[PHP] PHP access of FileMaker data

2007-11-12 Thread Paul Novitski
Can someone please point me to some PHP code or documentation for 
accessing FileMaker Pro tables with PHP?  So far googling Zend and 
world-wide hasn't found me what I'm seeking.


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Re: [PHP] PHP access of FileMaker data

2007-11-14 Thread Paul Novitski

Thanks Daniel.

However, as soon as I started reading the fx-php documentation I ran into this:

FX.php is a PHP class which parses the XML output by FileMaker Pro's 
web companion...

The FM Web Companion is another whole ball of wax and appears to be a 
live agent running on the server hosting the FileMaker tables.  Is 
this right?  Can you help demystify this for me?

What I'm really looking for is a PHP class that will read FileMaker 
files in their native format.  I'm beginning to suspect that none 
exists in the public arena.  Someone please tell me there is!



At 11/12/2007 03:04 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:

On Nov 12, 2007 5:58 PM, Paul Novitski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone please point me to some PHP code or documentation for
 accessing FileMaker Pro tables with PHP?  So far googling Zend and
 world-wide hasn't found me what I'm seeking.


Back in 2004 I had a project that was to be a hybrid of PHP and
FileMaker data, and I came across the perfect fit: FX.php by Chris
Hansen.  You can download the full source here:


It had a mailing list of its own back then, too, which I was
active on, but I'm no longer subscribed, and not even sure if it's
still there.  Either way, you'll find people like my friend, Gjermund
Thorsen, still supporting the community on the script today, so you
won't have to go it alone.

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RE: [PHP] PHP access of FileMaker data

2007-11-14 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/14/2007 01:02 AM, George Pitcher wrote:


 What I'm really looking for is a PHP class that will read FileMaker
 files in their native format.  I'm beginning to suspect that none
 exists in the public arena.  Someone please tell me there is!


I'm just exporting my tables (files rather than tables as I never upgraded
beyong v5). Why not try that and then use PHP to transfer from the exported
files into whatever you want?

a) FileMaker is on my client's computer, not my own;
b) it's going to be a frequent data transfer, not a one-time-only transform.

My client is using an inventory management program in-house.  Each 
time they modify their catalog inventory they need to upload the new 
dataset to the server so it will be reflected in their website.  I'm 
writing the PHP software that converts their data to MySQL and then 
drives the website.

The inventory application's native db format is FileMaker 8.  The 
export function built into the inventory application can output XML 
and CSV which are easy for me to read in PHP, but when it does so it 
gloms various tables together in a pre-packaged join query that 
doesn't suit my purposes.  The program is not built to export 
individual FM tables cleanly.

What I really want is to be able to read each of the component tables 
(FileMaker files) and convert them to MySQL tables on the fly.

The client is relatively unsophisticated and the most I can ask of 
them is to learn to use an FTP program to upload the FileMaker tables 
to the server.  I don't want to ask them (or anyone) to run a 
conversion utility on a couple of dozen files before 
uploading.  That's why I want to write a PHP script that can read the 
FM files.  Ideally I'd like to be able to write to FM as well, but 
that's not crucial to the project.



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Re: [PHP] help with multi dimensional arrays

2007-05-23 Thread Paul Novitski

Looks like you are missing a comma on line 3.

James Lockie wrote:

I get a syntax error on strlen.

   $newTypes = array();
   $newTypes[0] = array();
   $newTypes[0][0] = Starting with
   $newTypes[0][1] = strlen( $newTypes[0][0] );

Missing semicolon;


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Re: [PHP] Return or not to return, that is the question

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 5/30/2007 05:41 AM, Richard Davey wrote:

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf(Connect failed: %s\n, mysqli_connect_error());

If that was wrapped in a function, sticking 'return false' within the
connect_error check is useful why exactly? Equally the fact the
function didn't 'exit' implies it 'returned true' anyway, so why check
it again in whatever called the function in the first place? it has
performed its task, it didn't raise an error.

(I know most of us would never use 'exit' in production code like the
above, so replace it with whatever error handling mechanism you have,
the question above remains the same.)

I demur at your final point:  If we don't use exit() and the function 
performs non-aborting error handling, it's going to return to the 
calling function which in most cases will need to know whether its 
child function succeeded or failed.

In most of the applications I write, an SQL error (not merely an 
empty result set) indicates more often than not that the parent code 
should gracefully withdraw from the process it was attempting to 
perform.  SQL errors are going to indicate a syntactical error in the 
query, a missing table or field, a connection failure, or another 
problem serious enough that the developer's attention should be drawn 
to it.  It's certainly possible in a thoughtfully-written application 
for a parent function not to care whether a child SQL query was 
successful on this fundamental level, but in most apps we'll want to know.

function parent()
function lookUpData()
set up query;
execute query;
handle errors;

where handle errors might range from returning a failure flag to 
displaying an error message.

In order that displayData() doesn't fall on its face, I would write 
the parent function in one of these ways:

if (lookUpData()) displayData();

in which lookUpData() returns true or false, the record set being 
passed in a global variable (ugh);

or, if displayData() is smart enough to deal intelligently with a 
null or empty result set:

$aResultSet = lookUpData();

in which lookUpData() returns a dataset array that's empty if no 
records were found or an error was encountered.

In my programming style, I can't imagine wanting to write this code 
in such a way that lookUpData() didn't return some form of success or 
error indicator.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re[2]: [PHP] Return or not to return, that is the question

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 5/30/2007 08:25 AM, Richard Davey wrote:

 In order that displayData() doesn't fall on its face, I would write
 the parent function in one of these ways:

  if (lookUpData()) displayData();

That's where our approach differs. If lookUpData falls flat on its
face, my error handler will take over completely, finally resulting in
an 'abortive' event, and never pass back to the parent. If an error is
of a critical enough nature the system needs to stop. If it's not
critical then the error handling within displayData() would detect it
has nothing to display and error in its own accord.

Hi Richard,

If you write your applications like this then they'll fall over when 
something goes wrong -- and here I mean 'fall over' to mean aborting 
suddenly with a technical error message.  That can be useful to us 
during development  debugging but isn't really useful or friendly to 
the website visitor.

It also gives every subroutine that handles errors the responsibility 
of deciding how to deal with the error -- whether to display it or 
not, how to display it, etc.  It makes code less portable from one 
application to the next.

Consider another model in which subroutines report errors back to the 
calling code but don't themselves 'act' on the errors.  An error on a 
low level can bubble back up to some higher parent level in the 
application that knows what to do:  whether to display and if so how 
and in what human language, whether to email the developer, whether 
to close down the application or continue, etc.  An English SQL error 
message is of little use to a web page in Japanese.  It's usually a 
mistake to display an SQL query in a public application because it 
exposes sensitive details of the database architecture.

For example, we might want to generate the web page even if some part 
of its content is unavailable due to the SQL error.  This leaves the 
visitor with a functional page from which they can navigate normally 
even if part of the content is missing.  On this high level, the 
application might choose to behave nonchalantly as though SQL had 
returned an empty recordset and report the hard error to the 
webmaster behind the scenes.

This kind of error-handling architecture can be handled in a variety 
of ways.  One is to maintain a global error structure or class with a 
variety of fields that relate to the last error: true/false, error 
type, context, query code if applicable, etc.  Because a low-level 
error may in turn trigger higher-level errors as it bubbles back up, 
it may make sense to turn this into an error stack to which each 
calling function adds its understanding of the problem as the error 
bubbles back up:

0: SQL error ZZZ in SELECT * FROM `users` ...
1: Can't query user list YYY
2: No users to display

When a high-level function receives an error state from a called 
function, it can (if desired) walk down the stack to learn the 
technical origin of the error as well as its implications during the bubble-up.

 In my programming style, I can't imagine wanting to write this code
 in such a way that lookUpData() didn't return some form of success or
 error indicator.

That's a *very* specific example though. My question was do people
place a 'return' statement at the end of **ALL** of their functions,
regardless of what that function actually did. In the code you gave
there is a fair argument both ways, but that isn't always the case.

Absolutely.  I agree with most of the respondents to this thread: 
return a value only if the caller needs to receive a value 
back.  Some languages (such as BASIC) distinguish between functions 
that return values and subroutines that don't.  Because PHP gives 
only one type of function to call, with an option whether or not to 
return anything, it's clearly up to us to design and impose that 
architecture based on our knowledge and preferences.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: Re[2]: [PHP] Return or not to return, that is the question

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 5/30/2007 10:51 AM, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Wed, May 30, 2007 12:00 pm, Paul Novitski wrote:
[snip] use the archives

Good suggestion!

HOWEVER: it is not a good idea, imho, to always let the errors
bubble up to the outer layer, which is what Paul seemed to have

But didn't.

The problem with that approach is that you end up being painted into a
corner where your application can do little more than print It
broke. because the low-level context is not available to the caller
of the function.

If you'll refer back to my posting to which you're replying without 
quoting, you'll read:

At 5/30/2007 10:00 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:
Because a low-level error may in turn trigger higher-level errors as 
it bubbles back up, it may make sense to turn this into an error 
stack to which each calling function adds its understanding of the 
problem as the error bubbles back up:

When a high-level function receives an error state from a called 
function, it can (if desired) walk down the stack to learn the 
technical origin of the error as well as its implications during the bubble-up.

It sounds like we're on the same page, Richard!



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Re: preg_match() returns false but no documentation why

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

On 5/30/07, Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The op will need to use something other than forward slashes.

At 5/30/2007 03:26 PM, Jared Farrish wrote:

You mean the delimiters (a la Richard's suggestion about using '|')?

Hi Jared,

If the pattern delimiter character appears in the pattern it must be 
escaped so that the regexp processor will correctly interpret it as a 
pattern character and not as the end of the pattern.

This would produce a regexp error:


but this is OK:


Therefore if you choose another delimiter altogether you don't have 
to escape the slashes:


Cleaner and more clear.

preg_match('|^ldap(s)?://[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$|', $this-server )

I also recommend using single quotes instead of double quotes here.

Single Quotes: Noted. Any reason why? I guess you might be a little out of
luck putting $vars into a regex without . concatenating.

Both PHP and regexp use the backslash as an escape.  Inside double 
quotes, PHP interprets \ as escape, while inside single quotes PHP 
interprets \ as a simple backslash character.

When working with regexp in PHP you're dealing with two interpreters, 
first PHP and then regexp.  To support PHP's interpretation with 
double quotes, you have to escape the escapes:

Single quotes:  '/ldap:\/\/*/'
Double quotes:  /ldap:\\/\\/*/

PHP interprets \\/ as \/
RegExp interprets \/ as /

There's also the additional minor argument that single-quoted strings 
take less processing because PHP isn't scanning them for escaped 
characters and variables to expand.  On a practical level, though, 
the difference is going to be measured in microseconds and is 
unlikely to affect the perceptible speed of a typical PHP application.

So, for a pattern like this that contains slashes, it's best to use a 
non-slash delimiter AND single quotes (unless, as you say, you need 
to include PHP variables in the pattern):

$pattern = '#ldap://*#';

Personally I favor heredoc syntax for such situations because I don't 
have to worry about the quotes:

$regexp = _

why is there a period in the second pattern?

The period comes from the original article on SitePoint (linked earlier). Is
it unnecessary? I can't say I'm real sure what this means for the '.' in

Matches any single character except line break characters \r and \n. Most
regex flavors have an option to make the dot match line break characters
- http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html

Inside of a bracketed character class, the dot means a literal period 
character and not a wildcard.

All non-alphanumeric characters other than \, -, ^ (at the start) 
and the terminating ] are non-special in character classes

Pattern Syntax
scroll down to 'Square brackets'

Also, why are you allowing for uppercase letters
when the RFC's don't allow them?

I hadn't gotten far enough to strtolower(), but that's a good point, I
hadn't actually considered it yet.

Perhaps it has to do with the source of the string: can you guarantee 
that the URIs passed to this routine conform to spec?

Another way to handle this would be to simply accept case-insensitive strings:


Pattern Modifiers

If this modifier is set, letters in the pattern match both upper 
and lower case letters.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: preg_match() returns false but no documentation why

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 5/30/2007 05:08 PM, Jared Farrish wrote:

So what does the definition I posted mean for non-bracketed periods? Does it
mean it will match anything but a line or return break character? How in
practice is this useful?

Read the manual:

Pattern Syntax

.   match any character except newline (by default)
Full stop

Outside a character class, a dot in the pattern matches any one 
character in the subject, including a non-printing character, but not 
(by default) newline. If the PCRE_DOTALL option is set, then dots 
match newlines as well. The handling of dot is entirely independent 
of the handling of circumflex and dollar, the only relationship being 
that they both involve newline characters. Dot has no special meaning 
in a character class.


How do you test regex's against any known variants? I suppose I need to
build a test function to make arbitrary strings and then test and print the
results. I just don't know if my regex is going to be that great in

rework - an online regular expression workbench
by Oliver Steele

The RegEx Coach (a downloadable Windows application)
by Edi Weitz



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: Re: preg_match() returns false but no documentation why

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Novitski

Hi Jared,

At 5/30/2007 06:00 PM, Jared Farrish wrote:

Read the manual:

All due respect, I did read it. It's just... a little dense and not
practically descriptive.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful, I thought your question was 
more elementary than it was.  There are, though, a ton of regular 
expression resources on the net.  Google Is Your Friend.  I just got 
a million hits on 'regular expression tutorial.'

Maybe it's more practical to ask, When is it practical to use it?

It matches anything, so I assume that means you can use it to match, say, a
paragraph that you can't predict or match against? One that you're looking
for a pattern match on one or either end?

Well, sure.  It often appears as .* meaning none or any number of 
any characters.  Use it when you honestly don't care what it matches.

Say you want to find out if the word frog occus in a text followed 
by the word dog.  You could match on:


/   pattern delimiter
\b  word boundary
frog1st word
\b  word boundary

(   begin subpattern
.*  zero or any characters
\b  word boundary
)   end subpattern
?   zero or one instance of the preceding subpattern

dog 2nd word
\b  word boundary
/   pattern delimiter
i   case-insensitive

This guarantees that both words are bounded by word boundaries and 
allows any number of any characters to occur between them.  (There's 
sort of an implicit .* before and after the pattern.  Because I 
haven't used ^ and $ to define the beginning and end of the text, 
regex looks for my pattern anywhere in the text.)

And why is it called full stop?

That's what the 'period' is called in British English.

In English syntax period and full stop are synonymous, and the 
RegEx manual is throwing dot into the same bag.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] explode string at new line

2007-06-06 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/5/2007 10:50 PM, Jim Lucas wrote:

Windows uses \r\n newlines; *nix uses \n; Mac uses \r.


PHP Code:
$txt = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r/', \n, $txt);

Another way to write that PCRE pattern is /\r\n?/ (one carriage 
return followed by zero or one linefeed).

I recall also running into \n\r although I can't recall which system uses it.

As an alternative to PCRE, we can pass arrays to PHP's replace functions, e.g.:

$txt = str_replace(array(\r\n, \n\r, \r), \n, $txt);



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Updating dropdown list

2007-06-11 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/11/2007 11:38 AM, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
   I have a page containing two drop down lists.  I need to figure 
out a way to populate/update the second drop down list based on a 
selection of the first one (the data for both drop down lists is in 
a MySQL database).  Is this something I need to do in 
JavaScript?  Or can I somehow trick PHP to do this?

I don't think you need to trick PHP -- it will be friendly and 
cooperative as long as you feed it some nice juicy strings from time to time.

The main difference between implementing this in javascript and 
implementing it in PHP is that PHP will require a round-trip to the 
server between menu changes, while javascript will act more immediately.

Because javascript is so commonly disabled, I write the logic first 
in PHP so that everyone can use the page, then again in javascript to 
enhance the experience for folks with scripting enabled.  This is not 
a doubling of work: both scripts can utilize the same datasets (since 
PHP is downloading the page it can feed javascript a version of the 
same data it uses), and both scripts have very similar syntax 
(they're really cousins) so it's possible in many cases to write 
nearly identical logic in key functions, reducing programming, 
debugging, and maintenance time.  This technique is known variously 
as 'unobtrusive javascript' and 'progressive enhancement.'



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Date Calculation Help

2007-06-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/30/2007 08:14 AM, revDAVE wrote:

I have segmented a year into four quarters (3 months each)

nowdate = the month of the chosen date (ex: 5-30-07 = month 5)

Q: What is the best way to calculate which quarter  (1-2-3 or 4) the chosen
date falls on?

Result - Ex: 5-30-07 = month 5 and should fall in quarter 2

If you divide the month number by 3 you get:

1   0.3
2   0.7
3   1
4   1.3
5   1.7
6   2
7   2.3
8   2.7
9   3
10  3.3
11  3.7
12  4

The first digit is off by one, so subtract .1 from each result:

1   0.2
2   0.56667
3   0.9
4   1.2
5   1.56667
6   1.9

Now you can see from the first digit that if you take the integer 
value and add 1 you'll get:

1   1
2   1
3   1
4   2
5   2
6   2

In PHP this could be:

intval(($month - .1)/3 + 1)
intval(($month + .9)/3)

I believe you can use intval() and floor() interchangeably in this 



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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RE: [PHP] PHP Brain Teasers

2007-07-03 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/3/2007 12:11 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote:

if($x == 0.01 || $x == 1.0){
   $y = in;

In for a penny, in for a pound.  Metric, that is!



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Brain Teasers

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/5/2007 01:45 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:

$objects-original_image =

$_SCRIPT[word] = task;
$_SCRIPT[otherword] = ticket;

$update_word1 = $_SCRIPT[word].et;

$rgb1 = 134,89,32;
$rgb2 = 231,223,48;


Without bothering to run the code I'd say a tisket, a tasket, a green 
and yellow basket.  Now what obscure corner of childhood poetry 
memories did that come from?  It's easy to google...  My god, Ella 
Fitzgerald?  THE Ella Fitzgerald??  Yowsa!



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Upload Tracker.

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/17/2007 11:46 AM, Tom Ray [Lists] wrote:
I'm a little unsure on how to do this but basically when someone 
uses a form to upload a file I want to have a popup window come up 
and so the process in percentage of the transfer.  Anyone do this 
before? Is it possible in PHP or do I need to do it in javascript or 
a mixture of both?

Upload progress can't be reported using PHP alone, but here's a 
PHP-perl amalgam you can check out:

Mega Upload

I haven't used it can can't vouch for it.  When I tried their demo it 
failed but I think for reasons other than the functionality of the 
widget itself.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Pirate PHP books online?

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/17/2007 07:42 PM, you wrote:

Really people.  I find it hard to believe that the otherwise-intelligent
people on this list have such a hard time with the concept that something
should not be done for reasons that don't involve physical property, just as
I find it hard to believe that making up things that someone supposedly said
has suddenly become the in thing to do.

Larry, please relax a little and don't take these comments so 
personally.  As you point out, most folks who have posted to this 
thread are not responding to what you've actually written.  When you 
make the technical point that copyright infringement isn't the same 
as property theft, some people have misunderstood and thought you 
meant that copyright infringement isn't a bad thing.  I suggest that 
their missiles aren't actually aimed at you, so just turn your head 
and watch them go by.  They're really aimed at the violation of those 
intellectual property rights by which nearly everyone on this list 
survives, or tries to.  Naturally it's a hot topic.  But it's not 
about you.  The issue of whether property theft and copyright 
infringement are governed by different legal codes is interesting to 
an extent but clearly separate from the issue of whether or not 
copyright infringement is an abhorrent practice.  Since you clearly 
realize that folks are really addressing the latter issue, one with 
which you apparently agree, I suggest you let go of the fact that you 
contributed the former idea since almost no one is actually 
addressing it.  So far you're shouting past them as much as they're 
shouting past you because you're all addressing different topics in a 
single thread.

Warm regards,


Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Hide the real URL

2007-07-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/26/2007 08:08 AM, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
// output to browser, suppressing 
error message

why are you suppressing error messages??



Reads a file and writes it to the output buffer.

Returns the number of bytes read from the file. If an error occurs, 
FALSE is returned and unless the function was called as @readfile(), 
an error message is printed.

I figured that in the case of an image it would make more sense to 
download a FALSE value to the browser than a text error 
message.  During development  debugging phases error messages are 
invaluable, but after publication some circumstances dictate no 
display rather than display of a message.  Since the OP was looking 
for a solution that obfuscated the image URL, I thought the less 
techy information communicated to the user the better.

Richard Heyes' suggestion of using passthru() might work better if it 
can be used with a mixture of content types on the same page.

And, yes, heredoc is definitely a matter of taste.  In my own work, 
its disadvantage (hugging left margin) is outweighed by its 
advantages (separation of logic from data/template/output, omission 
of escape codes except the occasional {}, fewer typographical errors, 
faster proofreading, etc.).  I don't feel the need to convince anyone 
else to use heredoc, but I'm totally sold on it myself.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Hide the real URL

2007-07-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/26/2007 06:18 AM, elk dolk wrote:

I want to hide the real URL to my images

It should be pointed out that you can't really hide the real URL of 
your images.  If an image appears in a browser, the browser will 
accurately report its location to the user, and the user can save it 
to their hard drive.

If you're in a situation in which you're trying to avoid people 
downloading images without permission, your best bets might be to 
watermark, crop, low-res-ify, or otherwise disfigure the displayed 
images to make them less attractive than the originals.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Hide the real URL

2007-07-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/26/2007 06:18 AM, elk dolk wrote:

I want to hide the real URL to my images by masking it with PHP
the code looks like this:

$query = SELECT * FROM table;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo img src='http://www.mysite.com/img/{$FileName}'/;

if you look at the source in browser you will see:

img src='http://www.mysite.com/img/111.jpg' /

how can I show it like this:

img src='show.php?FileName=111.jpg' /

Your primary script would echo:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// get the file name from the data table
$FileName = $row['filename'];

// encode the filename to be legal in an URL
$FileName = urlencode($FileName);

// download to browser
echo _
img src=show.php?FileName=$FileName /

and the secondary script show.php could use logic such as this:

// if the querystring contains the expected parameter
if (isset($_GET['Filename']))
// get requested filename
$Filename = 'img/' . $_GET['Filename'];

// if that file exists
if (file_exists($Filename))
// output to browser, suppressing 
error message



Your sample script included:
echo img src='http://www.mysite.com/img/{$FileName}'/;

Marking up your images as img ... / indicates that you want to use 
XHTML.  XHTML requires that attributes be quoted with double quotes, 
not single quotes (apostrophes).  Use http://validator.w3.org/ to 
validate your markup.

However, simply reversing the quotes in your statement would result in:
echo 'img src=http://www.mysite.com/img/{$FileName}/';
This would not work because PHP would fail to expand the variable 
name inside single quotes.  Therefore you'd need to escape the inner 
quotes like so:

echo img src=\http://www.mysite.com/img/{$FileName}\/;
or use heredoc (...) which I prefer to use because it means not 
having to escape the quotes.  In a case like this it also means not 
having to enclose the variable in curly braces:

echo _
img src=show.php?FileName=$FileName /

urlencode: http://php.net/urlencode

heredoc syntax: http://php.net/heredoc#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc

isset: http://php.net/isset

file_exists: http://php.net/file_exists

readfile: http://php.net/readfile

@ Error Control Operator: http://php.net/@



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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RE: [PHP] Hide the real URL

2007-07-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/26/2007 08:40 PM, Chris Aitken wrote:

  There's a couple of protect your image schemes that will frustrate
  the typical user, but they can be easily broken, like the one I
  created here:

 Firefox - Tools - Page Info - Media - Scroll Till Find - Bingo!

Say Firefox to a typical user and they will assume you are swearing at
them in another language.


Typical users don't even KNOW they have a printscreen button just like
most typical users don't know there is ANOTHER kind of browser :)

That said, I don't think the hypothetical typical clueless user is 
relevant here.  A user who really wants to scrape images off websites 
will find a way with very little effort -- just google and a few 
clicks -- to view background images, to view page source, to disable 
javascript disabling of context menus, to install Firefox and the web 
developer toolbar, whatever; it's all within easy reach of anyone 
with motivation and average intelligence.  Sure, you can make it 
difficult for X% of computer users to locate your images, but those 
aren't the people you're worried about, it's the Y% who don't take no 
for an answer and try, try again.

Trying to solve the problem of theft of intellectual property at the 
browser level always seems to end in failure.  Just go back to the 
source and provide content that you don't mind people taking cuz you 
can't stop them if they really want to.

Had to smile yesterday, was walking past an espresso bar that doubles 
as an internet cafe.  A customer had approached the counter and was 
asking the barrista how to access his email because he couldn't find 
Explorer, and she advised him to click on Foxfire.  (Great movie, though.)



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

Re: [PHP] Comment modes behavior in HTML and PHP

2007-07-28 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/28/2007 07:40 AM, C.R.Vegelin wrote:

I have a PHP script, as follows:
   echo should this be echoed ?;

As expected, the browser shows nothing,
but when I view Source in the browser, I see:
!-- start HTML comment
 should this be echoed ?--

Shouldn't it be just: !--  --, without the echo result ?
I don't expect PHP to be active between !-- --.

!-- ... -- is an HTML comment.

/* ... */ and //... are PHP comments.

The HTML comment syntax does not affect PHP, and PHP comment syntax 
does not affect HTML.




Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Bizarre array create error

2007-07-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 7/29/2007 09:59 PM, Ken Tozier wrote:

/* Next two lines are where the problem starts  */
/* If I comment either of them out the script runs  */
/* but with both uncommented, it dies
// create the rect and usable rect records
$result-rect   = array(0, 0, 
$result-page_width, $result- page_height);

Does this typo exist in your script?  $result- page_height with a 
space between - and ?



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Friday morning brain farts....

2007-08-10 Thread Paul Novitski

At 8/10/2007 07:43 AM, Jason Pruim wrote:

I want to be able to sort that info so my sql query looks like:
Select * from current order by '$order'; and $order is populated by
a GET when they click on a link: A href=index.php?order='Last'Sort
by last name/A  Now... the whole PHP page is being included in
a .shtml page to actually display it and make it look purrdee :)


$order = $_GET['order']; --Line 6

Your HTML should read:

a href=index.php?order=LastSort by last name/a

Note double-quotes around the href expression and no quotes around 
the querystring parameter value.

Also, you'll want to check the incoming values to prevent SQL 
injection (q.v.).  If you insert unevaluated input into an SQL query 
you're leaving yourself vulnerable to everything from data exposure 
to data manipulation from outside sources.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Separation between View and State (The Back Button)

2006-07-13 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11:27 AM 7/13/2006, Michael B Allen wrote:

Let's say you have a Buy button that posts a form to a script that
inserts or increments the quantity of a record in a shopping cart
table. So you click Buy and then Checkout. Now if you hit the Back
button it asks the user if they would like to repost the form. If you
click Ok the db script runs again and now they have two items in the
cart. Not good.

It seems to me this is a fundamental model view controller kind of
problem. There's no seperation between the view and the controller.

What I'm thinking is that I need to give each form a unique token. When
the form is submitted a new token is generate. So if at any time a form
is reposted the token will be invalid and action regarding the form
contents can be igored.

Perhaps, but I'll bet that a lot of re-posts will be from people who 
click, realize they forgot to change the quantity or another value, 
and back up in order to correct their mistake.  You might consider 
accepting the most recent post, not the first, when the form token 
matches.  You might also want to include a current timestamp in the 
form so that you can easily detect the sequence of multiple posts.

One technique that might help is to insert a processing script 
between input form  output page.  The form posts to the script which 
doesn't download anything to the browser but instead redirects to the 
destination page, so backing up from the destination doesn't 
automatically prompt for a re-post; the user would actually have to 
return to the form and re-submit it manually.  And of course that's 
going to happen, too, so your underlying engine will need to be smart 
enough to know how to deal with multiple buy requests for the same 
product in any case.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Help with some clever bit operations

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Novitski

Niels schrieb:

The problem: A function tries to update an existing value, but is only
allowed to write certain bits.
There are 3 variables:
A: the existing value, eg. 10110101
B: what the function wants to write, eg. 01011100
C: which bits the function is allowed to write, eg. 
With these examples, 1000 should be written.
How do I combine A, B and C to get that result?

1) First, AND the mask with the value the function wants to write in 
order to suppress bits:

  01011100 (B: value the function wants to write)
  (C: mask)
  1100 (D: intermediate result)

$D = $B  $C;

2) Next, OR the above result with the existing value:

  10110101 (A: existing value)
| 1100 (D: B  C)
  1001 (E: final result)

$E = $A | $D;

Or, more succinctly:

$E = $A | ($B  $C);

I love Boolean operations.  Used cleverly, they can replace code 
branching with simple statements.  Back when I was coding in 
assembler  PL/M it was a righteously fast way of producing complex results.


[Sorry if this question has long since been answered, but I missed 
the rest of the thread.] 

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Re: [PHP] different value in array

2006-07-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11:18 PM 7/28/2006, weetat wrote:

  I have 2 array which populated from MYSQL as shown below :
  My program will update status in the temporary table according to 
compare of 2 arrays, for example from 2 array below:

   in $temptablearr = there 3 elements
   in $currenttablearr = there 2 elements

   If value different betweeen elements in the $temptablearr and 
$currenttablearr , the status is change to 'update'.
   If value are same between $temptablearr and $currenttablearr , 
no action taken.
   If there are new elements in $temptablearr and not found in 
$currenttablearr, the status is change to 'new'
   If there are elements found in $currenttablearr and not found in 
$temptablearr , the status is change to 'deleted'

Anyone have any ideas or suggestion how to do this ? Thanks for your help.


$currenttablearr = array( 0 =


$compare = true;

foreach($temptablearr as $key = $val)
   if($currenttablearr[$key] != $val) {
   $compare = false;
   if($compare === false) {
 echo 'update status in table to updatebrbr';
   if($compare === true){
echo 'skip, do not shown in page.brbr';


You might consider concatenating all the elements in each sub-array 
to make the comparison logic simpler, e.g.:

foreach ($currenttablearr as $key = $subarray)
$comparisonArray[$key] = explode(_, $subarray);

This would result in:

$comparisonArray[0] == 1235_Malaysia_cd-12345_ws8950
$comparisonArray[1] == 1235_Singapore_cd-890_ws1234

If you do that for both arrays you're comparing then it requires less 
complicated code to discover which values in one array don't exist in 
the other.


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Re: [PHP] different value in array

2006-07-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12:20 AM 7/29/2006, Paul Novitski wrote:
You might consider concatenating all the elements in each sub-array 
to make the comparison logic simpler, e.g.:

foreach ($currenttablearr as $key = $subarray)
$comparisonArray[$key] = explode(_, $subarray);

This would result in:

$comparisonArray[0] == 1235_Malaysia_cd-12345_ws8950
$comparisonArray[1] == 1235_Singapore_cd-890_ws1234

Sorry, of course I meant implode(), not explode()!


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Re: [PHP] call a javascript within php

2006-07-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 09:59 AM 7/30/2006, Jochen Kaechelin wrote:

How can I call a JavaScript inside php?

You can't literally call client-side JavaScript from server-side PHP 
because they're executing at different times and in different 
computers.  PHP executes on the server then downloads the page to the 
browser, then JavaScript executes in the browser.

What you can do is to write your PHP script so that it generates your 
JavaScript code as part of the page download, set to execute 
automatically when the page downloads.  The JavaScript can either be 
inline in the HTML page itself or linked to the HTML page with a 
script tag and a SRC attribute that produces the desired JavaScript 
on the fly, e.g.:

echo  hdJS
script src=myJavaScriptGenerator.php?param=value 


If your JavaScript is static -- already written, not needing 
modification -- you can simply link it to your PHP-generated HTML 
page as usual:

echo  hdJS
script src=myJavaScript.js type=text/javascript/script

Another variation involves a static JS script that's fed 
dynamically-generated variables by PHP.  This isn't a shared variable 
space between the two languages but more like a communication channel 
between them:

$frog = 'Hello';
$dog = 'world';

echo  hdJS
script type=text/javascript
var frog = $frog;
var dog = $dog;

script src=myJavaScript.js type=text/javascript/script

Of course you can generate entire blocks of JavaScript logic with PHP 
if need be, but I would suspect that in most cases you'd be better 
off feeding a few key variables to a static JS script.


Most of the time you'll want your JS script to execute after the HTML 
finishes downloading, so that JavaScript will be able to find all the 
page elements in the DOM.  Three ways of doing this are:

1) Use the window.onload method in a linked JavaScript script:

window.onload = jsFunctionName;

function jsFunctionName()

Notice the lack of parentheses in the onload statement.  This is 
because you want to set window.onload equal to the content of the 
function, not execute the function as would occur if you wrote 
window.onload = jsFunctionName();.

The window.onload statement wipes out any pre-existing onload 
function.  Multiple linked scripts can use this method cooperatively this way:

// save any pre-existing onload function
var uniqueVariableName = window.onload;

// do the following when the page finishes downloading:
window.onload = function()
// if there was a pre-existing onload 
function, run it now

if (uniqueVariableName) uniqueVariableName();

// run the function

// here's the function you want to execute when the page has loaded
function jsFunctionName()

In this example, uniqueVariableName is different for each script 
that uses it.  I usually use the name of the JavaScript file as part 
of this variable name to ensure uniqueness.

Multiple onloads can also be implemented using the addEventListener method:

2) Use the onLoad attribute in the body tag:

body onLoad=jsFunctionName();

...where jsFunctionName() is a function in a linked or inline script.

I don't recommend this method because it mixes HTML with scripting 
more than is necessary.  The more separate you keep them, the easier 
both will be to maintain.

3) Insert the function call in a script statement at the bottom of 
the HTML markup:

script type=text/javascript

Same argument against mixing HTML with scripting, although one could 
argue that this constitutes the same degree of mixing that occurs 
with the script src= tag.


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Re: [PHP] sorting in array

2006-07-31 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10:31 PM 7/30/2006, weetat wrote:
 I have problem when doing usort() when 'country' = '', i would 
like to display records where country = '' last. Any ideas how to do that ?


  $arraytest= array(
'country' = '',
'country' = 'Thailand',


  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = $a['country'];
$country2 = $b['country'];

 return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;


You can sort the blank fields to the end simply by forcing their 
evaluated values in your usort callback function:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = $a['country'];
$country2 = $b['country'];

if ($country1 == '') $country1 = zzz;
if ($country2 == '') $country2 = zzz;

return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;

...or, using ternary syntax:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = ($a['country'] == '') ? zzz : $a['country'];
$country2 = ($b['country'] == '') ? zzz : $b['country'];

return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;


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RE: [PHP] sorting in array

2006-07-31 Thread Paul Novitski

At 05:40 PM 7/30/2006, Peter Lauri wrote:

   function cmpcountry($a, $b)

 $country1 = $a['country'];
 $country2 = $b['country'];

   if($country1=='') return 1;
   else return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;


Good call, Peter; my suggestion was unnecessarily fat.

Weetat, both Peter's and my solutions do work -- see here:
source code:

I could make that last statement just a bit simpler:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = ($a['country'] == '') ? zzz : $a['country'];
$country2 = ($b['country'] == '') ? zzz : $b['country'];

return ($country1  ''  $country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;

I'm curious to know why none of this code works properly if it 
directly compares ($a['country']  $b['country']).  Why are the 
intermediate variables necessary?


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RE: [PHP] sorting in array

2006-07-31 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12:22 AM 7/31/2006, Paul Novitski wrote:

I could make that last statement just a bit simpler:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = ($a['country'] == '') ? zzz : $a['country'];
$country2 = ($b['country'] == '') ? zzz : $b['country'];

return ($country1  ''  $country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;

*Sigh*  I shouldn't post this late at night.  This is the comparison 
function that works for me:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = ($a['country'] == '') ? zzz : $a['country'];
$country2 = ($b['country'] == '') ? zzz : $b['country'];

return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;

demo: http://juniperwebcraft.com/test/sortTest.php
code: http://juniperwebcraft.com/test/sortTest.txt


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Re: [PHP] sorting in array

2006-07-31 Thread Paul Novitski

At 01:14 AM 7/31/2006, weetat wrote:

Thanks Paul,

  Very weird tried Peter's option, it doesn't work.

  Btw , how to sort by ascending ?

Please explain what you mean.  The current script DOES sort ascending 
by country (except for the blank country fields which are placed at the end):


Singapore, Singapore, Thailand is an ascending sort.

Your original code also sorted ascending by country, but with the 
blank countries at the front:

  function cmpcountry($a, $b)
$country1 = $a['country'];
$country2 = $b['country'];

return ($country1  $country2) ? -1 : 1;


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Re: [PHP] How to recognise url in a block of text

2006-10-17 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/17/2006 12:39 AM, AYSERVE.NET wrote:
Please, I need help on how to to recognise url in a block of text 
being retrieved from a database and present it as a link within that text.

Here's an illustration of your problem:

Text text http://example.com/directory/filename.html#anchor text text 
http://www.example.com/filename.php?arg=valarg=val text text.

Text text a 
text text a 
text text.

- find each URL within the text
- replace each URL with an anchor tag that includes two copies of the 
URL, one in the href attribute and one enclosed in the tag.

I'd use Regular Expressions for this:

PHP - Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible)

To write your own regexp to identify URIs, you'll want to read the spec:

RFC 1738 - Uniform Resource Locators (URL)

Specifically you'll need to know what characters can and cannot occur 
in an URL, and in what context, so that you can separate an URL from 
surrounding text and punctuation such as parentheses, periods, commas, etc.

If you google regular expression url you'll find a lot of examples 
of regexp's that find URLs, including:

Regex for URLs by Abigail

Have fun,

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2006-10-25 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/25/2006 04:09 PM, Stut wrote:

Dang that's painful!! Try this...

foreach (range(1, 31) as $day)
print 'option value='.$day.'';
if ($selected_day_of_month == $day)
print ' selected';
print ''.$day.'/option';


Ouch!  Gnarly mix of logic and markup.  I suggest something more like:

foreach (range(1, 31) as $day)
$sSelected = ($selected_day_of_month == $day) ? ' 
selected=selected' : '';

print  hdDay
option value=$day$sSelected$day/option


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[PHP] heredoc usage [WAS: OPTION]

2006-10-25 Thread Paul Novitski

 At 10/25/2006 04:09 PM, Stut wrote:
  print 'option value='.$day.'';
  if ($selected_day_of_month == $day)
  print ' selected';
  print ''.$day.'/option';

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 17:35 -0700, Paul Novitski wrote:

  print  hdDay
  option value=$day$sSelected$day/option


At 10/25/2006 06:57 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

Ewww, I'll take Stut's style anyday. Heredoc has its uses, but I
wouldn't consider your above usage one of them :/ Now to add my own
echo 'option value='.$day.''.$selected.''

Rob, I'd love to know what aspect of my heredoc usage you find 
objectionable.  From my perspective it's a single integrated 
expression, cleaner, easier to read and proofread, and easier to 
maintain than a concatenation of expression fragments strung together 
with syntactical punctuation and quotation marks.  I especially value 
the fact that heredoc lets me separate program logic from text output 
to the greatest extent possible.  Am I unwittingly committing a 
stylistic or logical faux pas?

Conversely, what applications of heredoc do you find valid and valuable?

I ask because I use heredoc all the time, sometimes for inline code 
as above but most often for template assembly, maintaining HTML in 
external files that can be edited independently of the PHP logic.


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Re: [PHP] heredoc usage [WAS: OPTION]

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/25/2006 11:24 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

Now, the thing that I dislike about heredoc for such small strings is
the switching between heredoc mode and the switching back. It's ugly on
the scale of switching in and out of PHP tags.

It's so interesting that some details bug some people and others bug 
others.  In an expression such as this:

echo 'option value=' . $day . '' . $selected . '' . $day 
. '/option';

...I count eight transitions (instances of switching between PHP 
syntax and output text) -- one each time you open or close a quote -- 
compared to just two transitions (the opening  closing labels) for 
the comparable heredoc statement:

print  hdDay
option value=$day$sSelected$day/option


it would be less ugly if
the closing delimiter didn't have to be at the beginning of it's own
line in which case code could still maintain indentation formatting.

I agree.  Too bad the PHP developers didn't come up with a special 
symbol for heredoc closing labels to give us more control over script 
formatting.  I do however find this a fairly minor irritation, a 
small price to pay for heredoc's power.

To lighten the mess of heredoc I
personally use the following format:

$foo = _



Nice and concise!  Thanks, I'll use that.

However that's only useful if indenting the content is not an issue.

I don't see how you draw that conclusion.  Heredoc doesn't become 
useless if we need to indent the content, it just means we lose 
complete control over indenting every line of our PHP script.  The 
functionality is still totally there.

This script indenting issue with heredoc is for me one of the few 
irritations of PHP.  I love the language and the power that heredoc 
gives me.  I'm also irritated by the class member syntax $this-that 
but I still use it as well.

 I ask because I use heredoc all the time, sometimes for inline code
 as above but most often for template assembly, maintaining HTML in
 external files that can be edited independently of the PHP logic.

I use a tag based template system, there's no PHP in my content so my
content files for the most part just look like more HTML.

This is a different topic, but also one close to my heart.  Yes, I 
too use my own selector-based templating system.  It does allow me to 
embed PHP variables into the template if I want, but the primary 
merge between plain HTML template and MySQL content happens through 
CSS-style selectors.

Hello jinn:render name=email selector=firstName/,


My comparable example (but in an HTML context) would look like:

Hello span class=firstNameFIRSTNAME/span,

where the engine replaces the content of the span with the value from 
the database based on a match of 'span.firstName' or perhaps just 
'.firstName'.  (In this example the 'FIRSTNAME' content in the 
template is merely a place-holder to make it easier to preview the 
markup and isn't necessary to the merge process.)

| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |

Interesting project!  Good work.


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Re: [PHP] heredoc usage [WAS: OPTION]

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/26/2006 08:24 AM, tedd wrote:

At 1:04 AM -0700 10/26/06, Paul Novitski wrote:

My comparable example (but in an HTML context) would look like:

Hello span class=firstNameFIRSTNAME/span,

where the engine replaces the content of the span with the value 
from the database based on a match of 'span.firstName' or perhaps 
just '.firstName'.  (In this example the 'FIRSTNAME' content in the 
template is merely a place-holder to make it easier to preview the 
markup and isn't necessary to the merge process.)

I think  a div would work just as well -- span seems so 
old-world to me. :-)

By default, div is a block element and span is inline, so span seemed 
like the natural fit for a sentence fragment.  I don't think there's 
anything old-world (!) about spans, Tedd, they're just tags.  I use 
both in my markup with a clear conscience.

However, if you used preg_match_all, I think you could do away with 
the spans all together by matching FIRSTNAME to your first name 
variable. That way your document would simply read:


That's true, and in tighly-defined micro-contexts that might work 
just fine.  For a robust general CMS, though, I want a completely 
unambiguous demarcation of replacable content.  All-caps tags will 
work in some circumstances but certainly won't in others.


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Re: [PHP] counting records in db

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/26/2006 10:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what would be better solution to count records in table (e.g., how many
customers have last name 'Smith'):

$query = mysql_query(
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoOfRecords
FROM customers
WHERE last_name = 'Smith');
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$NoOfRecords = $result['NoOfRecords'];


$query = mysql_query(
SELECT cust_id
FROM customers
WHERE last_name = 'Smith');
$NoOfRecords = mysql_num_rows($query);

My understanding of why COUNT() is the better solution is that 
mysql_num_rows() requires MySQL to cycle through the found records on 
a second pass to count them, whereas the first gathers the count 
during the first pass, the record-selection phase.

Of course, if you also need to have the selected records accessible 
to a loop, using COUNT() will force you to execute two queries, one 
for the record count and one for the data themselves, so at that 
point the relative advantage is less clear.

While we're talking about optimization, I'd want to check to make 
sure COUNT(*) didn't ask MySQL to generate a throw-away recordset 
consisting of all fields.  I wonder if it would be more 
machine-efficient to use COUNT(`last_name`), specifying a single 
field, in this case the same field your query is examining anyway.


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Re: [PHP] counting records in db

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/26/2006 11:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would it be ok to use the same code to check if customer is loged in?

$query = mysql_query(
   SELECT COUNT(Username) as NoOfRecords
   FROM customers
   WHERE Username = '$Username' AND Password = '$Password');
if (mysql_result($query, 0) == 0)

I'd question whether you really needed to get a record count.  If 
your logon system is robust, each member will be listed only once; 
even if not, it's probably not the number of records you're 
interested in learning but whether or not there are any.  I'd suffice with:

SELECT Username
FROM customers
WHERE Username = '$Username' AND Password = '$Password'
LIMIT 1,0;

In a case like this, where I'm confident I have either one record or 
none, I'd be happy to use mysqsl_num_rows().

In the example above, which field you select is arbitrary, unless you 
actually want more information about the logged-on user:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, SecurityLevel
FROM customers
WHERE Username = '$Username' AND Password = '$Password'
LIMIT 1,0;


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Re: [PHP] heredoc usage [WAS: OPTION]

2006-10-27 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10:23 AM -0700 10/26/06, Paul Novitski wrote:
For a robust general CMS, though, I want a completely unambiguous 
demarcation of replacable content.

At 10/27/2006 09:01 AM, tedd wrote:
If you want a completely unambiguous demarcation then use xml with 
a defined schema. I don't think you can get any more defined than that, right?

Yes, I find XHTML markup sufficiently specific for my CMS.


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Re: [PHP] heredoc usage [WAS: OPTION]

2006-10-28 Thread Paul Novitski

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 01:04:25 -0700, Paul Novitski wrote:

 It's so interesting that some details bug some people and others bug
 others.  In an expression such as this:

  echo 'option value=' . $day . '' . $selected . '' . $day
 . '/option';

 ...I count eight transitions (instances of switching between PHP
 syntax and output text) -- one each time you open or close a quote --
 compared to just two transitions (the opening  closing labels) for
 the comparable heredoc statement:

  print  hdDay
  option value=$day$sSelected$day/option


At 10/28/2006 04:28 AM, Nisse Engström wrote:

   That's funny. I count eight transitions in both
examples. The difference in the second example is
that the transition switches have changed from
open/closing quote to '$'/not-a-variable-character.

Yes, from the point of view of the PHP parser, a 
transition is made each time you encounter an 
embedded variable requiring evaluation and each 
time you return to the quoted expression that 
doesn't require that same kind of evaluation.

What I was referring to were transitions of PHP 
syntactical punctuation that fragment the 
expression from the human point of view.  I 
personally find the heredoc expression much 
easier to read, proofread, and maintain because 
it appears to be all one simple, unbroken expression.


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Re: [PHP] str_replace on words with an array

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/29/2006 01:07 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
The purpose of the ^ and the $ is to define the beginning and the 
end of a word:


No, actually, ^ and $ define the beginnning  end of the entire 
expression being searched, not the boundaries of a single 
word.  Therefore searching for ^mouse$ will locate mouse only if 
it's the only word in the entire string, which I gather is not what you want.

I suspect what you want is either this:

(^| )WORD( |$)

(the word bounded by either the start/end of string or a space)

or perhaps better yet this:


(the word bounded by word boundaries).

See [PCRE regex] Pattern Syntax

Further to your problem, I believe this is incorrect:

$noiseArray = array(1, ...
$searchQuery=str_replace( ^.$noiseArray.$,  , $searchQuery);

Since $noiseArray is your entire array, it doesn't make sense to 
enclose it in word boundaries of any kind.  Instead, I imagine each 
member of the array needs to be bounded individually.

If you go this route, perhaps you could enclose each member of your 
original array in \b word boundary sequences using an array_walk 
routine so that you don't have to muddy your original array 
declaration statement.


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Re: [PHP] str_replace on words with an array

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Novitski

Paul Novitski wrote:
If you go this route, perhaps you could enclose each member of your 
original array in \b word boundary sequences using an array_walk 
routine so that you don't have to muddy your original array 
declaration statement.

At 10/29/2006 01:54 PM, rich gray wrote:
IIRC str_replace() does not interpret or understand regular 
expression syntax - you'd need preg_replace() for that

You're absolutely right -- I was focusing so much on the regexp 
syntax that I failed to broaden my gaze...

When the OP corrects his PHP to use preg_replace() instead of 
str_replace(), I believe he'll still need to provide word boundaries 
around each member of his noise-word array, otherwise the function 
will simply remove all letters and digits from the words in the 
search-string he considers meaningful and he'll end up searching thin air.

Aside, without knowing the context of his search, it seems a bit 
extreme to remove all single characters from the search string.  It's 
not hard to think of examples of them occurring as part of valid 
entity names in our universe -- she got an A, Plan B From Outer 
Space, Vitamin C, etc.

An alternative strategy might be to trust the user to enter a valid 
search string and simply warn them that the quality of the answer 
they get will depend on the quality of their input.


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Re: [PHP] Decide witch table within a union

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Novitski

On Oct 29, 2006, at 2:00 PM, Børge Holen wrote:

Would you suggest to use a extra field to hold the table name as

At 10/29/2006 04:16 PM, Ed Lazor wrote:

Definitely not.  Review your design.  If you need to know which table
data comes from, then perform table specific queries.  If you need to
combine data from more than one table, code your application to
respond accordingly.  You may also need to review your database
schema design in order that it best meet your needs.

That seems unreasonably harsh.  What in your view 
is wrong with a union query that preserves an 
indicator of which component table a particular record comes from?

I can easily imagine a circumstance in which this 
could be valuable, say the union of several 
mailing lists that are in separate tables simply 
because they originate from different 
sources.  We union them to print a single 
alphabetical list, for example, but we want an 
indicator as to the source of each record.

I can imagine modifying the OP's query to read:

$sql=  (select '1' as tableId, * from table_1 
WHERE pid='0' order by id desc limit 10) union
(select '2' as tableId, * from table_2 
WHERE pid='0' order by id desc limit 10) union
(select '3' as tableId, * from table_3 
WHERE pid='0' order by id desc limit 10) union
(select '4' as tableId, * from table_4 
WHERE pid='0' order by id desc limit 10)

order by date desc limit 10 ;

Would this be so egregious? and if so why?

You say,

If you need to combine data from more than one table,
code your application to respond accordingly.

What does this mean, exactly?  Surely you're not 
suggesting that we code an application to somehow 
divine the source of a record in a union query 
when the query itself could simply supply that datum easily.


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Re: [PHP] Decide witch table within a union

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10/29/2006 08:04 PM, Ed Lazor wrote:

That seems unreasonably harsh.

I can see what you mean, but don't take it that way.  I was trying to

Sorry, Ed, I had intended my reply to be friendly as well.  I'm 
allergic to smiley-face icons, but I should have tried harder to 
convey my tone.  Dang this poker-faced email!

What in your view is wrong with a union query that preserves an
indicator of which component table a particular record comes from?

Read earlier in the thread.  He's talking about adding a field to the
table and that the value of this field in every single record will be
the name of the table the record belongs to.  I said I would
definitely not recommend doing that.

Me neither.  You're right.  I was only referencing his next email in 
which he said,

Would you suggest to use a extra field to hold the table name as default?
which I thought was a great idea, but only because I thought he meant 
the query.

Warm regards,

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Re: [PHP] Trying to create an encryption method

2006-11-04 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/4/2006 08:15 PM, John Meyer wrote:

I'm trying to create this encryption method for puzzles (nothing super
secret, just those cryptograms), but this seems to time out, can anybody
point out what I'm doing wrong here:

for ($i=1;$i=26;$i++) {
$normalAlphabet[$i] = chr($i);
//now, to shuffle

for ($j=1;$j=26;$j++) {
do {
$k = rand(1,26);
} while ($k == $j || (strlen(trim($normalAlphabet[$k])) === 0));
$arEncryptedAlphabet[$j] = $normalAlphabet[$k];
$normalAlphabet[$k] = ;
$arNormalString = str_split($normalzedString);
$encryptedString = ;
for ($i=0;$icount($arNormalString);$i++) {
if (ord($arNormalString[$i])=65 
ord($arNormalString[$i])=90) {
$encryptedString = $encryptedString .
$arEncryptedAlphabet[ord($arNormalString[$i]) - 64];
} else {
$encryptedString = $encryptedString . $arNormalString[$i];
return $encryptedString;

At 11/4/2006 08:43 PM, Stut wrote:
Both the inner loop and the outer loop are using $i, meaning the 
outer loop will never end since it gets reset in the inner loop.

No, there is no loop nesting.  The OP's indenting is 
misleading.  Here's a reformatted version:

for ($i=1;$i=26;$i++)
$normalAlphabet[$i] = chr($i);

//now, to shuffle
for ($j=1;$j=26;$j++)
$k = rand(1,26);
while ($k == $j || (strlen(trim($normalAlphabet[$k])) === 0));

$arEncryptedAlphabet[$j] = $normalAlphabet[$k];
$normalAlphabet[$k] = ;

$arNormalString = str_split($normalzedString);
$encryptedString = ;

for ($i=0;$icount($arNormalString);$i++)
if (ord($arNormalString[$i])=65  

$encryptedString = $encryptedString . 
$arEncryptedAlphabet[ord($arNormalString[$i]) - 64];

$encryptedString = $encryptedString . 

return $encryptedString;


The script spends eternity executing the do...while loop.  John, 
display your values at each loop while your code is running to see 
where your problem lies.

By the way, are you aware that chr(1) isn't 'A'?   It's hex(01).  'A' 
= hex(40) = dec(64).  Your array $normalAlphabet is not going to 
contain the alphabet the way it's written now.


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Re: [PHP] Staff log-in

2006-11-10 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/10/2006 07:09 AM, tedd wrote:
Lastly, I think we all know that non-profit simply means that at 
the end of the year you get to roll your profits over to the next 
year without incurring taxes on the excess. Nothing more.

Plus, there's no limit or requirements as to the amount/percentage 
you pay yourself as compared to what amounts you apply to your 
cause. So, mentioning non-profit to me is like saying you're 
just another scam -- and one, who's trolling for free php services.

My, aren't we grumpy!  What big bad non-profit organization rained on 
your parade?

One of the many things that distinguishes non-profit organizations 
[1] from for-profit businesses is that, because they don't generate a 
profit [2] and are not permitted to pay out dividends, they don't 
attract financial investors.  Most non-profits are therefore 
dependent on donations and grants.  The financial downturn in recent 
years has decimated granting foundations which have been forced to 
reduce their grants to a small fraction of their previous funding 
levels and stopped granting entirely in many sectors and geographical 
areas.  Non-profit organizations that are attempting to make positive 
change in areas where there is little or no short-term capitalistic 
reward, such as health, education, and environmental protection, have 
fallen on very hard times.  I urge you not to be so suspicious of nor 
antagonistic toward a purported non-profit until you check them out, 
as do the grantors, to make sure their cause is true and their 
administrators are really wearing patched and shabby clothing and 
that their children are going hungry as signs of their 
honesty.  After all, if you're doing good work in the world, you 
aren't allowed a decent wage; it's only people working for their own 
profit who can eat well without criticism.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profit

In the meantime, I suppose it is emblematic of my own innocence that 
it always surprises me when someone asks a naive question and is 
answered by insults and jeers in a listserve composed of bright and 
knowledgeable people who have purportedly come together for mutual 
education.  There may be no such thing as a stupid question, but the 
same cannot be said of the range of possible answers.

Had the original poster known enough about our field to ask for 
recommendations of open source solutions, would he have been treated 
so roughly?

He didn't, by the way, ask for anything for free.  He said,

I unfortunately can't make it myself because I don't have the knowledge, can
anyone of you do this for me?

When no mention of remuneration has been made, why do you assume none 
will be forthcoming?  Is this how you greet all prospective clients, 
non-profit or otherwise, who approach you asking for help?  Are we to 
assume that this indicates your innate curiosity, your desire to gain 
clients, your ability to negotiate, your willingness to devote 
yourself to a good cause, or your capacity for politeness?

On the surface you appear defend your right to be paid for your work 
(as though anyone had demanded otherwise!), but I would be very 
surprised if the OP considered for a moment hiring any 
self-proclaimed professional who replied so harshly to his query.


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Re: [PHP] one click - two actions?

2006-11-13 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/13/2006 01:28 AM, Mel wrote:

Could someone please help me figure out how to show some description
(where applicable) at the same time as I show an image, when I click
on a link, without repeating the entire query?
The image and the description are both in the same table in my database.

I now show the image when I click on the link which is good, but the
description stays on at all times instead of appearing only when active.



I think what you're looking for is JOIN syntax for your queries:

For example:

SELECT * FROM client, job
WHERE client.companyId=job.companyId
AND (client.status='active' or client.status='old')
order by client.companyName;

(Note that when you extract fields from more than one table like 
this, you identify the table that each field belongs to, e.g. 

Then you can extract the desired fields from both tables in the same 
loop because they've been captured together.  Your current logic 
executes a job query for every row of client, which is extremely inefficient.

The dataset produced by the join query is going to look something like this:

client. job.
companyId   companyId
1   2
1   3
1   9
2   4
2   5

In other words, there will be one row for each job record, with the 
(parent) client fields duplicated each row.

You can further improve the efficiency of your query by naming only 
the fields you need, instead of using * to extract all fields:

SELECT client.companyName, job.pix, job.jobType, job.url, job.web
FROM client, job
WHERE client.companyId=job.companyId
AND (client.status='active' or client.status='old')
order by client.companyName;

Once you execute the join query, your PHP loop can cycle in a similar 
way, echoing a company name and then listing all the job types until 
a new company name occurs, etc.

You've got other problems, however.  If you look at your HTML source, 
you'll see markup like this:

span class='navCompany'Builtworks/spanspan class='navArrow'   /span
span class='navText'a 

span class='navText'a href='single_page.php?art='/a/span
span class='navText'a href='single_page.php?art='/a/span
span class='navText'a href='single_page.php?art='/a/span
span class='navText'a href='single_page.php?art='/a/span
brspan class='navCompany'Citizens Bank / eProperty/spanspan 
class='navArrow'   /span
span class='navText'a 

All those empty hyperlinks aren't doing anything but making your 
download heavier than it has to be.  I think you need to test your 
'jobType' fields and output only those that aren't blank.

Finally, to answer one of your questions, your logic to display the 
description area has a snarl of syntax flaws:

/* query 2 from job */


foreach($row as $url)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (url={$row['url']})
echo span class='navText'a 
href='{$row['url']}'{$row['web']}/ a/span;


You're testing if (url={$row['url']})

1) Because you've put that expression in quotes, you're testing the 
true/false value of a string expression which will always test true 
unless it's blank, which this one will never be.

Expressing it as a string might be correct if you were using eval(), 
but you're not and you're safer not to.  Eval() can get you into big 
trouble if there are PHP code fragments in your database fields; 
until you get better control of your logic I urge you not to use it.

2) You omitted the $ in front of $url.

3) You used a single equal sign instead of two.  This:
if ($url = $row['url'])
tests whether $row['url'] is blank, and also sets $url equal to that value.

I think you meant this:
if ($url == $row['url'])
which tests whether the variable $url is equal to the database field 

Good luck,

This is the code I have for the image area:
/* query 1 from client */
  $query = SELECT * FROM client
where status='active' or status='old'
order by companyName;

  $result = mysql_query($query)
or die (Couldn't execute query);

  while ($aaa = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))
  echo span class='navCompany'{$aaa['companyName']}/spanspan
class='navArrow'   /span\n;

/* query 2 from job */
$query = SELECT * FROM job
WHERE companyId='{$aaa['companyId']}';
$result2 = mysql_query($query)
or die (Couldn't execute query2);

foreach($aaa as $jobType)
$bbb = 

Re: [PHP] Splitting a string

2006-11-14 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/14/2006 03:17 PM, Børge Holen wrote:

$number = 123456789

should print as following:
var1: 12345   (and it is this lengt witch varies)
var2: 67
var3: 89.

You can also do this with a regular expression:

$iNumber = '123456789';
$sPattern = '/(\d+)(\d{2})(\d{2})$/';
preg_match($sPattern, $iNumber, $aMatches);

Then $aMatches contains:

[0] = 123456789
[1] = 12345
[2] = 67
[3] = 89

The regexp pattern /(\d+)(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ means:

(one or more digits) (two digits) (two digits) [end of string]


Pattern Syntax


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Re: [PHP] CSS / PHP / Javascript

2006-11-14 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/14/2006 08:00 PM, Ed Lazor wrote:

I'm reading a book on CSS and how you can define different style
sheets for different visitors.  I'm wondering how you guys do it.
The book recommends using Javascript functions for identifying the
user's browser and matching them with the corresponding style
sheets.  Anyone using PHP for this instead - specifically with
defining style sheets for different target browsers and platforms?

The simple answer to your question is that you can get a browser's 
calling card with $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] which will report, for 
example, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) 
Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 -- leaving you free to parse to guess at 
what user agent generated it.

However, the street-wise programmer doesn't use JavaScript or PHP or 
any other language to determine browser type based on HTTP_USER_AGENT 
because that field can be and is so easily and routinely 
spoofed.  It's better to let a browser's own innate abilities be the filter.

For example, IE and only IE responds to Microsoft's conditional 
comments such as:

!--[if IE 6]
serve something only to Internet Explorer 6


If you'll tell us why you want to serve different stylesheets to 
different visitors, you're sure to get suggestions for how to write 
your CSS to sidestep browser differences and/or how to write hacks 
which identity browsers by their idiosyncratic bugs.

This topic will be much better received in a CSS listserve such as 
CSS-D.  Before you post, check their wiki for plentiful suggestions:

and specifically:


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Re: [PHP] Splitting a string

2006-11-15 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/15/2006 02:06 PM, Børge Holen wrote:

Oh this was good.
I added a while loop to insert extra strings 0 
in front of the number to add

if the string is less than 5 chars short.

I forgot to mentinon that the string actually could be shorter (just found
out) and the code didn't work with fewer than 5 char strings.
But now is rocks.

Hey Børge,

If you need to left-pad with zeroes, PHP comes to the rescue:

However, if you're using the regular expression 
method then you might not need to pad the 
number.  You can change the pattern from this:

to this:

so it won't require any digits before the final two pairs.

*   0 or more quantifier
+   1 or more quantifier



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Re: [PHP] Looping through array

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/16/2006 12:19 PM, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

   Say I have an array containing ten items, and I want to display 
them in a table as follows:

5 4 3 2 1
   10 9 8 7 6

   What's the best way to loop through that array to do that?  My 
thinking gets me to create a loop for 5 through 1, repeated twice, 
and the second time I add '5' to the index value.  There's got to 
be a saner way...

In order to figure out the best PHP logic to generate the series, I'd 
first make sure the markup is solid.  I realize that you've already 
indicated a table markup in two rows, but I'd like to examine 
that.  Can you tell us why the numbers are in this particular sequence?

Do the numbers represent items that are conceptually in ascending 
order but are presented in reverse order on the screen?  If so, I'd 
wonder whether someone reading the page with assistive technology 
might be confused by the reverse order, and I'd try to find a way to 
mark them up ascending and then change the sequence stylistically.

Are they split into two rows because they represent two discrete 
groups in the data set or because of display considerations?  If the 
latter, I'd argue that they don't really belong in two table rows; 
that using tables to force presentation is misapplying the tool.

Have you considered an unordered list, floated right, wrapped in a 
container whose width naturally forces a wrap after the fifth 
item?  I like that solution because it allows you to mark up the 
numbers in sequence and in future change the number of items in the 
sequence and/or change the way the series is presented visually 
without having to mess with the logic generating the markup.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Space in regex

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/16/2006 01:56 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

-:underscore:]+)\]/i' , findLinks, $text);

This regex should match any pair of square brackets, with two bits of
text between them seperated by a pipe, like these:
[Gili and Gush|pets]
[Bill Clinton|horny]

I would expect that the . would match spaces, but it doesn't. So the
first three examples that I've shown are matched, but the last two are
not. I've even added \w, \s,  , and :space: to the regex, but
of course that's not matching, either. What am I doing wrong? Note
that I've been honing my regex skills for the past few days, but I've
not so much experience with them. Thanks in advance to whoever can
help me understand this.


I'm surmising what you really want to do is grab all the characters 
between [ and | for the first field, and everything from | to ] as 
the second field.  I would therefore identify the first field with:

anything except the close-bracket and the vertical pipe

and the second field with:

anything except the close-bracket




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Re: [PHP] Splitting a string

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Novitski

On Thursday 16 November 2006 01:38, Paul Novitski wrote:
 If you need to left-pad with zeroes, PHP comes to the rescue:

 However, if you're using the regular expression
 method then you might not need to pad the
 number.  You can change the pattern from this:

 to this:

At 11/16/2006 03:23 PM, Børge Holen wrote:

Cool solution, and it works.  =D
I do however need some chars to fill in on the finished product for the look
of it all, so the 0 is needed... Witch is a bit of a shame with this cool

Well, just to make sure you don't discard regexp unnecessarily...

// the pattern guarantees five digits, then two, then two:
$sPattern = '/(\d{5})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/';

// prepend 9 zeroes to the number to enforce the minimum requirements:
preg_match($sPattern, '0' . $iNumber, $aMatches);


$iNumber = '';
[0] = 0
[1] = 0
[2] = 00
[3] = 00

$iNumber = '123';
[0] = 00123
[1] = 0
[2] = 01
[3] = 23

$iNumber = '12345';
[0] = 12345
[1] = 1
[2] = 23
[3] = 45

$iNumber = '123456789';
[0] = 123456789
[1] = 12345
[2] = 67
[3] = 89


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Re: [PHP] Re: Space in regex

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/16/2006 08:46 PM, Myron Turner wrote:
The underscore plus alphanumeric are included in \w, so to get a 
regex such as you want:

You should escape the dot because the unescaped dot stands for any 
single character, which is why .* stands for any and all characters.

Not actually.  Inside a character class, a dot is just a period.  You 
may escape it (or any other character) but you don't need to.  To 
quote the manual:


In a character class the only meta-characters are:

general escape character

negate the class, but only if the first character

indicates character range

terminates the character class


Square brackets
A closing square bracket on its own is not special. If a closing 
square bracket is required as a member of the class, it should be the 
first data character in the class (after an initial circumflex, if 
present) or escaped with a backslash.

All non-alphanumeric characters other than \, -, ^ (at the start) and 
the terminating ] are non-special in character classes, but it does 
no harm if they are escaped.




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Re: [PHP] Re: Space in regex

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/16/2006 03:19 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

However, this function:
, findLinks, $text);
Does what I want it to when there is no space, regardless of whether
or not there is a pipe. It does not replace anything if there is a

I see your problem -- you're omitting the brackets around your 
metacharacters.  I believe you should be using [:underscore:] not 
:underscore: -- therefore,


I'm not sure why you need those metacharacters, however; I've never 
had trouble matching literal space and underscore characters, e.g. [ _]

- You don't need to escape the vertical pipe.
- You don't need to escape the apostrophe.
- You do need to escape the hyphen unless you mean it to indicate a 
range, which I'm sure you don't here.

On other regexp points:

Thanks, Paul. I've been refining my methods, and I think it's better
(for me) to just match everything between [ and ], including spaces,
underscores, apostrophies, and pipes. I'll explode on the pipe inside
the function.

So I thought that a simple /\[([.]+)\]/i should do it.

Oops:  [.]+ will look for one or more periods.  .+ means one or 
more character of any kind.  So you'd want:


In a case like this where you're not using any alphabetic letters in 
the pattern, the -i pattern modifier is irrelevant, so I'd drop it:


Then your problem is that regexp is 'greedy' and will grab as long a 
matching string as it can.  If there's more than one of your link 
structures in your text, the regexp above will grab everything from 
the beginning of the first link to the end of the last.  That's why I 
excluded the close-bracket in my pattern:


I know [^]] looks funny but the close-bracket doesn't need to be 
escaped if it's in the first position, which includes the first 
position after the negating circumflex.  I've also omitted the 
backslash before the final literal close-bracket which doesn't need 
one because there's no open bracket context for it to be confused with.


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Re: [PHP] Powered by?

2006-11-22 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/21/2006 03:02 PM, pub wrote:

Is it appropriate to ask your client to add Powered by your company
to the sites you design and maintain?
And when you see Powered by does it mean designed by or maintained
by or both?

'Powered by' sounds like an engine or a fuel, so I imagine it to mean 
that the site utilizes is driven by a software package you wrote or 
runs on hardware you manage, both on an ongoing basis.  For me it 
strongly implies that the agency credited for powering the site is 
not the one that designed or created it; otherwise they'd say so.

'Designed by' implies to me just graphic design.  Since I'm primarily 
a programmer, most of my work is either implementing another agency's 
graphic design or, when my partner and I do all the work, both design 
and implementation.  If this is a credit on page footers, brevity is golden.

I generally just say 'Website by' and allow that ambiguity to fill 
the available space.  It works by itself and also in conjunciton with 
a separate 'Design by' credit.


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Re: [PHP] getting around the undefined index

2006-11-27 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/27/2006 11:21 AM, Ross wrote:

$text = $_REQUEST['text_size'];
if ($text) {
echo $text;

I send the $text_size variable to the browser with lines like...

a href=? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];  ??text_size=small class=size1

When the page initially loads I get a undefined index error as it does not
exist but is there a way of wrapping in in a switch statement or funtion so
the variable is only used when $_REQUEST['text_size']; actually exists.

Using isset() you can determine whether or not a variable has been 
initialized (including an array element) before testing its value:


By the way, I think you can simplify your href to:

a href=?text_size=small ...

By specifying just the querystring and not the file name, I believe 
it will always simply reload the current page with the querystring attached.


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Re: [PHP] text only and text sizer

2006-11-27 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/27/2006 02:11 PM, Ross wrote:

$text_only = isset($_GET['text_only']) ? $_GET['text_only'] : 1;

 if ($text_only==1) {
a href=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];??text_only=0off/a
// import css here
else {
a href=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];??text_only=1on/a/span
// import css here

I'd begin by simplifying the logic and separating it from the HTML:

$text_only = isset($_GET['text_only']) ? $_GET['text_only'] : 1;
$onoff = ($text_only) ? 'on' : 'off';

echo _
a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?text_only=$text_only$onoff/a

How can you import CSS after a hyperlink?  Shouldn't it go in the 
document head?

echo _
link href=textsize$text_only.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

That will link to either textsize0.css or textsize1.css depending on 
the value of $text_only.

$text_size = isset( $_REQUEST['text_size'] ) ? $_REQUEST['text_size'] : '';

switch ($text_size) {
case medium:
link href=css/medium.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
case larger:
link href=css/larger.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
case largest:
link href=css/largest.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

Again, you don't need the switch block because the values you're 
testing for map one-to-one with the values you're using in your output:

echo _
link href=css/$text_size.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

these work great independently but when I use one the other switches off.
any ideas how I can combine them?

If you need to remember two separate values through multiple 
pageviews you can either:

a) include them both in each hyperlink so they're both refreshed each 
time a link is clicked:


b) or, more reasonably, store their values in the $_SESSION cookie so 
you can read  write them as needed throughout the current session.


I use standard subroutines for getting their values, something like this:

if (isset($_GET[$argname]))
return $_GET[$argname];
elseif (isset($_SESSION[$argname]))
return $_SESSION[$argname];

In other words, if the value has been set by the last request from 
the client, use that, otherwise fall back to the session value.  In 
other cases my fallback might be $_GET or $_POST to $_SESSION to $_COOKIE.


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Re: [PHP] Detecting naughty sites

2006-11-28 Thread Paul Novitski

Hi all. I am building a web app and as part of it advertisers can upload
their ad image and website URL to go with their ad. Is there a good way to
detect whether that site is a porn site via php?

If the sites home page contains the words sex, babes, and a few other
choice words, which I'll leave to your imagination, then chances are
it's a porn site.

What chances are those, exactly?  One in a blizzard?

This is exactly why filtering realistically for pornography is 
virtually impossible -- we can't define the problem sufficiently to 
derive realistic solutions, and our inherently flawed solutions are weak.

This listserve thread, containing as it does the words sex and 
babes and porn, has now flagged the PHP list archives as a porn 
site -- for anyone silly enough to use a simple keyword match to 
identify porn.  Such a trap would also catch websites discussing 
the social  historical significance of porn, sites that detail 
ways to identify porn which might include the FBI's, dictionaries 
and encyclopedias that explain porn, vendors who try to use sexy 
keywords to attract visitors to their non-porn sites, websites on 
human sexuality, websites about safe sex, sites about scientific 
research in human sexual response, and on and on and on.

Such a simplistic filter would overlook websites written by people 
smart enough to obfuscate the key words, say by imagizing them, 
misspelling them, or using metaphorical language.

More to the point, though, pornography isn't one concrete thing out 
there in the world.  It's nebulous, self-defined, ambiguous, 
ever-changing, and psychologically and culturally dependent.  This is 
why anti-pornography laws are pissing into the wind (oops, did I just 
commit porn?) -- they want to legislate human desire by attempting 
to define one corner of creative expression, then discover that 
that's like trying to contain any aspect of the human spirit.  You 
can only accomplish it partially and temporarily by brute force or 
intellectual repression or both.

Better to challenge those aspects of our culture that breed men who 
take and take with no empathy for their victims.

I don't think an automated solution (PHP or otherwise) is 
feasible.  The best you can do is to create a club advertisers can 
ask to join but can remain in only if their ads meet your 
approval.  There's no machine that can judge what's porn -- 
machines get turned on and disgusted by a whole different set of 
words and images than we do -- you know, like muddy screwdrivers and 
oily vises -- you're going to have to do it yourself.  Look at each 
image and judge for yourself.  At least you can rest assured that 
your own judgement is sound.


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Re: [PHP] Detecting naughty sites

2006-11-28 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/28/2006 11:57 AM, Rory Browne wrote:

I didn't mean something quite that simple, or as an absolute solution.

I meant something slightly more advanced, but based on that idea.

From a robot point of view, what do you think is the difference
between the php archives and a porn site?

What eaxctly do you mean by porn?  Certainly there are websites 
that 99 people in a room of 100 would label as pornography, but the 
grey area is the killer -- an enormous volume of material that 
various people will label pornographic and others won't.  Whose 
opinion will you use in crafting your software?

Only when you define porn site with sufficient specificity can you 
attempt to write an algorithm to recognize one.  When you've 
accomplished all that, you can apply similar logic to recognizing 
truly good movies, really delightful reads, absolutely delicious 
recipes, and undeniably correct political opinions.  You'll be a 
genius -- providing you can find enough people to agree with you.

If we humans can't reliably define the boundaries of a set, how can 
we write software to recognize its (pardon the expression) 
members?  How would we know when the software was functioning 
correctly?  Who would judge the accuracy of its findings?

You can work for weeks developing an algorithm to detect porn and 
it will take others an hour or a day to find the gaps in the 
definition.  I think any program you could write would have so many 
false positives  false negatives that you'd end up having to 
manually moderate the process anyway.

Please understand that I love (if I may use that verb ever so 
delicately) writing software that parses human expression in search 
of patterns and specific content.  I love bestowing on a program the 
flexibility and grace it requires to enter that messy jungle and 
return with a map or a fact.  I could write a spider that flagged 
websites containing certain words (in English, at least, without 
assistance), but I'm not as comfortable with the prospect of writing 
a sexual content filter so dependable that I'd be happy to leave it 
to guard a gate on its own.  I'm sure it would slam the door on many 
undeserving people and would happily let in others my client wouldn't 
want.  For a commercial site hoping to make money from advertisers, 
it wouldn't pay to have a near-sighted or illiterate gatekeeper.

Perhaps the only way to do what you're suggesting is to write an 
image pattern recognition algorithm so sophisticated that it can 
differentiate a photograph of a hand caressing a breast from a 
photograph of a breast self-exam.

Or are photos of breast self-exams pornographic?


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Re: [PHP] Tidy HTML source?

2006-11-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/28/2006 05:05 AM, Satyam wrote:
May I invite you to check http://satyam.com.ar/pht/?   This is a 
project I started some time ago to help me produced HTML in a more 
clean and efficient way.  Usually, producing good HTML involves 
running a sample output through some HTML validator or looking at 
the HTML and checking it out by hand, which, of course, requires 
good formatting to make it understandable.   In the case of too 
dynamic HTML (meaning, output can vary widely) it is impossible to 
produce enough samples of all the possible outputs to get them checked out.

So, my idea was to embed HTML into the language itself so that the 
final output could be checked at 'compile time' and even before, 
using the standard tools provided by the IDE (even just matching 
braces goes a long way into checking for missmatched HTML tags).


That's an impressive bit of work, congratulations.

It's interesting to see someone spend such energy merging PHP logic 
with HTML.  I've gone in the opposite direction, separating the two 
as much as possible.  My own CMS merges content with HTML based on 
CSS-style selectors so that the logic layer of my applications 
doesn't need to know -- or contain -- the full details of the 
markup.  I find this a natural and agreeable extension of the move to 
separate HTML markup from CSS presentation and JavaScript behavior.

It's interesting to note that for all your effort to generate good, 
clean HTML, you're still able to generate a div nested inside a table:

table for ( $i=1; $i  10; $i++) {
div {
   style = ($i  1?odd:even);
tr {

Ouch!  According to the spec, this is an illegal structure:

Your pre-compiler has ensured that all your tags are well-formed, but 
it doesn't ensure that you've followed the rules of correct 
markup.  Perhaps a future iteration of your software will incorporate 
more HTML structural rules and will give you precompiler errors in such cases.

You write:

So, we have two well structured languages, one is procedural (any 
flavor of C, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, etc.), the other descriptive. 
Their blocks are quite compatible: to start with, they nest nicely 
within each other. If an XML block is contained within an if() 
block, it has to be completely within it, the boundaries of their 
blocks should not overlap.

Help me understand the relevance of this statement. A very common 
pattern in a mixed logic/HTML script goes like this:

echo 'ul';

foreach (array as item)
echo 'liitem/li';

echo '/ul';

In these cases the boundaries of the HTML block do in fact overlap 
the boundaries of the foreach() logic block.

And, of course, I would appreciate any comment on the project, 
EXCEPT that you use template engines and that you do not generate 
HTML directly.  I've heard that and it is completely missing the 
point so, please, spare me that one.  At one point or another plain 
HTML has to be generated.

Unless I'm missing the boat, it seems to me that the primary 
advantage of your precompiler is that it enables you to close HTML 
tags simply by closing braces, a convention policed by your 
pre-compiler and the PHP interpreter itself, so that you'll get 
pre-compiler or interpreter errors for incorrect closure instead of 
waiting for the W3C validator to check your work.  I don't mean to 
minimize the significance of your accomplishment, but personally I 
don't find generating accurate markup to be a great problem.  I'm a 
careful hand-coder, and true to the topic of this thread I find that 
neatly-indented HTML helps me validate my own markup.  Online 
validators help me catch any errors I miss.

What I find to be a much greater problem is the human readability of 
logic code when HTML is mixed throughout.  Your innovation is helpful 
here, as you're nearly making HTML tags into PHP key words, 
eliminating some of the literal quoting that makes PHP+HTML so 
tiresome.  However, even with your pre-compiler the messy quotes are 
still there on the attribute level.  And, stepping back, you're 
perpetuating the embedding of markup with logic so that it will still 
take a PHP programmer to modify the markup of one of your pages.  Do 
you not see the advantage in separating the two layers?

Again, in spite of this criticism I'm impressed with your effort.  Good work!


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Re: [PHP] Detecting naughty sites

2006-11-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/29/2006 01:51 AM, Robin Vickery wrote:

Cubist Porn - very big in certain 'artistic' circles.

What, both eggs on the same side of the sausage? 

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Re: [PHP] Tidy HTML source?

2006-11-29 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/29/2006 05:13 AM, Satyam wrote:

- Original Message - From: Paul Novitski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What I find to be a much greater problem is the 
human readability of logic code when HTML is 
mixed throughout.  Your innovation is helpful 
here, as you're nearly making HTML tags into 
PHP key words, eliminating some of the literal 
quoting that makes PHP+HTML so 
tiresome.  However, even with your pre-compiler 
the messy quotes are still there on the attribute level.

The value of the attribute is any valid PHP 
expression and if they are literal strings there 
will be quotes, but then, you can also use 
heredoc if, for example, you are putting some 
JavaScript code into an event.  If the value is 
a numeric value, there is no need for any quotes 
at all.  In the end, the value of an attribute 
is any valid PHP expression and it follows PHP rules.

XHTML, which I would hope you would lean toward 
in your pursuit of XML, does require quotes on all attributes:

XHTML™ 1.0
4.4. Attribute values must always be quoted

But it's not the quotes in the attributes I was 
referring to as messy, but instead the necessity 
for two sets of nested quotes when quoted 
expressions and concatenation syntax are 
contained within assignment statements.

I am an ardent user of heredoc exactly because it 
allows a level of separation of logic from 
markup, and at the same time permits embedded PHP 
variables.  I use heredoc extensively for both 
HTML markup and SQL queries, both when they 
appear in my PHP scripts and when they imported from separate files.

By the way, I'm not expressing strong opposition 
to embedding PHP variables in HTML, as in:

a class=$sClass href=$sBaseURL/$sPagename$sCaption/a

To my eye, this is a small step away from the more ideal:

a class=x href=xx/a

where the attribute values and the content of 
plain old validatable HTML are replaced based on selectors.

Instead, what I'm objecting to are control 
structures, concatenation, mixed quotes, and 
escaped quotes fracturing the integrity of the output string.

And, stepping back, you're perpetuating the 
embedding of markup with logic so that it will 
still take a PHP programmer to modify the 
markup of one of your pages.  Do you not see 
the advantage in separating the two layers?

Yes, I do, and I would recommend using templates 
or similar tools to provide for separation of 
code and markup, but sometimes there are reasons 
not to do so, for example, web services.

Please explain why you think web services promote mixing markup with logic.

I appreciate your comments and, I admit, my main 
purpose in doing this was to learn how to do 
it.  I am an engineer and when I studied, a 
couple of semesters of Fortran IV was all I got 
(and punching cards at that, yes, I am that 
old), all the rest was self-taught so I wanted 
to go deeper into some aspects of computer 
science such as compilers (there is also a PHP 
grammar for JavaCC which I made earlier in the process).

Hah!  Fortran on punch cards was my first 
computer language as well, back there in the 
Mesozoic.  And writing compilers is the best 
fun.  I like to view programming in general as 
language creation -- we create functions and 
objects as the key words in the custom language 
we use at the higher levels of our own 
scripts.  Writing compilers seems like just an extension of that.

In fact, my original idea was some sort of 
embedded SQL as it exists for C, but I know it 
does not work quite Ok, in fact, it has been 
there for quite some time and it doesn't catch 
up.  SQL is such a different kind of beast that 
it is hard to make it compatible. SQL cursors 
and error handling are concepts which are hard 
to blend into a procedural language so I believe 
it is better to handle SQL through functions 
where it is clearly separate from the language 
calling them.   Thus, I thought, we have three 
main languages here, HTML, PHP and SQL.  I know 
PHP and SQL don't mix well, how about the other 
end?  That's when I started to think about this 
pre-compiler and found it to be a pretty logical mix.

That's interesting, I don't have a problem 
allowing PHP  MySQL to play together.  I'm 
pretty happy with the PHP mysql function library 
in which the two communicate with strings and 
handles; and negotiation of SQL data structures 
maps nicely onto PHP logic blocks.  Can you give 
an example of where you see the discord?

I try to separate the text of my SQL queries from 
my PHP logic in the same way that I try to separate PHP from HTML.

Warm regards,

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Re: [PHP] Tidy HTML source?

2006-11-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11/30/2006 01:52 AM, Satyam wrote:
And, stepping back, you're perpetuating the embedding of markup 
with logic so that it will still take a PHP programmer to modify 
the markup of one of your pages.  Do you not see the advantage in 
separating the two layers?

Yes, I do, and I would recommend using templates or similar tools 
to provide for separation of code and markup, but sometimes there 
are reasons not to do so, for example, web services.

Please explain why you think web services promote mixing markup with logic.

I didn't say it promotes but it does not require. In web services 
there is usually no presentation layer, there is no end user to see 
anything at all, then there is no need for a graphics designer 
separate from the application programmer. The application consuming 
that service might have to display the data, but the service does not.

To reach clarity on this point, let's leave presentation out of 
it.  I was referring to the separation of presentation from markup 
merely to suggest an analagous separation that many of us have 
accepted as being helpful to design, development, and 
maintenance.  What I'm really curious about in this discussion is the 
separation of markup from logic.

With respect to separating code and markup, you said sometimes there 
are reasons not to do so, for example, web services.  What are some 
of those reasons?


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Re: [PHP] Tidy HTML source?

2006-11-30 Thread Paul Novitski

On Thursday 30 November 2006 18:51, Paul Novitski wrote:
 With respect to separating code and markup, you said sometimes there
 are reasons not to do so, for example, web services.  What are some
 of those reasons?

At 11/30/2006 10:57 AM, Sancar Saran wrote:

What about performance ?

Web services tend to be quite small applications, but even for larger 
ones I've never found performance to be an issue.  Servers are fast 
and built for this kind of work: opening and reading files, running 
software.  They have fast chips and big RAM.  Regardless of which 
technique you use, you're going to utilize server resources and get 
your results in however many milliseconds.

A templating system requires the processor to merge content with 
template.  An inline markup assembly system requires the processor to 
build the markup from function calls.  Where is the technique that 
doesn't take machine cycles?

 What about compexity ?

I separate logic from markup in order to reduce complexity.  I find 
both PHP logic and HTML markup easier to write, read, proofread, and 
modify when they're separate from one another (I use the word 'clean').

Those SO nice seperated template system produces lots of mini TPL files.

I'm not talking about those template systems, whichever ones you're 
referring to, I'm talking about programming style and practice.  I 
don't use any templating system you've ever seen.  I roll my own 
code.  I can make my templates as few or many as the project deserves.

You only need to produce as many template files as you need and 
want.  Separation of markup from logic doesn't necessarily mean 
separate files: when I'm doing somethign quick  dirty I'll include 
the markup in the PHP file as a heredoc.  What's most helpful to me 
is to remove the markup tags and attributes from the PHP logic 
structures as much as possible.

I haven't seen any templating system out there in the world that I 
like, mostly because they mix the markup  logic too much for my 
taste or because they don't let me design the markup precisely the way I want.

You have to include them...

Includes are easy.  Actually I usually use file_get_contents() in a 
function that selects accompanying CSS  template files programmatically.

You have to parse them.

Not necessarily.  But if you do need to parse them, you need to write 
the parsing engine only once.

Also you have to track and manage them.

Yes, as you must manage all the files that make up a project.  Adding 
a few more isn't a burden, especially if they bring clarity and 
efficiency to the work.

And I'm not sure those template system gives you freedom. Because you cannot
change your site design with this tpl files. If you change them too much you
have to change your php code.

I beg to differ: you *can* change your site design if you're using 
templates.  That's part of the purpose of layer separation and 
templating in the first place, to enable markup changes without 
necessarily requiring software changes.  You're free to change the 
template and/or change the stylesheet and/or change the data source 
according to your needs.

Although we talk of separating logic from markup from presentation, 
these are not absolutely clean separations -- each component must 
have hooks in the others, otherwise there's no basis for a 
merge!  Therefore if you change one component greatly enough, at 
least one other component must change as well.  This is true of HTML 
and CSS, it's true of HTML and JavaScript, it's true of HTML and 
PHP.  It's true of any interactive components in any system.  It's 
true of PHP itself -- if you change a function's arguments or return 
type or a class's methods, you'll have to change the parts of your 
code that call that function or invoke that class.  That's just the 
way it is.  I'm sure you wouldn't argue that we write our software as 
one long mainline stream just to avoid includes and function 
calls.  But it sounds as though you're suggesting that logic  markup 
should be combined in the same statements simply because you don't 
want to have to change more than one component.

Really good website designs can make modification less 
onerous.  Layer separation is one of those techniques.

Fortunately there are many ways to accomplish similar goals.  I'm not 
claiming that my own programming preferences are the best, only that 
they work the best for me.  It's good that we take different paths -- 
that's how evolution happens.  What I'm asking for are the rationales 
so I can see if Satyam's methodology could work for me.  I agree that 
his pre-processed PHP looks very clean.  If I thought markup should 
be constructed incrementally with program logic I'd be tempted to use it.


And my point of view. Using html tag ?php echo value ?  ?php echo
value ?/htmltag days are over...

I agree completely!  I hate that messy crap that results from mixing 
markup with PHP.

Sancar, you seem to have had some very

Re: [PHP] Remote MySQL connection via PHP file

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/1/2006 10:17 AM, Scott wrote:
For a project of mine, I need to keep the connection information to 
a MySQL server database on another server.

I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do this, but here's a fall-back:

Write a PHP program (web service) to run on the server where the 
database is located.  From the other server, make an HTTP request 
that includes the connection details (obfuscated), some sort of 
password that can verify the authenticity of the requesting agent, 
and either the literal SQL query or a symbolic pointer to a stored query.


The web service validates the request and returns the dataset, in 
XML, as a serialized array, or in another easy-to-use format, for the 
requesting program to parse and utilize.  The first thing I'd put in 
the return dataset would be a status code to communicate MySQL 
errors, perhaps also num_rows for SELECT queries to reduce the number 
of trans-server requests necessary for typical jobs.


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Re: [PHP] Tidy HTML source?

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/1/2006 02:22 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Thu, November 30, 2006 6:47 pm, Paul Novitski wrote:
 A templating system requires the processor to merge content with
 template.  An inline markup assembly system requires the processor to
 build the markup from function calls.  Where is the technique that
 doesn't take machine cycles?

You did NOT just compare a function call with an fstat and disk seek
and disk read as if they were equal?!!!

Show me *ANY* machine on the planet where those two options have
similar performance metrics.

Actually I was referring to machine cycles, not disk access 
time.  But on the topic of disc access, most mid-to-large PHP 
applications are going to be opening  reading various files -- PHP 
includes, databases, and not uncommonly images and text files.  Even 
if a templating application had a somewhat higher different 
disk-access profile from the average PHP app, I wouldn't consider 
that by itself to be a reason not to open template files.  I consider 
that to be good use of the resources, not abuse.

You have to parse them.

 Not necessarily.  But if you do need to parse them, you need to write
 the parsing engine only once.

You mean all those templating languages are still on version 1.0 of
their parser?

I think not.

I think not, either.  The person I was replying to said, You have to 
parse them, as though parsing a lot of files meant a lot of human 
labor.  My reply meant that once you write the parser, your work is 
done, and then the parser parses any and all files you give it for 
lunch.  Of course you're going to improve a parser over time, just as 
you are going to improve all aspects of a maturing application.

Also you have to track and manage them.

 Yes, as you must manage all the files that make up a project.  Adding
 a few more isn't a burden, especially if they bring clarity and
 efficiency to the work.


Try 10 X as many for most templating solutions.

Ten times as many templates as there are pages on the site?  Wow, 
that's a lot.  Fortunately I don't use any of those templating 
solutions you're referring to, and excessive templates isn't a 
problem for me.  My own software usually takes three templates per 
page -- header, body, and footer, and the header and footer are 
generally global throughout the site.  That seems quite reasonable to me.

Warm regards,

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RE: [PHP] Distinguishing between a mouse click and a refresh?

2006-12-04 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/4/2006 01:08 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote:

Is there any way for PHP to know whether it is being called due to a
browser refresh versus a mouse click?  I think the answer is no but I
just want to be sure.  Thanks.

Not unless you specifically capture and send a JavaScript onClick event.
A mouse click typically takes you somewhere else, so if you are using
for a page refresh you could capture and send a JavaScript variable to
the PHP script.

The tricky bit would be distinguishing between a page loaded with a 
mouse-click and a subsequent reload of that same page, as they would 
share the same querystring.  One way would be to use javascript to 
supply the current absolute time in the querystring at the moment of 
click (you could do the same sort of thing with submit using a hidden 
field or a querystring appended to the form action), then PHP could 
compare that time with its own current time to see if the querystring 
represented a current or old rendering.

That would fail with javascript disabled, of course.

A server-side-only solution could pre-populate all the links on the 
site that point to this page with a special querystring.  When the 
script/page is invoked with that querystring, PHP does the necessary 
processing and then redirects to itself (the same page) but without 
the special querystring.  Therefore reloading the page that's 
downloaded to the client won't reinvoke the post-click process.


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Re: [PHP] heredoc

2006-12-18 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/18/2006 10:14 PM, clr wrote:

Please can someone advise me on heredoc and its shortcommings,

I am designing a complex site and elected to use DIV's as opposed to frames.
Heredoc seems to be ideal in that I can do all processing first and 
then layout with relative ease.

I was wondering if it was acceptable to use and maintain going 
forward as i have read on a few mailing archives

that this is a cheat and lazy and to be depreciated??

Yikes!  Then a scoundrel I must be indeed.  I love using heredoc, 
primarily because it lets me compose blocks of pure output text 
without interrupting it with control structures, nested quotes, and 
concatenation syntax, even when it contains nested variables.  It 
helps me to separate logic from markup, something that benefits my 
code (if not my character!).

I imagine you'll hear from others whose sensibilities are offended by 
heredoc -- in particular those whose careful indentation it spoils -- 
so I wanted to make sure you knew that it had an (admittedly cheating 
and lazy yet) ardent supporter as well.

I don't know whom, in programming, you can cheat other than yourself; 
I've been suffering under the misapprehension that laziness is a 
virtue because it teaches efficiency; but I really hadn't heard that 
heredoc was going to be deprecated.  If it is then it will be my loss 
and the gain of those who earn royalties from the use of quotation 
marks and periods and who make their living pulling the tangled and 
bloody fragments of logic and markup from the wreckage of their collision.


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Re: [PHP] Re: ECHO

2006-12-18 Thread Paul Novitski

On 12/18/06, Fahad Pervaiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have written a framework for internationalization. Now i have incoorperate
it into and existing system that is huge and it will take alot of time to
change ECHO to a function call, so i want to override its implementation so
that i can use it for my own purposes with having to change all the echo

At 12/18/2006 10:01 PM, Casey Chu wrote:

You could try to manipulate what the echo's output by ob_start(), etc.
Or maybe you could change the standard output?

Given the probably unalterable nature of echo, I'd say Casey's 
suggestion of buffering output and running it through a 
post-processor is an excellent one.  However my first choice would 
probably be to bite the bullet and globally replace echo with my own 
function.  Once that painful step is taken, you can modify the output 
methodology to your heart's content.

This sounds like an excellent object lesson in the separation of 
logic from markup.  If you design your applications to first figure 
out what to output and then to output it as one or more solid lumps, 
you can more easily tweak the logic or the markup or the output 
method without messing with the others.  It can be hard medicine to 
swallow the first time, but it will make you a leaner  cleaner coder.


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Re: [PHP] Database Question

2006-12-19 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/19/2006 11:01 PM, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
   I'm starting to log weather data to a database and I'm trying to 
figure out what's the best way to create the tables.  The reports 
are coming in every minute, of every hour, 24 hours a 
day.  Eventually, I'd like to do some calculations on the 
statistics, displaying daily values (which can be broken down to 
hourly), but then also daily and monthly averages.

   To me, it doesn't make sense to dump everything into one big 
table, but I can't figure out what's the best way to break it down either.
Keep in mind that the only data I have, is what comes in for that 
minute.  The daily averages I have to calculate myself (later.)  But 
I can't see one large table being very effective when it comes to 
calculating that stuff.

   So, how should I break the tables down?  Create a new table 
every day (20061219_data, 20061220_data, etc.) and insert all the 
values in it?  Or, break it down per values (temp_table, 
humidity_table, etc.) and insert daily data in them?

(This question doesn't pertain to PHP but to database techniques; you 
may get better and more friendly advice on a MySQL list.)

I'm curious, why doesn't it make sense to you to keep all the data in 
one big table?  MySQL is certainly robust enough to keep a whack of 
data together.   Only when table size becomes problem, say with the 
practicality of backup or the speed of queries or the size of the 
hard drive, do you need to worry about breaking it down into smaller 
chunks.  But every database has its limits and you're smart to decide 
up front how to split it up.

A major factor in how you choose to store your data should be how it 
will be used.  What kinds of queries will be most common?  What 
time-spans do they cover?  Do they usually interrogate just one 
parameter, e.g. either temperature or humidity but not both, or do 
they often query two or more parameters in search of correlations?

Without knowing more, my first tendency would be to keep all the data 
in a single table.  One table would actually occupy less disk space 
than splitting the data into parallel tables because some fields 
would need to be duplicated in every table (timestamp, record id, 
perhaps location, etc.).  I might choose to split the data into one 
table per year for ease of backup and archiving.  Another approach is 
to allow up to 5 or 10 years of data accumulate in a single table, 
then archive (copy out  delete) the oldest year's data every year to 
keep the table size manageable.

The daily averages I have to calculate myself (later.)  But I can't 
see one large table being very effective when it comes to 
calculating that stuff.

I believe it will be more efficient to calculate averages from a 
single table than from multiple tables.  In both cases the database 
engine has to select the same fields to calculate the averages, but 
if the data is split into separate tables the engine will have to 
select from each table separately before compiling them.


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Re: [PHP] Excluding apostrophe's

2006-12-22 Thread Paul Novitski

RAFMTD (Ian) wrote:


$name = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['name']);




the script fails with the following report Warning:
mysql_real_escape_string(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

At 12/22/2006 05:36 AM, Stut wrote:

You need to connect to the database before using mysql_real_escape_string.

Ian, this is a perfect example of when it comes in handy to consult 
the documentation:


string mysql_real_escape_string ( string unescaped_string [, resource 
link_identifier] )

Escapes special characters in the unescaped_string, taking into 
account the current character set of the connection


The MySQL connection. If the link identifier is not specified, 
the last link opened by mysql_connect() is assumed. If no such link 
is found, it will try to create one as if mysql_connect() was called 
with no arguments. If by chance no connection is found or 
established, an E_WARNING level warning is generated.

Remember, my son, PHP-general helps those who help themselves.


Poop Paul 

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Re: [PHP] Script's length, echo, and execution speed

2006-12-23 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/23/2006 10:33 AM, Jean-Christophe Roux wrote:
Hello, I have this php script of 3,500 lines with a big switch that 
is such that on each pass maybe 300 lines of codes are executed at 
most. The current speed of the file is ok. I like to keep the file 
like that because at each pass there is a check on the whole script 
and it fails if there is a typo somewhere. Also, I like to have one 
file instead of many files. But I am wondering if speed is not 
severaly hurt. What are the general guidelines in terms of length of 
script? Also, I am writing things like that: echo 
'table'; echo 'tr'; echo tdContent/td; echo 
'/tr'; echo '/table'; I like it this way because the script 
is visually very well aligned, with one action per line and that 
makes things easier for me to read and understand. But, so many 
echoes may be considered bad practice; maybe it impacts speed significantly.

Are you encountering a speed problem or just pondering this 
theoretically?  My guess is that ECHO 'TEXT'; is one of the fastest, 
most optimized operations the PHP interpreter executes.

But you don't need to guess at it: time it.  Check the server logs, 
or output the current time at the beginning and end of script 
execution.  My guess is that the difference between the execution of 
your script and one much smaller will lie in a scale of tens or 
hundreds of milliseconds.  Servers are bloody fast; that's their job.

In general I think it's smarter to spend your time making your script 
easy to read and proofread for you, the human slow link in the 
development chain, than it is to make it faster to run on a 
machine.  Machines will keep getting faster; you're not likely to.

That said, there are things you can do that make your script more 
efficient to execute AND to maintain.  Personally I favor separating 
out the HTML into larger, pure chunks that can be proofread more 
easily than when tags and attributes are atomized and strewn 
throughout the logic.


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Re: [PHP] Chocked

2006-12-28 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/28/2006 03:51 PM, Skip Evans wrote:

chocked ?

chocking ???


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Re: [PHP] php/ajax question

2006-12-30 Thread Paul Novitski

At 12/30/2006 10:56 AM, tedd wrote:

Why can't the php script redirect the browser when called via ajax ?

Ajax is giving PHP control over just that byte-stream that ajax is 
receiving and perhaps inserting into the page, not the full page itself.

Say you use javascript to set the src of an img to a PHP 
script.  When the request is made, PHP redirects to another 
resource.  This will affect only the image object in question, not 
the HTML page in which the image exists.


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Re: [PHP] Help me about detect client screen resolution!!!

2007-01-02 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/2/2007 12:24 AM, Le Phuoc Canh wrote:

Can we use php to detect client screen resolution? Please help me ?

Do you really want screen resolution or do you want browser window 
size?  Not every PC user keeps their windows maximized, and I have 
yet to meet a Mac user who attempts to do so.

For cross-browser javascript that measures the viewport, see 
Peter-Paul Koch's page:

Viewport properties

PHP and javascript can act in concert.  If PHP doesn't yet know the 
monitor size, it can download a javascript-only page that will talk back, e.g.:

document.location.href = '?width=' . x . 'height=' . y

which PHP can receive as $_GET['x'] and $_GET['y'] and then use to 
download the desired page.

Keep in mind that the user can change window size at any time and 
many people do so from one page to the next to accommodate varying 
content and their other desktop activities at the time.  Therefore 
you can't really rely on intial measurements; if the proper rendering 
of your page DEPENDS on knowing the window size, you'll need to 
re-measure it for every pageview.  Downloading a measuring script in 
advance of each web page would make the browsing experience a bit sluggish.

If possible, try to make your page layouts more robust.  There are 
many techniques for engineering pages to tolerate a wide spectrum of 
window widths; see the CSS-D wiki for links:



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[PHP] software recommendation: ServiceCapture

2007-01-02 Thread Paul Novitski
I've recently discovered a tool that I recommend for web work: 
ServiceCapture by Kevin Langdon


It acts as an HTTP proxy, inserting itself between browser and the 
net, and logs the details of http requests and responses.

It's been a great help to me lately while working on a PHP-Flash 
dialog via AMF-PHP, and will undoubtedly save time on future projects 
when I need to debug cookies and posts.

(This is a spontaneous, unsolicited, uninvested recommendation.  I 
just really like the software and thought you might find it useful.)



Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] colon in coma [was: Re: [PHP] Anyone would like to test my open source application http://sourceforge.net/projects/dfo/ ?]

2007-01-14 Thread Paul Novitski

,   comma

;   semicolon

:   colon


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Re: [PHP] Going back with multiple submits to the same page

2007-01-15 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/15/2007 01:52 PM, Otto Wyss wrote:
When values are entered on one of my page I submit the result back 
to the same page (form action=same_page). Unfortunately each submit 
adds an entry into the history, so history back doesn't work in a 
single step. Yet if the count of submits were known I could use 
goto(n). What's the best way to get this count? PHP or Javascript?

What you're suggesting doesn't sound easy.

If you're going to programmatically take the user to a previous page, 
say for example if they click a form button within your page, then 
using JavaScript you could simply walk backward through the 
window.history() array until you came to an URL that doesn't match 
with the current page.  Of course such a solution would break if 
JavaScript were disabled so you'd need to build a redundant system 
server-side to make sure your site didn't break.

Only JavaScript is aware of the window.history() array, but I don't 
believe JavaScript can detect when the back button is activated.  You 
can test for window.onunload, but that doesn't tell you which 
direction the user is headed -- forward, backward, sideways, or 
same page reload.

In a cacheing system the browser might not even make a server hit 
when going back.  If you can take your computer off-line and still 
walk backward in browser history, your problem complicates.

Of course PHP isn't naturally aware of browser history but you could 
store in the session or cookie the name of the last page in the 
current session that wasn't the current page.  You'd also need to set 
flags in each iteration of a page so that PHP could determine whether 
the page being requested had already been downloaded.

What happens when the user simply wants to reload the current 
page?  It sounds messy.  Perhaps, rather than interfering with the 
normal functioning of the browser, you could simply let it do its 
thing and take steps server-side to prevent the user from 
re-submitting the current form or whatever your goal is.

Good luck,


Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] More efficient thumbnail script

2007-01-16 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/16/2007 12:54 PM, Jason Pruim wrote:

First off, thanks to everyone who helped me get started with a
thumbnail gallery that would display info you could just copy/paste
into a weblog (Or any webpage) and have the picture display.

I am moving along with a few additions and seem to be running into a
problem. The script I have works just fine, it's just slow when you
put some large files in it, the page takes awhile to load weither I'm
calling it through the php file it's self or through a include in an
html file.

The php script I'm using can be seen here: http://www.raoset.com/ 

the html file I want to include it in is: 
http://www.raoset.com/tests/ pictures/index.shtml


I'm not able to see your PHP script because when I navigate to the 
script it is interpreted, not downloaded as text.  Please copy the 
script into a file ending in .txt if you'd like people to be able to read it.

Is your thumbnail script slow because you're creating images on the 
fly every time?  If so, an obvious fix would be to cache thumbnails 
on the server so you only have to create them once.  The logic could 
look something like:

if (thumnbail doesn't exist)
// create thumbnail  save it to the server

// use existing file

Then you might consider putting the thumbnail-cacheing logic into the 
script that lets people upload their images in the first place, so 
there won't be so much processing the first time the thumbnail 
gallery is loaded.



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Re: [PHP] Storing dynamic attribute data in a db

2007-01-18 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/18/2007 02:56 PM, Chris W. Parker wrote:

I'm currently working on trying to find a solution that is both simple
and flexible for storing the data of a complicated set of dynamic
options for some of our products. My current thinking is that I will use
Modified Preorder Tree Traversal to organize the data.

Are you considering keeping all the levels of your data tree in a 
single table because you can't predict how many levels there will 
be?  If you CAN predict its depth, wouldn't it be simpler and easier 
to conceive, code, and debug with N tables chained in parent-child 

I'm not asking rhetorically but seriously, for discussion.  How are 
you weighing the pros  cons of using MPTT?


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Re: [PHP] PHP Warning: session_destroy

2007-01-20 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/20/2007 02:14 PM, Andre Dubuc wrote:

However, checking the live version, I get an secure-error_log entry:

PHP Warning:  session_destroy() [a
href='function.session-destroy'function.session-destroy/a]: Trying to
destroy uninitialized session

Question is: didn't the session_start(); on the calling page take effect, or
is this some other problem?

I've gotten the distinct impression from the documentation and from 
my own experiences that session_start() is required at the beginning 
of every page/script that references the session.  See 
http://ca3.php.net/session_start including Examples 1 and 2.


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Re: [PHP] one click - two actions?

2007-01-21 Thread Paul Novitski

At 1/21/2007 01:54 AM, pub wrote:

I am working on my query as you suggested. I have a joint query that
seems to work except that I get the name of the company repeated for
each job. Could you please help me figure out how to make it echo the
company once and list all the jobs next to it on the same line and
start a new line with the next company like you suggested bellow?

You want to output the company name only when it changes.  I usually 
do this by keeping a variable equal to the previous value in the loop 
and compare it each time with the current value:

PreviousCompany = '';

while (fetching data records)
if (PreviousCompany != CurrentCompany)
output CurrentCompany;
PreviousCompany = CurrentCompany;

output Job;

One markup structure you might consider for this application is the 
definition list:

ddjob 1/dd
ddjob 2/dd
ddjob 3/dd
ddjob 4/dd

ddjob 1/dd
ddjob 2/dd
ddjob 3/dd
ddjob 4/dd



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Re: [PHP] losing session in new window (IE only) [WAS: loosing...]

2008-03-25 Thread Paul Novitski

At 3/25/2008 12:49 PM, Lamp Lists wrote:
i have a list of people on one page. each row, on the end has link 
a href=person.php?id=123 target=_blankview details/a.

it's requested to open detail page in new window.
very few people complained they can't open detail page. all of them use IE.

Try putting the attribute values in double quotes and see if that helps:

a href=person.php?id=123 target=_blankview details/a

How does your page validate?  http://validator.w3.org/



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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[PHP] losing mysql connection during cron job

2008-06-18 Thread Paul Novitski
I've got a simple script running as a cron job that's getting 
intermittent Lost connection to MySQL server during query errors.

The script sends out listserve messages, 50 BCCs each minute, 
sleep()ing for 60 seconds between sends and updating a data table 
after each send.  The whole BCC list varies from one message to the 
next, but messages typically take 10 or more sends in batches of 50 recipients.

Inconsistently, the script aborts with the lost connection error 
after a varying number of sends.  Rarely it bombs not at all and 
performs all 10 or 12 updates without error.

The script cycle is, symbolically:

foreach (recipients as batch)
mail() using batch of recipients;
mysql_query() update table;
final mysql_query() update table as complete;

In an attempt to cure the problem I'm re-establishing the $conn 
before each query and doing a mysql_close() after each query, but the 
error still occurs.

The hosting is Media Temple's gridserver.  I've never encountered 
this error in any of the many PHP/mysql scripts I run on Media Temple 
accounts, but this is different as it's a cron job.

Can you suggest aspects of the process that might lead to this error 
that I should look at more carefully?  I can understand that sleep() 
might lose the connection between PHP  the MySQL server, but why 
would the script be unable to reconnect after sleeping?  Would that 
be a server-dependent issue or is there something I can do in PHP to 
nail down the connectivity?

I'm hoping to get assistance on this issue without having to clean up 
the script enough to invite in guests, but I'll do so if required.



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Re: [PHP] losing mysql connection during cron job

2008-06-18 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/18/2008 04:49 PM, Shiplu wrote:

why don't you edit your code?

   foreach (recipients as batch)
   mail() using batch of recipients;
   mysql_query() update table;

Thanks for the suggestion.  I am currently successfully working 
around this error by another method, although your suggestion is 
probably better.

The reason I posted this problem, though, is that I want to 
understand *why* I'm getting the Lost connection to MySQL server 
during query error.

If anyone has had a similar experience using cron jobs or sleep() I'd 
love to hear from you.


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Re: [PHP] Capitalization of variable

2008-06-19 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/18/2008 09:38 PM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:

$streetAddr = 817 17th ST, DENVER COLORADO;
echo ucwords(strtolower($streetAddr));
// 817 17th St, Denver Colorado

I'd like to mention that, in practical usage, capitalizing the first 
letter of every word does not correctly capitalize addresses in most 
languages expressed in Roman script.  In North America we see 
numerous common exceptions such as PO, APO, NE/NW/SE..., MacDonald, 
Macdonald, deCamp, D'Angelo, de la Rosa, Apt. 3E, et cetera, et 
cetera.  If you're serious about correcting a mailing list for upper- 
 lowercase, I suggest you build or use a replacement dictionary 
that's smart about postal addresses and smart about the languages 
you're liable to encounter.  If you're in North America, a simple 
correcting algorithm is pretty much impossible because of the damage 
done by Ellis Island that has rendered the spelling of names 
arbitrary, even random, and often incorrect relative to their 
origins.  Good luck!  But don't give up -- as Xeno will attest, your 
earnest attempt to reach the tree with your arrow will gain praise 
even if it's doomed never to actually arrive.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] losing mysql connection during cron job

2008-06-19 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/18/2008 02:47 PM, Paul Novitski wrote:
I've got a simple script running as a cron job that's getting 
intermittent Lost connection to MySQL server during query errors.

At 6/18/2008 10:43 PM, Chris wrote:

You need to do a

before mysql_query works again - otherwise mysql_connect will just
return the same resource id (or I guess just use the 'new_connection'
flag for mysql_connect and skip the mysql_close()).

Thanks!  Adding the new_link parameter to mysql_connect() did the trick.

What had me stumped before was that each mysql_connect() succeeded 
but the mysql_select_db() immediately afterward failed.  But as the 
documentation says:

If a second call is made to mysql_connect()  with the same 
arguments, no new link will be established, but instead, the link 
identifier of the already opened link will be returned. The 
new_link  parameter modifies this behavior and makes mysql_connect() 
always open a new link, even if mysql_connect() was called before 
with the same parameters.


Reminder to self: RTFM doesn't always work if you think you know the 
page and don't re-read it with new eyes.


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Re: [PHP] Associative Arrays

2008-06-19 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/19/2008 05:55 PM, VamVan wrote:

How to create an associative array of this kind in PHP?

 return array(
12345 = array(
  'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  'companyName' = 'Asdf Inc.',
54321 = array(
  'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  'companyName' = 'Asdfu Corp.',

This is the right PHP syntax, except that you've got an extraneous 
comma before the closing parenthesis of each array that's going to 
throw a parse error.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [PHP] Associative Arrays

2008-06-19 Thread Paul Novitski

At 6/19/2008 07:36 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

  54321 = array(
'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'companyName' = 'Asdfu Corp.',
  This is the right PHP syntax, except that you've got an extraneous comma
  before the closing parenthesis of each array that's going to throw a
  parse error.

 Actually that's allowed (and by design too) :)

Yep, it's there to primarily simplify generated PHP code. Additionally,
it sure makes commenting out chunks simple since you don't need to
comment out the preceding comma if commenting out the last entry.

Thanks.  I could have sworn I'd gotten parse errors on that.  Damned 
cross-language memory leakage...

I've gotten into the habit of writing comma-delimited lists like so:


which works for functions with long parameter lists and SQL field 
lists as well as arrays.


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Re: [PHP] Mysql Rows

2006-03-06 Thread Paul Novitski

At 08:57 AM 3/6/2006, tedd wrote:
What I find interesting in all of this exchange -- however -- is 
that everyone agree's renumbering the id of a dB is something you 
don't do, but no one can come up with a concrete (other than 
relational) reason why.

It's simply -- concretely -- inefficient  inelegant to modify on 
average half the records in a database simply in order to delete one 
record, when queries give us fast, simple, READ-ONLY methods for 
enumerating existing data.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Incremental Date Based ID

2006-03-08 Thread Paul Novitski

At 05:05 PM 3/7/2006, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Well, part of the issue is that I want to be able to use this as part
of the link:


With respect, I too think you should re-examine your reasons for 
wanting to number (or letter) the links consecutively in the database.

To whom does the spelling of an URL really matter?  I believe that 
website visitors rarely care; they care about how things are labelled 
in the foreground and they want to get to the correct page, but I 
don't think many people really study the details of the address bar 
and even fewer make judgements about the quality or completeness of 
website content on that basis.

There are in fact solid reasons for NOT changing URLs once they're 
established -- for example, the persistence of bookmarks, links from 
other websites, and search engine memory.  Once you establish an URL 
pointing to a particular page it's going to be recorded, stored, and 
repeated by many other entities on the internet.  If you're 
whimsically changing URLs at random intervals, old URLs will no 
longer point to the same content.  You'll be doing your own material 
a disservice by frustrating one of the most powerful assets the 
internet can lend you: its persistence of vision.

I wonder if your desire for contiguously lettered URLs can be 
satisfied by simply assigning consecutive letters to the display text 
that links to the articles:

   lia href=/news.php?article=9568367Title of article/a/li
   lia href=/news.php?article=1937452Title of article/a/li
   lia href=/news.php?article=4694832Title of article/a/li

   list-style-type: lower-alpha;

a. Title of article
b. Title of article
c. Title of article

As others have pointed out, the sequence in which the URLs spill out 
from the database can be controlled by a timestamp in each 
record.  The lettering of the articles a-z can be controlled by the 
ordered list for the benefit of the visitor.  When an article is 
inserted into or deleted from the list, the list retains its 
contiguity IN THE PRESENTATION and you aren't put in the inelegant 
position of trying to renumber records in a database.


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RE: [PHP] .DAT file with PHP

2006-03-08 Thread Paul Novitski

At 07:41 AM 3/8/2006, Jabez Gan wrote:

Sorry im new but, how do we read from a file to an array? I've studied C but
not with PHP and it's not working for me... Suggestions?

Reads entire file into an array

Doesn't require open  close.


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Re: [PHP] .DAT file with PHP

2006-03-08 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10:27 AM 3/8/2006, Rory Browne wrote:

$filename = filename.txt;
$file_content = join(\n, array_reverse(file($filename)));
echo $file_content;


I think you've got the logic right.

Tangentially, however, I recommend that you break it out into 
separate statements and not throw multiple functions into the same 
statement -- it's hard to proofread, it's hard to pinpoint where 
errors occur, and it's next to impossible to insert echo statements 
to debug the process.  Also for ease of debugging  maintenance, I 
recommend indicating the type of each variable with a prefix 
(a=array, s=string, etc.):

$sFilename = filename.txt;
$aFile_content = file($sFilename);
$aFile_reverse = array_reverse($aFile_content);
$sDisplay_content = join(\n, $aFile_reverse);
echo $sDisplay_content;

I don't think PHP will care whether it's broken out or not -- 
internally it's having to create temporary variables on the fly to 
store incremental values -- but your future self and other folks 
reading your code will thank you for it.


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RE: [PHP] .DAT file with PHP

2006-03-08 Thread Paul Novitski

At 07:05 PM 3/8/2006, Jabez wrote:

I used the following code that Paul suggested, but it didn't reverse my

The file I would want to have the content reversed is as attached. Chinese
characters is in the file so...



The data in your file is all in one text line.  You have inserted the 
string br between what I assume are your data elements, but not 
PHP linefeed characters.

Try using \n (backslash-n) as your line delimiter and try again.

By the way, I neglected to tell you earlier that when file() reads a 
file into an array, it includes the linefeed characters at the end of 
each array element.  These might or might not get in your way if 
you're outputting your data to an HTML file -- a linefeed will render 
as a whitespace character.  If you'll be writing the data to another 
text file where linefeeds are crucial, you may wish to massage the 
array to ensure that every array element (including the last one read 
from the original file) ends in \n.


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Re: [PHP] heredoc syntax vs Double-Quotes

2006-03-15 Thread Paul Novitski

At 07:06 PM 3/15/2006, Chris Kennon wrote:

when is using heredoc advisable over Double-Quotes?

I love using heredoc primarily because it helps me separate logic 
from markup when generating HTML.  The text in a heredoc expression 
is vanilla, no escape sequences needed, so there's less worry about 
typos.  I find it one of the strongest features of PHP as compared to 
other scripting languages.


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Re: [PHP] php error reporting problem

2006-03-28 Thread Paul Novitski

At 10:57 AM 3/28/2006, ngwarai zed wrote:

hi, I omitted a semicolon ; at the end of a php statement on purpose to  see
what the error looks like. I ran the script and a blank page just  came
out.No error message. I then edited php.ini and set Display_errors  = On and
errror_reporting = E_ALL then restarted httpd. Ran the script  again and the
same thing happens. My question is:- how do I make php to show me a simple
error like omitting a semicolon?

If you omit the semicolon at the end of a line, PHP attempts to join 
it with the next line into one statement.  Sometimes, by coincidence, 
this results in a legal statement.  To show the error message, enter 
two statements that you're sure will combine into invalid syntax, such as:

$x = 4
$y = 3;

Their concatenation results in:

$x = 4 $y = 3;

which should get you parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE.


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Re: [PHP] Faking Boolean

2006-04-06 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11:08 PM 4/5/2006, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:

How can I take enquiry:

input name=searchenquiry type=text value=john
input name=searchenquiry type=text value=john johnston

and parse its value to come up with this to do a boolean search

+john +johnston


If you're splitting your search string into discrete words, most 
search engine logic doesn't require quotes.  Typically, quotation 
marks combine multiple words into single expressions, which makes 
sense with John Johnston but not with John Johnston.

But since you requested the quotes I'll include them:

Here's one way to convert an incoming word series for a search:

// get the entered text
$sEnquiry = $_GET[searchenquiry];

RESULT: [ johnjohnston ]

// protect against input attacks here

// remove whitespace from beginning  end
$sEnquiry = trim($sEnquiry);

RESULT: [johnjohnston]

// replace internal whitespace with single spaces
$sEnquiry = preg_replace(/\s+/,  , $sEnquiry);

RESULT: [john johnston]

// replace each space with quote-space-plus-quote
$sEnquiry = str_replace( , \ +\, $sEnquiry);

RESULT: [john +johnston]

// add beginning  ending delimiters
$sEnquiry = +\ . $sEnquiry . \;

RESULT: [+john +johnston]

Another technique that's worth exploring uses explode  implode to 
isolate the words and the join them again with different delimiters, e.g.:

// remove extraneous whitespace
$sEnquiry = ...

// split string into array of words on each space
$aWords = explode( , $sEnquiry);

RESULT: array(

// concatenate the array back into a string using desired delimiters
$sSearch = implode( +, $aWords);

RESULT: [john +johnston]


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