On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 10:16:28PM -0500, Jack Madison wrote:
> Oooohhh, screenshots.  I love screenshots.  :)
> Looks like Sean is pretty much doing the same thing at the same pace I
> am.  :)  I just have the camera following the landscape using arrows
> keys, and am considering whether my next step will be animated models or
> trees/bushes.  Any hints on either would be great.  For the animation,
> I'm not even sure where to start.  Remember, I'm a newbie when it comes
> to 3d!

When I've seen trees and bushes in the past, they've generally either
just been a single quad with an alpha-mapped texture that's always
facing the camera, or a pair of intersecting quads. I don't know if
OpenGL gives you a way to have a polygon always facing the camera, but
that would make the single-quad approach pretty simple. For collision
detection, you could just use a distance from the central point of the
tree and assume that the person could duck under the branches as long as
they're not trying to walk through the trunk.

For larger trees or forests, you might want to use a real model at least
for the trunk of the tree and some major branches, and textures for the
rest. I've also seen cone-shaped tree models in some games.

I wouldn't get too sophisticated to start off with, though. I've seen
too many projects get bogged down in little details. Whichever problem
you decide to solve first, I guess I'll solve the other problem.

Since we both seem to be working in the same direction, perhaps it would
be a good time to put this in CVS somewhere and work on a common code
base? I tend to prefer savannah.gnu.org, but sourceforge is fine, or
whatever. I have accounts on both Savannah and SourceForge.

Sean Lynch http://sean.lynch.tv/

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