Re: [Marxism] Agriculture: The Worst Mistake Humans Ever Made

2019-07-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The problem with any American examples is that Lewis and Clark or others of
the first whites recording their impressions of an area new to them were
actually looking at the result of several generations of collapsing human
populations.  This isn't to dismiss the anecdotal evidence, but to put it
into context.

On the other hand, even the earliest agriculture--and what came with
it--had a serious impact on the environment.  George Perkins Marsh compiled
a lot of information on the deforestation of the Levant for his _Man and
Nature_ (1864).  Recent work also indicates large populations and
agriculture in central Asia contributed to its desertification.

Not that we have any choice at this stage.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] The Struggle Continues: From the ISO to Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists | Left Voice

2019-07-12 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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When I was urging socialists to support the Greens a few elections back, I
was told that they wouldn't back anyone but a socialist.  So, they backed
Bernie Sanders.

There just aren't enough feet on the ground to provide the grounding for
them to tell left from right.
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Re: [Marxism] Trump's route to yet another victory | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-07-05 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I'll ask that resistance always defers to the Democrats. And the Democrats
generally defer to the most conservative among them.

If they foist Biden on the base and lose, they will wind up blaming Bernie,
Ralph Nader Jill Stein or anybody on the "Left."

On Fri, Jul 5, 2019, 9:40 AM Michael Meeropol via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> sad but true ---
> One caveat -- I think "the resistance" is broader and stronger than the
> writer allows  that's DESPITE the Democrats, not because of them ...
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Democratic Party debate

2019-07-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I thought there were several surprises in the debate.  My initial response
was that of the professional pundits, though for different reasons: the
women did superbly on many levels.  Despite polls showing virtually all of
the leading Democratic contenders defeating Trump, the DNC and the media
has presented Biden as the only candidate that can beat Trump.

The decision to isolate Warren from the other leading contenders by putting
her in the first group was a transparent attempt to insulate Biden.  In
terms of rhetoric, Warren is fundamentally indistinguishable from Sanders.
People do need to remember that she described herself as a Republican as
late as 1996, explaining this by citing the party's friendlier embrace of
"the markets."  So every time I hear her, I have to wonder how serious she
is after the years of Reagan-Gingrich "supply side" "trickle-down" voodoo.

Sanders' use of "socialism" weighs nothing--and probably a bit against
him.  Wanting to spend time debating the meaning of a word in the present
circumstances indicates a real failure to understand those circumstances.
Worse, I think his making an issue of the term is a purely electoral stroke
on his part to recover the kind of support it garnered him four years ago.
Still worse, his version of "socialism" is--as Howie Hawkins just reminded
us all--a rewarmed liberalism.

But back to the debate . . . despite that stacking of the deck in favor of
Biden hardly kept the other participants did a very decent job of mopping
the floor with him, albeit it in short sweeps.  Harris' exposure of his
Thurmond-esque appreciation of states' rights on busing was brilliantly
done, for which the media and commentators have made an issue of her lack
of clarify over health care.

I was particularly impressed with Bennet's quick cut to the core commentary
on Biden's BS about bipartisan "compromise" with McConnell--a compromise
that amounted to the kind of surrender we're used to seeing by the "New

In the end, it seems clear that the DNC, MSNBC, etc. are hell-bound to
foist Biden on the party's base . . . because they don't really have any
other viable alternative to the candidates who are trying to channel an
angry and thoughtful electorate.  At least, they don't really have one
yet.  And, as a candidate, Biden is as flawed in his way as Trump or was

This means that all the Sturm und Drang by the more "progressive"
candidates will boil down to supporting Biden (or, if necessary, a stand-in
for Biden) as a "lesser evil."

Mark L.
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[Marxism] Interview on the Great Cowboy Strike (Thanks to Chad)

2019-06-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Alternative just sent me this

2019-05-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The excuse that the Democrats can''t reciprocate by endorsing Sawant
because their bylaws forbid endorsing candidates of the rival "Socialist
Alternative Party" is so sleazy and dishonest that I wonder if some old
SWPers reincarnated as Democrats came up with it.
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[Marxism] Socialist Alternative just sent me this

2019-05-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It looks pretty self-explanatory.  The folks who scorned the idea of
supporting the Greens because they weren't "socialists" now seem to be
sharing their contributors list with the Democrats.
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Re: [Marxism] Academics should write for the public for political, personal and practical reasons (opinion)

2019-05-17 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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A big part of the problem has always been a lack of outlets that have a
readership . . . .

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 4:53 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> I also write for the public because I see my work as part of a long
> tradition of black activist scholarship that was never fooled by the
> idea that intellectual, practical and political work should be kept
> separate. As an educator with expertise on racial inequality, I see my
> responsibility extending beyond the classroom, even if I don’t yet have
> tenure. W. E. B. Du Bois, perhaps the prototypical public sociologist,
> neatly encapsulated this view of the necessity of public engagement when
> he said, “One could not be a calm, cool and detached scientist while
> Negroes were lynched, murdered and starved.” The racial problems Du Bois
> identified are still with us, and we can help eradicate them by engaging
> in the type of committed public writing that Du Bois modeled.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Andrew Johnson and the correct reasons to impeach

2019-05-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It's worth noting that adherents of the First International and
sympathizers became actively engaged in the impeachment effort, Colonel
Richard J. Hinton playing a particularly prominent role in organizing
people to lobby fence-sitters.

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Re: [Marxism] Trump and the reluctance to reckon with something fundamentally new

2019-05-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Perhaps my point about the Congress wasn't clear enough.   If it were
possible to have a single renegade officeholder, the situation of the
Congress makes explicitly clear that that's not the situation we face.  If
Trump represented some kind of renegade from the broad agenda of the
American ruling class agenda, the financial base of his drones would
shrivel like an old prune.  Not only hasn't this happen, but it remains as
likely as not that they're going to be able to carry the next election.
(This is particularly so given the DNC-Pelosi strategic hope to avoid
anything that would "alienate the Trump voters."

And if Trump is getting played by the capitalist oligarchs of Russia on a
range of issues, it doesn't necessarily place him beyond the broad
parameters of what the American ruling class sees as its mainstream.  And
when he has gone too far on some things--like not imposing the sanctions
the Congress voted on Russia--the rest of the government has pulled him
into line.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Trump and the reluctance to reckon with something fundamentally new

2019-05-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Just a couple of admittedly superficial observations on this.

Capitalism has changed radically over the course of American history--and
since the days the first Marxist observers talked about divisions in the
ruling class.  Most clearly, it has become increasingly more integrated
internally.  However, divisions are relative.

We can't see much daylight between the White House and the Republican
officeholders in general.  That's a reflection of, among other things,
donor dollars and their expectation.  And we see this ratified by the
corporate media and the "mainstream" of Democratic officeholders who are
themselves timid to the point of complicity.

Are there institutional changes taking place?  Yes, but there always has
been.  On the generational watch of the Boomers, the presidency has
continued to accrue vast new powers.  This was done mostly, but not
exclusively, by Republicans--Nixon, Reagan, Bushdaddy, Dubya, and Trump.
And Democrats accepted it at every step, every seizure of new power.  And
the liberals accepted it and sanctioned it.  And most of the
self-identified Left found excuses for the liberals.  And those that didn't
were preoccupied with sectarian wranglings to no substantive purpose.

So, the process forms something of a continuum, in which there are
certainly leaps.   But we're a far cry from analogies to the disruptions
(and opportunities) of the Civil War and the Reconstruction.

But, as old Karl suggested, the point is not to solve the world but to
change it.  People have probably never had less faith in the institutions
of capitalist rule.  Yet, where are the ongoing mass mobilizations?  And
what are radicals doing to encourage them?

These seem to be more productive avenues to explore.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Happy anniversary

2019-05-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Hear!  Hear!

On Wed, May 1, 2019, 11:25 AM Patrick Bond via Marxism < wrote:

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> Yes, and more than merely keeping the list going, I don't know anyone
> whose suggestions for linked readings - and spicy commentaries - have
> been so valuable as Lou's.
> Keep 'em coming!
> Patrick
> On 2019/05/01 5:04 PM, Michael Yates via Marxism wrote:
> > Let's raise a glass to Louis on this May Day. Through thick and thin, he
> has kept this list going. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! And
> solidarity to all!
> >
> _
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Re: [Marxism] A progress report on "Utopia in the Catskills"

2019-04-30 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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For those unfamiliar with Cole's "Course of Empire," see his series at
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Re: [Marxism] President Bernie Sanders?

2019-04-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, McGovern's oppositon to the war was highly touted, but Gene McCarthy
got there sooner and was also in the running in '72.  So was Ramsey Clark.
And I think Shirley Chisholm was a more progressive option than any of
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Re: [Marxism] President Bernie Sanders?

2019-04-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Through the entire history of the party, its leadership has actively
nobbled the efforts to make nominations they don't want and, failing that,
a willingness to step back and let a candidate they didn't want go down to
defeat.  Indeed, they've done this with candidates that they've wanted but
weren't especially enthusiastic about--like Gore, who won the 2000 election
and was as much a victim of legal malpractice by the Democratic campaign as
anything else.

I think they'll stop at nothing to destroy the Sanders campaign.  And the
news coverage theyve been giving him reinforces this sense

But we'll see.

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Re: [Marxism] President Bernie Sanders?

2019-04-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I don't equate acknowledging the history and experience of Democratic
politics with seeing it as "too late" for us to do anything in politics.

In many respects, Trump has represented a progression of--rather than a
serious break from--the recent trends in American politics, particularly in
Republican circles.  Aside from his personality problems (coupled with
signs of dementia), Trump won the Republican nomination not over the
resistance of its dominant currents but by extending them.  In particular,
I mean the "free-market," anti-regulatory dogmas of Reaganomics and the
militant corporate Christian Right.  Indeed, the most committed to one or
another of these fundamental tenets of Republicanism, the most they tend to
defend Trump.

If we want to learn from experience, we have to acknowledge that the
Democrats have not, in our lifetimes, ever nominated for president the most
progressive of their options.  Not once.

And, in the end, we all know that Sanders will--as he is already pledged to
do--endorse Biden or whichever of the Clinton lite alternatives the party
thinks it can run without alienating the 1%.  Trump is so awful that they
may well elect such a candidate in 2020, but we shouldn't delude ourselves
that any such option is going to make any serious change.  And that
candidacy will also give Trump his best chance of winning another term.

 And, if that happens, I have no doubt that the Democratic
establishment and its media voices will blame it on forces to their left.
Maybe the legions of Sanders supporters who didn't vote or voted for Trump,
or perhaps the black voters or white women or workers or others who failed
the Democratic party again by not showing up in enough numbers.  And
certainly the Greens.  Maybe even Ralph Nader's residual influence.

The Left will go nowhere if it can't deal with the material realities we

On another note, some time back I asked for a single instance where the
American movement ever did a serious balance sheet on its experience in its
national electoral work.  I got one response from a comrade with a document
from outside the U.S.

This tells us something about our capacity to critically evaluate socialist
electoral projects, of which the episodic hallucinations about FDR are a
tragic aspect.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] President Bernie Sanders?

2019-04-23 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think it's more likely, the Democrats would nominate the corpse of Lyndon
LaRouche, because it would be less likely to say something objectionable.
Should Sanders start winning primaries, the DNC will simply start changing
the rules governing the selection of delegates--the old trick from 1968.
And, if hell should freeze over and Sanders were to win the nomination, the
DNC would surely hold a celebratory parade for him through Dallas . . .
right past the school book depository.

Of course, should the Democratic Party actually nominate even a nominal
socialist, it might well require a reassessment of our understanding of the
political order.

I don't see any reason to expect that will happen.
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Re: [Marxism] Krugman on two parties

2019-04-23 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Both parties defend "American value," as defined by centuries of practice.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2019, 10:38 AM Richard Fidler via Marxism < wrote:

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> But it's all about the Republicans -- and thus an apparent argument in
> favour of the Democrats as the party that will still defend "American
> values."
> -Original Message-
> From: Marxism [] On Behalf Of
> Anthony Boynton via Marxism
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Marxism] Krugman on two parties
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> *
> Despite the bullshit, Krugman’s analysis of the two parties is
> substantially correct.
> The Great Republican Abdication: A party that no longer believes in
> American values.
> New York Times by Paul Krugman Opinion Columnist April 22, 2019
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Revolutionary strategy and the electoral road | John Riddell

2019-04-14 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Realizing that this is a regrettably short note, I am compelled to ask what
sort of strategic balance sheet have any of the groups engaged in electoral
politics ever written?

Or even a serious non-cheerleading analysis of their work after the end of
a particular campaign?

I suspect we know the answer.
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Re: [Marxism] Why I voted to dissolve the ISO – Revolutionary Socialist

2019-03-31 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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What never ceases to amaze me is that absolute unwillingness of people
putting so much into the building of these groups to learn about previous
failures.  It really is a fundamental refutation of the very assumptions of
. . . not just Marxism, but any substantive legacy of the Enlightenment at

The ISO flared into prominence pretty quickly and really occupied the niche
that the SWP/YSA had held for some years earlier.  As soon as the group
began claiming a membership of "about 3000," I thought to myself that they
were going to hit the same glass ceiling that blocked the continued growth
of the SWP.  I pointed this out.  I tried to talk to people in the ISO
about it.

Nobody wanted to hear it because, like good little children of the great
ahistorical American empire, they instinctively saw everything as a one
off.  And they made many of the same suicidal mistakes that the SWP did..

The sad thing is that it really didn't have to happen.

Even now, the former members of the ISO who are complaining bitterly about
how the organization failed them (as though it wasn't also the other way
around) just don't want to hear from anybody who challenges them to reach
beyond their posturing and faux rage to a serious analytical discussion.

And that really bodes poorly for the future.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2019-02-26 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Will do.

This was the result of my using email via the phone, with which I'm not
familiar (nor particularly happy).

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 8:25 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> I just purged a number of messages from A. Stewart and J. Pasco from the
> moderator's queue because they had more than 3 recipients. In the
> future, please stay within 3 recipients if you want to avoid being held
> in a moderator's queue.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] The AnftiFa Antimonies, Part 3 | Washington Babylon

2019-02-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 The muddle that is Antifa's "organization" seems to reflect the obvious
lack of coherence around a strategy.  So much so that Brother Masko can
only make assertions about who they are and how they feel . . . and not why
they do what they do or what they aspire to achieve.

Anyone else remember the schoolteacher in "All Quiet on the Western
Front"?  He urged others to put themselves at risk, while he himself was
not going to join them or even to explain why they should do so.
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Re: [Marxism] The AnftiFa Antimonies, Part 3 | Washington Babylon

2019-02-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Ok, so you're not interested in discussion.  Thanks for clearing that up.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019, 2:41 PM Jeffrey Masko via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Sorry to bother the collective buttlicking of idiots like Chris Hedges, you
> can continue your dogpiling now as it is clear none of you are interested
> in engaging those who believe in antifa tactics. Btw, I don't overall, but
> have and continue to work with those that do, in order, to one- find out
> what they really think aside from what people say they think or stand for-
> and two, in order to not further alienate young organizers and activists by
> curt, snobbish and uninformed opinions based on limited experience.
> Moreover, it seems most how post on this list are more concerned about
> their version of what the left is or should be and not with what is
> actually happening. And folks wonder why they are being regarded as
> dinosaurs. Good luck with that.
> Direct questions? To the best of my ability since I would never term myself
> antifa.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] The AnftiFa Antimonies, Part 3 | Washington Babylon

2019-02-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Really?  You want a discussion of ideas.  Dandy.  That'd be a first for
antifa apologists.

Are you willing to answer some direct questions on the subject?
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Re: [Marxism] The AnftiFa Antimonies, Part 3 | Washington Babylon

2019-02-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The antifa eagerness to choose abuse over engaging around ideas is a clear
demonstration that Trump is just a symptom of a disease in body politic
that is broadly and deeply pervasive.

And fundamentally a faith-based response to reality.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019, 11:44 AM Jeffrey Masko via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> "Throwing these security agencies a bone by linking BIPOC organizers with
> public hooliganism exhibited by a bunch of suburban revolutionaries who
> have credit scores and the ability to very easily avoid serious
> repercussions for said misbehavior is the height of petit bourgeois
> posturing."
> Typical generalizations from someone who has limited experience. Stick to
> talking about RI., you know nothing about actually anitfa groups outside
> your immediate experience from what you write, yet you generalize this to
> all antifa groups (??). I don't have much respect for antifa formations,
> but what you write is so far off-base (like my quote above), it's no wonder
> you use a hack like Chris Hedges as support, since you sound so much like
> his whinging from the days of Occupy.
> Further, you post a copy of Bray's book, but don't even take the time to
> critique it, which is quite easy due to his omission of any overlap of ML
> and Anarchist theory just to begin with.
> Thanks for the same trite bullshit I can read damn near anywhere.
> j.masko
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Sanders started a revolution in 2016. In 2020, he can finish it | Bhaskar Sunkara | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-02-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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And, of course, I guess the non-officeholders and non-celebity mudsills
plugging away for decaddes did nothing.  That attitude really reveals
something fundamentally laughable about this approach to class.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019, 10:50 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> "But Bernie did run in 2016 – and not just for a single campaign, but
> something far greater. Sanders reintroduced working-class politics in
> the US."
> What fucking idiocy. Working-class politics means the self-organization
> of workers, like the strike committees of the 1930s in places like
> Flint, Michigan. When a genuine revolution begins to take shape in the
> USA, you can bet that the Democrats will call out the cops and the
> military to suppress it.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Flirting With Liberals

2019-02-16 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 As an fyi, the DSA Refoundation dissolved last November.

Also, in a general sense, members declaring the DSA or any other
organization as being in the wrong class is not only an abstraction but
raises the question of why the hell anyone in the working class is in it.

Too, isnt a left-wing caucus just going through the motions unless we reach
out to the left-wingers in the DSA?  And doing so with a plan of action for
what we want the DSA to do in the here and now to move forward?  And what
we can do within the DSA to move the DSA that direction?
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[Marxism] Roger Stone on Lyndon LaRouche

2019-02-14 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you

2019-02-13 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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He has risen!

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, 2:10 PM Jim Farmelant via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Yesterday evening, the Wikipedia page on Lyndon LaRouche had him as dead
> for a while. That was later removed. Looking at the Talk page for that
> article, apparently Chip Berlet had made that edit. Other Wikipedia editors
> removed that edit on the grounds that news of LaRouche's had not appeared
> in any reliable news sources. Chip Berlet insists that word of his death
> has appeared on a number of Internet sources connected to the LaRouche
> network. I suspect that Berlet, who has been studying LaRouche and his
> followers for many years has gotten this right.
> Jim Farmelant
> Learn or Review Basic Math
> -- Original Message --
> From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> To: Jim Farmelant 
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:15:43 -0500
> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> *
> On 2/12/19 4:53 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
> >
> > A message from Helga Zepp-LaRouche
> >
> > With infinite sadness I report to you that Lyn passed away this morning.
> > There are no words to describe the loss to humanity. He left us, but he
> > lives in the simultaneity of eternity. It is now up to us to realize his
> > life‘s work. Helga
> >
> May be bogus. Shit.
> _
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> Sad News For Meghan Markle And Prince Harry
> _
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Re: [Marxism] A Green New Deal Is the First Step Toward an Eco-Revolution

2019-02-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It seems to me a very good first step in terms of getting climate change on
the agenda . . . as with health care, wealth inequality, etc.  Sure, I'd
rather the independent Left be doing it, but it seems to have not known how
to do so.  Thus, we struck with what has been able to get those issues on
the agenda--a bevy of new Democratic Congresswomen who have gotten down to
addressing serious questions in the middle of the silliest political
atmosphere in recent American political history.

I think it's useful to see this as an essential step.

I mean, we have always known that the first mass response when these issues
surfaced on the grand scale was that voters would look to the Democratic
party for relief.  This is something through which we are destined to
pass.  *No amount of repeated denunciations of this course is going to make
this phase shorter or less painful*.  Indeed, watching the Democratic
experience with those good "reasonable" candidates that don't scare the
"moderate" voters is playing out in Virginia . . . and will continue to do
so.  And, at some point, Shumer and Pelosi will present the new members of
Congress (and their many, many followers) with an ultimatum or a series of

That will be the signal for us to have some useful advice and initiatives,
where possible.

Of course, we wanted to have positioned ourselves to have a more serious
influence on these things, the various kibbles and bits of the far left
could have started cooperative efforts to launch independent electoral
interventions . . . or done it through the Greens or some other such
vehicle.  Given that this did not happen--and doesn't look very likely to
happen now--we are left to buckle up and ride out this period.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If you think we've seen gridlock in Washington now, just put Pence in the
White House.  Combine the authoritarian impulses and arrogance of media
celebrity of Trump with the self-righteousness of an evangelical.

Mind you, I prefer gridlock.  There are few there who place any priority on
doing us any good.  (With a few exceptions, those eager young
"progressives" who've appeared since the election mostly just look
"progressive" standing alongside the Trumpified Republicans.)  Whenever the
bulk of them agree on something--that's the majority of the Congress, the
White House, and the judiciary--it's almost always going to be bad for us.
I mean, they've created the greatest structural polarization of wealth in
history.  And it still wasn't enough, so they had to do that "tax reform."

And worse, nobody with any clout knows how to fight it or just doesn't want
to fight it.   . . . And I don't mean going to the polls and voting for
more of the same.

The official labor movement is so dead useless on this scale that you have
Republican congressman quietly hoping the air traffic controllers will
strike.  A nice 24-hour general strike would be a damned good start to
getting our brothers and sisters now forced to work for nothing some
assistance.  (btw, didn't we fight a goddamned civil war over that
"involuntary sevitude" crap?)

Or even a mass march on Washington--I mean hundreds of thousands of
millions and not just paid lobbyists with a few celebrities.

But, of course, such things would scare the crap out of almost all of them

. . . which is exactly what we need to do . . . if we're serious.
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Re: [Marxism] John Salter Jr./Hunter Bear bio

2019-01-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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He was a gem of a fellow and certainly one of the most memorable people
I've encountered in the movement.

Hunterbear was incredibly generous with his time, advice and encouragement
with anyone smart enough to seek him out.
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Re: [Marxism] Race, class and the DSA | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-12-26 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, as has cropped up in other discussions here, racism is so pervasive
in this society that no persons or currents should be trusted on the
question until they're properly vetted by apologists for the party of
Indian removal and genocide, Anglo Manifest Destiny, slavery, secession,
segregation, and Japanese internment.
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Re: [Marxism] The Historical Profession is Committing Slow-Motion Suicide

2018-12-11 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Agreed. . . .  generally.

Here, students can meet any history requirements by taking courses with a
BoK [Body of Knowledge] designation as providing HP [Historical
Perspectives].  What this means is that if people in an entirely unrelated
field want to teach a course on the Beatles, it will pass muster as meeting
a history requirement if they obtain an HP designation--and historians have
no control over that.  (And don't even get me started talking about what
they've done to the language departments.)

AP credit in history has done most of the immediate damage in this state.
These are offered high school students and almost never taught by people
who would be teaching a college level course.  Students come out of it
almost entirely ignorant of the most basic facts of history.

Of course, the right-wing politicians mandate all sorts of crap because
nobody ever pushes back--and those who find it inconvenient to push back is
a long and tangled list.  Administrators regularly try to act in
anticipation of what they think the board or legislators might.  As a
result, they regularly initiate the most draconian measures--measures that
are sometimes even more draconian would otherwise be the case . . .. .

In terms of the role of faculty in all this, I have rarely seen much of an
effort to push back on any of these things.  And while college professors
are certainly as much a part of the work force as anyone else, I have to
add that they are probably the biggest flock of Scissorbills I've ever
worked with.  :-)

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] The Historical Profession is Committing Slow-Motion Suicide

2018-12-11 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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This is a big subject, but this approach reflects a very much a top-down
assessment . . . ie., that student demand is the engine behind all this.

The fact is that the colleges and universities have followed the lead of
secondary schools, etc. in dropping the history survey requirements.
Permitting AP (advanced placement) for entering freshman has also enabled
students to meet what were once college requirements in history or other
subjects by taking an often half-assed silly "course" on the side and
passing it.  These always accounted for the largest single chunk of history
enrollment.  They've also cut back on other requirements that have
encouraged people to get around the humanities.

This reflects institutional priorities rather than those of students.  And
those institutional priorities reflect the class priorities of those making
the final decisions about such things.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] PhD Supervision

2018-12-11 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Place your issues before whoever is the supervisor.  They should find a
replacement easily enough.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018, 4:43 AM Ismail Lagardien via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Hi Andrew
> You asked: "Well, the short answer is "no," but how did you wind up in
> such a
> position?  Nobody here forces anyone to be on a grad student's committee,
> much less be an advisor or dissertation director."
> I'm not the one who is the supervisor
> Ismail
> Dr Ismail LagardienVisiting ProfessorWits University School of Governance
> Nihil humani a me alienum puto
> On Sunday, 9 December 2018, 01:51:49 GMT+2, Andrew Stewart <
>> wrote:
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Mark Lause 
> Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 6:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] PhD Supervision
> To: Andrew Stewart , Activists and scholars
> in Marxist tradition 
> Well, the short answer is "no," but how did you wind up in such a
> position?  Nobody here forces anyone to be on a grad student's committee,
> much less be an advisor or dissertation director.
> I have never given a good damn about what somebody calls themselves.  When
> I started grad school, I met a self-described "Marxist" who voted
> Republican.  And then, there's good history written by people who would
> probably never call themselves "Marxist."  In academe, the term is
> practically meaningless.
> Finally, considering who's already there, we shouldn't see ourselves as
> gatekeepers of the Holy Chamber.   For years, the most widely interviewed
> professional historian in the U.S. was Newt Gingrich, a first rate dummy
> with all the ethics of an alley cat that joined the Mob . . . wait, I want
> to retract that statement, which is really unfair to alley cats.
> Cheers,Mark L.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart
> _
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Re: [Marxism] PhD Supervision

2018-12-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, the short answer is "no," but how did you wind up in such a
position?  Nobody here forces anyone to be on a grad student's committee,
much less be an advisor or dissertation director.

I have never given a good damn about what somebody calls themselves.  When
I started grad school, I met a self-described "Marxist" who voted
Republican.  And then, there's good history written by people who would
probably never call themselves "Marxist."  In academe, the term is
practically meaningless.

Finally, considering who's already there, we shouldn't see ourselves as
gatekeepers of the Holy Chamber.   For years, the most widely interviewed
professional historian in the U.S. was Newt Gingrich, a first rate dummy
with all the ethics of an alley cat that joined the Mob . . . wait, I want
to retract that statement, which is really unfair to alley cats.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Video-Clip of Uniting of Yellow Vests and CGT March on 1.12.

2018-12-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Here's the same thing at a Strasbourg demonstration


PS: I am just finishing a course on 1968 and events could have hardly been
more useful. :-)
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[Marxism] A Gravestone for Covington Hall (1871-1952)

2018-11-15 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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There's an effort to mark the grave of our comrade and fellow worker, the
IWW poet and an unsung hero of the labor movement in the Deep South.

Here's the GoFundMe site.  We are over half way there . . . .

For some background on him. . . .
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Re: [Marxism] My recent piece marking the centenary of the end of WW I

2018-11-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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hear! hear!  Gread job.

On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 1:04 PM Dennis Brasky via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Excellent! Thanks comrade!
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 12:25 PM Allen Ruff via Marxism <
>> wrote:
> >
> > <
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> _
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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In the end, Mike, I don't think it's a matter of the dangers of Trump and
"Trumpism," but the effectiveness and seriousness of the Democratic Party
in opposing it.

I'm sure we're all agreed that the Democrats coauthored what we all agree
to be the curse of neo-liberalism and of plaguing the planet with more and
more intense wars.  I think we are also agree that neither earned any
praise for directly addressing the persistence of systemic racism and
sexism.  They never do without a massive and insistent pressure from the

The key question is what have the Democrats done over the last half century
to justify our seeing them as a viable vehicle for opposing Trump.

The record certainly indicates that they were utterly incapable of
thwarting the Trump ascendancy, a task rather easier than unseating an
established wrong. Indeed, they boasted that they would not hold Bush to
account for his WMD lies, something that the most minimal requirement of
their oaths of office required.  But, then again, they didn't even
investigate Reagan's criminal activities with any seriousness and they
dropped their investigation of Nixon's activities once he decided to leave

Can you provide a single case of the Democratic party nationally
accomplishing something for the laboring people of this country?  (The
nationalization of Romneycare--the implementation of Nixon's old proposal
doesn't count.)

And, if you can't do that, give me one real reason to justify any faith in
a party that has embraces and celebrates the same ideology and practice of
the Republicans--from trickle down economics to war drones--and hasn't
really even felt much of an impulse to do anything substantive for us since
the civil rights legislation of the middle 1960s . . . half century ago.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Why are Democrats okay with losing? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-11-10 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Mike's position reminds me of the story I've told before--brace yourself,
you're going to hear it again--about when I asked a great uncle why he
voted Republican.  He told me about his grandfather and Abraham Lincoln and
how, in his youth, he got inspired by Teddy Roosevelt.  Well, I was just a
wee sprout at the time, but knew that Abe Lincoln was dead about ninety
years before and Teddy Roosevelt had almost forty years before.

Nowadays, every time I have a serious discussion with someone who thinks we
should vote Democratic, they tell me about FDR, a mere eighty years ago or
maybe LBJ half a century in the rear view mirror.

In the end, though, Mike's presented no real evidence for this fanciful
interpretation of WWII (which really fleshed out the American empire), much
less addressing the situation we face right now.  several generations
later. . . . Because the Democrats have changed very fundamentally . . .
according to the Democratic movers and shakers themselves.  This is often
seen as a superficial shift to the right, but it reflects a series of
deliberate structural changes in the character of the party to promulgate a
new strategy.

Mark L.

PS: As to whether that pits us against "the resistance" . . . .well, let me
take a page from Mike's approach and go back to WWII.  If a French person
grumbles about the German occupation but supported the Vichy as a "lesser
evil," would you take that as the position of "the resistance"?
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats Were Not "the Lesser Evil" for the Migrant Caravan

2018-11-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Since the 1980s, Democratic strategy has implicitly embraced defeat.  To
remain the "lesser evil," they don't have to do anything but allow the
Republicans to be worse.  Democrats don't even have to promise anything or
even commit themselves to anything other than not letting the Republicans
be quite as awful as they're inclined to be.

Not only is this a very undemanding strategy, but even defeat holds the
expectation that unchecked Republican awfulness will stampede people to the
polls to vote for Democrats.  Indeed, letting the Republicans be as beastly
as they want to the old Democratic base means that the Democrats themselves
don't even have to make a special effort to mobilize workers, blacks,
women, Latinos, etc.

The most obvious problem with this strategy is that works less well the
farther we get from civil rights legislation, the war on poverty, etc.
Much as they're touting success in the mid-terms, their showing was pretty
pathetic when you consider what they were up against.  I can't understand
how you could run a pet rock against Donald Trump and lose, but the
Democrats found a way to do it in 2016, and they've found a way to minimize
their possible successes in 2018.

And they draw no lessons from any of these experiences.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] The Mueller Probe

2018-11-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It's probably still appropriate to call it a "probe," but they've cranked
out enough indictments and gotten some convictions with guilty pleas.

I don't honestly think that there's any "alleged" about criminal activities
by the Trump machine in cooperation with the Russians, though we have yet
to see how extensive it was.  I personally think the whole lot of them
think themselves above the law.  We should view the Mueller investigation
pretty much like the investigation of the state of Illinois into what they
accurately called the "police riot" in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic
National convention.

What Mueller and his people find (or any Congressional committee may find)
could lead to either criminal prosecution or impeachment and removal from
office.  (The prosecution of a seated president is rather controversial and
remains to be settled.)  Your discussion of a two-thirds vote of the Senate
indicates that you mean to be asking about the trial of a president after
articles of impeachment are adopted by the House of Representatives.

An honest investigation would get the truth--the kind of investigation
Illinois did in 1968 but the Democratic-dominated Congress didn't really do
over Watergate, hardly pretended to do with Iran-Contra, and didn't even
bother faking it over the WMD lies of Dubya.

Are you asking about the "practical value" of the truth?

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Midterm elections | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2018-11-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The geniuses on MSNBC this morning are of one mind. Yesterday, it was one
thing, but this morning they're talking as though the Democrats didn't
really do that well and it was all the fault of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie
Sanders, etc. Remember these are the same numbskulls who blamed Nader for
Gore's loss (which wasn't a loss) in Florida back in 2000. You're never
going to be "not too progressive" enough for these people.

And, of course, they share the perspecti9ve of the Democratic establishment.
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Re: [Marxism] Liberal jubilation

2018-11-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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What i've found amusing is how many of the pundits and Democratic
mouthpieces are now talking back the expectations that brought out many of
those who voted for them.  They're already yammering about how the parties
have to work together.  And look at all the women elected--who may also be
ex-military and ex-National Security functionaries.  And let's not be
"confrontational" dealing with the the Trumpster fire.
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Re: [Marxism] a protest

2018-11-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 (trying again . . .. .)

As in 2016, the results pose the question as to whether Donald Trump is a
political genius or the Democrats function rather like the Three Stooges
trying to build a house.  I know which option makes the most sense to me.

By all accounts on the ground, the Democrats did few of the things they
needed to do to maximize the outcome.  In Texas, where Latino votes were
key, the party did nothing to organize transportation for people to get to
the polls.  That used to be the bare minimum the organization would do.
Various organizations here and there have tried to pick up the slack--the
NAACP here, for example, but the results have been spotty.

This really reflects the transformation of political parties in the U.S.
which have come to function mostly as fund-raising organs that funnel money
into television advertising.  Look at how some of the Democratic candidates
like Stacey Abrams, Beto O'Rourke, and Andrew Gillum have earned a
reputation as exceptionally charismatic, etc.  What makes them  stand out
from the others seems to be their ability to actually stand up and talk to
other sentient human beings.  A commentary on the state of political
affairs here.

(btw, Ted Cruz has just been declared the winner in Texas, assuring
Republican control of the U.S. Senate.)

Mark L.
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[Marxism] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Colbert's "Our Cartoon President"

2018-11-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Sussex Uni professor tweets ‘Israelis blew up Twin Towers’

2018-11-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I'm suspicious of the idea of that students as a group can be brainwashed
by anybody.  In fact, I don't think that brains can generally be washed.
:-)  Not even with Purell.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-11-03 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Democrats aren't opposed to protests, but on their own terms.  Not
overwhelming in numbers (because that makes them more difficult to
manage).  Something like the Kavenaugh protests were ideal.  Noisy mass
lobbying.  Something to get the TV cameras swinging away from the latest
Trump tweet to refocus on the designated Democratic spokesperson.

And they don't want them repeated.  No sooner than Occupy bubbled up, the
Democrats sent AFL-CIO officials and others with very sharp pins to
puncture them.  That they appeared made the point the Democrats were happy
to see made, but they didn't want anything aimed at an ongoing mass

Let's recall the massive, wonderful potential of those women's marches that
greeted Trump's inauguration.  Nobody seemed to know who was behind them
beyond the usual Democratic front groups.  And they drowned that potential
no sooner than they revealed it.

Democrats didn't want a genuinely independent movement around civil rights
or against the Vietnam War and were trying to thwart it continually.

At this stage, what forces are there to build such a movement beyond the
very limited perspectives the Democrats would find permissible?  The
various socialist organizations?  Militant community organizations?
Churches?  We are up against a network of institutions and institutional
responses the Democrats have been repairing and extending since the 1970s.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-11-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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. . . and this--alas!--seems to be the one simple and obvious insight that
none of the groups in the U.S. seem capable of reaching.

Imagine, if you will, that the ISO and Solidarity took a notion to work on
this sort of project together.  Would it not have had an effect on
Socialist Alternative and the other groups otherwise responding to
different influences, whether the apparent allure of the fleshpots of the
Democratic party or the attraction of getting to achievements by the
eternal jihad against the deadly menace of creeping Pabloism.  And, if
something like the DSA is an apt reflection of where we are right now, what
would it look like had something like this were undertaken--or had been
undertaken.  I think that, at the very least, we'd have a venue for the
kind of discussion, the absence of which John rightly deplores.

I'm not even talking regroupment--which I have favored for decades--just
cooperation on an electoral project.  Everybody would still get to be the
top dog in their own little kennel . . .. they'd just have to spend a wee
bit of time, energy and effort on doing something with the larger movement
in mind.  In places, it might have made sense to work through the Greens or
Peace and Freedom.  (In places--New York, for example--it might still make
sense.)  Elsewhere, other venues may be of service.

Or we can sit it out and condemn everything, deploring the dunderheadedness
of the working class that looks to electoral politics as a means of
influencing their future and struggling to find a "lesser evil," partly
because the socialist left hasn't figured out to put together a viable
positive good at its disposal.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-11-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Please, God.  Let's not go jousting windmills in search of a precise
definitions of class and classitudity (or classitudityness).  What matters
isn't our fine tuning these things among ourselves but addressing how
people who are not on this list address these things.

Finally, I'm astonished by the idea that I've never been a member of a
working class organization.  I have been in any number of unions over the
course of the last 50+ years, but none of them ever shared a class
perspective or outlook.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-11-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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SAlt?  Say it ain't so . . . . :-)

I saw a video of them singing "the Internationale" at their convention.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-10-31 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Thanks, Richard.  An interesting piece.

I agree with the points made about the necessity of independent mass
movements, etc.--but I think that we're finding ourselves in a very
different situation than the old road maps would have indicated.  There are
lots of reasons for this, but I'll try to avoid tangents.

The biggest single problem we've faced over the last few decades has been
the smudging between mass movements and protests (I similarly think that
the idea of building a party with protest votes is equally problematic.)
The big women's march after Trump's election and some of the later actions,
including the Kavenaugh protests, recycled an idea that came out of
Occupy.  We have protests that are essentially one-offs, and exist mostly
at the whim of the Democratic Party or sections thereof.

Part of this likely draws on the desire for television wallpapering
comparable to that provided by the earlier Tea Party B.S. that Republican
lobbyists funded and fielded.  These never really amounted to much as a
movement in the streets, but it was heavily hyped, widely discussed and
treated as a serious "movement" by those who wanted the Republican Party to
pursue its mad agenda.

In the process, the very idea of what a movement was and is supposed to do
seems to have been taken out of our hands and translated into something of
a ritualized street theatre that existed to frame whatever B.S. the
politicians wanted to hype.

That kind of non-movement "movement" isn't going to give rise to
independent political action--no more than building a fanciful "wing" of
the Democratic party is going to lead to the emergence of a mass party of
the working class.

A major priority would seem to me to involve our regaining control over
what a movement is and what it needs to do.

In that sense, independent political action can play something of a role on
that question right now.

Conversely, not doing anything about it cedes the venue to the dead end of
"lesser evil" politics and whatever degree of conservatism is passing as
"liberal" these days.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Democrats and Trump

2018-10-31 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The bottom line is there should be some sort of national progressive
alternative.  Whether it calls itself socialist or labor or anything isn't
as important as challenging the dictatorship of capitalism.   This could
have happened and it didn't.

Notwithstanding complaints about Our Revolution or the ambiguities of the
DSA--and let's throw in the almost religious flakiness of the
Greens--something could have been done about this.  And years ago.

There are literally thousands of us ready to throw ourselves into such an
effort.  This could have happened easily if two or three or more of the
various socialist tiddlywinks clubs had decided that building this
alternative--even temporarily.

Doesn't it make you wonder?  :-)

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Cesar Sayoc, pipe bomb suspect, arrested: what we know - Vox

2018-10-26 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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As an fyi, Sayoc also started a Facebook site "Kill all socialists."  Nice
that we're being thought about.

Also, the images he put on the side of his van included not only Democratic
politicians and people associated with the Democratic Party (as seen
through a rifle scope) but Jill Stein.

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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think we'd have made more money in the religion biz and, there, you don't
have to produce anything new . . . not even a magazine.
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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, the trouble is that this rhetorical appeal for a return to "the good
ol' days" is hardly peculiar to Trump or the Right or the Republicans.

The never-Trumpers in the GOP, the moderate (ie value-free and value-less)
Democrats, and the liberals are all whinging on about the good old days
before Trump and the idiots came out of nowhere and spoiled that wonderful
idyllic political utopia they imagine the United States to have been.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] A New Chapter in the Police Department’s Crackdown on the Left

2018-10-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Like so many of what passes for movement groups today, Antifa finds itself
in a situation where anybody can do things in their name.  We've seen this
over the years with all sorts of currents.

There are a large number of considerations that created this state of
affairs, but it will continue until they figure out that the only real
answer is broad-based, democratic mass movements, transparent in terms of
their decision-making and eager to share their rationales with as broad a
circle as possible, including through the media.
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Re: [Marxism] Grappling With the Racism of the DSA?s Founder

2018-10-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think it would be very useful for you to write up this experience.  We
are getting to the point where these kinds of things are rapidly passing
into history, and this is a subject rich in usable lessons.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump | The New Yorker

2018-09-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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There was a very telling exchange at one point where MSNBC was interviewing
Jill Stein.  The script centered on her visit to Moscow (a dunderheaded
idea), but stein pointed out all the myriad ways in which the system
(including the "liberal media") stacked the deck in Trump's favor.

The commentator cut her off with the comment, "yes, but what we're
discussing here is Russia."

If we consider Putin that the oligarchs as part of the same game that the
oligarchs here at home play with electoral politics, it's quite possible to
see both the decisive role of Russia in tilting the election and the way
that this is used as a distraction from the broader questions about the
game itself.

I think we should condemn Putin for his role in stealing the election
process as thoroughly as we should condemn the Koch brothers and others
who've regularly done the same thing.
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[Marxism] From inside the White House

2018-09-05 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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An insider in the Trump administration questions his capacity for office
and says that there are discussions now about removing him for incapacity.
This would allow the government--both parties--to avoid the troublesome
matter of emoluments, corruption, obstruction of justice, the Russian
brew-hah, etc., etc., etc.


" many of the senior officials in his own administration are working
diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst

" I would know. I am one of them."
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Re: [Marxism] After a professor wrote about hating white people, Rutgers considers the limits of free speech - The Washington Post

2018-08-23 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It's so, so tough for the oppressed white people.  They, like "Christians,"
have somehow managed to find themselves discriminated against and maligned
as well.  So someone patiently explained to me not that long ago.

My response was that any group that constituted the preponderant majority
with a stranglehold on the dominant institutions of power and wealth proved
to be so stupid as to find themselves so sorely put upon were probably ripe
for replacement or absorption . . . . .
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Re: [Marxism] David McReynolds in the context of American radicalism | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-08-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Thanks for this, Louis.  It confirmed my impression of him from the wilds
of the Midwest.

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Re: [Marxism] What's behind the explosive growth of the DSA?

2018-08-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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You seem to be reading a great deal more coherence into the DSA than I
see.  I decided early on that I would not try to play any kind of
leadership role in a body that seemed to me to be so incoherent.

All of us can influence the atmosphere among some members and in those
parts of the organization that we can each.
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2018-08-17 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Yes, both the fascists and the Nazis politically purged their police and
military forces.  Remember that scandalous practice Hitler introduced of
swearing fealty to him rather than to the nation?  But, even if there were
serious extralegal armed bands operating with impunity on a large scale,
Trump simply doesn't really have the attention span for it.

Trump and his circle have utter contempt for anyone who actually knows how
to do something.  This covers the kid bagging groceries to the woman at the
McDonald's window giving the Secret Service limo the president's Big Mac .
. . and all civil servants or all sorts, including those who have spent
their lives performing roles the State once viewed as essential.  We're
getting the pushback because the childish tantrums are infringing on the
well-established practices of the intelligence community and law

And, btw, the Republicans are useless as a pet rock in protecting those
practices, so who rises to defend the imperialist structure, eh?  :-)

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] What's behind the explosive growth of the DSA?

2018-08-16 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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There's no reason not to do things just because the leadership doesn't want
to take the initiative.  Everywhere it can be done, people should set up.or
involve themselves in classes around basic political questions . . . And
get to know the more militant minded.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018, 4:32 PM David Berger via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> To: John Reimann <>
> Subject: DSA
> In my opinion, you need to split and form a new branch.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] What's behind the explosive growth of the DSA?

2018-08-15 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Certainly so.

The natural dynamic about the credulous is to expand their appreciation of
Ocasio-Cortez to candidates who are not in the DSA . . . and then other
"progressive" Democrats, whether they actually are "progressive" or not . .
.   And we're already hearing the Old Guard rallying to Nancy Pelosi,
explaining that hostility to her is all due to Republicans or those
left-wingers echoing the Republicans.  On the other hand, they say, "boy,
can she raise money."

And that's the bottom line.  The Democrats cannot accommodate socialism any
more than socialists can ultimately accommodate the Democratic Party.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] What's behind the explosive growth of the DSA?

2018-08-15 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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People join the DSA not the Young Democrats.  This is a conscious choice.
The fossils hallucinators of FDR notwithstanding, the predispositions at
the base have a dynamic towards independent action.

I have written some longer things on this, but the basic argument we need
to understand is that they must learn the pitfalls of the Democratic Party
through experience, regrettable though that may be.  I can sit down with my
long white Grand Army of the Republic beard and tell them about Gene
McCarthy, etc.  But that's unfortunately not how people in large numbers
tend to learn these things.

Btw, this is what I mean when I wrote that the victory of Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez and others represents a real victory for us.  This
experience--and it will not encourage faith in the Democratic Party--will
mark a new stage for us, one which we have not seen in our lifetimes thus

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] SCOTUS upholds Muslim Ban

2018-08-13 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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For the long and very political lead-up to the Santa Clara decision, check
out chapter six of _The Great Cowboy Strike: Bullets, Ballots & Class
Conflicts in the American West_.
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Re: [Marxism] "Pioneer" monuments are just as racist as Confederate ones

2018-08-11 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think pioneer monuments are actually more of a mixed bag.  I'd suggest
that a more homogeneous message comes from the even more ubiquitous
let's-teach-our-little-boys-to-be-war-heroes monuments.  :-)

Mark L.
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[Marxism] Ohio's Special Election Tuesday

2018-08-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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We had a special election in very Republican and very gerrymandered
district a few days back.  The outcome is still in doubt because the count
is so close, though it looks as though the Democrats lost by a very tiny
margin. Delaware county-- the wealthiest in the state (and one of the
richest in the nation) with a median household income well into six
digits--provided the overwhelmingly Republican numbers that secured this
apparent victory.

Two points . . . . .

So the national media's that declined to dirty their hands covering the
Green campaign has been whinging endlessly how the Greens are responsible
for the loss.

That same media described Delaware County as both "rural" and "working
class"--another case when realities are shoehorned into a narrative whereby
the uneducated middle-of-the-country rubes were upsetting the applecarts of
the enlightened.

People should remember this next time their tempted to echo that drooling
media idiocy about the dangers of "populism."

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s appearance wows SF’s Mission. Her speech not so much. - Mission Local

2018-08-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Since her victory, I think Bernie and the other fossils have taken her
under their wing and persuaded her that FDR was really a closet socialist
(albeit also a warmonger and a segregationist) . . .

And that the Democratic decision to purge the party of the more radical New
Dealers with the Red Scare really didn't do much of any harm to it . . .

And the later decision to go back after 1972 and exorcise the ghost of
liberalism from the party somehow just didn't take . . .

And that Carter, Clinton, and Obama were all very, very radical but just
didn't do anything about it.

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Re: [Marxism] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s appearance wows SF’s Mission. Her speech not so much. - Mission Local

2018-08-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think that's not an unreasonable response to socialism as a "label."
Rather than fighting over vocabulary like adysfunctional English
Department, the fight should be around the political question of power, no?

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s appearance wows SF’s Mission. Her speech not so much. - Mission Local

2018-08-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 I don't think there's any inconsistency between electoral politics in the
here and now with "pragmatism."

Her explicit falsification of Democratic party history--I think that was at
that recent conference of "progressive" Democrats--was absolutely BS.

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Re: [Marxism] Trumpism: The Real Danger of Donald Trump

2018-08-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Not a quibble.  I agree entirely that the Wallace campaign represented the
last gasp of the New Deal . . . and a forlorn hope for heading off the
social insanity of the Cold War.

You don't get a glimmer of its resurgence until the Great Society, bloodied
by Vietnam and the repression of the black movement . . . and the Democrats
battered that flicker to death after 1972.
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Re: [Marxism] Trumpism: The Real Danger of Donald Trump

2018-08-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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A thoughtful piece well worth the reading.

To my mind, "Trumpism" always struck me as a fevered attempt to create a
kind of zombie McCarthyism.  People tend to remember that scoundrel time as
one of ideological anti-Communism, aimed first at the USSR and its presumed
allies, including the "home grown" subversives.  But the organized Left
were never large enough to be posing a serious threat.  It did tremendous
damage to what remained of the radicalization of the 1930s and 40s, but it
began in Truman's effort to marginalize the diehard New Dealers and, later,
by McCarthy and other opportunists to bully their way into a stronger
position in the governing structure.  All of this involved conjuring an
"international Communist conspiracy."

For believers, that conspiracy centered on fears of "the deep State," the
unelected, appointed Federal bureaucrats attempting to feminize America,
destroy national virtue with its international influences, impose
restrictions on business, put chemicals into the water, etc. To defend an
idea of freedom that embraced their own right to be free from any
altenrative ideas of arguments, they ritually victimized individuals
exercising their right to speak freely or organize or just be different.

It was as anti-science and as anti-rational as anything the Trumpwads have

And--in the complete absence of the organized Left in that repressive
context--the right-wingers enjoyed a monopoly in focusing class

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why the Russia-Trump Collusion Conspiracy Theory Isn’t Catching On

2018-08-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It seems reasonable that the Russian government used Wikileaks, which
always saw its mission essentially as airing whatever came its way.
Interesting how easily the right-wing was able to use this to its own
purposes.  And when all is said and done, the bottom line is going to be
asserting the primacy of the State against "non-State actors."
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Re: [Marxism] DSA: Don't Endorse Cynthia Nixon or any Democrats. Ever.

2018-07-31 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 We want them to vote for a working class alternative.  Canvassing people
to vote Democratic is "organizing" people to vote Democratic.

What's wrong with this picture?
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Re: [Marxism] DSA: Don't Endorse Cynthia Nixon or any Democrats. Ever.

2018-07-30 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think being in the situation where you are in the polling place with
nothing but a Democrat to vote for is a condemnation of what we've done
over the previous months and years.  I know people who've spent their
entire lives since the 1960s making the argument of "no options, but next
time . . . "  :-)

What would be a lot more productive is trying to figure out what the hell
we need to do to influence events in the concrete.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] "We don't care"

2018-07-28 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 The Democrats will no more nominate a "dangerous leftists" than the

I was listening this morning to one of the MSNBC former Republicans whining
about how free market lunacy has no home any more other than the Democratic
Party.  This recalls the situation under Dubya when former Reagan
Republicans switched to get into Congress as Democrats.

Anyone, one of these sages suggested that there would be a major
realignment in which the rational capital worshippers could rally 'round
the Democratic standard and leave the GOP to the "white Populists," while
the Sanders people would start their own kinda leftish social democraticy
progressive-ish party.  Of course, in a duopoly there wouldn't be any room
for the latter.

. . . and if Sanders would actually lead a serious bolt.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Why the Russia-Trump Collusion Conspiracy Theory Isn’t Catching On

2018-07-27 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If you judge the article by the yardstick of the kind of evidence used in a
courtroom, you're misunderstanding what you're looking at . . . .

The article summarizes the technical evidence as "tracing control of email
and social media accounts and a tool for remote internet connections" and
specifies bits of what this means.  This all; seems quite straightforward
to me, with absolutely nothing particularly surprising as to what I'd
expect their technological capabilities.  Of course,  I'd be open to
hearing something from a technical expert in the field explain how it was.

Still, we'll find out soon enough.

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Re: [Marxism] Why the Russia-Trump Collusion Conspiracy Theory Isn’t Catching On

2018-07-27 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 4:12 AM, Michael Marking via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Yes! Where’s the real evidence?
> Crossing a thread line here, I agree with Louis Proyect, who wrote on
> Friday 2018.07.20, “Frankly, I don't care if Russia helped Trump get
> elected or not.” Nor am I convinced that a Clinton victory would have
> made much difference.
> Trump has performed a great service to the leadership and backers of
> both parties: he has provided a highly effective distraction. While
> various supporters and opponents have vociferously made their views
> known – and garnered a lot of media coverage in the process – the
> main event, the looting of the main body of the people, has gone or
> continued pretty much unnoticed in the press and among the people in
> the street. It’s all about tweets and abuse of expense accounts and
> Russian collusion, and not about the deeper story. Yes, Trump represents
> the ruling class, in the same way that a clown represents a circus. It
> doesn’t matter whether he does it intentionally or knowingly or not, but
> he does it anyway. He’s a great distraction.
> This whole matter of Russian collusion and the purloined DNC files
> serves as a good example, as a part of the distraction. Whether the
> collusion issue matters or not in the grand scheme of things, it has
> resulted in the insanity of just about everyone. Maybe I’m missing
> something here, so someone help me, but where is the evidence for any
> version of this story? I looked at the indictment: it has allegations,
> but no evidence. I looked at the DNI report: the same story. The gold
> standard for forensic evidence would be Clinton’s server, but, as Trump
> asked, where is it? (I doubt if Trump really comprehends the
> significance of his own question here.) Destruction of evidence is a
> crime, too, but does anyone care? I’m certainly not defending Trump
> here, but I don’t believe any statements by anyone from the FBI, CIA,
> NSA, or anyone else in the so-called intelligence community, nor do I
> have any confidence in whatever Putin or just about anyone else says.
> This whole thing is just a big show.
> When I tell someone I can’t accept the official version of this or that
> story (the JFK assassination, the 2001 WTC demolition, and so on), and
> people ask me what really happened, I almost always have to answer, “I
> don’t know, but the official story doesn’t work, it isn’t consistent
> with the facts”. But people have an extremely difficult time accepting
> that. It’s as if people demand an answer, even a wrong one, and refuse
> to be put into a position of ignorance. They’d rather be wrong than
> ignorant.
> I’m new to this Marxism thing. Somehow, until the last two years, I’d
> never been exposed to it. But it works well for my minimalist approach
> to certainty. It doesn’t matter if Putin helped Trump or if Wikileaks
> got the DNC files from any specific person or what really was behind
> any gas attack in Syria: the class analysis subsumes these things. It
> has been a little like reading Einstein’s General Theory: it encompasses
> the Special Theory, which generalizes Newton’s laws, and so on. It makes
> predictions which can be tested. It’s not complete, as we still don’t
> have a grand theory of everything, but it’s up the ladder.
> Of course, I get sucked into these ancillary questions, too. It’s fun,
> I’m a sucker for unsolved puzzles, and I like a good story and
> appreciate entertainment. Meanwhile, as Michelle Wolf pointed out at the
> White House Correspondents’ Dinner, the folks in Flint still don’t have
> clean drinking water. And, I might add, they’re still dying and
> otherwise suffering all over the world.
> I’m not asking anyone to drop these topics. As I said, I enjoy them.
> I’ve stopped reading some “news” sites since I began reading this list:
> it’s a great source of links to news and more.
> So I ask all you old-timers, in all humility, what have I been missing?
> Where is the real evidence that Julian Assange was or wasn’t duped,
> that he colluded or participated? While I’d find it hard to swallow a
> line that the Russian state didn’t fool around 

Re: [Marxism] Why the Russia-Trump Collusion Conspiracy Theory Isn’t Catching On

2018-07-26 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Right now, there's breaking news that Michael Cohen asserts that Trump knew
about the 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower before it took

The entire Russian association is real and important, though it's
essentially a sideshow for the general carnival of corruption around the
president and his minions.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Liberal Blind Spots Are Hiding the Truth About ‘Trump Country’

2018-07-22 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Much of this is also very obviously sectional, as well as class-based.
It's amusing that two New York figures ran against each other and the
outcome is said to express the will of the Midwestern, white "working
class" voters and their unreasoning "populist" hostility to the
well-educated, well-informed designated decision-makers.  :-)
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Re: [Marxism] The excuses some Marxists make for voting Democratic (part one) | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If you're correct, this is a model for stopping something awful from
continuing (and I'm not sure that, in this case, it actually did) rather
than accomplishing some of the very basic things that \we need to be
accomplished for us.

Then, too, this is a model that's been implemented now for as long as I've
been alive.  And if we have to stretch back nearly half a century for a
case where this model worked . . . kinda, sorta . . . .what does that tell

What accomplishes things is to mobilize masses of people and get them into
the streets in large, self-organized actions.  The politicians will follow,
as they did in during the antiwar movement and the movement to defend and
expand the rights for African Americans, Latinos, women, and LGBT.  No?
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Re: [Marxism] Helsinki: Was it "excellent"? Should we care?

2018-07-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think the development if very important as well, though Trump still
represents the mainstream of the U.S. ruling class.  He's not a rogue
actor, though he plays one on TV.

The American masters engineered the greatest polarization of wealth in all
of human history.  We've seen.  We watched it.  We couldn't figure out and
implement a plan to prevent it.  No matter.  Trump slapped the icing on the
cake with his "tax reform."   I think Trump could pop out of a cake naked
in the middle of the Oval Office and the ruling class would be just fine
with it.  He's their fair-haired (or bewigged) boy for the present.  The
fact that the Democrats have been dead useless as an opposition and the
Republicans have cheered him on reflects that.

More telling, the great American Bullshit about economic prosperity is
pretty much accepted as real and circulated widely.

His attempt to be of service to Russian oligarchs as well as American
oligarchs doesn't necessarily cause problems for them.  Helsinki caused a
brief problem, but the mere show of a walk back pretty much settled things.

. . . for the present, at least.  We now seem to have moved on to Playboy
models, payoffs and Cohen tapes.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] The excuses some Marxists make for voting Democratic (part one) | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think it's accurate to say that the DSA is much like the old SDS in its
relation to the Democratic Party.  It is both inside the Democratic Party
and outside of it.

The best way to think about this is probably not what radicals shouldn't be
doing in terms of electoral politics, but what they SHOULD be doing.  If
anyone can show me one single example of radicals going into the Democratic
party and building something useful to them (and not just useful to the
Democrats), I'd be quite willing to sit down and take a look at it.

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[Marxism] Breaking news: From the start, Trump knew about covert Russian efforts on his behalf

2018-07-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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[Marxism] He'll Sink-ee?

2018-07-16 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Looks as though President Trump has finally overplayed his hand, doesn't it?

The "resistance" has, not surprisingly, taken the form of an adulation
of--and appeals to--the alleged integrity of the very institutions that
placed a particularly stupid and self-interested Robber Baron in the

That said, the collapse of his presidency will not restore faith in those
institutions--not the parties, not the Justice Dept., not the intelligence

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] “It Really Comes Down to Empowering the Working Class”

2018-07-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Today, I've seen tweets indicating that the DSA is now up to 45,000 and
still growing.  It has been generations since so many Americans have joined
an organization self-described as "socialist."

One of the great mistakes the socialist movement (with a few exceptions)
made in my youth was to dismiss the SDS for its disorganized thinking about
electoral politics.  The place of socialists was to be in there making the
case for class politics.  And I don't mean this in a sectarian way.

As with the SDS, the real key involves actions beyond the electoral arena
that make subservience to the Democratic Party an increasingly obvious

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] EPA chief Scott Pruitt flees Washington eatery after woman cradling toddler confronts him, says he's 'harming' children - NY Daily News

2018-07-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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That's the guy with the two dozen bodyguards or something . . . to keep
environmentalists from yelling at him when he shows his mug in public.
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Re: [Marxism] SCOTUS upholds Muslim Ban

2018-07-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Indeed!"Corporations are people,too."  But people are only people
insofar as they can pay for it.  :-)

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Michael Meeropol  wrote:

> how about "discovering" that the 14th Amendment applied to CORPORATIONS!!
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 7:37 AM, Mark Lause  wrote:
>> That the court isn't or wasn't political has been one of the great
>> mythologies of American politics.
>> This is most dramatic in the shifts in its interpretations of the 14th
>> Amendment in terms of school desegregation.  180 degree turns that make
>> sense only in reference to politics.  Or anything from the Warren Court
>> through Rowe v. Wade . . . ..
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Re: [Marxism] SCOTUS upholds Muslim Ban

2018-07-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 That the court isn't or wasn't political has been one of the great
mythologies of American politics.

This is most dramatic in the shifts in its interpretations of the 14th
Amendment in terms of school desegregation.  180 degree turns that make
sense only in reference to politics.  Or anything from the Warren Court
through Rowe v. Wade . . . ..
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Re: [Marxism] DSA member Ocasio-Cortez elected

2018-07-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Nothing done by Bush was done without active Democratic collusion.

Don't rely on your member to go back past 2004.  Talk to someone who was
around at the time or read a book.  The threat on the Right argument has
been absolutely central to the Democratic strategy for decades.  God knows,
it's not as though they even bother to promise us much any more in terms of
new policies.

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 5:54 PM, Michael Meeropol  wrote:

> MAYBE in 2004 --- I don't remember worries about incipient fascism before
> that --- (maybe 1984??)
> in 2000 virtually the entire left argued that a vote for Gore was
> worthless ...most of us didn't think Bush would be as bad as he turned out
> to be ...
> It is possible that Bush's policies in office spooked a lot of lefties
> into wanting to get into bed with liberals --- I confess I'm guilty ---
> hence the fears expressed in 2004 and the (now ridiculous) enthusiasm for
> Obama in 2008 
> But anyone with eyes and ears in 2016 should have seen fascism coming in
> the person of Trump and his coalition ...
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 5:43 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:
>> We've heard this "true danger of fascism" argument every election in my
>> lifetime.
>> Aside from his record-level miserable character, Trump's been able to be
>> as awful as he has been precisely because the Democrats have been
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Re: [Marxism] DSA member Ocasio-Cortez elected

2018-07-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 We've heard this "true danger of fascism" argument every election in my

Aside from his record-level miserable character, Trump's been able to be as
awful as he has been precisely because the Democrats have been playing dead
for decades.

All this current hoo-haa about the Supreme Court is taking place because
the Democrats under Obama didn't fill the seat they had open.  True, they
asked, but the Republicans said no, so . . . .

But all of this comes from the central Democratic strategy, which they've
pursued religiously for the last 30-40 years.  Indeed, the only Democratic
strategy . . . .

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Re: [Marxism] Opinion | The Millennial Socialists Are Coming - The New York Times

2018-07-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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All careers are still in the making.

It's worth recalling that Debs was older when he was winning reelection as
a Democratic legislator back in Indiana.

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 5:12 PM, MM via Marxism 

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> > On Jul 1, 2018, at 6:41 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
>> wrote:
> >
> > We've come a long way from what Max Horkheimer once wrote:
> >
> > "a revolutionary career does not lead to banquets and honorary titles,
> interesting research and professorial wages. It leads to misery, disgrace,
> ingratitude, prison and a voyage into the unknown, illuminated by only an
> almost superhuman belief.”
> It seems most likely that most of the dreams of most of those who are
> currently elated will eventually be crushed. But if the message of the hour
> is “This almost certainly isn’t going to work,” then surely it’s fair to
> ask whether the people who need to hear that message are more likely to
> hear it, and draw the right lessons, from people who’ve rolled up their
> sleeves and are down in the trench digging alongside them—with nothing but
> “an almost superhuman belief” to keep them going—or from people standing on
> the high road above them, looking down with a battle-weary and
> well-footnoted sneer.
> Misery indeed. Oh, but for a little company.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] DSA member Ocasio-Cortez elected

2018-07-01 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, sometimes doing what we have to do requires us to learn how to handle

We have to be clear that these efforts--exceptions or not--are going to
slam right into that usual Democratic brick wall.  And we have to be honest
with those engaged in such campaigns.

But to dismiss the many tens thousands of people who call themselves
socialists and are misplacing their hopes in such thins as "liberals" or
"merely Democratic voters" strikes me as seriously mistaken.  I would
regard them as comrades engaged on a mistaken course.

And what they're doing is unleashing a process that will have a dynamic of
its own, that will work immensely to our benefit.

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Re: [Marxism] Live by the State, Die by the State

2018-06-29 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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We need to start a class struggle left wing in the professor's unions.

Then, we finally levitate the Pentagon.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018, 9:55 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> CUNY radicals criticize the PSC leadership, calling upon the
> rank-and-file professor to re-energize the union in face of the Supreme
> Court Janus ruling. Good luck with that.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] DSA member Ocasio-Cortez elected

2018-06-28 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 This was a very big victory.  And an essential art of the process . . . .

Putting her into the U.S. Congress as a Democrat will no more change things
than electing Bernie Sanders president as one would have changed things.
There are a certain number of people in the American working class who
understand this--larger than most of you would say, but still microscopic
compared to the working class in general.

The vast majority of the working class that are not entirely warped by
reactionary prejudices, racism, sexism, jingoism, etc. believe that change
can be effected through the Democratic party.  This idea is full of crap
and will never really work, though efforts to do this may have ripples that
move things far beyond the intentions of those making them.

The problem is that the masses of workers interested in serious change will
not learn this lesson by our repeating what we have been saying for
decades.  They're going to have to learn this for themselves.  Given that,
the movement is simply going to have to go through a process of trial and
error with these things.  This is not going to be like Bernie Sanders,
whose campaign actually offered us nothing particularly new in terms of the
Democratic experience and did nothing in terms of the problems of being and
having a socialist in office under the Democratic label.

Her election and her experience--and the obstacles the Democrats will throw
her direction--will enter into the material, concrete experience of the
DSA.  Like I said, it's save them a lot of time if they'd just move
independently.  But those that we'd be able to convince with words have
been convinced.

There is now emerging a very broad current that's trying to build a
movement and learn from the experience.  Our job is not going to be an easy
one.  But this is part of the process that will educate by experience many
more than can be educated by our words.

Mark L.
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