I've been reading the list lately, and haven't really jumped in a lot because 
I've been away for so long, and I wanted to get a good bearing on what's been 
happening the past year.  It's nice to see that everybody is still in search of 
that ideal solution, and I see that people still think their way of doing it is 
the best.  I just wanted to jump in and say your way may be the best, or it may 

It is my firm belief that almost any kind of colloidal silver is going to be 
beneficial, and it doesn't matter if it's HVAC or LVDC or made in the dark or 
made under a full moon or made with or without stirring.  Who's to say that 
gold colored isn't as good as clear?  Who's to say that LVDC is better than 
HVAC?  Who's to say that stirring is better than air bubbles is better than 
sitting still is better than shaking vigorously ever 2 minutes for 10 seconds?

It is my strong belief (and I base this on no scientific evidence, just a 
logical mind (alright, some may disagree with that logical part, but what the 
heck, I could be delusional from 10 or so years of drinking CS), that gold 
colored CS gives you a bit of a wider spectrum of particle sizes, which may in 
fact, be a good thing.  It might not be, but the point is we don't know for 
sure.  Or do we?  Have you ran the double blinds, and documented the case 
histories?  I haven't.  If anybody has, I would love to see the results.

You could tell me that your way is best because it's helped a lot of people, I 
can say the same about mine, and him over there in the corner could most likely 
say it as well.  I just talked to a customer of mine whose sister has cancer 
and was given two weeks to live, three months ago.  Her sister was put on CS 
made with my generator, and she's doing great (except for a twisted ankle, 
turns out she felt so good one morning, she jumped outa bed to fast and landed 
wrong)!  Does this mean I have the best?  NO!  It simply means that once again, 
colloidal silver came through in a pinch.  I have heard similar stories from 
people who have tried CS made with all sorts of different methods as well!

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that no matter how strongly we believe 
that a certain way is the best, the fact of the matter is that IT'S ALL GOOD 
(well almost, you do need to use a little common sense).  

What we do know, is that in almost all cases, no matter how one makes their CS, 
it is usually beneficial.  So lets not get into a tug of war over methods, and 
just realize that it's all good.  We can make the process as simple or as 
complicated as we want, and still end up happy and healthy.

Do yourself a favor, pick a method and make a batch and drink some, or go to 
your local healthfood store and buy a bottle and drink some.  Did it work?  Do 
you feel better?  Good, I thought you would!

Let's keep searching for the ideal, however, let us not forget that at a base 
level, CS, made almost any way, is going to help.

OMG, now I've done it, I've rambled.  I started this with the intent of one or 
two short sentences, but once again, my fingers have taken on a mind of their 
own.  Such is life.  Please forward all complaints to somebody else, as my 
opinions are my own, and I don't need the negativity :)

Yours in health,
James Allison