[agi] Limitations ... There will always be some...

2005-01-24 Thread DGoe
There will always be some limitations... to that all that can be done is optomize and move on till the higher speed links come to the web users. Although any group might be able to team up with those that are offering high speed web services and help them get customers and help our cause

Re: RE: [agi] Lojban and AI

2005-03-13 Thread DGoe
The basis of any Artificial Intelligence is learning how to learn. Learning to perceive, reason and act towards a defined goal. Many of the methodologies tried and even perfected will learn over time. The question now is to start the methodology process forward. The technology will develop over

[agi] Hard Takeoff Modules?

2005-05-20 Thread DGoe
Does anyone have a list of Seed modules for a Hard-Takeoff or know of a web site that has a list? From : Lukasz Kaiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Is computation a good concept for describing AI software?

Re: Re: [agi] Hard Takeoff Modules?

2005-05-23 Thread DGoe
Yes I do believe Modularity as part of the first Seed AI. Seed AI should then allow its own redesign and reorganization. Your mentioning of the structure/dynamics might foretell of a new or modified AI compiler-concept generator-organizer-System Analyzer for algorithms, structures and dynamics

[agi] (AGI) Start up cost...

2005-06-11 Thread DGoe
Even a simple start up with some expert systems and a good knowledge base could possible start to predict economics of markets, which could be capitalized on to cover further development cost. Once the accuracy of the predictions become above a certain point then you will have many

[agi] AGI vs Selective AI projects...

2005-06-11 Thread DGoe
As AGI develops selective AI projects can be a side issue and those in-house learning between the two projects reinforcing even a better AGI project as the AGI project will have the benefit of the Selective AI expertise and experience. Devising search techniques that will have a better chance

[agi] Development cost...

2005-06-11 Thread DGoe
Drug companies pour millions and sometimes more into drug research... This takes a large expected return to cover the cost of development and testing. Dan G From : J.Andrew Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re:

Re: RE: [agi] (AGI) Toddlers hold promisses like AGI

2005-06-12 Thread DGoe
Investors want the most amount of return for the least amount of investment, and little risk. Seems funny that so many would benefit by AGI thru Health, Wealth and the Wisdom of AGI but no one wants to fund it. But the old axiom of build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to

[agi] Functioinally Interwoven AGI

2005-06-12 Thread DGoe
The design space of the future for AGI is the many specialized AGI's running on many computers and the feedback from those being functionally interwoven into a new and better AGI. Dan G From : J.Andrew Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] To :

Re: Re: [agi] What is the current state of the art in automated reasoning/automated theorem proving?

2005-06-17 Thread Dgoe
I do believe your talking about multiple modules.. those of,Perception,Reasoning,Actions, Perception modules recognizes and or understands the differences between modules... Reasoning is the logic behind any possable changes in those modules and Actions is the goal based direction someone

Re: [agi] IBM building a brain.

2005-06-28 Thread DGoe
Regretfully sir this may be worse as those who seem to have higher control of our society may gain more control.. Some even have more control with out AGI.. Then again this might level the playing field for some. I'm sure the the argument can be made for both cases. There may be a hidden

[agi] Gauging Knowledge and Intelligence

2005-07-08 Thread DGoe
Can any one tell me about how to gauge the Knowledge, Intelligence quality and quantity in AI programs? Dan G. --- To unsubscribe, change your address, or temporarily deactivate your subscription, please go to http://v2.listbox.com/member/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [agi] DC Future Salon starting up

2005-08-15 Thread DGoe
Ben, Maybe you and your friends that chat will pass the substantive issues discussed back to the rest of those that can't make the meeting... Dan G From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Listbox. Com

Re: RE: [agi] DC Future Salon starting up...Subject... QuanityQuality

2005-08-15 Thread DGoe
Ben: Maybe your chat group would take up the subject and inform the web group about the gauging of Knowledge and Intelligence quality and quantity? If anyone would like to comment before the meeting please do so... this only helps Ben frame the issues when in discussion with others. Keep

[agi] Knowledge and learning.

2005-09-12 Thread DGoe
There is a distinction between gathering known knowledge and representing that known knowledge within a knowledge base of a given structure and learning Knowledge is generally facts. The Total Known Knowledge and Machine Known Knowledge representation approach a ratio of 1... The ratio

[agi] Computer cluster performance Cost structure...

2005-09-29 Thread DGoe
Maybe someone can inform the AGI group about Grid, Distributed Processing and other Cluster Technology state of the art developing and performance cost structure. Dan Goe From : Eugen Leitl [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com

[agi] Re: AGI Design? Power of the Cell Broadband Engine]

2005-11-27 Thread DGoe
If the AGI community could benefit from Cell Broadband maybe they could come up with their own design... What attributes would the AGI community want in their Cell Broadband Engine? Dan Goe From : Tony Lofthouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] To :

[agi] New CPU Chips for 2006... more power?

2005-11-27 Thread DGoe
The rate of advancement of chips and the duel core has tipped the scale of the cpu MIPS What chips hold the record today and what is forecast for 2006? And what system or systems will be the interface to scaling up/interconnecting for the AI need? Dan Goe

[agi] Open Source is like letting the AI Genie out of the bottle...

2005-12-10 Thread DGoe
Ben, I agree with you Open Source is like letting the AI Genie out of the bottle. The power of human and transhuman AI will be so emence. The Socio-Economics of many will change as AI goes open source degree by degree. Any good AI should be able to do financial optomization of Economics

Re: Re: [agi] Who's watching us?

2005-12-19 Thread DGoe
Ben, Those that are watching are trying to pick up on good methodology and not for any subversive. Seems the U.S. Government is investing heavy into artificial intelligence... maybe they can apply it to the Artificial Stupidy of some Congress memmbers. Dan Goe

Re: Re: [agi] Google aims for AGI (purportedly).. Performance is what counts..

2006-01-14 Thread DGoe
Do you think the Google AGI entity would answer if you ask what stocks are going up tomorrow and with what level of accuracy or probability? How about asking where and when the big earthquake will hit in California. Gauging AI's performance is going to be one of the major test of AI. Dan

[agi] Performance is what counts...Financial Economics

2006-01-14 Thread DGoe
Searching is a part of AI... But is not deep logic like Chess... Is IBM Deep Blue just a look up machine or really perceiving and logical reasoning with an output of action.. the next move. Of course, we do not know if people play chess well, we only know that some play better than others. Any

[agi] Hardware and software continues to evolve...

2006-03-23 Thread Dgoe
Hardware and software continues to evolve... Samsung Now Offering Flash-based Disk To Customers Compared with hard disk drives, flash-based drives run silently, access data faster than hard-disk drives, use less battery power, weigh less and are more durable, according to Samsung.

Re: [agi] Mind.Forth in Win32Forth

2006-03-29 Thread DGoe
Maybe someone can inform me of any web sites that have a listing of code or psedo code of all types from general programs, Subroutines and Functions to high level AI... Or if you know of any books... Dan Goe From : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A. T.

[agi] Time Series From Seed AI to Trans-Human AI

2006-05-06 Thread DGoe
Maybe someone has some information regarding the time series evolution from Seed AI to Trans-Human AI I was trying to get some idea optimistic versus pessimistic time series per some MIPS rate to get some idea of the learning curve versus time. Dan Goe

Re: [agi] Logic and Knowledge Representation-- Funny Language

2006-05-07 Thread DGoe
I believe there will be a subset of words for logic as the english language and the definitions can be interpreted in different ways leading to false determinations. I am sure the interpretaions of many languages might lead to false determinations. What being said or what was printed was

[agi] intuition = Developing Trate?

2006-05-10 Thread DGoe
Maybe Intuition is a developing trate that has given those that have this unique trate an edge in their environment? Dan Goe From : [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] intuition [was: ... [was: ...]] Date : Wed, 10

Re: Re: [agi] Re: Superrationality causality

2006-05-26 Thread DGoe
I am trying to understand this issue... Isn't Causality Decision Theory the basis of legal law Decision? Someone was the Cause of the accident therefore they were the Cause of the accident... even some courts award based upon the mediating circumstances of those causes... Who gets what part

[agi] machine learning... Gauging any discreat configuration

2006-05-29 Thread DGoe
Gauging the value of any AI test run. How do you gauge or score the performance value of any test run of any AI system? Should you also score each module? Dan Goe From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re:

[agi] Treating the symptoms and not the cause- Knowing Causality

2006-05-31 Thread DGoe
IMO, it seems common both in governments and in doctors to treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause... I.e. your cold flu symptoms are treated with Sinus medication to drain your sinus pressure, something for aches pains and fever, and something to relieve your cough. In time, your

[agi] Largest test to date?.. Data there vs data not there..

2006-05-31 Thread DGoe
What is the largest test to date of Novamate on a distributed network of machines? Is Novamate designing itself? Dan Goe From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Data there vs data not there, Limits

[agi] Estimate of NM grade time table? Largest test to date?

2006-05-31 Thread DGoe
Do you have a projection of the optomistic and pesimistic times of when NM will achieve Trans-Human intelligence? How long before NM gets to first grade? 12th grade? collage? Phd Status? Dan Goe From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[agi] System Requirements to run?.. Estimate of NM grade time table?

2006-05-31 Thread DGoe
What will be the minimum and optimum system requirements to run (young-child level) NM? Will you sell NM or sell the services that NM can offer? Dan Goe From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi]

[agi] Universal Test for AI?...... AGI bottlenecks

2006-06-02 Thread DGoe
What is the universal test for the ability of any given AI SYSTEM to Perceive Reason and Act? Is there such a test? What is the closest test known to date? Dan Goe From : William Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com

[agi] Other approches to Seed AI? .... Numenta: article on Jeff Hawkins' AGI approach

2006-06-02 Thread DGoe
What are the other methods of approach to Seed AI? Dan Goe From : Mike Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Numenta: article on Jeff Hawkins' AGI approach Date : Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:54:31 -0400 The theoretical

[agi] Limits to Size and Resources...Procedural vs declarative knowledge

2006-06-02 Thread DGoe
The question remains of the limits of MB/GB size and resource requirements. Execution time for a given process There are limits... Does anyone have any idea of the size of Executable code of fully developed AI System versus a seed AI system? Dan Goe

[agi] Performance of - procedural vs declarative knowledge

2006-06-05 Thread DGoe
Isn’t it best to evaluate the performance of any given AI system and subsytems based upon time or instructions executed to arrive at the most cost effective and optimal AI System? I seem to prefer the instruction based system performance methodology. Then as platforms and systems change,

[agi] Hostile elements and AI wars... Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases

2006-06-07 Thread DGoe
There will always be some hostile, virus or Trojan spreading elements. I can envision AI wars. AI can do a lot for mankind, yet the development may get bogged down in more security versus productive development. Interesting, very interesting... Dan Goe

[agi] Science flourishes on criticism. Dangerous propaganda crumbles before it...Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases

2006-06-08 Thread DGoe
Your statement... Society must enforce vaccination for the good of all. The first rule of AI is do no harm This is may not always be the intent of political and non-rational thinking of government officials. Some people do not respond to vaccination as others do.. My guess is this is a

[agi] Friendly AI in an unfriendly world... AI to the future socieities.... Four axioms (WAS Two draft papers . . . .)

2006-06-10 Thread DGoe
If your AI was operating on the web it might find itself at a sever disadvantage with all of those con artist... Your AI might lose bad... While being friendly might be nice. I think that is a vulnerable position to being taken advantage of... If you are in a war game-simulation or real

[agi] How do you evaluate?... Reward Punishment? .... Motivational system

2006-06-12 Thread DGoe
How do you score any given AI System test run? Dan Goe From : James Ratcliff [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Reward versus Punishment? Motivational system Date : Mon, 12 Jun 2006 06:13:45 -0700 (PDT)

[agi] Building in Biases....Friendly AI in an unfriendly world... AI to the future socieities

2006-06-12 Thread DGoe
I would assume any one builder of any AI system would unconsciously build in his own belief system and understandingly his biases. This being seed AI, over time this might be mutated depending on the designers influence and tolerance toward where the AI System might be directed or

[agi] Right and wrong good or bad... Reward Punishment?

2006-06-12 Thread DGoe
Generally, we reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Doing so with AI would seem to be to be most wise to direct the learning and development to maximize knowing what is good and what is bad. Other wise the AI system does not know what a bad module might be for not being informed by

[agi] Developing AI... Worthwhile time sinks was

2006-06-12 Thread DGoe
Wouldn't evolutionary seed AI find the parallel process and test that for advanatages? Dan Goe From : William Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Worthwhile time sinks was Re: [agi] list vs. forum Date : Mon, 12 Jun

[agi] Advantages Disadvantages... How the Brain Represents Abstract Knowledge

2006-06-13 Thread DGoe
What are the advantages and distadvantages to predicate logic and NNs? Dan Goe From : Yan King Yin [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] How the Brain Represents Abstract Knowledge Date : Wed, 14 Jun 2006 04:28:36

[agi] Robo Sapien.... Inducing savant-like counting abilities with rTMS

2006-06-16 Thread DGoe
The Science channel(193 Dishnetwork) has some shows that some of our AGI people might like. Sat: Incredible Robots-The Evolution of Robots. The brain processes Visual images. Galapagos: Beyond Darwin. Sun: Some Physics shows: Part of the Universe is Missing: String theory,

[agi] Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-05 Thread DGoe
Does anyone know where I might find information on Fitness algorithms? How does one determine the level of Intelligence of any given AI System configuration? What are the best methods of computing algorithm fitness or intelligence? Dan Goe

[agi] Flow charts? Source Code? .. Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-05 Thread DGoe
Eugen: If intelligence is ability to solve hard tasks, I use the singinst.org web site def: www.singinst.org/seedAI/seedAI.html Self-understanding: The ability to read and comprehend source code; the ability to understand the function of a code fragment or the purpose of a module; the

[agi] Measuerabel Fitness Functions?.... Flow charts? Source Code? .. Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-06 Thread DGoe
I am new to AI. Just trying to draw on the knowledge to see what has been done and can be done, to better understand the developing technology. I do believe the fitness function(s) key to directing AI evolution. Dan Goe From : Eugen Leitl

Re: Re: [agi] Measuerabel Fitness Functions?.... Flow charts? Source Code? .. Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-06 Thread DGoe
Thanks, Russell. From : Russell Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Measuerabel Fitness Functions? Flow charts? Source Code? .. Computing Intelligence? How too? . ping Date : Thu, 6 Jul

Thanks James.. [agi] Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-13 Thread DGoe
James Many thanks for the link on Computing Intelligence. Dan Goe From : James Ratcliff [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Computing Intelligence? How too? . ping Date : Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:44:26

[agi] Thanks James... Computing Intelligence? How too? ................. ping

2006-07-13 Thread DGoe
James, Many thanks for the link on Computing Intelligence. Dan Goe From : James Ratcliff [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Computing Intelligence? How too? . ping Date : Thu, 13 Jul 2006

[agi] AI Processing power needed? Processing speed for core intelligence in human brain

2006-07-14 Thread DGoe
What is the CPU processing needed for AGI? Dan Goe From : Ben Goertzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : agi@v2.listbox.com Subject : Re: [agi] Processing speed for core intelligence in human brain Date : Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:14:57 -0400 Hi, On a