: I thought about a range query on the ID, but was wondering what the
: implications were for a large range query. (e.g. Number of docs >
: maxBooleanClauses). But this approach will work for me, as my test
: indicies are generally small.

those problems don't exist in Solr, because Solr's QueryParser uses
ConstantScoreRangeQueries by default (this is recent addition to the
default Lucene QP - but Solr has allwayy worked that way)

: For a large data set, would it be faster to do that on a field with
: fewer values (but the same number of documents)
: e.g. type:[* TO *] where the type field has a small number of values.
: Or does that not matter?

I don't think it would matter too much ... but i could be wrong.

would would be really cool is if you could say something like...

        field:[low TO high]^0  other clauses XXX^0

...and SolrIndexSearcher recognised that teh score contributions from the
range query and the XXX TermQuery weren't going to contribute to the
score, so it pulled the DocSets for them explicitly, and replaced their
spots in the orriginal query with ConstantScoreQueries containing their
DocSets ... that way they could be cached independently and reused.


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