Richard Butland wrote:
Hello, Kaya,

to run on OpenSolaris, you'll want use SGD version 4.50: And, if using OpenSolaris as a client, check this:

So, the easy answer is to download/install the 4.50 version.


Many thanks Rick!! Somehow the Sun site gave me 4.3 for some reason?? Downloading 4.5 for Sol10 now but will upgrade 4.3 on OpenSol to 4.5 too then I hope things will be fine!!..... :-)

If not will post back with more errors :-)

I love this software actually coupled together with the Sun Ray system is awsome and unstoppable!

Too bad I had it running on ancient Netra T105's as demo at home..... if I can get this working for my friends project I'm pretty sure he will be as enthusiastic as I am towards SGD :-D
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