Thanks for the quick response.

I thought about a range query on the ID, but was wondering what the implications were for a large range query. (e.g. Number of docs > maxBooleanClauses). But this approach will work for me, as my test indicies are generally small.

For a large data set, would it be faster to do that on a field with fewer values (but the same number of documents)

e.g. type:[* TO *] where the type field has a small number of values.

Or does that not matter?



At 02:49 PM 11/21/2006, you wrote:

: > I mean is there something I can put in a solr URL that will get
: > recognized by the SolrQueryParser as meaning a "match all"?
: No, but there should be.

if you use the uniqueKey feature, then you can do id:[* TO *] ... that
acctually works on any field to find all docs that have "a" value, but on
a uniqueKey field it by definition returns all docs since all docs have a


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