>According to the documentation you quoted, 

>"Each temporary table and index is given its own page cache" 

>every temporary table gets its own cache.  Each cache can grow to a maximum

Yeah, but it also says

"SQLite uses a page cache of recently read and written database pages. This
page cache is used not just for the main database file but also for
transient indices and tables stored in temporary files"

Put it this way, if I create n temp tables will there be n_+ 1 page caches
or just the main cache containing a further  n temporary caches?

>Be aware that you cannot magically create more RAM in your computer by
defining enough temporary tables. 

I don't know how I managed to give you the impression I ever thought that
Simon. All I was trying to determine was how I could best manage available
memory while hoping sqlite would do it for me. From the tests I've done
increasing the cache_size or SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE_SIZE has made no
difference yet the default sizes are hopelessly inadequate to hold a temp
table of that size. I would've liked to have known if sqlite took care of it
all for me or if it was down to the OS.

All I was able to determine was that setting temp_store = 2 (MEMORY) did
speed up the queries but I've no idea if using that setting is risky on a
lower spec pc.

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