It's a public channel, not sure an invite is required.

"modo Community SDK Developers Channel"

On 7/15/2014 12:17 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
Actually Eric i asked a little while back on the modo forum, the best place for modo c++ related help and information, turns out there is a Skype channel

modo Community SDK Developers Channel.

it is possible to get an invite by posting on the modo foundry forum :)

On 15 July 2014 17:59, Rob Wuijster < <>> wrote:

    Regarding Modo, found this site:

    The river-eco system is very nice :-)



    On 15-7-2014 18:32, Serch Mucino wrote:
    Modo has the nicest schematic view I've had the pleasure of
    using, after ICE. It still needs some work (it lacks any form of
    layout and management tools), but I believe this will change soon.
    Modo's schematic is based on "workspaces". These are basically
    viewports that provide a view into a part of the scene. You can
    drag anything you need into them, and see only relevant nodes for
    whatever you're working on. You can have as many workspaces as
    you need. You can graph node relationships, shaders, particle
    simulations, dynamic simulations, etc. Modo still lacks a bit in
    support for certain types of nodes (not much available in the
    matrix department), and there is no exposure yet for mesh data,
    but as soon as that is supported, you'll be able to do a lot of
    what's available in ICE. I can already do everything that I could
    do with ICE kinematics (considering the limitations... like no
    matrix math nodes), which is a lot. I've actually been
    replicating some of ICE's compounds as Assemblies in Modo (Modo's
    term for a compound),
    I have a bunch of videos I've been doing in the past few months,
    and in a lot of them, I use the schematic view. So, if you're
    curious, you can check some more here...

    Sergio Mucino

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