Richard Butland wrote:
Yes, port 5307 is the default AIP secure port; if you're receiving the error "can't connect to 5307", then that's from the point-of-view from the "client".
Typically, this is a name resolution problem.

I just discovered this actually a few hours ago and have been working on getting this sorted ever since; I think I figured this out much faster the first time I setup SGD many months ago :-S must be getting old lol......

(if using /etc/hosts, be sure that you have an IP address assigned to the hostname, and that you can access the hostname from the server on the external NIC, as well as from the client. Binding the hostname to the loopback interface isn't notably useful...)

cat /etc/hosts shows this now after editing:

::1             localhost       localhost    sgd     sgd.test        # Added by DHCP

Not added by DHCP is my personal edit but didn't get rid of that comment!

Where are you running the client web browser?  Within the Solaris VM?
When you first started SGD, it proposed a peer DNS name - that's the server name your client web browser is trying to connect to.

Nope on my Linux host and also a very estranged MS Win XP platform which is my uncles operating in Turkish language of which I understand nothing of! Also it's been a few years since I last used Win and point click methods so am struggling with it too :-)

To see what it's configured for now, run: /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config list --tarantella-config-server-dns-peer

The servername it returns is what your *client* needs to be able to resolve and connect to. From you client, see if you can connect to:

# /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config list --tarantella-config-server-dns-peertarantella-config-server-dns-peer: sgd

Since I'm gona create an authoritative DNS server for it should be named sgd.test. I have found a place on the admin GUI which allows one to input external DNS peer names: I have added this: *:sgd.test - although I'm sure that this is wrong and I will need to use tarantella dns-peer or something to reconfigure the DNS name itself!!
telnet 5307

where is the peer dns name returned above.

telnet'ing the IP address works fine so port is open and issue is DNS confirmed....

If it answers/connects, then you should be able to connect with a web browser. If not, then perhaps something else is wrong; either your VNIC isn't configured in a way that a client can get to it (typically, a bridged NIC under VirtualBox) or name resolution is failing or there's a firewall involved somehow.

You don't *have* to use DNS, (although Support does, I think, require it). You can use /etc/hosts on both client and server for name resolution.

Currently I am just in process of going nuts in trying to create a zone file for use with Bind 9.3.6-P1 in Sol10 which is not working. In fact I have been trying for hours on end today however, after ripping my DNS config from my home network (as I am in another country right now) which uses Bind 9 from Blastwave on Sol9 and works perfectly since I have both primary and secondary; Somehow Bind in Sol10 doesn't want to be authoritative??

I need this basically for Win hosts as I am unable to create a hosts file as somehow the OS won't let me save c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts as it keeps wanting to save the file with an extension then comes up with an error if I do try to save it as hosts simply. Also being in Turkish it doesn't help either so easiest way for me is DNS server router.....

I created a file called sgd.db with contents:

; BIND data file for
$TTL    1d
@       IN      SOA     ns-m.test.  mail.test. (
                           2009102801         ; Serial
                                 7200         ; Refresh
                                  120         ; Retry
                              2419200         ; Expire
                                86400)        ; Default TTL
                                               IN      NS      ns-m.test.
ns-m                                            IN      A
sgd                                             IN      A

Of course I have checked /var/adm/messages which comes up clear:

Oct 28 22:20:35 sgd named[7518]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] starting BIND 9.3.6-P1 Oct 28 22:20:35 sgd named[7518]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] command channel listening on
Oct 28 22:20:35 sgd named[7518]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] running

no errors???

However the only thing I have working is the reverse zone so far meaning that the version of Bind doesn't like the syntax for some reason as every version of Bind seems to be different!

# nslookup sgd.test

*** Can't find sgd.test: No answer

# dig @ ns-m.test

; <<>> DiG 9.3.6-P1 <<>> @ ns-m.test
; (1 server found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 1747
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;ns-m.test.                     IN      A

. 10800 IN SOA A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. NSTLD.VERISIGN-GRS.COM. 2009102801 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 483 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 28 22:42:27 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 102

The dig output should respond with the loopback however it isn't authoritative so no response??

Reverse is fine though:

# nslookup
Address:       name = sgd.test.       name = ns-m.test.

I really can't work out what's going on!!!

Thanks so much for all the input Richard :-) - if I can just get this DNS server working and the peer DNS name sorted I think I will be ok, then time to do the same to OpenSol as well and also CentOS so that my buddy can check the system out on each platform.
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