[jQuery] jQuery Cycle Slideshow makes site crash in IE7

2009-04-07 Thread zeckdude

Please look at  http://www.idea-palette.com http://www.idea-palette.com 
I have multiple pages that are being faded in using the top nav. When the
user clicks on any of the above buttons to fade in another page that
contains the Slideshow using the jQuery Cycle Plugin, IE7 crashes. 

When I comment out the jQuery that controls the fades of the slideshow, IE7
does not crash anymore.
You can see that here:  http://www.idea-palette.com/IEindex.php

I'm guessing IE7 does not like it when it fades to some content that
contains some other content that is in the process of fading already. I'm
guessing the two together somehow overload IE7 so it crashes.

Before I figured out that the jQuery Cycle Plugin was causing the page to
crash, I asked this question on another forum and someone found out this
info when looking at my site: 

'It has something to do with your DirectX filter (probably what's doing the
fades). Here's the stack, and EAX is NULL. Whatever the code is doing is
trying to deref EAX: 

6C8E87E1  mov edi,edi 
6C8E87E3  pushebp  
6C8E87E4  mov ebp,esp 
6C8E87E6  pushecx  
6C8E87E7  mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 
6C8E87EA  mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] --- EAX is NULL


Perhaps you're removing an element from the DOM while the transform is still
operating on it?'

Does anybody know how I can fix this problem?

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[jQuery] Why does my website crash in IE when fading?

2009-04-06 Thread zeckdude

My site works fine in Firefox, but it crashes in IE.

I am using alot of jQuery in order to fade in content. When the user clicks
on one of the above links a few times, it will crash in IE.

Here is my site:  http://www.idea-palette.com/ http://www.idea-palette.com/ 

I have absolutely no idea why the site crashes in IE. I don't even know
where to begin to debug my problem. I don't have Visual Studio on my
computer, but on my friends computer Visual Studio reads a message of An
unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe[]

Does anyone have any ideas?
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[jQuery] Re: Can't get anchor tags to work with Cycle Plugin

2009-03-17 Thread zeckdude

This seems like a pretty easy problem. Does anybody know how I can add anchor
tags around the Cycle Plugin Slideshow?

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[jQuery] Can't get anchor tags to work with Cycle Plugin

2009-03-12 Thread zeckdude

I'm using the jQuery Cycle Plugin, and I am trying to add anchor tags around
the images in the slideshow so that the user can click on it to go to
another site.

I saw the example Malsup made at 
http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/test/egil.html  in which the anchor tags
work great.

I actually copied the same anchor tags that he used in that example. 

Here is my HTML for the slides:

div id=rockslides 
   /about-us/business-strategy/  images/rockslides/rockslide1.jpg  
   /about-us/business-strategy/  images/rockslides/rockslide2.jpg  
   /about-us/business-strategy/  images/rockslides/rockslide3.jpg  

For some reason, the anchor tags I'm writing above aren't showing up cause
nabble thinks I'm adding a link, so please just look at the source code on
my site below. It's just an anchor tag around images that are all within a
div that is being affected by the jQuery code.

Here is my jQuery:

fx: 'fade',
speed: 1000, //How fast the transition is
timeout: 5000, //Time length between slides
pause: 1, //Causes the slideshow to pause when 
the mouse hovers over the
sync: true,
next: '#rocknextbtn',
prev: '#rockprevbtn'

Here is the site in which the anchor tags are not working: 

Here is the site without the anchor tags where the slideshow works great,
but without the anchor tags: 

I must be missing something easy, cause I seem to have the same exact code
as Malsup uses in his example. I hope someone can help me out!


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[jQuery] Re: Can't get anchor tags to work with Cycle Plugin

2009-03-12 Thread zeckdude

nobody? anybody?
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[jQuery] Re: Need Help with changing css on an object

2009-03-08 Thread zeckdude

phpbutcher wrote:
 Charlie is absolutely right. You can simplify it by using the
 css :hover to do your rollover states. You still however need to do
 something on top of that to handle the current problem you're having
 with it keeping the state change when a user clicks on
 one of the nav elements. That's really where my thought process was in
 my post.

Thanks for your suggestions. I am already using a hover state in my css, so
I have that covered. I wanted to keep the text on the buttons as images,
because it's a custom font and also if I make just the lightbulb as the
link, then the user can't click on the text to use it as a link. He/She
would have to click on the lightbulb. Am I wrong in thinking that? Any

As far as my original problem goes, I added a class in the css called 'lit'
to the button's span as they're the ones with the background-image. 

This is what I wrote in my CSS:

#printsectbtn span { background-image: url(../images/print_off.png); }
#printsectbtn span:hover { background-image: url(../images/print_on.png); } 
#printsectbtn span.lit { background-image: url(../images/print_on.png); }

#websectbtn span { background-image: url(../images/web_off.png); }
#websectbtn span:hover { background-image: url(../images/web_on.png); } 
#websectbtn span.lit { background-image: url(../images/web_on.png); }

#motsectbtn span { background-image: url(../images/motion_off.png); }
#motsectbtn span:hover { background-image: url(../images/motion_on.png); }  
#motsectbtn span.lit { background-image: url(../images/motion_on.png); }

#intsectbtn span { background-image: url(../images/int_off.png); }
#intsectbtn span:hover { background-image: url(../images/int_on.png); } 
#intsectbtn span.lit { background-image: url(../images/int_on.png); }

This is what I wrote in my jquery:

   $('#printsectbtn span').addClass('lit');
   $('#nav li a').click(function(){
 var clickedLinkId = $(this).attr('id');
 $('#nav li a span').removeClass('lit');
 $('#' + clickedLinkId + ' span').addClass('lit');

 return false;

So basically when the user clicks on one of the buttons, it adds the class
'lit' which changes the background-image to what I specified in the css for
each different button. It also removes the class 'lit' from all of the
button's spans, which changes the background image back to the lightbulb
being off.  

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[jQuery] Re: Need Help with changing css on an object

2009-03-08 Thread zeckdude

I will definitely add sprites though, I forgot to mention that. Thanks for
that suggestion.
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[jQuery] Need Help with changing css on an object

2009-03-07 Thread zeckdude


I am having some issues with my site. I have a main Nav with four links that
load in 4 different sections. 

You can see the page I am working on here: 

What I am trying to do is, when a user clicks on another Main Nav button,
such as 'Web Projects', the background-image changes to another image that
shows the lightbulb being on. I also want it to change back the
background-image for any link that currently has the light on, so that it
seems the light is on for whatever page the user visits.

Here is my basic html layout that pertains:

  div id=container
div id=header
  div id=nav
  anchor tag
span tag

Each of the links are called 'printsectbtn', 'websectbtn', and so on. Each
of the default background-images is called 'print_off.png', 'web_off.png',
and so on. Each of the background images that show up when a user clicks
that link are called 'print_on.png', 'web_on.png', and so on.

I have started all their names with either 'print', 'web', 'mot', or 'int'
so that I could make it dynamic and simply erase some letters from the
clicked div's name and then add some others at the end.

Here is my jquery that pertains to this issue:

$('#nav li a').click(function(){
var clickedLinkId = $(this).attr('id'); //This is the ID of the
Main Nav Link that was clicked
var picOnLocation = 'images/' + clickedLinkId - 'sectbtn' + '_on' +
'.png'; //This is the location of the new background image once the user
clicks a button
var picOnUrl = 'url(' + picOnLocation + ')'; //This combines the
background image location and URL Line
$('#' + clickedLinkId + '
span').css({background-image:picOnUrl}); //This changes the background
image of the span of the currently clicked link.

return false;

Basically, what I am trying to do above is to:
1) Get the ID of the clicked link. I called this var ClickedLinkId.
2) Erase the word 'sectbtn' from the end of the ID, so that it just reads as
'print' or 'web' for example 
3) Add 'images/' before the word and '_on.png' after the word, so that it is
the location of the new background Image that shows up after the user clicks
on a link. I called this var picOnLocation.
4) Combine the new background Image location(picOnLocation) and URL line. I
called this var picOnUrl.
5) Change the css of the clicked Link's span to show up as the new
background image as specified by picOnUrl.

What I am using does work as I can see the current background disappear, but
no new background loads in. Also, when I try this: var picOnUrl =
url('images/web_on.png'); ,it works fine, so I think I may have an issue
with it not being able to find the background image file or perhaps my
concatenation is incorrect.

Here's my folder structure if it helps:

- print_on.png
- web_on.png
- mot_on.png
- int_on.png

I know this is a really long post, but I am really hoping someone can help
me, so I included all the specifics. Please let me know if there are any
other questions that I can answer to help you help me.

Thanks in advance!



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[jQuery] Div's conflicting with each other

2009-02-03 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I am using the jqGalScroll v2.1 Photo Gallery on my site. I
have implemented the version that koesbong made at
http://www.ryanbrenizer.com/wedding_portrait, but I am having an issue with
Internet Explorer that I was hoping you can help me with.

This is the Image Gallery in it's correct position, but it's making the
buttons on the left not rollover or be clickable through the different
sections anymore:

This is the Image Gallery where I added a bunch of break tags before the
Gallery in the html and it works then. I think the buttons are being
affected as
soon as anything is put on the right side of it:

This is another example in which I made a paragraph tag with some text and
gave that paragraph an absolute position. This works and lets me keep
in the correct position:

What I would like to do is add an absolute position either to the
ul.jqGalScroll or to the div.jqGSContainer which is in the attached
jqGalScroll.css. I already tried adding the absolute position to the ul but
that didn't work. I can't figure out how to give the
container that is created an absolute position.

I hope you can help figure this out.

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[jQuery] Problems with creating a pager effect with a kwicks nav

2009-01-25 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I created a Kwicks style nav and I am trying to make each of the buttons
fade in a certain area of content.

Each of the buttons fades in their areas correctly, but after I hit one
button, it won't do anything when I hit another button after that. I'm
pretty sure it has something to do with the jquery code that is effecting
the fading in that the area is told to fadeOut and after that won't fade
back in after clicking another button.

Here's a page with the problem:

Here's the jQuery code that is effecting the fading for each content area:

$(document).ready(function() {


$(#printareabutton).click(function() {

 $(#motionarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500);
 $(#webarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500, testertwo);

 function testertwo() {

$(#webareabutton).click(function() {

 $(#motionarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500);
 $(#printarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500, tester);

 function tester() {

$(#motionareabutton).click(function() {
  $(#webarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500);
  $(#printarea  *:visible).fadeOut(500, testerthree);

  function testerthree() {

There are currently 3 working buttons. Also, it is the upper nav that is
having the fading issues.

I really hope you can help me out in any way! I'm totally stuck right now!
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[jQuery] Re: Simple jQuery problem with fading In/Out

2009-01-21 Thread zeckdude

Thanks for your help RSol!

I did what you said, but I'm experiencing problems.

In firefox, It still won't fade in the second area, and it wont fade back to
the first area either. So pretty much, none of it works in Firefox.

In Internet Explorer, the first area cuts away before the second area fades
in. Also, after the second area fades away again, the first area just cuts
back in. It seems as though the fade settings don't work on the first
content area.

I hope you can help me out!

I have posted my new revised page with the directions you gave me at:

RSol wrote:
 Try this:
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;head
 script type=text/javascript src=pagetest3b_files/jquery.min.js/
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(#button2).click(function() {
   $(#button1).click(function() {
 div id=box
   div class=fadeinarea
   div id=area1
   div id=area2
 div id=buttonstofade
   center # First
 Content Area /center
   center # Second
 Content Area /center

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[jQuery] Re: Content not fading in correctly

2009-01-21 Thread zeckdude

zeckdude wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am trying to fade in some content, but it's not working correctly. I got
 some code at the Nettuts tutorial at
 and changed it a bit so it just fades in and out. 
 I have the page here:  http://idea-palette.com/testfolder/pagetest5.html
 The fading sort of works, but there are a few problems. 
 In Firefox, the page loads perfectly. When you click on the 'Second
 Content Area' button, the content loads in correctly, but the jquery that
 controlled the sprite's hover on the sidenav stops working. When you click
 back on the 'First Content Area', the content loads back in, but the
 jquery that controlled the cycle plugin I had working on the slideshow no
 longer works.
 In Internet Explorer, the page loads perfectly. When you click on the
 'Second Content Area' button, the first content cuts away as well as the
 side navigation and nothing loads back in. When you click back on the
 'First Content Area', the sidenav and content load back in, but the
 sidenav doesn't work and the jquery that controlled the cycle plugin I had
 working on the slideshow no longer works.
 The jquery code that is doing the fading is:
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#fadebuttons li a').click(function(){
   var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content';
   function loadContent() {
   function showNewContent() {
   return false;
 I'm very confused. Can someone please help me?

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[jQuery] Issues with jQuery Cycle Plugin

2009-01-20 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I'm working with the Pager feature using the jQuery Cycle

I'm having some problems. I made two buttons at the bottom of my layout that
when pressed are supposed to fade in two separate content areas. I'm pretty
sure I made the correct div's and inserted the jQuery code correctly, so I'm
not sure why I'm experiencing the problems I'm facing.

In Firefox the two buttons don't do anything.

In Internet Explorer, the second button fades in the second content area,
but when I press the first button to fade in the first content area, nothing
fades back in.

I hope you all can help me, because I'm thoroughly confused.

The page I am referring to is


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[jQuery] Simple jQuery problem with fading In/Out

2009-01-20 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I'm trying to fade in one content area when I click on Button 1 and have the
other content area fade out. As I wrote my code right now, it doesn't seem
as though it's right. 

In Internet Explorer, It sort of works, but for some reason the content that
is in content area 1 doesn't fade in. It just pops in even though the second
content area fades in just fine.

In Firefox, I can make content area 1 fadeout when i click on the second
content area button(#button2), but then the second content area doesn't
appear, nor can you make content area 1 fade back in when you press the
first content area button(#button1).

The jquery code I wrote myself: 

$(document).ready(function() {


$(#button2).click(function() {
$(#area1).fadeOut(1500, function() {

$(#button1).click(function() {
$(#area2).fadeOut(1500, function() {


The Page with the problems is at:

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[jQuery] Re: Simple jQuery problem with fading In/Out

2009-01-20 Thread zeckdude

What's wrong with my tags?

I don't understand. What's in the comments?

Can you please explain?

RSol wrote:
 The problem is:
 Your tags:
   div id=area2
 in comment.

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[jQuery] Content not fading in correctly

2009-01-20 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I am trying to fade in some content, but it's not working correctly. I got
some code at the Nettuts tutorial at
and changed it a bit so it just fades in and out. 

The fading sort of works, but there are a few problems. 

In Firefox, the page loads perfectly. When you click on the 'Second Content
Area' button, the content loads in correctly, but the jquery that controlled
the sprite's hover on the sidenav stops working. When you click back on the
'First Content Area', the content loads back in, but the jquery that
controlled the cycle plugin I had working on the slideshow no longer works.

In Internet Explorer, the page loads perfectly. When you click on the
'Second Content Area' button, the first content cuts away as well as the
side navigation and nothing loads back in. When you click back on the 'First
Content Area', the sidenav and content load back in, but the sidenav doesn't
work and the jquery that controlled the cycle plugin I had working on the
slideshow no longer works.

The jquery code that is doing the fading is:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#fadebuttons li a').click(function(){
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content';

function loadContent() {

function showNewContent() {

return false;



I have the page here: http://idea-palette.com/testfolder/pagetest5.html

I'm very confused. Can someone please help me?

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[jQuery] Re: Browser Inconsistencies

2009-01-19 Thread zeckdude

thx! adding the width to the #slideshow solved my problem! I really
appreciate it

ricardobeat wrote:
 Try adding position:relative to #slideshow, or giving it proper height
 and width. IE has many rendering bugs you need to be aware of at
 development, at this point the best you can do is fiddle with the CSS
 until you make it work.
 On Jan 19, 4:57 am, zeckdude zeckd...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a strange problem I don't know how to fix. My page is showing up
 as it should in Firefox, but when I look at the same exact page in
 Explorer, the buttons below the slideshow don't appear.

 I figured out, however that when you look at the page in Internet
 and hold on to the ctrl key and roll the wheel on the mouse, then the
 buttons appear all of a sudden as if they have been hiding behind the
 slideshow, but they aren't there when I move it to check.

 The page ishttp://www.idea-palette.com/testfolder/pagetest2.html

 Can anyone help me figure this out please?

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[jQuery] jQuery doesn't like being put inside a parent div in Internet Explorer

2009-01-18 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I have a weird problem. I put a container div around the html for a kwicks
style navigation bar and a Cycle Plugin slideshow which are both being
powered by jquery scripts.

It works fine when I look at it in Firefox, but when I look at it Internet
Explorer, the navigation bar isn't where it is supposed to be and the
slideshow isn't even showing up.

1. This is the page with the container div around the rest of my html code
that doesn't look the same in Internet Explorer -

2. This is the page where I removed the container div and the page looks
exactly identical in Internet Explorer -

I would really like to use a container div, so can you please help me out?

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery doesn't like being put inside a parent div in Internet Explorer

2009-01-18 Thread zeckdude


I don't understand what that means. I did some googling on it and i found
that it means the name of the starttag (the first some_name you find is
not equal to the final end tag (the last /some_name you will find) you
need to make them the same name. 

My html and head tags are named the same, so I am not sure what this means
or why it's not making the jquery work in Internet Explorer.

Can you please tell me what I can do to fix this problem?



wileyl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I didn't look at the jQuery because you - First - may want to fix the
 (X)HTML/Transitional code for IE6. See -
 |head| and |html| elements are showing XML Parsing Error: Opening and
 ending tag mismatch errors.

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery doesn't like being put inside a parent div in Internet Explorer

2009-01-18 Thread zeckdude

I see the warning icon now. I just now enabled my script debugging and I see
the Error message that appears: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish
to Debug? Line: 27, Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

When I click on the Yes button to debug, nothing happens. I did some
googling and I saw that Microsoft Script Editor is supposed to be opening
up, but it doesn't happen. Do you know if there is some place where I can
check if the Microsoft Script Editor is installed correctly? Is there some
other Script Editing program I can use for this? What do I do after I get
the Script Editing program to work?


malsup wrote:
 Sean is referring to the fact that your markup is invalid (unclosed
 link tag):
 The bottom line though, is that IE is throwing a scripting error.  You
 need to get that fixed.  Do you have script debugging enabled? Don't
 you see the warning icon on the status bar?

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery doesn't like being put inside a parent div in Internet Explorer

2009-01-18 Thread zeckdude

I figured out what was causing the problem. There was something being
referred to in the JS that was called container on Line 27, so I simply
changed the name of the div.

I am still somewhat puzzled on how to open the script editor or how to tell
Internet Explorer which Script editing program to open. Do you know how to
set that up?
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[jQuery] Browser Inconsistencies

2009-01-18 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I have a strange problem I don't know how to fix. My page is showing up just
as it should in Firefox, but when I look at the same exact page in Internet
Explorer, the buttons below the slideshow don't appear.

I figured out, however that when you look at the page in Internet Explorer
and hold on to the ctrl key and roll the wheel on the mouse, then the
buttons appear all of a sudden as if they have been hiding behind the
slideshow, but they aren't there when I move it to check.

The page is http://www.idea-palette.com/testfolder/pagetest2.html

Can anyone help me figure this out please?

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[jQuery] Problem with jQuery Cycle Plugin

2009-01-17 Thread zeckdude

Hello all,

I'm using the jQuery Cylce Plugin(http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/) and I ran
into some problems when I added it to some other pre-exising code I have.

1. Here is the working Slideshow -

When I add the existing working Slideshow code from above, the graphics for
the buttons won't show up. They are accessing the same folder and files, so
I am confused.

2. Here is the Site with the problems -

I'm guessing the problem is that I copied some code incorrectly or that it
is conflicting with the existing jquery or css I already had on the second
page, but I can't find the mistake.

Can you please help me out?
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[jQuery] Re: Problem with jQuery Cycle Plugin

2009-01-17 Thread zeckdude

Ofcourse. I figured it was such a simple solution.

Thanks for the great code and for taking the time and effort to help us out!
I need to use Firebug alot more too I see. 


malsup wrote:
 I'm using the jQuery Cylce Plugin(http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/) and I
 into some problems when I added it to some other pre-exising code I have.

 1. Here is the working Slideshow

 When I add the existing working Slideshow code from above, the graphics
 the buttons won't show up. They are accessing the same folder and files,
 I am confused.

 2. Here is the Site with the problems

 I'm guessing the problem is that I copied some code incorrectly or that
 is conflicting with the existing jquery or css I already had on the
 page, but I can't find the mistake.

 Can you please help me out?
 The difference is in how you're styling those pages.  The one that
 works is using css embedded on the page.  The one that doesn't work is
 using an external css file found in the 'css' folder.  But they both
 reference images using relative urls.  That won't work.  When you use
 relative URLs from css the URLs are relative from where the css is
 Also, if you use Firebug's Net tab you can see that the left/right
 arrow images are returning 404 status on the page that doesn't work

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[jQuery] Re: What is the white area area behind text using sIFR on jQuery Media Plugin?

2008-05-29 Thread zeckdude

malsup wrote:
 You can control the background color using the 'bgColor' option.  I
 just updated the sIFR demo page to show how to do this and also how to
 control the font size using the height option:

I was able to change the background color, but I was not able to make it
transparent. When I enter options.bgColor = 'transparent', it creates a
green background behind the sifr text. I have not specified that green
anywhere within the code. Can you please tell me how to make the background
transparent? Is there some sort of wmode = 'transparent' sort of code
needed? Do you understand what I am asking?

I was not able to change the font size. I saw the new code you updated on
the sIFR demo page, but I don't understand it. The last number on the right
changes the size of the sifr element, but not the actual font size. The
other number does nothing as I could see. 

Also, how do I change the font attributes, such as color, spacing,
line-height, because the sIFR text does not react to the CSS. 

One other thing is that I cannot center any of the sIFR text using a center
tag around the markup, so I can't find any way to change the look of the
sIFR text.

I have used a few of your Plugins, and I must say thank you very much!!! You
have saved me much time! I also thank you for trying to help me solve these
coding problems!


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[jQuery] What is the white area area behind text using sIFR on jQuery Media Plugin?

2008-05-28 Thread zeckdude

Hello Everybody,

I am using the jQuery Media Plugin and I am using a .swf font file that I
made via an online generator. When I use the script supplied at 
http://www.malsup.com/jquery/media/sifr.html , I get a white area behind the
sIFR text and I cannot control the font size with the CSS for some reason.

Is there some sort of transparent .swf file that I need to get instead of
what I have now or is there a workaround for the white area behind the sIFR

Also, how can I control the font size, since the CSS won't do it for me for
some reason? Is there a way to control the font size with the jquery?

Thanks for all the great help in advance!

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