Vietnam News Sep 6

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

An extract.

Chinese military officers visit Vietnam A delegation of the External Relations
Department of the Communist Party of China Central Military Commission and
People's Liberation Army led by Major General Zhan Maohai paid a visit to
Vietnam from September 1-5. While in Vietnam, the Chinese military officers
held talks with the External Relations Department of the Vietnam People's Army
with the aim of promoting friendship between the two armies. The guests also
visited the military command of zone 7 and a number of historic relics and
landscapes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. (VNA)


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Statement of Cuba's President at Millennium Summit-06 Sept 2000

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

Statement of Cuba's President at Millennium Summit-06 Sept 2000

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit



  New York, September 6, 2000


There is chaos in our world, both within the countries' borders and beyond.
Blind laws are offered like divine norms that would bring peace, order, well
being and the security our planet so badly needs. That is what they would
have us believe.

Three dozen developed and wealthy nations that monopolize the economic,
political and technological power have joined us in this gathering to offer
more of the same recipes that have only served to make us poorer, more
exploited and more dependent.

There is not even discussion about a radical reform of this old institution
over a half century ago when there were few independent nations-- to turn it
into a true representative body of the interests of all the peoples on
Earth-, an institution where no one would have the irritating and
anti-democratic right of veto and where a transparent process could be
undertaken to expand membership and representation in the Security Council,
an executive body subordinated to the General Assembly, which should be the
one making the decisions on such crucial issues as intervention and the use
of force.

It should be clearly stated that the principle of sovereignty cannot be
sacrificed to an abusive and unfair order that a hegemonic superpower uses,
together with its own might and strength, to try to decide everything by
itself. That, Cuba will never accept.

The poverty and underdevelopment prevailing in most nations as well as the
inequality in the distribution of wealth and knowledge in the world are
basically at the source of the present conflicts. It cannot be overlooked
that current underdevelopment and poverty have resulted from conquest,
colonization, slavery and plundering in most countries of the planet by the
colonial powers and from the emergence of imperialism and the bloody wars
motivated by new distributions of the world. Today, it is their moral
obligation to compensate our nations for the damages caused throughout

Humanity should be aware of what we have been so far and what we cannot
continue to be. Presently, our species has enough accumulated knowledge,
ethical values and scientific resources to move towards a new historical era
of true justice and humanism.

There is nothing in the existing economic and political order that can serve
the interests of Humankind. Thus, it is unsustainable and it must be
changed. Suffice it to say that the world population is already 6 billion,
80% of which live in poverty. Ages-old diseases from Third World nations
such as malaria, tuberculosis and others equally lethal have not been
eradicated while new epidemics like AIDS threaten to exterminate the
population of entire nations. On the other hand, wealthy countries keep
investing enormous amounts of money in the military and in luxurious items
and a voracious plague of speculators exchange currencies, stocks and other
real or fictitious values for trillions of dollars every day.

Nature is being devastated. The climate is changing under our own eyes and
drinking water is increasingly contaminated or scarce. The sources of man's
seafood are being depleted and crucial non-renewable resources are wasted in
luxury and triviality.

Anyone understands that the United Nations basic role in the pressing new
century is to save the world not only from war but also from
underdevelopment, hunger, diseases, poverty and the destruction of the
natural resources indispensable to human life. And it should do so promptly
before it is too late!

The dream of having truly fair and sensible rules to guide human destiny
seems impossible to many. However, we are convinced that the struggle for
the impossible should be the motto of this institution that brings us
together today!

Thank you.

SOURCE: http:// www.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
   Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
  339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Belgian police repression of Fehriye's supporters

2000-09-07 Thread dhkc

Brussels, September 6, 2000


As part of the campaign "Freedom for Fehriye" which we started on August 5,
we have conducted a hunger strike which was the target of a number of acts
of arbitrary aggression. At the start, the Mayor of Brussels forbade all
solidarity actions on the territory of Brussels. He thought in this way to
undermine our sense of solidarity, underestimating our will to carry out
such actions. He made a mistake.

Although our request to set up tents to pursue our hunger strike was turned
down, we found an alternative place: the Free University of Brussels.

The Mayor hoped we would make less of an impact by isolating us in an
enclosed space. He erred once again. In actual fact, every day, wearing
smocks with the inscription "Freedom for Fehriye", hunger strikers went out
into the streets of Brussels for eight or ten hours at a stretch,
distributing leaflets. Fearing the contents of these leaflets, the justice
of our demands and the strength of our solidarity and gripped by an
arbitrary mentality belonging to another age, the PRL (a "liberal" party in
Belgium) Mayor of Brussels, de Donnea, ordered the arrest of "the leaflet
distributors who are wearing smocks". Thus he showed his powerlessness in
the face of our solidarity and the indisputable justice of our demands. The
bans and arrests result from nothing other than their fear of the opinions
we hold.

Henceforth, Brussels, which claims to be the capital of modern Europe, has
been taking decisions worthy of the Inquisition. The ban on freedom of
expression is more than just an anachronism, it also reveals bankruptcy in
the face of any cause that is just.

The roads of Brussels were characterised by tight surveillance and bans by
the police and gendarmerie on anyone walking around in support of "freedom
for Fehriye". We remained stubborn under all circumstances in the face of
insults, primitive attacks and detention at the hands of police and

Finally the Mayor gave way officially, forced to put a stop to such bans on
freedom of expression. However, the forces of law and order lost none of
their aggressiveness. In fact they intervened and prevented by force any
distribution of leaflets in what they called a neutral zone, invoking the
right to inviolability of the Senate, the Chamber of Representatives, the
Ministries and other bureaucratic institutions. Since any march or
demonstration in the neutral zone has always been banned, our leaflet
distribution was banned under the same pretext.

Dozens of police and gendarmerie patrols followed, attacked and arrested
teams walking around in smocks and distributing leaflets on the grounds that
they had violated the neutral zone, and sometimes even on the grounds that
they might be about to!

Every time this happened there was brutality in the police stations, with
physical harassment accompanied by racist invective. This situation still
persists. Our comrades have many times been the victims of such brutality.
On September 5, seven of us were arrested and injured in several places, but
despite an attempt to search us in a way harmful to our personal dignity,
the sound of our slogans echoed through the walls of the police station.
Once again, our smocks, the symbols of our resistance, were confiscated.

No repression, no matter what form it takes, will be able to undermine our
support for Fehriye. So our solidarity campaign will only end when she is
granted the right to asylum.

As for repression from the forces of law and order and their attempts to
terrorise our solidarity actions, it is clear they will lead nowhere.

While continuing legitimate methods of struggle, we will also continue to
shout our slogan "Freedom for Fehriye".




197 rue Belliard 1040 Brussels

Tel 02/ 280 2228

Fax 02/ 280 2229


Turkish dam 'will rob 70,000 of their homes'

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Guardian:

Turkish dam 'will rob 70,000 of their homes'

Special report:  Labour's ethical foreign policy

Paul Brown, environment correspondent Thursday  September 7, 2000

A confidential report commissioned by  the government into the
controversial Ilisu dam project has revealed significant underestimates of
the chaos and misery  it would bring to tens of thousands of people.

Up to 78,000 Kurdish people, around three times the number originally
thought, will be made homeless and landless by  the British-backed scheme
in Turkey, according to the report seen by  the Guardian.

The report makes clear that thousands of already  extremely  poor people
are at risk of "falling into greater destitution" if the government goes
ahead with its plan to make £200m of taxpayers money  available to
contractors Balfour Beatty  to allow the dam to be built.

Reports that the government was dropping the dam project have been formally
denied by  Richard Caborn, the trade minister.  He was writing to
protesters on behalf of the prime minister, who has been threatened with
high court action because damming the Tigris would alter the flow of water
to Iraq and Syria without any  consultation.

His letter reiterating the British support for the project came on August
22, four days after the report on the flawed resettlement plan was sent to
the Department of Trade and Industry  by  Ayse Kudat, 56, who is Turkish
but has most recently  been the World Bank's head of social development.

The report, leaked yesterday  to the Guardian, had been kept secret even
though the department said it would make documents connected with the Ilisu
project public.

The report said the dam would inundate the most fertile irrigated land in
the area where landlessness and poverty  was already  widespread.  Half of
the people did not grow crops but grazed animals on pasture, worked for
cash payments and relied on subsistence gardening "to stay  alive".

The people who were forced to move would be at high risk of falling into
greater destitution, Dr Kudat said.

Dr Kudat was employed by  the export credit agencies of the UK and other
European countries to report on the Turkish plans to resettle Kurds in the
area to be inundated.  She said some of the area was not accessible because
of Turkish military  operations against the Kurds, but potentially  the
number of people affected was between 47,000 and 78,000 - up to three times
the government's original estimate.

The government made its support for the project conditional on a proper
resettlement plan but Dr Kudat noted that many  similar plans round the
world had failed.  She said sweeping institutional reforms were required in
Turkey  if there was to be any  hope of an Ilisu plan working.

"In the Turkish context, past failures have been particularly  severe with
respect to inadequate and inappropriate delivery  of resettlement housing,"
she said.

There had been a lack of concern for the well being of those forced to
move, failure to consult them, and no monitoring of social impact.

She said the Ilisu catchment already  contained thousands of people
displaced from previous projects who had not been properly  settled or
compensated for losing their homes.

The coalition of environment and human rights groups opposing the dam said
the report highlighted 10 serious problems with the Turkish resettlement
plan which violated World Bank and OECD guidelines on financing such
projects.  These included Turkey's failure to provide a resettlement

Kerim Yildiz, a director of the Ilisu Dam Campaign, said:  "This report
clearly  indicates that the Turkish government is in no position to fulfil
even the basic conditions put forward by  the UK government.

"It provides more than enough evidence for the government to abandon this
ill conceived and destructive project."

A trade department spokesman confirmed that no decision had yet been made
on whether the Ilisu project would be backed, but it was conditional on the
resettlement plan being satisfactory.  :%s///g

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan


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WSWS: Ex-RAF Man Joins Nazi's

2000-09-07 Thread hkb

  WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Germany

Germany: Former left-wing radical Horst Mahler joins the neo-fascist NPD
By Max Rodenberg
1 September 2000

Berlin attorney Horst Mahler was a lawyer for the Extra-parliamentary
Opposition (APO) at the end of the 1960s, joint founder of the Socialist
German Student Federation (SDS) and a member of the terrorist Red Army
Faction (RAF). Last weekend he applied to join the neo-fascist National
Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).
Mahler's membership application to the NPD followed a weeks-long campaign
for a prohibition of the party. At a press conference in Bruchsal near
Karlsruhe last Saturday, Mahler-in his own words an "opponent of the
party-state"-called on all those for whom "Germany was close to their
 hearts", to "strengthen the patriotic front, by publicly joining the NPD
without consideration for the consequences for their personal fate". "We
must all act at present as if we were at war, and the German Reich [empire]
now demands our contribution to defend the German people and requires
personal sacrifice Now it is a matter of Germany and the German Reich;
reservations or animosities should be set aside."
Mahler comes from a solid middle-class family, and would probably have
followed in their footsteps if the APO had not existed and there had not
been a broad radicalisation of the younger generation at the end of the
1960s. The prerequisites for a middle-class lifestyle were there: Mahler,
the son of a dentist, was born in 1936, three years before the outbreak of
the Second World War. Following the family's flight from Silesia in 1945,
they eventually moved to West Berlin in 1949. Mahler studied jurisprudence
at the Freie Universität in Berlin, even gaining a scholarship. At this time
he was also member of a schlagende Verbindung (a militaristic student
fraternity). However, he then joined the SPD and became chairman of their
youth organisation in Berlin Charlottenburg. Later, he was expelled from the
party because of his membership in the SDS.
After graduation, Mahler worked in one of the most renowned Berlin law
offices. He soon started his own firm, specialising in medium-size
businesses. When he took on more and more clients from the left-wing APO
scene, and as a consequence lost his business customers, Mahler's legal
career was at an end.
He became joint founder of the first "socialist lawyers collective" and
represented Rudi Dutschke, Rainer Langhans and others. In 1969, he defended
Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin, who went on to jointly form the RAF.
Following the assassination of Rudi Dutschke at Easter 1968, Mahler took
part in activities against the notorious right-wing Springer press. Despite
various legal actions against Mahler under the emergency legislation imposed
at the time, the public prosecutor's office did not succeed in disqualifying
him from his profession.
Following several criminal convictions in 1970-including a ten-month
suspended sentence and a 75,000 mark fine-Mahler fled to Jordan with the
recently released Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin and others,
where they trained as armed guerrilla fighters with the Palestinians.
Mahler was arrested in Berlin two months later. In October 1972 in a dubious
trial, he was finally condemned to 12 years imprisonment for "conspiracy to
commit aggravated robbery in connection with the establishment of a criminal
association and participation in the same". His exclusion from the bar
followed in 1974. Mahler remained in detention until 1980.
With the help of Gerhard Schroeder-the former SPD-Young Socialists chairman,
later prime minister of Lower Saxony, and today Germany's federal
chancellor, who acted as Mahler's legal counsel in 1978-he gained
readmission as a lawyer in 1988 and was able to re-start his business
practice in Berlin.
The joint founder of the RAF had already become one of its critics during
his detention. In 1977 he wrote that this had come from his "inner
liberation from the dogmatic revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism". But
his conversion went even further. In 1998, after 10 years of relative calm,
Mahler surprised the public with a submission to the right-wing newspaper
Junge Freiheit, in which he revealed his new beliefs. In this article he
drew a connection between the radical 1968 movement and the development of a
new völkisch (German-nationalist) ideology .
"The 1968 generation destroyed tradition and religion as world-shaping
conceptions ... and brought our people a step nearer to maturity. The ground
is only now ready for completing this enlightenment, which will
simultaneously mean their surmounting. We experience this result of the
cultural revolution of 1968 as Hell, since along with tradition and religion
our moral substance has departed As a cultureless Volk [people] we live
in a second Stone Age. It requires some effort of thought to really
extinguish the mental vacuum-this condition 

New Worker Online Digest - 8/9/2000

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

New Worker Online Digest

Week commencing 8th September, 2000.

1) Editorial - Lottery danger.

2) Lead story - Crisis in our schools.

3) Feature article - Skills shortage leads to immigration policy rethink.

4) International story - Truckers bring France to a standstill.

5) British news item - A great day at Burston.

1) Editorial

Lottery danger.

 THE news last week that another £47 million was going to keep the
Millenium Dome solvent aroused fury in much of the capitalist press. Apart
from the usual jibes against the Labour government from the Tory papers
there was also a more general criticism of the whole idea of continuing to
prop up the Dome. The money could, it's argued, be better spent.

 But this apparently attractive argument is fraught with danger. It
encourages the idea that lottery money should be used to help the NHS and
other public services in need of extra cash and undermines the lottery's
original spending rules.

 So, what's wrong with that? Surely it would be better to help hospitals
rather than the Dome? The problem is that the public services are the
responsibility of the government and should be funded through a taxation
system that is fair -- that is a system of income tax which takes most from
those who have most.

 The lottery should not become an extra tax upon the poor, albeit a
voluntaly one, while the wealthy continue to be let off the hook. At
present the unjust tax levels of the former Tory governments still apply.
The rich continue to benefit from a tax system which is grossly weighted in
their favour. Top levels of tax need to be raised -- not lowered even further.

 Once lottery money is allowed to supplement government funding for vital
services like the NHS it will quickly become a regular practice and
eventually a normal part of the budget. The government of the day could
then consider cutting taxes on the rich even further.

 It is interesting that in the recent contest for control of the lottery it
was the bid put in by Richard Branson that seemed favoured. This was the
bid that boasted of making more money available for "good causes". Could it
be that the Treasury has its eyes on this money and that the media is just
softening us up for yet another method of taking from the poor to give to
the rich?


2) Lead story

Crisis in our schools.

by Daphne Liddle

THE START of the new school year this week revealed the most serious
shortage of teachers in our classrooms in England and Wales for over two

 In London alone there are vacancies for 1,000 leachers.

 Research from the National Union of Teachers published last week has
revealed head teachers resorting to desperate measures to try to ensure
that every class has a teacher.

 They are using unqualified and untrained teachers, including technicians.
New staff are being appointed without even being interviewed.

 Teachers are being sought in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In some
cases the curriculum is being modified to fit the staff available. And
class sizes are growing.

 "When push comes to shove," said one headteacher, "you've got to put a
body in front of the class. So long as you know they are not going to kill
a child or maim them, what choice do we have?"

 Another said: "I was in great danger of losing the teachers of the two
other classes due to stress and violence, so we took on this lady after a
20-minute interview on the phone to Australia. It was an act of faith."

 Government figures show all schools fully staffed but the NUT has found
that at the end of last term 10 per cent of all teaching posts fell vacant
in those schools surveyed and four per cent of posts are still vacant.

 This is three years into a Government that promised us "education,
education, education". And it is a crisis that has been predicted over and
over by teaching unions who have warned that pay and conditions are
worsening as more and more burdens are laid on teachers.

 Teachers have been repeatedly insulted and ignored. They have been made
scapegoats for an abysmally funded education system. They have been forced
to compete in exam league tables and now they have had perform ance pay
imposed to set each teacher in competition with their colleagues.

 This year has seen yet another improvement in GCSE and A level results.
But far from being congratulated, the teachers and hard working pupils have
been told this must mean the exams are getting easter.

 Chris Woodhead, the leader of the Government watchdog Ofsted, has insulted
teachers and students by saying: "We need A levels that are as academically
rigorous as they have ever been. Indeed I would like them to be more rigorous.

 "As standards rise in schools then we ought, in our public examinations,
to be looking to raise the level of demand at all levels as well.

 "Let's preserve A levels that really do stretch the intellectually most
able but let's recognise that such qualifications are only 

Yugoslavia. NATO LIES!

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

Forward from mart.
Please distribute widely.

From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 7, 2000 5:05 PM
The following article was published in "The Guardian",
newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue
of Wednesday, September 6th, 2000.
CPA Central Committee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Guardian": [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lies, lies and damned lies

"Serb killing exaggerated by the West", said the headline of the
London BIGuardian" (18/8/00). The paper's subheading said
itmore forcefully and underscored the enormity of the lie: "Claims
of up to 100,000 ethnic Albanians massacred in Kosovo revised
to under 3,000 as exhumations near end."

by Bob Petrovich

Think of what this has to mean to Madeleine Albright, James
Rubin, and Jamie Shea. They didn't pull this off single-handedly.

Not only the US Government, but the worldwide media fabricated
a "genocide" and, on that basis, launched a savage war against
asovereign nation, that had never attacked us, in the name of
"humanitarianism -- a war, I might add, that was stopped but has
not ended.

Where are the bodies, all 100,000 of them? This became the task
of the "war crimes experts", as the "Guardian" describes them: to
produce what never existed in the first place -- a task that
naturally had to end in failure.

The "Guardian" reports:

"As war crimes experts from Britain and other countries prepare
to wind down the exhumation of hundreds of graves in Kosovo on
behalf of the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia in the Hague, officials concede they have not borne
out the worst wartime reports.

"These were given by refugees and repeated by Western
government spokesmen during the campaign. They talked
of indiscriminate killings and as many as 100,000 civilians
missing or taken out of refugee columns by the Serbs."

It was lies, all lies, from beginning to end. They may have
originated from government sources, in most cases, but in
spreading these lies far and wide the Western media were
more than willing accomplices.

Keeping in mind that over 5,000 civilians were slaughtered in
the NATO air strikes, the ladies and gentlemen of the [media]
might fairly be characterised as Madeleine's willing executioners.

Based on the myth of an Albanian Kosovar "holocaust"
perpetrated by the Serbs, not only Milosevic and his regime
but also the entire Serbian people are condemned.

Here was classic war propaganda, on a par with stories of
Belgian babies impaled on German bayonets during World
War I and tall tales told during the Gulf war of babies dumped
out of incubators and gasping for breath on the floor of a Kuwaiti

The idea is to get public opinion behind the complete subjugation
and "re-education" of the Serbian people, utilising the post-war
German model.

In the case of the Kosovo war, the retreat has already begun.
Fartoo late to help the victims of the vicious "Allied" air war:
they are dead and buried, or else mutilated beyond repair.

Yet we are still waiting for some acknowledgment from the
 media that they were wrong.

Endless horror stories illustrated with fantastically high death
tolls were aired day after day on CNN but when will we hear a
retraction? Christiane Amanpour [CNN reporter -- Ed] repeated
her husband's lies with a perfectly straight face: tens of thousands
slaughtered, we were told, and the murderous drug-dealing KLA
were really "freedom fighters".

Journalists didn't question the US Government line about alleged
äSerbian "genocide": instead they wanted to know if the President
would send in the ground troops, and if not, why not?

Phillip Knightley who has written on wartime propaganda in his
book "The First Casualty" said recently: "Usually the truth about
what has really happened during a war will emerge after it is
over. Sometimes it takes years and years. But sometimes the
truth surfaces quite quickly.

"Within little more than a year after the Gulf War we knew that
the claims for the pinpoint accuracy of Allied air strikes and
the ability of the Patriot missiles to intercept Iraqi missiles
were all nonsense.

"Within two years we knew that many of the atrocity stories
attributed to the Iraqis -- American public relations companies
working for the Kuwaiti Government, for example -- had invented
the incubator babies story.

"But, of course, by then it was too late to make any difference
to the outcome of the war, and the media caravan had moved
on.  We are learning only now that the CIA helped train the Kosovo
Liberation Army before the bombing began.

We did not realise at the time that NATO was lying when it said
it did not deliberately attack civilian targets. There will be a
lot more, believe me."

If, by some chance, the truth about Kosovo gets out, how will the
American [and Australian? -- Ed] people react to the 

Political prisoner in USA: Message from Leonard Peltier/Fund drive update

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

*Additional note from the LPDC attached after message*

(dictated by phone from Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary)

Dear brothers and sisters, friends and supporters,

I just want to thank everyone for their contributions toward this year's
clemency effort.  I know a lot of people think that the LPDC has access to
sizeable funding due to the support we have from many affluent people, but
in reality, our movement has always been a grass roots movement.  And, I
have learned all too well over the years that the only people we can depend
on to struggle and sacrifice for what is right, is each other.  We are the
ones who do not have much to lose, unlike many who enjoy luxuries and a life
style we could never even imagine having access to.  However, I know that
that means every penny you have donated has not come easy and I want you to
know that I very much appreciate your heart felt help.   The LPDC tells me
that we have now raised $17,053 and that we are close to being able to hire
the PR firm who we so desperately need at this time.  They are the people
with the connections we need, both among the media and in Washington DC, and
I cannot express to you how important their help is.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH,
my friends for your support.  We could not do it without you.  You continue
to give me hope for a happy ending to this year's struggle.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

LPDC NOTE:  We want to remind everyone that the fund drive is set to end on
Leonard Peltier's birthday, which is only 5 days away!  Our total fund
raising goal is $50,000, which means we still have $28,000 to raise.  If you
are in a position to contribute any amount, and have not gotten around to
sending in that donation yet, now is the time to do it!  Let's get as close
as we possibly can to reaching our goal on Leonard's birthday.  If each of
Leonard's supporters donated just a small amount, we would have enough to
really pump up this fight!  Thank you very much for your continued support
and help.

PS We are waiting for the new sweatshirts to come in.  For those of you who
donated $100, you will receive your gift sweatshirt as soon as we get them
in!  Thanks for your patience.

Print this form, and send it in with your donation:


YES!  I want to contribute to the emergency fund drive and help gain freedom
for this innocent man!

Name  Phone #___


Enclosed is my contribution for:
___$25 Please send my free year’s sub of Spirit of Crazy Horse News to the
___$50 Please send a copy of Prison Writings, My Life Is My Sundance by L.
___$100 Please send my Free Peltier sweatshirt to the above address
___$150 Please send a “What About Joe” poster to my above address
___$500 Please send me one numbered print of  ___Grandma Jumping Bull,

___Spirit of the Bear

___Big Mountain Lady
___$1000 Please send me a full set of the above prints
a signed copy of In the
Spirt  of Crazy Horse
a hand beaded necklace
made by Leonard Peltier
an “Oasis in the
Badlands” (an Edward Curtis
 lithograph donated
by Christopher Cardozo, Inc)

___$5000 Please an original Peltier oil painting.
___Other, I have enclosed a contribution of  $ __.

NOTE: With the exception of Prison Writings and oil paintings by Leonard
Peltier, all gifts will be available during this fund drive only.  Donations
over $100 are tax deductible, but checks must be made out to “Global
Exchange,” our 501C3 fiscal sponsor, with “c/o LPDC” in the memo.  All other
checks can be made out to LPDC directly.  All donations should be sent to
our address.  Thank you for your generous contributions. LPDC, PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044.

Call the White House Comments Line Today
Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-

Be in New York City December 10th
Peltier March For Freedom!

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044
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Yugoslavia, Iraq; Rumors of War

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä


SIRIUS: The Strategic Issues Research Institute
Benjamin C. Works, Director
202 257-0157;;
- --Speak the Truth and Shame the Devil--


SIT-REP 9-7:  Sept. 7, 2000

Iraq, Yugoslavia: Rumors of Wars

Sterling, Virginia --  No, SIRIUS has not curled up its toes.  It has
re-deployed to the Washington, DC area ("the Emerald City of Oz")
where we can keep a close eye on developments across the board.

I used to use an alternate motto for the institute:  "Outside the
Beltway, but in the Loop."  As of this weekend that will no longer be
true as SIRIUS will be locating itself in Arlington, Virginia --inside
the Beltway and just down the street from the Pentagon.  Within
another week or so, SIRIUS should be up and running and back at
but may be off line for a few days as the local phone company is
recovering from a major strike, affecting the pace of new

To the point(s).

Clitnon's Legacy, Iraq  Yugoslavia --Rumors of War:

Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled;
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. St
Matthew 24: 6-7

Many have been rumoring about potential last minute warlike actions by
the Clinton Administration; maybe Yugoslavia, maybe Iraq; but I do not
have the feeling in my guts that Mr. Clinton wants an uncontrolled
bombing campaign at the last minute. On the other hand, Saddam Hussein
may be trying to strain the system in his own inconvenient way.

Today, Mr. Clinton is trying to talk the Saudis into lowering oil
prices --it has crossed over $35 per barrel today (a barrel equals 42
gallons or about 160 liters). Mr. Clinton's team has been trying to
lower oil prices since the Spring; instead prices continue to climb
and Mr. Clinton's present initiative is too late to drive prices down
before Winter.  But since both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have
experience in oil and oil-related industries, the high prices do not
advantage the Republican ticket, since Al Gore's campaign can
characterize the GOP's leaders as pawns for "big oil."

The point is, if the US finds it has to bomb Iraq now, oil prices will
tend to rise further, something Mr. Clinton wants to avoid since it
might throw the stock market (back near its all-time highs) and the US
economy into a tailspin and possible recession. If any world leader is
prepared to discommode Mr. Clinton at the last minute, it is Saddam.
My advice, keep your gas tank filled.

Mr. Clinton wants a high-profile peace deal for his legacy, but
Israeli-Palestinian peace seems out of reach.  It appears that both
sides may be ready to wait for a new administration.


It is only about 60 days until the US election --and only about 17
until the Yugoslavian Presidential Election-- and our Mr. Clinton, the
world's preeminent narcissist, is desperately seeking a big coup for
his "legacy" before he leaves office on Jan. 20th next year, about 134
days from now.

In the past few weeks and in more recent days, various correspondents,
other analysts and I have picked up many threads of the possible
"legacy" initiatives Mr. Clinton may attempt to complete in the waning
days of his leadership. War or peace?  An "October surprise?"

I think in terms of the rational objective vs. the political
subjective; of the relative power of perception over reality: Mr.
Clinton's demonstrated forte has been to muster perception to
overwhelm reality and now, Mr. Gore is offering more of the same
- --four years more, if he wins.

Of course, "inductive reasoning" is the practice of fitting selected
facts to a theory that is born of personal prejudice.  In its extreme
practice, inductive reasoning is the basis for demonization campaigns
and for conspiracy theory. Numbers can usually be found to demonstrate
a statistical correlation that is held up as proof; though
"correlation does not equal causation." The allure of inductive
reasoning is that "everything fits" and that it uses sophistry and
rhetorical techniques to seduce its audience into accepting its
proffered truths.  It appeals to ignorance, egoism and emotion.

Deductive reasoning --the "scientific method" is slower as it requires
that one gathers all the available facts and then test theories.  It
demands that statistical support show that the numbers demonstrate
causation, not mere correlation (coincidence).  Deductive reasoning is
good for policy but bad for politics as its slowness is not responsive
to the "news cycle."

So what, you ask?  These principles are important to keep in our minds
precisely because propaganda is based on inductive reasoning and
because we have seen it used repeatedly to justify interventions and
military assaults repeatedly in the last eight years.  On the domestic
side, the same holds true; inductive reasoning is the basis for the
"divide and rule" politics of the majority of 

Libya News and Views Sep 8

2000-09-07 Thread heikki sipilä

Friday, 8 September, 2000:

 Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi
expressed optimism Thursday that Libya's strained
relations with the United States could be eased and normal ties restored. ``I
believe there is nothing which prevents the resuming or normalizing of relations
between the twocountries,'' Qadhafi told CNN in a live interview. ``It
is now a new era,'' Qadhafi said. America should ``reconsider its
imperialist approach, because it does not fit with the new era and it will
fail in the end,'' he added. Qadhafi sharply attacked the United Nations
when he was asked about being absent from the worldwide U.N. summit ongoing
in New York. ``Do you expect me to cross the Atlantic Ocean to speak for
five minutes? The
U.N. is not real now; when it is reformed, we would think of talking there,''
he said. [AP]

 Friday, 8 September, 2000: The council of
governors of Arab central banks and monetary institutions is to hold its 24th
meeting in Tripoli, Libya next Saturday. According to the Kuwaiti news agency
KUNA, the meeting will  discuss recommendations of the ninth meeting of banking
monitory committee for the Arab monetary fund and the unified Arab economic
report of the current year in addition to development of monetary and
financial policies in Arab countries last year. [ArabicNews.Com]

 Friday, 8 September, 2000: Police in the Central
African Republic have arrested four suspects in connection with the killing of
the Libyan ambassador in the capital, Bangui, ten days ago. Reports said two
of the suspects are Cameroonian, one a national of the Central African
Republic and the other a European, believed to be a Frenchman. Police said
investigations were  continuing into the death of the diplomat Al Sanussi
Abdullah Awad, who was shot by gunmen as he left his home. Libya has accused
agents of being behind the killing. [BBC]

 Friday, 8 September, 2000: Libyan leader Mu'mmar
al-Qadhafi said Thursday that Libya's negotiators in the Philipinne
hostage drama will  continue to do their best to achieve the release of
all the captives. Asked in an interview  on US satellite network CNN about
Libya's position on US hostage Jeffrey Schilling Qadhafi said: "We do not
differentiate between American and other hostages -- we do our best to
release all the hostages." On the issue of money being paid for development
aid in return for the release of hostages, he said: "It is not a question
of money." If it were, he said, there were others who have  more money to
pay. "It is a question of moral influence. Libya has supported  the rights
of the minority in the Philippines, as it has supported the rights of
minorities all around the world," he continued. [AFP]


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