I could not agree with you more ! If you read it in a John Grisham book it would be impossible to believe . And no one in the US was nailed ! Incredible .
On 23/12/2007, at 5:52, wordsjunkie wrote:

Probably because Ron Paul is running for President. Now this one is a new one on me! I'm so angry I could spit nails. I'm tired of a government that whores itself. And if Hillary gets elected, or anyone else besides Ron Paul, that's exactly what will happen, business as usual. Pay the money at the door of the white house, cash only and paid in advance, and the President and Congress will happily spread their legs. Yeah, I know it's ugly. The truth is ugly and right now I'm too danged angry to care how ugly it sounds.

On Dec 22, 2007 9:18 PM, Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I've known about this business with Bayer and the tainted blood products for years. There are websites that have been espousing this for years although they are not popular with mainstream america. They are better known as "conspiracy" websites, ie. prison planet, Alex Jones, etc.

When was this video made and more importantly, why now is it that its on Scarborough?

Richard <r...@xxicenturysilver.com > wrote:

Dear list members , I would like you to watch this video in order to understand just how insignificant our little blue Californian Smurf is in the scheme of things . These are the guys we are up against ...... and this is what they are capable of ...............! Bon w-end -Richard

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Company put HIV virus in its medicine.
This is so illegal and un moral.
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Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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