Re: Can't generate a Java interface from a WSDL portType

2008-06-10 Thread Mike Edwards


I tend to agree with Simon, that the package name would rightly be derived from the target namespace 
 of the wsdl:definitions/ containing the portType definition, since it's the port type that 
defines the interface.

So +1 to the CXF interpretation.

On the other hand, there is a JAX-WS TCK.  Does it test this piece of function 
I wonder...?

Yours, Mike.

Simon Nash wrote:

Scott Kurz wrote:


The question is do we look at the definitions of the WSDL document
defining the imported portType
or the definitions of the document defining a WSDL service in terms 
of the

imported portType  (since the TNS
of each are different).

I haven't read all of JAX-WS either but agree that the CXF behavior makes
more sense.

If you consider the question which definitions? it seems you'd 

pick the one in which
the portType is actually DEFINED as opposed to merely IMPORTED

From what I can see the WSDL spec doesn't say anything particular 
about the

import behavior either.

On the one hand this isn't too critical since, with either choice, we
generate a just-as-legal
into the Java to capture the original TNS.

Doesn't this raise the same question?  The @WebService annotation
for the generated Java interface should have the targetNamespace
of the portType.  It seems an extremely reasonable assumption
that this is the same targetNamespace of the portType (whatever
that means) that will be used to derive the package name.

I tried this with the Sun RI and was surprised that it took the
targetNamespace for the @WebService annotation from the portType's
wsdl:definitions, even though it took the targetNamespace for
the package name from the service's wsdl:definitions.

This inconsistency seems wrong to me.  My conclusion is that
CXF has got this right.

On the other hand, JAX-WS could have been clearer on this...

I agree.  And this seems like a warning that in cases where the
spec is ambiguous, we should not assume that we can use the
Sun RI's behaviour to determine which interpretation is correct.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 4:45 AM, Simon Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Scott Kurz wrote:

Sebastien, I'm surprised the package names would be different.
What is
the namespace you're using that isn't mapping to the same package 
in each

Just curious...

My app is an order processing app with the following:

WSDL service namespace:

WSDL Order portType namespace:

The CXF tool generates interface sample.order.Order
The JAXWS RI tool generates interface sample.order.binding.Order

I gave the same WSDL file (containing the WSDL service) to both tools.

One could argue that both are correct vs the JAX-WS spec as they 
a correct package name from the namespace of 'the' WSDL definition, 
but the
funny thing is that they do not pick the same WSDL definition... 
picks the input definition given to the tool and CXF the definition 
actually contains the portType... and the JAXWS spec doesn't seem to 

which one should be picked (at least I couldn't find it).

IMHO the CXF behavior is better, but I've not read all 150 pages of the
JAX-WS spec so I may be missing something :)

From section 2.2 of the JAX-WS spec:

 A wsdl:portType element is mapped to a Java interface in the package
 mapped from the wsdl:definitions element (see section 2.1 for a
 description of wsdl:definitions mapping).

Section 2.1 says:

 A wsdl:definitions element and its associated targetNamespace
 attribute is mapped to a Java package. JAXB[10] (see appendix D)
 defines a standard mapping from a namespace URI to a Java package
 name. By default, this algorithm is used to map the value of a
 wsdl:definitions element's targetNamespace attribute to a Java
 package name.

 } Conformance (Definitions mapping): In the absence of customizations,
 the Java package name is mapped from the value of a wsdl:definitions
 element's targetNamespace attribute using the algorithm defined by

So IMO the Java package name that's used to map the portType should
be derived from the targetNamespace of the wsdl:definitions element.
What was this targetNamespace?


Re: Sun is asking for proof that users want Sun support for SCA, A call to arms!

2008-05-19 Thread Mike Edwards


I think that SCA is a significant advance in application development technologies which is directed 
to simplifying the building of agile and adaptable business systems.

Organisations are already reaping benefits from using SCA - IBM customers in particular have been 
able to exploit an version of SCA in the WebSphere Process Server and in the WebSphere ESB products 
for a couple of years now.  We also have customers who are excited about the latest SCA 
functionality that is found in the Tuscany project and which IBM has made available as part of the 
WebSphere 6.1 SOA Feature Pack.  I talked about one of these customers (anonymously) at the recent 
OASIS Symposium in Santa Clara - the talk is now posted on the OSOA site here:

I am sure that many more businesses will benefit as SCA implementations become available from a 
wider range of suppliers - TIBCO, Oracle, BEA and Rogue Wave all have products either available or 
in late beta stage.

As far as Sun are concerned, I encourage them to provide support for SCA in their products.  If they 
need to hear more about what users want - they could do well to listen to Steve Jones of CapGemini 
who was on that SCA Panel at JavaOne and who spoke eloquently about SCA as being of great value in 
unifying activities on the large projects that they undertake.

It is curious in some ways that Sun saw value in building runtimes for composite applications and 
have pursued the JBI specification for about the same length of time as the OSOA collaboration of 
companies developed the SCA specifications.  The hole in that approach is that JBI is really a 
specification for runtime builders (read vendors), providing little in the way of a model for 
building applications, which is what customers really care about.  Sun would do well to recognise 
this and adopt SCA as the application layer which can sit above a JBI runtime.

Interestingly, a couple of guys from Atos Origin gave a talk at JavaOne about their work on exactly 
this topic - “The Best Of Both Worlds with Java Business Integration and Service Component 
Architecture” presented by Jos Dirksen and Tijs Rademakers.  To me, this showed the value and power 
of the combination.

I think that the evidence is there that customers already see the benefits of SCA - and that 
interest is continuing to grow and should expand rapidly once there is a good range of runtimes and 
tools that support the SCA model across the industry.  Whether Sun want to see this evidence is 
another matter, which I will leave them to think about.

Yours,  Mike.

Jeff Anderson wrote:

To everybody out there interested in seeing SCA being more widely adopted.

Recently I posted a general overview of SCA coverage at JavaWorld last
week in San Francisco. Which can be found at

I spoke briefly about the SCA panel that was attended by members of
IBM, Sun SAP and MCd by David Chapelle. After the panel, I had the
chance to briefly speak with Peter Walker of Sun Microsystems
concerning Sun support for SCA. In his opinion, Sun will probably not
support SCA, because in his mind there is no user demand. Peter has
actually invited me to tell him more about what users want directly
on my above-mentioned blog entry.

I personally think that having Sun support SCA in a more active
fashion, and incorporating it into the JavaEE world would do a lot to
reduce the noise around fractures within the Java community
(especially from Microsoft) and would be excellent for the Java
platform in general.

Is anybody else concerned with Sun's lack of support? Please provide
your comments at

I will make sure to forward your comments over to Peter. Feel free to
share any evidence of the real world adoption of SCA and the value
that it has provided. Be generic when referring to specific clients or
projects if you need to protect the innocent :-).

It would be great if we can provide hard evidence to convince Sun that
SCA is real, valuable, and worth considering.

Of course, I will also share the results of this with the community.

Re: How do I expose my BPEL component as a webservice?

2008-05-07 Thread Mike Edwards


Can you post the contents of the following files, please:

- composite file
- BPEL process file
- WSDL file

The WSDL file is especially important here - it defines the interface that the BPEL process is using 
and also any policies that may apply.

It appears as if there is a failure at the point where Tuscany processes your componentType file and 
follows the interface.wsdl/ to the WSDL file.  The error message is VERY unfriendly and we 
must improve it, but it will be helpful to see what error is being caught.

Yours,  Mike.

Dalys Sebastian wrote:


I was missing the axis2-ws binding in the WEB-INF/lib. I added those libs and 
the dependencies with other working webapps and now the error has migrated to 
Any idea what's going wrong? (I don't get any errors if I omit 
in the
componentType file.)

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

--- Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Dalys Sebastian

Hi everyone,

This may probably be a very basic question. But I had been trying for quite 


could not find an example on it, so I thought I will post it.

How do I expose my component (BPEL implementation) as a webservice URI? Do I 


componentType file?

I tried modifying both the componentType and the composite file and introduced in both, but it does not seem to pick it up.

For e.g., my componentType file looks like:
componentType xmlns=;

 service name=HelloService promote=BPELHelloWorldComponent




I have deployed it as a webapp on Tomcat. And during startup, Tuscany throws a


WARNING: Element {} cannot be 

Looks like you are missing the axis-ws binding dependency jar in your
app. Could you please verify your dependencies ?


What am I doing wrong?


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Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

Re: Any update in BPEL implementation?

2008-05-06 Thread Mike Edwards

Ashwini Kumar Jeksani wrote:


I am having problems in invoking a webservice from the BPEL.

This line is printed in the console and nothing is happening beyond this :
 [java]  Invoking a partner operation: approveDataLoad

Could anyone tellme if there is any update done on the BPEL implementation in 
tuscany and share the latest code if any as I am unable to download the 

I would be thankful for any help in this regard.

Thanks  Regards,
Ashwini Kumar Jeksani

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I'll aim to help you - I am travelling and at JavaOne this week.  My main talk is today (yes, on 
SCA!), but I hope that I will be able to devote more time to BPEL / Tuscany tomorrow.

As far as I know, the latest code is there in SVN.  I have a load of updates on my system related to 
 introspecting the BPEL process to generate the componentType, but these are not yet working to my 
satisfaction and I haven't committed them.

Yours,  Mike.

Re: Reg: Asynchronous Webservice in BPEL

2008-05-01 Thread Mike Edwards

Ashwini Kumar Jeksani wrote:


I'm trying to create a BPEL for asynchronous web service call. A snippet of it 
is shown below:

!-Receive request from client --
receive createInstance=yes operation=initiate  partnerLink=ApprovalProcessClient 
portType=ns1:approvalProcessPT variable=approvalProcessRequestMessage/

!-Asynchronous Web Service Invoke --
invoke inputVariable=asyncApprovalRequest operation=submitForApproval 
partnerLink=AsyncApprovalPartner portType=ns2:asyncApprovalServicePT
correlation initiate=yes pattern=request set=CS1/
!-Receive Response from Asynchronous Web Service invoked above -- 
receive operation=onResult partnerLink= AsyncApprovalPartner  
portType=ns1:asyncApprovalCallbackPT variable=asyncApprovalResponse
correlation initiate=no set=CS1/

The first receive in the above BPEL snippet is called by a client and therefore 
I have declared it as a 'service' in componentType file.
The invoke is for invoking an asynchronous web service operation. The portType 
of that I have declared as 'reference' in the componentType file.
The second receive in the above BPEL snippet acts as a callback to receive 
response from an asynchronous web service. Where and How do I specify that this 
is a callback? Is there way of specifying callbacks in componentType file.?

Thanks  Regards
Ashwini Kumar Jeksani


** WARNING - Long Post **

You're certainly going in the right direction here.

One way of specifying that a callback interface is in use is to declare 
it in the SCDL files - in particular in the componentType file, using 
something like this: interface=services.invoicing.ComputePrice 

This isn't the only way of specifying the callback, at least for Java 
interfaces, since it is possible to use annotations within the interface 
files, such as:

public interface MyService {

void someMethod(String arg);


public interface MyServiceCallback {

void receiveResult(String result);

Note the @Callback annotation in the forward call interface, which 
points at the callback interface.

However, there is nothing like this available in WSDL.

Instead, a WSDL file can contain multiple service definitions (ie 
PortTypes) - and so a single WSDL can hold both the forward and callback 
interfaces, which might look something like this:

wsdl:portType name=MyService
wsdl:operation name=someMethod
wsdl:input message=tns:someMethodRequest

wsdl:portType name=MyServiceCallback
wsdl:operation name=receiveResult
wsdl:input message=tns:receiveResultRequest
wsdl:output message=tns:receiveResultResponse

In the SCDL which references a WSDL like this, in the component type and 
in any relevant composite file, then it would look like this:


When you set up a component which uses Web services the SCDL will look 
something like this:

component name=MyServiceComponent class=simplecallback.MyServiceImpl /
  service name=MyService




Excuse the formatting - it does not fit well into the width limits.

Of course, the WSDL that you produce will also have to have the BPEL 
PartnerLinkType elements pointing to the appropriate PortType elements.

I think that's it... can see an example of this in the simple-callback-ws sample in 

BTW, what I am working on right now is the code to eliminate the need to 
build the componentType file.  The BPELDocumentProcessor code is bing 
modified to read the BPEL process file and also to follow the links to 
the WSDL files and to resolve the PartnerLink - PartnerLinkType - 
PortType chains.  This will result in the generation of the component 
type interface definition as above, with a reference to the PortType for 
forward and callback interfaces.

I should post some code in the next couple of days.

Yours,  Mike.

Re: wsdl reference question

2008-04-30 Thread Mike Edwards

Abraham Washington wrote:
hi all, i have a service that has a reference to another service.� so, 

 in my impl class there's a setter method for the reference.�� when the
 app is deployed, the wsdl generates the setter method operation, thus
 making it available to be invoked (not a good thing).�

is there a way around this ?
thx abe


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Hi Abe,

Can you explain what your app is doing in some more detail - maybe post 
some code and the composite file?

If you have declared a reference in your code, with a setter method, 
then I would expect the setter method to get called at runtime with the 
reference proxy for the target service that you configure in your 
composite file.

For the setter method to get included in the WSDL generated for the 
service offered by the component, then:

a) presumably you are not marking the service offered by the 
implementation code, so that the defaulting process is happening

- you do this by using the @Service annotation

b) also, I suspect that your class does not say something like

public fooClass implements barInterface {

- since the default service generation will look at the barInterface to 
generate the WSDL for the service.  If there is no implements clause 
then the SCA code has little to go on as to which methods should be 
included.  In this case, as the SCA Java Client  Implementation 
specification says:

If none of the implemented interfaces is remotable, then by default the 
implementation offers a single service whose type is the implementation 

I recommend that you consider using one of the above techniques to 
control which class methods are used for the operations of the Service 

Yours, Mike.

Re: What's next for SCA BPEL Integration

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Edwards

Luciano Resende wrote:

Now that we are making more progress with the SCA  BPEL integration
and have figured out how to make References to work, let's discuss
what could be the next steps on this area. Below are couple examples
of what we could do next

- WS-BPEL Process Introspection : Currently we are requiring SCA
componentType files, we could introspect the BPEL process file to
generate the component type information from it.

- Integrate BEPL with the store scenario tutorial : We could add a
OrderProcessing step to the store checkout, and illustrate a more real
integration scenario.

Other then these, we could review the
SCA_ClientAndImplementationModelFor BPEL and identify other areas that
we might need enhancements. Scenarios / Samples / Demos are always
welcome too. Or if you have other suggestions, feel free to jump to
the discussion.

BTW: Copying the ODE list in case they want to jump and help, or in
case they have other ideas.


WS_BPEL Process introspection is top of my list.  Having to write 
componentType side files is a miserable business, particularly when all 
the information you need is sitting there in the BPEL Process XML.  The 
Spring implementation is a good model - the Spring application context 
is ripped through to produce the componentType and so side file is ever 

A good BPEL sample is called for.  One based on some order process seems 
good to me.  It should also involve the BPEL process making asynchronous 
calls to back end services, which means stretching the support on 
references to include callbacks.

We should consider integrating with the tutorial after building a good 
standalone BPEL sample.

Yours,  Mike.

Re: Referencing CONVERSATION-scoped component from COMPOSITE-scoped

2008-04-23 Thread Mike Edwards

Ivan Dubrov wrote:


Is that possible to refer to the CONVERSATION-scoped component from 

What I want to achieve, is to make singleton component 
(COMPOSITE-scoped) retrieve some session data (which I want to model as 
a CONVERSATION-scoped component) during the request processing.


Yes, this should work fine.

I assume that your conversation scoped component has a conversational 
interface of some kind?  If this is the case, then when the composite 
scoped component calls it, a new conversation will be started with the 
comversation scoped component and the composite scoped component can 
continue to use this until the conversation session is explicitly ended 
(eg by calling an @EndsConversation method.)

Yours,  Mike.

Re: Should we move to SDO 1.1-incubating version for SCA Java?

2008-04-16 Thread Mike Edwards

Raymond Feng wrote:


Now the SDO 1.1-incubating has been released. Should we adjust the 
pom.xml in SCA Java to reference this release?

ATM, we have SDO 1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT in trunk. And SCA projects 
either reference SDO 1.0-incubating or 1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT. I think 
it's better to have SCA depends on a released SDO version consistently 
across the modules. What do you think?


I think we should move up to the released version of SDO in trunk, so 
that this is the basis of our next release.

So +1.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: State of BPEL implementation type?

2008-04-16 Thread Mike Edwards

Luciano Resende wrote:

Thanks for your interest Juergen.

I was very busy with SCA 1.2 release, so I haven't worked on this on
the last couple weeks. I have local changes that can make the
reference invocation, but looks like there are still some issues with
the ODE integration and I keep getting erros that ODE cannot see the
response (this is probably related to the changes not being committed
by the transaction). Once I can get this working, at least not
breaking the service support, I can get this committed and the basic
reference support will be ready.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 2:18 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'd like to help on the BPEL implementation.  How can I get involved 
with building a new version of the BPEL implementation with additional 

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: release schedule

2008-03-31 Thread Mike Edwards

Stanislaw Findeisen wrote:

What is the release schedule for Tuscany projects?

In particular, when do you plan to release the next SDO Java 


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SCA 1.2 is also imminent - folks are working through some final bugs in 
the release candidate code

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: XSD schemas on is broken

2008-03-18 Thread Mike Edwards


I'll take a look at this.

Yours,  Mike.

Joshua Jackson wrote:

* ws-policy.xsd is now located at
* ws-addr.xsd is now located at

On 3/18/08, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

When I refer from my .composite files,
it isn't able to download other schemas it depends on because the
files is not there such as:

* Inside
the file is not there

* Inside
the file is not there


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Re: XSD schemas on is broken

2008-03-18 Thread Mike Edwards

Joshua Jackson wrote:

* ws-policy.xsd is now located at
* ws-addr.xsd is now located at

On 3/18/08, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

When I refer from my .composite files,
it isn't able to download other schemas it depends on because the
files is not there such as:

* Inside
the file is not there

* Inside
the file is not there


These files are fixed now.

The problems had been spotted in the ongoing specification work at 
OASIS, but the fixes had not been put back into the online versions of 
the XSDs on

Thanks for reporting the problem.  Hope it all works for you now.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Spring Framework - Move the Spring Implementation up to Version 2.5 of the Spring Framework?

2008-02-27 Thread Mike Edwards


Are users of the Spring Implementation ready for us to move up to use 
the 2.5 version of the Spring Framework?  Please let us know.

Yours,  Mike.

Kapish Aggarwal wrote:

Just a quick general question, are there plans to move the core-spring
and implementation-spring modules to utilize the 2.5 Spring Framework?

Kapish Aggarwal

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Re: Build process fails on german system

2008-02-20 Thread Mike Edwards
Hmm,  this looks like one of the those flaws in Java exceptions - there 
is no way of having something like a number to uniquely identify an 
exception beyond its class - using strings is a bad idea, for exactly 
this issue with language conversions.

This has led to the message string being used to identify sub-cases for 
exception types, with nasty consequences as found here.

I suppose the pure way of doing it would be for there to be a subclass 
of SecurityException that deals with the case of not being able to find 
a LoginConfiguration.  But I can understand that it quickly gets tedious 
to create ever more new exception classes. So people don't.

Yours,  Mike.



Could you please let me know what was the exception you had to modify ?

Of course. Here's the diff, the file is in 

--- (revision 629059)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 try {
 Configuration secConf = Configuration.getConfiguration();
 } catch ( java.lang.SecurityException e ) {
-if ( e.getMessage().equals(Unable to locate a login 
configuration) ) {
+if ( e.getMessage().equals(Anmeldekonfiguration kann nicht gefunden 
werden.) ) {
 } else {
 throw e;


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Re: [Spring] Does the Spring support provide capability described in the spec?

2008-01-18 Thread Mike Edwards


Comments inline

Kevin Williams wrote:

Does the current Spring support provide the basic capabilities
outlined in the specification?  The basic function boils down to these
4 items:

1.  Spring Applications Contexts may be used as implementations for SCA
composite components

Yes, this is supported

2.  A component that uses Spring for an implementation can wire
services and references without introducing SCA-specific metadata into
the Spring configuration

Yes, this is supported (there are tests for this in the code)

3.  Explicit references to SCA services may be made within a Spring
application context by use of the three elements provided by Spring
SCA namespace support

Yes, supported, with tests.

4.  Policy enforcement occurs in the SCA runtime and does not enter
into the Spring space

Haven't looked at this at all yet.  Not saying that it will not work, 
although the transactions stuff will almost certainly require 
integration work.  I suppose security and other interaction intents that 
apply to the wires should work without any special coding, since this is 
done in the proxies that are passed to the Spring Beans.

I took a quick look at the related itests and they seem to exercise 1-3.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: What is Tuscany?

2007-12-17 Thread Mike Edwards


Let me see if I can help explain some:

Joshua Jackson wrote:

Thanks for the article. I kind of get idea now. This is what I get from it:
SCA is a kind of glue code for glueing pool of apps to be used by
another apps. So our new apps will connect to SCA and SCA will connect
to these pool of apps. CMIIW.

Yes, SCA is at one level a way of connecting together sets of components 
to build up your overall application.  One of the great things is that 
you don't have to code any information about what is connected to what 
into your code.  This is applied as configuration data - and so it 
allows the data to be changed without changing the code - and it allows 
the code to be reused in different configurations.

I don't quite understand. People out there compares SCA with JBI,
which is an ESB. :( And that's an insight that I get from those
articles you gave me too.

JBI is largely a way of putting a runtime together - where the runtime 
involves components written using different technologies (eg BPEL and 
Java).  SCA is a way of putting applications together - where there are 
potentially components written in different technologies and connected 
by different technologies.

It happens that you could envisage running SCA applications on a JBI 
runtime - ie JBI can provide the sort of runtime that SCA applications 
can use.

HOWEVER, SCA does not depend on JBI at all - Tuscany, for example, does 
not use JBI at all.  Further - SCA can describe applications that aren't 
written in Java and don't use a Java based runtime either (eg there is a 
C++ runtime in Tuscany that can run components written in C++, Ruby and 
other scripting languages).

One way to look at SCA is that it CAN be used as a programming model for 
ESBs.  SCA describes the components that run on the ESB and their 
connectivity.  You can have components that are message transformations 
or the selection of a target service based on some rule, for example. 
These are the sorts of things that ESBs do.

That doesn't mean that SCA is an ESB - just that it can be used to build 
applications that run on an ESB.

Is Tuscany an ESB?  Well, it could be  ;-) - a funny half-answer.
I can do some of the things that an ESB does.  But ESBs usually have 
specialized component types that do things like message mapping - 
Tuscany only has some of these today.  On the other hand, anyone can 
write new component types for SCA, so that anything needed could be 
added to SCA.

One other point about SCA is that it is about distributed systems - most 
ESBs are not like that.  In other words, for SCA, different components 
can run on different nodes in a network.

Is there anything I need to know in order for Tuscany to connect to AS400 ?

You need to know which communication protocol(s) you can use to talk 
with the AS/400 - plus the appropriate addresses of endpoints relating 
to the AS/400.  So, maybe you're using JMS over MQSeries, or Web 
services, or .

Thanks in advance

Yours,  Mike Edwards

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SCA Webinars running in the Week of December 10th

2007-11-29 Thread Mike Edwards


OASIS is organising a series of free webinars on SCA.  Here is the 
announcement from OASIS:


Open CSA hosts five webinars on the role of SCA in SOA

Beginning 10 Dec, the OASIS Open CSA Member Section will present five 
webinars on the Service Component Architecture (SCA) and its role in SOA.

SCA  encompasses a family of royalty-free specifications based on the 
idea that business function is provided as a series of services, which 
can be assembled together to create solutions that serve a particular 
business need. SCA provides a model both for the composition of services 
and for the creation of service components, including the reuse of 
existing application function within SCA compositions. The webinars are 
free, but registration is required.


All the webinars are at 15:00 UK / 10:00 Eastern / 07:00 Pacific:

SCA (Service Component Architecture) Overview
Monday, 10 December, 2007
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

SCA Policy Framework Tutorial
Tuesday, 11 December, 2007
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

SCA Assembly Model
Wednesday, 12 December, 2007
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

SCA for C++, C and COBOL
Thursday, 13 December, 2007
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

OASIS Service Component Architecture / BPEL (SCA-BPEL) Overview
Friday, 14 December, 2007
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SCA: OSOA Compliant Implementation?

2007-11-29 Thread Mike Edwards


(Speaking as one of the OSOA SCA Spec Authors)

The OSOA SCA spec terms do talk about compliant implementations - but 
this is a piece of legalese that has no force, since the specifications 
themselves nowhere define what compliance is.

The OSOA SCA specs in fact deliberately left things loose in terms of 
compliance.  Now that the SCA specs are being taken forward for 
standardization in OASIS, then compliance and test suites are part of 
the work plan.  However, this is an item that will complete in the future.

Regarding Tuscany, it is intended to faithfully implement the functions 
described in the OSOA SCA 1.0 specifications.  It isn't complete yet, 
but the Tuscany team are working hard to implement all the functions 
described in the specifications.  There are also pieces of Tuscany that 
(legitimately) go beyond the specifications, such as supporting useful 
and interesting implementation types and binding types that are not 
currently specified.

Yours,  Mike.
Chair, OSOA SCA Assembly working group.

Barb Cochrane wrote:

I have a quick question I hope one of the Apache team can help me with:  is
Tuscany's SCA 1.0 API a compliant implementation of OSOA's Service Component
Architecture Specification?  I'm asking because of the OSOA SCA Spec license

Thanks in advance!



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Re: What happened to mustSupply?

2007-10-04 Thread Mike Edwards


It's fixed now - the online sca-core.xsd matches the XSD published in 
the SCA Assembly 1.0 spec.

Yours,  Mike.

Mike Edwards wrote:


This is a screw-up in the online versions of the XSDs on - 
they don't match the spec declarations for the XSDs.

I'll go fix that, since those online files have no business failing to 
match the spec.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: validation of composite file

2007-10-01 Thread Mike Edwards


I'd point out that the recommended way of doing things is to add 
things in your own namespace.

Adding stuff to the OSOA XSDs is not encouraged.

If using your own namespace does not work, then we have some work to do 
to fix that...

Yours,  Mike.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Florian Rosenberg wrote:


I have my compoent type implementation and provided an XSD to use XML
validation. Are there any specific steps I have to do. I'm currently 

the version 1.0 binaries and I don't really where to put  my XSD file.
I checked the code and found the tuscany-assembly-xsd project, where I
added my XSD to the tuscany-sca.xsd to check if it is working. All the
validation errors on the console go away, nevertheless it does not really
report an error if for example a mandatory attribute is missing in my XML

Could someone give us a brief description how the resolving works and how
to enable it if I work with the Tuscany binary distribution and do not 

to rebuild the tuscany-assembly-xsd to get it to work.


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The runtime currently loads:
tuscany-assembly-xsd/src/main/resources/tuscany-sca-include.xsd - 
defining the SCA namespace
tuscany-assembly-xsd/src/main/resources/tuscany-sca.xsd - defining the 
Tuscany namespace

If you want to add your extension schema to the namespace you need to include it 
in tuscany-sca.xsd, and rebuild that module. This is not dynamic, but 
it's intentional as we need to provide application developers with a 
single central XSD file completely defining that namespace anyway... as 
this is what most XML schema validation tools and editors out there expect.

If you want to define your extension schema in a different namespace, 
you can either:

- Try to add the following to your composite element:
composite ...
   xsi:schemaLocation=yourNamespace locationOfyourXSDFile
... not great but it should work.

- Or just package the XSD file defining that namespace in your extension 
JAR and I'll add a few lines of code to look for and automatically load 
extension XSDs in extension JARs. I will post again here when it's ready 
for you to try.

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Re: retrieve name of component in artifact processor

2007-09-23 Thread Mike Edwards


This isn't quite the way that componentType is intended to work. Let me 
try to explain.

A componentType file is something that is really associated with an 
implementation, not with the component that uses the implementation.  In 
effect, componentType is really a description of the external 
characteristics of the implementation, which can then be configured by 
the component which uses the implementation. (ie a listing of the 
services, references, properties, of the implementation).  Some folks 
have even suggested a better name for the file of implementationInfo, 
just to drive the point home...

In many ways, the ideal situation is where the componentType of an 
implementation is derived through inspection / introspection of the 
implementation artifact(s).  This is generally the case for Java 
classes, for example.

SCA allows for the case where implementation types cannot be 
introspected - and this is where the componentType file comes in.  The 
componentType file allows the developer of the implementation to 
describe the external characteristics of the implementation in an XML 
file.  The componentType file is usually placed in a location associated 
with the implementation artifact(s) (eg in the same directory) and 
usually has a name directly related to the name of the implementation 

So, let me take a guess that the Splice implementation artifact in your 
example is a file called echo.splice in the 
src/test/resources/flowdir/ directory.  In this case, if you need to 
supply a componentType file with this, it could be called 
echo.componentType and placed in that same directory alongside the 
echo.splice file.

Then, when your implementation processor is told to go retrieve the 
echo.splice implementation, you can find the echo.componentType file by 
a simple search in the same directory...

All this assumes that you can't introspect the splice implementations 
for the relevant information, of course...

After all this, I still hope that you can have some tools generate the 
componentType file - it's not much fun building these files by hand.  An 
example where tools do generate the componentType files is in the case 
of C++ implementations - there are annotations in the source code which 
can be read by a compile-time processor and used to generate the 
componentType file at that point, since runtime introspection of C++ 
objects is not feasible.

Happy to help further if I can.

Yours, Mike.

Florian Rosenberg wrote:


I'm writing a component impl type and in my artifact processor I would need
the name attribute from a component defined in the composite file to be
able to use a constistant  resolving mechanism for my componentType files
that describe the component.

component name=FooComponent
  tuscany:implementation.splice baseDir:=src/test/resources/flowdir/
path=echo url=echo contentType=text/plain /
  reference name=... /

Is there a way to get that name (FooComponent) in the read() or resolve()
method of the StAXArtifactProcessor implementation reading the
implementation.splice attribute? The FooComponent.componentType is then
used to describe the component, its references, etc.

 I could not figure out a way to retrieve it, probably I missed something.


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Re: SCA Specifications starting up in OASIS

2007-09-07 Thread Mike Edwards

haleh mahbod wrote:

great idea. It'll make it easier for everyone to find this information.
I'll add it if others agreeing.

+1 from me.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [DAS] Transaction support - a bigger picture question

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


Sorry to cut across the discussion about Transaction support in DAS, but 
are folks aware of the proposal for Transaction support in SCA?

which leads to the entertaining question of how the DAS transaction 
support relates to the SCA transaction support.

The problem at the moment is that the SCA spec group only has an 
unpublished draft of the Transaction support spec.  The intention is to 
publish an updated draft in the near future.

However, I can say that the SCA spec mechanism is based on the use of 
Intents to apply transactional characteristics to SCA components.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Returning complex types from a service

2007-07-15 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm having a bit of trouble understanding exactly what you are trying to 
do.  Could you post some of your code so that we get a better idea of 
what is going on, please?

Yours,  Mike.

Robert Young wrote:


I am running Tuscany within a Tomcat web project and I am getting the
following exception
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

I am guessing this is to do with trying to return a complex type from
one of my services which is being exposed over JSONRPC. In this
situation do I have to use SDO or are there other, simpler options?


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Re: [Java SDO] Sample re-arrangement

2007-07-04 Thread Mike Edwards


Having a central place with detailed descriptions of the samples in an 
organized fashion is a great idea.  But this has nothing to do with the 
structuring on disk, in my opinion.

Some folks will read the detailed docs.  Others will simply get the code 
and start playing.  For the latter folk, the simple / intermediate / 
advanced split is a crude guide, but useful for all that.  It will also 
help sample writers think about the kind of sample that they are 
building - just how much prior knowledge and experience is required in 
order to tackle the sample?  Thinking about samples in terms of graded 
steps is a very good idea.  Cover the basics in one, add features in 
another and get into the rocket science in yet a third.

Yours,  Mike.

haleh mahbod wrote:


As a user, I would like to see a general ample index file that briefly
explains what each sample does rather than the categorization that is
mentioned here since the terms basic, intermediate, etc. are not well
defined and are open to interpretation.  Instead I would like to go to a
central location that I can get enough information to decide which sample
fits my requirements or decide for myself if I am ready to look at a
sample.  For example,
1. 'sample name' demonstrates the following
a) create data object, update, retrieve
b) How to use change history

2. 'sample name' demonstrates the following

my 2 cents.. What do other users think?


On 7/2/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think basic may read better than novice, but otherwise this is a
good idea.

Yours,  Mike.

kelvin goodson wrote:
 I just checked in another sample which I'd be happy to take feedback on
 [1] (output appended as in my previous posts)

 I would like to rearrange the packages of the samples, as I think the
 current arrangement is not very helpful to someone trying to explore 

 (specCodeSnippets, specExampleSecstion andotherSources).   I have
 recently been categorizing the samples with a flag to say whether they
 at the novice, intermediate or advanced level.  I think perhaps this
 be a better way to package the samples too. So I propose to create the


 and move all sample programs out of the current packages into one of
 new packages.

 The javadoc for the samples would still reference the original source
 material where appropriate, so that information wouldn't be lost.



 - Running with commentary level for a novice user-
 - Edit the sample program's constructor argument to one from -
 - in order to alter the level of commentary you are seeing   -


 - Tuscany SDO Java Sample
 org.apache.tuscany.samples.sdo.intermediate.MedicalScenario -
 - This sample is aimed at a intermediate
 user -


 - In this execution of the sample we use Types created -
 - using the SDO API-


 - The DataFactory associated with the scope that the types were created
 within -
 - can be used to create an instance of the Person
 Type -
 - DataFactory dataFactory = scope.getDataFactory();
 - DataObject person1 = dataFactory.create(,
 Person); -



 - The setString() of dataObject method is used to set the properties of
 - new Person DataObject, including a unique identifier reference value
 - for the Person instance.
 - person1.setString(id, 1);
 - person1.setString(name, Joe Johnson Snr.);
 - person1.setString(gender, male););



 - An alternative approach to using

Re: [Java-SCA] Running the example

2007-06-16 Thread Mike Edwards


Are you running with Java 6?  We have had a report of this problem 
previously when people were running Tuscany with Java 6.

Without having checked in detail, I suspect that this problem is caused 
because we build and test Tuscany on Java 5.  In Java 5, the XML stream 
API is not part of the JDK and so Tuscany adds it in through the use of 
the the Woodstox streaming parser.  In Java 6, there is an 
implementation of the XML stream API built into the base JDK.  I suspect 
that there must be a clash between the Woodstox parser and the built-in 
parser.  We shall have to investigate further to find a fix.

In the short run, I'd recommend running Tuscany with some version of Java 5.

Yours,  Mike.

Jean Georges Perrin wrote:


Downloaded SCA v0.9 / Java. When I try the calculator example, I get:

C:\...\\samples\calculatorant run
Buildfile: build.xml

 [java] Exception in thread main Provider could not be instantiated:
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] Java Result: 1

Total time: 12 seconds

I guess I miss something in the classpath, but I am a little lost.


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Re: Simple use case problem

2007-06-05 Thread Mike Edwards


One point to make here is that separate contributions are intended to 
have different addresses, which in a simple file system equates to 
different directories.  If you want multiple composites in the same 
directory, then you should make them part of one contribution, which is 

Yours, Mike.

Patrick Vanhuyse wrote:

Hi Simon,

I removed sca-contibutions.xml from provider. I copied Provider.composite to
consumer/src/main/resource. I add ProviderComposite to the consumer
sca-contribution.xml. And it works.

I have had a look at the code in SCADomain.newInstance(). It loads only one
sca-contribution.xml, the first found by the class loader, I think. To solve
this, it should look at all the sca-contribution.xml (conflict : they are
all in the same folder) from the various jars on the classpath in place of
using only one (depends on the ClassLoader). I don't know if it's possible
(the class loading mechanism is a mystery to me !). Furthermore, there is
the SCA loading mechanism used which is yet a greater mystery.

I will go on with my other tests. Afterwards, if I dare, I will throw myself
into all this loading stuff.

Thanks for your help.


-Message d'origine-
De : Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 30 mai 2007 18:11
À :
Objet : Re: Simple use case problem

Hi Patrick

What is going on here is that the consumer module is not loading the
provider composite. I can make this work by doing the following...

1 - Make the provider composite available to the consumer runtime
  copy the Provider.composite to consumer/src/main/resource
2 - Make the ProviderComposite deployable
  add the ProviderComposite to the consumer

Now I kind of expected to have to do 2 so that the runtime knows that the
composite exists and should be deployed.

However I don't know how to get round 1. I would like to be able to specify
a jar to load alongside the  consumer composite that is loaded. However I
took a look at the code and there seems to be more work to do in making the
runtime and contribution service flexible in this way. All help is
gratefully received if you feel like getting your hands dirty ;-)



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Re: Making the SDO SCA schemas available via internet

2007-02-27 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm working on this for the SCA materials.

We have just had an upgrade of the server that will allow 
us to serve files outside of the Confluence Wiki.  This should allow us 
to place files at the correct URLs implied by the specifications. 
Previously, the server configuration did not allow this at all.

With luck, this will be available by next week.

Yours,  Mike.

Dan Murphy wrote:


I like to keep my (eclispe) workspaces free of red x's (errors) and make 

of content assistance where ever possible. As a result I keep copying the
various SDO and SCA schema files to different projects and workspaces. An
alternative I've tried is to directly reference the schemas location in
subversion, eg 

However, this means that when schemas change existing XML files could 

invalid. For example, SDO 3's schema could introduce a change that is not
backwards compatible.

Is there any desire to fix this by hosting a copy (or linking to a specific
subversion revision) off the main tuscany site url, for example:
Alternatively does (or should) host them somewhere (I can't find
any links). Either way I think it would be a good idea to have SDO and SCA
schemas available directly off the internet...



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Re: Fwd: Closer Involvement with the OSOA Specifications for Tuscany Developers - Update

2006-10-25 Thread Mike Edwards


I need to make an update to my original email about the OSOA Supporters 
group to clarify things.

Anyone who is an employee of any of the member companies of the OSOA 
collaboration does not need to go through the process to sign up as an 
OSOA Supporter.  This is simply because employees are already covered by 
legal agreements signed by your company - so that you can give any 
feedback you like without signing any more forms!

To see which companies are members of the OSOA Collaboration look here:

and here:

If you are an employee and you would like a userid to access the Wiki site, please send an email with your request to:


Yours,  Mike.

haleh mahbod wrote:

Thank you Mike.  This is very good information.

Forwarding your email to tuscany-user mailing list as well.

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Mike Edwards* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: Oct 24, 2006 5:52 AM
Subject: Closer Involvement with the OSOA Specifications for Tuscany 



The Open SOA collaboration, which is working on the SCA specifications
and the SDO specifications, welcomes feedback on the evolving
specifications, particularly from the Tuscany developers who are
actively involved in implementing the specifications.

If you would like to get closer involvement with the evolution of the
specifications, you can now apply to join the OSOA Supporters group.
The OSOA Supporters have a special controlled-access area on the Wiki site, which gives access to the 
minutes of the regular

specification conference calls and which provides a discussion Forum
which allows for discussion of any topics relating to the specifications
and to the issues that are currently under discussion within the

To become at OSOA Supporter, please go to the following page on the OSOA

You will be asked to sign a simple Feedback license - this is similar in
nature to the ICLA agreement that you must sign in order to contribute
code to Apache.  The OSOA collaboration specifications are published
under generous Royalty-Free terms and the collaboration needs to ensure
that any detailed feedback that you give on the specifications is
donated in a way that meets those terms.

Individuals may join the OSOA Supporters group as well as companies.

Yours,  Mike Edwards

Chair of SCA Assembly Specification Working Group

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