I'd prefer switching to Povray rather having to go any AD product.
And that's better if they don't integrate any SI intelligence in Maya.
There are nicer companies out there that are willing to do proper work.

Le 15/07/2014 19:53, Mirko Jankovic a écrit :
As they said so many times so far they don;t have intention to make Maya more into Softimage....

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Jordi Bares <jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Defining better would be quite an exercise so if the question is
    serious I would invite Autodesk to form a product experts team,
    bring the best XSI artists to the table and formalise how Maya
    should evolve to make it usable.

    I would happily be part of it if you really are interested but I
    will charge the normal daily rate as it will take too much of my time.

    Jordi Bares
    jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>

    On 15 Jul 2014, at 18:22, Eric Mootz <e...@mootzoid.com
    <mailto:e...@mootzoid.com>> wrote:

    > He, he, the owner of a restaurant that serves healthy food
    containing everything the body needs (calories, vitamines etc.)
    but that looks, tastes and smeels bad, must not be surprised if
    people complain :)
    > Seriously, the problem is not the functionality, it is the
    usability, the "look and feel".
    > I am aware that making a "pretty UI" is - at least from a
    programmer's stand point, not a "cool" challenge, but having nice
    and meaningful colors, good drag and drop functionality, text
    instead of ugly icons and all the other nice little things as one
    finds in the ICE Tree or Modo's schematic view make a huge
    difference for the paying (!) customer, i.e. the gals and guys
    that spend hours and hours using the app.
    > That's what makes Softimage so special: it just feels right and
    it actually is a real pleasure to do things, even complicated
    things. One truly has the feeling that somebody sat down and
    thought about how to implement something and - most importantly -
    how to make the user interaction as pleasant and intuitive as
    possible. Not saying that XSI is perfect, but it definitely is a
    software made by people who actually cared about it and wanted to
    make something good.
    > Isn't the Softimage crew working on Maya now??? C'mon, guys, you
    did such an outstanding job on Softimage, do the same for Maya:
    make it a software one loves and likes!
    > Am 15.07.2014 17:07, schrieb Luc-Eric Rousseau:
    >> Define "make it better"?
    >> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Eric Mootz<e...@mootzoid.com
    <mailto:e...@mootzoid.com>>  wrote:
    >>> Thanks, guys.
    >>> I had already used the node editor in Maya 2014 and yes, it is
    far better
    >>> than the hypergraph, but still... it's not good at all. Had
    hoped that they
    >>> would make that better, but no.

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