Re: [PHP-DEV] 5.4 and is_callable()

2012-02-24 Thread jpauli
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Stas Malyshev smalys...@sugarcrm.comwrote:


  If I create a callback with either of these values:

 * $callback = 'Foo::bar';
 * $callback = array('Foo', 'Bar');

 is_callable() now returns true. In PHP 5.2 and 5.3, it returned false,
 which is what I'd expect.

 I tried the code from the bug and it returned true for me in 5.3:

  class Foo
public function bar()
   return __METHOD__;
 $callback = array('Foo', 'Bar');

 prints true in 5.3.9. Same happens for me with 5.2.

 I think if it returned false, it was a bug - this method is certainly
 callable, which one can check by calling it and succeeding.

  you can call it; it just raises an E_STRICT. That's true. Unless the
 method actually utilizes $this, in which case you get a fatal: Using
 $this when not in object context. And I can think of precisely zero
 situations where I'd want to call a non-static method statically and
 expect it to work.

 This is a different thing - yes, the method may fail, however is_callable
 is not meant to answer the question will method work as expected - it is
 not possible - but only the question if I called this method as a callback
 - would the engine be able to proceed with the call?. We could of course
 make the engine to disallow static calls to non-static functions - it would
 be quite complex as Foo::Bar not always means static call - but that is not
 within the responsibilities of is_callable. is_callable is supposed to
 dry-run the call code and see if it would fail to resolve, nothing more.

 As for situations where static and non-static method would be expected to
 work - unfortunately, I've seen code that calls functions both statically
 and non-statically, and expects it to work. I'm not saying it's a good
 thing but that's what people use. Changing it means changing the engine
 rules and probably will break some code.

  The point is: if I call is_callable() and it returns true, I should have
 a reasonable expectation that calling the callback will now work. In

 We have different definitions of what work means here. The call will
 work. The method itself may not work, but is_callable is certainly never
 would be able to guarantee that certain method will never fail. I
 understand I'm being a bit formalistic here, but that's because I'm trying
 to explain what is_callable is actually does. The problem is not in
 is_callable but in the fact that the engine allows you to call Foo::Bar.
 This call may mean a number of things - static call, parent method call,

  I propose that when a string callback referencing a static method call
 OR an array callback referencing a static method call refers to a method
 that is not marked static, is_callable() should return false.

 I don't see this happening in 5.4, but in more general way, I don't see
 is_callable departing from what the engine does. To make it worse, there
 are more cases where is_callable returns true but you can not actually call
 it - try making bar abstract method. The problem is that even the success
 of the call is actually runtime-dependent, so what is_callable is
 *actually* saying is I can see how it could work, given the right
 circumstances, but nobody can guarantee there won't be wrong circumstances
 when it is actually called. I don't think it can be really fixed without
 doing pretty serious changes to the engine and breaking some code.
 Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
 (408)454-6900 ext. 227

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Well, I'm +1 with Stas (and his explanation) ; but I'm also +1 to break the
compatibility about that behavior in our next major (PHP6? PHP7?)

We need to patch the engine, as patching is_callable() to handle just some
cases wouldn't be a good solution. As Stas said, is_callable() has to
reflect what the engine thinks (zend_is_callable_ex()).
But to patch it, we need approval from the community, and to wait for the
next major release as our release process prevents us from breaking BC in
minors :)



Re: [PHP-DEV] About CVE-2012-0831 (magic_quotes_gpc remote disable vulnerability?)

2012-02-24 Thread Ondřej Surý
Ping, the patch ( is simple and
PHP 5.3-SVN is broken when using magic_quotes_gpc. Please review and


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:51, Steve Beattie wrote:
 Hi Kousuke,

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 06:14:51PM +0900, Kousuke Ebihara wrote:

 I've also confirmed this behavior in snapshot version of PHP 5.3 (Build on 
 Feb 16, 2012 00:30 UTC).

 I tested my script.

 And I've got the following result::

     $ wget -q http://localhost:8080/phpinfo.php; -O - | grep Loaded 
 Configuration File
     trtd class=eLoaded Configuration File /tdtd 
 class=v/private/tmp/php.ini /td/tr

     $ cat /private/tmp/php.ini

     $ wget -q http://localhost:8080/cve-2012-0831.php?a=' -O -
     PHP Version: 5.3.11-dev
     magic_quotes_gpc: 0
     $_GET['a']: \'

 I think magic_quotes_gpc is not disabled. All of the PHP C sources might use 
 PG(magic_quotes_gpc) to access to that setting value, so that result might 
 not be affected zend_alter_ini_entry_ex().

 But a result of ini_get() uses a setting value after the 
 zend_alter_ini_entry_ex() calling, so it reports 0.

 The above is just my guessing because I'm not an expert of PHP C source code 
 but probably it is not bad guessing, I think.

 You're seeing the behavior reported by Ondřej Surý in, where magic_quotes_gpc is
 configured on, but ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') returns that it's
 disabled, even though magic quoting is still happening.

 It would be great to get comments on the patch provided by Ondřej
 in the bug report to know if it's the correct fix, and if so, get it
 committed to the 5.3 branch.


 Steve Beattie

Ondřej Surý

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Re: [PHP-DEV] mysqli_fetch_field() mysqlnd libmysql differences

2012-02-24 Thread Daniel Convissor
Hi Johannes:

 1) You said
  * /etc/my.cnf settings are (no other my.cnf files exist):
  * + default-character-set = utf8
  * + character-set-server = utf8
 In which section of the my.cnf file? Both for the server, or for the

default-character-set = utf8
character-set-server = utf8

Thanks for looking into this,


 T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
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 4015 7th Ave #4, Brooklyn NY 11232  v: 718-854-0335 f: 718-854-0409

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[PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 -0000 Issue 2561

2012-02-24 Thread Rasmus Schultz
Just a couple of quick notes...

I think that your proposal looks good, but I'd like to suggest a few
 changes. First of all, I'd like to see the association with integers
 removed. An enum instance shouldn't just be a name for an integer, it
 should be more like a singleton instance of a special kind of class
 that can only ever have a predefined set of named instances. There
 should be no value associated with it.

Strongly disagree.

Enum-values absolutely must translate to a scalar value, probably an int -
otherwise, how would you map an enum to a database, or submit it's value
via a form?

Secondly, there already exists the capacity for arbitrary classes to
 be used in foreach and count you just have to implement Iterator and
 Countable. Other interfaces that all enums might want to implement
 automatically are ArrayAccess and Serializable. This would just
 require the enum itself to be an object (maybe of type enum or
 something) such that it can implement the relevant methods.

Strongly agree!

I'm not sure what would be the value of a dedicated enum in PHP - I think
enum as a base-class with special capabilities would be a much better idea.

The requirements for enumerators often grow as you work through a problem -
today, you just need a few scalar values, tomorrow you need to iterate over
the possible value, next week you find you need to filter the values based
on a set of criteria, the week after that you suddenly need a drop-down in
a user-interface and you discover each value needs a user-friendly
description in english, and so on and so forth...

If all you really need is a simple indicator value of some sort, just use
class-constants with integer values - works nicely.

If you need anything more than that, it's likely you'll soon need more than
an enum anyway, regardless of how fancy your enum implementation is. I
would also point out, that the more advanced features you add to your
enum, the more you will find those features resemble class-features.

Another point I'd make, is that for anything enum-related, you often end up
needing functions that translate, sort, or filter, based on the values of
that specific type - with a dedicated enum-type, you'll end up needing a
class to go along with your enum to handle those things. Why not just use a
class in the first-place then?

In strongly-typed, compiled languages, I see the case for enums.

For a language like PHP, I think classes and objects would make more sense.

As said, I tend towards class-constants myself, but let's take this:

enum Foo
  Bar = 1,
  Baz = 2

And compare to this:

class Foo extends Enum
  public static $Bar;
  public static $Baz;

Foo::$Bar = new Foo(1);
Foo::$Baz = new Foo(2);

Was it really that much more work? How many enums do you add in a day? :-)

Now you can strongly type function-parameters, e.g.:

function doStuff(Foo $kind) { ... }


In a sense, enums in most languages are just crippled classes, although in
system-languages of course there's the benefit of enums performing better.
But I think you won't get a significant performance advantage from native
enums in a language like PHP.

Note that I'm assuming here that there's a base-class called Enum - it
would be nice if this implemented Iterator or IteratorAggregate, Countable,

The beauty of this approach as opposed to a native enum, is that you can
extend the Enum type to provide display-friendly values, ORM integration,
form integration, filtering, sorting, etc.

If you don't need any of those features, just use class constants.

Just my two cents...

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Ángel González
On 24/02/12 00:36, Kris Craig wrote:
 Hmm that's a fascinating idea!  So, and please correct me if I'm
 wrong, you're saying that it might be a better approach to determine
 strict vs. dynamic typing on a per file or function basis instead of
 on a per stack basis?  In other words, blah.php could contain two
 functions, one using strict typing and the other using traditional
 dynamic typing?
Yes. Two functions in the same file with different conventions may be a
strange use case, I'd expect differences to come from eg. using two
libraries, each with different typing.

 Theoretically, I think that approach could work.  Perhaps we'd have it
 specified in the function declaration itself; i.e. function whatever(
 $text, $number ) would be a traditional, dynamically-typed PHP
 function, whereas strict function whatever( string $text, int $number
 ) would use strict typing.
I'm not keen with that syntax, but that could be discussed. I remember
something similar was already mentioned in another types thread, with
ideasl like string! or string? to mark the types as strict or weak.

 The obvious question then would be, what if dynamic function A makes a
 call to dynamic function B, passing to it a dynamically-typed
 variable?  There are three viable approaches that come to mind:  This
 count not be allowed; this could be allowed but only if the variables
 being passed to function B are cast first (i.e. B( (string) $text,
 (int) $number );); or, this could be allowed without casting, in which
 case PHP would attempt to pass the variable and then throw an
 exception if it cannot be parsed as the required type.  Personally, my
 vote would be for Option 2.
I was envisioning it just as an interface for the call. Thus, if funtion
A used strict or dynamic types would be irrelevant. You seem to be
bringing up another option however, which is that funcion A could
specify the behavior on functions it calls.
It can look appealing, but I don't think that's desirable. After all,
it's the callee interface what is important, not the kind of caller (you
could have a setting to force an stricter behavior, but that seems more
appropiate for an extension, like xdebug scream option).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 -0000 Issue 2561

2012-02-24 Thread Samuel Deal

2012/2/24 Rasmus Schultz

 Enum-values absolutely must translate to a scalar value, probably an int -
 otherwise, how would you map an enum to a database, or submit it's value
 via a form

Strongly agree

I'm not sure what would be the value of a dedicated enum in PHP - I think
 enum as a base-class with special capabilities would be a much better idea.

 The requirements for enumerators often grow as you work through a problem

Sure, Enums aren't a solution for everything.
But it's part of our jobs to deal with thoose kind of changes.
We often split a class when it start to become a God class, etc...
In others languages, it's a common task to change from enum to a class,
or encapsulate them.

 The more advanced features you add to your
 enum, the more you will find those features resemble class-features.

I agree. I think the enum implementation we would choose shouldn't be more
complex that mine.
I would prefer to remove things in my proposal than adding (but perhaps I
have forgotten something important).

You'll end up needing a class to go along with your enum to handle those

Why not just use a class in the first-place then?

Because it's not always the case.
You should identify when we should use enum, and when it's time too make a
real class
But, I think again, it's your job. like when we choose to do inheritance
or encapsulation, or any other pattern choice.
Choose between enum and class is often easier and not in stone.

class Foo extends Enum
  public static $Bar;
  public static $Baz;

 Foo::$Bar = new Foo(1);
 Foo::$Baz = new Foo(2);

 Was it really that much more work? How many enums do you add in a day? :-)

It missed a little more work to walk thought your class, to ensure no-one
will make a new Foo(3) you don't manage,
and to check if 4 is in the list.
All of that if easy to do, but writing that code twice or third a month is
not really fun

Note that I'm assuming here that there's a base-class called Enum - it
 would be nice if this implemented Iterator or IteratorAggregate, Countable,

I think it's a good way too. Both concept are complementary.
We can provide a Enumerable base class for instance.

Samuel DEAL

RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 -0000 Issue 2561

2012-02-24 Thread Dmitri Snytkine
In order to intoduce the enum into php, 'enum' will have to be a keyword like 
'class', 'interface', etc.

Just a thought, but could there be a problem with using the new keyword 'enum' 
in php.  I don't think it's currently a reserved word, so it could potentially 
cause problems if a script uses the word enum for existing variable name or a 
function or a class name?

Dmitri Snytkine
Web Developer
Ultra Logistics, Inc.
Phone: (888) 220-4640 x 2097
Fax: (888) 795-6642

A Top 100 Logistics I.T. Provider in 2011

-Original Message-
From: Samuel Deal [] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:41 AM
To: Rasmus Schultz
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 - Issue 


2012/2/24 Rasmus Schultz

 Enum-values absolutely must translate to a scalar value, probably an int -
 otherwise, how would you map an enum to a database, or submit it's value
 via a form

Strongly agree

I'm not sure what would be the value of a dedicated enum in PHP - I think
 enum as a base-class with special capabilities would be a much better idea.

 The requirements for enumerators often grow as you work through a problem

Sure, Enums aren't a solution for everything.
But it's part of our jobs to deal with thoose kind of changes.
We often split a class when it start to become a God class, etc...
In others languages, it's a common task to change from enum to a class,
or encapsulate them.

 The more advanced features you add to your
 enum, the more you will find those features resemble class-features.

I agree. I think the enum implementation we would choose shouldn't be more
complex that mine.
I would prefer to remove things in my proposal than adding (but perhaps I
have forgotten something important).

You'll end up needing a class to go along with your enum to handle those

Why not just use a class in the first-place then?

Because it's not always the case.
You should identify when we should use enum, and when it's time too make a
real class
But, I think again, it's your job. like when we choose to do inheritance
or encapsulation, or any other pattern choice.
Choose between enum and class is often easier and not in stone.

class Foo extends Enum
  public static $Bar;
  public static $Baz;

 Foo::$Bar = new Foo(1);
 Foo::$Baz = new Foo(2);

 Was it really that much more work? How many enums do you add in a day? :-)

It missed a little more work to walk thought your class, to ensure no-one
will make a new Foo(3) you don't manage,
and to check if 4 is in the list.
All of that if easy to do, but writing that code twice or third a month is
not really fun

Note that I'm assuming here that there's a base-class called Enum - it
 would be nice if this implemented Iterator or IteratorAggregate, Countable,

I think it's a good way too. Both concept are complementary.
We can provide a Enumerable base class for instance.

Samuel DEAL

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 -0000 Issue 2561

2012-02-24 Thread Samuel Deal
2012/2/24 Dmitri Snytkine

 In order to intoduce the enum into php, 'enum' will have to be a keyword
 like 'class', 'interface', etc.

 Just a thought, but could there be a problem with using the new keyword
 'enum' in php.  I don't think it's currently a reserved word, so it could
 potentially cause problems if a script uses the word enum for existing
 variable name or a function or a class name?

It's true.
enum is still not a reserved word.
So yes, introducing native enum with this keyword would have this kind of
side effect.

I'll explain more the side effect:
- it create a parse error
- the world only is in trouble: something_enum or enum_somthing
- it happens with function, method, class, interface ... names, but not
variables, the $ char save them
- it happens a case-incensitive way

Samuel DEAL

Re: [PHP-DEV] mysqli_fetch_field() mysqlnd libmysql differences

2012-02-24 Thread Simon Schick
Hi, Daniel

I'd also set the collation to *utf8_unicode_ci*. Here's a link to the full
diff of the *my.cnf* file I am using on my dev-server:


2012/2/24 Daniel Convissor

 Hi Johannes:

  1) You said
   * /etc/my.cnf settings are (no other my.cnf files exist):
   * + default-character-set = utf8
   * + character-set-server = utf8
  In which section of the my.cnf file? Both for the server, or for the

 default-character-set = utf8
 character-set-server = utf8

 Thanks for looking into this,


  T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
data intensive web and database programming
  4015 7th Ave #4, Brooklyn NY 11232  v: 718-854-0335 f: 718-854-0409

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Could you elaborate on that a little?  I.e. as an interface for the
call.  I'm not sure what you mean by that.  If you could provide a quick
example, that would be awesome!  =)


2012/2/24 Ángel González

 On 24/02/12 00:36, Kris Craig wrote:
  Hmm that's a fascinating idea!  So, and please correct me if I'm
  wrong, you're saying that it might be a better approach to determine
  strict vs. dynamic typing on a per file or function basis instead of
  on a per stack basis?  In other words, blah.php could contain two
  functions, one using strict typing and the other using traditional
  dynamic typing?
 Yes. Two functions in the same file with different conventions may be a
 strange use case, I'd expect differences to come from eg. using two
 libraries, each with different typing.

  Theoretically, I think that approach could work.  Perhaps we'd have it
  specified in the function declaration itself; i.e. function whatever(
  $text, $number ) would be a traditional, dynamically-typed PHP
  function, whereas strict function whatever( string $text, int $number
  ) would use strict typing.
 I'm not keen with that syntax, but that could be discussed. I remember
 something similar was already mentioned in another types thread, with
 ideasl like string! or string? to mark the types as strict or weak.

  The obvious question then would be, what if dynamic function A makes a
  call to dynamic function B, passing to it a dynamically-typed
  variable?  There are three viable approaches that come to mind:  This
  count not be allowed; this could be allowed but only if the variables
  being passed to function B are cast first (i.e. B( (string) $text,
  (int) $number );); or, this could be allowed without casting, in which
  case PHP would attempt to pass the variable and then throw an
  exception if it cannot be parsed as the required type.  Personally, my
  vote would be for Option 2.
 I was envisioning it just as an interface for the call. Thus, if funtion
 A used strict or dynamic types would be irrelevant. You seem to be
 bringing up another option however, which is that funcion A could
 specify the behavior on functions it calls.
 It can look appealing, but I don't think that's desirable. After all,
 it's the callee interface what is important, not the kind of caller (you
 could have a setting to force an stricter behavior, but that seems more
 appropiate for an extension, like xdebug scream option).

Re: [PHP-DEV] mysqli_fetch_field() mysqlnd libmysql differences

2012-02-24 Thread Daniel Macedo
Quick note:

If you're not storing Belarusian, Macedonian, Serbian, or Ukrainian or
have no need for *proper sorting* of the extra letters in these
languages NOR the support of expansions and ligatures; I would revert
to using utf8_general_ci, which is _slightly_ faster but converts all
chars to their latin equivalents when sorting.

Just my 0,02 €


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[PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

Stas, David,

If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
doesn't even support the latest Apache.

There is a patch attached to
It needs review and wider testing.

The issue has an obvious (if you find the bug) solution.  The
decision is mostly for good public relations, which shouldn't be


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[PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Tom Boutell
I'm building a script that installs PHP 5.3.10 from source. One of the
steps is to install apc and mongo support via pecl. I'm building the
CGI/FastCGI version. This is on a box that formerly had mod_php

If I do 'make install' of PHP (which installs a new pecl binary) and
follow it up immediately with 'pecl install apc', the apc extension
winds up here:


That's not what command line php and php-cgi are looking for, so they
produce warnings and don't load the extensions.

However If I do the pecl install later - possibly after restarting
Apache with fastcgi enabled - it installs to the new, correct place:


The warnings go away, and everything is great.

This raises two questions about which no documentation seems to exist
after quite a bit of searching and which raise questions about whether
PHP is doing sensible things, so I took the liberty of bringing them
to folks who actually understand PHP's internals.

1. You only get one pecl binary although you may have many SAPIs
installed. mod_php defaults to thread-safe (and there seems to be no
way to turn that off on Linux), while php-cgi does not. So how does
pecl decide which way to build extensions? I tried setting
extensions_dir via config-set, but that setting was ignored (unless
perhaps it falls back if the folder doesn't exist yet?). How can I
ensure that, having just installed PHP and pecl, my next pecl install
will build extensions for the right flavor of PHP?

2. Why does php turn on thread-safety for mod_php at all on Linux,
given that it apparently still doesn't work very well with various
extensions in a genuinely multithreaded situation, slows things down,
takes more memory, and leads to problems like this one?

Everyone I've found runs PHP under the Apache prefork MPM, which does
not attempt to run PHP in multiple threads of one process. I have
never seen anyone successfully use the worker MPM with PHP, except by
moving PHP out to a fastcgi process pool, which is, again,
single-process PHP.

Even Microsoft's PHP accelerator uses the fastcgi-based,
one-process-per-PHP-request approach. Since Windows is so
thread-oriented that seems significant.

I have attached my script.

Thanks for any insight!

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:
 Hi internals!

 I have written an RFC that proposes to *deprecate* and *remove* the /e 

 Comments welcome!

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330
Description: Bourne shell script
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Stas Malyshev


If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
doesn't even support the latest Apache.

Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to have 
release version supporting new major version of Apache within days of 
the new release I feel his expectations need to be adjusted. I certainly 
wouldn't expect it.

There is a patch attached to
It needs review and wider testing.

I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1 we 
will consider it, and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody 
validates it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Klaus Silveira
I agree with Stas on this one. Certainly not critical and needs some review
while on the trunk.

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Stas Malyshev smalys...@sugarcrm.comwrote:


  If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
 included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
 doesn't even support the latest Apache.

 Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to have
 release version supporting new major version of Apache within days of the
 new release I feel his expectations need to be adjusted. I certainly
 wouldn't expect it.

 There is a patch attached to**id=61172
 It needs review and wider testing.

 I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1 we
 will consider it, and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody
 validates it.
 Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
 (408)454-6900 ext. 227

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Yeah I agree with Stas.  I definitely think this is a good idea and should
be included, but since we're already in the RC phase for 5.4.0 and Apache
2.4 is only a few days old, I don't think it's necessary to rush it into
5.4.0 (which has already been delayed far too many times already).

Definitely needs to go through the full QA cycle!  Both Unix and Windows.
Does anyone know if Apache finally decided to start supporting VC9 in 2.4?


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Stas Malyshev smalys...@sugarcrm.comwrote:


  If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
 included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
 doesn't even support the latest Apache.

 Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to have
 release version supporting new major version of Apache within days of the
 new release I feel his expectations need to be adjusted. I certainly
 wouldn't expect it.

 There is a patch attached to**id=61172
 It needs review and wider testing.

 I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1 we
 will consider it, and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody
 validates it.
 Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
 (408)454-6900 ext. 227

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Gustavo Lopes
On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 20:57:50 +0100, Stas Malyshev  

If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
doesn't even support the latest Apache.

Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :)

There is a patch attached to
It needs review and wider testing.


In any case, I think a release note pointing to this issue and the  
provisional solution would be a good idea.

Gustavo Lopes

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
As far as Windows is concerned, it is worth noting that the Apache mod_php
(i.e. ZTS) build is supported.  Also, though my information is a bit
outdated, last I heard work was being done to support thread-safe PHP as an
ISAPI module on IIS, though I don't know what the status of that is.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Tom Boutell wrote:

 I'm building a script that installs PHP 5.3.10 from source. One of the
 steps is to install apc and mongo support via pecl. I'm building the
 CGI/FastCGI version. This is on a box that formerly had mod_php

 If I do 'make install' of PHP (which installs a new pecl binary) and
 follow it up immediately with 'pecl install apc', the apc extension
 winds up here:


 That's not what command line php and php-cgi are looking for, so they
 produce warnings and don't load the extensions.

 However If I do the pecl install later - possibly after restarting
 Apache with fastcgi enabled - it installs to the new, correct place:


 The warnings go away, and everything is great.

 This raises two questions about which no documentation seems to exist
 after quite a bit of searching and which raise questions about whether
 PHP is doing sensible things, so I took the liberty of bringing them
 to folks who actually understand PHP's internals.

 1. You only get one pecl binary although you may have many SAPIs
 installed. mod_php defaults to thread-safe (and there seems to be no
 way to turn that off on Linux), while php-cgi does not. So how does
 pecl decide which way to build extensions? I tried setting
 extensions_dir via config-set, but that setting was ignored (unless
 perhaps it falls back if the folder doesn't exist yet?). How can I
 ensure that, having just installed PHP and pecl, my next pecl install
 will build extensions for the right flavor of PHP?

 2. Why does php turn on thread-safety for mod_php at all on Linux,
 given that it apparently still doesn't work very well with various
 extensions in a genuinely multithreaded situation, slows things down,
 takes more memory, and leads to problems like this one?

 Everyone I've found runs PHP under the Apache prefork MPM, which does
 not attempt to run PHP in multiple threads of one process. I have
 never seen anyone successfully use the worker MPM with PHP, except by
 moving PHP out to a fastcgi process pool, which is, again,
 single-process PHP.

 Even Microsoft's PHP accelerator uses the fastcgi-based,
 one-process-per-PHP-request approach. Since Windows is so
 thread-oriented that seems significant.

 I have attached my script.

 Thanks for any insight!

 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Nikita Popov
  Hi internals!
  I have written an RFC that proposes to *deprecate* and *remove* the /e
  Comments welcome!
  PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
  To unsubscribe, visit:

 Tom Boutell
 P'unk Avenue
 215 755 1330

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

On 02/24/2012 11:57 AM, Stas Malyshev wrote:


If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
included? This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
doesn't even support the latest Apache.

Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to
have release version supporting new major version of Apache within
days of the new release I feel his expectations need to be
adjusted. I certainly wouldn't expect it.

I kinda think Apache 2.4 was under development a bit longer than three
days, so PHP could reasonably have been expected to know what was

There is a patch attached to
It needs review and wider testing.

I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1
we will consider it,

I've no problems with the umpires decision.  Hopefully this thread
will aid web-searchers in locating the patch.

and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody validates it.


Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
These things often tend to move slowly.  I'm bewildered that most Linux
repos still use PHP 5.1.

The problem is, this patch has not yet gone through the QA wash cycle.
That takes time.  The only way to get it into 5.4.0, therefore, would be to
delay it even further.  I needn't remind anybody here that we're already a
month late on that.  Adding any more delays to fix anything other than
critical bugs should be avoided in my opinion.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/24/2012 11:57 AM, Stas Malyshev wrote:


  If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
 included? This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
 doesn't even support the latest Apache.

 Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to
 have release version supporting new major version of Apache within
 days of the new release I feel his expectations need to be
 adjusted. I certainly wouldn't expect it.

 I kinda think Apache 2.4 was under development a bit longer than three
 days, so PHP could reasonably have been expected to know what was

  There is a patch attached to**id=61172
 It needs review and wider testing.

 I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1
 we will consider it,

 I've no problems with the umpires decision.  Hopefully this thread
 will aid web-searchers in locating the patch.

  and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody validates it.


 Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
These things often tend to move slowly.  I'm bewildered that most Linux
repos still use PHP 5.1.

The problem is, this patch has not yet gone through the QA wash cycle.
That takes time.  The only way to get it into 5.4.0, therefore, would be to
delay it even further.  I needn't remind anybody here that we're already a
month late on that.  Adding any more delays to fix anything other than
critical bugs should be avoided in my opinion.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/24/2012 11:57 AM, Stas Malyshev wrote:


  If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
 included? This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
 doesn't even support the latest Apache.

 Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to
 have release version supporting new major version of Apache within
 days of the new release I feel his expectations need to be
 adjusted. I certainly wouldn't expect it.

 I kinda think Apache 2.4 was under development a bit longer than three
 days, so PHP could reasonably have been expected to know what was

  There is a patch attached to**id=61172
 It needs review and wider testing.

 I don't think it is a critical fix, so it's not for 5.4.0. For 5.4.1
 we will consider it,

 I've no problems with the umpires decision.  Hopefully this thread
 will aid web-searchers in locating the patch.

  and for trunk it can go in right now if somebody validates it.


 Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Tom Boutell
Good point. Last I tried that it worked poorly - I couldn't find a
bytecode cache that worked with it, performance was poor - and I
switched to the Microsoft accelerator and IIS. But things may have

Doesn't really explain it on Linux...

But what I really want to know is just how to get predictable behavior
in my script - after installing a new PHP and pecl I should be able to
do pecl installs and have them show up in the right extensions folder
for the PHP I just built, but no such luck.

(Yes, /usr/local/bin/pecl is the one I just built.)

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Kris Craig wrote:
 As far as Windows is concerned, it is worth noting that the Apache mod_php
 (i.e. ZTS) build is supported.  Also, though my information is a bit
 outdated, last I heard work was being done to support thread-safe PHP as an
 ISAPI module on IIS, though I don't know what the status of that is.


 On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Tom Boutell wrote:

 I'm building a script that installs PHP 5.3.10 from source. One of the
 steps is to install apc and mongo support via pecl. I'm building the
 CGI/FastCGI version. This is on a box that formerly had mod_php

 If I do 'make install' of PHP (which installs a new pecl binary) and
 follow it up immediately with 'pecl install apc', the apc extension
 winds up here:


 That's not what command line php and php-cgi are looking for, so they
 produce warnings and don't load the extensions.

 However If I do the pecl install later - possibly after restarting
 Apache with fastcgi enabled - it installs to the new, correct place:


 The warnings go away, and everything is great.

 This raises two questions about which no documentation seems to exist
 after quite a bit of searching and which raise questions about whether
 PHP is doing sensible things, so I took the liberty of bringing them
 to folks who actually understand PHP's internals.

 1. You only get one pecl binary although you may have many SAPIs
 installed. mod_php defaults to thread-safe (and there seems to be no
 way to turn that off on Linux), while php-cgi does not. So how does
 pecl decide which way to build extensions? I tried setting
 extensions_dir via config-set, but that setting was ignored (unless
 perhaps it falls back if the folder doesn't exist yet?). How can I
 ensure that, having just installed PHP and pecl, my next pecl install
 will build extensions for the right flavor of PHP?

 2. Why does php turn on thread-safety for mod_php at all on Linux,
 given that it apparently still doesn't work very well with various
 extensions in a genuinely multithreaded situation, slows things down,
 takes more memory, and leads to problems like this one?

 Everyone I've found runs PHP under the Apache prefork MPM, which does
 not attempt to run PHP in multiple threads of one process. I have
 never seen anyone successfully use the worker MPM with PHP, except by
 moving PHP out to a fastcgi process pool, which is, again,
 single-process PHP.

 Even Microsoft's PHP accelerator uses the fastcgi-based,
 one-process-per-PHP-request approach. Since Windows is so
 thread-oriented that seems significant.

 I have attached my script.

 Thanks for any insight!

 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Nikita Popov
  Hi internals!
  I have written an RFC that proposes to *deprecate* and *remove* the /e
  Comments welcome!
  PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
  To unsubscribe, visit:

 Tom Boutell
 P'unk Avenue
 215 755 1330

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

On 02/24/2012 03:11 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

I kinda think Apache 2.4 was under development a bit longer than three
days, so PHP could reasonably have been expected to know what was

 Maybe it just shows that less and less people care about Apache,
 including PHP core developers.

Sebastian BergmannCo-Founder and Principal Consultant

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Pierre Joye

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Tom Boutell wrote:
 Good point. Last I tried that it worked poorly - I couldn't find a
 bytecode cache that worked with it, performance was poor - and I
 switched to the Microsoft accelerator and IIS. But things may have

APC with rwlock is faster than before under Apache:

And that was possible only by doing changes in APC only.

Microsoft has no policy or whatever else when it comes to PHP but they
support FastCGI because it was easier for the IIS team to develop
FastCGI support for IIS than trying to get support via ISAPI for all
other languages. But it is imo a bad design solution (long term),
while working very so far.

PHP on windows supports both NTS and TS (Apache) and will certainly
support again TS under IIS again in PHP next.

 Doesn't really explain it on Linux...

 But what I really want to know is just how to get predictable behavior
 in my script - after installing a new PHP and pecl I should be able to
 do pecl installs and have them show up in the right extensions folder
 for the PHP I just built, but no such luck.

that's why php-config exists, use it to get which version of PHP is
installed or has to be used (nts, ts, php version, api version, etc.).
That's all parameter you need to know. php-config should give you the
path as well afair.


@pierrejoye | |

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Tom Boutell
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:

 that's why php-config exists, use it to get which version of PHP is
 installed or has to be used (nts, ts, php version, api version, etc.).
 That's all parameter you need to know. php-config should give you the
 path as well afair.

Then shouldn't a 'make install' of PHP have changed php-config on the
spot? Why wouldn't the pecl install I do immediately after that be
aware of the changes? The delay is what's puzzling. What good does it
do me to look at php-config output if pecl doesn't seem to?

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Pierre Joye
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
 On 02/24/2012 03:11 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 I kinda think Apache 2.4 was under development a bit longer than three
 days, so PHP could reasonably have been expected to know what was

We have been providing 2.3 support with our builds for the full 5.4
release phases, so I have to disagree with that.


@pierrejoye | |

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Pierre Joye
Once a package has been fetched, pecl install does nothing else than:

phpize, make, make install

and phpize does use php-config.

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Tom Boutell wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:

 that's why php-config exists, use it to get which version of PHP is
 installed or has to be used (nts, ts, php version, api version, etc.).
 That's all parameter you need to know. php-config should give you the
 path as well afair.

 Then shouldn't a 'make install' of PHP have changed php-config on the
 spot? Why wouldn't the pecl install I do immediately after that be
 aware of the changes? The delay is what's puzzling. What good does it
 do me to look at php-config output if pecl doesn't seem to?

 Tom Boutell
 P'unk Avenue
 215 755 1330


@pierrejoye | |

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] pecl, zts, non-zts, fastcgi and Apache

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Fri, February 24, 2012 1:52 pm, Tom Boutell wrote:
 2. Why does php turn on thread-safety for mod_php at all on Linux,
 given that it apparently still doesn't work very well with various
 extensions in a genuinely multithreaded situation, slows things down,
 takes more memory, and leads to problems like this one?

I can't recall who, but I have heard people who claim to run
multi-threaded on Linux, but with a heck of a lot of stress testing,
and a rigid control on minimal extensions added...

So apparently *somebody* uses it.

brain cancer update:

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Lester Caine

Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

  Maybe it just shows that less and less people care about Apache,

We have just taken over another small web hosting company ... first job move all 
of the windows/ASP sites on to the local Apache/PHP framework servers so we can 
add all the feature the customers have been clamouring for. And then scrap the 
outsourced windows hosting :) It will save a lot of money each month and get 
some of the speed back which has been a problem for them recently.
There are more than enough people who only care for Apache and only use that, 
66% of the worlds sites ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, February 22, 2012 8:57 am, Michael Morris wrote:
 Before writing up a full RFC I want to put out a feeler on something.
 Currently we have several input parameter objects, chief among them
 $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER (for the client HTTP headers).  All
 of them are arrays and legacy code sometimes writes to them.  Locking
 them as read only objects would cause a major BC break.

 What if instead we had an Object called $_PARAMETERS which holds the
 read only copies of this data.  In addition, this would be the first
 superglobal object, able to perform some filtering of inputs.  Basic

 -headers (The client http headers)

 All of these would be array objects, and all would be read only and
 have these methods and properties

 -filtered: Copy of the array according to the current set filters of
 the object.
 -setFilters(): Sets the filters of the input, an array with constant
 values for the allowed types.

 And I'll stop there.  The basic idea, to add a read only input hive
 with some basic object functionality for filtering.

I can see how you would want this, but it seems to me that you can
code this easily enough in PHP, with a singleton class with private
read-only properties that initialize to the various $_XXX values, and
a filter method that employs PHP FILTER.

Personally, I think introducing a whole new feature to be maintained
and documented to save defining a couple simple classes and a page of
code is not a win.

brain cancer update:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, February 22, 2012 9:10 am, Michael Morris wrote:
 $_REQUEST does nothing of the sort, and it's use is dangerous in
 RESTful architecture.  $_REQUEST is a smash together of $_GET, $_POST
 and $_COOKIE, in that order but the php.ini directive can change it.
 Hence there's no way of knowing if $_REQUEST['password'] came from
 $_COOKIE, $_POST, or $_GET, and worse, if two values in those source
 arrays have the same key $_REQUEST will overwrite them.  $_REQUEST to
 be honest, is a lame shortcut and bad idea almost on par with

Given that all three of $_GET $_POST and $_COOKIE are equally suspect
from a security POV, and you shouldn't really *care* which way the
client delivered the value, or at least not rely on it for anything
useful, I've never understood the resistance to using $_REQUEST.

Yes, GET should be idempotent, but there are many APIs and functions
in a large app that are idempotent by nature, and having a REST that
just doesn't care how the data comes in allows the consumer of the
service to use whatever they prefer.

If your entire REST service is read-only, such as an RSS feed, why not
allow GET or POST (or, silly as it may be COOKIE) and just use

brain cancer update:

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: internals Digest 22 Feb 2012 22:13:24 -0000 Issue 2561

2012-02-24 Thread Ángel González
On 24/02/12 17:46, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:
 In order to intoduce the enum into php, 'enum' will have to be a keyword like 
 'class', 'interface', etc.

 Just a thought, but could there be a problem with using the new keyword 
 'enum' in php.  I don't think it's currently a reserved word, so it could 
 potentially cause problems if a script uses the word enum for existing 
 variable name or a function or a class name?

 Dmitri Snytkine
I think it would be _possible_ to handle it in a completely backwards
compatible way, as no valid usage would conflict with new one, and
context could disambiguate them.

A variable called enum would be $enum, so no problem there, but
currently you could have enum in these contexts:
function enum (...) {
class enum {
interface enum {

and the new usage would be like:
enum name {

Also, you could have defined a constant called enum, but makes no sense
to use it at the beginning of a sentence.

That said, it would be hard to support such usages compared to the given
gain, so I suppose it would just produce a parser error about T_ENUM in
the above scenarios.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Regardless, I think this part of the conversation is pointless.  I
personally couldn't care less whether anybody thinks we're supporting new
Apache builds quickly enough or whose fault it is if the newest one doesn't
make it into the current build.  The finger pointing is just a petty
distraction that we really don't need since our attention should be focused
on getting 5.4.0 out the door.

So let's just set all that crap aside, ok?  All that matters right now is
that this is an important solution but it still needs to be tested, and
therefore won't be ready in time for the 5.4.0 release.  Therefore, let's
get this committed to the trunk and be done with it.  Then, once 5.4.0 is
finally released, this 2.4 support can be tested alongside all the other
things that will be going into 5.4.1 via our normal process.  Problem
solved.  =)


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

 Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

  Maybe it just shows that less and less people care about Apache,

 We have just taken over another small web hosting company ... first job
 move all of the windows/ASP sites on to the local Apache/PHP framework
 servers so we can add all the feature the customers have been clamouring
 for. And then scrap the outsourced windows hosting :) It will save a lot of
 money each month and get some of the speed back which has been a problem
 for them recently.
 There are more than enough people who only care for Apache and only use
 that, 66% of the worlds sites ...

 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -**contact
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Firebird -**index.php

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Script Compile System

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Tue, February 21, 2012 11:49 pm, Deepak Balani wrote:
 I am think(actually drafting) about the compilation system of PHP
 I want to make a native C extension which is able to compile the
 scripts in
 the Zend Engines opcodes and execute directly when called.

 The extension may have two functions.

 bool gpc_compile($source, $target): compile file to opcodes.
 mixed gpc_import($target) Include file to current script.

 gpc_import function accepting path to the compiled file and execute
 into the zend engine. I want to know perception of you all about this.

It sounds intriguing to me, if it can work reliably...

But what advantage is this over an opcode cache, really?

Now, if you could compile it to binary with `make` that would be
REALLY interesting :-)

brain cancer update:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 24.02.2012 20:57, schrieb Stas Malyshev:
 If you're planning to have a PHP 5.4 RC9, should Apache 2.4 support be
 included?  This would reduce any negative user sentiment that PHP 5.4
 doesn't even support the latest Apache.
 Latest Apache is about 3 days old now :) If somebody expects PHP to have 
 release version supporting new major
 version of Apache within days of the new release I feel his expectations need 
 to be adjusted. I certainly wouldn't
 expect it.

yes and no

yes, it is brand new

no because both PHP 5.4 and Apache 2.4 was devel-versions for a long time

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Any further thoughts on this?


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

 @Johannes Agreed.  That was one of the reasons I decided to make the
 existing behavior (i.e. -a) the default.

 I haven't independently confirmed that issue in APXS but I have heard it
 mentioned before; I'll test it myself when I get home just to make sure,
 since the APXS docs are a bit vague on this.

 Either way, I think so long as our documentation is clear and the existing
 behavior is default then it shouldn't pose a problem.


 2012/2/20 Johannes Schlüter


 On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 17:02 -0800, Kris Craig wrote:
  Opening discussion on RFC pertaining to adding a new option to the
  configure script with regard to how/whether APXS touches the httpd.conf
  This is my first RFC post so please go easy on me if I screwed-up on
  procedure in any way.  =)
  Here it is:

 A bit history:

 The svn revision r192467 had this comment:

 - Changed -a to -A to prevent enabling PHP in httpd.conf automatically.
 # Most distributions use separate file in a conf.d/ directory to enable
 # PHP, using -a would add unnecessary line in the main httpd.conf and
 # causes a warning during startup.

 This was reverted in r194843

 - Revert -a to -A change, bad idea: It disables EXISTING lines too!

 I think we should be careful there.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Stas Malyshev


no because both PHP 5.4 and Apache 2.4 was devel-versions for a long time

It may be anywhere for a long time, but it was raised here first time 
today, as far as I know. It's too late for 5.4.0, there's no point 
talking about it, this ship has sailed.
But for the future, if you (not meaning you personally but in general 
anybody reading this) care about some feature and want it in, the right 
way to do it is to raise the issue as early as possible. If the issue is 
raised in RC8, unless it's a remotely exploitable security hole, it 
pretty much guarantees it won't be in the release. If it's late then 
it's late. Trunk is the right place to go with new features.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Script Compile System

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, February 22, 2012 3:45 am, Flavius Aspra wrote:
 On 02/22/2012 07:29 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
 complicated optimization passes or any of those things

 Would such things be welcome/needed in the engine or as an extension?

Note that he said complicated :-)

There are many trivial / easy optimizations of low-hanging fruit.

It's just the out-of-band not-in-real-time complicated ones that PHP
doesn't do, shouldn't do, and won't do.

So if you find a quick easy one, it's most welcome...

The complicated ones, not so much :-)

The misinformation that opcode caches save compilation time
routinely rears it's ugly head.  Opcode caches save disk reads.  Using
the already-opcoded chunk is just gravy, because the cache does this
(grossly over-simplified):

if ($opcode = opcode_cache_get($filename)){ //added by opcode cache
  //do no disk I/O EXPENSIVE
  //Oh, and for gravy, don't compile it.
  $source = file_get_contents($filename); //EXPENSIVE
  $opcode = php_compile($source);

instead of this:

if ($source = opcode_cache_get($filename)){ //added by opcode cache
  //do no disk I/O EXPENSIVE
  $source = file_get_contents($filename); //EXPENSIVE
$opcode = php_compile($source); //cheap and easy small optimization

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, February 23, 2012 1:21 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
1. Is strict typing something that we should seriously consider
implementing at some point in the foreseeable future?


If you want that, PHP is not the language for you, so just go use Java
and JSP.

I'm not being rude nor abusive: If anyone dislikes the way PHP works
at such a fundamental layer, they just shouldn't use it.

3. If toggleable, should this be defined at the config level, the
level, or both?

God no.

The insanity of dozens upon dozens of php.ini settings make
portability difficult enough already.

  of sending variables (JSON-encoded/decoded from a remote
 hub that he also
  wrote) with inconsistent types.  For example, the progress
 key could be a
  multidimensional array, a string, NULL, a boolean, and in one
 rare case
  even an object pointer.  But MOST of the time, it's an array,

switch (true){
  case is_array($input): break;
  case is_null($input): break;
  case is_boolean($input): break;
  case is_string($input): break;
//There is no object pointer in PHP, so I dunno what you are
talking about...

Was that really that tricky?

   - It would probably be a fairly large undertaking to implement.

Monstrously large.
But feel free to try it yourself. :-)

brain cancer update:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Larry Garfield

On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Wed, February 22, 2012 9:10 am, Michael Morris wrote:

$_REQUEST does nothing of the sort, and it's use is dangerous in
RESTful architecture.  $_REQUEST is a smash together of $_GET, $_POST
and $_COOKIE, in that order but the php.ini directive can change it.
Hence there's no way of knowing if $_REQUEST['password'] came from
$_COOKIE, $_POST, or $_GET, and worse, if two values in those source
arrays have the same key $_REQUEST will overwrite them.  $_REQUEST to
be honest, is a lame shortcut and bad idea almost on par with

Given that all three of $_GET $_POST and $_COOKIE are equally suspect
from a security POV, and you shouldn't really *care* which way the
client delivered the value, or at least not rely on it for anything
useful, I've never understood the resistance to using $_REQUEST.

Yes, GET should be idempotent, but there are many APIs and functions
in a large app that are idempotent by nature, and having a REST that
just doesn't care how the data comes in allows the consumer of the
service to use whatever they prefer.

If your entire REST service is read-only, such as an RSS feed, why not
allow GET or POST (or, silly as it may be COOKIE) and just use

Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating 
them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place.  It is 
in fact legal to have both in the same request.  Then what do you do?

The idea of having a real request object in PHP is a good one; however, 
a superglobal is not it.  Making it a superglobal eliminates the value 
of a real request object, namely that you can encapsulate it, override 
it locally, pass it around, mock it for testing, etc. in a safe fashion. 
 A superglobal request object is a complete waste of time.

There are a number of existing request object libraries out there 
already.  PECL HTTP in C, both Zend and Symfony2 have their versions, 
etc.  Drupal is in the process of moving to Symfony's.  Any PHP-core 
request object (which in general I will agree is a good thing, and 
something sorely missing in the language today) should be based on one 
of those, where there's already existing work done to work out the 
kinks.  Simply throwing $_GET onto a property of a superglobal object 
does not accomplish anything useful.

--Larry Garfield

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Lester Caine

Richard Lynch wrote:

1. Is strict typing something that we should seriously consider
  implementing at some point in the foreseeable future?


If you want that, PHP is not the language for you, so just go use Java
and JSP.

I'm not being rude nor abusive: If anyone dislikes the way PHP works
at such a fundamental layer, they just shouldn't use it.

Well said 

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Mon, February 20, 2012 7:02 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
 Opening discussion on RFC pertaining to adding a new option to the
 configure script with regard to how/whether APXS touches the

 This is my first RFC post so please go easy on me if I screwed-up on
 procedure in any way.  =)

 Here it is:

This seems to me like a useful addition, with minimal risk, and many
sysadmins would welcome it.

Has to default to current behavior, of course, which one might want to
add to the RFC explicitly.

+1 until somebody explains why it's bad :-)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Woops that was a typo lol.  I meant to put and a between the two.

I hear that a lot; i.e. If you want static typing, use Java.

Unfortunately, that dismissive answer has not worked too well over the
years, has it?  People are still clamoring for this, and I think making
some very valid arguments that shouldn't be so derisively and flippantly
brushed aside.

Besides, I don't see any rule listed anywhere that says PHP has to be a
pure dynamically-typed language.  People have made some very viable
arguments as to why this would be beneficial.  Your but PHP doesn't
currently do this so screw it rebuttal really doesn't add anything to the
discussion, IMHO.  I'm not being rude or abusive:  If anyone thinks PHP is
carved in stone and can never be changed or evolved, they just shouldn't
work on developing it.  ;P

So no, sorry, but I don't think that's a valid argument.  Your other
arguments do have merit, and some alternatives have already been floated to
address them.  But the whole, If you don't like it then just get the hell
out and use Java instead, attitude carries ZERO weight with me.  =)


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

 On Thu, February 23, 2012 1:21 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
 1. Is strict typing something that we should seriously consider
 implementing at some point in the foreseeable future?


 If you want that, PHP is not the language for you, so just go use Java
 and JSP.

 I'm not being rude nor abusive: If anyone dislikes the way PHP works
 at such a fundamental layer, they just shouldn't use it.

 3. If toggleable, should this be defined at the config level, the
 level, or both?

 God no.

 The insanity of dozens upon dozens of php.ini settings make
 portability difficult enough already.

   of sending variables (JSON-encoded/decoded from a remote
  hub that he also
   wrote) with inconsistent types.  For example, the progress
  key could be a
   multidimensional array, a string, NULL, a boolean, and in one
  rare case
   even an object pointer.  But MOST of the time, it's an array,

 switch (true){
  case is_array($input): break;
  case is_null($input): break;
  case is_boolean($input): break;
  case is_string($input): break;
//There is no object pointer in PHP, so I dunno what you are
 talking about...

 Was that really that tricky?

- It would probably be a fairly large undertaking to implement.

 Monstrously large.
 But feel free to try it yourself. :-)

 brain cancer update:

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Fri, February 24, 2012 4:16 pm, Larry Garfield wrote:
 On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
 Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating
 them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place.

We'll have to agree to disagree here.

To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.

 It is
 in fact legal to have both in the same request.  Then what do you do?

Option A) Don't use REQUEST if you need both
Option B) The GPC ordering is quite specific and reliable

 The idea of having a real request object in PHP is a good one;

I'm not even seeing why turning the independent arrays into an object
is a Good Idea, so have chopped the rest off.

But I certainly agree that researching the PHP code out there is a
Good Idea to compare to the RFC to see what's missing / wrong, if one
wants to continue down the path.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Will Fitch
On Friday, February 24, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
 On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
  On Wed, February 22, 2012 9:10 am, Michael Morris wrote:
   $_REQUEST does nothing of the sort, and it's use is dangerous in
   RESTful architecture. $_REQUEST is a smash together of $_GET, $_POST
   and $_COOKIE, in that order but the php.ini directive can change it.
   Hence there's no way of knowing if $_REQUEST['password'] came from
   $_COOKIE, $_POST, or $_GET, and worse, if two values in those source
   arrays have the same key $_REQUEST will overwrite them. $_REQUEST to
   be honest, is a lame shortcut and bad idea almost on par with
  Given that all three of $_GET $_POST and $_COOKIE are equally suspect
  from a security POV, and you shouldn't really *care* which way the
  client delivered the value, or at least not rely on it for anything
  useful, I've never understood the resistance to using $_REQUEST.
  Yes, GET should be idempotent, but there are many APIs and functions
  in a large app that are idempotent by nature, and having a REST that
  just doesn't care how the data comes in allows the consumer of the
  service to use whatever they prefer.
  If your entire REST service is read-only, such as an RSS feed, why not
  allow GET or POST (or, silly as it may be COOKIE) and just use
 Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating 
 them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place. It is 
 in fact legal to have both in the same request. Then what do you do?

The same thing that is done with $_REQUEST and virtually any other global 
parameter-based framework.  You set your data priority.  If you need to access 
them separately, then you can do that.  What Richard said wasn't that they are 
identical, rather they should be treated with equal security measures.  The 
idea that POST is more secure than GET is ridiculous.  That said, you *should* 
care about which section of the request header you submit the data (e.g. you 
obviously don't want your login form to submit via GET).
 The idea of having a real request object in PHP is a good one; however, 
 a superglobal is not it. Making it a superglobal eliminates the value 
 of a real request object, namely that you can encapsulate it, override 
 it locally, pass it around, mock it for testing, etc. in a safe fashion. 
 A superglobal request object is a complete waste of time.
 There are a number of existing request object libraries out there 
 already. PECL HTTP in C, both Zend and Symfony2 have their versions, 
 etc. Drupal is in the process of moving to Symfony's. Any PHP-core 
 request object (which in general I will agree is a good thing, and 
 something sorely missing in the language today) should be based on one 
 of those, where there's already existing work done to work out the 
 kinks. Simply throwing $_GET onto a property of a superglobal object 
 does not accomplish anything useful.

As you noted, every framework has their own version of request/response 
objects.  This is the job of a framework and not the core language.   
 --Larry Garfield
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Thanks for the input!  You're right, I'll go ahead and clarify that in the

I'll probably initiate voting on Monday unless something changes between
now and then.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

 On Mon, February 20, 2012 7:02 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
  Opening discussion on RFC pertaining to adding a new option to the
  configure script with regard to how/whether APXS touches the
  This is my first RFC post so please go easy on me if I screwed-up on
  procedure in any way.  =)
  Here it is:

 This seems to me like a useful addition, with minimal risk, and many
 sysadmins would welcome it.

 Has to default to current behavior, of course, which one might want to
 add to the RFC explicitly.

 +1 until somebody explains why it's bad :-)

 brain cancer update:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Larry Garfield

On 2/24/12 4:34 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Fri, February 24, 2012 4:16 pm, Larry Garfield wrote:

On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating
them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place.

We'll have to agree to disagree here.

To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.

Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations. 
 One is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not 
cacheable.  I very much care which someone is using.

As Will said in the other reply, there's security implications.  (I 
don't know who suggested that POST is more secure than GET.  I certainly 
didn't.)  You want your login form operating over POST, not GET, in 
large part for the reasons above.

--Larry Garfield

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
 To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
 read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
 GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.
 Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.  One
 is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not cacheable.
  I very much care which someone is using.

People exploiting security would *never* think of
caching/replaying/modifying  a POST request, that's just totally
unimaginable! It would take, like HUGE computational effort to like,
cURL it or just type it out!

er, no.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Larry Garfield

On 2/24/12 4:48 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Larry  wrote:

To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.

Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.  One
is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not cacheable.
  I very much care which someone is using.

People exploiting security would *never* think of
caching/replaying/modifying  a POST request, that's just totally
unimaginable! It would take, like HUGE computational effort to like,
cURL it or just type it out!

er, no.


Please point out where I said that POST not a security risk.  I am quite 
sure I typed no such thing, so how you read such a thing I do not know. 
 I am genuinely curious to see how you managed to interpret anything I 
said as POST is secure because it won't be cached.

--Larry Garfield

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Jeremiah Dodds
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
 On 2/24/12 4:34 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

 On Fri, February 24, 2012 4:16 pm, Larry Garfield wrote:

 On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
 Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating
 them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place.

 We'll have to agree to disagree here.

 To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
 read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
 GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.

 Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.  One
 is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not cacheable.
  I very much care which someone is using.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're referring to the HTTP *method*
used. A POST can be made to a URL that includes a query-string, but
what that means as far as interpreting the variables is undefined as
far as I know.

Because of that, I think it's a bad idea to either treat them as the
same thing, or rely on both $_POST and $_GET parameters being present.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
 On 2/24/12 4:48 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Larry
 Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.
 is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not
  I very much care which someone is using.
 People exploiting security would *never* think of
 caching/replaying/modifying  a POST request, that's just totally
 unimaginable! It would take, like HUGE computational effort to like,
 cURL it or just type it out!
 er, no.
 Please point out where I said that POST not a security risk.  I am quite
 sure I typed no such thing, so how you read such a thing I do not know.  I
 am genuinely curious to see how you managed to interpret anything I said as
 POST is secure because it won't be cached.

Well, I didn't actually say that you said any such thing. I picked up on:
the other is not idempotent and not cacheable
...which is obviously false, and I highlighted, in a security context,
how POSTs are cached, and should be treated with equal distrust as
GET, because both are suspect, user submitted, forms of data, subject
to exploiting.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Bostjan Skufca
Despite the fact that Apache HTTPD's website says that 2.4.1 represents
the best available version of Apache HTTP Server, and that PHP 5.4.0 will
probably also bear similar notation (guesswork here!), very few (if any!)
production environments are going to even bother considering running first
minor version of  any major release.

For both, they will probably wait for 2.4.2(-5) and 5.4.1(-4) because with
every major release there is a high suspicion about new bugs that may have
been introduced during the development process (besides the documented
backwards compatibility breaks).

Given all above, no serious user of Apache+PHP will mind if PHP team
introduces necesary code changes into PHP between versions 5.4.0 and 5.4.1,
in order to support Apache Httpd 2.4.x in 5.4.x releases later on.

Again, why? Because they will skip 5.4.0 in production. And 2.4.1 too.

My 2 cents,

On 24 February 2012 22:31, Kris Craig wrote:

 Regardless, I think this part of the conversation is pointless.  I
 personally couldn't care less whether anybody thinks we're supporting new
 Apache builds quickly enough or whose fault it is if the newest one doesn't
 make it into the current build.  The finger pointing is just a petty
 distraction that we really don't need since our attention should be focused
 on getting 5.4.0 out the door.

 So let's just set all that crap aside, ok?  All that matters right now is
 that this is an important solution but it still needs to be tested, and
 therefore won't be ready in time for the 5.4.0 release.  Therefore, let's
 get this committed to the trunk and be done with it.  Then, once 5.4.0 is
 finally released, this 2.4 support can be tested alongside all the other
 things that will be going into 5.4.1 via our normal process.  Problem
 solved.  =)


 On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

  Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
   Maybe it just shows that less and less people care about Apache,
  We have just taken over another small web hosting company ... first job
  move all of the windows/ASP sites on to the local Apache/PHP framework
  servers so we can add all the feature the customers have been clamouring
  for. And then scrap the outsourced windows hosting :) It will save a lot
  money each month and get some of the speed back which has been a problem
  for them recently.
  There are more than enough people who only care for Apache and only use
  that, 66% of the worlds sites ...
  Lester Caine - G8HFL
  Contact -**contact
  L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
  EnquirySolve -
  Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
  Firebird -**index.php
  PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Larry Garfield

On 2/24/12 5:04 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Larry  wrote:

On 2/24/12 4:48 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Larry

Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.
is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not
  I very much care which someone is using.

People exploiting security would *never* think of
caching/replaying/modifying  a POST request, that's just totally
unimaginable! It would take, like HUGE computational effort to like,
cURL it or just type it out!
er, no.

Please point out where I said that POST not a security risk.  I am quite
sure I typed no such thing, so how you read such a thing I do not know.  I
am genuinely curious to see how you managed to interpret anything I said as
POST is secure because it won't be cached.

Well, I didn't actually say that you said any such thing. I picked up on:
the other is not idempotent and not cacheable
...which is obviously false, and I highlighted, in a security context,
how POSTs are cached, and should be treated with equal distrust as
GET, because both are suspect, user submitted, forms of data, subject
to exploiting.


When systems are behaving properly, POST is not cached.  I was referring 
to the RFC:

Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response 
includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However, 
the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to 
retrieve a cacheable resource.

So strictly speaking its the response to a POST that is not (by default) 
cached.  From a security perspective, yes, all incoming data should be 
viewed as a threat until proven otherwise, regardless of what part of 
the HTTP request it comes from or what superglobal PHP marshals it into 
by default.

--Larry Garfield

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread Ángel González
On 24/02/12 19:35, Kris Craig wrote:
 Could you elaborate on that a little? I.e. as an interface for the
 call. I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you could provide a
 quick example, that would be awesome! =)

Hi Kris,
You're right it wasn't clearly expresseded. Lets see if I can improve it.
A function call is a connection between two pieces of code. The
prototype is the interface through which they communicate (a contract
between caller and callee if you prefer, although I'm only dealing with
the terms provided by the prototype, not those documented in any other way).

This interface can be quite general, just pass two variables of any
kind, may contain several rules the first one shall be an object of
type Cat and the second an iterator, of varying complexity you can
provide a third parameter, but you don't need to.

Although it's a contract between two pieces, I see them as really
belonging to the callee, just like a mortgage, which although
negotiated by two parts, the bank has more power deciding the
conditions, and can reuse the offer to several customers.
Similarly, the prototype is defined with the function code, can be
called from multiple places, etc.
A client need may change the interface, but that ends up as a change in
the callee file.

The contract between the two pieces of code, can be quite complex, and
there are interfaces out there which shouldn't exist^W^W include doing
completetely different things if receiving an array, an object, false or
Most contracts however are much more sane, expecting perhaps a User
object, a number or an array of properties.

Still, there's the possibility that the contract isn't honored, such as
being given a cheque with non-sufficient funds.
There are several approaches to that. The easier one is to assume it is
always followed, and let things break if they were not (It was clear in
the manual that you needed to provide 50 gallons of fuel to the plane
for traveling there, as you did not, we are now in the air with an empty
tank), but the consequences of a violation a can be quite bad, and also
hard to determine who first violated the contract.
Thus, functions -specially library code expected to be called by
careless programmers- can check by themselves that their arguments make
sense before proceeding on, as a way to ensure -as far as they can
assert- that the contract was followed. The equivalent would be phoning
the bank to verify that the cheque is indeed valid before handing the
three apples to the customer. It can be cumbersome, but unlike the
previous approach, you bear no risks.
Finally, typehints are like using a prepaid card, for which the bank
automatically endorses the transaction. If you were given an object for
that parameter, you know that it is the class the prototype required it
to be, because otherwise the engine (the bank) wouldn't have let it pass.
This greatly reduces verifiying work, while still asserting the
prototype prerequisites, and thus makes many people think that type
hinting is a Good Thing™.

Then there are several schools of think on what should happen when you
hand a debit card with insufficient money. Some people think that you
should be escorted out of the shop (without any items) if there's not
enough money there to pay them. Others favour that if you have enough
money in your bank account, the bank should let you continue the
transaction by drawing your money from there.
There are also those who think that the bank should also be able to
mediate for coins (non-objects).

This is just a banker list, where discussion of what should the bank do
with the very different customers (pieces of code), that pass through
it, if it's more important to let the shopping suceed or it's better to
leave the shop empty and keep hard-earned savings for the holidays :)

And that's the end of the story.
The conflict and wars over hinting will continue as breaking the
contracts is in human and such is the fate of this list, until one of
them finally wins.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] $_PARAMETERS Super Global Object

2012-02-24 Thread Larry Garfield

On 2/24/12 4:55 PM, Jeremiah Dodds wrote:

Except that per HTTP, GET and POST are completely different operations.  One
is idempotent and cacheable, the other is not idempotent and not cacheable.
  I very much care which someone is using.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're referring to the HTTP *method*
used. A POST can be made to a URL that includes a query-string, but
what that means as far as interpreting the variables is undefined as
far as I know.

Because of that, I think it's a bad idea to either treat them as the
same thing, or rely on both $_POST and $_GET parameters being present.

The underlying problem is that HTTP has a URI query string, and a body. 
 In a typical GET request there is no body.  In a typical POST the body 
is a query string in similar format to the URI's query string, plus 
possibly other stuff.  In other request methods the body may be 
something else entirely.

PHP's superglobals make the (wrong) assumption that the URI query string 
comes from a GET query (hence $_GET) and body comes from a POST query 
string ($_POST), because that matches up with the default method= 
attribute of HTML forms.  That assumption is limiting and misleading, 
and made worse by the existence of $_REQUEST, but is the assumption that 
PHP makes.

--Larry Garfield

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 25.02.2012 00:09, schrieb Bostjan Skufca:
 Despite the fact that Apache HTTPD's website says that 2.4.1 represents
 the best available version of Apache HTTP Server, and that PHP 5.4.0 will
 probably also bear similar notation (guesswork here!), very few (if any!)
 production environments are going to even bother considering running first
 minor version of  any major release.
 For both, they will probably wait for 2.4.2(-5) and 5.4.1(-4) because with
 every major release there is a high suspicion about new bugs that may have
 been introduced during the development process (besides the documented
 backwards compatibility breaks).
 Given all above, no serious user of Apache+PHP will mind if PHP team
 introduces necesary code changes into PHP between versions 5.4.0 and 5.4.1,
 in order to support Apache Httpd 2.4.x in 5.4.x releases later on.
 Again, why? Because they will skip 5.4.0 in production. And 2.4.1 too.

you are missing the fact that many consider testing the new major versions
and many of them will only start testing PHP 5.4 in combination with Apache 2.4

because you have ONE big test challenge at once

* httpd
* httpd-extensions
* php
* php-extensions / pecl-extensions
* your applications with both of them

nobody will start consider PHP 5.4 if Apache 2.4 is on the internal
roadmap before both work together because it would mean the whole
work twice

in other words: if both work together ASAP i wil consider both
in 2012, if not both will be delayed to 2013

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

On 02/24/2012 02:38 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

Thanks for the input!  You're right, I'll go ahead and clarify that in the

I'll probably initiate voting on Monday unless something changes between
now and then.



The RFC needs more work before voting. It needs to explain what exact
circumstances  versions cause the problem you are trying to solve.  I
haven't had a clashing LoadModule since PHP 6 was rebranched and
became 5.5-dev.  To me this means that the feature adds complexity
without current value.

The open questions about Apache 1.3 don't belong in the RFC.  Document
your decisions about what is and isn't going to be supported by the
enhancement so that voters know exactly what they are voting on.

If you proceed with the RFC, consider overloading the current syntax
with the standard optional comma separator:

   –with-apxs2=enabled,/path/to/apxs  # or disabled,/path/to/apxs

Also, choose a good time to begin voting, e.g. after 5.4 is released.


Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

On 02/24/2012 02:38 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

Thanks for the input!  You're right, I'll go ahead and clarify that in the

I'll probably initiate voting on Monday unless something changes between
now and then.


The real issue with the PHP install is that it doesn't add AddType
or SetHandler to update httpd.conf.  Basic users relying on .php
file extensions have to manually edit the file.  It would have been
friendly to make the default install just work for these people.
Experienced developers will want to make their own changes regardless
of what the base install does.

Easier said than done, but that makes it a good project.

Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache 2.4 support in PHP 5.4.0?

2012-02-24 Thread Bostjan Skufca
On 25 February 2012 00:18, Reindl Harald wrote:

  Again, why? Because they will skip 5.4.0 in production. And 2.4.1 too.

 you are missing the fact that many consider testing the new major versions
 and many of them will only start testing PHP 5.4 in combination with
 Apache 2.4


in other words: if both work together ASAP i wil consider both
 in 2012, if not both will be delayed to 2013

True, but I believe 2.4.2 and 5.4.1 will see the light of the day pretty
soon (IF 5.4.0 will be released soon:).


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Yeah since we pretty much rely on APXS to do the httpd.conf stuff, we're
really limited in terms of what we can do.  That is, unless we want to
start manually doing this in the configure script in lieu of APXS, though
I'm not sure that would be worth the trouble and the overhead.

LoadModule clashes still happen in the current releases.  I haven't tested
it on 5.5-dev but it definitely exists on 5.3.x.  I have yet to test it on
5.4 but I'm not aware of any changes there that would've affected this.  So
this is an existing problem, though admittedly it's really just more of an
unnecessary annoyance.  If you're doing QA work or something else that
involves frequent PHP rebuilds and you have your PHP configuration in a
separate .conf file (as is good practice anyway), this tends to become
quite irritating.  And since APXS already has the solution built-in, it
seems kinda silly not to make use of it.

The open question of course won't be in the RFC when voting begins.
However, I have yet to hear from one single person on that question.  I'll
make an arbitrary decision on that if nobody cares, but I want to give
everyone an opportunity to weigh-in on that question.  At very least, could
somebody tell me if we're still supporting Apache 1.3.x or not?  If we are,
any idea if/when we're planning on phasing that out?  I'd feel a lot better
if I at least knew where we stood on that.

I'll look into the comma separation suggestion and see if that'll work.
Mainly I just want to make sure we're not breaking any existing
functionality; i.e. I want people to be able to not specify this at all and
still get the same behavior they did before this change.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/24/2012 02:38 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

 Thanks for the input!  You're right, I'll go ahead and clarify that in the

 I'll probably initiate voting on Monday unless something changes between
 now and then.


 The real issue with the PHP install is that it doesn't add AddType
 or SetHandler to update httpd.conf.  Basic users relying on .php
 file extensions have to manually edit the file.  It would have been
 friendly to make the default install just work for these people.
 Experienced developers will want to make their own changes regardless
 of what the base install does.

 Easier said than done, but that makes it a good project.

 Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

On 02/24/2012 03:54 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

LoadModule clashes still happen in the current releases.  I haven't
tested it on 5.5-dev but it definitely exists on 5.3.x.  I have yet
to test it on 5.4 but I'm not aware of any changes there that
would've affected this.  So this is an existing problem,

It doesn't happen for me and I frequently build PHP 5.3, 5.4 and trunk
mods.  The library name is the same for all branches.  Are you sure
it's not a feature/bug of your APXS version?  Anyway, the RFC needs
more investigative description, IMHO.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
No, it happens and it's even clearly documented in APXS.

Basically, if you specify the -a option in APXS, it overwrites your
httpd.conf (or apache.conf or whatever it is on your system) and adds the
LoadModule line to it.  In PHP's configure script, you'll notice that -a
is always specified; there's no option to use APXS without it.  As a
result, make install will always overwrite your LoadModule entry in
httpd.conf if APXS is enabled.  The problem occurs when you have LoadModule
in an included .conf file already; APXS does not have the ability to detect
that.  Therefore, a duplicate LoadModule entry is added to httpd.conf by
APXS, and thus the clash occurs.  This behavior has been reproduced
numerous times.

I think the RFC is pretty clear on how this works.  Nobody else has
expressed confusion thus far.  I could clarify further but I'm not sure
how; it's pretty straight-forward, really.  I'm not sure what may have been
happening in your case or if perhaps you misunderstood what this RFC is
about.  Either way, I would recommend you create a fresh Linux-based build
environment, build Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3.10 yourself (i.e. stay away from
yum/apt-get), then attempt to generate an APXS-enabled Makefile using PHP's
configure script that does not activate APXS with the -a option.  It
might also be a good idea for you to check-out the APXS documentation (I
included a link to it on the RFC).

Those steps should enable you to reproduce this.  =)


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/24/2012 03:54 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

 LoadModule clashes still happen in the current releases.  I haven't
 tested it on 5.5-dev but it definitely exists on 5.3.x.  I have yet
 to test it on 5.4 but I'm not aware of any changes there that
 would've affected this.  So this is an existing problem,

 It doesn't happen for me and I frequently build PHP 5.3, 5.4 and trunk
 mods.  The library name is the same for all branches.  Are you sure
 it's not a feature/bug of your APXS version?  Anyway, the RFC needs
 more investigative description, IMHO.


 Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Christopher Jones

On 02/24/2012 04:14 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

No, it happens and it's even clearly documented in APXS.

Basically, if you specify the -a option in APXS, it overwrites your
httpd.conf (or apache.conf or whatever it is on your system) and adds the
LoadModule line to it.  In PHP's configure script, you'll notice that -a
is always specified; there's no option to use APXS without it.  As a
result, make install will always overwrite your LoadModule entry in
httpd.conf if APXS is enabled.  The problem occurs when you have LoadModule
in an included .conf file already; APXS does not have the ability to detect
that.  Therefore, a duplicate LoadModule entry is added to httpd.conf by
APXS, and thus the clash occurs.  This behavior has been reproduced
numerous times.

I can start with a LoadModule line, run the exact apxs command that
the PHP Makefile executes and I still have only one LoadModule in the
file.  Note the time stamp of the file changes.

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ ls -l /home/cjones/apache22/conf/httpd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 cjones cjones 13998 2012-02-24 16:30 

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ grep libphp5 /home/cjones/apache22/conf/httpd.conf
  LoadModule php5_modulemodules/

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ /home/cjones/apache22/bin/apxs -S 
LIBEXECDIR=/home/cjones/apache22/modules -S 
SYSCONFDIR=/home/cjones/apache22/conf -i -a -n php5
  /home/cjones/apache22/build/libtool --mode=install cp 
  cp .libs/ /home/cjones/apache22/modules/
  cp .libs/libphp5.lai /home/cjones/apache22/modules/
  libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish 
/home/cjones/phpbuild/php53 /libs'
  chmod 755 /home/cjones/apache22/modules/
  [activating module `php5' in /home/cjones/apache22/conf/httpd.conf]

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ ls -l /home/cjones/apache22/conf/httpd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 cjones cjones 13998 2012-02-24 16:33 

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ grep libphp5 /home/cjones/apache22/conf/httpd.conf
  LoadModule php5_modulemodules/

I could interpolate the apxs -a documentation that says or by
enabling it if it already exists to support what I see.

Good luck with your RFC,


Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] APXS LoadModule Option in configure

2012-02-24 Thread Kris Craig
Oh ok, I think I see where you're getting confused.

This problem occurs when your LoadModule statement is in a *separate* .conf
file; i.e. using the Include statement.  APXS cannot detect this and just
sticks a LoadModule into the main .conf file.  This is what causes the
duplication.  It's a very common issue as many people (myself included)
prefer to keep their PHP configurations separate.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/24/2012 04:14 PM, Kris Craig wrote:

 No, it happens and it's even clearly documented in APXS.

 Basically, if you specify the -a option in APXS, it overwrites your
 httpd.conf (or apache.conf or whatever it is on your system) and adds the
 LoadModule line to it.  In PHP's configure script, you'll notice that -a
 is always specified; there's no option to use APXS without it.  As a
 result, make install will always overwrite your LoadModule entry in
 httpd.conf if APXS is enabled.  The problem occurs when you have
 in an included .conf file already; APXS does not have the ability to
 that.  Therefore, a duplicate LoadModule entry is added to httpd.conf by
 APXS, and thus the clash occurs.  This behavior has been reproduced
 numerous times.

 I can start with a LoadModule line, run the exact apxs command that
 the PHP Makefile executes and I still have only one LoadModule in the
 file.  Note the time stamp of the file changes.

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ ls -l /home/cjones/apache22/conf/**httpd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 cjones cjones 13998 2012-02-24 16:30

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ grep libphp5 /home/cjones/apache22/conf/**
  LoadModule php5_modulemodules/

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ /home/cjones/apache22/bin/apxs -S
 LIBEXECDIR=/home/cjones/**apache22/modules -S 
 -i -a -n php5
 SH_LIBTOOL='/home/cjones/**apache22/build/libtool' /home/cjones/apache22/modules
  /home/cjones/apache22/build/**libtool --mode=install cp
  cp .libs/ /home/cjones/apache22/modules/**
  cp .libs/libphp5.lai 
  libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish
 /home/cjones/phpbuild/php53 /libs'
  chmod 755 /home/cjones/apache22/modules/**
  [activating module `php5' in /home/cjones/apache22/conf/**httpd.conf]

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ ls -l /home/cjones/apache22/conf/**httpd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 cjones cjones 13998 2012-02-24 16:33

  cjones:~/phpbuild/php53 $ grep libphp5 /home/cjones/apache22/conf/**
  LoadModule php5_modulemodules/

 I could interpolate the apxs -a documentation that says or by
 enabling it if it already exists to support what I see.

 Good luck with your RFC,


 Tel:  +1 650 506 8630

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Enum proposal (yet another)

2012-02-24 Thread John Crenshaw
 -Original Message-
 From: Lester Caine [] 

 Richard Lynch wrote:
  1. Is strict typing something that we should seriously consider
implementing at some point in the foreseeable future?
  If you want that, PHP is not the language for you, so just go use Java 
  and JSP.
  I'm not being rude nor abusive: If anyone dislikes the way PHP works 
  at such a fundamental layer, they just shouldn't use it.

 Well said 

 Lester Caine - G8HFL

No, not really. This sort of attitude brings nothing to the table and leaves no 
room for level minded negotiation. It simply derides anyone who thinks 
differently in an attempt to bully other people into giving you your way. 
Claiming I'm not being rude or abusive doesn't make the comments any less so.

John Crenshaw
Priacta, Inc.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] svn: /php/php-src/ branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS branches/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_API.c trunk/NEWS trunk/Zend/zend_API.c

2012-02-24 Thread Laruence
   you might want to review this fix.

   let me explain why crash before this fix.

   when doing parse_parameter,  then convert the object to string by
calling the ce-cast_object,

   and passed the same pointer(although there was a separation), to
the cast_object..

   then if __toString method stash $this somewhere, after the
parameters clean up,  the $this pointer will be impending..

   then in the next loop, the return_value will happen used the same adress,,

   then balalala, cause the segfault..

   sorry for my poor english,  and hope I have made myself clearly,
if there is any question , plz write me.


On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Xinchen Hui wrote:
 laruence                                 Sat, 25 Feb 2012 04:36:08 +


 Fixed bug #61165 (Segfault - strip_tags())

 Bug: (Assigned) Segfault - strip_tags()

 Changed paths:
    U   php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS
    U   php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_API.c
    U   php/php-src/trunk/NEWS
    U   php/php-src/trunk/Zend/zend_API.c

 Modified: php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS
 --- php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS   2012-02-25 03:19:27 UTC (rev 323488)
 +++ php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS   2012-02-25 04:36:08 UTC (rev 323489)
 @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  ?? ??? 2012, PHP 5.3.11

  - Core:
 +  . Fixed bug #61165 (Segfault - strip_tags()). (Laruence)
   . Improved max_input_vars directive to check nested variables (Dmitry).
   . Fixed bug #61095 (Incorect lexing of 0x00*+NUM). (Etienne)
   . Fixed bug #61072 (Memory leak when restoring an exception handler).

 Modified: php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_API.c
 --- php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_API.c        2012-02-25 03:19:27 
 UTC (rev 323488)
 +++ php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_API.c        2012-02-25 04:36:08 
 UTC (rev 323489)
 @@ -254,10 +254,15 @@
  static int parse_arg_object_to_string(zval **arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, cast_object)) {
 -               SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NOT_REF(arg);
 -               if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, cast_object)(*arg, *arg, IS_STRING 
 +               zval *obj;
 +               ALLOC_ZVAL(obj);
 +               MAKE_COPY_ZVAL(arg, obj);
 +               if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_P(*arg, cast_object)(*arg, obj, IS_STRING 
 +                       zval_ptr_dtor(arg);
 +                       *arg = obj;
                        return SUCCESS;
 +               zval_ptr_dtor(obj);
        /* Standard PHP objects */
        if (Z_OBJ_HT_PP(arg) == std_object_handlers || !Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, 
 cast_object)) {

 Modified: php/php-src/trunk/NEWS
 --- php/php-src/trunk/NEWS      2012-02-25 03:19:27 UTC (rev 323488)
 +++ php/php-src/trunk/NEWS      2012-02-25 04:36:08 UTC (rev 323489)
 @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
   . World domination

  - Core:
 +  . Fixed bug #61165 (Segfault - strip_tags()). (Laruence)
   . Fixed bug #61072 (Memory leak when restoring an exception handler).
     (Nikic, Laruence)
   . Fixed bug #61000 (Exceeding max nesting level doesn't delete numerical

 Modified: php/php-src/trunk/Zend/zend_API.c
 --- php/php-src/trunk/Zend/zend_API.c   2012-02-25 03:19:27 UTC (rev 323488)
 +++ php/php-src/trunk/Zend/zend_API.c   2012-02-25 04:36:08 UTC (rev 323489)
 @@ -262,12 +262,17 @@
  static int parse_arg_object_to_string(zval **arg, char **p, int *pl, int 
 type TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, cast_object)) {
 -               SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NOT_REF(arg);
 -               if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, cast_object)(*arg, *arg, type 
 +               zval *obj;
 +               ALLOC_ZVAL(obj);
 +               MAKE_COPY_ZVAL(arg, obj);
 +               if (Z_OBJ_HANDLER_P(*arg, cast_object)(*arg, obj, type 
 +                       zval_ptr_dtor(arg);
 +                       *arg = obj;
                        *pl = Z_STRLEN_PP(arg);
                        *p = Z_STRVAL_PP(arg);
                        return SUCCESS;
 +               zval_ptr_dtor(obj);
        /* Standard PHP objects */
        if (Z_OBJ_HT_PP(arg) == std_object_handlers || !Z_OBJ_HANDLER_PP(arg, 
 cast_object)) {

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Laruence  Xinchen Hui

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