Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-18 Thread David Barbour
Yikes! I've been lured too far off topic.

Putting aside whether graphics or maps are awe-inspiring, or breath taking,
or of another rare quality, the relevant issue is shifting the creativity
burden over to the computer while:
* supporting human direction at whatever level-of-detail the human is
concerned with
* achieving a quality such that the human doesn't feel the need to be
concerned with the lower levels of detail
* significantly enhancing productivity - i.e. actual quantity of
acceptable-quality elements

I personally believe that generative grammars ( hold the most promise for these
purposes - easy to extend and constrain and abstract. Flexible, like
mad-libbing a map. I suspect that grammars would also serve as a useful
`genome` for genetic programming models.

As note, though, existing technologies are already well proven - e.g. knobs
and dials and seeded fractals.

Feedback from users was suggested, but doesn't obviate need for a theory to
actually utilize this feedback.

It might be possible to use `simulated runs` to help select maps. For
example, run bots on a shooter map to judge fairness.

Does anyone else have suggestions for how we might pursue the goal of
`collaborative creativity`?



On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:47 PM, David Barbour wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 Noted, but not relevant to my point.

 Oh? You say that without any explanation? Perhaps you need some hand
 holding to follow my logic.

 1) You make an argument about contexts being `awe inspiring to humanity as
 a whole`.
 2) Given the human potential for psychopathy, autism, aspergers, and other
 psychological classifications, it is impossible to find anything
 awe-inspiring to all humans.
 3) Therefore, your `humanity as a whole` reduces to a statistical argument
 about a group of humans.
 4) I describe your argument as `an anthropocentric statistical metric`.
 5) I point out that even such metrics are influenced (subject to) culture.
 6) Therefore, my argument is relevant to your point.

 Indeed, I believe it completely undermines your point. `awe-inspiring` is
 simply not an objective property.

 I'd posit that everything is inherently related. I call this inherent
 relationship context, or is-ness if you will.

 How is such a position - which doesn't seem to make any distinctions -
 useful in this context? Actually, how is it useful for anything whatsoever?

 Sure. Over at

 Sorry I was implying given a technologically-driven only context. (As
 in... impossible without high technology) All of those works could be
 theoretically done more or less with an analogue medium, no?

 Speaking of the theoretically possible is always a fun and fantastic
 exercise. Theoretically, all the oxygen in your room could just happen to
 miss your lungs for the few minutes it takes to die. Theoretically, cosmic
 rays could flip bits into jpeg-encoded pornography on your computer.
 Theoretically, yes, those images could be generated on an analogue medium.

 But if we speak in practical terms - of what is `feasible` rather than
 what is `possible` - then, no, those images would not be created in an
 analog medium. They are the result of trial and error and tweaking that
 would be `infeasible` in human time frames without the technology. The
 precision of light and shadow would similarly be infeasible.

 long-lasting impacting meaning the impact lasts for a long time not as
 in the sense that the activity itself is long-lasting.

 Of the things I've found inspiring that had a long-lasting impact, none
 inspired `awe`.



fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-18 Thread Devon D Sparks
There's a trend in architecture schools to offload the form-finding creative 
burden to computers with the use of shape grammars. Though they're a driving 
force in many departments, some will admit behind closed doors that they're 
also a bit of a red herring, and that years in the spotlight have yet to bear 
fruit. My own observations are that, rather than easing the burden, shape 
grammars have shifted the focus of labor: students trade their Olfa knives for 
a keyboard and mouse, and spend hours debugging Rhino scripts instead of 
erasing lines. Because most grammars are agnostic to physical law, they also 
generate needlessly inefficient, material-laden architecture, which rightfully 
sends the building scientists into the streets screaming blasphemy.

I've found that I'm most productive in creative endeavors when my goals are 
specific, resources are constrained, tools are comprehensible and transparent, 
and my attention is focused. I particularly love the sense of immersion that 
comes when sketching a scene, writing an essay, repairing a small engine or 
designing a program  (I think it's what Csikszentmihalyi termed flow). I'd be 
lost if I had to design an entire virtual world, as its far beyond the limits 
of my imagination,  and dissatisfied if I off-loaded the work to a machine, 
because I'd always know it to be a knock-off of the real thing. Given a 
lifetime, I might be able to pull off a reasonable virtual vegetable garden.

It's much more fun to go out into the real world, ask questions of it, and use 
tools like pencils, paint, objects or mathematics to help find meaningful 
answers. One example comes from learning to draw: I remember being fascinated 
by the ideas behind perspective drawing, and was humbled that such simple 
principles could have been hidden in plain sight for so long! After playing 
around with vanishing points, it seemed that there must be some very 
fundamental relationships between the points on the horizons and lines on the 
page. This gave way to an exploration of projective geometry, which I was 
fascinated to discover is an immensely powerful way of describing relationships 
-- from mechanical linkages to structural loads and conic sections. From here 
the lines on the page could be mapped to equations of lines, and from equations 
of lines to linear algebra. Finding these relationships in ordinary things was 
a great excitement, and though I've never used the knowledge to build a
 ny large CAD tool, my small experiments on paper and in silico have given me a 
new perspective that I'll happily hold for the rest of my life. To that end, 
I'd never want a computer to create a new world to live in, but instead be an 
aid to understanding the one right in front of me.

Finally, a few books worth mentioning:

Cliff Reiters Fractals, Visualization and J, which chronicles an exploration 
of many neat ideas: from chaotic attractors, to celluar automata, fractal 
terrain generation and projective transformations. It uses J as its teaching 
language, but the code reads like executable mathematics, and could be put 
into another form without too much hassle. Reasonably priced print copies are 
hard to find, but sells the eBook for less than the price of some 

And though I'm always skeptical of attempts to mathematize art and design, 
three books worth mentioning are:

Point and Line to Plane : Kandinsky
Notes on the Synthesis of Form : Christopher Alexander
On Growth and Form : Thompson
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-18 Thread David Barbour
Thanks for this perspective.

With respect to building virtual worlds, I have long entertained the notion
of `augmented virtuality` - i.e. the converse of augmenting reality with
virtual elements is to augment a virtual world with real elements.
Consider, for example, taking all the news articles available at
cnn.comand turning them algorithmically into flowers in a garden. Each
could be unique in shape, based on a deterministic relationship to the
associated news article. Coloring might be based on classification of the
article.  Clusters might be based on links between them. Zoom in far
enough, you might even follow the links to see the articles. The garden
would continue to grow as new articles become available, or die as they are
removed from the site.

Using that technique, I don't believe I'd experience that sense of
disatisfaction - because the virtual world becomes a reflection of the real
one (albeit, one twisted liberally through a kaleidoscope) rather than a
cheap knock-off. In my hands remain algorithms but not so much artificial

RE: I'd never want a computer to create a new world to live in, but
instead be an aid to understanding the one right in front of me.

I grew up with my nose in fantasy books and adventure games. I can totally
imagine creating a new world to live in. But my interests also include
augmented reality and command and control - not just understanding the
world in front of us, but extending human reach to control it.



On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Devon D Sparks wrote:

 There's a trend in architecture schools to offload the form-finding
 creative burden to computers with the use of shape grammars. Though
 they're a driving force in many departments, some will admit behind closed
 doors that they're also a bit of a red herring, and that years in the
 spotlight have yet to bear fruit. My own observations are that, rather than
 easing the burden, shape grammars have shifted the focus of labor: students
 trade their Olfa knives for a keyboard and mouse, and spend hours debugging
 Rhino scripts instead of erasing lines. Because most grammars are agnostic
 to physical law, they also generate needlessly inefficient, material-laden
 architecture, which rightfully sends the building scientists into the
 streets screaming blasphemy.

 I've found that I'm most productive in creative endeavors when my goals
 are specific, resources are constrained, tools are comprehensible and
 transparent, and my attention is focused. I particularly love the sense of
 immersion that comes when sketching a scene, writing an essay, repairing a
 small engine or designing a program  (I think it's what Csikszentmihalyi
 termed flow). I'd be lost if I had to design an entire virtual world, as
 its far beyond the limits of my imagination,  and dissatisfied if I
 off-loaded the work to a machine, because I'd always know it to be a
 knock-off of the real thing. Given a lifetime, I might be able to pull off
 a reasonable virtual vegetable garden.

 It's much more fun to go out into the real world, ask questions of it, and
 use tools like pencils, paint, objects or mathematics to help find
 meaningful answers. One example comes from learning to draw: I remember
 being fascinated by the ideas behind perspective drawing, and was humbled
 that such simple principles could have been hidden in plain sight for so
 long! After playing around with vanishing points, it seemed that there must
 be some very fundamental relationships between the points on the horizons
 and lines on the page. This gave way to an exploration of projective
 geometry, which I was fascinated to discover is an immensely powerful way
 of describing relationships -- from mechanical linkages to structural loads
 and conic sections. From here the lines on the page could be mapped to
 equations of lines, and from equations of lines to linear algebra. Finding
 these relationships in ordinary things was a great excitement, and though
 I've never used the knowledge to build a
  ny large CAD tool, my small experiments on paper and in silico have given
 me a new perspective that I'll happily hold for the rest of my life. To
 that end, I'd never want a computer to create a new world to live in, but
 instead be an aid to understanding the one right in front of me.

 Finally, a few books worth mentioning:

 Cliff Reiters Fractals, Visualization and J, which chronicles an
 exploration of many neat ideas: from chaotic attractors, to celluar
 automata, fractal terrain generation and projective transformations. It
 uses J as its teaching language, but the code reads like executable
 mathematics, and could be put into another form without too much hassle.
 Reasonably priced print copies are hard to find, but sells the
 eBook for less than the price of some sandwiches.

 And though I'm always skeptical of attempts to mathematize art and design,
 three books worth mentioning are:

 Point and Line to Plane 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread karl ramberg
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 4:31 AM, BGB wrote:

  On 1/16/2012 6:47 PM, Casey Ransberger wrote:

 Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news

 I am still not certain, since a lot of this has a lot more to do with my
 own project than with general issues in computing.

 I had messed with a few technologies already.

 height-maps (long ago, not much used since then, generally randomized).

 the issue was mostly one of being not terribly interesting, but it makes
 sense if one wants terrain (and is fairly cheap in terms of memory use
 and performance impact).

 a more advanced variety would be to combine a height-map with a tile-map,
 where the terrain generator would also vary the texture-map to give a
 little more interest. I have considered this as a possibility.

 also tried randomly generated voxel terrain (similar to Minecraft, using
 perlin noise). issues were of being difficult to integrate well with my
 existing technology, and being very expensive in terms of both rendering
 and memory usage (particularly for storing intermediate meshes). one may
 need to devote about 500MB-1GB of RAM to the problem to have a moderately
 sized world with (with similar specifics to those in Minecraft).

 I suspect that, apart from making something like Minecraft, the technology
 is a bit too expensive and limited to really be all that generally useful
 at this point in time and on current hardware (I suspect, however, it will
 probably be much more relevant on future HW).

 I also tried randomly generated grid-based areas (basically, stuff is
 built from pre-made parts and randomly-chosen parts are put on a grid). I
 had also tried combining this with maze-generation algorithms. the results
 were functional but also nothing to get excited about. the big drawback
 was that I couldn't really think of any way to make the results of such a
 grid based generator particularly interesting (this is I think more so
 with a first-person viewpoint: such a structure is far less visually
 interesting from the inside than with a top-down or isometric view).

 it could work if one were sufficiently desperate, but I doubt it would be
 able to hold interest of players for all that long absent something else
 of redeeming value.

 the main maps in my case mostly use a Quake/Doom3/... style maps,
 composed mostly of entities (defined in terms of collections of key/value
 pairs representing a given object), brushes (convex polyhedra), patches
 (Bezier Surfaces), and meshes (mostly unstructured polygonal meshes).

 these would generally be created manually, by placing every object and
 piece of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly
 effort-intensive, and simply running head first into it tends to quickly
 drain my motivation (resulting in me producing worlds which look like big
 boxes with some random crap in them).

 sadly, random generation not on a grid of some sort is a much more complex
 problem (nor random generation directly in terms of unstructured or
 loosely-structured geometry).

 fractals exist and work well on things like rocks or trees or terrain, but
 I haven't found a good way to apply them to general map generation
 problem (such as generating an interesting place to run around in and
 battle enemies, and get to the exit).

 the problem domain is potentially best suited to some sort of maze
 algorithm, but in my own tests, this fairly quickly stopped being all that
 interesting. the upper end I think for this sort of thing was likely the
 .Hack series games (which had a lot of apparently randomly generated

 it is sad that I can't seem to pull off maps even half as interesting as
 those (generally created by hand) in commercial games from well over a
 decade ago. I can have a 3D engine which is technically much more advanced
 (or, at least, runs considerably slower on much faster hardware with
 moderately more features), but apart from reusing maps made by other people
 for other games, I can't make it even a small amount nearly as
 interesting or inspiring.

I don't think you can do this project without a understanding of art. It's
a fine gridded mesh that make us pick between practically similar artifacts
with ease and that make the engineer baffled. From a engineering standpoint
there is not much difference between a random splash of paint and a
painting by Jackson Pollock. You can get far with surprisingly little
resources if done correctly.


  On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour wrote:

   Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer.
 The idea is:

It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to
 create it.

  So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and
 automate creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be

  * constraint programming
 * generative grammar programming
  * genetic programming

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Loup Vaillant

David Barbour wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:30 AM, karl ramberg wrote:

I don't think you can do this project without a understanding of
art. It's a fine gridded mesh that make us pick between practically
similar artifacts with ease and that make the engineer baffled. From
a engineering standpoint there is not much difference between a
random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock. You can
get far with surprisingly little resources if done correctly.


I think, even with an understanding of art and several art history
classes in university, it is difficult to tell the difference between a
random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock.



If I recall correctly, there is a method: zoom in.  Pollock's paintings
are remarkable in that they tend to display the same amount of entropy
no matter how much you zoom in (well, up to 100, actually).  Like a

(Warning: this is a distant memory, so don't count me as a reliable

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Casey Ransberger
Check out Ken Musgrave. He makes whole planets with fractals. It's cool. 
Twisting knobs is a lot less work than manual 3D modeling and such.

On Jan 16, 2012, at 7:31 PM, BGB wrote:

 On 1/16/2012 6:47 PM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
 Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news though:)
 I am still not certain, since a lot of this has a lot more to do with my own 
 project than with general issues in computing.
 I had messed with a few technologies already.
 height-maps (long ago, not much used since then, generally randomized).
 the issue was mostly one of being not terribly interesting, but it makes 
 sense if one wants terrain (and is fairly cheap in terms of memory use and 
 performance impact).
 a more advanced variety would be to combine a height-map with a tile-map, 
 where the terrain generator would also vary the texture-map to give a little 
 more interest. I have considered this as a possibility.
 also tried randomly generated voxel terrain (similar to Minecraft, using 
 perlin noise). issues were of being difficult to integrate well with my 
 existing technology, and being very expensive in terms of both rendering and 
 memory usage (particularly for storing intermediate meshes). one may need to 
 devote about 500MB-1GB of RAM to the problem to have a moderately sized world 
 with (with similar specifics to those in Minecraft).
 I suspect that, apart from making something like Minecraft, the technology is 
 a bit too expensive and limited to really be all that generally useful at 
 this point in time and on current hardware (I suspect, however, it will 
 probably be much more relevant on future HW).
 I also tried randomly generated grid-based areas (basically, stuff is built 
 from pre-made parts and randomly-chosen parts are put on a grid). I had also 
 tried combining this with maze-generation algorithms. the results were 
 functional but also nothing to get excited about. the big drawback was 
 that I couldn't really think of any way to make the results of such a grid 
 based generator particularly interesting (this is I think more so with a 
 first-person viewpoint: such a structure is far less visually interesting 
 from the inside than with a top-down or isometric view).
 it could work if one were sufficiently desperate, but I doubt it would be 
 able to hold interest of players for all that long absent something else of 
 redeeming value.
 the main maps in my case mostly use a Quake/Doom3/... style maps, composed 
 mostly of entities (defined in terms of collections of key/value pairs 
 representing a given object), brushes (convex polyhedra), patches (Bezier 
 Surfaces), and meshes (mostly unstructured polygonal meshes).
 these would generally be created manually, by placing every object and piece 
 of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly effort-intensive, and 
 simply running head first into it tends to quickly drain my motivation 
 (resulting in me producing worlds which look like big boxes with some random 
 crap in them).
 sadly, random generation not on a grid of some sort is a much more complex 
 problem (nor random generation directly in terms of unstructured or 
 loosely-structured geometry).
 fractals exist and work well on things like rocks or trees or terrain, but I 
 haven't found a good way to apply them to general map generation problem 
 (such as generating an interesting place to run around in and battle enemies, 
 and get to the exit).
 the problem domain is potentially best suited to some sort of maze 
 algorithm, but in my own tests, this fairly quickly stopped being all that 
 interesting. the upper end I think for this sort of thing was likely the 
 .Hack series games (which had a lot of apparently randomly generated 
 it is sad that I can't seem to pull off maps even half as interesting as 
 those (generally created by hand) in commercial games from well over a decade 
 ago. I can have a 3D engine which is technically much more advanced (or, at 
 least, runs considerably slower on much faster hardware with moderately more 
 features), but apart from reusing maps made by other people for other games, 
 I can't make it even a small amount nearly as interesting or inspiring.
 On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour wrote:
 Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer. The 
 idea is:
   It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to create 
 So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and automate 
 creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be combined:
 * constraint programming
 * generative grammar programming
 * genetic programming
 * seeded fractals
 You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written with 
 code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Loup Vaillant

Le 1/17/2012 6:58 PM, karl ramberg a écrit :

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Loup Vaillant wrote:

David Barbour wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:30 AM, karl ramberg mailto:karlramb...@gmail.com__

I don't think you can do this project without a understanding of
art. It's a fine gridded mesh that make us pick between
similar artifacts with ease and that make the engineer
baffled. From
a engineering standpoint there is not much difference between a
random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock.
You can
get far with surprisingly little resources if done correctly.


I think, even with an understanding of art and several art history
classes in university, it is difficult to tell the difference
between a
random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock.



If I recall correctly, there is a method: zoom in.  Pollock's paintings
are remarkable in that they tend to display the same amount of entropy
no matter how much you zoom in (well, up to 100, actually).  Like a

(Warning: this is a distant memory, so don't count me as a reliable


My point here  was not to argue about a specific artist or genere but
that the domain of art is very
different from that of engineer. What makes some music lifeless and some
the most awe-inspiring
you heard in your whole life ?


Oh, sorry, I do hear you.  I singled out this example for 2 reasons :

 - Showing off (I just couldn't resist).
 - I actually have hope that we eventually get to the point where we
   can actually understand what makes good art with mathematical
   precision (if we choose to).

Of course, I agree that this question is far from solved.  It probably
won't be before we fully understand the human brain.

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread BGB

On 1/17/2012 10:58 AM, karl ramberg wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Loup Vaillant wrote:

David Barbour wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:30 AM, karl ramberg

   I don't think you can do this project without a
understanding of
   art. It's a fine gridded mesh that make us pick between
   similar artifacts with ease and that make the engineer
baffled. From
   a engineering standpoint there is not much difference between a
   random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock.
You can
   get far with surprisingly little resources if done correctly.


I think, even with an understanding of art and several art history
classes in university, it is difficult to tell the difference
between a
random splash of paint and a painting by Jackson Pollock.



If I recall correctly, there is a method: zoom in.  Pollock's
are remarkable in that they tend to display the same amount of entropy
no matter how much you zoom in (well, up to 100, actually).  Like a

(Warning: this is a distant memory, so don't count me as a reliable


My point here  was not to argue about a specific artist or genere but 
that the domain of art is very
different from that of engineer. What makes some music lifeless and 
some the most awe-inspiring

you heard in your whole life ?

game art doesn't need to be particularly awe inspiring, so much as 
basically works and is not total crap.

for example, if the game map is just:
spawn near the start;
kill a few guys standing in the way;
hit the exit.

pretty much no one will be impressed.

in much a similar way, music need not be the best thing possible, but 
if it generally sounds terrible or is just a repeating drum loop, this 
isn't so good either.

the issue, though, is that the level of effort needed to reach 
mediocre is often itself still a good deal of effort, as maybe one is 
comparing themselves against a mountain of other people, many trying to 
do the minimal they can get away with, and many others actually trying 
to make something decent.

it is more so a problem when ones' effort is already spread fairly thin:
between all of the coding, graphics and sound creation, 3D modeling and 
map creation, ...

it can all add up fairly quickly (even if one cuts many corners in many 

what all I have thus far technically sort of works, but still falls a 
bit short of what was the norm in commercial games in the late-90s / 
early-2000s era.

it is also going on a much longer development time-frame as well. many 
commercial games get from concept to release in 6 months to 1 year, 
rather than requiring years, but then again, most companies don't have 
to build everything from the ground up (they have their own base of 
general art assets, will often license the engine from someone else, 
...), as well as having a team of people on the project (vs being a 
single-handed effort), ...

a lot of this is still true of the 3D engine as well, for example my 
Scripting VM is still sort of lame (I am using a interpreter, rather 
than a JIT, ...), my renderer architecture kind of sucks and doesn't 
perform as well as could be hoped (ideally, things would be more modular 
and cleanly written, ...), ...

note: mostly I am using an interpreter as JITs are a lot more effort to 
develop and maintain IME, and the interpreter is fast enough... the 
interpreter is mostly using indirect threaded code (as this is a 
little faster and more flexible than directly dispatching bytecode via a 
switch(), although the code is a little bigger given each opcode 
handler needs its own function).

likewise, after the Doom3 source code came out, I was left to realize 
just how drastically the engines differed internally (I had sort of 
assumed that Carmack was doing similar stuff with the internals).

the issue is mostly that my engine pulls off worse framerates on current 
hardware using the stock Doom3 maps than the Doom3 engine does (and 
leads to uncertainty regarding if scenes can be sufficiently 
large/complex while performing adequately).

for example:
my engine uses a mostly object-based scene-graph, where objects are 
roughly split into static objects (brushes, patches, meshes, ...) 
and dynamic objects (3D models for characters and entities, 
brush-models, ...);
it then does basic (dynamic) visibility culling (frustum and occlusion 
checks) and makes use of a dynamically-built BSP-tree;
most of the rendering is done (fairly directly) via a thin layer of 
wrappers over OpenGL (the shader system);
many rendering operations are implemented via 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread David Barbour
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:57 PM, BGB wrote:

 game art doesn't need to be particularly awe inspiring, so much as
 basically works and is not total crap.

It can't be awe inspiring all the time, anyway. Humans would quickly become
jaded to that sort of stimulation.

The quality of a game map depends on many properties other than visual
appeal. A program that creates maps for a first-person shooter should
probably have concepts such as defensible positions, ambush positions,
snipe positions and visual occlusion, reachable areas, path-generation for

One might express `constraints` such as:
* a spawn zone should not be accessible from a snipe position.
* a capture-the-flag map should ensure that every path from the enemy flag
to the base moves past at least one good snipe position and one good ambush
* there should be some `fairness` in quality and quantity of
defensible-position resources for the different teams.
* the map needs to occlude enough that we never have more than K
lights/triangles/objects/etc. in view at any given instant.

But, in my practical understanding, these issues are not so distinct from
visual appeal. It's all subject to the same search, recognition, and
refinement aspects I described initially.

 the issue is mostly that my engine pulls off worse framerates on current
 hardware using the stock Doom3 maps than the Doom3 engine does

Doom 3 engine is hardly an obsolete technology (even used in Brink in
2011), and its developers have a lot of expertise. There are certainly
metrics by which a new engine could compete for performance - eliminating
load-zones, dynamic and runtime-extensible environments, moving water, etc.
- but I'd be surprised if you beat the Doom 3 engines at Doom 3's own maps!

Anyhow, you go into a lot of interesting specifics about your engine which
seem a bit off-topic for this subject line. I might e-mail you to discuss
them externally.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Julian Leviston
I guess this depends what you mean by awe-inspiring.

David this sentence somewhat disturbs me, though. I grew up in Tasmania - a 
little island at the bottom of Australia... with some of the most picturesque 
(and as you say here awe-inspiring) countryside in Australia. I can tell you 
for sure that humans don't become Jaded to it. It changes us, and vivifies us. 
I feel the same way about my balcony that overlooks the valley where I live, 
and also about the beautiful user interfaces that I use daily... these things 
impact me in a wonderful way, reminding me of the things and people I love. It 
doesn't make me jaded! Quite the opposite.

Just my two cents.

On 18/01/2012, at 11:10 AM, David Barbour wrote:

 It can't be awe inspiring all the time, anyway. Humans would quickly become 
 jaded to that sort of stimulation. 

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread David Barbour
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 I guess this depends what you mean by awe-inspiring.

 David this sentence somewhat disturbs me, though. I grew up in Tasmania -
 a little island at the bottom of Australia... with some of the most
 picturesque (and as you say here awe-inspiring) countryside in Australia. I
 can tell you for sure that humans don't become Jaded to it. It changes us,
 and vivifies us.

You don't find it awe-inspiring all the time. (If you do, you're
certainly dysfunctional.) But I readily believe you still find it inspiring
some of the time - and that is enough to be an enriching experience.

As far as it changes us - I don't deny that. What is `becoming jaded` if
not one more change in us?

 I feel the same way about my balcony that overlooks the valley where I
 live, and also about the beautiful user interfaces that I use daily...
 these things impact me in a wonderful way, reminding me of the things and
 people I love. It doesn't make me jaded! Quite the opposite.

It is difficult to recognize you've become `jaded` until you've tried
something different, or lost what you had, or return to it after
acclimating to another environment. We measure our experiences in relative
terms, not absolute terms.



 On 18/01/2012, at 11:10 AM, David Barbour wrote:

 It can't be awe inspiring all the time, anyway. Humans would quickly
 become jaded to that sort of stimulation.

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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread BGB

On 1/17/2012 5:10 PM, David Barbour wrote:
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:57 PM, BGB wrote:

game art doesn't need to be particularly awe inspiring, so much
as basically works and is not total crap.

It can't be awe inspiring all the time, anyway. Humans would quickly 
become jaded to that sort of stimulation.

partly agreed (although, maybe not jaded, but more like what is awe 
inspiring one year becomes mundane/mandatory the next).

actually, it is also an issue with many classic map generation 
people become used to them, and used to seeing more impressive things 
being generated by hand (often with uninteresting aspects increasingly 
subtly offloaded to tools).

once something better takes hold, it is harder to keep interest in the 
older/simpler/more-mundane technologies.

so, now many people take for granted technologies which were novelties 
10 years ago (real-time rigid-body physics / ragdoll / ..., the ability 
to have light-sources move around in real-time, ability to have dynamic 
shadows, ...), and possibly unimaginable 15 or 20 years ago.

if a person went directly from being exposed to games like, say, 
Wolfenstein 3D and Sonic The Hedgehog, ... to seeing games like 
Portal 2 and Rage, what would their response be?

but, to those who have lived though it, it seems like nothing 
particularly noteworthy.

15 years ago, the big new things were having 3D modeled characters, 
colored lighting, and maybe translucent geometry. 20 years ago, it was 
having any sort of real-time 3D at all (well, that and FMV).

The quality of a game map depends on many properties other than visual 
appeal. A program that creates maps for a first-person shooter should 
probably have concepts such as defensible positions, ambush positions, 
snipe positions and visual occlusion, reachable areas, path-generation 
for AIs.

yeah. path-finding data can be built after the fact, just it tends to be 
fairly expensive to rebuild.

One might express `constraints` such as:
* a spawn zone should not be accessible from a snipe position.
* a capture-the-flag map should ensure that every path from the enemy 
flag to the base moves past at least one good snipe position and one 
good ambush position.
* there should be some `fairness` in quality and quantity of 
defensible-position resources for the different teams.
* the map needs to occlude enough that we never have more than K 
lights/triangles/objects/etc. in view at any given instant.


actually, the bigger issue regarding performance isn't really how many 
lights/polygons/... are visible, but more like the total screen-space 
taken by everything which needs to be drawn.

a single large polygon with a whole bunch of light sources right next to 
it, could be a much nastier problem than a much larger number of 
light-sources and a large number of tiny polygons.

it is stuff right up near the camera which seems to actually eat up the 
vast majority of rendering time, whereas the same complexity model some 
distance away may be much cheaper (although LOD and similar may help, 
although interestingly, LOD helps much more with reducing the 
computational costs of animating character models than it does with 
renderer performance per-se).

also, using fragment shaders can be fairly expensive (kind of a problem 
in my case, as most of my lighting involves the use of fragment shaders).

currently, there are multiple such shaders in my case (for per-pixel 
phong lighting):

one which uses the OpenGL lighting model (not used much);
one which uses a Quake-style lighting model (for attenuation), but is 
otherwise like the above;
one which uses a Quake-style lighting model (like the above), but adds 
support for normal and specular map textures (renderer avoids using this 
one where possible... as it is expensive);
one which uses a Doom3 style lighting model (box + falloff + projection 
textures) in addition to normal and specular maps (not currently used, 
considered possible reintroduction as a special effect feature).

the issue is mostly that when one has a shader pulling from around 6 
textures (the falloff texture needs to be accessed twice), the shader is 
a bit expensive.

note that the normal is actually a bump+normal map (bump in alpha), and 
the specular map is a specular+exponent map (specular color, with 
exponent-scale in alpha). in all cases, these are combined with the 
normal material properties (ambient/diffuse/specular/emission/...).

for related reasons:
adding a normal or specular map to a texture can make it nicer looking, 
but adding a normal map also makes it slower (and a possible performance 
feature would be to essentially disable the use of normal and specular 

there also seems to be a relation between texture size and performance 
as well (smaller resolution == faster).

it is also a non-linear tradeoff:
a large increase in texture resolution or use of 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Julian Leviston
No, I find it IS awe-inspiring all of the time.

I may not necessarily be full of awe or actually be inspired at any particular 
one time... however, this doesn't change the fact that certain things or people 
themselves are awe-inspiring all of the time to me. In other words, if I'm in a 
bad mood, this is in itself not necessarily any fault, consequence or 
relationship of or to the fact that Alan Kay is still an amazing person. Even 
in my bad mood, I recognise he is awe-inspiring.

Guess this depends what you mean by awe-inspiring (as I originally said). If 
you re-read the original context, he was talking about inherent breathtaking 
beauty being required or not. I think to make something inherently beautiful or 
to construct it with detailed thought is actually very worthwhile. Without 
something being awe-inspiring, there's no possibility for awe to be inspired 
when the conditions are right. When something is awe inspiring, it doesn't 
necessarily always follow that awe will be inspired, though ;-)



On 18/01/2012, at 11:34 AM, David Barbour wrote:

 You don't find it awe-inspiring all the time. (If you do, you're certainly 
 dysfunctional.) But I readily believe you still find it inspiring some of 
 the time - and that is enough to be an enriching experience. 

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread David Barbour
I understand `awe inspiring` to be subjective - hence, subject to changes
in the observer, such as ephemeral mood or loss of a sensory organ. You
seem to treat it as a heuristic or statistical property - i.e. it's awe
inspiring because people have felt awe in the past and you expect people to
feel awe in the future.

I suppose I can understand either position.

But it's silly to say that awe inspiring is just a property of the object -
i.e. you say without something being awe-inspiring, there's no possibility
for awe to be inspired when the conditions are right. That's just too
egocentric. People find all sorts of funny things awe-inspiring. Like
football. Or grocery bags in the wind. (



On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 No, I find it IS awe-inspiring all of the time.

 I may not necessarily be full of awe or actually be inspired at any
 particular one time... however, this doesn't change the fact that certain
 things or people themselves are awe-inspiring all of the time to me. In
 other words, if I'm in a bad mood, this is in itself not necessarily any
 fault, consequence or relationship of or to the fact that Alan Kay is still
 an amazing person. Even in my bad mood, I recognise he is awe-inspiring.

 Guess this depends what you mean by awe-inspiring (as I originally said).
 If you re-read the original context, he was talking about inherent
 breathtaking beauty being required or not. I think to make something
 inherently beautiful or to construct it with detailed thought is actually
 very worthwhile. Without something being awe-inspiring, there's no
 possibility for awe to be inspired when the conditions are right. When
 something is awe inspiring, it doesn't necessarily always follow that awe
 will be inspired, though ;-)



 On 18/01/2012, at 11:34 AM, David Barbour wrote:

 You don't find it awe-inspiring all the time. (If you do, you're
 certainly dysfunctional.) But I readily believe you still find it inspiring
 some of the time - and that is enough to be an enriching experience.

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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread Julian Leviston
There are different kinds of art, just like there are different qualities of 

I think you may find on closer inspection that there can be things that are 
intrinsically beautiful, or intrinsically awe-inspiring to humanity as a whole. 
I don't think that's silly, and I'm perfectly ok with the fact that you might 
think it's silly, but I feel the need to let you (all) know this.

I'm told, for example, that the Sistine Chapel is one such thing... or the 
great canyon. I know of a few things in Sydney where I live that seem to have a 
common effect on most people... (some of the churches, or architecture we have 
here, for example - even though we have such a young culture, the effect is 
still there).

It doesn't strike me as being that there is anything different in computer art 
or architecture than other art or architecture in this regard.

While I agree that computer game art doesn't *have* to be awe-inspiring (in an 
absolute, non-relative, non-subjective, objective sense) in order to be 
computer game art, or qualify as being of a standard which is enough to be 
acceptable to most people as being computer game art (ie qualifying for the 
title), I think it nonetheless matters in a general sense to aspire to such a 
high standard of quality in everything, irrespective of whether it's computer 
game art, or ordinary art, architecture of buildings, or architecture of 
information systems.

This is, after all, why we attempt anything at its root, isn't it? or is it 
simply to satisfy some form of mediocre whimsy? or to get by so to speak?

Contrast things that last with things that don't last. I personally don't hold 
that good graphics from a technical standpoint are inherently or necessarily 
awe-inspiring, because usually the context of technology yields little meaning 
compared to the context of culture, but good graphics from a technical 
standpoint are able, obviously, to transmit a message that *is* awe-inspiring 
(ie the media / conduit / accessibility channel). In other words, the 
technology of quadrupling memory capacity and processor speed provides little 
impact on the kinds of meanings I can make from a social  cultural 
perspective. If I print my book on a different type of paper, it doesn't change 
the message of the book, but rather perhaps the accessibility of it. That is, 
except, perhaps for the cases such as the recently new Superman movie, where 
providing a similar visual and feel context to the previous movies provides 
more meaning to the message BECAUSE of current fashions of style in 
direction/production in movies. It actually adds to the world and meaning in 
this case - but this is a case of feedback, which IMHO is an exception to prove 
the rule.

This segues rather neatly to the question of content being contained within a 
context that simultaneously holds it and gives it meaning. The semantic content 
and context in contrast to those the content and context of the 
accessibility / conduit / media.

This brings the question Where is the semantic value held? to bear on the 
situation. If the point (ie meaning) of a game and therefore its visual design 
is not to impact the senses in some form of objective visual art, but rather to 
provide a conduit of accessibility to impact the mind in some form of objective 
mental art, then I would agree that visual art need not be very impressive or 
awe inspiring in order to achieve its aim.

Perhaps, however, the entire point of the game is simply to make money in 
which case none of my comments hold value. :)

Also, a question that springs to mind is... do you find any of the popularly 
impressive movies or graphics of the current day awe-inspiring? I find them 
quite cool... impressive in a technical sense, but not in a long-lasting 
impacting sense... obviously ( - to me, at least, and my friends - ) technology 
is inherently and constantly subject to fashion and incredibly time-sensitive, 
therefore there is little meaning contained in the special effects or 
technological advancements that are possible. I think we long ago passed the 
point where technology allowed us to build anything we can fantasise about... 
for example, I find inception, or the godfather, or even games like wizard of 
wor to be far more entertaining from the point of view of what they do to me in 
totality, than I do with something like transformers 2, for example. 

This is a very interesting conversation, so I'd like to thank you, David, for 
your participation in it. :)


On 18/01/2012, at 3:06 PM, David Barbour wrote:

 I understand `awe inspiring` to be subjective - hence, subject to changes in 
 the observer, such as ephemeral mood or loss of a sensory organ. You seem to 
 treat it as a heuristic or statistical property - i.e. it's awe inspiring 
 because people have felt awe in the past and you expect people to feel awe in 
 the future. 
 I suppose I can understand either position. 
 But it's silly to say that awe inspiring 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread David Barbour
I would note my topic line is `inspired 3D worlds`, not `inspiring 3D
worlds`. There is a rather vast difference in meaning. ;)

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 you may find on closer inspection that there can be things that are
 intrinsically beautiful, or intrinsically awe-inspiring to humanity as a

Even an anthropocentric statistical metric will be subject to cultural
influence. I do grant that humans are likely to find `great heights` and
`big explosions` and `loud music` and other such things awe-inspiring on a
very primitive level, but I imagine that cultural exposure to them would
suppress the feeling in a statistically measurable way.

 it nonetheless matters in a general sense to aspire to such a high
 standard of quality in everything

Do keep in mind the fallacy of the beard. There is a significant
relationship between quantity and quality, even if it isn't an obvious one.
There are also relationships between costs and quality - e.g. flat
pay-per-text can completely undermine various story or data distribution

Given limited resources and limited control over our environment, it does
not always make sense to aspire to high standards of quality.

 Also, a question that springs to mind is... do you find any of the
 popularly impressive movies or graphics of the current day awe-inspiring?

Sure. Over at

I find them quite cool... impressive in a technical sense, but not in a
 long-lasting impacting sense...

I do not believe awe-inspiring connotes long-lasting. Ever seen an
awe-inspiring thermite fire? judo throw? belch? live theatrical play?



 On 18/01/2012, at 3:06 PM, David Barbour wrote:

 I understand `awe inspiring` to be subjective - hence, subject to changes
 in the observer, such as ephemeral mood or loss of a sensory organ. You
 seem to treat it as a heuristic or statistical property - i.e. it's awe
 inspiring because people have felt awe in the past and you expect people to
 feel awe in the future.

 I suppose I can understand either position.

 But it's silly to say that awe inspiring is just a property of the object
 - i.e. you say without something being awe-inspiring, there's no
 possibility for awe to be inspired when the conditions are right. That's
 just too egocentric. People find all sorts of funny things awe-inspiring.
 Like football. Or grocery bags in the wind. (



 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 No, I find it IS awe-inspiring all of the time.

 I may not necessarily be full of awe or actually be inspired at any
 particular one time... however, this doesn't change the fact that certain
 things or people themselves are awe-inspiring all of the time to me. In
 other words, if I'm in a bad mood, this is in itself not necessarily any
 fault, consequence or relationship of or to the fact that Alan Kay is still
 an amazing person. Even in my bad mood, I recognise he is awe-inspiring.

 Guess this depends what you mean by awe-inspiring (as I originally said).
 If you re-read the original context, he was talking about inherent
 breathtaking beauty being required or not. I think to make something
 inherently beautiful or to construct it with detailed thought is actually
 very worthwhile. Without something being awe-inspiring, there's no
 possibility for awe to be inspired when the conditions are right. When
 something is awe inspiring, it doesn't necessarily always follow that awe
 will be inspired, though ;-)



 On 18/01/2012, at 11:34 AM, David Barbour wrote:

  You don't find it awe-inspiring all the time. (If you do, you're
 certainly dysfunctional.) But I readily believe you still find it inspiring
 some of the time - and that is enough to be an enriching experience.

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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread BGB

On 1/17/2012 9:50 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
There are different kinds of art, just like there are different 
qualities of everything.

I think you may find on closer inspection that there can be things 
that are intrinsically beautiful, or intrinsically awe-inspiring to 
humanity as a whole. I don't think that's silly, and I'm perfectly ok 
with the fact that you might think it's silly, but I feel the need to 
let you (all) know this.

I'm told, for example, that the Sistine Chapel is one such thing... or 
the great canyon. I know of a few things in Sydney where I live that 
seem to have a common effect on most people... (some of the churches, 
or architecture we have here, for example - even though we have such a 
young culture, the effect is still there).

It doesn't strike me as being that there is anything different in 
computer art or architecture than other art or architecture in this 

While I agree that computer game art doesn't *have* to be 
awe-inspiring (in an absolute, non-relative, non-subjective, objective 
sense) in order to be computer game art, or qualify as being of a 
standard which is enough to be acceptable to most people as being 
computer game art (ie qualifying for the title), I think it 
nonetheless matters in a general sense to aspire to such a high 
standard of quality in everything, irrespective of whether it's 
computer game art, or ordinary art, architecture of buildings, or 
architecture of information systems.

This is, after all, why we attempt anything at its root, isn't it? or 
is it simply to satisfy some form of mediocre whimsy? or to get by 
so to speak?

Contrast things that last with things that don't last. I personally 
don't hold that good graphics from a technical standpoint are 
inherently or necessarily awe-inspiring, because usually the context 
of technology yields little meaning compared to the context of 
culture, but good graphics from a technical standpoint are able, 
obviously, to transmit a message that *is* awe-inspiring (ie the media 
/ conduit / accessibility channel). In other words, the technology of 
quadrupling memory capacity and processor speed provides little impact 
on the kinds of meanings I can make from a social  cultural 
perspective. If I print my book on a different type of paper, it 
doesn't change the message of the book, but rather perhaps the 
accessibility of it. That is, except, perhaps for the cases such as 
the recently new Superman movie, where providing a similar visual 
and feel context to the previous movies provides more meaning to the 
message BECAUSE of current fashions of style in direction/production 
in movies. It actually adds to the world and meaning in this case - 
but this is a case of feedback, which IMHO is an exception to prove 
the rule.

This segues rather neatly to the question of content being contained 
within a context that simultaneously holds it and gives it meaning. 
The semantic content and context in contrast to those the content 
and context of the accessibility / conduit / media.

This brings the question Where is the semantic value held? to bear 
on the situation. If the point (ie meaning) of a game and therefore 
its visual design is not to impact the senses in some form of 
objective visual art, but rather to provide a conduit of accessibility 
to impact the mind in some form of objective mental art, then I would 
agree that visual art need not be very impressive or awe inspiring 
in order to achieve its aim.

Perhaps, however, the entire point of the game is simply to make 
money in which case none of my comments hold value. :)

Also, a question that springs to mind is... do you find any of the 
popularly impressive movies or graphics of the current day 
awe-inspiring? I find them quite cool... impressive in a technical 
sense, but not in a long-lasting impacting sense... obviously ( - to 
me, at least, and my friends - ) technology is inherently and 
constantly subject to fashion and incredibly time-sensitive, therefore 
there is little meaning contained in the special effects or 
technological advancements that are possible. I think we long ago 
passed the point where technology allowed us to build anything we can 
fantasise about... for example, I find inception, or the godfather, or 
even games like wizard of wor to be far more entertaining from the 
point of view of what they do to me in totality, than I do with 
something like transformers 2, for example.

interesting thoughts, albeit admittedly a bit outside my area...

I actually liked the Transformers movies (except: too much humans, not 
enough robot-on-robot battle), and admittedly sort of like Transformers 
in general (have watched through most of the shows, ...), and have taken 
some influence from the franchise (although, I also have many other 
things I liked / borrowed ideas from: Ghost In The Shell, Macross, 
Zone Of The Enders, Gundam, ...).

in general, it was still better in many regards than Cowboys 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-17 Thread David Barbour
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Julian Leviston jul...@leviston.netwrote:

 Noted, but not relevant to my point.

Oh? You say that without any explanation? Perhaps you need some hand
holding to follow my logic.

1) You make an argument about contexts being `awe inspiring to humanity as
a whole`.
2) Given the human potential for psychopathy, autism, aspergers, and other
psychological classifications, it is impossible to find anything
awe-inspiring to all humans.
3) Therefore, your `humanity as a whole` reduces to a statistical argument
about a group of humans.
4) I describe your argument as `an anthropocentric statistical metric`.
5) I point out that even such metrics are influenced (subject to) culture.
6) Therefore, my argument is relevant to your point.

Indeed, I believe it completely undermines your point. `awe-inspiring` is
simply not an objective property.

 I'd posit that everything is inherently related. I call this inherent
 relationship context, or is-ness if you will.

How is such a position - which doesn't seem to make any distinctions -
useful in this context? Actually, how is it useful for anything whatsoever?

 Sure. Over at

 Sorry I was implying given a technologically-driven only context. (As
 in... impossible without high technology) All of those works could be
 theoretically done more or less with an analogue medium, no?

Speaking of the theoretically possible is always a fun and fantastic
exercise. Theoretically, all the oxygen in your room could just happen to
miss your lungs for the few minutes it takes to die. Theoretically, cosmic
rays could flip bits into jpeg-encoded pornography on your computer.
Theoretically, yes, those images could be generated on an analogue medium.

But if we speak in practical terms - of what is `feasible` rather than what
is `possible` - then, no, those images would not be created in an analog
medium. They are the result of trial and error and tweaking that would be
`infeasible` in human time frames without the technology. The precision of
light and shadow would similarly be infeasible.

 long-lasting impacting meaning the impact lasts for a long time not as
 in the sense that the activity itself is long-lasting.

Of the things I've found inspiring that had a long-lasting impact, none
inspired `awe`.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread Casey Ransberger
Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news though:)

On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour wrote:

 Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer. The 
 idea is:
   It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to create it.
 So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and automate 
 creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be combined:
 * constraint programming
 * generative grammar programming
 * genetic programming
 * seeded fractals
 You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written with 
 code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions up with 
 code and using libraries of procedures. Code can sometimes be simplified by 
 having it read a simple map or image.
 Remember, the basic role of programming is to automate that which bores you.
 On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, BGB wrote:
 I am generally personally stuck on the issue of how to make interesting 3D 
 worlds for a game-style project while lacking in both personal creativity and 
 either artistic skill or a team of artists to do it (creating decent-looking 
 3D worlds generally requires a fair amount of effort, and is in-fact I 
 suspect somewhat bigger than the effort required to make a passable 3D 
 model of an object in a 3D modeling app, since at least generally the model 
 is smaller and well-defined).
 it seems some that creativity (or what little of it exists) is stifled by it 
 requiring a large amount of effort (all at once) for the activity needed to 
 express said creativity (vs things which are either easy to do all at once, 
 or can be easily decomposed into lots of incremental activities spread over a 
 large period of time).
 trying to build a non-trivial scene (something which would be passable in a 
 modern 3D game) at the level of dragging around and placing/resizing/... 
 cubes and/or messing with individual polygon-faces in a mapper-tool is sort 
 of a motivation killer (one can wish for some sort of higher level way to 
 express the scene).
 meanwhile, writing code, despite (in the grand scale) requiring far more time 
 and effort, seems to be a lot more enjoyable (but, one can't really build a 
 world in code, as this is more the mapper-tool's domain).
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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread Julian Leviston
I like minecraft's take on this.


On 17/01/2012, at 2:31 PM, BGB wrote:

 On 1/16/2012 6:47 PM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
 Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news though:)
 I am still not certain, since a lot of this has a lot more to do with my own 
 project than with general issues in computing.
 I had messed with a few technologies already.
 height-maps (long ago, not much used since then, generally randomized).
 the issue was mostly one of being not terribly interesting, but it makes 
 sense if one wants terrain (and is fairly cheap in terms of memory use and 
 performance impact).
 a more advanced variety would be to combine a height-map with a tile-map, 
 where the terrain generator would also vary the texture-map to give a little 
 more interest. I have considered this as a possibility.
 also tried randomly generated voxel terrain (similar to Minecraft, using 
 perlin noise). issues were of being difficult to integrate well with my 
 existing technology, and being very expensive in terms of both rendering and 
 memory usage (particularly for storing intermediate meshes). one may need to 
 devote about 500MB-1GB of RAM to the problem to have a moderately sized world 
 with (with similar specifics to those in Minecraft).
 I suspect that, apart from making something like Minecraft, the technology is 
 a bit too expensive and limited to really be all that generally useful at 
 this point in time and on current hardware (I suspect, however, it will 
 probably be much more relevant on future HW).
 I also tried randomly generated grid-based areas (basically, stuff is built 
 from pre-made parts and randomly-chosen parts are put on a grid). I had also 
 tried combining this with maze-generation algorithms. the results were 
 functional but also nothing to get excited about. the big drawback was 
 that I couldn't really think of any way to make the results of such a grid 
 based generator particularly interesting (this is I think more so with a 
 first-person viewpoint: such a structure is far less visually interesting 
 from the inside than with a top-down or isometric view).
 it could work if one were sufficiently desperate, but I doubt it would be 
 able to hold interest of players for all that long absent something else of 
 redeeming value.
 the main maps in my case mostly use a Quake/Doom3/... style maps, composed 
 mostly of entities (defined in terms of collections of key/value pairs 
 representing a given object), brushes (convex polyhedra), patches (Bezier 
 Surfaces), and meshes (mostly unstructured polygonal meshes).
 these would generally be created manually, by placing every object and piece 
 of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly effort-intensive, and 
 simply running head first into it tends to quickly drain my motivation 
 (resulting in me producing worlds which look like big boxes with some random 
 crap in them).
 sadly, random generation not on a grid of some sort is a much more complex 
 problem (nor random generation directly in terms of unstructured or 
 loosely-structured geometry).
 fractals exist and work well on things like rocks or trees or terrain, but I 
 haven't found a good way to apply them to general map generation problem 
 (such as generating an interesting place to run around in and battle enemies, 
 and get to the exit).
 the problem domain is potentially best suited to some sort of maze 
 algorithm, but in my own tests, this fairly quickly stopped being all that 
 interesting. the upper end I think for this sort of thing was likely the 
 .Hack series games (which had a lot of apparently randomly generated 
 it is sad that I can't seem to pull off maps even half as interesting as 
 those (generally created by hand) in commercial games from well over a decade 
 ago. I can have a 3D engine which is technically much more advanced (or, at 
 least, runs considerably slower on much faster hardware with moderately more 
 features), but apart from reusing maps made by other people for other games, 
 I can't make it even a small amount nearly as interesting or inspiring.
 On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour wrote:
 Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer. The 
 idea is:
   It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to create 
 So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and automate 
 creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be combined:
 * constraint programming
 * generative grammar programming
 * genetic programming
 * seeded fractals
 You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written with 
 code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions up 
 with code and using libraries of procedures. Code can sometimes be 
 simplified by having it read a simple map or image.
 Remember, the basic role of 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread Julian Leviston
The original topic was about getting the computer to create 3d worlds. That was 
what I was referring to when I said I like minecraft's taken on it. They use a 
seed to generate the world.


On 17/01/2012, at 3:26 PM, BGB wrote:

 On 1/16/2012 8:36 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
 I like minecraft's take on this.
 in which particular way?...
 well, Minecraft is a fairly interesting game, and allows a lot of room for 
 people building stuff, ...
 the downside is:
 how well does the technology work for considerably different gameplay styles? 
 (not based on mining and building)
 what about world voxel density?
 for example, making voxels 1/2 the size would lead (very likely) to an 8x 
 memory-requirement increase, and 1/4 (250cm) could require 64x the memory.
 a similarly sized world-space with a 1.5 inch (~ 3.75cm) voxel size would 
 require around 18963x as much memory.
 some people have tried fundamentally different ways of dealing with voxels 
 (namely Sparse Voxel Octtrees and ray-casting), but these in turn have 
 different tradeoffs (on current HW there are significant problems regarding 
 resolution and performance). I suspect it may be a few years before this 
 strategy really becomes practical.
 a big issue though is that it probably still wont make creating of compelling 
 worlds all that much easier (so, probably a lot more random-generation and 
 similar, with its inherent pros and cons).
 I guess it may ultimately be a bit of a wait and see thing.
 On 17/01/2012, at 2:31 PM, BGB wrote:
 On 1/16/2012 6:47 PM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
 Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news 
 I am still not certain, since a lot of this has a lot more to do with my 
 own project than with general issues in computing.
 I had messed with a few technologies already.
 height-maps (long ago, not much used since then, generally randomized).
 the issue was mostly one of being not terribly interesting, but it makes 
 sense if one wants terrain (and is fairly cheap in terms of memory use 
 and performance impact).
 a more advanced variety would be to combine a height-map with a tile-map, 
 where the terrain generator would also vary the texture-map to give a 
 little more interest. I have considered this as a possibility.
 also tried randomly generated voxel terrain (similar to Minecraft, using 
 perlin noise). issues were of being difficult to integrate well with my 
 existing technology, and being very expensive in terms of both rendering 
 and memory usage (particularly for storing intermediate meshes). one may 
 need to devote about 500MB-1GB of RAM to the problem to have a moderately 
 sized world with (with similar specifics to those in Minecraft).
 I suspect that, apart from making something like Minecraft, the technology 
 is a bit too expensive and limited to really be all that generally useful 
 at this point in time and on current hardware (I suspect, however, it will 
 probably be much more relevant on future HW).
 I also tried randomly generated grid-based areas (basically, stuff is built 
 from pre-made parts and randomly-chosen parts are put on a grid). I had 
 also tried combining this with maze-generation algorithms. the results were 
 functional but also nothing to get excited about. the big drawback was 
 that I couldn't really think of any way to make the results of such a grid 
 based generator particularly interesting (this is I think more so with a 
 first-person viewpoint: such a structure is far less visually interesting 
 from the inside than with a top-down or isometric view).
 it could work if one were sufficiently desperate, but I doubt it would be 
 able to hold interest of players for all that long absent something else 
 of redeeming value.
 the main maps in my case mostly use a Quake/Doom3/... style maps, 
 composed mostly of entities (defined in terms of collections of key/value 
 pairs representing a given object), brushes (convex polyhedra), patches 
 (Bezier Surfaces), and meshes (mostly unstructured polygonal meshes).
 these would generally be created manually, by placing every object and 
 piece of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly 
 effort-intensive, and simply running head first into it tends to quickly 
 drain my motivation (resulting in me producing worlds which look like big 
 boxes with some random crap in them).
 sadly, random generation not on a grid of some sort is a much more complex 
 problem (nor random generation directly in terms of unstructured or 
 loosely-structured geometry).
 fractals exist and work well on things like rocks or trees or terrain, but 
 I haven't found a good way to apply them to general map generation 
 problem (such as generating an interesting place to run around in and 
 battle enemies, and get to the exit).
 the problem domain is potentially best suited to some sort of maze 
 algorithm, but in my own 

Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread Neu Xue
There are commercial big boxes with some random crap in them game worlds now 
have been since the 8-bit era.
The games that stood out by immersing us despite the limitations of technology 
were usually
the ones which were lovingly crafted.

 From: BGB
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 January 2012, 3:31
Subject: Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds
these would generally be created manually, by placing every object
 and piece of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly
 effort-intensive, and simply running head first into it tends to
 quickly drain my motivation (resulting in me producing worlds which
 look like big boxes with some random crap in them).

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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread David Barbour
You seem to be ignoring the search, recognition, and refinement aspects.
You need some way to tell the computer what is interesting so you can
refine those portions (reducing variation, tweaking constraints or
parameters or other code, selecting `preferred` samples on a grid as a
human fitness function for genetic algorithms, etc.) while continuing to
search on the other aspects. Think of this as a collaborative effort
between computer and human, where you're reducing the burden of
hand-crafting the world but not taking yourself out of the picture

The wonderful, interesting vistas created by POV-Ray are not created by
randomly seeding a world, but are also not created by hand-crafting the
maps. Why should you expect different for creating deep, inspired 3D worlds?



On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 7:31 PM, BGB wrote:

 the problem domain is potentially best suited to some sort of maze
 algorithm, but in my own tests, this fairly quickly stopped being all that
 interesting. the upper end I think for this sort of thing was likely the
 .Hack series games (which had a lot of apparently randomly generated

 it is sad that I can't seem to pull off maps even half as interesting as
 those (generally created by hand) in commercial games from well over a
 decade ago. I can have a 3D engine which is technically much more advanced
 (or, at least, runs considerably slower on much faster hardware with
 moderately more features), but apart from reusing maps made by other people
 for other games, I can't make it even a small amount nearly as
 interesting or inspiring.

  On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour wrote:

   Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer.
 The idea is:

It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to
 create it.

  So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and
 automate creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be

  * constraint programming
 * generative grammar programming
  * genetic programming
  * seeded fractals

  You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written
 with code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions
 up with code and using libraries of procedures. Code can sometimes be
 simplified by having it read a simple map or image.

  Remember, the basic role of programming is to automate that which bores



 On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, BGB wrote:

 I am generally personally stuck on the issue of how to make interesting
 3D worlds for a game-style project while lacking in both personal
 creativity and either artistic skill or a team of artists to do it
 (creating decent-looking 3D worlds generally requires a fair amount of
 effort, and is in-fact I suspect somewhat bigger than the effort required
 to make a passable 3D model of an object in a 3D modeling app, since at
 least generally the model is smaller and well-defined).

 it seems some that creativity (or what little of it exists) is stifled by
 it requiring a large amount of effort (all at once) for the activity needed
 to express said creativity (vs things which are either easy to do all at
 once, or can be easily decomposed into lots of incremental activities
 spread over a large period of time).

 trying to build a non-trivial scene (something which would be passable
 in a modern 3D game) at the level of dragging around and
 placing/resizing/... cubes and/or messing with individual polygon-faces in
 a mapper-tool is sort of a motivation killer (one can wish for some sort of
 higher level way to express the scene).

 meanwhile, writing code, despite (in the grand scale) requiring far more
 time and effort, seems to be a lot more enjoyable (but, one can't really
 build a world in code, as this is more the mapper-tool's domain).

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Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds

2012-01-16 Thread BGB

On 1/16/2012 10:26 PM, Neu Xue wrote:

There are commercial big boxes with some random crap in them game worlds now 
have been since the 8-bit era.
The games that stood out by immersing us despite the limitations of technology 
were usually
the ones which were lovingly crafted.

very possibly.
time and effort makes a good product

quick and dirty makes a poor product, despite the availability of more 
advanced technologies.

like, many old games did fairly well even with few pixels to work with, 
and even a fairly high-resolution texture can still look terrible. say, 
a 512x512 canvas doesn't mean some quick-and-dirty passes with an 
airbrush and paint-can tool and throwing some emboss at it will look good.

with some time and practice though, it gets a little easier to start 
making artwork that looks more passable.

I was left idly imagining the possibility of using a good old scripting 
language (probably BGBScript in my case) to assist in building worlds. 
say, higher level API commands can be added to the mapper, so I can 
issue commands like build a room here with these textures and 
dimensions or generate some terrain over there as API calls or similar.

loops or functions could also generate things like stairs and similar, ...

then, it can partly be a process of writing scripts, invoking them in 
the mapper, and optionally saving out the results if it looks about like 
what was being hoping for (maybe followed by some amount of manual fine 

similarly, the commands would probably be usable from the console as 
well (as-is, BGBScript code can already be entered interactively at the 
console), in addition to the existing GUI-based mapping interface.

probably the underlying world structure would remain being built out of 
entities, convex polyhedrons (brushes), Bezier patches, and polygon 
meshes. (unlike some other ideas, this wouldn't drastically change how 
my engine works, or even require redesigning/recreating my tools...).

sorry if all this is a bother to anyone, being solidly not really about 
programming per-se...

To: Fundamentals of New
Sent: Tuesday, 17 January 2012, 3:31
Subject: Re: [fonc] Inspired 3D Worlds


these would generally be created manually, by placing every object
and piece of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly
effort-intensive, and simply running head first into it tends to
quickly drain my motivation (resulting in me producing worlds which
look like big boxes with some random crap in them).


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