On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 05:17:12PM -0500, Jack Madison wrote:
> Anyway, if you want to setup a CVS repository just let me know, I'll be
> happy to add stuff to it.  I've never worked on a project like this, so
> I'll leave all the organization up to you.  I don't have accounts on
> Savannah or SourceForge, so either one is fine with me.

OK. I'll set up a Savannah project as soon as I hear whether it should
just be for Soya-based projects and data or for Soya itself + projects
and data.

> As for my ideas on trees/bushes/etc.  My thoughts were to come up with
> some simple level of detail code.  Basically check the distance between
> the object and the camera, and when it gets closer than X, switch to a
> higher poly count object, and farther away use a low poly count object. 
> Similar to the LOD code in the land module.  It would probably be a good
> idea to even use a sprite or small plane with a picture of a tree or
> whatever at far distances, and cull it away completely when really far. 
> Of course right now I'd just be happy if I could take a tree model and
> get it to render.  

If you're going to do LOD, we should just write tessellation routines so
models can contain smooth surfaces. That way you don't need more than
one model for different distances and the transition will be smooth as
you approach an object. That's basically the same way the landscape code
works. Ultimately I'd like to use skeletal animation to do animals and
people, and that will output smooth surfaces as opposed to polygons.
Check out cal3d at <http://cal3d.sourceforge.net/>.

It would be interesting to use one of the tree algorithms out there to
generate mathematical trees and then generate polygons from them on the
fly. Fractal leaves might be a bit over the top, at least if they're
rendered each frame. One thing about tessellation is that you probably
don't want to do it in Python, and you probably don't want to do it for
every frame, just at LOD shift. One could even cache previously
calculated models and generate them in a background thread to avoid
pauses at LOD shifts.

Sean Lynch http://sean.lynch.tv/

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