Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 21:18, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:
The machine:

Bad news from the doctor:

Turing test:


So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised my  
hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.

I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is  

The problem here is twofold:
1) what pan refers to? (A physical world, then you need to say no  
to the doctor, Arithmetical truth? perhaps, if the brain is really a  
consciousness filter (I am still not sure if this makes really sense  
with comp).
2) what *is* psychisme (is it Turing emulable? if yes primitive matter  
is an illusion, and physics is a branch of theology, if not what is it?)


 Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on  
me...this vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when  
she was around, her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of nothing  
that - well you know itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it wasn't  
nuthin' neither.

Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!

Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said  
at some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when you  
started talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't do  

I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand  
public reality. If you have a good consciousness between the ears  
theory then... I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position  
is that what makes a theory scientific is it's falsifiability,  
that's all. It doesn't matter how weird the theory sounds, it only  
matters if it makes valid predictions or not. Common sense has been  
shown to be misleading many times, and to an amazing degree with  
quantum mechanics.

I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by  
science, because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure it  
or test for it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have to  
make do with thought experiments and introspection on private reality.


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Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 22:12, John Mikes wrote:

Telmo, some 2+ decades ago I think I had a reason to avert from the  
topic called panpsychism (would be hard to recall it adequately now).
As I remember I called the phenomenon covered by this misnomer  
PANSENSITIVITY (what I would not like to defend today anymore).  
Psych seems to me too 'human' to be applicable to the entire world  
(=Mme. Nature).

The problem, as I said to Telmo, is that panpsychism is neutral on  
Aristotle/Plato, and as such does not say much things. What does pan  
refers too, and what *is* psychism. If psychism is Turing emulable  
(like the observation of bodies and brain suggests) then Nature is too  
much small, and itself an emergent information pattern in the mind of  
the 'numbers' (the person that we can associate to machine in that  

Why would you reduce the MWI reflexibility into ourflimsy human  

(Even i f  you extend them into human?  mentality total).

I don't understand this.


On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:
The machine:

Bad news from the doctor:

Turing test:


So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised my  
hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.

I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is  

 Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on  
me...this vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when  
she was around, her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of nothing  
that - well you know itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it wasn't  
nuthin' neither.

Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!

Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said  
at some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when you  
started talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't do  

I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand  
public reality. If you have a good consciousness between the ears  
theory then... I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position  
is that what makes a theory scientific is it's falsifiability,  
that's all. It doesn't matter how weird the theory sounds, it only  
matters if it makes valid predictions or not. Common sense has been  
shown to be misleading many times, and to an amazing degree with  
quantum mechanics.

I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by  
science, because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure it  
or test for it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have to  
make do with thought experiments and introspection on private reality.


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Re: The Evolutionary Tree of Religion

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 22:42, John Mikes wrote:

Bruno, your 'scientific' logic supersedes me. Explaining ontology by  
existing and - I suppose - existing by the likes of  
'ontology' (etc.) is more than what I buy.

There is no metaphysics here. I am just saying that if you do a  
theory, you have to be clear on what we will agree to be primitively  
existing, and what we derive from that assumption.

We might still stumble on truth, (or you do not?), what we may  
believe as truth and draw very important consequences upon OTHER  
concepts from it as well.

In my agnostic vocabulary the 'real' includes lots of 'inconnues'  
that may change whatever we THINK is included  - as historic  
examples show.

Sure. That is why an (ideal) scientist will never pretend he has a  
true theory. It is not really is job, even when he tackles  
metaphysical or theological question, it will be under the form IF  
this THEN that, etc.

I still hold mathematics an exorbitant achievement of the  H U M A  
N  mind so your formula (besides being hard to follow for me) is not  
convincing. The facts WE can calculate from Nature do not evidence a  
similar calculation how Nature arrived at them.

The point is only that IF we are Turing emulable THEN physics is given  
by ... (and I give the equations).
So we can test computationalism and move forward. Unfortunately,  
thanks to Gödel and Everett, comp is confirmed up to now.

(See the early (even recent???) explanatory errors in our sciences).  
We are nowhere to decipher Nature's analogue(?) ways (if 'analogue'  
covers them all, what I would not suggest).

'Analog' is compatible with computationalism, unless you mean that the  
brain uses very special infinities. They might exist, and thanks to  
the kind of reasoning I suggest we do, we can test this. But until  
such confirmation of non-comp (or refutation of comp), I think we  
should not make a theory more complex just by wishful thinking. We can  
be agnostic on comp, and still understand its consequences, so that we  
can test it, and perhaps refute it.


John M

On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Bruno Marchal  

On 03 May 2014, at 16:38, John Mikes wrote:

Bruno (excuse me!) - what is the difference between
  stable patterns of information, e.g. perception...
and::(your ontological existence?, 'explained' as):
 the primitive objects that we agree to assume to solve or  
formulate some problem, and the phenomenological, or  
epistemological existence,
Ontology is a word. Existence another. So is Information and  

I would say ontology is a word. But ontology is what exist, and  
that can be a word in some theory but could be a giraffe or a  
dinosaur, or a planet, or a number, in this or that other theory.

The same for existence, information and perception, those are  
words. But I don't see why information, perception and existence  
would be word.

(Later, in the math thread, I might denote the number 2 by s(s(0)),  
and denote the sequence s(s(0)) by the number 2^(code of  
s)*5^(code of (; , which will give a large number  
 This is necessary to distinguish in arithmetic a number and a code  
for that number.)

 Both definitions are based on ASSUMING.human ways of cognition/ 

We can work from the cognitive abilities of machines. Those  
abilities can be defined in elementary arithmetic, or in any  
computer language.

Phenomenological in my vocabulary points to as we perceive  
something, the
epistemological points to changes of the same. Within our mental  

All right.

None cuts into anything  R E A L  .

You don't know that.


You cannot know that too.

What we cannot do, is express that we can. But we can't express that  
we cannot do it either.
We cannot pretend having stumble on some truth, but we might still  
stumble on some truth. Why not?


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Bruno Marchal  

On 30 Apr 2014, at 21:06, meekerdb wrote:

So what does existence mean besides stable patterns of  
information, e.g. perception of the Moon, landing on the Moon,  
tidal effects of the Moon,...

I distinguish the ontological existence, which concerns the  
primitive objects that we agree to assume to solve or formulate  
some problem, and the phenomenological, or epistemological  
existence, which are the appearance that we derive at some higher  
emergent level.

With comp we need to assume a simple basic Turing complete theory  
(like Robinson arithmetic, or the SK combinator). And we derive  
from them the emergence of all universal machines, their  
interactions and the resulting first person statistics, which  
should explains the origin and development (in some mathematical  
space) of the law of physics.

I like when David Mermin said once: Einstein asked if the moon  
still exist when nobody 

Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 22:48, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 8:17:29 PM UTC+1, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 May 2014, at 01:14, LizR wrote:

On 4 May 2014 07:22, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
I shan't defend the behaviors of the Abe religions over the  
centuries, but you couldn't term the Hindu faith as pacifist  
either. In the 20th century the political movement that had atheism  
at its core, was the Marxist ideology, and how many tens of  
millions did it destroy, 70 mil, 100? Not a bad catchup I'd say.  
The pagan faiths, previous to, and coexistent with the Abe  
religions were not pacifist either and were hungry for land,  
slaves, and murder, just like the Abe's, and even worse. Pagan Rome  
employed crucifixion, remember? The ancient Chinese, were plenty,  
murderous, as well. In the Americas and Africa, as far as  
archaeologists and physical anthropologists, have determined, and  
were,  what I term as being 'genocide friendly.'  None of the  
species were really nice guys for much of the time..

Yep, the religions known as Stalinism and Nazism were just as  
destructive as the Crusades, etc. In fact anything ending in Ism  
seems to be a justification for murder or cruelty. (It looks like  
Capitalism is catching up with the others, and may soon surpass all  
of them if we aren't careful.)

Some ism can be good and nice, but even in that case, after a  
while, some people will use it and pervert it for special/personal  
interest. Always. Then criticizing the ism protects them, somehow

you're absolutely right



For example there is no problem with capitalism per se, unless you  
allow money to vote. Lobbying can be permitted, but not through  
financial helps. If you allow this, you kill capitalism, and  
transform it into corporatism and monopolism, which kill the  
genuine competition and eventually the society.

On the money Bruno. Hey this might be were we finally touch heads   
man! It's amazing the dogma and self-serving ideological bolt ons  
currently crept already fully into the conception what a free market  
is. It's barely recognizable as it stands at the moment.


A large part of the reason this is possible to happen is because  
there's no scientific theory of economy. .

The real war is between the good guy and the bad guy. There is no  
ism capable of guaranty the good, but allowing some ism to com  
fairly, allow them to evolve and this is harm reduction. Now, if  
some same ism lasts too long, it get rotten and as good as it  
could have been, it will be perverted by some special interest.

 I don't think so Bruno, and even if there was, there's no place for  
morality in a theory of economy, not as primary operator...because  
all that will ever get us, is philosophy-guru's into the market  
next, to tell us  about the morality...and among them will be even  
more bad guys, Which'd be a magnet for yet more.

Indeed. But the value of money is based on our trust, and this,  
without doing morality, is based on the fact that money represent  
genuine work, and not work to give employment (like in some form of  
socialism) or based on propaganda (like with prohibition).

My feeling is that capitalism today is sick due to prohibition.  
Alcohol and then marijuana has been a trojan horse for very bad people  
to gain a lot of power, and corrupt some layers of the society,  

There are bad guys in practice, but the scientific theory of won't just be a theory on paper. The day for that is  
nearly over now. The shape of things to come are theories that no  
longer embody human guesses any more, but instead embody that which  
can be anticipated once discovered...which will always be at the  
methodological level. And that which must be discovered as part of  
an ongoing unfolding process. All which will attach, to economy,  
technology, physical theory, mathematics, a problem...whatever we  
wantattachment by translation from more abstracted form,  
attachment by intersection, discovery as the product, within in a  
feedback and other ways ever more complex organism.

The theory of economy work its way through markets and industries  
and nations and individuals and abstract theories...discovering  
principles and strategies and corruption..discovering all the time,  
and correcting. The 2nd Scientific Revolution.that's what it  
will be. We might not get there thoughbut if we could it be  
every dream cometh true. But there's a limited window, and if we  
fail, it's hive and hell...the end of us, but with time in the  
middle plenty to have a go at being animals

I am not sure. Honesty is the base of an economy, but once the economy  
is perverted by lies, then honesty is an handicap, until the  
catastrophes. Honesty is not moral here, it makes the difference  
between investing for your own special interest, and investing for the  

Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 23:34, John Mikes wrote:

Somebody wrote (Liz?):

It was me, answering to Liz.

For example there is no problem with capitalism per se, unless you  
allow money to vote. Lobbying can be permitted, but not through  
financial helps. If you allow this, you kill capitalism, and  
transform it into corporatism and monopolism, which kill the  
genuine competition and eventually the society.

Who is that  YOU??  Power and force are in the hands of the  
plutocrats. They do whatever they see fit. Money does not 'vote':  
people (stupid and 'for sale' voters do.

Once you have financial help from lobbying, people will vote for those  
who they heard about.

Capitalism, BTW, as I wrote many times, died in the 1970s to give it  
over to some

Economical Global Feudalism, (including corporatism and monopolism) -

That's my point, except that the root of this comes from prohibition,  
as defended *only* by bandits at the start (I tend to think). The  
problem is black and grey money.

not less brutal than the Medieval Feudalism was, only with higher  
sophistication and pretension. The lords  OWN things (including  
Nature) and the serfs work for money (for them) - sometimes for  
many many money, like bankers, lawyers, legislators, enforcers,  
scientists, etc. Serfs are disregardable chattel - fodder for wars,  
work-slaves, etc.


I did try to live in pre- and real nazism, in a (mock) communism and  
in capiatlism, in all of them as an underdog (scientist), twice  
arrested - but survived.

Glad that you survive, John :)



On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 4:48 PM, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 8:17:29 PM UTC+1, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 May 2014, at 01:14, LizR wrote:

On 4 May 2014 07:22, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
I shan't defend the behaviors of the Abe religions over the  
centuries, but you couldn't term the Hindu faith as pacifist  
either. In the 20th century the political movement that had atheism  
at its core, was the Marxist ideology, and how many tens of  
millions did it destroy, 70 mil, 100? Not a bad catchup I'd say.  
The pagan faiths, previous to, and coexistent with the Abe  
religions were not pacifist either and were hungry for land,  
slaves, and murder, just like the Abe's, and even worse. Pagan Rome  
employed crucifixion, remember? The ancient Chinese, were plenty,  
murderous, as well. In the Americas and Africa, as far as  
archaeologists and physical anthropologists, have determined, and  
were,  what I term as being 'genocide friendly.'  None of the  
species were really nice guys for much of the time..

Yep, the religions known as Stalinism and Nazism were just as  
destructive as the Crusades, etc. In fact anything ending in Ism  
seems to be a justification for murder or cruelty. (It looks like  
Capitalism is catching up with the others, and may soon surpass all  
of them if we aren't careful.)

Some ism can be good and nice, but even in that case, after a  
while, some people will use it and pervert it for special/personal  
interest. Always. Then criticizing the ism protects them, somehow

you're absolutely right

For example there is no problem with capitalism per se, unless you  
allow money to vote. Lobbying can be permitted, but not through  
financial helps. If you allow this, you kill capitalism, and  
transform it into corporatism and monopolism, which kill the  
genuine competition and eventually the society.

On the money Bruno. Hey this might be were we finally touch heads   
man! It's amazing the dogma and self-serving ideological bolt ons  
currently crept already fully into the conception what a free market  
is. It's barely recognizable as it stands at the moment.

A large part of the reason this is possible to happen is because  
there's no scientific theory of economy. .

The real war is between the good guy and the bad guy. There is no  
ism capable of guaranty the good, but allowing some ism to com  
fairly, allow them to evolve and this is harm reduction. Now, if  
some same ism lasts too long, it get rotten and as good as it  
could have been, it will be perverted by some special interest.

 I don't think so Bruno, and even if there was, there's no place for  
morality in a theory of economy, not as primary operator...because  
all that will ever get us, is philosophy-guru's into the market  
next, to tell us  about the morality...and among them will be even  
more bad guys, Which'd be a magnet for yet more.

There are bad guys in practice, but the scientific theory of won't just be a theory on paper. The day for that is  
nearly over now. The shape of things to come are theories that no  
longer embody human guesses any more, but instead embody that which  
can be anticipated once discovered...which will always be at the  
methodological level. And that which must be discovered as part of  
an ongoing unfolding process. All 

Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 23:46, LizR wrote:

On 5 May 2014 07:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:
Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not  
catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the  
moment. The money supply itself is not under the control of the  
market, so the system is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an  
attempt at real capitalism, it remains to be seen if it can survive.

This is true, however real capitalism - free market capitalism -  
doesn't work because it doesn't pay the full (i.e. environmental)  
price of production.

Free market capitalism just stop to work when it is not free, and when  
money is used to hide the fact that the products does not work or have  
bad side effects.

At least it hasn't to date, which means so far it's just been a  
bubble / ponzi scheme.

It has became like that. The power separations leak.

A system that paid fair wages and the full costs of production, and  
had a free market and a government limited to providing  
infrastructure could be called successful capitalism (or it could  
equally be called successful communism) but we don't have it yet,

We lost it, from time to time.

and until we do we can't claim that we've ever had a system that  

Capitalism works very well, unless it get sick. Everything alive can  
get think. To attack capitalism, is like judging that blood is the  
culprit of cancer, because blood feed the cancer cells. But blood  
(money) is not the culprit: it is the cancer cells which pervert the  
blood circulation, and it is the bandits which pervert the economy.

Hence my earlier comments about (what we've been calling) capitalism  
heading towards the greatest death toll of all, unless we sort out  
the encironmental aspects p.d.q.

Why use non sustainable oil instead of sustainable hemp like we did  
since always? asked Henry Ford in the early years of the 20th century.
Answer: because hemp is the mexican horrible killing drug (was the  
answer, based on fake studies, propaganda, etc.).
That's not capitalism, that's banditism. It destroys both bodies and  
environment, which are the last things the bandits are concerned with.


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Re: Honey Bee

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 May 2014, at 11:34, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2014-05-04 6:24 GMT+02:00 LizR
On 4 May 2014 15:20, Samiya Illias wrote:
I have forwarded your query to an expert in Arabic Grammar. Your  
quote from Wikipedia is correct. What I can inform you, based on my  
understanding, is that the pronoun 'ha' used in the verse is for  
female singular with a plural masculine noun 'butuun' indicates that  
it is specifically about a female bee.

OK. I hope you are prepared to accept that if Arabic gives genders  
to everything, including things which are in fact genderless (like  
tables), then that demolishes any claim that bees being described as  
female in ancient texts has any particular significance.

I will look at the other claims once this one has been settled, if  
you don't mind. I think one at a time is best if we are attempting  
to establish the truth in each case.

Anyway, before that, he should also show why such knowledge would  
have not been accessible to people of that era... because... that's  
what he claims.

What *she* claims, I would say.  Samiya seems to be a feminine name:


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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. (Roy  
Batty/Rutger Hauer)

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Re: Honey Bee

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 00:25, LizR wrote:

PS did I get that right about the queen being fed special stuff? My  
knowledge is also badly informed on many things...)

On 5 May 2014 10:24, LizR wrote:
Yes, good point. It seems likely to me that people would notice that  
there was a queen bee who laid all the eggs, and perhaps make some  
assumptions based on that. If they noticed that the queen started as  
a normal worker but was fed special stuff to make her into the  
queen... well, people weren't stupid in those days! (Just badly  
informed on many matters)..

In the interests of full disclosure, I should also quote the Bible.

Proverbs, Chapter 6, verse 6: Go to the ant, thou sluggard;  
consider her ways, and be wise.

Worker ants are indeed female... and they too have queens... but as  
you say Samiya needs to show that this couldn't be ascertained, or  
reasonably assumed, by ancient people before he makes any claims  
about it being provided by divine inspiration (which I assume is his  

That was a good point Liz. It illustrates how very complex is the  
interpretation of prose and poetry, and how easy we might draw invalid  
conclusions. It is nice of you trying to help Samiya in that regard.  
We will see if she is able to abandon *that* argument, or if she  
biased in favor of a theory.

The existence, for a period, of muslim neoplatonism suggests to me  
that the Quran is agnostic on the main conceptual divide between  
reality conceptions (Plato or Aristotle). Not so for the bible, which  
seems to take for granted both a creator and a creation, and very few  
mystics, even among Christians, refer to it.


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Re: The Evolutionary Tree of Religion

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 01:36, LizR wrote:

On 5 May 2014 08:42, John Mikes wrote:
In my agnostic vocabulary the 'real' includes lots of 'inconnues'  
that may change whatever we THINK is included  - as historic  
examples show.
I still hold mathematics an exorbitant achievement of the  H U M A  
N  mind

What do you think of Max Tegmark's argument for mathematical  
realism - that all the clues we have so far indicate that nature is  
inherently mathematical, and that if we ever find a ToE, and it  
turns out to be just a bunch of equations, then there will be no  
reason to think the universe is anything other than those equations  
- as he puts it, how they look from the inside ?

Obviously this is speculative, of course,

Well, it is a logical consequence of comp and the weak occam, and I  
would say that all theories are speculative, but some more, some less.

in that we don't have a ToE yet.

Come on. I gave a scheme of equivalent TOE.
May be you mean that the mainstream thought has not yet swallow that.  
OK, that will take time. We will plausibly become artificial machines  
before understanding the consequences.

But everything we have learnt about reality so far does appear to  
indicate it has (in some sense) a mathematical nature. If this trend  
continues and we eventually discover a TOE, and it is mathematical,  
would you agree with Max that maths isn't an invention of the human  
mind, but something we have discovered about reality? (That it is  
even, perhaps, ALL that reality is?)

But I don't think that the term math is precise enough. It is too big,  
and cannot be itself entirely mathematical. But with comp, the 3p  
truth is arithmetical, and the 1p truth is vastly mathematical, yet  
got some irreductible non computable and non digital theological or  
psychological aspects.

The facts WE can calculate from Nature do not evidence a similar  
calculation how Nature arrived at them. (See the early (even  
recent???) explanatory errors in our sciences). We are nowhere to  
decipher Nature's analogue(?) ways (if 'analogue' covers them all,  
what I would not suggest).

Relativity is analogue, quantum mechanics is (perhaps) digital.  
However, assuming that nature is analogue - i.e., continuously  
differentiable - doesn't mean that it isn't inherently mathematical.

Indeed. And comp justifies entirely why the 3p big thing can be  
digital/arithmetical, yet should appear bigger from inside.


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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 03:57, meekerdb wrote:

It creates a parallel medium of exchange in which those who make  
bitcoins first hope to profit from their appreciation.

Bitcoin was at first a way to go around the sickness (the non free- 
ness) of current capitalism, notably to reflect the demand of drugs  
and  weapon. But they abandoned the weapon market, and apparently it  
might be perverted in the same ways. Bitcoin is not enough, as long as  
we tolerate the lies ...



On 5/4/2014 6:12 PM, LizR wrote:
I don't know much about bitcoin, except you can mine bitcoins at  
some expense - to your power bill, your time and the environment.  
What's the point? (And how does it manipulate the medium of  

On 5 May 2014 12:34, meekerdb wrote:
On 5/4/2014 12:38 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not  
catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the  
moment. The money supply itself is not under the control of the  
market, so the system is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an  
attempt at real capitalism, it remains to be seen if it can survive.

I think that confuses financialism with capitalism.  If you can  
invest in labor and equipment and produce something that returns a  
profit, you're a capitalist.  Bitcoin looks to me like just another  
attempt to manipulate the medium of exchange and profit from it - a  
role traditionally taken by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in  
the U.S.

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Re: Honey Bee

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 06:16, Samiya Illias wrote:

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 3:24 AM, LizR wrote:
Yes, good point. It seems likely to me that people would notice that  
there was a queen bee who laid all the eggs, and perhaps make some  
assumptions based on that. If they noticed that the queen started as  
a normal worker but was fed special stuff to make her into the  
queen... well, people weren't stupid in those days! (Just badly  
informed on many matters)..

In the interests of full disclosure, I should also quote the Bible.

Proverbs, Chapter 6, verse 6: Go to the ant, thou sluggard;  
consider her ways, and be wise.

[Quran 27:18] Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an  
(female) ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon  
and his armies crush you, unperceiving.

Worker ants are indeed female... and they too have queens... but as  
you say Samiya needs to show that this couldn't be ascertained, or  
reasonably assumed, by ancient people before he makes any claims  
about it being provided by divine inspiration (which I assume is his  

I believe the scriptures were revealed by Divine decree.

I sincerely think that this might be a problem. Believing this might  
create a bias.

By sharing verses of scientific relevance from the Quran, I hope to  
establish that it is factually correct, and without any human  
errors, so that anyone who wishes may include it in their quest for  
scientific knowledge.

Do my posts give an impression of being from a man, or do you also  
employ the general style of the Quran, of speaking in the male tense  
about living things, unless specifically speaking about a female?  
Not that I mind, but in the interest of being factually correct, the  
feminine pronoun will be more appropriate when referring to Samiya :)




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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 11:46 PM, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 07:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not
 catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the moment. The
 money supply itself is not under the control of the market, so the system
 is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an attempt at real capitalism, it
 remains to be seen if it can survive.

 This is true, however real capitalism - free market capitalism - doesn't
 work because it doesn't pay the full (i.e. environmental) price of
 production. At least it hasn't to date, which means so far it's just been a
 bubble / ponzi scheme.

It is fair to argue that free market capitalism provides no mechanism to
create some concerted effort to reduce environmental impact. However,
neither does the current system. This is one problem one faces when
defending the free market: one is usually cornered into comparing it with
an *idealised* version of the current system. It will never live up to that.

What makes something a bubble / ponzi scheme is the implicit necessity of
infinite growth for sustainability. This is precisely the requirement of
the current system, in which countries can run public debts that are larger
than the total money supply. We just saw one iteration of the ponzi scheme
explode in 2007. Or the current european pensions scheme, where workers pay
the pensions of retired people -- which require infinite population growth
for it not to collapse. In fact, my generation is the one in whose hands
the system exploded, we are likely not going to have any pensions, and
there are already aggressive cuts happening even for the currently retired
(who payed for full pensions all their lives but now only get a part of it,
they would be better off had they been allowed to just save that money).

A free market where the government cannot issue money is the furthest
possible thing from a ponzi scheme: you cannot lend money that does not
exist. The opposite of ponzi scheme is an economy based on deflation, which
also has another nice property: your money tends to increase in value with
time, so it also solves the pensions issue in a sustainable manner, which
is directly indexed to economic activity. It can only increase in value
insofar as there is a matching increase in resources.

Also, the environmental costs don't make it a ponzi scheme because the
savings they enable are reflected in the cost of goods: provided there is
free competition.

 A system that paid fair wages and the full costs of production, and had a
 free market and a government limited to providing infrastructure could be
 called successful capitalism (or it could equally be called successful
 communism) but we don't have it yet, and until we do we can't claim that
 we've *ever* had a system that works.

 Hence my earlier comments about (what we've been calling) capitalism
 heading towards the greatest death toll of all, unless we sort out the
 encironmental aspects p.d.q.

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:48 AM, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 13:57, meekerdb wrote:

  It creates a parallel medium of exchange in which those who make
 bitcoins first hope to profit from their appreciation.

 Hm. It all sounds a bit Ponzi-like to me.

If you go by that definition alone. In reality, mining becomes increasingly
harder as we approach the hard limit of 21 million btc. The hard limit is
already very non-ponzi-like. Fiat money is the one that doesn't have such a
limit, and gives you no assurance about how much is going to be issued.


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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2014-05-05 10:30 GMT+02:00 Telmo Menezes

 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:48 AM, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 13:57, meekerdb wrote:

  It creates a parallel medium of exchange in which those who make
 bitcoins first hope to profit from their appreciation.

 Hm. It all sounds a bit Ponzi-like to me.

 If you go by that definition alone. In reality, mining becomes
 increasingly harder as we approach the hard limit of 21 million btc. The
 hard limit is already very non-ponzi-like. Fiat money is the one that
 doesn't have such a limit, and gives you no assurance about how much is
 going to be issued.

As the goods available in exchange of that money are not limited (nor is
the population able to use that money), this arbitrary limit is bad... new
comers have less, first times users become rich, the money is extremely
deflationist, it does not encourage to do investment... lost bitcoin are
lost forever augmenting its deflationist nature. The system is totally
unfair. Why would we replace a bad system by another bad system ? Why would
we thanks the first time users by an unfair amount of wealth ?

Between two bad systems, I prefer keeping the current one.



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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. (Roy
Batty/Rutger Hauer)

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2014-05-05 10:30 GMT+02:00 Telmo Menezes

 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:48 AM, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 13:57, meekerdb wrote:

  It creates a parallel medium of exchange in which those who make
 bitcoins first hope to profit from their appreciation.

 Hm. It all sounds a bit Ponzi-like to me.

 If you go by that definition alone. In reality, mining becomes
 increasingly harder as we approach the hard limit of 21 million btc. The
 hard limit is already very non-ponzi-like. Fiat money is the one that
 doesn't have such a limit, and gives you no assurance about how much is
 going to be issued.

 As the goods available in exchange of that money are not limited (nor is
 the population able to use that money), this arbitrary limit is bad... new
 comers have less, first times users become rich,

True, but they also take more risk. If the system works, they are rewarded
for providing the seed money that allows the market to exist in the first
place. The amount by which they became rich is proportional to the value
created by the system.

 the money is extremely deflationist, it does not encourage to do
 investment... lost bitcoin are lost forever augmenting its deflationist

I am of the opinion that deflation is a good thing, because it is precisely
the system that can liberate us from the job-based mentality we are
currently under. Humanity could run on people working just a couple of
hours a day, yet most people are enslaved doing unnecessary work for most
of their waking hours, because jobs are the only way to distribute wealth
under an inflationist economy. Under a deflationist economy you can work
until you have enough money and then stop, and you can better control the
rate at which you wish to accumulate wealth: work hard for a few years or
spread it more and work just a few hours.

The rigged game of inflationist economies became obvious with feminism:
once women joined the work force, it became harder for families to survive
on a single salary. It's an enslavement system that deprives children of
spending time with their parents, with all the well known psychological

 The system is totally unfair.

Fairness is a problematic concept, firstly because it's uncomputable and
secondly because it's easily manipulated. For example, humans have a
cognitive bias were they are more likely empathise with attractive people
than ugly people. Charismatic speakers can skew the perception of fairness
to their will.

 Why would we replace a bad system by another bad system ? Why would we
 thanks the first time users by an unfair amount of wealth ?

If bitcoin replaces the current system, it will have to be on its own
merits. It does not have the power to enforce its own use, like fiat
currency has. So, if you're right, you have nothing to worry about.

 Between two bad systems, I prefer keeping the current one.

And that's a nice feature of bitcoin: you're not forced to use it.




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 All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. (Roy
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Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 10:12 PM, John Mikes wrote:

 Telmo, some 2+ decades ago I think I had a reason to avert from the topic
 called *panpsychism* (would be hard to recall it adequately now).
 As I remember I called the phenomenon covered by this misnomer
 PANSENSITIVITY (what I would not like to defend today anymore). Psych seems
 to me too 'human' to be applicable to the entire world (=Mme. Nature).
 Why would you reduce the MWI reflexibility into ourflimsy human
 (Even i f  you extend them into human?  mentality total).


Maybe I used the term incorrectly. What I mean by panpsychism is that I
suspect that consciousness is a fundamental property of reality and not
generated at a higher level by neuron interactions. So I see no reason to
assume that my tea cup is not conscious, although I suspect that the
contents of its experience are null, so it's if it was. I don't see
consciousness as inherent to human beings. I am fully convinced that higher
animal, at least, are conscious just like us.


 On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Telmo Menezes te...@telmomenezes.comwrote:

 On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

 On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:

 The machine:

 Bad news from the doctor:

 Turing test:


 So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised my
 hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.

 I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is

   Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on me...this
 vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when she was around,
 her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of nothing that - well you know
 itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it wasn't nuthin' neither.

 Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!

 Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said at
 some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when you started
 talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't do that.

 I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand
 public reality. If you have a good consciousness between the ears theory
 then... I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position is that what
 makes a theory scientific is it's falsifiability, that's all. It doesn't
 matter how weird the theory sounds, it only matters if it makes valid
 predictions or not. Common sense has been shown to be misleading many
 times, and to an amazing degree with quantum mechanics.

 I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by science,
 because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure it or test for
 it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have to make do with thought
 experiments and introspection on private reality.


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Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 04 May 2014, at 21:18, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

 On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:

 The machine:

 Bad news from the doctor:

 Turing test:


 So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised my
 hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.

 I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is

 The problem here is twofold:
 1) what pan refers to? (A physical world, then you need to say no to
 the doctor, Arithmetical truth? perhaps, if the brain is really a
 consciousness filter (I am still not sure if this makes really sense with
 2) what *is* psychisme (is it Turing emulable? if yes primitive matter is
 an illusion, and physics is a branch of theology, if not what is it?)

I just mean that I am inclined to see consciousness as fundamental, so I
believe this puts me on the Platonic camp. The idea that physical reality
is a dream of consciousness appeals to me. I think your theory provides a
very compelling path to understanding how the dream(s) arise, but I don't
think it can tell us what the dreamer is. I'm inclined to take the dreamer
as fundamental, the absolute, god in a non-theistic sense...

I also like your idea of machines introspecting. This leads us to something
that match our intuitions: a dog is conscious, a tea cup is not. But not
because the dog's brain magically generates consciousness, just because the
dog's brain is capable of machine introspection, and thus capable of
providing content to the dream.



  Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on me...this
 vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when she was around,
 her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of nothing that - well you know
 itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it wasn't nuthin' neither.

 Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!

 Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said at
 some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when you started
 talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't do that.

 I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand public
 reality. If you have a good consciousness between the ears theory then...
 I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position is that what makes a
 theory scientific is it's falsifiability, that's all. It doesn't matter how
 weird the theory sounds, it only matters if it makes valid predictions or
 not. Common sense has been shown to be misleading many times, and to an
 amazing degree with quantum mechanics.

 I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by science,
 because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure it or test for
 it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have to make do with thought
 experiments and introspection on private reality.


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Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 04 May 2014, at 14:43, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 The machine:

 Bad news from the doctor:

 Turing test:

 LOL. Not bad. Actually I made myself comic trips to explain UDA in the
 earlier version. I was used to draw a lot. Comics are pretty to use to
 describe that type of thought experiment.

Come on Bruno, show us!

 Have you seen  if that author tackles the duplication theme?

I don't think so, but (s)he makes fun of logicians:


 (Like in UDA or in the movie prestige). Let us know if and when (that
 should exist) you find one. I might scan my own comics and send it here.




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Re: The British Comedian's Joke

2014-05-05 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:49 AM, wrote:

 The late Bob Monkhouse was way before my time and never trendy. But aft er
 he died they looked at his jokes, which were just simple and so funny they
 decided he was a genius. Here is one of his jokes that makes me laugh every
 time: He's a stand up comedian and he says to the audience:

 When I told them I wanted to be a comedian they laughed in my face. Well
 no one's laughing now

Nice :)
I have a theory: a culture cannot be simultaneously good at comedy and
gastronomy. Case in point: the British vs. the French.

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Re: Video of VCR

2014-05-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 3:53:48 PM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 02 May 2014, at 23:58, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, May 2, 2014 11:15:40 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 01 May 2014, at 20:42, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, April 18, 2014 3:23:13 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 16 Apr 2014, at 20:10, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 What generates Platonia?

 Nothing generates Platonia, although addition and multiplication can 
 generate the comp-relevant part of platonia, that is the UD or equivalent.

 Elementary arithmetic cannot be justified by anything less complex (in 
 Turing or logical sense). It is the minimum that we have to assume to start.

 Saying that elementary arithmetic is the minimum that we have to start 
 doesn't make sense to me. Elementary arithmetic depends on many less 
 complex expectations of sequence, identity, position, motivation, etc. I 
 keep repeating this but I don't think that you are willing to consider it 

 To define, is a reasonable precise sense, expectations, sequence, 
 identity, position, or motivation (which I doubt is a simple notion) 
 you need arithmetic.

 How can arithmetic exist without sequence and then define sequence? 

 If you agree on logic and

 0 ≠ s(x)
 s(x) = s(y) - x = y
 x+0 = x
 x+s(y) = s(x+y)

 Then you can study how to define sequence in that theory. 

Only because you have an a priori expectation of sequence which can be 
inferred. Otherwise nothing is defined and you have only unrelated 
statements. You need sense to draw them together and match your intuition.

 Gödel is the fist who did that. He invented the Gödel beta function, 
 based on a generalization of a famous chinese lemma, about set of modular 
 equations in arithmetic.

 Eventually (not easy exercice) you can define from the axiom and the chine 
 lemma a representation of the exponential function, and with its you can 
 define a sequence in arithmetic by using the unique factorization of the 
 natural numbers.

But eventually means that you must follow a sequence of steps to do your 
defining. You smuggle the expectation for sequence in from the start.

 It is not the existence of arithmetic, it is the existence of 0, s(0), 
 etc. + the basic relation that you can derive from the axioms.

Derive requires sequence and sense.

 It is the same capacity to reason which tells me that 5-3=2 which tells me 
 that sequence can exist without arithmetic but arithmetic cannot exist 
 without sequence.

 It is a bit imprecise. I can define sequence in *any* turing complete 
 language, and they are all equivalent for computationalism.
 You can define a notion of sequence as primitive, instead of numbers, yes. 
 That is the case for LISP, somehow, which is close to combinators and 
 lambda calculus.

 Yo have never provide any theory, so I can't figure what you talk about.

The theory is that logic and arithmetic are particular continuations of 
sense, not the other way around. Before arithmetic can exist, there must 
exist a sense of expectation for counting. Counting includes a sense of 
recursive steps as well as sequence, comparison, memory, change, digits, 
etc. It cannot be primitive as it is a manipulation of attention.

 It is, I think, your unwillingness to study a bit of math and logic which 
 prevents you from seeing this. 

 Just the opposite. It is your unwillingness to question the supremacy of 
 math and logic which prevents you from even seeing that there is something 
 to question.

 On the contrary I did ask people to question anything I say, which is of 
 the type verifiable. That's how science work.
 Then it is not a question of supremacy. Only a good lamp to search the key.

There are other lamps...other keys.


 I stop when you attribute to me the contrary on point On which I insist a 



 You get a lot about the numbers with few axioms written in first order 

 I don't see why any axioms would be possible. Where do they come from? Who 
 is writing them?

 I doubt you can define expectation of sequence in such a simple way.

 How can you doubt it? 

 How will you define sequence without mentioning some function from N 
 (the set of natural numbers) to some set?

 With rhythmic patterns and pointing - the way that everyone learns to 
 count. A horse can understand sequence without a formal definition derived 
 from set theory. What you are saying sounds to me like 'you cannot make an 
 apple unless you ask an apple pie how to do it'.

 Again, I remind you that simple means simple in the 3p sharable 
 sense, not simple in the 1p personal experiential sense.

 Why is that not an arbitrary bias? If I don't allow the possibility of 3p 
 without 1p, then simplicity can only be 1p.

 All scientists agree on the arithmetic axioms, 

 If that's true, its an argument from authority, and it could be the reason 
 why all scientists 

Re: The British Comedian's Joke

2014-05-05 Thread Terren Suydam
Some sort of selection mechanism?  People who laugh while they're eating
choke to death?

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Telmo Menezes te...@telmomenezes.comwrote:

 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:49 AM, wrote:

 The late Bob Monkhouse was way before my time and never trendy. But aft
 er he died they looked at his jokes, which were just simple and so funny
 they decided he was a genius. Here is one of his jokes that makes me laugh
 every time: He's a stand up comedian and he says to the audience:

 When I told them I wanted to be a comedian they laughed in my face. Well
 no one's laughing now

 Nice :)
 I have a theory: a culture cannot be simultaneously good at comedy and
 gastronomy. Case in point: the British vs. the French.

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Re: saying no to the doctor...

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 12:59, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Bruno Marchal  

On 04 May 2014, at 21:18, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:
The machine:

Bad news from the doctor:

Turing test:


So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised  
my hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.

I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is  

The problem here is twofold:
1) what pan refers to? (A physical world, then you need to say  
no to the doctor, Arithmetical truth? perhaps, if the brain is  
really a consciousness filter (I am still not sure if this makes  
really sense with comp).
2) what *is* psychisme (is it Turing emulable? if yes primitive  
matter is an illusion, and physics is a branch of theology, if not  
what is it?)

I just mean that I am inclined to see consciousness as fundamental,

Consciousness is fundamental. But not necessarily primitive. Indeed  
with computationalism, consciousness is a non computable reality  
related to truth or to the intersection of truth and belief.

so I believe this puts me on the Platonic camp.


The idea that physical reality is a dream of consciousness appeals  
to me. I think your theory provides a very compelling path to  
understanding how the dream(s) arise, but I don't think it can tell  
us what the dreamer is. I'm inclined to take the dreamer as  
fundamental, the absolute, god in a non-theistic sense...

Hmm I think currently that the dreamers are the 'machines' (that  
is intensional number, or number taken relatively to a universal  
system, programs if you want, relatively to a computer). God seems  
to be closer to some universal consciousness. It is what makes the  
meaning meaningful. Well, the inner god, at least. The outer god is  
the the ultimate reality (and is played by the concept of truth in  
Plato and comp).

I also like your idea of machines introspecting. This leads us to  
something that match our intuitions: a dog is conscious, a tea cup  
is not.

OK. Very plausibly so.
I thought so, but was uneasy about how to interpret  your use of  

But not because the dog's brain magically generates consciousness,  
just because the dog's brain is capable of machine introspection,  
and thus capable of providing content to the dream.

OK. I still would say that the raw content of the dream is the  
consciousness' business, which eventually will be related to the sheaf  
of computations going through the relevant dogs brain.




 Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on  
me...this vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when  
she was around, her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of  
nothing that - well you know itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it  
wasn't nuthin' neither.

Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!

Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said  
at some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when  
you started talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't  
do that.

I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand  
public reality. If you have a good consciousness between the ears  
theory then... I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position  
is that what makes a theory scientific is it's falsifiability,  
that's all. It doesn't matter how weird the theory sounds, it only  
matters if it makes valid predictions or not. Common sense has been  
shown to be misleading many times, and to an amazing degree with  
quantum mechanics.

I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by  
science, because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure  
it or test for it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have  
to make do with thought experiments and introspection on private  


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UDA video (was Re: saying no to the doctor...)

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 13:07, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Bruno Marchal  

On 04 May 2014, at 14:43, Telmo Menezes wrote:

The machine:

Bad news from the doctor:

Turing test:

LOL. Not bad. Actually I made myself comic trips to explain UDA in  
the earlier version. I was used to draw a lot. Comics are pretty to  
use to describe that type of thought experiment.

Come on Bruno, show us!

My scanner does not work. But I found the diary, so I need just to  
think taking it next time I go at IRIDIA (and that someone show me how  
to find and use some scanner which should be there) ...

Meanwhile, to console you, here is my last talk at IRIDIA. It is a  
playlist of 3 videos not yet publicly available on YouTube (you can't  
find it by searching on YT, but feel free to share).

The sound in that room was terrible, so please believe I can be less  
bad---in english, but for the talk itself I missed some occasion to be  
clearer. I regret also my comment on atheism (which was not useful).

My friends who did the video made a good job to save as much as  
possible from that bad sound though:

Feel free to comment, here or there.

Have you seen  if that author tackles the duplication theme?

I don't think so, but (s)he makes fun of logicians:

A bit a classical theme, yet I always laugh at such logician humor :)



(Like in UDA or in the movie prestige). Let us know if and when  
(that should exist) you find one. I might scan my own comics and  
send it here.




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Re: Video of VCR

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 May 2014, at 14:27, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 3:53:48 PM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 02 May 2014, at 23:58, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Friday, May 2, 2014 11:15:40 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 01 May 2014, at 20:42, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Friday, April 18, 2014 3:23:13 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 16 Apr 2014, at 20:10, Craig Weinberg wrote:

What generates Platonia?

Nothing generates Platonia, although addition and multiplication  
can generate the comp-relevant part of platonia, that is the UD or  

Elementary arithmetic cannot be justified by anything less complex  
(in Turing or logical sense). It is the minimum that we have to  
assume to start.

Saying that elementary arithmetic is the minimum that we have to  
start doesn't make sense to me. Elementary arithmetic depends on  
many less complex expectations of sequence, identity, position,  
motivation, etc. I keep repeating this but I don't think that you  
are willing to consider it scientifically.

To define, is a reasonable precise sense, expectations,  
sequence, identity, position, or motivation (which I doubt  
is a simple notion) you need arithmetic.

How can arithmetic exist without sequence and then define sequence?

If you agree on logic and

0 ≠ s(x)
s(x) = s(y) - x = y
x+0 = x
x+s(y) = s(x+y)

Then you can study how to define sequence in that theory.

Only because you have an a priori expectation of sequence which can  
be inferred. Otherwise nothing is defined and you have only  
unrelated statements. You need sense to draw them together and match  
your intuition.

No. Logic is the art of making derivation without sense. That is even  
why so many people think that a machine which can reason is just doing  
syntactical manipulation without understanding, and at the low level,  
that's correct.
A derivation, in a formal theory, is valid or non valid, independently  
of any of its possible interpretation (all those terms are well  

Gödel is the fist who did that. He invented the Gödel beta  
function, based on a generalization of a famous chinese lemma,  
about set of modular equations in arithmetic.

Eventually (not easy exercice) you can define from the axiom and the  
chine lemma a representation of the exponential function, and with  
its you can define a sequence in arithmetic by using the unique  
factorization of the natural numbers.

But eventually means that you must follow a sequence of steps to  
do your defining. You smuggle the expectation for sequence in from  
the start.

Hmm, ... I will not insist here, as this will be the object to the  
next post in the math thread.

It is not the existence of arithmetic, it is the existence of 0,  
s(0), etc. + the basic relation that you can derive from the axioms.

Derive requires sequence and sense.

Not at all.

It is the same capacity to reason which tells me that 5-3=2 which  
tells me that sequence can exist without arithmetic but arithmetic  
cannot exist without sequence.

It is a bit imprecise. I can define sequence in *any* turing  
complete language, and they are all equivalent for computationalism.
You can define a notion of sequence as primitive, instead of  
numbers, yes. That is the case for LISP, somehow, which is close to  
combinators and lambda calculus.

Yo have never provide any theory, so I can't figure what you talk  

The theory is that logic and arithmetic are particular continuations  
of sense, not the other way around.

Sense is a vague term. Not two human being understand it in the same  
way. It is a bit like God. Important notion, but hardly usable in  

Before arithmetic can exist, there must exist a sense of expectation  
for counting. Counting includes a sense of recursive steps as well  
as sequence, comparison, memory, change, digits, etc. It cannot be  
primitive as it is a manipulation of attention.

Not at all. More in the math thread, but you might need to reread all  

It is, I think, your unwillingness to study a bit of math and logic  
which prevents you from seeing this.

Just the opposite. It is your unwillingness to question the  
supremacy of math and logic which prevents you from even seeing  
that there is something to question.

On the contrary I did ask people to question anything I say, which  
is of the type verifiable. That's how science work.
Then it is not a question of supremacy. Only a good lamp to search  
the key.

There are other lamps...other keys.

Yes, that's the point.



I stop when you attribute to me the contrary on point On which I  
insist a lot.


You get a lot about the numbers with few axioms written in first  
order language.

I don't see why any axioms would be possible. Where do they come  
from? Who is writing them?

I doubt you can define expectation of sequence in such a simple  

How can 


2014-05-05 Thread John Ross
My ideas are very well summarized at  Just click “books” and search 
for “tronnies”.


J Ross


[] On Behalf Of Terren Suydam
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2014 6:25 PM


Well sir, you've come to the right place, if you want to test your ideas. 

Speaking for myself, I don't have the time to read even the books at the top of 
my pile, much less speculative physics books. So you would do me and the rest 
of the list a favor if you could try to summarize your ideas. Most people here 
are fairly open minded and smart as hell. If your ideas can be expressed 
mathematically, so much the better.


On May 3, 2014 1:24 PM, John Ross wrote:

Some of you may be interested in taking a look at my new book, recently made 
available at  It is:



The Source of the Coulomb Force


The Building Blocks of Universes


Just go to, click “books” and search for “tronnies”.






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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
The YOU is, of course, getting someone to look at things from a first person 
point of view, as if I was Prime Minister I'd..  I agree 100% that we are ruled 
by plutocrats, what you likely will violently oppose is my observation that 
worldwide both progressives and conservatives rule their perspective 
politicians, and these politically minded billionaires control what goes on. 
Both groups that is, not just conservatives. 



-Original Message-
From: John Mikes
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, May 4, 2014 5:34 pm
Subject: Re: Evolution from Scripture

Somebody wrote (Liz?):

For example there is no problem with capitalism per se, unless you allow money 
to vote. Lobbying can be permitted, but not through financial helps. If you 
allow this, you kill capitalism, and transform it into corporatism and 
monopolism, which kill the genuine competition and eventually the society.

Who is that  YOU??  Power and force are in the hands of the plutocrats. They 
do whatever they see fit. Money does not 'vote': people (stupid and 'for sale' 
voters do. 
Capitalism, BTW, as I wrote many times, died in the 1970s to give it over to 
Economical Global Feudalism, (including corporatism and monopolism) - not less 
brutal than the Medieval Feudalism was, only with higher sophistication and 
pretension. The lords  OWN things (including Nature) and the serfs work for 
money (for them) - sometimes for many many money, like bankers, lawyers, 
legislators, enforcers, scientists, etc. Serfs are disregardable chattel - 
fodder for wars, work-slaves, etc. 
I did try to live in pre- and real nazism, in a (mock) communism and in 
capiatlism, in all of them as an underdog (scientist), twice arrested - but 

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 4:48 PM, wrote:

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 8:17:29 PM UTC+1, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 May 2014, at 01:14, LizR wrote:

On 4 May 2014 07:22, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
I shan't defend the behaviors of the Abe religions over the centuries, but you 
couldn't term the Hindu faith as pacifist either. In the 20th century the 
political movement that had atheism at its core, was the Marxist ideology, and 
how many tens of millions did it destroy, 70 mil, 100? Not a bad catchup I'd 
say. The pagan faiths, previous to, and coexistent with the Abe religions 
were not pacifist either and were hungry for land, slaves, and murder, just 
like the Abe's, and even worse. Pagan Rome employed crucifixion, remember? The 
ancient Chinese, were plenty, murderous, as well. In the Americas and Africa, 
as far as archaeologists and physical anthropologists, have determined, and 
were,  what I term as being 'genocide friendly.'  None of the species were 
really nice guys for much of the time.. 

Yep, the religions known as Stalinism and Nazism were just as destructive as 
the Crusades, etc. In fact anything ending in Ism seems to be a justification 
for murder or cruelty. (It looks like Capitalism is catching up with the 
others, and may soon surpass all of them if we aren't careful.)

Some ism can be good and nice, but even in that case, after a while, some 
people will use it and pervert it for special/personal interest. Always. Then 
criticizing the ism protects them, somehow

you're absolutely right 


For example there is no problem with capitalism per se, unless you allow money 
to vote. Lobbying can be permitted, but not through financial helps. If you 
allow this, you kill capitalism, and transform it into corporatism and 
monopolism, which kill the genuine competition and eventually the society.

On the money Bruno. Hey this might be were we finally touch heads  man! It's 
amazing the dogma and self-serving ideological bolt ons currently crept already 
fully into the conception what a free market is. It's barely recognizable as it 
stands at the moment. 
A large part of the reason this is possible to happen is because there's no 
scientific theory of economy. . 

The real war is between the good guy and the bad guy. There is no ism capable 
of guaranty the good, but allowing some ism to com fairly, allow them to 
evolve and this is harm reduction. Now, if some same ism lasts too long, it 
get rotten and as good as it could have been, it will be perverted by some 
special interest. 

 I don't think so Bruno, and even if there was, there's no place for morality 
in a theory of economy, not as primary operator...because all that will ever 
get us, is philosophy-guru's into the market next, to tell us  about the 
morality...and among them will be even more bad guys, Which'd be a magnet for 
yet more. 
There are bad guys in practice, but the scientific theory of won't 
just be a theory on paper. The day for that is nearly over now. The shape of 
things to come are theories that no longer embody human guesses any more, but 


2014-05-05 Thread John Clark
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 4:05 PM, John Ross wrote:

 I believe I address every major issue in physics, from the internal
 structure of an electrons [...]

That is not a major issue in physics or even a minor one. There is not one
shred of experimental evidence that indicates electrons have a internal
structure and no theoretical reason so suppose that they do.

  John K Clark

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2014-05-05 Thread Terren Suydam
Thanks. I assume, or hope, you're not here merely to peddle your wares.

In that spirit, would you care to share a few of your 101 predictions?


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:08 AM, John Ross jr...@trexenterprises.comwrote:

 My ideas are very well summarized at  Just click “books” and
 search for “tronnies”.

 J Ross

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Terren Suydam
 *Sent:* Saturday, May 03, 2014 6:25 PM
 *Subject:* RE: TRONNIES

 Well sir, you've come to the right place, if you want to test your ideas.

 Speaking for myself, I don't have the time to read even the books at the
 top of my pile, much less speculative physics books. So you would do me and
 the rest of the list a favor if you could try to summarize your ideas. Most
 people here are fairly open minded and smart as hell. If your ideas can be
 expressed mathematically, so much the better.


 On May 3, 2014 1:24 PM, John Ross wrote:

 Some of you may be interested in taking a look at my new book, recently
 made available at  It is:


 The Source of the Coulomb Force


 The Building Blocks of Universes

 Just go to, click “books” and search for “tronnies”.

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Modal logic (derivation of physics sum up till end)

2014-05-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

Craig, Liz, Brent and/or anyone interested,

Again, it is just an attempt. Take it easy. I have to train myself,  
and a bit yourself.

You might tell me if this helps, if only a little bit.

*** (it is also a second attempt to send this mail, as it looks my  
emailer has some problem)

If you understand UDA step 1-7, normally you understand that physics  

1) a measure on computations,
2) when seen from some first person perspective.

Now, the machine which believe/assume elementary arithmetic (and  
perhaps more as long as they remain arithmetically sound), will have  
its rational believability notion acquires a non trivial modal logic,  
known today as G (or GL, PrL, KW4, it has some story so get many names).

Actually the machines acquire a couple of logics: G and G*. G is the  
logic of provability (believability) that the machine can believe, and  
G* is the logic of believability (that the machine can believe or not,  
and indeed G* extends properly G.

Solovay's first theorem is that G proves A iff Peano Arithmetic proves  
the natural translation of A in arithmetic, where the natural  
transformation interpret the atomic p by arithmetical sentences,  
preserves the boolean relations, and translate the modal box []A by  
the arithmetical translation of provability in arithmetic, Gödel's  
beweisbar predicate, applied to the transformation of A, that is  
beweisbar(transformation of A)).

Solovay's second theorem is that G* proves A iff A is true (in the  
standard model of Peano Arithmetic). G is decidable, and Solovay shows  
that G* is representable in G, making G* decidable (at that  
propositional level).

For example self-consistency, I don't prove the false, with I  
taken in the third person descriptive sense, the machine talks about  
that machine, which happens to be itself. It represent more the code  
you discuss with the doctor, *supposed* to be at the right  
substitution level, than anything like a (conscious) first person  
view, still less a probability on those views, yet.

To fix the idea I will use Peano Arithmetic, as generic ideally  
correct machine,  It is equivalent with Robinson arithmetic (which  
seen as a machine, is already a Church-Post-Turing Universal Machine)  
together with an infinity of induction axioms. For all arithmetical  
formula F, PA believes

if F(0) and  if for all n we have that (F(n) - F(n+1)) then we have  
the right to conclude that F(n) applies to all n.

Later, we might talk about Analysis, or second order arithmetic, which  
admits a much more powerful induction axiom, so powerful that such a  
theory is no more a well defined machine (more a set of possible  

for all set S of natural numbers,

If 0 belongs to S, and if ((n belongs to S) implies (n+1 belongs to  
S)) then we have the right conclude that all number belongs to S.

The number of subset of N is non enumerable, and this makes such a  
belief set non well defined. Which sets are we talking about, what is  
a set?

That is the Dedekind theory of the natural numbers, and it has many  
interesting weakening in which you can develop the whole semantics of  
Peano Arithmetic.

Aparte for Liz and Brent, but useful for Craig.

What we have seen:
Classical propositional logic. Both the proof theory and the  
semantics, and the relation between.

Modal logic. Only the semantics. Not yet the proof theory.
And the crux of the matter remains: define the notion of believability  
above in the arithmetical language (the thing Gödel basically did in  
his 1931 paper).

Craig, we will define the notion of finite sequence (of symbols) in  
arithmetic. I will only be able to sketch the basic idea. It is quite  
standard, well known material in theoretical computer science and  
mathematical logic, but I am aware this is not well known by the  
general public. When done with all details, it is very long and  
tiedous to follow, like programming in assembly language.

And physics?

UDA explains that physics is given by 1) a measure on computation 2)  
seen from inside.

By a theorem by Kleene, computation can be translated by true and  
provable Sigma_1 sentences, and the Sigma_1 sentences will play the  
role of the universal dovetailing. Such sentences enjoy, I mean  
verify, the law

p - []p, in the G* minus G logic. That plays some key role.

That's the way comp is translated itself in arithmetic.

But what about the seen from inside. G provides a rational believer,  
but not a knower, which characterizes a first person view.

In modal logic, knowledge is axiomatized by a logic, called T, which  
has as main axiom []A - A. More introspective ability (and totally so  
in some sense defined by Smullyan), are given by the formula, badly  
named, 4, which is []A - [][]A. The axiom K + T + 4 gives the theory  
of knowledge S4.

The miracle here, is that the simplest and oldest definition of  
knowledge, defining it by true belief, provides here a logic 


2014-05-05 Thread John Ross
What is your experiments evidence that the electron does not have an internal 


Electrons have a size and a mass.  According to my model, an electron is 
comprised of three tronnies, two minus and one plus and a positron is comprised 
of two plus tronnies and one minus tronnie.  An entron is comprised of one plus 
tronnie and one minus  tronnie both traveling in a circle at a speed of π/2 
times the  speed of light.  Repulsive and attractive forces between the two 
tronnies exactly cancel in the diametrical direction.  Every photon is 
comprised of one entron traveling in a circle at twice the speed of light and 
forward at the speed of light.  This path defines the photon’s wavelength and 
frequency.  Tronnies being mass-less point particles with a charge of e must 
always travel faster than the speed of light to stay ahead of their own Coulomb 
forces which are traveling at the speed of light. 


When electrons and positrons are destroyed at least two photons are produced 
(my model says there are three photons produced).  There are six tronnies in a 
positron and an electron and six tronnies in three photons.  Photons also have 
and internal structure according to my model as explained above.  And according 
to my model they  also have a mass and a size depending on their energy.  The 
third photon in electron-positron annihilations is a neutrino photon which is 
not detected.  Each neutrino photon is comprised of one  neutrino entron.  A 
proton is comprised of two positrons, one electron and one neutrino entron.  
The neutrino entron gives the proton almost all of its mass.  Protons are 
destroyed in Black Holes releasing the neutrino entrons that exit the Black 
Holes to provide the gravity of galaxies.  Most neutrino photons pass through 
stars and planets applying a reverse Coulomb force directed back to the source 
of the neutrino photon.  Some are stopped temporally in the stars and planets 
then released randomly giving them their gravity.


John R




[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: TRONNIES




On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 4:05 PM, John Ross wrote:

 I believe I address every major issue in physics, from the internal structure 
 of an electrons [...]


That is not a major issue in physics or even a minor one. There is not one 
shred of experimental evidence that indicates electrons have a internal 
structure and no theoretical reason so suppose that they do.   

  John K Clark   


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Re: Video of VCR

2014-05-05 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:26:27 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 05 May 2014, at 14:27, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Saturday, May 3, 2014 3:53:48 PM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 02 May 2014, at 23:58, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, May 2, 2014 11:15:40 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 01 May 2014, at 20:42, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, April 18, 2014 3:23:13 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 16 Apr 2014, at 20:10, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 What generates Platonia?

 Nothing generates Platonia, although addition and multiplication can 
 generate the comp-relevant part of platonia, that is the UD or equivalent.

 Elementary arithmetic cannot be justified by anything less complex (in 
 Turing or logical sense). It is the minimum that we have to assume to start.

 Saying that elementary arithmetic is the minimum that we have to start 
 doesn't make sense to me. Elementary arithmetic depends on many less 
 complex expectations of sequence, identity, position, motivation, etc. I 
 keep repeating this but I don't think that you are willing to consider it 

 To define, is a reasonable precise sense, expectations, sequence, 
 identity, position, or motivation (which I doubt is a simple notion) 
 you need arithmetic.

 How can arithmetic exist without sequence and then define sequence? 

 If you agree on logic and

 0 ≠ s(x)
 s(x) = s(y) - x = y
 x+0 = x
 x+s(y) = s(x+y)

 Then you can study how to define sequence in that theory. 

 Only because you have an a priori expectation of sequence which can be 
 inferred. Otherwise nothing is defined and you have only unrelated 
 statements. You need sense to draw them together and match your intuition.

 No. Logic is the art of making derivation without sense. 

There is no art without sense. If logic could be accomplished without sense 
then it would be impossible to make an error in logic. There would be no 
need to formalize logic because it would be inescapable in every state of 
consciousness. That isn't what we see though. In fact, logic is very 
tenuous and requires a particularly sober intellect which is focused on 
modeling concepts in an impersonal sense.

 That is even why so many people think that a machine which can reason is 
 just doing syntactical manipulation without understanding, and at the low 
 level, that's correct.
 A derivation, in a formal theory, is valid or non valid, independently of 
 any of its possible interpretation (all those terms are well defined).

Syntactical manipulation is still sense, it just has relatively limited 
aesthetic qualities.


 Gödel is the fist who did that. He invented the Gödel beta function, 
 based on a generalization of a famous chinese lemma, about set of modular 
 equations in arithmetic.

 Eventually (not easy exercice) you can define from the axiom and the chine 
 lemma a representation of the exponential function, and with its you can 
 define a sequence in arithmetic by using the unique factorization of the 
 natural numbers.

 But eventually means that you must follow a sequence of steps to do your 
 defining. You smuggle the expectation for sequence in from the start.

 Hmm, ... I will not insist here, as this will be the object to the next 
 post in the math thread. 


 It is not the existence of arithmetic, it is the existence of 0, s(0), 
 etc. + the basic relation that you can derive from the axioms.

 Derive requires sequence and sense.

 Not at all.

Does that mean that dead people would be good at deriving relations from 


 It is the same capacity to reason which tells me that 5-3=2 which tells me 
 that sequence can exist without arithmetic but arithmetic cannot exist 
 without sequence.

 It is a bit imprecise. I can define sequence in *any* turing complete 
 language, and they are all equivalent for computationalism.
 You can define a notion of sequence as primitive, instead of numbers, yes. 
 That is the case for LISP, somehow, which is close to combinators and 
 lambda calculus.

 Yo have never provide any theory, so I can't figure what you talk about.

 The theory is that logic and arithmetic are particular continuations of 
 sense, not the other way around. 

 Sense is a vague term. Not two human being understand it in the same way. 
 It is a bit like God. Important notion, but hardly usable in theories. 

If theories can't use sense, and sense is important, then surely it is the 
theories that should change.

 Before arithmetic can exist, there must exist a sense of expectation for 
 counting. Counting includes a sense of recursive steps as well as sequence, 
 comparison, memory, change, digits, etc. It cannot be primitive as it is a 
 manipulation of attention.

 Not at all. More in the math thread, but you might need to reread all 

Sounds like a dodge.


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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
In the US, if I may be so opinionated, would tell Lenny that Mr. Joe.. is now 
US president, even though he hates the other 50% of the country. Those people 
of Joe's hue, like anyone else, can, if one possess a bit of talent, and 
ambition, can do fair for themselves, and I know this, because I used to school 
with some Joe's and Joe's instructors, and they were quite good at C++, and C# 
programming. Mr. Cohen, knows what he feels, while trying to make a point, but 
it's inaugurate. Lots of people here in the US, are now happy with SNAP or food 
stamps, (200-400$) per month for individuals and family, plus, increased 
disability payments, plus, long term unemployment, plus, supposedly, healthcare 
as of Jan 1st of this year. If you are good with France's government, you'd be 
good with the US, Mr. Cohen not withstanding. Yes, I listened to Cohen's poetry 
sing quite a bit, and yes, I do drone on with my lecturing. 

Whatever economic track you chose, my response to you and Leonard is guilt is a 
very, poor, reason for helping the working poor. It's enough that we want to 
help. If you identify Joe as people overseas, then we get in the same go-round 
about pollution lectures about the West, and ignore the Asian tiger in the 
room. Yes, people look for dropped change under a street lamp because they can 
see better. 

Yes, dear Brutus, but the fact is our selves are the product of an education 
system which inculcates certain values - like the death penalty being OK in the 
USA, despite having been abolished in most civilised countries for decades. 
Note its racial bias too, as Leonard Cohen put it Old black Joe still pickin' 
cotton to make your ribbons and bows indeed.

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, May 4, 2014 5:40 pm
Subject: Re: Evolution from Scripture

On 5 May 2014 00:00, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

Liz, I am guessing the capitalism remark is undeserved, in the sense that 
making money is inherently evil (making goods, and providing services?), for me 
that is 

It's only undeserved if everyone is paid fairly for their work, which is 
manifestly not so when all the hard labour is outsourced to the third world to 
be carried out by workers who are effectively slaves. And it is only undeserved 
if everyone pays the full price for the things they produce, rather than 
offloading some of the cost into the environment for the entire human race to 
clean up later.

too broad a brush you paint with for that observation. Now, if you want a 
glaring example, we look to the millions killed by Belgium (Heart of Darkness) 
which was driven by the need for cheap rubber from plantations in central 
africa. The death toll for the rubber plantations is estimated at 8 million 
over 20 years. We both need to ask if the commies, nazis, and ww2 japanese, 
were also part-capitalists. Stalin, before ww2, and even after did capitalist 
(westerners) trade deals, and 

The Nazis were of course hand in hand with big business (have you seen or read 
The resistable rise of Arturo Ui ?) The Stalinist system (which only paid lip 
service to being communist of course) was one vast state-owned corporation 
(which used slavery, just like the modern capitalist system).

Maybe the fault lies not in the 'ism' strictly, but in ourselves? 

Yes, dear Brutus, but the fact is our selves are the product of an education 
system which inculcates certain values - like the death penalty being OK in the 
USA, despite having been abolished in most civilised countries for decades. 
Note its racial bias too, as Leonard Cohen put it Old black Joe still pickin' 
cotton to make your ribbons and bows indeed.

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 5 May 2014 19:02, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 04 May 2014, at 23:46, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 07:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not
 catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the moment. The
 money supply itself is not under the control of the market, so the system
 is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an attempt at real capitalism, it
 remains to be seen if it can survive.

 This is true, however real capitalism - free market capitalism - doesn't
 work because it doesn't pay the full (i.e. environmental) price of

 Free market capitalism just stop to work when it is not free, and when
 money is used to hide the fact that the products does not work or have bad
 side effects.

 I'm not sure it works because what about the commons (infrastructure etc).
People need to get together in larger groups that companies to provide
those, i.e. you need some government. Or is this just quibbling over

 At least it hasn't to date, which means so far it's just been a bubble /
 ponzi scheme.

 It has became like that. The power separations leak.

 It was always like that, whenever the environmental cost wasn't paid. The
Earth was able to hide the cost for a while but the natural carbon sinks
are getting full.

 A system that paid fair wages and the full costs of production, and had a
 free market and a government limited to providing infrastructure could be
 called successful capitalism (or it could equally be called successful
 communism) but we don't have it yet,

 We lost it, from time to time.

 And place to place. As long as you have an unfair system somewhere (e.g.
Third World) the rest will exploit it any the whole system becomes unfair.
We've always done this in the West (well for centuries).

 and until we do we can't claim that we've *ever* had a system that works.

 Capitalism works very well, unless it get sick. Everything alive can get
 think. To attack capitalism, is like judging that blood is the culprit of
 cancer, because blood feed the cancer cells. But blood (money) is not the
 culprit: it is the cancer cells which pervert the blood circulation, and it
 is the bandits which pervert the economy.

 Quite possibly but it has never yet been very healthy. Always there's been
the British Empire in India or the slave trade of whatever (JUST RANDOM
EXAMPLES (like the Crusaders) THERE ARE A MILLION MORE!!!)

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 5 May 2014 20:19, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 11:46 PM, LizR wrote:

 On 5 May 2014 07:38, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not
 catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the moment. The
 money supply itself is not under the control of the market, so the system
 is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an attempt at real capitalism, it
 remains to be seen if it can survive.

 This is true, however real capitalism - free market capitalism - doesn't
 work because it doesn't pay the full (i.e. environmental) price of
 production. At least it hasn't to date, which means so far it's just been a
 bubble / ponzi scheme.

 It is fair to argue that free market capitalism provides no mechanism to
 create some concerted effort to reduce environmental impact. However,
 neither does the current system. This is one problem one faces when
 defending the free market: one is usually cornered into comparing it with
 an *idealised* version of the current system. It will never live up to that.

I'm not comparing it. I'm saying it doesn't work. I don't say anything does
work, but I would hope our best minds would be trying to work out what
might work, rather than defending a system that doesn't.

 What makes something a bubble / ponzi scheme is the implicit necessity of
 infinite growth for sustainability. This is precisely the requirement of
 the current system, in which countries can run public debts that are larger
 than the total money supply. We just saw one iteration of the ponzi scheme
 explode in 2007. Or the current european pensions scheme, where workers pay
 the pensions of retired people -- which require infinite population growth
 for it not to collapse. In fact, my generation is the one in whose hands
 the system exploded, we are likely not going to have any pensions, and
 there are already aggressive cuts happening even for the currently retired
 (who payed for full pensions all their lives but now only get a part of it,
 they would be better off had they been allowed to just save that money).

 A free market where the government cannot issue money is the furthest
 possible thing from a ponzi scheme: you cannot lend money that does not
 exist. The opposite of ponzi scheme is an economy based on deflation, which
 also has another nice property: your money tends to increase in value with
 time, so it also solves the pensions issue in a sustainable manner, which
 is directly indexed to economic activity. It can only increase in value
 insofar as there is a matching increase in resources.

I agree, I have long said that the problem with the current system is the
religious desire for economic growth, which leads to the production of
baubles while elsewhere people starve. (But unlimited growth is the
mantra of free market capitalism, at least in its current form...)
Unlimited growth = ponzi scheme, environmentally if in no other way.

If we can exploit the resources of the solar system, at least, it would
make more sense. We have a long way to go to Kardashev One. But no sign
of that happening and the Earth passed its carrying capacity in (it's
estimated) the 1980s. Since then we've been running on empty.

 Also, the environmental costs don't make it a ponzi scheme because the
 savings they enable are reflected in the cost of goods: provided there is
 free competition.

They do, because if no one pays (ie cleans up, restores the atmosphere,
replaces the fossil fuels etc) we are forcing future generations to live in
a degraded world, and possibly even die to pay our bills.

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Re: The British Comedian's Joke

2014-05-05 Thread Russell Standish
On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 01:09:47PM +0200, Telmo Menezes wrote:
 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:49 AM, wrote:
  The late Bob Monkhouse was way before my time and never trendy. But aft er
  he died they looked at his jokes, which were just simple and so funny they
  decided he was a genius. Here is one of his jokes that makes me laugh every
  time: He's a stand up comedian and he says to the audience:
  When I told them I wanted to be a comedian they laughed in my face. Well
  no one's laughing now
 Nice :)
 I have a theory: a culture cannot be simultaneously good at comedy and
 gastronomy. Case in point: the British vs. the French.

Not sure about standup, but the French do do a good farce. Examples: La
Cage aux Folles, or Topaz.

(The American version of La Cage aux Folles (Birdcage, IIRC) was
rubbish compared with the French original).



Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 5 May 2014 22:44, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 The rigged game of inflationist economies became obvious with feminism:
 once women joined the work force, it became harder for families to survive
 on a single salary. It's an enslavement system that deprives children of
 spending time with their parents, with all the well known psychological

Something else I've been saying for years, much to the disgust of some of
my feminist friends. What has feminism achieved? A doubling in house
prices. Yes, what we have now is everyone working harder to enrich the 1%
even more.

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Re: Evolution from Scripture

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 6 May 2014 08:22, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 In the US, if I may be so opinionated, would tell Lenny that Mr. Joe.. is
 now US president, even though he hates the other 50% of the country. Those
 people of Joe's hue, like anyone else, can, if one possess a bit of talent,
 and ambition, can do fair for themselves, and I know this, because I used
 to school with

Cohen's point is that a particular group in society is economically
disadvantaged (and far more likely to end up on death row, disgustingly)
due to the country's Imperialist past.

 Whatever economic track you chose, my response to you and Leonard is guilt
 is a very, poor, reason for helping the working poor. It's enough that we

Correct. I don't like A Christmas Carol either. The only good way to do
it is to redistribute wealth more fairly, unfortunately that is very hard
to arrange in practice. The Chinese execute corrupt financiers, given the
US's love affair with the medieval death penalty, maybe you will think they
have a good point?

 to help. If you identify Joe as people overseas, then we get in the same
 go-round about pollution lectures about the West, and ignore the Asian
 tiger in the room. Yes, people look for dropped change under a street lamp
 because they can see better.

I have never ignored the Asian tiger. *Everyone* who pollutes and doesn't
pay for the cleanup and other consequences is running the same Ponzi scheme.

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Re: The British Comedian's Joke

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 6 May 2014 10:45, Russell Standish wrote:

 On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 01:09:47PM +0200, Telmo Menezes wrote:
  On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:49 AM, wrote:
   The late Bob Monkhouse was way before my time and never trendy. But
 aft er
   he died they looked at his jokes, which were just simple and so funny
   decided he was a genius. Here is one of his jokes that makes me laugh
   time: He's a stand up comedian and he says to the audience:
   When I told them I wanted to be a comedian they laughed in my face.
   no one's laughing now
  Nice :)
  I have a theory: a culture cannot be simultaneously good at comedy and
  gastronomy. Case in point: the British vs. the French.

 Not sure about standup, but the French do do a good farce. Examples: La
 Cage aux Folles, or Topaz.

 I have seen a few good French comedy films. M. Hulot's holiday comes to
mind (and La Cage aux Folles) but there have been a lot of more recent
ones but I can't recall the names offhand.

On the other hand, I'm told their cuisine has gone downhill, and has in
fact been surpassed by many countries (mainly due to complacency, I think).
And their wines, I'm told on good authority (that of a French vineyard
owner) are rubbish compared to New Zealand's.

Mind you, NZ can definitely do good comedy AND good food (see Flight of the
Conchords and Peter Gordon for example).

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2014-05-05 Thread LizR
I thought that book was something to do with The Two Ronnies 8)

I must be thinking of that other thread on British comedy.

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2014-05-05 Thread John Ross
I checked them out on U-Tube.  Pretty funny.

J Ross


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: TRONNIES


I thought that book was something to do with The Two Ronnies 8)

I must be thinking of that other thread on British comedy.


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2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 6 May 2014 07:00, John Ross wrote:

 Here are the  first 14.  You can see more of my model at

 I don't wish to be contrary, but most of those aren't predictions. A
prediction has to involve something that can be observed and / or measured.
Most of the 14 predictions are concerned with describing the
*elements of*the theory; they aren't testable predictions that can be
derived *from
*the theory.

In Frank Tipler's book The Physics of Immortality he described a theory
and made several testable predictions based on it. For example, he
predicted that the mass of the Higgs boson would be around 220 GeV. Since
the Higgs' mass has now been measured as around 125 GeV his theory has been
shown to be wrong (well, the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the
Universe also made the Omega point somewhat harder to achieve).

I would consider a prediction to be something similar to Tipler's.

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Re: Video of VCR

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
On 3 May 2014 09:39, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Thursday, May 1, 2014 9:07:13 PM UTC-4, stathisp wrote:

Do you believe that mathematical truths are true independent of mind?

 I'm not sure what mind is. I understand that nothing can exist
 independently of sensory experience, including mathematical truths.

That seems to be a no. So if things don't exist independently of sensory
experience, where do they come from when we first observe them? Did the
planet Uranus not exist before William Herschell observed it?

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Re: Honey Bee

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
As Dr Seuss might have put it,

Sam - I - am - not!

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Re: Honey Bee

2014-05-05 Thread Samiya Illias

 On 06-May-2014, at 6:20 am, LizR wrote:
 As Dr Seuss might have put it,
 Sam - I - am - not!

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Re: UDA video (was Re: saying no to the doctor...)

2014-05-05 Thread LizR
First I get to see Max Tegmark giving a talk, and now you! :-)

(Or at least I will when I have time.)

On 6 May 2014 02:17, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 05 May 2014, at 13:07, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 04 May 2014, at 14:43, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 The machine:

 Bad news from the doctor:

 Turing test:

 LOL. Not bad. Actually I made myself comic trips to explain UDA in the
 earlier version. I was used to draw a lot. Comics are pretty to use to
 describe that type of thought experiment.

 Come on Bruno, show us!

 My scanner does not work. But I found the diary, so I need just to think
 taking it next time I go at IRIDIA (and that someone show me how to find
 and use some scanner which should be there) ...

 Meanwhile, to console you, here is my last talk at IRIDIA. It is a
 playlist of 3 videos not yet publicly available on YouTube (you can't find
 it by searching on YT, but feel free to share).

 The sound in that room was terrible, so please believe I can be less
 bad---in english, but for the talk itself I missed some occasion to be
 clearer. I regret also my comment on atheism (which was not useful).

 My friends who did the video made a good job to save as much as possible
 from that bad sound though:

 Feel free to comment, here or there.

 Have you seen  if that author tackles the duplication theme?

 I don't think so, but (s)he makes fun of logicians:

 A bit a classical theme, yet I always laugh at such logician humor :)



  (Like in UDA or in the movie prestige). Let us know if and when (that
 should exist) you find one. I might scan my own comics and send it here.




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