no rules and
in which the 'citizenry' is at the complete mercy of the government, is
IMHO not worth the higher fees that have to be passed on to customers.

ok fine. So you would rather pay lower fees to have your servers in the USA 
guaranteeing your customers are at the mercy of the

Let's look at this realistically. You cannot be in the business you are in without the 
government inquiring about things from time
to time. It is just not possible and if it has not happened to you then (respectfully) 
you do not host many sites. But the reality
is that they will and do. This is a reality of all hosting companies past a certain 
level.  This does not mean that they have a
case, or can just ask for voluntary disclosure of client data without breaking their 
own laws which they try to do becasue they do
not usually even understand the laws they are trying to enforce, much less hosting and 
how it works, but my point is with Sealand,
you have less enforcement due in a big part to less people available to pay attention. 
In the US there is at least 1000 people in
every state looking for and finding trouble. Not to mention the sheer amount of laws 
on the books. You can't evern get out of bed in
the morning without being a criminal in this country today.

Our government seems to think that they can go around their own laws to investigate 
potential situations and that is just not the
case. What happens when a clients competition tries to get rid of them by complaining 
to some agency and they start a false
investigation? Happens all the time all over the US. Most hosting companies roll over 
so easy and they are so afraid of the
spotlight. Shame on them!

The problem does not stop there. The very absence of rules puts you at the
mercy of authorities elsewhere if your clients mess up.

They have rules...

No spam, no kiddie porn, and they will turn you in to interpol if you are a terrorist. 
oh... and pay your bills or you get shut off.

Your statement is not true at all. It puts the uninformed in jeopardy and is the same 
anywhere and is highly dependant on the
clients physical location.

With the absence
of rules comes the loss of protection.

Yes, we are highly protected by our rules in the US. But the truth is that they make 
laws, then make rules and more laws and more
rules and pretty soon no one knows what is going on and you have a government who is 
part ahead of the times and mostly way behind
the times. The head doesn't give a [EMAIL PROTECTED] about you or I and the tail has 
no clue what is going on and they are trying to get a grip
while being dragged along.

If I had a choice i would prefer Sealand's 4 rules. I can follow those without 

The protection hosting service providers enjoy through decissions and precedents in 
case law that held
that hosting businesses can not be held responsible or indeed liable for
what their respective customers do with the storage space they rent.

I agree 100% with this except for the fact that no one is going to prosecute you from 
Sealand and if they did it would be
unenforceable by jurisdiction. Again I have my preference. It is not case law that 
protects you. Case law is 

[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-07 Thread Katz Global Media

 The question is going to be, what's the 3m signify?

3M stands 3M bin which relates to a channel flow on a satellite TV system.

  3M Short for 'three Musketeers', whose line was 'one for all and all for one'. A 
very simple and short script which is in a
card to allow for all channels to be seen. Upside of this script is that when used 
properly, these cards last a very long time.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-06 Thread Katz Global Media

ICANN is the government after all...

who controlls your domain name really?

ICANN was created by members of the Internet community in response to a June 1998 
White Paper, issued by the U.S. Department of
Commerce (DOC). As the Internet developed, DNS functions were carried out by a variety 
of volunteers and US Government contractors.
A non-competitive, government-funded system developed. The DOC's White Paper envisaged 
a global, consensus, non-profit
corporation, to serve as the means by which DNS management could be privatized, 
enabling an open, competitive system.


To accomplish this, ICANN and the Department of Commerce (DoC) entered into a 
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on November 25,
1998, agreeing to work together to manage the transition from government control to 
private sector control. The single most visible
and important element of DNS management is the registration of domain names (for 
example, .com, .org and .net). A single historical
provider, Network Solutions,(added entry: also a psuedo governmental organization) has 
for years enjoyed a government-granted
monopoly over new domain name registrations and renewals.

ICANN has no statutory or other governmental power: its authority is entirely a 
consequence of voluntary contracts and compliance
with its consensus policies by the global Internet community. It has no power to force 
any individual or entity to do anything; its
authority is nothing more than the reflection of the willingness of the members of 
the Internet community to use ICANN as a
consensus development vehicle.


The government built it and we came. At most levels they still have full control over 
the net even if people don't really realize
this. This goes for data hubs, router hooks, TLD's, ip assigning etc... and translates 
into TIA which is what they already have but
only now it is starting to become public knowledge that they want to do this... what a 
joke that is!

and this one is for you Robert:

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-06 Thread Katz Global Media

I am not willing to do that, but I can say that it has been changed to take on the 
same meaning and context so that the discussion
would be on key with the facts of this.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-05 Thread Katz Global Media

OK kind people of the e-gold list :-)

I have a real life scenario for you to chew on and spit out that just arose today and 
just happend to fit in perfectly with the
discussion. You can pretend you are the legal team so choose sides now and let's see 
the scenarios. I will comment after I hear some

The 3M corporation is claiming (by certified email and mail)  that a domain we hold in 
our trust for a client is in violation of
their trademark. They have also gone as far to send us a form that allows for the 
domain to be transferred to them. The domain in
question is called (www.3mservice.com) - (( I changed the domain name to protect the 

This domain is not currently serving any content and is parked with no default page.








 Registration and Use of [U2] 3mservice.com

 Our Ref. No. P3396

Dear Sir/Madam:

We are writing you concerning your registration and use of the domain name(s) 

3M Company has used the 3M trademark and trade name for many years in connection 
with a wide variety of products and services.  3M
Company began using the 3M mark and name since at least as early as 1906 and has 
continuously used the 3M mark since that time in
connection with its business, and presently offers over 50,000 products and services 
in a wide variety of fields under the 3M mark.
3M Company markets its products and services through its website at www.3m.com and 
www.mmm.com.  3M Company has over 300 U.S.
trademark registrations for the 3M mark covering its various products and services. 
These products and services include, for
example, construction supplies, aftermarket automotive supplies, abrasives products, 
adhesive products, fishing equipment, home
cleaning products, electrical products, bonding supplies, surgical supplies, dental 
products, computer optical film, telecom
systems, traffic control systems, stationery and office supplies, respirators, optical 
products, personal care products, animal care
products, and pharmaceuticals (just to name a few).

3M Company has expended considerable effort and resources to build up goodwill in its 
mark and name.  As a result, the 3M mark has
become famous and is relied on by consumers around the world to identify 3M Company's 
products and services.  To ensure that
consumers can rely on its trademarks, 3M Company must actively police uses of its 
trademarks on the Internet.  Through those
efforts, we have learned that you have registered the domain name(s[U3] ) 
3mservice.com.  Your actions are likely to result in
confusion and are likely to dilute the distinctive quality of the 3M mark.

U.S. trademark laws prohibit the use of a mark or name if that use is likely to cause 
consumer confusion and also prohibit the
dilution of famous marks like the 3M mark.  15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1125(a), 1125(c).  A 
number of remedies are available for violation
of U.S. trademark law, including:  1) recovery of defendant's profits, 2) recovery of 
damages sustained by the plaintiff (in certain
cases, a plaintiff may recover three times the amount of defendant's profits or 
plaintiff's damages), 3) recovery of plaintiff's
costs for the legal action, 4) injunctions to stop defendant's activities, and 5) in 
certain cases, recovery of plaintiff's attorney
fees for the legal action.  15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1116, 1117.  Moreover, the federal 
Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
provides for awards of attorney fees and statutory damages up to $100,000 per domain 
name for bad faith registration of domain
names.  15 U.S.C. § 1125(d).

For these reasons, we must insist that you promptly cease any further use of the 
domain name(s) and transfer the [U4]
 3mservice.com domain name(s) to 3M Company by signing the enclosed transfer 
agreement (instructions concerning proper completion
of the transfer agreement are set forth in the agreement) and by returning the 
agreement to us at your earliest convenience.  Please
note that the current registrant's signature on page 1 of the transfer agreement must 
be notarized.

Please provide us with your written assurance by [U5] ** that you will comply with 
the terms of this letter.  You may indicate
your agreement by signing in the space provided below and returning the original 
signed letter to us for our records.  By signing
below, you are also agreeing not to use or register any domain names, trademarks or 
trade names in the future which include 3M or
other terms likely to cause confusion or dilute the distinctive quality of the 3M mark 
(including but not limited to 3-M,
 THREEM, THREE M, THREE-M, and MMM, regardless of capitalization, whether 
singular or plural, or whether preceded by or
followed by other letters, numbers or symbols).

[e-gold-list] Re: It's SO easy (was: Re: Stealing Trademarked Words)

2003-08-04 Thread Katz Global Media

yea, it is for those people who can't type e-gold and miss the key... free traffic 


Gordon H.

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[e-gold-list] Re: It's SO easy (was: Re: Stealing Trademarked Words)

2003-08-04 Thread Katz Global Media

you mean like www.cafe-gold.com



 Just poking around, I found nobody has yet gotten www.usegold.com,
 and there are probably dozens of words out there like the  use to
 supply the needed e in front of the word gold with no problems.

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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-03 Thread Katz Global Media


it seems to me you are very emotional over this (as you obviously have an interest in 
some way with e-gold LTD) which may server to
scare some people, but tell me where is the case history in protecting your particular 
trademark? Has your company taken anyone to
court to date over trademark infringement?

There are so many URL's out there in the world now with e-gold and egold mixed up in 
them that I don't see why anyone would bother.

I still consider it a compliment to your company that people think there is enough 
money around it to pick up some pennies.

Even 2 hours ago someone attempted to register a name with egold in it. It is so 
common as to be silly at this point,

but i think that what would make your case very unique in Trademark law is the fact 
that most people who use a domain such as that
also use e-gold as a payment provider and i would tend to think that this is an 
unprecedented situation with a lot of grey areas to

In the end I think if e-gold became litigious against the people who use e-gold as a 
payment system they would quickly fins that
i-gold or something similar would become a little more popular a little more quickly.


Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions
Offshore Anonymous Hosting
Offshore Reseller Plans

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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-03 Thread Katz Global Media

 I'm not e-gold Ltd and I don't know how they work but it makes sense to
 me that they
 may prevent you from having a functional e-gold account long before
 they take
 legal action.

they already do this as I have seen a few people attempt to register their accounts 
using e-gold in the account name and it
automatically creates a dud account with a spend limit imposed. I believe it is coded 
to automatically do that? They come to me
saying their account is frozen and that is the reason why sometimes.

Gordon H.

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[e-gold-list] KATZ update

2003-07-30 Thread Katz Global Media


just a quick notice that in addition to e-gold and our normal methods of payment, we 
are now accepting:

virtualgold (which has a great login feature I have discovered that automatically 
emails you each time there is a login... Very

We have also upgraded our plesk servers to Plesk Version 6 which has some new features 
such as client side Cron Tabs, and Tomcat. We
have also recently  upgraded the Panama servers to cPanel 7 and have enabled reseller 

We now offer hosting reseller packages running webhost manager with cpanel for 
resellers from the Panama Jurisdiction and Plesk
reseller packages from the US although we have not yet updated our site for this.

thank you

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting (tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: IRS mythology, USA PATRIOT and money

2003-07-25 Thread Katz Global Media


you miss the whole point entirely. I DO NOT agree with anything the IRS stands for, 
does or intends to do.

I do not think that they act with good intentions and all that entails.

You have completly misunderstood everything I said becasue you have not understood my 

I am telling you how the IRS sees things. DO NOT mistake this as some sort of 
cheerleading for the IRS. You missing this particular
point is driving me mad, becasue i cannot carry on a conversation without you 
understanding what I am even saying and therefore we
are not actually communicating.

When I say he is in a state of guilt you again do not understand what I mean. You 
are used to looking at the most surface of
meanings. Dig into that a little deeper please. Yes, in his mind he is innicent of 
course. In our minds he is innocent and right. In
the DoJ's minds he is guilty and they will attempt to prove it. But the fact remains 
he is in jail. This is a state of guilt. You
will try to argue this and any argument here is futile. Can one be in jail and be 
innocent? YES! Can one be in jail and be residing
in an apparent state of guilt? YES! Understand?

You think I am a pervert becasue you do not understand me or the context I am speaking 
in and you like to put a label on things
becasue it makes you feel superior and smart. That's why I labeled you the label 
hippie. :-)

But to support your case, I have been known to enjoy the company of a beautiful lady 
in high heels and stockings and blood red nail

Pervert? maybe...

Anyway, i will respond to your post on the dgc list unless J says its ok to continue 

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold Software, where is it?

2003-07-25 Thread Katz Global Media


http://www.freekrai.net/article.php?id=28 - e-gold toolkit
www.tacticalgold.com has gaming scripts and game management scripts...
http://www.ascripts.com/products/aaes.shtml - click exchange scripts
http://www.dreamcost.com - member management and hosting company software
http://www.brooky.com/ - e-store (e-gold shopping cart compatible and free)
http://ecomstudio.net/sales/ - various

for more visit hotscripts.com and type in e-gold to get a larger list

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Those sorry little worms

2003-07-23 Thread Katz Global Media

I think the problem he will have is one of voluntary compliance

There is no actual law stating the the income tax is mandatory. What it actually is, 
is voluntary

So in effect, he has volunteered to withhold the tax and has volunteered to fill 
out the forms which admints responsibility and
has also voluntarily paid it to the IRS. So going back to get the funds will cause a 
problem becasue he has signed his name
admitting responsibility in the first place and in the eyes of the IRS he has probably 
filed a false refund claim.

Once you disclose and sign you become responsible. The IRS words everything they have 
and say as voluntary although this is a very
subtle thing designed to gloss over that fact.

Fighting them on this is not easy. Either way he will go broke paying for a proper 
defense unless she happens to be loaded.

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Domain Registration

2003-07-16 Thread Katz Global Media

http://www.katzglobal.com/hosting/anonymous-domains.html - anonymous
http://www.katzglobal.net/domains.html - non anonmyous


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[e-gold-list] Re: y2k problem

2003-07-07 Thread Katz Global Media

maybe all of them?

thanks for pointing that out... big time saver ... :-)


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[e-gold-list] Re: goldmoney swap

2003-07-02 Thread Katz Global Media


does anyone have connections to an offshore poker chip manufacturer that can handle 
medium to large quantities of custom designed
clay chips?

If so, please contact us offlist.


Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] goldmoney swap

2003-06-30 Thread Katz Global Media


I have about $170 US in a goldmoney account that I would like to swap out for e-gold 
  Holding Balance:   15.197 gg (USD 169.44 at current exchange rate of USD 

Any takers? You must have a gold money account to assume this balance.

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: goldmoney swap

2003-06-30 Thread Katz Global Media


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[e-gold-list] Re: goldmoney swap

2003-06-30 Thread Katz Global Media

free advertising! lmao! joking of course...

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[e-gold-list] weapons of mass destruction

2003-06-28 Thread Katz Global Media

Go to www.google.com

type in: weapons of mass destruction

click the button that says I'm feeling lucky

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions
 Anonymous Offshore Hosting from Panama
 Anonymous Domain Names
 Anonymous SSL Certs form Geotrust
 Anonymous Email from Sealand
 ... :-)

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[e-gold-list] Re: New debit card

2003-06-25 Thread Katz Global Media

and for very good reason too!


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[e-gold-list] Re: scripting issue

2003-06-25 Thread Katz Global Media


we are offering up $35 e-gold to the first person who can solve a scripting error on 
one of our servers.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ins_translate() in 
/home/**/public_html/install/libraries/graphIZm.php on line 77

we are trying to install the french NPDS portal system on a website. This works 
anywhere else but on this particular server and the
error is stopping the install on page 1. Everyone here is stumped...

email us offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: pool for a share

2003-06-23 Thread Katz Global Media

I don't have enough time at the moment to keep up with this conversation and get into 
it, but I am really interested in this whole
concept. We would be interested in releasing a similar offering although I think a 
lower per share price makes more sense. I think
listing all comers would be the most exciting thing on the net and would eat all the 
hyips for breakfast and make for great armchair

I think dbourse makes for an interesting test of concept and usability and this list 
will surely discover all the flaws in the
system and concept which in a roundabout way makes for good open source feedback 
without actually being opensource.

My question is: Is the market there for 1000's of listings? Is TGC a fluke that can 
pull it off becasue of its long online history?
What determines listing ability? Does it have to be an online venture, or could a 
carwash get listed? Lots of questions there are...

Now, where was that old dusty programming book? Anyone that might be interested in 
discussing this off list is welcome to write, or
onlist for that matter...

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Broadband mesh satellite system

2003-06-23 Thread Katz Global Media

Imagine continent-wide coverage combined with mesh network capabilities...Now imagine 
download speeds as high as 50 Mbps and upload
rates as fast as 16 Mbps - on demand and as required.

it will soon be possible.

we are bringing it to you! No just kidding... This hughes project looks like its going 
to change some things.

Now just make it mobile to your laptop and accessible worldwide for $100.month and the 
whole world will change...

Anonymous Hosting Solutions

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[e-gold-list] Re: Broadband mesh satellite system

2003-06-23 Thread Katz Global Media

actually I just realized they have that


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