We did it this way too on Zam - but you can only use one instance this way, unless things have changed since then?


On 2013/11/04 6:22 PM, Ben Beckett wrote:
I have been working with this feather tool for two years now my formula to make it work is:

In scene one
Create the feathers with mbfeather tool on your character save this as a base scene

PolyMesh Duplicate the feathers (this example is for one type of feathers)

With that *poly mesh* of the feathers, save it out as a obj and texturing that.(remeber to set the UVs before export)

In scene two, I animate the bird.
Then point caching animated Character and a applying the cache to the mbfeather character in your base scene, the character now movers and the feathers go with him.

cache the mbfeathers* Poly mesh* as it still is linked to the mbfeathers sim

apply the cache to the exported obj, in scene two, the animated scene.

Works nicely

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