Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Sim Reset

2005-12-20 Thread Stefan Seifert

Alex Romosan wrote:

Alex Romosan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
+  delete Atmosphere; Atmosphere=0;

I know there's no real styleguide for FlightGear. But please let's stick 
to the one command per line rule. Lines are not that expensive after all :)

And I think it's even more obvious, when you can look if only every odd 
line is a delete.

delete Atmosphere;
delete FCS;
delete Propulsion;


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next world scenery build

2005-12-20 Thread Stefan Seifert

Martin Spott wrote:

Dave Culp wrote:
Adding to that, think of the Scenery Objects database. This database

has been live for several months now and we're far from the situation
where we have to queue submissions because we can't cope with the
workload. The opposite is the case: I'm happy for every contribution.
Think of TaxiDraw: This is a great tool for creating or improving
airport layouts. It appears to me that the number of X-Plane users
employing TaxiDraw for their airport layouts supersedes the number of
FlightGear-TaxiDraw users significantly.

Well, TaxiDraw is it's own story. Took me some hours to get it running 
(due to wxGTK incompatibilities that are worked on in the CVS version). 
Did one airport as good as I could but never submitted because actually 
looking at the result would have taken me several more hours to play 
with terragear and scenery generation, which I just did not have then.

That's not really encouraging to do more.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next world scenery build

2005-12-20 Thread Stefan Seifert

Martin Spott wrote:

I usually don't judge a piece of software after just one single use - I
wonder how you managed to stick to FlightGear as it definitely has some
rough edges for the first-time user.
Having at least a second try with TaxiDraw does not only get you into
routine, you probably also have the chance to explore additional
features. _And_, you don't have to build the scenery - just submit your
airport and you'll see how it looks after the next scenery update.

I'm sorry, I did not want to offend anyone and I for sure did not judge 
TaxiDraw. If I had to, I'd say it's a great tool, as it allowed even me 
to somehow model that airport quite easily.

I just wanted to point out, that the reason for so few people (if it 
really are few) use it yet is, that it may be just too difficult and/or 
time consuming to start using it. I actually took some hours to port 
TaxiDraw to wxGTK-2.6 so I could finally compile it. Never submitted the 
patch though, because someone else obviously did the same and without 
CVS history it was nearly impossible to merge the changes. I'm for sure 
no one that gives up too early because of a few rough edges.

I normally try to get something into the best shape possible before 
submitting my work. Using TaxiDraw for the first time and not knowing if 
I did it anything nearly correct, I just didn't feel comfortable 
submitting it. Also like I said, it's not too much fun to do something 
and having to wait for months before being able to try it out and see 
the results. Maybe I, or someone else finds the time somewhere to try to 
make the scenery generation part easier.

So I hope you accept my apologies.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next world scenery build

2005-12-20 Thread Stefan Seifert

Martin Spott wrote:

Then, why don't you simply post a link to your work and ask someone
else to have a look at it. I didn't feel offended by your decision not
to try TaxiDraw, I simply can't follow your argument.

That's actually an interesting idea. Didn't occur to me.
So if someone wants to see my first steps in TaxiDraw, here it is...


Description: MPEG movie
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Options saving patches

2005-12-17 Thread Stefan Seifert

Erik Hofman wrote:
Lighten up, I just started looking at this patch since Fred promised 
to fill in the missing gaps.

I just noticed, that this patch could break compilation, since in 
sg_patch.cxx the new method is called makeDir and in the header it's 
still makedir. I know, I should always test before sending, but it was 
late yesterday and it was only a coding style fix...

I'm about to add a --fghome command line option along with FGHOME 
enviroment variable support as of Melchior's request. Hope to post a new 
version today, which should be worth porting.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Options saving patches

2005-12-17 Thread Stefan Seifert

Erik Hofman wrote:
I noticed this already. I think I like it to be called create() 
instead, but that's a different matter.

Maybe createDir? Because it's a member of SGPath which may as well be 
the path to a file. So it'd be confusing if path_to_a_file.create() 
created a directory.

I haven't checked the code yet, but I seem to recall this is already 
available somewhere?

Don't know. The other code uses the HOME environment variable, which my 
patch is using, too.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Options saving patches

2005-12-16 Thread Stefan Seifert


attached are the latest versions of my options saving patches. For those 
who missed it (probably because they were posted in the KLN89 GPS 
added thread):
they implement persistent dialog options, so changes in rendering, 
static LOD and sound settings dialogs are made permanent.
For this I patched SimGear to allow a new attribute on property nodes 
(userarchive) and generalized the writeProperties, writeNode and 
isArchivable methods to support arbitrary archive flags. FlightGear is 
reading in the ~/.fgfs/preferences.xml file at startup and writes the 
properties to it on exit. The new function in this patch is that the 
directory is created if it does not exist yet. For this I added the 
makeDir method to SGPath.

Missing is support for Windows, where the directory should be like 
%PROFILE%/Application Data/FlightGear (or such). Also I don't know if 
Windows supports the mkdir function. Would be nice if someone could port.

Also nice would be any review of the code :) and of course some info 
about how the chances are for inclusion.

Index: simgear/misc/sg_path.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/misc/sg_path.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -3 -p -r1.12 sg_path.cxx
--- simgear/misc/sg_path.cxx	19 Nov 2004 21:44:16 -	1.12
+++ simgear/misc/sg_path.cxx	16 Dec 2005 23:03:26 -
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
 #include simgear/compiler.h
 #include simgear_config.h
+#include simgear/debug/logstream.hxx
 #include stdio.h
+#include sys/stat.h
+#include sys/types.h
 #include sg_path.hxx
@@ -183,6 +186,12 @@ bool SGPath::exists() const {
+void SGPath::makeDir( __mode_t mode ) {
+if ( mkdir( dir().c_str(), mode ) ) {
+	SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, Error creating directory:  + dir() );
 string_list sgPathSplit( const string search_path ) {
 string tmp = search_path;
 string_list result;
Index: simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -3 -p -r1.7 sg_path.hxx
--- simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx	19 Nov 2004 21:44:16 -	1.7
+++ simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx	16 Dec 2005 23:03:26 -
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ public:
 bool exists() const;
+ * Create the designated directory.
+ */
+void makedir(__mode_t mode);
 void fix();
Index: simgear/props/props.hxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/props/props.hxx,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -3 -p -r1.14 props.hxx
--- simgear/props/props.hxx	23 Oct 2005 11:55:48 -	1.14
+++ simgear/props/props.hxx	16 Dec 2005 23:03:26 -
@@ -585,7 +585,8 @@ public:
Index: simgear/props/props_io.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/props/props_io.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -3 -p -r1.10 props_io.cxx
--- simgear/props/props_io.cxx	28 Jun 2005 11:19:41 -	1.10
+++ simgear/props/props_io.cxx	16 Dec 2005 23:03:26 -
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class PropsVisitor : public XMLVisitor
-  PropsVisitor (SGPropertyNode * root, const string base)
-: _root(root), _level(0), _base(base), _hasException(false) {}
+  PropsVisitor (SGPropertyNode * root, const string base, int default_mode = 0)
+: _root(root), _level(0), _base(base), _hasException(false), _default_mode(default_mode) {}
   virtual ~PropsVisitor () {}
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ private:
+  int _default_mode;
   string _data;
   SGPropertyNode * _root;
   int _level;
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ PropsVisitor::startElement (const char *
 // Get the access-mode attributes,
 // but don't set yet (in case they
 // prevent us from recording the value).
-int mode = 0;
+int mode = _default_mode;
 attval = atts.getValue(read);
 if (checkFlag(attval, true))
@@ -194,6 +195,9 @@ PropsVisitor::startElement (const char *
 attval = atts.getValue(trace-write);
 if (checkFlag(attval, false))
   mode |= SGPropertyNode::TRACE_WRITE;
+attval = atts.getValue(userarchive);
+if (checkFlag(attval, false))
+  mode |= SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE;
 // Check for an alias.
 attval = atts.getValue(alias);
@@ -299,9 +303,9 @@ PropsVisitor::warning (const char * mess
 readProperties (istream input, SGPropertyNode * start_node,
-		const string base)
+		const string base, int default_mode)
-  PropsVisitor visitor(start_node, base);
+  PropsVisitor visitor(start_node, base, default_mode);
   readXML(input, visitor, base);
   if (visitor.hasException())
 throw visitor.getException();
@@ -316,9 +320,10 @@ readProperties (istream input, 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Freeglut and game mode

2005-12-15 Thread Stefan Seifert

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Is gamemode just broken in freeglut-2.2.0?  Has anyone had this 
working with freeglut?  I would have thought we would get a lot of 
complaints if something this basic didn't work?
I always thought that this was a well known limitation of gamemode in 
FG, so never asked. Did always get 640x480 so I'm using fullscreen-mode now.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot GUI

2005-12-06 Thread Stefan Seifert

Steve Knoblock wrote:

Perhaps the autopilot element could include the location of the
Autopilot dialog. Then if the default was loaded it would just load the
existing dialog. If a location was specified, then it would load the
custom dialog.

Something like


Just my EUR 0.02: If possible (I've not looked at NASAL scripting yet) 
he auto pilot dialog should be defined in the autopilot definition 
itself. So if an aircraft does not have an autopilot there would 
automatically be no autopilot dialog. If an aircraft uses the default 
autopilot it's dialog is displayed, likewise for a special autopilot.
This asumes that menus can be changed dynamically by NASAL scripts like 
e.g. Mozilla's can through overlays. If not, I think this capability 
should be added anyway and then used for the autopilot dialog and any 
other dialog that may be specific to an aircraft (like fuel and payload).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [PATCH] GUI/menubar.[ch]xx, Main/fg_commands.cxx: add fgCommand to disable/enable menu entries

2005-12-06 Thread Stefan Seifert

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

* Melchior FRANZ -- Tuesday 06 December 2005 15:20:

the attached patch adds an fgCommand that allows to disable/enable
menu entries 

This should better be hooked into the property tree, so that one can
directly set /sim/menubar/default/menu[2]/item[3]/enabled to false and
get the menu disabled. Working on that. Comments still welcomed, though.

And I still believe, that you should not have to set this to false, but 
set it to true if you want that item enabled. If this is done in the 
general autopilot config it's automatically done for all it's users, so 
there's no change. But the semantics would look right (at least to me), 
because the autopilot should define what dialog it shows/supports. Even 
if custom autopilot dialogs are not supported yet.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Another gcc 4.0.2/SUSE 10.0 problem: engine sounds

2005-12-02 Thread Stefan Seifert


as discussed already on IRC, there seems to be another gcc 4.0.2/SUSE 
1.0 problem:
engine sounds on the 737, Concorde and every other plane that uses 
thrust_lb[0] as base for the engine sound calculation don't work on this 
Builds from SuSE 9.3 and from SUSE 10.0 compiled with -O0 instead of -O2 
work, so it looks just like the multiplayer aliasing problem.
Don't have a clue about the whole sound code, so this is definitely 
something for the C++ gurus of you.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] No 0.9.9 scenery yet?

2005-11-30 Thread Stefan Seifert

Steve Hosgood wrote:

But you could consider that after 1.0.0 things will change - if you make
it so. Have a rule that the only tarballs and other packages on the
FlightGear website are of the even subtree. Anyone wanting odd subtree
stuff must go to the CVS for it. Make sure that the even subtree doesn't
get covered in cobwebs (so to speak) such that no-one wants to run it
because it lacks all the cool new features (the 0.8 mistake).

Why the need for an odd subtree then?
Normal end users use the released packages on the webpage (currently 
0.9.9). Everyone else, including developers and bleeding edge people 
already check out from CVS.

One could branch the 1.0 tree in CVS and provide small fixes on that 
while development of big stuff goes on on CVS trunk, but that's no need 
for any change in version numbering. 1.0.x gets updated until trunk is 
stable enough to release 1.1 or so. Like Curt said, a flight simulator 
is not an essential system service where many other things build upon 
and need a stable base. Normally pretty everyone should want future 
updates as soon as they are stable enough for end users.

Don't start 1.1.x until at least 1.0.5 or 1.0.6 have come out so that
immediately post 1.0.0 the development team's efforts are aimed at
making dead sure 1.0.x will run properly. Linux kernel people rarely
start the odd subtree until at least .10 of the even subtree is out.
Linux Kernel versioning has change a _lot_ since 2.6. There is not even 
a real development branch anymore.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] KLN89 GPS added

2005-11-30 Thread Stefan Seifert

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

--- Vassilii Khachaturov  wrote:

What about labelling the fg tree with your own 1.0 pre-release label?
And branching off it, only merging in the trunk changes
that you see fit?

I think this might result in the v1.0 release withering on the branch so
to speak ;). Everyone would probably just continue adding new feature to
the non-v1.0 branch, and the v1.0 branch would end up being 0.9.9 and a
couple of small patches.

Not accepting new enhancements until after v1.0 encourages us to fix bugs,
improve docs, generalize features (e.g. the Nimitz changes) etc.

Trying to get a rock solid 1.0 release is a good idea. As it's somethink 
like the first big release for the general public, it doesn't have to 
have every feature you could think of (there has to be room for 
improvement, after all ;))

But the question is: what is a bug, and what is a feature that can wait?

For example I'd strongly consider the missing options saving a bug that 
has to be fixed before we give FlightGear to all the people out there. 
They are used to this behavior from nearly every program they use, and 
will expect the same from FG. Others may think, that we lived without 
this feature (who doesn't have his own private preferences.xml in the 
search path?) and it would be too an intrusive change. But that's the 
difference between a developer and an end user release.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] KLN89 GPS added

2005-11-30 Thread Stefan Seifert

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

For example I'd strongly consider the missing options saving a bug that
has to be fixed before we give FlightGear to all the people out there.
They are used to this behavior from nearly every program they use, and
will expect the same from FG. Others may think, that we lived without
this feature (who doesn't have his own private preferences.xml in the
search path?) and it would be too an intrusive change. But that's the
difference between a developer and an end user release.


I agree that this is a very serious feature for 1.0 inclusion.
Maybe if we just have several people signing off the patch before
inclusion (by 1) reading the code 2) testing it locally 3) sending an
email to the list it's OK from their point of view for the 1.0)
this will help.

Personally, I will be willing to do this to the above patch.

For what it's worth.  There are many people that say, We can't do a 
v1.0 release without feature XYZ and then do nothing to impliment 
feature XYZ.  Or they might say, how can we include feature A without 
including feature B, but no one has stepped forward to work on feature 
B but someone has finished feature A.

Not to sound like a broken record, but in the open source world, if no 
one steps forward to work on a particular feature, it just isn't going 
to happen.  It won't get added to v1.0 if no one takes the 
responsibility upon themselves to do it.

So that said, your offer to actually work on a suggested feature is 
like a beacon in the darkness! :-)
I think you misunderstood this a little. I'm currently doing this patch. 
Vassilii offered to do review and testing. That aside, you'll see some 
code this evening. Have just to remove one issue.
I think that if you could get this working well, it would be worthy of 
inclusion in 1.0.  However, I suspect there are a number of *really* 
tricky issues to deal with and that's probably why the feature doesn't 
work correctly now.
When first talking about this, I instantly got the response, that it 
will most likely not make it in 1.0, which is not very encouraging...
So before you get too far, I think I would be very interested in 
hearing how you plan to attack this, and perhaps what the scope of 
your patch might be.
The scope I thought about is actually not really difficult to reach. I 
do just want to make changes a user makes in the option dialogs 
(rendering options, level of detail, sound volume, maybe others) 
persistent. For this I changed SGProperty node to include a new 
attribute called userarchive and the writeProperties and writeNode 
methods to include a new parameter indicating which is the desired 
archive mode they should look upon. In preferences.xml I added this 
attribute to all properties that are used in mentioned dialogs (adding 
missing properties on the way).

Then in fg_commands.cxx I just dump the userarchivable properties of the 
tree to ~/.flightgear/preferences.xml. And in fg_init.cxx I read this 
file back. The only thing missing to a working version is that the 
userarchive flag gets set on all properties that are read from this 
file. This way a user could simply add other properties he wants to be 
saved on exit.
Things to consider ... dumping out the entire property tree and 
reading it back will not accomplish the task because many properties 
represent derived values.  And much of the simulator 'state' is 
maintained internally in the C/C++ code and will not react correctly 
if the appropriate initialization functions (and sequence of function 
calls) is not called.  It can become really tricky stuff.

The dialog properties work pretty straight forward as far as I can tell.
You may want to attack this in small steps ... for instance start out 
with just getting save/load of aircraft position working.  Then move 
on to other chunks of the property tree adding and testing them one by 
one ...

Isn't saving aircraft stuff more something for Save flight?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] f16 flares do not work anymore - patch

2005-11-30 Thread Stefan Seifert
Releasing flares on the f16 did not work anymore. Thanks to Joacim and 
vivian we have a cure for this.

Patch attached.

Index: f16-set.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/f16/f16-set.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -3 -p -r1.8 f16-set.xml
--- f16-set.xml	14 Jun 2005 18:04:29 -	1.8
+++ f16-set.xml	30 Nov 2005 18:36:45 -
@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
-  systems
 serviceable type=bool1/serviceable
-  /systems 
@@ -71,13 +69,13 @@
  descTrigger flare release/desc
-  property/systems/submodels/submodel[0]/flare-release/property
+  property/ai/submodels/submodel[0]/flare-release/property
   value type=booltrue/value
-   property/systems/submodels/submodel[0]/flare-release/property
+   property/ai/submodels/submodel[0]/flare-release/property
value type=boolfalse/value
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] KLN89 GPS added

2005-11-30 Thread Stefan Seifert

Stefan Seifert wrote:
The scope I thought about is actually not really difficult to reach. I 
do just want to make changes a user makes in the option dialogs 
(rendering options, level of detail, sound volume, maybe others) 
persistent. For this I changed SGProperty node to include a new 
attribute called userarchive and the writeProperties and writeNode 
methods to include a new parameter indicating which is the desired 
archive mode they should look upon. In preferences.xml I added this 
attribute to all properties that are used in mentioned dialogs (adding 
missing properties on the way).

Then in fg_commands.cxx I just dump the userarchivable properties of 
the tree to ~/.flightgear/preferences.xml. And in fg_init.cxx I read 
this file back. The only thing missing to a working version is that 
the userarchive flag gets set on all properties that are read from 
this file. This way a user could simply add other properties he wants 
to be saved on exit.

As promised, here is the code. The three patches are for FlightGear, 
SimGear and the preferences.xml, where properties are marked for 
inclusion in the user preferences.xml

Please review, test, discuss, comment :)

? jsb-gear-compression.patch
? src/Controls/.deps
? src/Controls/Makefile
? src/Controls/
? src/Instrumentation/KLN89/.deps
? src/Instrumentation/KLN89/Makefile
? src/Instrumentation/KLN89/
? src/Objects/Makefile
? src/Objects/
? src/Replay/.deps
? src/Replay/Makefile
? src/Replay/
Index: src/Main/fg_commands.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_commands.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -3 -p -r1.64 fg_commands.cxx
--- src/Main/fg_commands.cxx	11 Nov 2005 07:17:26 -	1.64
+++ src/Main/fg_commands.cxx	30 Nov 2005 20:32:24 -
@@ -189,9 +189,25 @@ do_nasal (const SGPropertyNode * arg)
 static bool
 do_exit (const SGPropertyNode * arg)
-  SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Program exit requested.);
-  fgExit(arg-getIntValue(status, 0));
-  return true;
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Program exit requested.);
+SGPath config( globals-get_fg_root() );
+char* envp = ::getenv( HOME );
+if ( envp != NULL ) {
+config.set( envp );
+config.append( .flightgear );
+config.append( preferences.xml );
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Saving user preferences);
+try {
+writeProperties(config.str(), globals-get_props(), false, SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE);
+} catch (const sg_exception e) {
+guiErrorMessage(Error saving preferences: , e);
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Finished Saving user preferences);
+fgExit(arg-getIntValue(status, 0));
+return true;
Index: src/Main/fg_init.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_init.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.139
diff -u -3 -p -r1.139 fg_init.cxx
--- src/Main/fg_init.cxx	29 Nov 2005 03:12:24 -	1.139
+++ src/Main/fg_init.cxx	30 Nov 2005 20:32:26 -
@@ -607,6 +607,18 @@ bool fgInitConfig ( int argc, char **arg
 SG_LOG( SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, No default aircraft specified );
+SGPath config( globals-get_fg_root() );
+char* envp = ::getenv( HOME );
+if ( envp != NULL ) {
+config.set( envp );
+config.append( .flightgear );
+config.append( preferences.xml );
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Reading user preferences);
+fgLoadProps(config.str().c_str(), globals-get_props(), false, SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE);
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Finished Reading user preferences);
 // parse options after loading aircraft to ensure any user
 // overrides of defaults are honored.
 do_options(argc, argv);
Index: src/Main/fg_props.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_props.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -3 -p -r1.22 fg_props.cxx
--- src/Main/fg_props.cxx	17 Nov 2005 15:47:01 -	1.22
+++ src/Main/fg_props.cxx	30 Nov 2005 20:32:27 -
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ fgLoadFlight (istream input)
-fgLoadProps (const char * path, SGPropertyNode * props, bool in_fg_root)
+fgLoadProps (const char * path, SGPropertyNode * props, bool in_fg_root, int default_mode)
 string fullpath;
 if (in_fg_root) {
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ fgLoadProps (const char * path, SGProper
 try {
-readProperties(fullpath, props);
+readProperties(fullpath, props, default_mode);
 } catch (const sg_exception e) {
 guiErrorMessage(Error reading properties: , e);
 return false;
Index: src/Main/fg_props.hxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_props.hxx,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5 fg_props.hxx

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RenderTexture bug

2005-11-24 Thread Stefan Seifert

Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

On Donnerstag 24 November 2005 04:44, Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

X Error of failed request:  GLXUnsupportedPrivateRequest
  Major opcode of failed request:  145 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (X_GLXVendorPrivate)
  Serial number of failed request:  30
  Current serial number in output stream:  31

Well, as far as I can see and remember:
The client libraries send a request to the 'display system' and the 'display 
system' bails out with an 'unsupported request'.
The error message is somehow misslieading, since the problem happens when 
communicating with dri/drm instead of the X server - the reason I called it 
'display system' above.
I just wanted to note, that when it is clear, that it's a bug in ATI's 
drivers, someone should post a bugreport in the ATI driver Bugzilla:
This is actually a place where driver developers are watching and a good 
chance that such bugs get fixed. Before posting, you should read the 
instructions at:
which is btw. a thread in _the_ most useful forum for Linux using ATI 
card owners:


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Release of v0.9.9 source code

2005-11-19 Thread Stefan Seifert

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

* Erik Hofman -- Friday 18 November 2005 18:36:
After this release we'll only accept bug-fixes to the code, except for 
the new JSBSim version. Any major code changes that are not intended to 
fix one or more bugs will have to wait.

One new feature *must* go in. Otherwise the 1.0.0 release number is
IMHO not justified:

Another thing that's really missing (and was mentioned in the review) is handling of any cases other than normal flight.
Redout and Blackout are a good start, but everything from structural 
failures to things like skid sounds if you turn too quick on ground is 
missing and makes FlightGear just feel unrealistic. You can just do what 
you want and the plane survives.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Getting Started Guide - Terrain/Objects

2005-11-14 Thread Stefan Seifert

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

OK, I'll suggest /var/share/FlightGear/WorldScenery/[Terrain|Objects] for
*nix, and FG_ROOT\Scenery\[Terrain|Objects] for Windows.

I'm sure you meant /usr/share/FlightGear/... and not /var.

Just to clarify,

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Getting Started Guide - Terrain/Objects

2005-11-14 Thread Stefan Seifert

Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, Stefan Seifert wrote:

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

OK, I'll suggest /var/share/FlightGear/WorldScenery/[Terrain|Objects] for
*nix, and FG_ROOT\Scenery\[Terrain|Objects] for Windows.


I'm sure you meant /usr/share/FlightGear/... and not /var.

I thought /var because of the indeterministic size --- some folks will
terrasync only a small local area, some will more...
terrasync is another story, which is no problem through giving 
FlightGear two scenery paths.

Additionally no one should run terrasync as root anyway, so it can't 
write to /var/share/FlightGear. terrasync users should have their own 
scenery directory in their homes or anywhere their user is able to write.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Getting Started Guide - Terrain/Objects

2005-11-14 Thread Stefan Seifert

Oliver C. wrote:
To make use of /usr/local/games/flightgear/ or /opt/flightgear/ by 
default we

should change the configure script accordingly.
As FlightGear is a self contained package (including binaries, libs and 
data) it belongs to /opt/flightgear according to the FHS. Which would 
also prevent us from living under .../games ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] saving options

2005-11-13 Thread Stefan Seifert


in an attempt to make fgfs a little more user friendly, I implemented 
persistence for changes to some options, namely the rendering dialog, 
sound volume and static-lod settings. They are saved to 
~/.fgfs/preferences.xml on exit and loaded in on startup.

This patch is just for review and testing as it can and has to be 
improved. The path is static and as such not really platform 
independent, and maybe there are more options worth saving. And I don't 
like that all saved properties are now listed in fg_commands.cxx. There 
should be a more elegant way...

Thanks for review,
Index: src/Main/fg_commands.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_commands.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -3 -p -r1.64 fg_commands.cxx
--- src/Main/fg_commands.cxx	11 Nov 2005 07:17:26 -	1.64
+++ src/Main/fg_commands.cxx	13 Nov 2005 12:46:01 -
@@ -189,9 +189,48 @@ do_nasal (const SGPropertyNode * arg)
 static bool
 do_exit (const SGPropertyNode * arg)
-  SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Program exit requested.);
-  fgExit(arg-getIntValue(status, 0));
-  return true;
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Program exit requested.);
+SGPath config( globals-get_fg_root() );
+char* envp = ::getenv( HOME );
+if ( envp != NULL ) {
+config.set( envp );
+config.append( .fgfs );
+config.append( preferences.xml );
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Saving user preferences);
+try {
+SGPropertyNode preferences;
+preferences.getNode(/sim/hud/draw-fps, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/hud/draw-fps));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/horizon-effect, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/horizon-effect));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/enhanced-lighting, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/enhanced-lighting));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/distance-attenuation, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/distance-attenuation));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/specular-highlight, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/specular-highlight));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/precipitation-enable, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/precipitation-enable));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/lightning-enable, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/lightning-enable));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/bump-mapping, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/bump-mapping));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-vis-range, true)-setFloatValue(fgGetFloat(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-vis-range));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-density, true)-setFloatValue(fgGetFloat(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-density));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-cache-size, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-cache-size));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-cache-resolution, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/rendering/clouds3d-cache-resolution));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/shadows-ac, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/shadows-ac));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/shadows-ac-transp, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/shadows-ac-transp));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/shadows-to, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/shadows-to));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/shadows-ai, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/shadows-ai));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/shadows-debug, true)-setBoolValue(fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/shadows-debug));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/static-lod/detailed, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/rendering/static-lod/detailed));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/static-lod/rough, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/rendering/static-lod/rough));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/rendering/static-lod/bare, true)-setIntValue(fgGetInt(/sim/rendering/static-lod/bare));
+preferences.getNode(/sim/sound/volume, true)-setFloatValue(fgGetFloat(/sim/sound/volume));
+writeProperties(config.str(), preferences, true);
+} catch (const sg_exception e) {
+guiErrorMessage(Error saving preferences: , e);
+SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Finished Saving user preferences);
+fgExit(arg-getIntValue(status, 0));
+return true;
Index: src/Main/fg_init.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main/fg_init.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.138
diff -u -3 -p -r1.138 fg_init.cxx
--- src/Main/fg_init.cxx	11 Nov 2005 15:08:18 -	1.138
+++ src/Main/fg_init.cxx	13 Nov 2005 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: A380 arrived in EDHI (Hamburg-Finkenwerder)

2005-11-12 Thread Stefan Seifert

Martin Spott wrote:

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On another note, this was taken in Singapore recently:

Compare to what we have in FlightGear now:

You might want to ignore the two Windows PeeCees for your model  ;-)

Are they even Windows? Didn't see an answer in the comments.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: OT: FYI, mac os x developers,

2005-11-12 Thread Stefan Seifert

Jeff McBride wrote:

This one is a little lost on me. I understand why quoting whole

messages, and using HTML or
various encoding schemes can be a nuisance, but to me it is easier to
write and read replies at the top of the old message. I suppose if you
are looking back in an archive, it might make more sense to read
oldest to newest from top to bottom. But that seems like a pretty easy
adjustment.  So what is the argument here against topposting?

Topposting makes only more sense, when you are too lazy to quote 
selectively instead of just quoting the whole mail (probably including 
signatures and ads...). And to have some context is not only nice when 
reading through an archive, but also when reading a lot of mail each 
day. So it's the easies if you can just open a mail, read a few lines to 
know what the topic is and then read the answer to that and not to open 
a mail, read a sentence, have no clue what it's talking about, scrolling 
to below and start searching for some this vital info.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Review

2005-11-12 Thread Stefan Seifert

Alex Perry wrote:

From: Martin Spott

Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

Maybe some German-speaking user could point the reporters to Atlas
for the moving map solution they describe as absent [...]

I probably would do, but I don't have any experience with Atlas at all,
so I'm unable to give appropriate response to the questions that I
suppose will follow 

Martin, you're welcome to respond and mention me for further questions.
I'd rather have someone whose German grammar is less rusty than mine
respond ... initially at least.

I'll write them. As a native speaker my German should be sufficient and 
before I learned to use VOR and ILS I used Atlas for navigation and 
still for lookup of frequencies.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Joystick issues with throttleAxis()

2005-11-11 Thread Stefan Seifert

Richard Bytheway wrote:

I have used systems (PS, PS2, the driver for my Saitek joystick under
Windows) which appear to monitor the highest and lowest values that have
been seen from a given axis, and assume that these are the extremes of
the axis. Obviously when you first start it up, everything is very
jittery, but you just need to move all the axes to each extreme and the
calibration is set. In fact the PS/PS2 instructions say to move both
analogue sticks in circles before using them, I guess this is to effect
the calibration.

Would it be possible to use this approach for FG?

One could argue that moving all controls is an essential part of the 
pre-flight checks, so why not using that for calibration? Just makes the 
sim even more realistic ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Which aircraft to include in v0.9.9?

2005-11-10 Thread Stefan Seifert

Innis Cunningham wrote:

Hi Stefan

 Stefan Seifert writes

Before 0.9.9 is released I think one problem should be resolved: on 
some planes (like the 737, f16, Concorde, fokker100) the engine 
sounds are missing. Specifically Sounds/jet.wav is not audible.

I discussed this problem some weeks ago on the IRC channel and tried 
to find out what's causing it. It's no local problem and happens to 
all planes that use the /engines/engine[0]/thrust_lb[0] property for 
volume calculation. I had to stop investigating due to some real life 
stealing my time, but I'm sure this should be fixed before a release.

I do a lot of my model testing on a 9.4 copy of FG and the engine sound
is working just fine there.I will check out the 737 in 9.8 today and 
see if I

can get to the bottom of it

Sorry, should have given some more information (has been a little late 
yesterday): the problem started somewhere in the first three weeks of 
October. I do not have a more specific date, since I was on vacation on 
that time. It still persists in the current CVS version. The aircraft 
datafiles did not change, so it has to be somewhere in FlightGear or 
maybe SimGear code, but I have still too little experience to say more. 
Maybe I'll get to some more testing on the weekend.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Which aircraft to include in v0.9.9?

2005-11-10 Thread Stefan Seifert

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

It's not the UFO that's superfluous, but the discussion about its

removal. I wouldn't even list it as an aircraft that's up for
discussion. Sheesh.

Good point. I would drop it from the aircraft list, but not from 
distribution. It's no real aircraft and doesn't use real space, so no 
point in blocking another aircraft for it.

Generally I'd say the most developed aircrafts should be included. It's 
all about first impression here, as everyone can download additional 
aircrafts without much hassle. The first impression should just be as 
good as possible, so the included collection should show as much of 
FlightGear as possible. There's no use in being technically perfekt and 
having thousands of features if the users won't see it.

My two cents...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Freeglut on SuSE 10.0

2005-11-10 Thread Stefan Seifert

Steve Knoblock wrote:

I tried a suggestion on the SuSE forums to issue an yast -i
package.rpm command, but nothing seemed to happen. No error, nothing
was added to my Yast config as far as I can tell. I am uncomfortable
(prefer to let Yast handle it) issuing an rpm command, but perhaps I
should try that?

You should definitely try it. Just issue
rpm -Uvh --oldpackage freeglut-2.2.0-83.i586.rpm

The options mean:
-U upgrade an existing package
-v verbose
-h print a nice progress bar while installing
--oldpackage install even if it is an older package

Using yast will not work, because you are actually downgrading, which is 
something normally only users do, that are already comfortable with the 
system and know what they are doing.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: howto compile on SuSE 10.0 running gcc

2005-11-09 Thread Stefan Seifert

Steve Knoblock wrote:

On Tue, 08 Nov 2005 11:26:51 -0600, you wrote:


freeglut (fgfs): Failed to create cursor
freeglut  ERROR:  Function glutSetCursor called without first calling 

I installed freeglut, all three packages found in the SuSE library.
Restarted and ran ./configure again for FG. It seems to have compiled
okay without complaining about glutInit, but I am now getting this
error. So I've made progress. ;-)

An archive post says that the CVS version does not have this problem.
Should I try the CVS version? I installed 0.9.8 because of the
previous error, just to see if the version was at fault.

Like I said yesterday: the easiest way is to install the freeglut rpms 
from SUSE 9.3. They work on 10.0, too and are available on your 
favourite mirror.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG CVS error report

2005-11-09 Thread Stefan Seifert

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

The funny thing is, though, that nobody came up with an alternative
'theme' yet.

And why should one? The new style is very nice, not too intrusive when 
flighing at night. And it works now, so what more coule one want?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Which aircraft to include in v0.9.9?

2005-11-09 Thread Stefan Seifert
Before 0.9.9 is released I think one problem should be resolved: on some 
planes (like the 737, f16, Concorde, fokker100) the engine sounds are 
missing. Specifically Sounds/jet.wav is not audible.

I discussed this problem some weeks ago on the IRC channel and tried to 
find out what's causing it. It's no local problem and happens to all 
planes that use the /engines/engine[0]/thrust_lb[0] property for volume 
calculation. I had to stop investigating due to some real life stealing 
my time, but I'm sure this should be fixed before a release.

If someone has an idea what caused this I could spend some more time for 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] 737 nosewheel animations

2005-11-09 Thread Stefan Seifert


attached are two small patches for giving the 737 nosewheel some 
animations. Namely it rotates when steering and compresses on breaking. 
For the latter I attached a one line patch that let's JSBsim expose 
compression-norm to the property tree just like YaSim.

I don't know if this is in any way correct, but it gives some plausible 
movement visually. Now if there were some skid sounds you could get an 
impression how such a large plane feels like on the ground ;)

diff -u -3 -p -r1.36 JSBSim.cxx
--- src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx	1 Nov 2005 13:41:49 -	1.36
+++ src/FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx	9 Nov 2005 21:18:59 -
@@ -1023,6 +1023,7 @@ void FGJSBsim::init_gear(void )
   node-setBoolValue(has-brake, gear-GetBrakeGroup()  0);
   node-setDoubleValue(position-norm, FCS-GetGearPos());
   node-setDoubleValue(tire-pressure-norm, gear-GetTirePressure());
+  node-setDoubleValue(compression-norm, gear-GetCompLen());
   if ( gear-GetSteerable() )
 node-setDoubleValue(steering-norm, gear-GetSteerNorm());
@@ -1038,6 +1039,7 @@ void FGJSBsim::update_gear(void)
   node-getChild(wow, 0, true)-setBoolValue( gear-GetWOW());
   node-getChild(position-norm, 0, true)-setDoubleValue(FCS-GetGearPos());
+  node-setDoubleValue(compression-norm, gear-GetCompLen());
   if ( gear-GetSteerable() )
 node-setDoubleValue(steering-norm, gear-GetSteerNorm());
diff -u -3 -p -r1.3 boeing733.xml
--- Models/boeing733.xml	17 Feb 2004 09:39:46 -	1.3
+++ Models/boeing733.xml	9 Nov 2005 21:13:35 -
@@ -42,6 +42,35 @@
+ animation
+  typerotate/type
+  object-namenosegear/object-name
+  property/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm/property
+  factor-35/factor
+  center
+   x-m-11.1/x-m
+   y-m0/y-m
+   z-m-0.40/z-m
+  /center
+  axis
+   x0/x
+   y0/y
+   z1/z
+  /axis
+ /animation
+ animation
+  typetranslate/type
+  object-namenosegear/object-name
+  property/gear/gear/compression-norm/property
+  factor0.3/factor
+  axis
+   x0/x
+   y0/y
+   z1/z
+  /axis
+ /animation
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] howto compile on SuSE 10.0 running gcc 4.0.2 and freeglut 2.4.0

2005-11-08 Thread Stefan Seifert

Torsten Dreyer wrote:

Hi everybody,

just tried to get latest CVS compiled on a fresh install of SuSE 10.0. It has 
gcc 4.0.2 and freeglut 2.4.0 installed. It compiles, but does not run due to 
the known 

freeglut (fgfs): Failed to create cursor
freeglut  ERROR:  Function glutSetCursor called without first calling 

stuff. Trying to compile freeglut 2.2.0 brings up a lot of compile errors on 

The easier way is to just install the SuSE 9.3 rpm of freeglut. It 
installs just fine without dependency problems or such.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] OpenGL on Suse

2005-11-06 Thread Stefan Seifert

configure: error: OpenGL header file not found

Please just install the xorg-x11-Mesa-devel package. Your 3d seems to 
work just fine and there is no 3d without OpenGL in Linux. Also your 
xorg.conf is just fine with Driver fglrx on modern ATIs.
If configure is complaining about something missing, just check if you 
have that libarary installed and additionally the according -devel package.

Oh and never believe what 3Ddiag says. At least for me it never worked. 
Always complained about no 3d card found, but the 3d apps themselves ran 
just nicely.


Flightgear-devel mailing list