[matplotlib-devel] Mixed-mode rendering

2008-05-03 Thread Eric Bruning

On trunk, there is mixed-mode rendering support built in to (at least) the
SVG and PDF backends, though there are no calls to start/stop_rasterizing()
that utilize the raster mode. I've implemented mode switching for
those backends,
and would appreciate feedback on what I've done.

There are two modes that might drive a switch to raster for some artists:
1. User-driven specification of known complex artitsts.
2. Automatic detection of artist complexity (by type or vertex count).
The first mode is what I coded up, so I'll discuss it below.

A list of artists to rasterize is passed as a draw_raster kwarg to savefig,
which percolates down into print_* in the backend-specific figure canvas.
When the backend's canvas creates a renderer, the draw_raster list is placed
as an attribute on the renderer instance. I figured that the renderer should
be responsible for transporting the list of artists needing rasterization,
since it's at the renderer level that pixel vs. vector matters.

The switch to/from raster mode was made in Axes.draw, where the artists for
each axes are looped over. In the artist loop, I check if the artist to be
rendered is listed in the draw_raster attribute on the renderer instance. If
so, the appropriate calls are made to start and stop rasterizing.

Sample usage:
f.savefig('test.pdf', draw_raster=(p,))

svn diff at

Eric Bruning
Graduate Research Assistant, Meteorology, Univ. Oklahoma
As of 6/1/2008, Research Assoc., Univ. Maryland/CICS and NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
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Re: [matplotlib-devel] TextCollection

2008-07-22 Thread Eric Bruning

On Jul 22, 2008, at 6:26 PM, Ryan May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Hunter wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:35 PM, Ryan May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone ever thought about creating a TextCollection class?  The
 purpose would be similar to the other collections, to group a  
 bunch of
 text objects with similar properties.  This probably couldn't  
 from Collection as of now though, since Collection assumes things  
 edgecolor and facecolor.  The bigger question to me is, could the
 backends make use of this to any improvement?  Or would this simply
 serve as an API to eliminate having to loop yourself (which would  
 much make this useless).

 My own personal use case is (once again) in meteorology, where we do
 station plots.  This involves printing the actual value of observed
 variables relative to the location of the station.  This isn't  
 hard to
 do right now (especially since I have offset_copy back, thanks  
 I just wasn't sure if the batch functionality of a Collection might
 serve some purpose to the users at large.

 I've thought of it many times and it would definitely be useful, eg
 for tick labels.  Treating every label as a separate instance
 definitely slows things down.

 Ok, good to know.  I'll put it on my todo list then.  Do you think  
 can inherit from Collection at all?  It seemed like a lot of the  
 in the Collection base class were specific to polygons or other  
 and don't really make sense in the case of text.


There's some precedent for treating text as a collection of paths; for  
instance, many eps exporters allow 'as path' or 'as text' as options.

I think most vector drawing apps treat the text color as a face color,  
and support an additional edge color for doing outline effects. So on  
that conceptual basis a collection seems appropriate, even if the  
renderer treats it differently than a polygon.


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Scale independent drawing

2008-07-22 Thread Eric Bruning
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Eric Firing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ryan May wrote:

 I'll continue my current flood of emails to the list. :)  I'm finally
 getting back to my work on Skew-T plots, and I have a semi-working
 implementation (attached.)  It runs, and as is, plots up some of the
 grid, with the x-value grid lines skewed 45 degrees to the right (as
 they should be.)  The problem is as you resize the plot horizontally,
 some weird things happen.  First, some of the lines that start overlaid
 end up separating as you expand the plot.  The difference is between
 what is added using ax.plot and what is added using ax.vlines.  The
 former adds Line2D objects while the latter adds a LineCollection which
 is holding path objects.  I'm really not sure what's going on there. I'm
 not done checking it out yet, but I'm curious if anyone has any ideas
 off the top of their head.

 The second issue, which is more pressing, is when you resize vertically,
 the axes limits of the plot don't change (good), but unfortunately the
 lines don't stay connected to their lower y-coordinate in data space
 (bad).  I'm really needing to draw things in a coordinate system that's
 independant of the data scale but also doesn't depend on the aspect
 ratio of the axes, so that I can get lines (and data plots) where the x
 gridlines are always at a 45 degree angle and the lower Y-value point
 stays fixed.  By problem right now is that while I can find the lower
 left corner in pixel space and use that to do the proper adjustments,
 this changes when you resize.  This changing is especially important in
 the y-direction.  What I need is either of:

 1) Axes space adjusted for aspect ratio (and updated with resizes)
 2) Pixel space relative to some corner of the axes

 Or something similar that I don't know about.  Any thoughts, or do I
 just need to come up with some magical combination of transforms that
 works?  You can see what I have so far in my attached file.

 Ryan, based only on your description of the problems, and of what you
 need, I think the answer, or at least part of it, may be in good old
 quiver.  Look at the way the transform is being generated depending on
 the units chosen, and note that preserving a specified angle on the page
 is part of it.  Also note that the transform has to be regenerated on
 resize events, so a custom draw method is required.

 (Mike D. translated my original quiver code to use his transforms

 It seems like there should be an easier-to-use and more general way to
 do these sorts of things, and maybe there is--or maybe it can be ginned up.

 This reminds me of a thread a long time ago regarding adding hooks so
 that classes could register methods to be executed before their artists
 are rendered but after things like window and axes sizes have been

Since I'm 1. A meteorologist and 2. responsible for the draw-hook
thread, I see I'm implicated here :)

The utility of the before/after draw hook comes in when you want to do
something system wide on all draw events. If the SkewT needs to do
some setup before the Axes draw, a simple override of draw() seems the
better route, since the need here would be class specific.

That said, I was inspired by this to add on a bit to my previous hook
solution, but that belongs in a separate thread.

-Eric B

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

[matplotlib-devel] Before/after callback registry decorator

2008-07-22 Thread Eric Bruning
I've expanded a bit on my previous solution for pre/post draw method
callbacks to add a registry which can be used to connect up arbitrary
callback functions.

The solution above is easy to adapt to other functions that might need
a callback, such as (to pick a random example) set_xlim.

See the attached example, which shows the functionality in action.
I've also shown how to handle the calls to start/stop raster in the
renderer that were my previous use case.

-Eric B
from matplotlib.cbook import CallbackRegistry
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

class Hooks(object):

def __init__(self):
signals = ('before_draw', 'after_draw')
self.callbacks = CallbackRegistry(signals)

def before_after_draw(self, draw):

Decorator for Artist.draw method. Provides routines
that run before and after the draw call. The before and after functions
are useful for changing artist-dependant renderer attributes or making
other setup function calls, such as starting and flushing a mixed-mode

def before(artist, renderer):
self.callbacks.process('before_draw', artist, renderer)

def after(artist, renderer):
self.callbacks.process('after_draw', artist, renderer)

def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer):
before(artist, renderer)
draw(artist, renderer)
after(artist, renderer)

# safe wrapping to exactly replicate anything we haven't overridden above
draw_wrapper.__name__ = draw.__name__
draw_wrapper.__dict__ = draw.__dict__
draw_wrapper.__doc__  = draw.__doc__
return draw_wrapper

def greeter(artist, renderer):
print 'Hello, ', artist, '. You will be rendered tonight by', renderer

def benediction(artist, renderer):
print 'Good night, ', artist, '. You were rendered tonight by', renderer

def start_raster_mode(artist, renderer):
if artist.get_rasterized():

def stop_raster_mode(artist, renderer):
if artist.get_rasterized():

hooks = Hooks()
hooks.callbacks.connect('before_draw', greeter)
hooks.callbacks.connect('after_draw', benediction)
hooks.callbacks.connect('before_draw', start_raster_mode)
hooks.callbacks.connect('after_draw', stop_raster_mode)

class WrappedAxes(Axes):
 In real life, the Axes.draw() method would be decorated directly, 
but this serves for the purposes of this demo. 

def draw(self, renderer):
super(WrappedAxes, self).draw(renderer)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes(WrappedAxes(fig, (0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8)))
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[matplotlib-devel] Alternate lasso: click to form polygon

2008-07-29 Thread Eric Bruning
I wanted something more precise (and easier on the carpal tunnel) than
the included Lasso widget. Inspired by the existing Lasso, I forked
out an alternate approach that creates a polygon with mouse clicks and
returns a list of vertices to a callback function.

See the attached for a demo. It's been tested with WxAgg running off
recent svn. I'm using idle_event, which isn't mentioned in the docs
for the released version.

If there's interest, I'll put together a patch to add this to widgets.py.

Eric B
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.widgets import Widget

class PolyLasso(Widget):
A lasso widget that allows the user to define a lasso region by
clicking to form a polygon.

def __init__(self, ax, callback=None, 

Create a new lasso.

*ax* is the axis on which to draw

*callback* is a function that will be called with arguments (*ax*, *line*, *verts*).
*verts* is a list of (x,y) pairs that define the polygon, with the first and 
last entries equal.

*line_to_next* controls whether or not a line is drawn to the current 
cursor position as the polygon is created

*useblit* = *True* is the only thorougly tested option.

self.axes = ax
self.figure = ax.figure
self.canvas = self.figure.canvas
self.useblit = useblit
self.line_to_next = line_to_next
if useblit:
self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox)

self.verts = []
self.line = None
self.callback = callback
self.cids = []
self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.onrelease))
self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove))
self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.ondraw))

def ondraw(self, event):
 draw_event callback, to take care of some blit artifacts 
self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox)
if self.line:

def do_callback(self, event):
 idle_event callback after polygon is finalized. 
# Clear out callbacks. 
for cid in self.cids:
self.callback(self.axes, self.line, self.verts)

def cleanup(self):
 Remove the lasso line. 
# Clear out callbacks
for cid in self.cids:

def finalize(self):
 Called when user makes the final right click 
# all done with callbacks pertaining to adding verts to the polygon
for cid in self.cids:
self.cids = []

# Greater than three verts, since a triangle
# has a duplicate point to close the poly.
if len(self.verts)3:
# Matplotlib will not draw the closed polygon until we step completely
# out of this routine. It is desirable to see the closed polygon on screen
# in the event that *callback* takes a long time. So, delay callback until
# we get an idle event, which will signal that the closed polygon has also
# been drawn. 
self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('idle_event', self.do_callback))
print 'Need at least three vertices to make a polygon'

def draw_update(self):
 Adjust the polygon line, and blit it to the screen 
if self.useblit:

def onmove(self, event):
 Update the next vertex position 
if self.line == None: return
self.verts[-1] = ((event.xdata, event.ydata))
if self.line_to_next:

def onrelease(self, event):
 User clicked the mouse. Add a vertex or finalize depending on mouse button. 
if self.verts is None: return
if event.inaxes != self.axes: return

if event.button == 3:
# Right click - close the polygon
# Set the dummy point to the first point
self.verts[-1] = self.verts[0]

# The rest pertains to left click only
if event.button != 1: return

if self.line == None:
# Deal with the first 

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Native backend for Mac OS X

2008-10-28 Thread Eric Bruning
Nice work ... and an ambitious effort.

I've gotten it running, and am a bit perplexed by some of the
performance I'm seeing. Specifically, the following bit takes well
over twice as long to run as does WxAgg. Does this align with others'

The only difference I detect is that the Mac backend puts up a window
on the call to plt.figure, while WxAgg waits until the call to show().


# for testing macosx backend only
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Christopher Barker
 Michiel de Hoon wrote:
 I wrote a backend for matplotlib on Mac OS X. This is a native
 backend for Mac OS X

 very nice!

 4) One drawback compared to the existing cocoa-agg backend is that
 the latter allows easy integration of matplotlib into a larger cocoa
 application, whereas my backend only cares about matplotlib.

 well, as far as many of us are concerned, matplotlib IS an embeddable
 plotting package. I suppose you could say that your backend only cares
 about pylab.

 Is there any possibility to embed it in another app? I know that wx, for
 instance, can pass a Window handle to other libs, so that you can have
 that window managed and drawn by other code, while wx handles the rest
 of the app -- would this kind of thing be possible with your code with
 wx, and Cocoa, and QT, and ? I imagine GTK would be off the table as it
 is using X11, though I suppose if you are using Apple's X11, it could
 even be possible there.

 Whereas matplotlib has a vastly superior range of high-level plotting
  capabilities, pygist excelled at sheer speed. This was achieved by
 having three backends (Windows, Mac OS X, X11) written in C for
 optimal performance,

 I'm still curious where all this speed comes from. MPL already uses Agg
 for a lot, and it's generally reported to be as fast as many native
 drawing APIs (though maybe not quartz?)


 Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

 Emergency Response Division
 NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
 Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception


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 Matplotlib-devel mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] SVG clickable images

2008-10-30 Thread Eric Bruning
Another use case in favor of implementation of the URL property at the
artist level:

Consider a map with scatter points representing geolocated photos that
can be viewed at some URL. Attach a mouse click on the artist to the
following code:
import webbrowser
And you have an interactive map that lets you grab remote data.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:02 AM, John Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:10 AM, Michael Droettboom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the specific case of bar(), one may still be forced to manually set
 urls on each Rectangle if one wants those urls to be different.  But
 this is no different than the current situation wrt facecolor or any
 other attribute, since bar is not written on top of Collection.

 better yet would be to replace the list of rectangles with a patch
 collection, do the same for pie, etc.  Then a single URL on the
 collection would apply to the batch.  This would break a fair amount
 of code, but we might be able to minimize the pain by providing an
 iter interface and a getitem interface to the collection, which warns
 and does the right thing.  So users who did

 # bars was a list of Rectangles, now it is a PatchCollection
 for bar in bars:

 would get working code and a warning telling them to just do
 bars.set_facecolors instead.

 And, yes, the example is *very cool*


 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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 Matplotlib-devel mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Matplotlib-devel mailing list

[matplotlib-devel] Loss of filled vs. stroked distinction by Collections

2008-12-11 Thread Eric Bruning
I think of artists as having visual properties that persist (e.g.,
filled vs. outlined, a colormap with min and max values) even as data
associated with the artist is changed. In the edge case described
below, this doesn't seem to hold true.

I have code that animates a scatter plot by sub-selecting the data
stored in a collection artist. In cases where some frames contain no
data, the scatter artist's data is temporarily empty. On subsequent
frames (once there is data again) some of the visual properties my
filled point becomes an outlined point, as in the code below.

# Filled single point with no outline
sc = scatter([1],[1],c=[1], edgecolors='none')

# Cache the data


# No data, so nothing shown. No problem.

# Now restore the original data

# Outlined single point with no fill

The fix probably has to do with Collection.update_scalarmappable.
When set_array([ ]) happens,
len(self._facecolors)  0, therefore
self._facecolors = to_rgba([  ]),
When set_array([1]) restores data,
len(self._facecolors) == 0, therefore
self._edgecolors = self.to_rgba([1])

Should is_filled vs. is_stroked be preserved in this case? If so, is
there a more elegant fix than to add is_filled and is_stroked
properties that are checked by update_scalarmappable?


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Loss of filled vs. stroked distinction by Collections

2008-12-15 Thread Eric Bruning
Thanks for the fix - works for me on this afternoon's SVN.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 Eric Bruning wrote:

 I think of artists as having visual properties that persist (e.g.,
 filled vs. outlined, a colormap with min and max values) even as data
 associated with the artist is changed. In the edge case described
 below, this doesn't seem to hold true.

 I have code that animates a scatter plot by sub-selecting the data
 stored in a collection artist. In cases where some frames contain no
 data, the scatter artist's data is temporarily empty. On subsequent
 frames (once there is data again) some of the visual properties my
 filled point becomes an outlined point, as in the code below.

 # Filled single point with no outline
 sc = scatter([1],[1],c=[1], edgecolors='none')

 # Cache the data


 # No data, so nothing shown. No problem.

 # Now restore the original data

 # Outlined single point with no fill

 The fix probably has to do with Collection.update_scalarmappable.
 When set_array([ ]) happens,
len(self._facecolors)  0, therefore
self._facecolors = to_rgba([  ]),
 When set_array([1]) restores data,
len(self._facecolors) == 0, therefore
self._edgecolors = self.to_rgba([1])

 Should is_filled vs. is_stroked be preserved in this case? If so, is
 there a more elegant fix than to add is_filled and is_stroked
 properties that are checked by update_scalarmappable?

 I don't see a better way, so I implemented your suggestion.


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Native backend for Mac OS X

2008-12-17 Thread Eric Bruning
Hi Michiel,

+1 to Chris Barker's request for information on where Agg makes extra
calls to draw(). The 20% speedup in scatter performance is nice, and
is clearly related to Agg.

Any idea why the pcolormesh example is so much slower in Mac OS X than TkAgg?

Thanks for your continued work on this.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 5:52 AM, John Hunter jdh2...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Michiel,

 This looks great -- in particular I am intrigued by the final timing
 results which show your backend 12 times faster than tkagg.  I am not
 sure where this speedup is coming from -- do you have some ideas?
 Because you are creating lots-o-subplots in that example, there is a
 lot of overhead at the python layer (many axes, many ticks, etc) so I
 don't see how a faster backend could generate such a significant
 improvement.  What kind of timings do you see if you issue a plot
 rather than bar call in that example?  One thing about bar in
 particular is that we draw lots of separate rectangles, each with thie
 own gc, and it has been on my wishlist for some time to do this as a
 collection.  If you are handling gc creation, etc, in C, that may
 account for a big part of the difference.

 Since the new macosx backend was released in 0.98.5, I also need to
 decide whether this patch belongs on the branch, and hence will get
 pushed out as early as today in a bugfix release when some changes JJ
 and Michael are working on are ready, or the trunk, in which case it
 could be months.  In favor of the trunk: this is more of a feature
 enhancement than a bugfix, and patches to the branch should be
 bugfixes with an eye to stability of the released code, though a good
 argument could be made that this is a bugfix.  In favor of the branch:
 it is brand new code advertised as beta in 0.98.5 and so it is
 unlikely that anyone is using it seriously yet, and since it is beta,
 we should get as much of it out there ASAP so folks can test and pound
 on it. I'm in favor of branch, but I wanted to bring this up here
 since we are fairly new to the branch/trunk release maintenance game
 and want to get some input and provide some color about which patches
 should go where, especially in gray areas like this.


 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Michiel de Hoon mjldeh...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear all,

 I have now implemented the draw_path_collection, draw_quad_mesh, and 
 draw_markers methods in the Mac OS X native backend (see patch 2179017 at
  Some timings are below. In terms of raw drawing speed, the native backend 
 can be either faster or slower than agg. On the other hand, the native 
 backend can be considerably faster if the agg backend uses many calls to 
 draw(); the native backend can avoid these superfluous because it has 
 complete control over the event loop (see the third example below).
 # Timings in seconds
 # n Mac OS X  TkAgg
 # 2  2  6
 # 3  3 23
 # 4  5 66

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[matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-02-19 Thread Eric Bruning
I just updated to the latest svn, and unveiled a bug that's evident
when using mixed-mode rendering in the PDF backend. I'm suspect I'm
the only one running my patch that enables set_rasterized on a
per-artist basis, so I'm the only one that's seeing it. :) Artists
that are left in vector mode are plotted correctly, while artists that
are rasterized are squished down toward the lower left corner of the

Looking at the svn log, I suspect it's the changes to the path
simplification code (r6847) doing something funky at the transforms
level. Is that the right place to start looking? Any tips on how to
track this down?


Sample code to reproduce the problem:

import numpy
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplot, get_cmap, scatter, colorbar, show
basecolors = get_cmap('gist_yarg')
colormap, normer = basecolors, None #LogNorm()
x = y = c = numpy.arange(10) +1
dummy = scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=colormap)#, norm=normer)
cbar = colorbar(dummy)#, spacing='proportional',ticks=isolevels.levels)

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Re: [matplotlib-devel] File format for plots

2009-03-03 Thread Eric Bruning
 One of the mpl backends is svg; can you use something like Inkscape to
 make the plot adjustments you are talking about?

 Eric [F]

I'll second this recommendation - indeed, it's my default workflow
(except that I use Illustrator). By definition, vector image formats
contain all the data needed to (re)make the plot. Everything can be
rescaled, line weights changed, colors modified, etc.

-Eric B

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-03-23 Thread Eric Bruning
Hi Jae-Joon,

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Jae-Joon Lee lee.j.j...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Eric,

 Have you find a solution for your problem?
 I recently encountered a similar problem.
 In my case, the images (I'm rasterizing the pcolormesh) are in wrong
 size if the output dpi is other than 72.
 And I guess this is related with the changes Jouni made in revision 6730.

 So, can you see if you have a correct output with dpi=72?
 If that's the case, can you try the attached patch and see if it
 solves your problem (should work with dpi other than 72).

I hadn't found a solution (other than rendering to svg), so thanks for
waking up this thread. I can confirm that I get the correct output
when I set dpi=72.

 I don't quite like my solution but it seems to work.
 It passes over the figure instance when initializing the
 MixedRenderer, and let the renderer change the dpi of the figure when
 changing the backend.
 I hope some other developer who better understands the dpi thing take
 a look and come up with a better solution.

I'll try to take a look at this later this afternoon. I agree that
someone with more knowledge should take a look. The SVG backend seems
to just ignore the dpi setting and forces 72 dpi across the board,
which is why I was able to use it as a workaround.




 On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Eric Bruning eric.brun...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just updated to the latest svn, and unveiled a bug that's evident
 when using mixed-mode rendering in the PDF backend. I'm suspect I'm
 the only one running my patch that enables set_rasterized on a
 per-artist basis, so I'm the only one that's seeing it. :) Artists
 that are left in vector mode are plotted correctly, while artists that
 are rasterized are squished down toward the lower left corner of the

 Looking at the svn log, I suspect it's the changes to the path
 simplification code (r6847) doing something funky at the transforms
 level. Is that the right place to start looking? Any tips on how to
 track this down?


 Sample code to reproduce the problem:

 import numpy
 from matplotlib.pyplot import subplot, get_cmap, scatter, colorbar, show
 basecolors = get_cmap('gist_yarg')
 colormap, normer = basecolors, None #LogNorm()
 x = y = c = numpy.arange(10) +1
 dummy = scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=colormap)#, norm=normer)
 cbar = colorbar(dummy)#, spacing='proportional',ticks=isolevels.levels)

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-03-24 Thread Eric Bruning
 I don't quite like my solution but it seems to work.
 It passes over the figure instance when initializing the
 MixedRenderer, and let the renderer change the dpi of the figure when
 changing the backend.
 I hope some other developer who better understands the dpi thing take
 a look and come up with a better solution.

 I'll try to take a look at this later this afternoon. I agree that
 someone with more knowledge should take a look. The SVG backend seems
 to just ignore the dpi setting and forces 72 dpi across the board,
 which is why I was able to use it as a workaround.

I applied your patch, and it does allow the PDF backend to produced
mixed modes at various DPI.

The SVG backend complains about the change in call signature to
MixedModeRenderer.__init__(). SVG is the only other backend to use
MixedModeRenderer, so that would be an easy fix.

It seems surprising that dpi=72 is part of the renderer assumptions
somewhere along the way.

From a design perspective, is it appropriate for the renderer to store
a reference to a figure? Many (all?) of the renderers seem entirely
decoupled from the figure.



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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] OpenGL backend and pyglet expertiments

2009-04-03 Thread Eric Bruning
The idea of a shell with inline plots is a fascinating one - I like
the minimalism and directness of being able to plot data like this.
And the speed of OpenGL is obviously attractive.

Is the figure() call syntax different from the existing syntax for
figure()? I think there's a usage pattern ingrained in my head that
says 'figure = new window,' and any change to the call syntax for
figure would seem to open up a lot of room for confusion.

It seems that the backend and the shell might be separate issues? My
view of the backends is that they only deal with knowing how to draw
artists, and are separate from the process of creating those artists
through an interactive shell.

The following old thread is also relevant, which you may have already seen:

Eric B

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Nicolas Rougier
nicolas.roug...@loria.fr wrote:


 While looking at possible solutions for a matplotlib OpenGL backend,
 I've been experimenting with pyglet (that has no dependencies) and coded
 a terminal with embedded 2d arrays display.

 Sources  screenshots are available at:

 Since pyglet seems mature enough, I would like to know if anyone
 interested in helping writing the OpenGL backend (using pyglet) ?


 Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-04-21 Thread Eric Bruning
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Jae-Joon Lee lee.j.j...@gmail.com wrote:
 Eric and others,

 I just committed the fix for this problem to the trunk.
 It should also work with the svg backend.

Thanks, that's fantastic. I'm glad to have the fix in place.

On a somewhat related note, how are you turning rasterization on and
off? Are you using my per-artist patch (which last I knew wasn't in
trunk) or some other solution?

 From a design perspective, is it appropriate for the renderer to store
 a reference to a figure? Many (all?) of the renderers seem entirely
 decoupled from the figure.

 I acknowledge this issue but I couldn't find a better solution, so
 I hope someone else come up with a better idea.

It's easy for me to critique, but you actually wrote some code :)


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-04-23 Thread Eric Bruning
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Jae-Joon Lee lee.j.j...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Eric Bruning eric.brun...@gmail.com wrote:
 On a somewhat related note, how are you turning rasterization on and
 off? Are you using my per-artist patch (which last I knew wasn't in
 trunk) or some other solution?

 I remember that I tried to use your patch, but all the links that I
 found were broken. So I wrote a few lines for monkey patching. It was
 straight forward as I only needed a rasterization of the QuadMesh

Sorry about the broken links. I've attached a diff made against trunk
from a few days ago.

The discussion about what to do with my patch fizzled. I created a
decorator that made mixed-mode switching a one-line change per artist
type. I also added get/set_rasterized and an _rasterized attribute to
the Artist base class. I've used it on and off for a few months now
with no noted bugs.

If we don't like the decorator, we can just make a helper function
that is called at the beginning of every artist.draw() method. It's
not a very complicated modification.

 Are you planning to commit your patch to the trunk? I'll be glad to
 help you if there are any issues.

I'd love to get the patch in trunk, if only so that more people can
try it out and find things to improve (or re-implement).


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-04-26 Thread Eric Bruning
 The discussion about what to do with my patch fizzled. I created a
 decorator that made mixed-mode switching a one-line change per artist
 type. I also added get/set_rasterized and an _rasterized attribute to
 the Artist base class. I've used it on and off for a few months now
 with no noted bugs.

 If we don't like the decorator, we can just make a helper function
 that is called at the beginning of every artist.draw() method. It's
 not a very complicated modification.

 Would there be a case that draw methods of some Artists do not need to
 be decorated?

Not that I can think of, if rasterization defaults to off and it's a
user setting to turn it on (except perhaps some future modification
where we auto-detect egregious poly counts in a mesh, for instance).

 If not, I guess some metaclass black magic might be not harmful. What
 do you think? I'm attaching modified version of your patch which
 utilize metaclass for decoration.

I like that this solution doesn't litter every call to draw with
rasterize checks. But it means that the rasterization support had
better be robust, since Artist authors might not know they're
interacting with the rasterization code. It has the downside of being
implicit rather than explicit.

 I personally want that rasterization is also supported in the ps
 backend. I guess the missing support of alpha composition would be a
 problem. But, in most of the my use case, I want rasterization for
 artist with z lower than some specified value (i.e., background images
 using pcolormesh), so it is not a problem for me.

I'm not too familiar with the PS backend, but I think that's separate
from the issue of how to tell the renderer when to rasterize.


 Are you planning to commit your patch to the trunk? I'll be glad to
 help you if there are any issues.

 I'd love to get the patch in trunk, if only so that more people can
 try it out and find things to improve (or re-implement).


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Rasterized artists have wrong transform

2009-05-04 Thread Eric Bruning
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Eric Bruning eric.brun...@gmail.com

 I like that this solution doesn't litter every call to draw with
 rasterize checks. But it means that the rasterization support had
 better be robust, since Artist authors might not know they're
 interacting with the rasterization code. It has the downside of being
 implicit rather than explicit.

 I think we'd better stick to your decorator solution.

 Anyhow, I thought you had a svn commit permission but it seems not. Do
 you (and other dwevelopers) mind if I commit this patch to the trunk?

 It would be especially good for John and Mike to have a look.

 As a matter of style, I suggest a name change. @hook_before_after_draw is
 too generic, and brings to mind discussions a long time ago about possibly
 adding a general hook mechanism; even before rasterization, and before
 decorators were available, there were thoughts that we might need this.
  (Now I don't remember what the motivation was, but I think it had to do
 with coordinating different elements of a plot.)  In any case, the decorator
 is actually very specific to rasterization, so maybe call it
 @with_rasterization  or @allow_rasterization.

 I am very anxious to see rasterization support in place; let's just be sure
 we have a good API and mechanism.  The patch looks reasonable to me, but I
 have no experience in writing decorators, and have not had time to really
 think about the rasterization API problem.

I like Eric's suggestion to rename the decorator if its only purpose
is to handle rasterizing. A generic draw hook solution would be fun to
develop, but I don't have time for that learning curve at the moment.
So a raster-specific decorator is good by me; I like

It's correct that I'd need someone to commit the patch for me. In my
view, renaming the decorator is a simple search-replace that can be
handled by the committer, but I'm happy to help with any changes we
agree on.

 One I thing I want to add your patch is to warn users when they set
 rasterized attribute of the artists whose draw method is not
 decorated. I'll think about it later but feel free to propose any.

I have no experience with decorator detection. Presumably you can so
some sort of inspection of self.draw in Artist.set_rasterized.

Eric B



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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] crazy ideas for MPL

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Bruning
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Andrew Strawstraw...@astraw.com wrote:
 Gael Varoquaux wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 08:39:30AM -0500, John Hunter wrote:

 Anyone interested?  And if so, feel free to suggest topics or weigh in
 on some I listed.

 Actually, I have something I would like to discuss, but never really
 could pull myself together to do it. I don't have time right now, but I
 am still going to jot down the ideas.

 The axes and figure paradigm inherited from matlab works well for simple
 things, but when I want to more complex layouts, I actually end up
 struggling with calls to axes with numerical parameters to adjust. In
 addition, if I have a function that creates a plot with multiple axes,
 like the figure on:
 I may want to reuse that function to create more complex figures,
 stacking several of these views, with possibly other plots.

 It seems to me having a level of granularity between the figure, and the
 axes would help me a lot achieving these goals. I haven't had time to
 hash out an API, or even solid concepts. For people who know LaTeX well,
 let me draw an analogy: the figure is the page, the axis is the
 character, what we are lacking in a 'minipage'. I would like a container
 that can be stacked into a figure, and that can either hold axes, or
 similar containers. That way, I could specify subplot, or axis relative
 to this container, rather than relative to the whole figure, and it makes
 it really easy for me to insert figures in larger figures.

 One possible API would be 'subfigure', which would have a signature
 similar to 'axes', but of course things would need to be thought a bit
 more in detail: do we want clf to erase the figure and not the subfigure?
 I believe so. Do we want subplot to divide the subfigure, rather than the
 figure? I believe so too. How do we go back to full figure without
 erasing the subfigures it contains? I think subfigure(None) might work.
 How do I select a subfigure I already created? Maybe by passing it a
 subfigure instance, like the way axes work.

 Also, Chaco has the notion of containers, in which you can stack plots or
 other containers. They have an additional feature which is that they
 enable you to stack plot (these would be axes, in matplotlib terms) and
 do an automatic layout of the plots. Very handy to have an extensible
 canvas to display information on. Some sparse documentation:

 I have been trying to find time to think about this for more than a year,
 and haven't. This is why I am sending unfinished thoughts. I do believe
 more thinking has to be done, and the subfigure proposition may not hold
 at all. Also, I fear I do not have time to implement this.

 I also have some not very fleshed out thoughts: my main feeling about
 MPL is that there's just too much layout happening to keep using the
 non-systematic delegation/notification system currently in place while
 allowing the devs to maintain their sanity and day jobs. I don't mean to
 disparage MPL -- it is quite a fantastic piece of code -- but there is a
 lack of abstraction of layout hierarchies and layout dependencies that
 makes development difficult.

 Therefore, I'd suggest that before adding on too many more nice
 features, we revisit the core layout and delegation system -- in the end
 it will make everything much easier. So, perhaps a useful thing would be
 for as many MPL devs as possible to sit together and discuss how we
 could do this. My thought right now would be to investigate the use of
 traits to codify the layout abstractions.

 Any effort like this will also obviously benefit from having an
 extensive test suite. I think all that's needed to get the tests at
 http://mpl-buildbot.code.astraw.com/waterfall to pass is that someone
 checks in new images made with the current MPL. I'd like to do this, but
 I'm really short on time at the moment. So, please, someone -- beat me
 to it -- it won't be hard!

 Those are my 2 cents. Hope to see you all at SciPy 2009!


While we're dreaming big re-architecting dreams, I'll throw out an
idea related to Gael's suggestion: artist containers at the sub-axis
level.  This would be a drawable / hideable container for an arbitrary
grouping of Artists that could be directly added to one (or more)
Axes. For those familiar with IDL, the IDLgrContainer in their object
graphics system is what I have in mind.

I also concur with Andrew's assessment that interactive and layout
event handling is holding back some extra fun in interactive apps. I
have mixed feelings about using Traits; in my experience with writing
(only one) app, I felt like I had to subsume everything, my data
modeling included, under the Traits paradigm, such that I was no
longer writing Python but Traits. I found it very hard to include
other data objects created by other libraries without 

[matplotlib-devel] building from SVN on Mac OS X 10.5

2009-08-17 Thread Eric Bruning
Just got a new Mac, and went with Python 2.6  from python.org on OS X
10.5. My experience building Matplotlib was less than smooth, and I
thought I'd pass along what eventually wound up working.

To summarize:
1. Rolling your own libpng and freetype in /usr/local appears to lead
to a lot of architecture mismatch heartache, even though the libs
compile fine out of the box
2. The official recommendation at
doesn't work because OS X doesn't ship with wget and because the
download URLs for zlib, libpng, and freetype are broken in
3. I had success by following the instructions at
http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Py4Science/InstallationOSX, but I had to
change the build command to:
env ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386' CFLAGS=-Os -arch i386 LDFLAGS=-Os -arch
i386 python setup.py build
The ARCHFLAGS suggestion was taken from
which had a few other scary ideas that I didn't have the heart to try.

This built (I think) an intel-only i386 (32 bit) Matplotlib, which is
fine for my local use. If I can help debug a better build process, let
me know; I can probably help test for the next week on this new


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] building on OSX

2009-08-25 Thread Eric Bruning
Hi Ariel,

Thanks for the suggestion. Combining John's new makefile with the
changes to the Python.framework Makefile yielded:
distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
mismatch: now 10.4 but 10.5 during configure.

As a general philosophy, I'm a bit hesitant to go about changing stuff
that's part of the Python framework directory structure. I'd be
worried about ripple effects when debugging other builds in a couple
months when I forget that I've modified it.

As I noted the other day, from a clean SVN checkout on 10.5/py 2.6,
this one-liner works:

env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/X11/lib/pkgconfig ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386'
CFLAGS=-Os -arch i386 LDFLAGS=-Os -arch i386 -L/usr/X11R6/lib
python setup.py install

This avoids libgcc from gfortran in /usr/local/lib and doesn't require
building anything extra. I suppose it's not portable to 2.4 and/or
10.4, though.

I'm willing to try some more builds if it would help, though it
appears I just keep uncovering problems :(


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ariel Rokemaro...@berkeley.edu wrote:
 Hi Eric,

 you could try making changes to your Python Makefile, as described
 here (in item 1):


 Even if you are not installing on the basis of the EPD, it might still
 solve your issue.



 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Eric Bruningeric.brun...@gmail.com wrote:
 For some reason, it's still picking up the gfortran-installed gcc in
 /usr/local/lib, which is also listed in
 /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/usr/local/lib (along with everything
 else in /usr/local/lib). I also still see -L /usr/local/lib even
 though the darwin setupext.py key no longer includes it.

 I'm flummoxed. Apparently I should back up and try without gfortran
 first, but that's a typical way to meet requirements for scipy that
 I'd like to have around.


 g++ -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -g
 -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -arch i386 -arch ppc
 -syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch i386 -arch ppc
 -I/usr/local/matplotlib/include/freetype2 -isysroot
 build/temp.macosx-10.4-fat-2.6/CXX/cxxextensions.o -L/usr/local/lib
 -lfreetype -lz -lstdc++ -lm -o
 ld warning: in 
 missing required architecture ppc in file
 ld: in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib,
 missing required architecture ppc in file for architecture ppc
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 lipo: can't open input file:
 /var/folders/RP/RPE-UjrSHZ4SQq6AJQBxqk+++TI/-Tmp-//ccAqigF2.out (No
 such file or directory)
 error: command 'g++' failed with exit status 1
 make: *** [mpl_build] Error 1

 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 1:33 AM, John Hunterjdh2...@gmail.com wrote:
 The problem of building on OSX, in particular the setupext basedir
 search path including /sw, /usr and /usr/local, appears so fraught
 with peril --  we don't know what kinds of libs built with what kinds
 of flags that we will find -- that I removed all the dirs from the
 basedir for darwin.  Instead, I am hoping that the new makefile.osx
 Makefile I have added, which will fetch and build the required libs
 and install them into the PREFIX of your choice, will prove more

 I have tested this on a couple of platforms and it worked well, but
 there are other combinations that I do not have access to so please
 let me know if this is not viable.  I am currently building with

  PREFIX=/Users/jdhunter/dev make -f makefile.osx fetch deps mpl_install

 Builds with enthought python make still be broken due to the issues in the 


 Please kick the tires and give some feedback


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[matplotlib-devel] Basemap.shiftgrid without cyclic point

2009-10-15 Thread Eric Bruning
I'm using basemap to plot a dataset* that has longitude values like so:

lon = [0, 2, 4, ..., 356, 358]

I'd like to use Basemap.shiftgrid to transform the longitudes and data
to the -180, 180 interval, but I get 'ValueError, cyclic point not
included' since 360 isn't among the longitudes.

Attached is a version of shiftgrid that attempts to handle the
non-cyclic case. There are pseudo-unit-tests that demonstrate the
cyclic and non-cyclic case for a 180 degree shift.


*SST anomalies from http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC/ersstv3Agg

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

[matplotlib-devel] Memory leak with rasterized pcolormesh and savefig

2010-04-27 Thread Eric Bruning
Hi all,

I've come across a memory leak when saving multiple figures in a row.
The figure contains a single pcolormesh artist, which I need to
rasterize in my application. However, turning on rasterization causes
a memory leak.The attached script reproduces the problem; swap out the
commented section at the bottom to eliminate memory growth for each
new figure.

I'm not sure what the cause is, though to toss one idea out, might it
have to do with a references that aren't cleaned up from the
rasterizing part of the mixed-mode renderer?

Tested on Mac OS X and, thanks to Patrick Marsh, on Windows.

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase
# from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap

import numpy as np

import gc

def test_rasterized_artist(rasterize_mesh=True):
Save an image as a png file

pdfpath = 'test_mplsave.pdf'

xedge = np.arange(11)-5
yedge = np.arange(11)-5
density = np.arange(100).reshape((10,10))

fig = Figure(figsize=(8,8))
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

density_plot  = ax.pcolormesh(xedge,yedge,density)
fig.savefig(pdfpath, dpi=150)

# The below is not necessary to prevent a leak, but it does make
# memory usage more compact

# This leaks
for i in range(100):

# # This doesn't
# for i in range(100):
# test_rasterized_artist(False)
Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Thoughts about callbacks

2010-10-28 Thread Eric Bruning
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Michael Droettboom md...@stsci.edu wrote:
  On 10/23/2010 06:05 PM, David Carmean wrote:
 As I blurted on -users, I'm thinking lately about callbacks in the
 non-GUI portions of the libraries--mostly Artist and subclasses.
 I'm curious if anybody else has been thinking about them?

 Ideally, I'd like to see the following:

      All of the Artist subclasses, and anything else that might belong to
 a Figure, would be updated to use/add cbook.CallbackRegistry callbacks
 (weakref = good thing).

      In addition to emulating/replacing the simplistic 'pchanged' callback
 with a signal of that same name, there would be a signal named after each
 setter method, and said methods fire off their eponymous signal after they
 modify the property.

      There should be some way to rate-limit or temporarily block individual
 signals or callback connections.

      The various constructors, etc, would be modified to subscribe to
 the 'pchanged' signal of all children, such that even if a particular
 object in the middle of a figure heirarchy does nothing with the
 signal, a sort of a global 'pchanged' signal propagates up to the top
 object (FigureManager, Canvas, Figure, something).

 My current Use Case for these features is in experimenting with different
 Artist styles (Text styles/fonts, marker styles/sizes, etc), and I'm tired
 of calling canvas.draw() all the time :)   But also, I'm working on a
 GUI to do the same (traits UI), and want to tie both layers of the model
 together with callbacks to speed up the experimenting.

 I've spent a few hours this weekend doing some meta-monkey-patching--
 using __getattribute__ to decorate the setters on-the-fly to invoke
 callbacks.process(*args) after the changes.   I have a few more quick
 hacks to try before I'm ready to decide on a production-ready strategy.
 It's great to see someone working on this.  Similar ideas have been
 thrown around since at least as long as I joined the party in 2007
 (search the e-mail archives for Traits).  I like your approach because
 it should allow for a tighter integration of Traits, while at the same
 time not adding Traits as a dependency.  It just might be the elusive
 middle ground that prevented us from really going forward way back when.


+1 on Mike's middle-ground idea.

In case you haven't seen it, decorators are presently used to allow
Aritist.draw to make a raster mode switch for a MixedModeRenderer.
It's really a generic per-artist before/after draw signal implemented
for that single purpose. This could potentially be refactored if
there's a new signaling system in place.


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[matplotlib-devel] blit support in webagg / nbagg backends?

2014-08-29 Thread Eric Bruning
I see that supports_blit=False in FigureCanvasWebAggCore. Is there a
technical limitation that prevents this, or is it a matter of someone
finding time to do the implementation? Absence of blit support doesn't seem
to crash code that uses it (in my case, a lasso tool), but I also see no
output to the screen.

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